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    04th July 2005 - 12:03:35 PM    
39312 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, remember that fat kid? Remember how you used to make him do the "truffle shuffle"? Remember how he used to eat tons of chocolate and get it all over his face? Remember how you wish it was your milky dross instead all over his face? Remember how in gym you saw his fat, gross body? Remember how you saw his man boobies? Remember how you shite your pants? Remember how you got seriousily hard at the thought of your dick between those melons? Remember how Slater pulled down your pants in the middle of gym? Remember how everybody laughed at you? Remember how embrassed you were when the fat kid threw you a basketball at it hit you right in the jap eye? Remember how, when you came too, you were dressed in a tu-tu with a gaping ass hole and a drunk Belding half way up your unsanitory ass? Remember how he said "Thanks Kelly, I've always wanted to get you pregnant!" Remember how you worried for months on end that you'd get pregnant & you'd have to look after Belding's bastard son? You sure got fucked over!

    04th July 2005 - 12:17:09 PM    
39313 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, remember how you used to sneak into music class after hours to stick flutes up your pussy, I mean ass? Remember how you used to giggle at the nerds who used to play the flutes with their mouths? Remember how all the nerds suddenly got warts all over their faces? Remember how you laughed yourself silly when the school got awarded as finalists in the "obviousily pre-recorded school band awards"? Remember how Belding took two flutes up to his mouth and blew a load of your cum all over the judges? Remember how you pooed your pants in laughter? Remember how Zack found out and beat you to a bloody pulp? You sure were a slutty freak back then weren't you?

    04th July 2005 - 03:46:35 PM    
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    05th July 2005 - 03:04:15 PM    
40622 : Brittney Harper
Hey Screech, I was wondering if you were coming to Alabama any time soon, just email me back as soon as you get this.

Thank you, Brittney

    05th July 2005 - 04:20:30 PM    
40623 : joe mama
WTF? Is this site a joke or what? I mean looks totally fake and am amused that so no one else realizes this. And what's with all the spam messages? Obviously the moderator isn't doing thier job or flat out doesn't give a shit.

    05th July 2005 - 04:26:21 PM    
40624 : Max Goldberg
owner: Max Goldberg
address: 847A Second Avenue 302
city: New York
state: New York
postal-code: 10017
country: US
phone: 917-359-8463
status: lock
created: 2001-07-06 00:11:12 UTC
modified: 2004-04-07 15:27:56 UTC
expires: 2006-07-05 18:10:50 UTC
source: live whois service
query-time: 0.055768
db-updated: 2005-07-05 21:22:26

    05th July 2005 - 04:59:00 PM    
40625 : RememberWhen
This site is dead, buried and rotting... kinda reminds me of Screech except for the part of being dead of course... shame.

    05th July 2005 - 05:48:24 PM    
40631 : Richard Smoker
Oi Max!! Let me moderate this board, you big gay cuntsplatter. I would be glad to clear out all the spam and non-Diamond-related content.

PS I want to take a nice big shit in Dustin's poofy hair

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