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    29th August 2003 - 01:56:38 AM    
4735 : Mahesh Kumar
to meet some slim girl

    29th August 2003 - 03:10:10 AM    
4736 : Amanda
So did u ever want to be with Lisa in any of the episodes, or in real life?

    29th August 2003 - 03:59:47 AM    
4737 : Dustin Diamond
anyone who wathced knows the answer is yes. Not only did i want to, i DID get with her in her dressing room. Once.
I am sure the experience was one of the largest contributing factors in turning me gay. She was my first and my last woman, now i only see an array of male asses stretching far into my future, and long cocks bearing down on me to be sucked.
Can one man ever be truly happy with another man, and spend their whole life together like? Only time will tell.
Fore shore i want to settle down with a man or a woman and be in love and live happily, i have had enough as to last a dozen lifetimes. My cock, like my remaining life, is shortening. Will i ever know that pant shredding adolescent desire again? Screech is dead, no longer am i rich or funny or cute.
I am gay, i am aged, and i am alone. Am i gay? I do not know. My heart says no, but my spirit is soured against all women. All i have now are my memories and my fans. My fans have saved me. Thank you amanda, for caring.

    29th August 2003 - 04:44:10 AM    
4738 : Mr. Belding.
Dusty, do you remember all those nights that you spent quitely sobbing into my crotch as you sucked my pud and I stroked your stupid jew-'fro?

Heil Hitler!

    29th August 2003 - 05:13:22 AM    
4739 : Dustin Diamond
That's a damn lie. Belding was a hero and a mentor, he never mistreated any of us. My personal life is my business. It's not as simple as gay or straight, its not black or white, its GrAY.

    29th August 2003 - 05:24:07 AM    
4740 : Mr. Belding
Dusty, I'm both shocked and hurt by your denial. We spent a lot of tender nights together and you grew to eventually enjoy and savour every last drop of my HIV infected seed. Is your AIDS full blown now, like mine is?

    29th August 2003 - 09:33:39 AM    
4741 : Screech

    29th August 2003 - 09:42:29 AM    
4742 : Steamy
Dustin, I have to come over to your place to give you sexual pleasure! You can get naked and then I'll shit on your chest - I'll give you I call a "Cleveland Steamer." After I leave, you can eat my feces!!! Yummy!!!

    29th August 2003 - 10:17:40 AM    
4743 : Pozzer
There's these two guys in the office dead keen to nosh my cock off. I don't know if they are serious. They said they'll nosh my cock off if I let them go home early. I'm the boss or something. Anyway, if I get this wrong I may look stupid. What shall I do?!!!!
I work in recruitment.

Heil Hitler!

    29th August 2003 - 12:57:46 PM    
4744 : Hayley evans
hi my name is hayley and i am a big huge fane of all of you guys.kelly and zack made a good couple on saved by the bell i have all your eposods on dvd all off them and i hope all you guys make more eposods my three best chareters are kelly zack and a.c sleater and i was wondering zack and kelly if you could talk to me on msn my email is thank you and all you guys are so great i could kill myself to see you and kell and lisa and jessie i love your song called hot sunday ok thans bye have a great life!!!

    29th August 2003 - 02:26:49 PM    
4745 : link monkey
(chachi free)
(chachi's ass)

    29th August 2003 - 02:29:13 PM    
4746 : Chachi
* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
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* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t e x *

    29th August 2003 - 03:01:41 PM    
4747 : Dustin Diamond
Hey kids stay safe and stop makin fun of me u mother fuckers

    29th August 2003 - 03:02:36 PM    
4748 : j

    29th August 2003 - 03:02:41 PM    
4749 : k

    29th August 2003 - 03:02:44 PM    
4750 : kk

    29th August 2003 - 03:02:48 PM    
4751 : kkkk

    29th August 2003 - 03:02:52 PM    
4752 : kkkk

    29th August 2003 - 03:05:21 PM    
4753 : Dustin Diamond
fuck u motha fuka's my name is dustin i think i got cash but all i got is a big fat ass if any one makes fun of me ill fuck you like you never got fucked before ok!!!!!

    29th August 2003 - 07:06:47 PM    
4754 : Nicole
I love your site

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