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    27th August 2003 - 06:45:47 AM    
4675 : C18
Americans are a lost cause. They are as filthy and parasitic as the jews and all the other scum trying to emmigrate into europe and set up their own little asia and their own little africa on our land. American's are as alien to me as any other degenerate race trying to poison our culture with their zionist bullshit. Forget about the JewSA. Fuck them. So far as i care events like september 11th can happen many times over. Worry about Britain and then Europe before you start to worry about a bunch of amerikikes thousands of miles away who's number one priority is the protection of Israel

    27th August 2003 - 08:53:00 AM    
4676 : Chachi
Chach back on watch!!! I like how the freaks bragged about there new forum, but since the chach didn't want any part of it they have to hang out in here being douchebags. Well I got one thing to say. GET THE FUCK OUT FREAKS!!! No one wants you in here and no one wants you writing as the chach and then pretending to be disgusted. The chachs real voice rings through loud and clear and the fake posts are quite obvious. So freaks (ham shit, steinberg, gwando, mohammed? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. You are freaks and should seek mental health treatment. CHACH WILL ALWAYS BE ON WATCH

    27th August 2003 - 09:05:52 AM    
4677 : Admin

Please, I meant what I said. If you don't keep on-topic, which means conversation related to having homosexual relations with Dustin Diamond, then I'll have to shut the board down.



    27th August 2003 - 09:10:44 AM    
4678 : Sandra
Oh my, I didn't realise that Dustin was homosexual. All those years watching him in Saved By The Bell I thought he was a sexy straight Jewish boy, I'm so upset that he runs a gay only web site and wants all of his straight fans excluded, that's just crazy. One of my good friends works for an entertainment site, I'm sure she'll love to break the news about Dustin's boys only web site.

How sad, and he used to be such a nice boy.

    27th August 2003 - 09:36:16 AM    
4679 : Gwando
Chachi, i can honestly say that no one is reading your posts anymore. I read the first pathetic sentence of your one today, then moved on. I will be ignoring you from now onwards and encourge all fags to do the same.
Sandra, there is nothing sad about being gay! After all- what did the word GAY originally mean? HAPPY!
I had my first gay experience with a teacher when i was 13, and since then my life has only got better. This is very much a homo-oriented site, but i don't see a problem with bi-curious people like yourself posting as long as they respect the nature of the board.
I'm really looking forward to my date with dustin on Friday. Today i'm visiting my local sex shop to stock up on leather and lube.

    27th August 2003 - 10:01:36 AM    
4680 : Sandra
Please don't get me wrong Gwando, there's noting wrong with being gay of course, but why would Dustin tell the Admin of this site that it's for gay discussion only?

Do a lot of gays find Dustin sexually attractive? Is it his luxurious hair and little bony butt that you guys like?

    27th August 2003 - 11:03:31 AM    
4681 : Chachi
Sandra, be warned Gwando and his friends are freaks that only wish to discuss nonsense and perversion regarding a great american comedian who is not gay. I am here to clean up the board. And Gwando I could give a rats ass if you read my posts but I know that you and all your freak friends do or you wouldn't go to such lengths to try to pretend to be me. Your the unwanted freak in here Gwando, no me.

    27th August 2003 - 11:11:19 AM    
4682 : Sandra
Hello Chachi

Really, is he straight? I need to know the truth before my friend breaks the news on a MAJOR entertainment site that Dustin Diamond is indeed a closet homosexual and arranges gay love sessions on his website!

    27th August 2003 - 11:55:24 AM    
4683 : Gwando
any questions relating to diamonds sexuality can be answered by these pictures...
Dustin Diamond is currently closeted, he might not appreciate the news that he is homo-sexuaral being spread, please take this into account.
Why should he be discriminated against just because he likes to feel a man in his ass?

    27th August 2003 - 12:06:00 PM    
4684 : Admin
I can verify that Dustin is indeed homosexual. I used to work in Starbucks and Dusty used to be in there all the time with his boyfriends, that's what gave me the idea of starting this message board. Really, he's as gay as a tepid pot of peppermint tea, a screaming, raging turd burgler and we love him for it. Spread the word on the 'net everyone, Dusty is queer!

    27th August 2003 - 01:45:04 PM    
4685 : Justin Timberlake
Hello Dustin. I was told to come to this page by an associate of mine to look into some discriminating remarks about my person on this site. Upon coming here I was absolutely disgusted. The amount of negative energy and filthy language is appalling. As a fellow person of the stage, I think you should consider cleaning up a bit and give us all a better name. -Justin

    27th August 2003 - 01:48:18 PM    
4686 : Admin
I am a submissive slut of the undulating variety.

    27th August 2003 - 01:52:07 PM    
4687 : Chachi
Dustin is completely hetero. That I can assure you of. If you look back in the history of posts you will see that Corey Haim posts on this board almost weekly and discusses his partying with Dustin. They always pick up women. Never once has Corey talked about any freakish man love. Dustin is a real man and loves the hollywood babes.

    27th August 2003 - 01:54:24 PM    
4688 : Admin
You people seem to have a lack of intelligence. Here is why. Do you really think a successfull actor would put such a low-tech ugly website like this? Dustin could easily afford the 50 bucks it woudl take to hire someone to write a decent website. The truth is, i am a 13 year old student at Middleboro highschool and have built this website to show my support of this actor since he has lacked the urge to make his own website. So please, direct all complaints to me, not to him. I don't want to get sued. Also, I have to say that he is NOT gay. I am really the one who has strong attractions for him and wish he was gay. Sorry to burst your bubble. I got a threatinging email which I can'tdisclose that forces me to say this.

    27th August 2003 - 01:59:30 PM    
4689 : Sarah Michelle Gellar
This kid is so not gay. I've danced with him at a few hollywood after parties and things happened that a gay guy would not have alllowed. No sex, but things did happen.

    27th August 2003 - 02:07:55 PM    
4690 : Jesse
Heyz Everybody... I'm a Dutch girl and I'm looking for the e-mail adress van Mark-Paul Gosselaar... If somebody can tell me... please e-mail me... really thanks!


    27th August 2003 - 02:17:50 PM    
4691 : Dustin Diamond
Why don't you people ASK me if I'm gay instead of asking strangers who don't know me? I love my fans, but damn.... SOme of you people are so stupid that you give humans a bad name. If we could just weed you morons out and remove your reproductive organs, the average IQ level of the world (along with avg income since most stupid people are trailer trash type) would increase significantly. So do us all a favor... Look up into the sky with your mouth open on a rainy day and drown yourselves you moronic turkeys.

    27th August 2003 - 02:53:49 PM    
4692 : Pervert
This place is the most fun I've ever had with my computer. Wish me luck with my full-blown aids!

    27th August 2003 - 04:19:35 PM    
4693 : Pozzer
This place has given me the biggest and strongest hard-on that I've ever had. Heil Hitler.

    27th August 2003 - 05:28:51 PM    
4694 : hello?!
it looks like there's a new loser on this board. Whoever wrote all the posts below pretending to be Dustin, protending to be an admin, etc etc, you are to stupid for words. Do you really think the people who post here a diamond fans? This site is a joke, AND EVERY BODY WHO POSTS HERE EXCEPT A FEW LOSERS IS IN ON IT!!!
Every few weeks someone will post saying 'dont you people know this isn't the real diamond fan page?'
Well yes every one does, so please shut the fuck up and let people enjoy this little joke. It is both sad and hilarious when someone posts on here thinking that they are some kind of genius for 'figuring out' something everybody already knows. PLEASE think before you type moron, post under one name, and dont spam the board you little shit.

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