22nd August 2003 - 06:55:48 PM |
4535 : nsync |
whats up everybody??Sry that low life justin ruined our band!hes nothing without us!So i suggest he takes his gay ass over here and finish out album!!O instead of calling us n'sync we are now calling ourselfes n'Gays!So look out for our c.d. called gay sex all night all night long!Kurt u may wannna check it out sometime.But for now CIAO!
Love the gay fags,Chris,Joey,Lance,j.c |
22nd August 2003 - 09:13:39 PM |
4536 : Dustin Diamond |
If you like military guys, living in a military town is paradise on earth. The men outnumber women by 2 to one, and they are all in great shape. Even better, most of the local girls hate them, so more for me.
The ugliest skank in that town has been brainwashed to believe she's beautiful and fascinating. That's how desperate the men are. Living there makes you feel like the prom queen every day of your life. I can't wait. Sausage party for DD! Sausage party for DD! Hip Hip Hooray! |
23rd August 2003 - 04:37:58 AM |
4537 : Chachi |
I am gay!
23rd August 2003 - 05:35:08 AM |
4538 : Chachi |
Da Chach is on the watch of my own 1 inch dick!!! |
23rd August 2003 - 05:39:18 AM |
4539 : Michael Baller |
I suck my own dick and my cum tastes like strawberry and my shit smells like, well shit! Any blondes or brunettes out there coz u can fuck my little dick to Australia! You'll like that cum i talked about strawberry, fuck me, i will like anal sex and oral sex my cum will be all over your face and you can give me a hand job and a blow job! |
23rd August 2003 - 05:41:26 AM |
4540 : Ben Dover |
I will spoon blondes over the bath i will like a long relaxing fuck in a foamy jacuzzi! |
23rd August 2003 - 05:45:08 AM |
4541 : Sam Hayward |
v the fuck |
23rd August 2003 - 05:46:25 AM |
4542 : Sam Hayward |
I fuck guys especially Henry Peck i suck his cum and i have anal and oral sex with him! I use a chocolate flavour condom!!!!! |
23rd August 2003 - 05:47:28 AM |
4543 : Stacey Keibler |
I have to fuck test and i dont have scot steinter! |
23rd August 2003 - 05:49:22 AM |
4544 : Cum Licker |
I ckslkdfja;jdfasjdflkewaj;waeejiejohawjkjw;alkja; we;i u oiu4oiyhoiuoiujpij['jgvh;zohjfoifkjsdfuckfuckfuckgfuckfuc ksdfajds;fkjsafjdfjasajfjslksflkjluckfudkcfusdkfdslkfjaldjfdjsajjglayagyagyagyagyaygyagyagyaygaygyyaygaygaygaayaygfaygaygawygudwgaewgt
23rd August 2003 - 06:33:28 AM |
4545 : Chachi |
I am suffering from the effects of the HIV virus.
23rd August 2003 - 06:57:05 AM |
4546 : Chachi |
I lick my cum! And my friend Ben Dover's cum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23rd August 2003 - 06:57:27 AM |
4547 : Chachi |
23rd August 2003 - 06:58:16 AM |
4548 : Gwando |
I want to have gay phone sex with Kurt Steinburg and Chachi and my my mym my my my my my idol Gareth Gates! |
23rd August 2003 - 06:59:41 AM |
4549 : Chachi |
I like to watch gay porno movies with my dog then i fuck him and i wank on him and my cum falls on him fur and it goes all hard!
23rd August 2003 - 07:40:30 AM |
4550 : Token Fattie |
Are all the below posts by one person?
Anyway- i am the token fattie of this board. I am fat enough that you can grab my rolls of flab for leverage when doing me, and if i were to sit on your face you would suffocate, but i am slender enough that it is still possible to find my penis and anus. Anyone interested leave your email for me. THANKS! |
23rd August 2003 - 07:41:24 AM |
4551 : .l. - (actaul size my penis l;eft) |
http://www.dustindiamond.com/forum |
23rd August 2003 - 07:48:49 AM |
4552 : Michael Baller |
Chachi's homepage www.chachi.com so gay! |
23rd August 2003 - 07:49:35 AM |
4553 : Exclusive |
23rd August 2003 - 07:52:42 AM |
4554 : dsnafldkjf;ldf |
ajdslkfjakldjflakjdlkf;adsklaj;lkdjf;alkdj;falkjkldjfkajdkfjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjja;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;fukxckdfja;jdfakdjflkdjflkdfuckfuxkfjsadlkfjlkadjflkadjfkadjkfjdkjfakdjfakej;fkjf;iefjikdx jmnc;olzkj'xzik jm#xDIKZjrf'aeoijfkjdskfjadkjf;dkjfoiejwioljreijrffekldjsfkjdas;fjdskfjdlkjfakdjfkldjf;lkdjf;kdsjf;kajdf'awdkfj#kefj'ewjfiasjfiwejriowjelkfjdlkjflkdjfldskjflkdsjflfufjdslkfjgajdlkfjdalkgagagakalkgjagbaababababbababkfjdalkfjdfja'fkjadfjlksjlkjadlfjd'lkfjalkvmnsa.,dvmdkmacvm aslkcvldskjfewjfirewjflkndvjvn/fjlkmn/flkvmnjf/vkmjn f/lfkmjnv/kmjndsakjalksdlkfjadslkfj'akdsv'kam,cvmcnvm,fkc,vmfkdlsjkfjwkfjwkfdjdlkjwreijdfckajnlkanmcvmnalkdf'kajd';alkjfd;/lkadjfldakj;dlkja;lkdfjsazfkcvnfvmcdmvzncmvnzmvcmvncmzcmxnzcmn.znmnfvafjndlvkjv/alsdkjncv/akmnvcmkfcnvmnvmsfnmdnfadskfmjdklfjdsaklnfadmnfm,adsnmdasnmdnmnmndsmdsmndmfsazfmdndnfmdnfmdnfmdnfmdnfmdnfmdnfmdnfmdsnfdmsn;fmn.mewnmwne.f,qwmnef.mnwdfmawnf.anfsamdnfmdsan.mnfdfandf, |