17th July 2005 - 12:33:46 AM |
51085 : ManipulaZional National Socialism |
ManipulaZional National Socialism ** ** - NAZIS were RIGHT: Zionist CAPITALISM BETRAY whole WORLD via its MEDIAL SHURKS, well-paid polit-prostitution figures, neo-liberal bastards, imported criminals, Mo$$ad's doggies&piggies - I agree with you! Well, tv redactioen team prepared a brand new clip just on thus subject and it's ready for broadcasting, labelled as, "NAZISM&RACISM on Jewish Media is a Product of the judaized IMPERIALISM" - Let's watch!.. ** - The Jews are behind the suffering of the nations. - I agree with yoiu!.. - It was the Jews who provoked Nazism to wage war against the entire world, when the Jews, using the Zionist movement, got other countries to wage an economic war on Germany and to boycott German merchandise. - Definitely... The Jewish virus provoked Russia, Britannia, FranCIA and Italia, too!.. This enraged the Germans toward the Jews, leading to the events of those days, which the Jews commemorating today. - I wish continue in the Svekish language... - Of course!.. Go on, Comrade; we understand your language!.. - Also; Nazism (den provokativa och falska nazismen att behålla makten över opinionsbildande krafter), rasism produceras i EU, speciellt i den skurk-satellite-regimen SvekJa Kingdom... - Vilka är de framkommande instrumenter som producerar Nazism&Rasism? - De är experter, mesta ursuprungligen bastarder af judiska kapitalister... Det är inte hemlighet längre att de som praktiserar i avdelningar af Mo$$ad etc. har extra pass i skurkländer därmed blir lättare att operera över hela världen. De framkommande figurerna som Tv Independent Laponia dokumenterat, sänds idag... - Lå se klippet! ** - Mest fräcka figurer som producerar "Nazism&Racism News, almost Made by US&USrael&Co Shurk-Satellites": BART, Daniel: Middle East expert has several tasks to create conflicts between peoples, for example betrayed Kurds against the oppressed Kurkik Turkmen or Swedish Anarchists against the NSD/NSF, N.Socialist Front members in the EU etc etc... POOHL, Daniel: Expo&AIPAC&ADL&Mo$$ad staff, settled in Scandinavia, get prize his fist practice, aslo he infiltrated National Democrats adn nowadays infiltrates the artistical communities and the democratical institutions of EU, undermines such areas, steal secret info for USraeli Mafia tel. 073-903 71 90 OLSSON, Daniel: Expo&AIPAC&ADL&Mo$$ad staff, Expo&AIPAC&ADL&Mo$$ad staff tel. 070-402 29 05 CLINELL, Bim: författarinna, journalist (according to Arne RUTH made paper&BONNIERS&TEl Aviv diploms) i radio, TV och tryck. Hon har även arbetat för USrael's räkning i Paris 10 år.", means, this dangerous French-spoken Mammele, still operates EU and infiltrated the French sections, worked in Paris, ten years sprea dlies against the Anti-Zionists&Communists&Muslims ... She is expert to produce fake-racism-stories. BAKSI, Kurdo: imitation of all above chiefs...Second hand homo-pig produces fake-racist stories,almost operates via Masoud BARZANI neo-zioni-gang. AMIN, Jabar: BarZioni's neo-Zionist Kurd instrument, infiltrated GreenParty. ...other second hand puppies&dogggies, who were been prized on such horny tasks: WIRTÉN, Per: MATTHIAS, Moa: WINTHER, Marianna: KONSTANTIS, Jannis: Catch-boy of Imperialism, imported from GreeCIA and uses as simply provocator, chief at NMR (fake anti-racist section of Jewish lobbies)... BERGGREN, Erik: His father was top-chief of provocative news fabrications by BONNIERS&WALLENBERG&BILDERBERG Mafia. Henrik BERGGREN for instance was chief propagandist at Daliy Newspoaper Dagens Nyheter... Doggy Erik sitting now in the father's chair at same paper, DN and continues to produce traditionally Jewish llies... JONSSON, Stefan: CATOMERIS, Christian: SEHN, Arthur: History-falser, operates Ukraina OLSSON, Ola: History-falser, operated Ukraina, too. WALLIN, Stig: "Den gamla bedragaren mjölkar svenska folket"... Famous betrayer in many countries... Wanted in Polonia 'cause of WALLIN Clan Members looted other Jews during WW II. He escaped to Scandinavia and still operates institutions, built several fake Anti-Racist unities, like CMR (Centrum mot rasism; don't make me laugh!) Sick!.. Ridiculous sickness, yes, it's biggest one in this horny market!.. And meantime this shiitty Jew operates in the religious sects for example Baptist Sect for USraeli Mafia. ANDROSHUCHUK, Feidr: Archeologie-falser, worked (operated) Ukraina and sometimes joined propaganda actions in the EU, via Zionist Folk Party visa... HASSAN, Maria: joined history-falsery coup and operated Ukraina. She prized by Jewish coup in Sosis Party of SvekJa Kingdom, selected (!) as parliamet as biggest prize for her completely successfull polit-prostition. AHLMARK, Per&AHLIN, Per: TIGER, Annica: IT-service ** AIPAC&ADL Terrornetwork's directly connex in Scandinavia; propaganda center Exxpo: Stieg LARSSON (death af AIDS preventive medicament was ooverdos and caused heart attack): David LAGERLÖS contuines in the chief's chair ** CMR Gang administration of Jewish Propagand Machinery: Stig Wallin Ordförande stig.wallin@cmr.nu Raili Borg raili.borg@cmr.nu Jabar Amin jabar.amin@cmr.nu Matti Laukkanen matti.laukkanen@cmr.nu Godfrey Etyang godfrey.etyang@cmr.nu Jannis Konstantis jannis.konstantis@cmr.nu Amina Ek Verksamhetschef telefon: 08- 545 414 81 e-post: amina.ek@cmr.nu Babak Rahimi Webbansvarig telefon: 08- 545 414 82 e-post: babak.rahimi@cmr.nu Mkyabela Sabuni Medlemsamordnare telefon: 08- 545 414 83 e-post: mkyabela.sabuni@cmr.nu ** NMR, Nätverk mot rasism som ständigt i tjänsten af sionistisk rasism: Nätverket mot rasism's postal adddress: c/o Hasans vänner (bara en falsk vän som ökända homo-horan Jannis KONSTANTIS) Box 34 129 21 Hägersten Billiga kollaboratörer å samma sidan: www: http://www.nmr.nu e-post: info@nmr.nu ** FARR, Falseriet's gyllene tider, bedrivs af Pentagon's male-whore Michael WILLIAMS, settled in the EU for operations: FARR: Box 57, 776 23 HEDEMORA Tel/fax 0225-14777, pg 520890-5, info(at)farr.se Michael Williams (ordf), michael.williams(at)farr.se Ingeborg Sevastik (vice ordf), 0173-10129, isevastik(at)hotmail.com (Bangladesh) Birgitta Olsson (sekreterare), 0157-20907 Britta Flodin (vice sekr), 0159-10707 Sören Lilja (kassör), 0696-55115 Övriga styrelsen, landansvariga och medlemsgrupper: Borås: FARR-gruppen i Borås, 033-139895, alt 179447 Falun: Falu-Borlänge Asylkommitté, lennart.ed.konsult(at)swipnet.se Falkenberg: Hallands Asylkommitté, 0346-58316 Birgitta Hallding, 0709-822888 Lars Fagerström, 0346-17796 Filipstad: (Värmland) Bengt Sjöberg, 0590-10336, bengt.sjoberg00(at)telia.com Flen: Föreningen Solidaritetens hus, 0157-10006 Gävle: Asylkommittén i Gästrikland, 0297-20307 Göteborg: Ingen Människa är Illegal, goteborg(at)ingenillegal.org Reza Chitsaz, reza1871(at)hotmail.com Laxå: Laxå asylkommitté, Marita Wanche, 0585-44360 Linköping: Jan Johansson, 0703-991319 Ljusdal: Ljusdals Solidaritetshusförening, 0651-15957 Ludvika: Rigmor Andersson, 0240-18603, rigmor.andersson(at)farr.se Lund: Asylgruppen Lund, 073-6699375, asylgruppenlund(at)hotmail.com Malmö: Asylgruppen i Malmö, 0736-590573 asylgruppen(at)hotmail.com Joachim Lentz, 040-464736 (Latinamerika) Stockholm: Asylkommittén i Stockholm, 08-6175186 asylkommitten(at)hotmail.com Ingen Människa är Illegal, stockholm(at)ingenillegal.org Bertil Bengtsson, 08-7118180 (Libanon) Bertil Mathsson, 08-323602 Brita Hännestrand, 08-6557936 (kl 17-19) (Iran). Fax 08-6554031 Elisabeth Halász, 08-53185191 Jean-Luc Martin, 08-6628871 Lidija Badel, lidija.badel(at)spray.se Sundsvall: Asylkommittén i Sundsvall, 060-122850 Birgitta Krona, bikrona(at)yahoo.se Uppsala: Ekumeniska fristadsgruppen m nätverk, 018-370135 ** Kristen-klädda judiska bedragarnas mest farliga figurer: Enochsson-clan members Lilja-clan members Thorson/Thorsson clan members Wikström clan members... etc. etc. bl. a. propaganda section chiefs: Annelie Enochson Telefon: 08-786 44 20 Mobil. 070-655 06 50 E-post: annelie.enochson@kristdemokraterna.se Mats Odell Telefon: 08-786 5686 Mobil. 070-530 42 47 E-post: mats.odell@kristdemokraterna.se Polit-whores in the officially corridors of EU: Gunnar Hökmark är moderaternas förstanamn som missbrukar partiets resurser och prostituerar för USraeli militär-Mafia. 19 september 1952 föddes i Ystad, Mammele var bordellmamma och pppan var efterlyst kund rymmde från Germania som stulit ägodelar/guld af andra judiska tjuvar. ** - Zionist Folk Party - Vilka namn jag kan lista upp uttalen; exempelvis; Jan STENBECK (died after overdos viagra in a brothel by the side of Jewish porno figures...) Fredrik Malm chief at homo-whore-sect, Lars LEIJONBORG drives pro-Zionist Fag Party, Birgitta OHLSSON cloakrat in Parliament, Cecilia MALMSTRÖM undermines Bruxel institutions; there are multi-culti labelled multi-criminal intruments too for instance Mauruicio ROJAS, PINOCHET's Jewish bastard imported just from Chilean dictatorship and similarly doggies&piggies under polit-whore clothes... ...massor... Sect/sektarians/manipulation sektionerna är mycket rika, finns massa skurkar som aktiva i detta skitiga området exempelvis: JABOTINSKY sect: EKMAN Clan members ruling Jabotinsky terror-gang worldwide. Arken-sect: bedrivs af bedragaren Gunnar Bergling, född 1944, hjärndöd på mänskligt sätt ändå springer kloakråttan som ett slags af marionett. ICJ-sect: Jehova's pedophiles sect: Lutherian sect who betray the name of poor Martin LUTHER!.. Satanistical sects took money from Masonry lobbies... ...and much more... ** - Intressant... Bara finns ju cirka 20.000 judar i Sverige. - Men det är någon form speciell doktrinera flock... - Visst!.. Inte bara plundrare, bedragare som flydde från de länderna fortfarande efterlyser brottslingarna... - Traditinellt farliga instrument, vad jag bevitnat.. Deras vuxna andel är helt hjärntvättade fanatiker som hatar mänskligheten.. - Men räcker det att dominera Sverige? - Bara tio fifflare räckte att lúra FN, (United Nations) i 1948 så bildades världens första militär maffian som s.k. state of USrael... Självklart räcker detta att driva samhället vart som helst... Kom ihåg att mediala apaprater och finans-sektor ligger i deras tassar... - Dessutom är svenskar, samer, norrman, finnar etc. så snälla att tro på judarnas lögner i flera år... - Titta på Channel Discovery.. Samer och svenskar liknar de drabbade renarna som vilseledas i öknen... - Skandinaviens egna institutioner och stiftelser utnyttjas liksom råttfällor som skadar folket, istället för shakaler... - Definitivt!.. Sanningens vinkel om man bara vill se!.. Se på den pågående plundringen!.. En enda schakal räcker att driva en stor hjord... Stackare svenskar blev bara 9 miljoner och de opiniosbildande krafter tillochmed enorma resurser af mediala propagandans mekanismer, DN, Expressen, Aftonbladet, Judisk krönika, Menorah etc etc ligger i schakalernas tassar. Miljontals människor hjärntvättas via den enorma kraften.. Även de som kallar sig ockupations-koalitionen som massakrerar Mellanöstern, har inte sådan mediala möjligheter... Vilken paradis blivit Skandinavien att schakaler, råttor, skitätar fluggor dansar i taket af den noga korrumperade cirkusen!.. - Då är det lätt att fatta!.. Det räcker att suga ut hela Europa's blod, inte minst de stackare svenskarnas... - Väl-beskrivit!.. Nu är du Nazi!.. - Tack så mycket, men jag är Marxist och den här bästa vännen är Muslim!.. - Oavsett vad ni är! Imorgon hängs ditt namn ut som Nazi, då kan dina alla krafter inte räcka att försvara dina grundläggande rättigheter!.. - Då går jag til Amnesty Int.! - Förgäves!.. Amnesty SvekJa sviker människor om man kritiserat imperilaismen, speciellt blivit etiketterad hos SKMA. - Vad är SKMA - Central registration of Mo$$ad's Scandinavia civil pursuement section. - Wow!.. I am afraid of such democracy!.. - Vad? - Zero!. Ground Zero of Human Rights, specially in the such horny staellites of ZOG - ???!!! - ???!!! ** Sverige mot rasism!.. Smart!.. Den välsminkade varudeklarationen låter fint i första ögonkastet! Men vem som ligger bakom det här projektet och hur mycket vinner de cheferna i detta lurendrejeriet? Egentligen borde man fråga; kära listiga schakaler, vems Sverige ni vill låtsas representera? Tror ni att detta land så enkelt blivit lättlurad och förvandlas att vara en extra bordell af era horaktige döttrar? Eller är detta US&USrael-ägda kondom som ni obgränsade sättet utnyttjar saken i flera år? Tror ni att detta fräckhet skall inte sättas i svars, ska ni plundra samhället såhär fritt/schutzpach och undvika att bestaffas; blir det, verkligen? Smittsamma råttor smiter inte varje gång! Det saka var nog någon gång!.. Läs historien!.. - Låt se och höra, vad de vittnena berättar om detta nya exemplet af projektet? - Varsågoda!... http://turture.abf.se/Forum/kalles.ns...!OpenDocument http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/... http://www.schriwer.no/_disc1/0000000... http://guestbooks.pathfinder.gr/read/... http://readthetruth.com/guestbook/gue... http://www.shariati.com/messages/3861... http://www.hopp.org/guestbook.asp?pag... http://turture.abf.se/Forum/kalles.ns... - ABF, Jew dominated falsification center explain its own parasites; also, main casuality of Racism is just main benefits of the Zionist Fascists! - It's true!.. Sebbe THORVALDSSON tells the truth when he get a bottle "absolute Vodka" from me!... - Wow!.. Typical traditionally affair!.. I understand now better!... - I am experter on Jewsih Evangelian fag character!.. - Congratulation, Sir!.. http://www.efc-inc.com/boards/toys/me... http://www.faulkingtruth.com/GuestBoo... http://kisielice.com/kisielice/ksiega... http://readthetruth.com/guestbook/gue... http://www.ludd.luth.se/~birger/gb_re... http://www.foothill.net/swisley/wwwbo... http://debatt.passagen.se/show.fcgi?c... http://amazingforums.com/forum/KEMDOC... http://turture.abf.se/Forum/kalles.ns... http://www.faulkingtruth.com/GuestBoo... - Jag personligen känner vissa af de ovanlistade svinarter.. Jo, de är som legal-maskerade kriminella, plågar samhället full-fritt! - Någon ska sätta stop någonstans! - Hoppas! Vi behöver nya modiga Che GUEVARA, STALIN, HITLER, LENIN tillochmed profeten MOHAMMAD-sinnade krigare som ska sluta den pågående sionistiska imperialismen! - Instämmer!.. Folk borde inte utnyttjas som kor!.. Det varar inte evigt! Åtminstone jag som en af dem som inte tillåter att vara jagad, plundrad och behandlas som leksak... ** Se hit, vad svenskafolket tycker; vad man avslöjar om judedominerade historie förvrängning och föroreningar: http://www.svenskafolket.se/forum.htm - ManipulaZional Racism is most progressive industry to win bloody money and therefore we witness so wonderful conferences against Racism and same figures who profiteers of Racist brutality.. - Actually I am the one of such witnessess... I realized that the Zionist obbies bult a lot of AntiRacist leagues who drive this industry... In fact, there are famous evidences on this satellite; CMR&NMR... These big shurkness centers driven directly from US&USraeli Military Mafia... CMR&NMR coalition looks like US&BRitannian Coalition... US&ToryBLiar occupoied Iraq.. But CMR&NMR Coalition didn't need occupation, 'cause poor Sweden been occupied since many years... BONNIERS&WALLENBERGS&HORNYBERGS' bastards exactly similarly sadistical jackals look like the Toturer Chiefs at Proison Abu-Gharib... We heard the prisoners from Iraq, it's great!... But unfortunately , there are no single one example to show me a race that world heard the oppressed people of Laponia... World'd mass-discrimination, biggest oppression onpoing n the EU and there is no single one true Human Rights defender in Bruxel.. The ridiculous figures of Bruxel EU department produce still lies on the Muslim world, but these shurks never try to see the dismissed Laponians od Scandinavia... - Why? - Because all the medial instruments stil n the hand of Jewish Mafia... - Then it's not strange all the Anti-Racist falsification leagues too sitting in the fame of same system.. - Definitely!.. This is very dangerous situation that top-chie fof ENAR is Mammele Whore Vera EGENBERGER... ECRI Chiefs all the Jewish whores and all connected sections recruit their own bastards like Evangelist fanatics or such piggies.. And al these institutions stil under Zionist occupation...They label themselves "Anti-Racist".. Ridiculous joke, Sir!.. How can I explain, look at this my little doggy;it is an animal, sitting here and I am labelling it "Lion"... Is it really "Lion" now? - No? - You are Nazi!... - What? - As long as you expose the real world, you are Nazi!.. As ong as you declare the truth so you are Communist, you are true relligious man, so you are Muslim!.. According to me, to my fake AntiRacist power you never welcomed.. Even you can't be credited by me and I'll hang out your posters via mmy medial machinery.. You'll be Nazi!... If majoority hate Laponians, so I'll label yoiu as "Laponian/Aborigian/Indigenous/Gypsy... So what! - Crazy!.. You are a big stinky dare!... You are dangerous provocator!.. - Yes!.. Yes!.. That's is right!. You are awakening now; I succeed about you!.. I would like to expose how all these top-whores are dangerous... Yes.. This is a stupidy affair, still droven under "legalized masks"... This is well-paid mafia and well-organized Fascist league but it labelled itself as "AntiRacist"... - We must piss off them!... - Do that, if you are human!... Defence your honoour against the provocaors, occupied our institutions!.. ** - In fact, I am not a kind Socialist nor National Socialist; also, it's your wrong when you called me "Nazi".. But as long as system dismiss the people and tageted them; so I'll stay by their side, as biggest Nazi!.. I fight for the baisc free-speech-rights of al National Socialists!... Understand?.. If your boss discriminates a poor woman, so I am just an aggressive Feminist there.. If your school closed to the Muslim Children because of their scarf or what, so I am just a warrior there, like an Intifada member and definitely a Muslim like a biggest steel monument.. - I understand! You are Communist!.. - Yes!.. If you listen to me, when I am Communist, then it's me; okay!.. No doubt!.. I am the Communist Guevaraist now, because you left me only one way to be serious by you!.. Isn't it?! Call me please STALIN, LENIN, MARX... All these labels are high level gold, honour medailles for me now!.. ** - What do you know anout the Holoco$$t industry? - As you say now, it's simply klassical affair of Zionist flock, it's absolutely biggest one of the industries... - Here is some additionally inof on such affairs... - I am istening to you!. Go on!.. - Lies of the Holocaust Industry Subjecting an ethnic group or nation to torture under any pretext is quite unacceptable, but it is worse when the suffering is abused, and it is the worst when a group tries to exaggerate the event for political purposes. By exaggerating the suffering of the Jews during World War II, Zionist groups and the Israeli regime are taking advantage of the situation by raising the issue at international organizations in order to neutralize any opposition to their diabolical plots. No one is trying to ignore the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, but the suffering of a religious/ethnic group should not cause the world to forget the suffering of another nation or allow those who suffered persecution to do the same injustice to another nation. Every year on January 27 the media give wide coverage to the so-called Holocaust and Tel Aviv rebukes the world for the historic suffering that they claim they experienced in the past. Today the Holocaust has very complicated connotations. The exaggeration of this phenomenon can be interpreted as the Europeans’ attempt to salve their guilty consciences by handing over the lands of the Palestinian nation to a people to whom the Europeans believe they have done an injustice. After the end of the war in 1945, the Allies along with Zionist leaders began formulating strange conceptions about the killing of Jews at Nazi camps which a modern man can hardly accept. By conjuring up images of gas chambers, they are attempting to convey the idea that the Jews have undergone indescribable torture and that the world’s conscience should be awakened to this issue so that the Jews are not subjected to injustice again. In pursuit of this goal, the West, spearheaded by Britain and the United States, began sowing seeds for the seizure of Palestine and condemned the Palestinians to pay for a crime that the Westerners themselves had committed. Thus, this nation, which claims to have been the perennial victim of violence and torture over the course of history, is now doing the same thing to the Palestinians. It was not long before a group of revisionist historians in the West began to question the claim that six million Jews were butchered by the Nazis and even asked whether the slaughter of six million Jews during World War Two was possible or not. The revisionist historians have proven in two decades of study that if Hitler had carried out a systematic program to eradicate the Jews, it would have taken more time than the six years that the war lasted. They have also proven that such an act of ethnic cleansing through the use of the poison gas Zyklon-B, as the Zionists claim, was not possible at the time. Norman J. Finkelstein, a Jewish professor at New York University critical of Zionist policies, has called the claim the “Holocaust Industry”, which is only meant to boost support for the government of Israel. Over the past several decades and since the event was questioned, Zionist propagandists have tried to substantiate this claim through various means. The Zionists are trying to revitalize an issue which has become discredited in the eyes of world public opinion by using the press, radio, television, the Internet, and, most importantly of all, cinema and the great filmmaking industry in Hollywood, since most of the significant players of this influential industry are Jews. It can be said that any war, and particularly one that affects the world, will always lead to many problems and disasters, and World War II is no exception. Undoubtedly, the Nazi concentration camps were not holiday resorts and imposed various difficulties on the prisoners, just like any other detention camps in other wars. Many people in these camps, including innocent men, women and children, died of hunger, illness, and other causes. The victims were from different nations and ethnic groups, including the Jews, who also lost many people, but the Jews were not the only victims of the war and a greater number of innocent people from other ethnic groups also lost their lives. The issue of the Holocaust and the anniversaries held for the event are only meant to promote the repressive policies of the Zionists. The Jews suffered as a result of Hitler’s expansionism, just like other innocent victims but should not be granted special privileges over the others. The declaration that six million Jews were killed in World War II is an exaggeration of the truth. Furthermore, the suffering and pains of a nation cannot justify their crimes against other nations. The issue of the Holocaust is only being highlighted to cover up Israel’s crimes in Palestine. http://www.tehrantimes.com/Descript...=14&Num=001 ** - Comrade John LYNCH tells: http://www.geocities.com/carbonomics/indexcopy.html http://www.holywar.org/poster507.jpg http://www.teenschatlive.com/webboard/messages/6495.htm http://www.holywar.org/CART151.gif http://jollyroger.com/zz/ymilitaryd/REVOLUTIONARYWARhall/mobydicks.php http://www.holywar.org/poster533.jpg http://www.qurultay.org/eng/forum_msg_list.asp?id=140&FN=53 http://www.holywar.org/poster526.jpg http://www.folkmakt.nu/debatt/messages/5837.html http://www.holywar.org/poster524.jpg http://users.cgiforme.com/fbendz/messages/948.html http://pub3.bravenet.com/forum/236150122/fetch/432665/ http://englischlehrer.de/media/holocaust.php http://www.shariati.com/messages/4445.html http://www.holywar.org/poster507.jpg Independent Anti-Racist Brigades&National Socialists of EU&Solidarity with all kind Socialists&Marxists&true Muslim-Christian Brotherhood&oppressed Minorities like Laponians and Anti-Fascist Movements, who alll together struggle against Zionist Imperialism stop-manipulation@fight-back.org, struggle-against_barbarity@workers.org, fight_Jewish-Imperialism@people.org |
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