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    06th October 2003 - 01:03:08 AM    
5100 : smurfyou13
Illy is l33t. Dustin ain't.

    06th October 2003 - 01:03:53 AM    
5101 : Ben Delorean
Prositute: 0/hour
Dwarf Prositute: 0/hour
Veiwing shitty made websites: Priceless

You would think for an pretty famous actor, he would have a decent made website. My goal in life is to sleep with the entire cast from Save By The Bell. check out

    06th October 2003 - 01:08:39 AM    
5102 : xp55uber

    06th October 2003 - 01:20:20 AM    
5103 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, let's hook up with Slater next Saturday. We can go to Skybar (which supposedly you frequent with Corey Feldman) and then we can rent a bedroom at the Skybar's hotel for some queer lovin'! Slater and I can have fun contest - the first one of us to squirt our respective loads in your eye is the winner! You can toss the winner's salad! So, in reality, everyone is a winner!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

    06th October 2003 - 01:44:14 AM    
5104 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, let's hook up with Slater next Saturday. We can go to Skybar (which supposedly you frequent with Corey Feldman) and then we can rent a bedroom at the Skybar's hotel for some queer lovin'! Slater and I can have fun contest - the first one of us to squirt our respective loads in your eye is the winner! You can toss the winner's salad! So, in reality, everyone is a winner!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

    06th October 2003 - 04:28:09 AM    
5105 : W.D
Please give me a complete introduction about physics science.

    06th October 2003 - 06:56:05 AM    
5106 : Panty Pisser
Having recently discovered the delights on offer at e-bay, the huge number of internet 'shops' selling panties (some of which openly welcome male pantie wearers), I'm struck by the apparent divide into full briefs (sometimes called Mama-knickers over here in UK) and bikinis.

My theory is that if you started out wearing your mother's panties you'll be drawn to wear full briefs, and if you started out wearing your sister's panties (as I did) then you'll want to wear something a bit skimpier. What do people think? Does anyone here enjoy sniffing and beating off with their sisters/moms panties?

    06th October 2003 - 08:09:14 AM    
5107 :
TOO powerfull Uma Thurman Austin TO powers

    06th October 2003 - 09:04:00 AM    
5108 : Dustin Diamond
Thank you all for coming to my website. I am currently in the hospital because a tracter entered my anal crevice.

    06th October 2003 - 09:46:57 AM    
5109 :
shitty website

    06th October 2003 - 12:59:44 PM    
5110 : Kurt Steinburg
FUCKING Black pubic hair! Fuck you vehement pubic lice and ass luvers. I hope your asses burn at 2000 degrees celcius. I hope your rolaids pop out of your ass like bullets as a man's dick gets shoved in your throat. I hope you all choke on feces and vomit that your manluvvers make after they suck the cum out of your stinky, warty rod. After I manluv your mighty bun of submissivity, I like to scoop out the fudge and mix it up with my sticky paste of naughtiness and then shoot it out on the wall to create art work.

    06th October 2003 - 01:11:31 PM    
5111 :

    06th October 2003 - 01:16:04 PM    
5112 : 4840 Rotary Catedral Asuncion central 21 Py Paraguay . I just visited your excelant HOME PAGE .HELLO FROM SOUTH AMERIQUE

    06th October 2003 - 04:30:15 PM    
5113 : Arnie Assfuck
I wanna stick my throbbing meatstick up your tight, puckered asshole and then have you lick the shit off of it afterwards. I suck monkey cock so eat me you cum guzzling faggot.

    06th October 2003 - 04:56:10 PM    
5114 : prob3d
Hey "Screech", remember when your show was on and people almost gave a fuck about you?

    06th October 2003 - 08:51:45 PM    
5115 : Screech Disciple
My god, I check this site 4-5 times a day. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks Screech for giving your fans a place to hang!!!

I was really deep in the trenches of humanity, full of pain and anger and didnt even want to live. Then I heard a bell ring. Literally. It was the opening theme of the show "Saved by the bell". I can truly say I was saved by the bell. I pulled the shotgun out of my mouth, and for the first time in my life, I saw someone I could relate to. The geeky little kid called screech. The more I watched him, the more I loved him. I began to model my own life after his, and the pain and hurt began to leave me. I dont consider this just a positive role model, I consider this a religious experience. Thats why I took my life savings and built a ,000.00 shrine to screech in my home. 3 times a day I worship at his beautiful feet. Then I make my rounds here at the webpage. Screech, I owe you my life, and now my soul. Thank you for saving me!!! You are my idol, hero, and GOD!!!!Screech for eternity

    06th October 2003 - 09:02:06 PM    
5116 : Mr. Belding
Screech, please please return my calls or my emails. I need your gorgous cock and tender balls in my mouth soo bad baby. The last time we were together, and my cock was pumping in and out of your boy hole, I fell in LOVE with you! Ill give everything I have to you, house, car, keys to the highschool, ANYTHING! I sniff and lick and the cum stain you left on my couch every night, and would DIE to have your love juice smeared across my forehead again. Please call me baby, remember the times we had in Hawaii? On the cruises we took? on our long strolls through run down black neighborhoods, where we'd taunt the drug addicted blacks until they beat us around the ass and balls until we exploded with pleasure??!! Lets do it again sweet thing! LOve, Mr. Belding

    06th October 2003 - 09:24:18 PM    
5117 : Dustin Diamond

I'm Dustin Diamond; "Screech" from Saved By The Bell. This is NOT my official homepage on the web. Please, do not be fooled. My official page will be starting up around Jan-Feb 2004. I decided that it was time for my hundreds of millions of fans to have a place to read about me, and interact with me. My site will feature "Screech's toliet cam", "Screech's fart audio", "Screech's favorite porno list", "Screech's guide to beating the marginal tax rate on U.S. future's investments, including corn futures" and much much more. I'd also like to clarify these statements made about me: 1) I DO NOT like niggers 2) I have fucked a gay hitchhiker only ONCE 3) I DID lose my right nipple in a freak body shaving accident 4) I am dating Macauley Culkin, but NO, he doesnt lick my balls 5) I WONT be going to jail for an attempted assasination of a Las Vegas Shaquille O'Neal impersonator.
~Screech "Gee Zack, Kelly wouldnt appreciate us messing with her rubber dong" SBTB #206 May 5th 1993

    07th October 2003 - 12:44:13 AM    
5118 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, if Macauley Culkin won't lick your balls, then why are you dating him? Does he at least toss your salad?

When is your next Saved By The Bell DVD set coming out? You need to some some extras on the next set. For example, you could include the E! Saved By The Bell story, or the rumored shower sex episode involving you, Slater, and Belding.

By the way Diamond, I did not post message 5111. There are many fake posters here, but I'm glad that you, the real Dustin Diamond, posted message 5118. I love you!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

    07th October 2003 - 12:45:32 AM    
5119 : me
i smell.

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