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    14th January 2004 - 10:46:09 AM    
6175 : stop being a dumb fuckhead
Stop being a dumb fuckhead stop being a dumb fuckhead

    14th January 2004 - 11:32:43 AM    
6176 : Queer Richard
That sounds good Big Tom, I'd certainly like to hook up with you at a rest stop sometime and give you a thorough tea-bagging. Are your balls shaven or are you more of a hairy daddy?

After I've bagged you, how about I give you a nice hot n' spicy Cleveland Steamer or, if you're feeling a little more adventurous, a Dirty Sanchez maybe? Have you ever had a Dirty Sanchez? The last time I had one a group of dudes gave me a full beard and 'tache, it was splendid!

    14th January 2004 - 01:06:21 PM    
6177 :
In memory of STEFANIA ROTOLO, great italian showgirl. Remember:

    14th January 2004 - 10:18:03 PM    
6178 :
mr. belding!

    15th January 2004 - 01:23:17 AM    
6179 : Fagbusters

    15th January 2004 - 04:11:27 AM    
6180 : Peter Hibins
Hello, my name is Peter Hibbins. I look very similar to Dustin (appart from I look much better) I have been a gay now for about 5 years. I like to pretend that I have a girlfriend so that my friends don't laugh at me, but they just laugh any way. When I am older, I want to work in a gay strip club. I have a wonderful body and a great hair style. If you would like to meet up to have a chat or maybe have a little fun then just drop me an e-mail to
If you don't get a reply from this address, then try sending an e-mail to my gay friend Elliot. He will not reply on Fridays as he shaves his balls. But he is free for the rest of the week.

Love you
Peter Hibbins

    15th January 2004 - 05:21:55 AM    
6181 : Fagbusters

    15th January 2004 - 07:21:45 AM    
6182 : Peter Hibbins

    15th January 2004 - 07:42:25 AM    
6183 : j and s
to kurt steinberg, yes it's us again!!!!! yes, we'll make a queer train and ram it up ur gay homosexual arse you fuckin' pervert

    15th January 2004 - 07:46:43 AM    
6184 : big Tom
Queer Richard,where have you been my life.Want a bit of shrub rocketering.Fancy a nite with dildo all sounds good to me.i have to keep my balls well shaven otherwise im one hairy big monster.What do you prefere?
Do you live anywhere near Liverpool,England.I know a club there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    15th January 2004 - 07:48:11 AM    
6185 : shel and shal
u r such a sick bastard!!! go get a life u arsehole!!!
this is 4 kurt steinberg by da way!!!!!!!! u r a sick pervert. Go stick ur dick up ur own arsehole and go rot in a mental institution.

    15th January 2004 - 07:53:10 AM    
6186 : j
i'm ready big tom, dont 4get ur leather jockstrap, u cornhole eating ball suckin' dick scratchin,prossy, HOMOSEXUAL!!! mY ADDRESS IS 24 STONYCROFT CLOSE
cAMDEN. Come quick as u can! I love gay hunks!!

    15th January 2004 - 08:00:49 AM    
6187 : big Tom
j,where do all these willing men come from!!!!!!!!!!!!Ive been on the wrong websites all my life.Camden,im there.Jock straps,dildo and condoms all packed and ready to go.See you next friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    15th January 2004 - 08:06:05 AM    
6188 : Punk face
You dirty queer fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dustin Diamond,you sad lonely fucking queer arse bangers!!!!!!!!!!!Jonny Rotten,now he's the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Down with captalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    15th January 2004 - 08:13:31 AM    
6189 : Peter Hibbins
This is Peter Hibbins. I am getting really upset by the comments people are putting on this site. Please stop it, or I will get my mummy to come down to the school and sort you all out.

(Still single and looking for any gay males xxxxxxxxxxxx)

    15th January 2004 - 07:21:48 PM    
6190 : Sissy Simon
In my town, we have two major thrift stores that have a "as is" section. This is where items are rejected by the sorters because the items may be damaged or soiled. There are piles and piles of all kinds of clothing to sift through and almost anything you are looking for can be found. I shop there regularly and make some real nice finds in used panties and bras. Many are stained and soiled. Some I find are in mint condition. I enjoy wearing a nicely soiled pair of women's panties that look like they are ready for the hamper

    15th January 2004 - 07:32:32 PM    
6191 : Senior Pervert

The advent of texting has invented a whole new language and vocabulary, and this obviously works well in its own context.

But the standard of spelling on this site just seems to deteriorate...I don't know why (people in a hurry, typos, genuine ignorance, doesn't matter, couldn't care less ?) - what do people think ?

The real take on this must be that, in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter, and the world will keep on turning.

But does it niggle others as well ?

I'm not being critical, but am interested in others' modern 2004-era views.

A few years ago this would have made me more peevish than it does now, so I suppose like wine we all mature  (but do we end up pleasant or sour ?!)

Heil Hitler!

    15th January 2004 - 07:40:46 PM    
6192 : Neo-Nazi Joe
Did that little tart britney spears marry a nigger the other weekend?

One day race mixing sluts like her will pay for her crimes agianst her own kind.

Eminem I fucking hate that wannabe nigger too.

Heil Hitler!


    15th January 2004 - 07:54:43 PM    
6193 : your mom
fuck dustin diamond i had sex with him and he performed poorly

    15th January 2004 - 09:04:30 PM    
6194 : me
i think the reason people have such bad typing here probably has to do with them typing with one hand while jerking off to dustin's visage with the other.

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