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    21st August 2003 - 09:54:30 AM    
4455 : Chachi
The REAL chach here! Many people impersonating DA CHACH both those trying to make a fool out of me and those who genuinely think i'm great. Obviously the freaks are scared.
If you agree with me, please post under your name. I never use the s or f words as this site is available to children. I also dissaprove of obscene pictures or homosexual talk. And yes, i will be extending my reign of terror to the forum, the post below is Kurt Stein-Jew or someone else trying to undermine me. If you do not believe me, read my messages in the forum. There are many more to come. If i were to ignore the forum and just stay on this board, there would basically be no point in me being here. At least in the forum no freaks will be able to post as me!!
PLEASE, if you support me, use your own name!

    21st August 2003 - 10:05:53 AM    
4456 : mohatma
ahhh, Chachi is upset cos sumone stole his name to use on the forums! Hes pissed he cant post there, so he acts he doesnt care! Or maybe that is him on the forums and he is even sader than i thawt

    21st August 2003 - 11:55:16 AM    
4457 : Bardley
What in the hell is this place and why are you all here? First off, there are no real fans of Dustin Diamond. He has never done anything to be a fan of. I mean, Saved By the Bell was one of the worst shows ever made, and it just got worse as Screech got older and became Mr. Belding's assisstant. It was shameful to watch. Anyways, I hope you guys find the time to take your dicks out of each other's asses and actually go out and get a life. Love, A.C. Slater.

    21st August 2003 - 01:34:12 PM    
4458 : Hi again
hi again Chachi, or is that some other fool? Anyways, just fuck off you loser, ok?

    21st August 2003 - 01:36:56 PM    
4459 : Hi again
hey bardley how did you find this site? Why didnt you put your real email address? I don't understand your post, why would you post here? Your post really hurt my feelings, i hope thats what you intended. I think it was really well written and interesting- you had many things to say that have never been said before, and needed saying.
All in all- well done 'Bardley' (great name by the way), you put us losers to rights, so in future we'll all try and be more like you!
How should i go about doing that?

    21st August 2003 - 01:38:38 PM    
4460 : amananda
hey doods lay offf off chachi hi is cool, whats the problem with lamming him up and critiscies ing when all the is trying to do is mkea this site so it is good for chikldredn to psot on? FUCK OFF

    21st August 2003 - 01:43:46 PM    
4461 : Chachi
The Chach only posts as DA CHACH and only posts in here and on the forum. DA CHACH is annoyed because someone is impersoantign, most probaberly kurt stein-jew (i dont use capital letters for him he is not worth it).
I will clean up this site and the forum. To say that i would not post on the forum is ridiculos because if i cleaned up this board but not the forum, there would be absolutely no point in me being in here. Anyway, any jew, nigger or homo that tries to detract from the chach, posts anything sick, or impersonates the chach will be dealt with. Thanks amanda if that is you or whoever thanks because it helps to know most peeple support DA CHACH. The fact that all the gay posts are by one person means they will be eliminated very soon! Then anyone can post here!

    21st August 2003 - 01:54:04 PM    
4462 : Chachi
The real chach here. CHACH ON WATCH!! Seems like everyone on the board is focusing on the chach. I wish people would not post in my name cause the chach has his own opinions on shit and should be allowed to post as such. I post as no one else and will not. I really think that one or two freaks are posting as everyone on this board and it is the Chach's goal to banish them to their so called Forem! Freaks go to the forum (closet) and stay there where you belong.

    21st August 2003 - 02:28:37 PM    
4463 : Amanda Bynes
Hey Dustin. I am working on a new movie and was hoping to get you to be in it with me. I loved working with you in Big Fat Liar and hope that you can join me in my new movie. I have not been able to reach you so I came to your website. Reach Hal at CSA and he will fill you in on all the details. Thanks Dustin.
PS The people who post here are very rude to you. You need to put a stop to that.

    21st August 2003 - 02:34:34 PM    
4464 : Ralph the Pumkin
Hi everyone I am ralph the friendly pumpkin. I have come to bring joy and cheer to this board with my pumpkin smelling farts! TOOOOOT!!!! TOOOOOT !!!!! See they smell like pumpkins!!!

    21st August 2003 - 03:29:04 PM    
4465 : Chachi
Yah!! Amanda Bynes is a fine piece of trim!! And she looking for the double dog to be in a film with her. Bet she could even turn around a few of you shit sniffers. Now keep it clean I want her coming back. CHACH ON DOUBLE WATCH!!!

    21st August 2003 - 05:07:09 PM    
4466 : Cassie


    21st August 2003 - 05:34:27 PM    
4467 : mohatma
hey chachi! I stole your name for the forum! now you cant post there! now you're pissed off and embarrased so you act like you dont want to post on the forum!
Everyone can see straight through that act you cunt! I sorted you good! Posting under other people's names may be lame, but i kept Chachi off the forum! I should be congratulated! And Chachi i post as you several times a day. It is not because i admire you or hate you, it is because now no one will be able to tell which posts are real and which are not! What you going to do about that?
Chachi this is my revenge for your vile racism. Apologize and i will stop, and you can go back to annoying everyone. I will also tell you the password so that you can post under your own name on the forum.

    21st August 2003 - 06:21:37 PM    
4468 : Chachi
I love the taste of my own piss.

    21st August 2003 - 08:10:32 PM    
4469 : ally
i love you zack will you marry me

    21st August 2003 - 08:11:38 PM    
4470 : ally
i love you dustin will you marry me

    21st August 2003 - 08:25:04 PM    
4471 : Chachi
Yo its DaChach here!yo and monahtma!No i think im good just posting here u dumb fuck.Aint no one gonna stop me from posting her u dumb cock sucker!

DaChach Is on the watch!

    21st August 2003 - 11:29:15 PM    
4472 : Carlota
I love you you are the best and god bless you I think you are so quit and god bless you i wake up ever Moring and Watch save by the bell that is such a good show and now it is on at seven a clock and seven o'clock six'o clock to I love you Make paul Gosselaar god bless you and you are funny in save by the bell you are born march 1, 1974 and I was born june 3, i love you I dreame about you all the time and you are so quite in my dreame all the time i think that you are really there with me Siting down watching the show save by the bell and seeing how you were doing When I see you on t.v i think you are out standing and cool and funnny to I wish in really life we were born on the same day june 3,so then I could of meat you In really life but thats never going to happen never all just keep dreaming about you I love you mark paul Gosselaal alwas xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxx ps, God Bless you hugs and kissesxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoooxoxoxooxoxoxx and pluse Ilovethe show you did be for d.c rember the show

    21st August 2003 - 11:53:37 PM    
4473 : Melba
I tried to find out how gay I was and it crashed my computer. Does that make me gay?

    22nd August 2003 - 12:06:59 AM    
4474 : mr belding
muah haha ha ha i shal take over the world

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