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    20th September 2003 - 02:46:21 PM    
4939 : sarah
hey dustin i think you are a great actor and you are good lookin i love u can u give me ur addy and we can tlk to eachother mines

olz give me ur addy i really wanna tlk to u

love sarah x x x

    20th September 2003 - 02:54:36 PM    
4940 : sarah
hey mario if u do come bk on email me plz on

    20th September 2003 - 03:14:09 PM    
4941 : JOHN
I love the show. I hope you are going to do more very soon.
If you are well you please e-mail me so I'll know when the new ones are comming on.
thank you

    20th September 2003 - 06:54:45 PM    
4942 : Truth
I know somethings that everyone on this site is planely to retarded to work it out for themselves-
Firstly- this site is fake. This is obviously not the real diamonds page. I am amazed that i am the first person to realize this fact..
Seconderly- Most people on here are gay or idiots. They may not relaize or admit too it but they are. Many people on here by the way they talk or post are seemingly gay. Weel i hope you enjoy your aids ass boys.
Feel free to use the net once you are not gay and have learned some manners, and more importantely LEARN TO SPELL YOU DUMB IDIOTS.
I hope i have been helpful to some people- once again, this is NOT diamonds site.

    20th September 2003 - 09:22:02 PM    
4943 : Sergio Shitlick
Hey "Truth", first of all, you are a wrinkled up piece of shit who probably shoves corn cobs up his asshole and then licks the shit off of them afterwards + you can't spell... You should be forever faithfully force-fed fortune cookies that are filled with fried feces from fresno, passionately pound panda penises, tenderly toungue tiger testicles, and sensuously slurp salamander semen, you sack-suckin' shithole. What I really need for you to do for me right now is for you to quit your sniveling, turn around, and bend over - So I can piss in your ass!!!! You can lick my sack, you goddammned, faggot-fuckin', shit-suckin', ass-lickin', kunt-faced bitch-hole. Have a nice day.

    20th September 2003 - 11:39:32 PM    
4944 : Hate Man

    21st September 2003 - 04:58:24 AM    
4945 : sarah
mario wots up i know you probably wont email me bk but if you do my addy is

love u sarah x x x

    21st September 2003 - 06:53:14 AM    
4946 : chantal
hai i'm from holland. how are you? are you all from america?

    21st September 2003 - 09:08:20 AM    
4947 : simon er
Hey Dust can you speak Dutch??

    21st September 2003 - 12:33:00 PM    
4948 : Leonie
hey Dustin,
Do you have msn? (=hotmail)?
-xxx- Leonie

    21st September 2003 - 12:38:07 PM    
4949 : Leonie
hello dustin,
it's now 7:30 AM in the Netherlands.
-xxx- Leonie

p.s. how old are you now?

    21st September 2003 - 02:50:46 PM    
4950 : Derek
Why is everyone so mean on here? I think Dustin should be commended for his fine acting skills. People who trash talk on someone who has survived being a child actor, and did not get into the negative aspects of life, really need to grow up.

    21st September 2003 - 03:44:43 PM    
4951 : AcjBizar
Wat doen al die Nederlanders hier?

    21st September 2003 - 03:51:04 PM    
4952 : Dustin Diamond (for real, guys)
OK guys, a joke's a joke, but I've been getting a LOT of complaints about the constant racism and gaybashing up here. I've been meaning to fix this site up, but I've also been working on a lot of other projects and just haven't had time. Next month I will upload a completely NEW design with a bio, pictures, stories and some video material. It's going to kick ass! I'll also make a new guestbook and forum then, because cleaning this one of spam and filth would just take too long. PLEASE tone down on the offensiveness people!

--Your Screech

P.S. drink milk.

    21st September 2003 - 04:02:35 PM    
4953 : Dustin Diamond (again)
Just got done chatting with a friend of mine and HOORAY, he's going to help me set up a great interactive site so I can chat with all of you and make news updates. I'm ashamed to admit I know next to nothing of webcoding beyond HTML :( Some geek, huh? I've got a new chess video coming out in February next year, check out for that! Leonie, in response to your questions: I'm 26, I no longer have MSN (got harassed too much), I don't speak ANY Dutch (a little German, though), although I've been in Holland a few times. If you can give me your e-mail address I'll be happy to mail you back. Thanks!

--Your Screech

P.S. other people, please stop impersonating me! ;)

    21st September 2003 - 05:02:44 PM    
4954 : john bunnell
Im sheriff john bunnell why do you keep talking about me?

    21st September 2003 - 06:11:14 PM    
4955 : AcjBizar
Wat doen al die Nederlanders hier?

    21st September 2003 - 06:30:31 PM    
4956 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, thanks for posting here. I'm looking forward to your new guestbook. However, please keep this guestbook active - your gay fans need a place to post their homosexual fantasies pertaining to you! On the other hand, feel free to purge the racist messages because there is no room for such messages in a queer guestbook.

What's the deal with your forum webpage? It's been down for a few days. You need to fix it.

- Kurt Steinberg

    22nd September 2003 - 02:16:09 AM    
4957 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I thought of you the other day when I was in a gas station bathroom in West Hollywood getting it on with a dude I had just met? The dude had a "white man's afro" just like you - he didn't have a beard, but I still managed to wipe up my load with his chin.

By the way, when is Season 2 of Saved By The Bell coming out on DVD??? I ordered Season 1 a couple weeks ago, but it has not yet arrived - it must be on back-order. How much money are you getting from each DVD?

- Kurt Steinberg

    22nd September 2003 - 03:04:49 AM    
4958 : FYI
The current Saved by the Bell U.S. DVD Box Set that's on the market right now contains both Seasons 1 AND 2, although a couple of the Season 2 episodes seem to be missing.


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