10th October 2003 - 08:56:04 AM |
5180 : bill |
just trying this thing out to see what it is about |
10th October 2003 - 09:04:50 AM |
5181 : Santa |
10th October 2003 - 02:38:25 PM |
5182 : Mario Lopez |
From the San Diego Tribune: "Police responded to a noise complaint at approximately 10:45pm at **** ******** Dr. Officers knocked on the front door, but there was no answer. Officers on the scene heard loud screams and moans of passion coming from the upper floor of the house. Officers entered the house through a back entrance and made their way to the upper floor. To their surprise, former "Saved By The Bell" stars Dustin Diamond, and Mario Lopez were engaged in what apeared to be rough gay sex. Lopez was situated on all fours while Diamond spanked his large smooth balls with a ping pong paddle, and pushed a large, black rubber dildo in and out Lopez's anus. Diamond was also instructing Lopez to lick the balls of another large black rubber dildo as he spanked and screwed him." I'd like to clear this story up. First, the dildos were SMALL and DARK PURPLE in color. Second, Dustin was spanking my balls with a HAIRBRUSH he uses for his nappy jew hair. Thank you. |
10th October 2003 - 02:46:54 PM |
5183 : GINA |
10th October 2003 - 05:05:02 PM |
5184 : allinsurancetype |
Insurance Rates |
10th October 2003 - 06:56:31 PM |
5185 : |
Get a life Chris |
10th October 2003 - 10:14:17 PM |
5186 : wai han paing |
why your close on the sex.I want to see it. |
11th October 2003 - 02:49:23 AM |
5187 : Lawyer Dick |
I will sue everybody!!! |
11th October 2003 - 06:25:16 AM |
5188 : SBTBROCKZ |
11th October 2003 - 06:31:42 AM |
5189 : SBTBROCKZ |
11th October 2003 - 10:16:25 AM |
5190 : Refinancing |
refinancing |
11th October 2003 - 11:52:39 AM |
5191 : C18 |
Remember comrades, outside National Socialism, there is no salvation for whites, and without whites there will be no world. In persuit of an Aryan world, a great many animals will have to be subdue. Hiel Hitler! |
11th October 2003 - 02:07:36 PM |
5192 : rental car |
Rental car rental car |
11th October 2003 - 03:27:56 PM |
5193 : Princess Peussie |
If love were the answer to the world's problems, then my ass would be dead...SO SAYS PROUD PRINCESS PEUSSIE, of the Royal Court in Mortville. Report: "Yes, it is true. Gordo bit some cock last night during Mass, right there on the altar of love and vanished, and Princess Fluff got IT in the mouth before she took it in the asshole. And we here at the Royal Palace prepare for the High Colonic Celebration of the Virgin Mary. ALL HAIL! I just wrote Pres. Bush and he assured me that he's not really trying to seize the US GOVT. for any self-servicing his pals in BIG BUSINESS, and he's not seizing the Iraq oil wells for himself, but for US...and WOW, fuckers, THAT is great news".....All Hail the Trinity of LOVE: butts, cocks and Ann Coulter, professional dyke!! Amen and hand me the sauce!! Smiles to you, Nana Bezerka....PRINCESS PEUSSIE http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/MICHAEL_JACKSON.html http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/Mother_Teresa_Love_Book.html http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/Glorious_PrincessPEUSSI.html http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/Angels_Suckfest.html http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/SkidMarks_Upon_MySoul.html http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/blinking_assholes.html |
11th October 2003 - 06:10:34 PM |
5194 : tamara |
hello How are you doing right no I don't have hurt about you the couple years now its a nice homepage bye bye |
11th October 2003 - 07:31:45 PM |
5195 : utard |
Shit on my face. |
11th October 2003 - 11:05:11 PM |
5196 : |
ScreachKing Sup lover I noticed noone had called meee. I wanna fuck screach in his tight boyhole. I mean be fuked by him in my boy hole.......... yeah and then your father would be out in his winter garden ...... SHUT UP! I worked shoulders last nite and and need som1 with strong muscular hands that you can only achieve from years of beating off like yourself. I heard you wanted to go out with colin macdonald. Call 1-902-564-0257 and ask for colin macdonald and tell him he is a fat faggot and tell him the site. |
12th October 2003 - 12:51:24 AM |
12th October 2003 - 02:45:06 AM |
5198 : Scrotch |
Shoot out somebody's eye with your wad. Punch that cock like a tetherball. Headbutt that colon into submission. |
12th October 2003 - 05:55:50 AM |
5199 : healthworld |
obesity |