29th August 2003 - 09:30:39 PM |
4755 : robert |
Se vi piaciono le band americane venite nel nostro sito,noi siamo 3 ragazzi di torino che da 7 anni viviamo negli Stati Uniti,siamo una band anche noi,siete tutti benvenuti,stiamo organizzando un tour in italia per il prossimo anno.
ciao a tutti e Viva L`Italia e TEMPERA http://www.musictempera.net If you like new music come and check out our web site, anybody is welcome to sign our guest book and listen to our song at http://www.musictempera.net. thank you |
30th August 2003 - 12:01:22 AM |
4756 : Loud One! |
<a href="http://www.noise.com/">Noise</a> |
30th August 2003 - 02:47:52 AM |
4757 : Will Ferrell |
is this for real? Dustin, is this really your page? crazy you should stop all these assholes from posting animal pornography |
30th August 2003 - 04:14:26 AM |
4758 : christy |
30th August 2003 - 01:21:11 PM |
4759 : Freak |
Dustin, you are fag and zack was fucking you in the ass. Why don't you go fuck yourself. |
30th August 2003 - 01:24:54 PM |
4760 : Freak |
Will Ferrell you are a dumb fuck it you think this page is for real. You should get a life and start living it. |
30th August 2003 - 01:55:23 PM |
30th August 2003 - 03:11:48 PM |
4762 : hello |
no one is that stupid or that desperate |
30th August 2003 - 04:19:33 PM |
4763 : JaDy |
hey Dustin, if this is really your site, why do you let all those people say bad things about you? why don't you remove those messages?! I think ur cute =) |
30th August 2003 - 05:18:41 PM |
4764 : staffer |
Jady, This is Dustin diamonds real homepage, along with www.dustindiamond.net; he is such a huge star he can't be contained with only one website, he needs two for all his greatness. Dustin is very much pro homosex. |
30th August 2003 - 05:27:58 PM |
4765 : staffer |
visit http://www.dustindiamond.com/forum/ for advice on GAY ACTIVE LIVING: advice on thing such as shoving a 100pound dumbbell in your rectum, eating poo safely, and secret aids elixers, were the best places are for backdoor out sex, ect... |
30th August 2003 - 05:29:29 PM |
4766 : MANHONY |
30th August 2003 - 06:11:55 PM |
4767 : Dick Brownfield |
Hail All the Holy and Amazing Screech, he has blessed out lives and lives forever in TV, any strong feelings in either direction only compliment celebrity. Balance, keeps us equal. |
30th August 2003 - 08:45:35 PM |
4768 : hello |
If you want to see the most disgusting picture i have ever seen visit
http://www.tubgirl.com I bet no one has the guts to. It is worse than goatse, so dont visit if easily offended. In my poinion, despite the vile anture of the subject, the photography is actually excellent. Any proffesional will recognise how well lit, composed and timed it is. You will see what i mean when you see it. Tell me what you think! |
30th August 2003 - 08:53:06 PM |
4769 : Chachi |
Shit (lol) that is hot! finally some NON gay sex material!! I thought that was fucking awesome, i posted a poll on it on the forum btw, so far the indication is- sexy. http://www.dustindiamond.com/forum vote sexy!!! Glad to see Kurt Steinjew and all other homo jews have finally done the right thing, killered themselves and left!!! VICTORY!!! -DA CHACH |
30th August 2003 - 09:13:02 PM |
4770 : Chachie |
I'm really only truly at my best when I've a big, thick, juicy, black cock stuffed up my rectum. Do any of you fine-ass guys wanna cream in my cornhole? I also like to fuck my mommy up the ass and then have her lick the little bits of corn and shit off of my miniscule penis after I've withdrawn it from her fragrant nether-regions. |
30th August 2003 - 10:20:34 PM |
4771 : Chachi |
hmmm. Anyone believe that last post was by me? No.
Did you see the picture? LOL!!!! http://www.tubgirl.com holy shit she's hot!!! What y'all think of that? -DA CHACH |
30th August 2003 - 10:58:37 PM |
4772 : Tim John |
http://www.unkindesign.com/pics/pit2_alt2.jpg |
31st August 2003 - 04:06:28 AM |
4773 : ritchie |
hello dustin fuckface,
you should have some aids infested fuck shoot his load inside your ass; you insipid, has-been, cock-sucking, aids-infested, corn hole, braces wearing, small cock, richard simmons loving bitch. |
31st August 2003 - 04:07:55 AM |
4774 : frankie |
I hope someone kills you someday, you fucken has-been. how did you suck dick with those braces? |