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    28th August 2003 - 06:22:56 AM    
4715 : Alisha
Ur a real cutey, keep putting smiles on ppl's faces!

    28th August 2003 - 10:10:27 AM    
4716 : Olivia
You were the best actor on saved by the bell!!!!!! I think you should have been treated better by Lisa but Its just acting keep up the good work!!!!!!!

    28th August 2003 - 10:15:04 AM    
4717 : The Godmother
You fuckn pshyco's this is Dustins website and all of you are fucking talking about gay people and jews why the fuck r u on this website if its a fag show you losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    28th August 2003 - 10:33:54 AM    
4718 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I'm glad that your website administrator (message 4679) has finally decided to clean up this board! We finally have concrete proof that this board is for discussing homosexual relations with Diamond exclusively - I've been saying the same thing for months!

Sandra (messages 4682 and 4684), I'm glad that you realize that one of the purposes of this board is to schedule gay sex with Diamond. Regarding your question, one of Diamond's best features is his neatly trimmed beard - I want to rub it wll over my nutsack.

- Kurt Steinberg

    28th August 2003 - 10:47:36 AM    
4719 : Admin
You're right Kurt, this place is specifically designed for the discussion of messy and sometimes violent man-love with our hero from Saved By The Bell. The extent of Diamond's queerness is one of showbiz's best kept secrets, and considering that he has a high profile celebrity boyfriend at present I'm amazed that his true sexual identity has been hidden for so long. When the news breaks even CNN will be all over it, the identity of Diamond's lover will astound and amaze you. You heard it here first!

    28th August 2003 - 10:57:39 AM    
4720 : Kim
Hii Dustin!

    28th August 2003 - 11:11:21 AM    
4721 : Dustin
Hi Kim - I'm a faggot!

    28th August 2003 - 12:11:50 PM    
4722 : Dustins Penis
Hello. I am Dustin's rather large penis, and I am here to comment on all the people who pretended to be me and Admin and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Why do you try to defend someone you don't know? Dustin isn't even in control of my. I do what I want, and when my throbbing body wants to go into the mighty bun of power, it will do so. So, for all of you, don't comment on my master, Dustin. He is not at fault for what I do. I like to throw myself into stinky ass and sometimes throbbing clit. I like to scoop out fudge and mix it up with sticky paste and then shoot it out on the wall to create art work.

    28th August 2003 - 12:21:58 PM    
4723 : Dustins Mighty Sword
This is Dustins erect Penis before he sticks it into my mighty bun of submissivity.

// 7

_ __
##( )##

    28th August 2003 - 12:26:57 PM    
4724 : Dustins Mighty Sword - Healthy
The previous image was of him going limp after 20 nights of man luvvin.
This is Dustins erect Penis before he sticks it into my mighty bun of submissivity


    28th August 2003 - 12:30:16 PM    
4725 : Fuck you NIGGER

FUCKING Black pubic hair! FUck you vehement pubic lice and ass luvers. I hope your asses burn at 2000 degrees celcius. I hope your rolaids pop out of your ass like bullets as a mans dick gets shjoved in your throat. I hope you all choke on feces and vomit that your manluvvers make after they suck the cum out of your stinky, warty rod.

    28th August 2003 - 03:34:52 PM    
4726 : hadil
you are veryyyyyy funny

    28th August 2003 - 04:29:23 PM    
Hi, i am Bob Rogers of the anti 9/11 league (A911L). We are a group of anti 9/11 campaigners who are disturbed by the amount of support for this evil day. If you would like to see the eleventh of september permanently removed from the calendar then join our cause. Any suggestion for what this day should be replaced by are very welcome.

    28th August 2003 - 05:10:53 PM    
4728 : knocked eye
u are my hero screech i always wanted to be like you

    28th August 2003 - 05:23:33 PM    
4729 : Chachi
This morning I shaved again and did my entire panty area, especially my crotch and balls and they are panty smooth! I love to feel the panties hug my crotch and hiney when I walk and I also put on VS lilac body oil to make my panties and things smell wonderful! I am going to go shopping later and will be wearing my Jaclyn Smith beige classic hi-cut panties and a black Secrets garter belt with taupe stockings nice and high up on my thigh and the thinnest of white leggings so the ladies can see all of me!

Everything shows through and it will be fun to talk "panties" with Gloria the sales clerk! Right now I'm just wearing my bra and panties and will soon get dressed to go out! It feels sooooo good to wear stockings and panties when I am fresh shaven I love the way the panties "stick" to my skin and stay in place all day Or maybe I'll wear my yellow flower pattern panties! Oh my decisions, decisions!

Heil Hitler!

    28th August 2003 - 05:27:10 PM    
4730 : BOB ROGERS <---------------LOL!

Praise be Mohamed!

    28th August 2003 - 07:20:57 PM    
4731 : Will Smith
All of you little punks should leave my "friend" Dustin alone!!!! Becuz of you he cries himself to sleep and it's alot harder to get him in the mood when he's pouty.



Love, Yours Always
Will Smith

    28th August 2003 - 07:30:19 PM    
4732 : hello
eye lases in your ass!!!!

    28th August 2003 - 07:31:46 PM    
4733 : hello
that fucking ruled, on TV all day showing it over and over again. I cant wait for the anniversary which is coming up soon i think. It was just so inspired, genius.

    28th August 2003 - 09:46:25 PM    
4734 : ME

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