11th July 2005 - 03:40:34 PM |
46219 : RememberWhen |
Remember when you Jessie asked you to "poker" you thought meant she meant "poke her"? Remember how you poked her, despite her crying she hated "males, the pigs"? Remember how later on that year the feminist became a cheerleader? WTF was all that about? Remember how Slater found out and drafted you into the school wrestling team? Remember they put that stupid helmet on your head? Remember how you got all excited at the prospect of rubbing your dick against Slater's inner thigh whilst wrestling together on the sweaty mat? Remember how you thought "this must be what WWF wrestling must be like" and you went on to become a lazy, drunk wrestler? Remember how in the match Slater threw you to the ground, breaking 2 of your ribs and broke your leg in 3 places? Remember how you ended up black and blue? Remember how Slater tossed you off & threw you in the college football locker where every jock creamed you in the face? You sure got dressed up as a slut and got dumbfucked that time you deadbeat of asswipe! |
11th July 2005 - 07:53:10 PM |
46307 : |
11th July 2005 - 08:18:53 PM |
46308 : |
http://4dspots.com http://4dspots.com/online-poker/ online poker http://4dspots.com/free-online-poker/ free online poker http://4dspots.com/texas-holdem/ texas holdem http://4dspots.com/internet-poker/ internet poker |
11th July 2005 - 08:20:16 PM |
46309 : |
http://online-poker-online-poker.net http://online-poker-online-poker.net/online-poker/ online poker |
12th July 2005 - 06:31:34 AM |
46650 : succhiamelo bella |
troppoooo avanti! |
12th July 2005 - 07:20:16 AM |
46651 : zoinks |
zoinks, zoinks, zoinks, zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks,zoinks, zoinks, zoinks. ... zoinks. |
12th July 2005 - 08:00:09 AM |
46652 : |
screech, remember when ox beat you to a pulp and took a shit in your mouth? that was so hot |
12th July 2005 - 11:02:02 AM |
47001 : simon |
Dear Skreetch, I am from the UK. I look just like you. And talk twice as much. can we meet? |
12th July 2005 - 06:25:54 PM |
47414 : |
loser |
12th July 2005 - 08:05:32 PM |
47417 : Fagbusters |
12th July 2005 - 10:51:02 PM |
47418 : Kurt Steinberg |
Fellow queers, has anyone seen the movie "Going Down"? Dennis Haskins starred as "Uncle Frank" in this flick. It sounds like a gay porno where his character is an incestuous child molester! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0352375/ - Kurt Steinberg |
13th July 2005 - 07:46:10 AM |
47717 : Fagbusters |
13th July 2005 - 08:07:25 AM |
47718 : olov |
skreech rulezZz! he's perfect my main dude erik from sweden! it would be totally rad if they got married!!! |
13th July 2005 - 08:55:22 AM |
47719 : Hound Dog |
Screech, remember me? I'm your dog, Hound Dog! Remember that episode where you lost me in a bet to Maxwell Nerdstrom? Remember when Zack and the gang won me back? Remember when I slept in your room that night and woke you up by growling in your face when I had a raging boner? Remember when I shoved my dog erection into your mouth and growled angrily until you sucked it? I sure got you good that time Screechy! |
13th July 2005 - 09:56:05 AM |
47720 : RememberWhen |
Remember when the school returned from France & Belding got the crazzzy idea of putting everybody in French uniforms? Remember how he used to look down Kelly's shirt and peek under the desk when Lisa was in his class? Remember how you wish it was you with the skirt and your shirt Belding was peeking down? Remember how you got your way with him when you pretended your penis was on fire? Remember how he sent you to Slater's class? Remember how tight Slater's muscly ass was in that uniform? Remember that 7-minute long pre-recorded "WOOO!" track that saluted his ass whenever he bended over? Remember how you 'accidentally' slipped inside? Remember how you dumped your fluid into his ass? Remember how Slater was a wannabe Steven Seagal & broke your legs, arms and cock? Remember how you ran into the schools governors office and cried like a baby? Remember how shocked they were when you creamed all over their faces? You sure got expelled that time zubaz! |
13th July 2005 - 10:58:32 AM |
47721 : RememberWhen |
Remember when you first watched Porky's and you saw that kid stick his meat in the shower hole? Remember how you thought it'd be a good idea to do so that you could lay a girl? Remember how you got lost in the backrooms of the school and stuck your dick in to a hole what you thought lead to the girls shower room? Remember how your dick filled something tight and squishy? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you pulled your schlong out and saw it covered in diaorrea? Remember how you looked through the hole and saw Max Nerdstorm wiping his fart-licious butthole and when he saw you he dumped his ass-load into your face? Remember how you ran out into the overweight class and the fat kids thought you had chocolate on your face? Remember how the fat kids all jumped on you and eat your face, biting it? Remember how one fat kid bit your schlong? Remember how they began to to do the 'truffle shuffle' and you got turned on and jizzed all over one fat kid's face? Remember how the kids parents bitchslapped you? |
13th July 2005 - 12:19:45 PM |
47722 : bob |
=========\ ------\ ..\ .......\ ..\ ......./ ../ ....../ ../ =========/ Is it true that this is a ASCII pic of Slater in you? |
13th July 2005 - 01:58:08 PM |
47723 : RememberWhen |
Hey Screech, remember that white duck you had? Remember how you used to stroke it? Remember how you couldn't resist it and zoinked it? Remember how it quacked? |
13th July 2005 - 02:35:12 PM |
47724 : Fagbusters |
13th July 2005 - 04:59:10 PM |
47725 : dfjdljfdjl |
fkggjlbvkhfgbgfbkjbkjbghfhkljhghkhfdkbifgb3k46hjg5b6g5kf6nh2gf6j2g53gnlljonghf6h ih86gn5hg6k5hjg6ffk5jfkjdgh5fb6ihf5hg6kf5h6f5dkh66hkf4dh+5fh6bh2fh fud12o4h5454bf5dkfhd jglf3jb53bi52g6hi2g io54ogf5h3f5ho65jg6jho56556n5 6j bk gf65gn6dfn456tj546+ |