14th August 2005 - 10:28:56 PM |
70393 : mike |
Schreech kicks ass and so does dustin... Hope you and Lisa Turtle can work things out after a good ten years of nt being on the show!!!!!!!! ~mike www.treovrrhodes.tk |
15th August 2005 - 12:09:52 AM |
70394 : Kurt Steinberg |
Here's the story about how I became a flaming homosexual: At one point in my life I was totally straight and had a thing for athletic girls with big jugs. However, once I saw Screech dancing the "Sprang" with Lisa in the dance-off episode with Casey Casim, I turned gay. Not just a little gay, but full-blown Liberace gay!!! Screech's sexy jew-fro was so sexy as he hopped around the TV in his rainbow Zubaz pants! I instantly felt my penis getting hard! I immediately ran to the bathroom and blew my wad after about two seconds of stroking! I only wish Screech had been there in my bathroom so that I could have squirted my load in his eye and taken a dump on his 'fro! The following Monday I was in my high school's sauna relaxing after soccer practice with a couple other dudes who were talking about that episode and how Screech appeared to have something lodged in his cornhole as he was hopping around. Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew it I was buttslamming the first dude while the other guy tossed my salad! After about 25 minutes we were all exhausted, the sauna water was cloudy, and a lot of jizz and shit were floating at the top of the water level in the sauna! Thanks for all of the homo-erotic memories, Screech!!! - Kurt Steinberg |
15th August 2005 - 01:09:25 AM |
70558 : buttmonkeee |
Texas holdem sucks donkeee dick so FUCK OFF poker spammers. |
15th August 2005 - 01:15:41 AM |
70579 : asswipe |
15th August 2005 - 02:06:36 AM |
70643 : ddd |
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15th August 2005 - 02:59:37 AM |
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15th August 2005 - 03:33:00 AM |
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15th August 2005 - 04:23:59 AM |
70649 : 8973 |
减肥——每个女人艰巨的任务。 每年,全球超过3亿人为减肥而犯愁,他们希望找到合适的减肥产品,然而这一点却并非想象的那么简单! 人,为什么会肥胖? 正式因为很多种不良的生活习惯而最终导致了肥胖,肥胖是因为人体皮下脂肪的增加而形成的体形变化,其实肥胖并不可怕,关键是找到合适的减肥方法。 减肥的4种有效方式 |
15th August 2005 - 07:56:43 AM |
70655 : sdfgsdfg |
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15th August 2005 - 08:08:29 AM |
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15th August 2005 - 08:35:45 AM |
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15th August 2005 - 08:43:59 AM |
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15th August 2005 - 03:10:11 PM |
71076 : |
15th August 2005 - 06:12:31 PM |
71275 : |
Keep on spamming for the forces of good! |
15th August 2005 - 06:43:29 PM |
71276 : |
ooohhhhhhhhh I just lost a load whacking off to pictures of Screech. Time to spam up www.savedbythebellnow.com |
15th August 2005 - 08:31:51 PM |
71277 : Joseph G. Pacelli |
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15th August 2005 - 10:38:32 PM |
71278 : Ox |
Screech, remember that episode when you went to the Dairy Queen with Zack and Mr. Belding? Remember when you arrived at the Diary Queen and ran into Slater, who had just come over from the Taco Bell? Remember how Slater was finishing up a chocolate milkshake? Remember when Slater asked you if you wanted a "chocolate swirlie"? Remember when you looked up at the menu and told Slater that you didn't see "chocolate swirlie" listed on the menu? Remember when Slater said not to worry about it because it was a new product? Remember when Slater headed toward the bathroom and mentioned he'd be right back? Remember when Slater returned and you were upset because Belding was eating a pudding pop and Zack was eating a sundae, but you weren't eating anything because you were waiting for Slater to give you the chocolate swirlie? Remember when Slater asked you to follow him to a secret room where he'd present you with the chocolate swirlie? Remember when he pushed you into the bathroom and you said "Slater, are you giving me the chocolate swirlie in here?" Remember when he replied that he was going to do so? Remember when Belding walked into the bathroom and slugged you in the back? Remember when Belding grabbed your left leg and Slater grabbed your right and they dragged you into the second stall, where Slater had just sprayed an enormous amount of smelly Taco-Bell induced diarrhea? Remember when Slater and Belding dunked your head in the toilet bowl and Slater said "he's your chocolate swirlie, FAGGOT!!!" as he flushed the toilet? Remember when you saw one of Slater's huge turds swirl past your eyes as the filthy disease-ridden watery waste flushed down the toilet? Slater sure got you good that time! |
15th August 2005 - 10:55:05 PM |
71279 : Ox |
Screech, remember that episode when you went to the Dairy Queen with Zack and Mr. Belding? Remember when you arrived at the Diary Queen and ran into Slater, who had just come over from the Taco Bell? Remember how Slater was finishing up a chocolate milkshake? Remember when Slater asked you if you wanted a "chocolate swirlie"? Remember when you looked up at the menu and told Slater that you didn't see "chocolate swirlie" listed on the menu? Remember when Slater said not to worry about it because it was a new product? Remember when Slater headed toward the bathroom and mentioned he'd be right back? Remember when Slater returned and you were upset because Belding was eating a pudding pop and Zack was eating a sundae, but you weren't eating anything because you were waiting for Slater to give you the chocolate swirlie? Remember when Slater asked you to follow him to a secret room where he'd present you with the chocolate swirlie? Remember when he pushed you into the bathroom and you said "Slater, are you giving me the chocolate swirlie in here?" Remember when he replied that he was going to do so? Remember when Belding walked into the bathroom and slugged you in the back? Remember when Belding grabbed your left leg and Slater grabbed your right and they dragged you into the second stall, where Slater had just sprayed an enormous amount of smelly Taco-Bell induced diarrhea? Remember when Slater and Belding dunked your head in the toilet bowl and Slater said "he's your chocolate swirlie, FAGGOT!!!" as he flushed the toilet? Remember when you saw one of Slater's huge turds swirl past your eyes as the filthy disease-ridden watery waste flushed down the toilet? Remember when you got typhoid from Slater's filthy feces and spend a month in the hospital in Intensive Care? Slater sure got you good that time! |
15th August 2005 - 10:56:57 PM |
71280 : |
Hi I love Dustin Diamond, SOUP! |
16th August 2005 - 08:16:56 AM |
71390 : |
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