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    24th September 2003 - 11:32:27 AM    
4979 : milou
Heey Dustin.......I know you're very busy and everything but i hope you can find some time to answer me. I read somewhere that you wanted to loose your schreech identity but that's why you're that famoud's schreech who's famous and everybody loves you that least I do!!I wrote you an email akopple of days ago to.....I hope you'll answer that too.....A big hug and kisses!! MIlou

    24th September 2003 - 01:32:13 PM    
4980 : Dustin Fan
RELAPSE, bringing art and creativity back to America - Inspiration of Dustin Diamonds

    24th September 2003 - 02:40:55 PM    
4981 : Chachi
The CHACH is on WATCH and will be returning full blast very soon!! Beware of the CHACH! I will be back with a vengance. Hello Amanda its good to see you're still here. Don't worry Ive been lurking about.

    24th September 2003 - 07:33:36 PM    
4982 : Horstach
milou is french for faggot taking it in the butt

    24th September 2003 - 07:34:23 PM    
4983 : Hunter Smith

    24th September 2003 - 08:05:36 PM    
4984 : sete
germany is white power

    24th September 2003 - 08:10:33 PM    
4985 : Pat
Screech Rocks!!!

    24th September 2003 - 09:30:58 PM    
4986 : Ryan
Screech is a homo. I think he wanted that punk Slater

    24th September 2003 - 09:35:41 PM    
4987 : ac
this is fucked

    25th September 2003 - 02:04:36 AM    
4988 : Kurt Steinberg
Ryan, I agree with you. Diamond really is a homo - he's become an icon in the queer community!

I would like to see Slater and Diamond have a "Celebrity Boxong" match on Fox. I think Diamond might be able to take Slater now - Diamond's a lot bigger than he used to be. I think that Diamond would take down Slater in the 3rd round. After being knocked down, Diamond would probably pull down Slater's boxing shorts and do him in the cornhole! Diamond would then rub his neatly trimmed beard all over Slater's ball-sac and give Slater a Cleveland Steamer!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

    25th September 2003 - 02:21:38 AM    

    25th September 2003 - 02:23:08 AM    
4990 : Kurt Steinberg
Ryan, I agree with you. Diamond really is a homo - he's become an icon in the queer community!

I would like to see Slater and Diamond have a "Celebrity Boxong" match on Fox. I think Diamond might be able to take Slater now - Diamond's a lot bigger than he used to be. I think that Diamond would take down Slater in the 3rd round. After being knocked down, Diamond would probably pull down Slater's boxing shorts and do him in the cornhole! Diamond would then rub his neatly trimmed beard all over Slater's ball-sac and give Slater a Cleveland Steamer!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

    25th September 2003 - 02:27:52 AM    
4991 : Dustin Diamond
Why do we call them "minorities"...

...when they're clearly in the majority?

One can believe one of two things about the fact that Texas' Top Ten Wanted are mostly Hispanic and Black.

Option A: OMFG the White oppressors are arresting them for being non-White.
Option B: Those damn varmints just commit more crime.

I'd suggest option C: both are partially true, with an emphasis on the second option. It's clear that in every country on earth, throughout history, the darker races have been responsible for the largest share of the crime when compared to lighter peoples. Further, it's clear that in every nation throughout history, ethnic groups have preferred their own company. So the likely truth is that these critters are committing things considered crimes in lighter societies, and the societies are reacting to their general perception of darker people as impoverished, dangerous third worlders incompetent in a lighter society.

But you'll never hear that much careful consideration of this issue and its wealth of options on a mainstream news program.

Which leads to the more interesting question: Why are we letting GUILT and not rationality dictate our public policy?

    25th September 2003 - 09:39:09 AM    
4992 : Mr. Conholer
I've been hanging around in London with some of my homo-boys this week and we went along to see David Blaine doing his thing in a box. It was really dull. To spice it up we'd like to suggest that Dustin replaces David in the box, and instead of water being fed through the tube we think it'd be a good idea to have hot fresh nut butter going through there.

I for one would love to see such an endurance test, and I'm positive that Dustin could survive for 44 days on love custard alone. It'd be great if they had a little "milking" booth where all of London's queers could J/O into Diamond's supply whilst watching Saved By The Bell re-runs - and sooner or later there's bound to be a nice soupcon of "dirty" jism in there that will give Dusty a little extra to think about!

Dustin is definitely a gay icon here in London, a few of the guys are already sporting what they call "Diamond's"- a cute little goatee with a few drops of dried up man-fat dangling off the end!

    25th September 2003 - 06:06:44 PM    
4993 : drewbear
Dusty why won't you all do us a favor.......kill your self. Your guest book sucks almost as much cock as you. I can smell the gay sex through my modem, you gay bitch. Your a fucking faggot and your gonna go to hell because you suck more dick than a drunk vietnamese prostitute named ming lee on buy-one-get-one-free day. And Mario Lopez can suck mikey's motha fuckin inch-high private eye.

    25th September 2003 - 06:07:51 PM    
4994 : Sherrif John Bunnell
Fuck everyone that hates Bunnell!!!!!!!!!!!

    25th September 2003 - 06:19:05 PM    

    25th September 2003 - 07:35:31 PM    
4996 : ozo
i love thisb

    25th September 2003 - 08:13:52 PM    
4997 : Assfucker
Give me a big fat hot karl you nasty butt lover

    26th September 2003 - 01:47:43 AM    
4998 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I still want to get together for gay sex. Let's go to a queer bar in West Hollywood on Saturday night. Then we can head over to my condo and I'll give you a "hot lunch." Yummy!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

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