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    29th December 2003 - 11:41:23 PM    
6020 : Fagbusters

    30th December 2003 - 10:38:22 AM    
6021 : Megan
Hi dustin i'm a big fan of you and the show and i was just wondering if you ever got the chance to fuck elizabeth berkely in the ass because she seemed like a very sweet girl and i think that you two would've made a cute couple.

    30th December 2003 - 01:51:20 PM    
6022 : gggrrreeeggg
dustin diamond, i'm also a big fan of you and sbtb. i was wondering if you and belding ever had sex? did he ever do you in the poop chute? also, to clean you up afterward, did he ever give you any golden showers????/

    30th December 2003 - 05:45:58 PM    
6023 : Chachi
Da Chach is back on Da Watch!!!

Accept no substities!

-Da Chach.

    30th December 2003 - 08:21:47 PM    
6024 : fartman

    30th December 2003 - 08:42:12 PM    
6025 : hi

    30th December 2003 - 08:47:57 PM    
6026 : o reilly
Watch The O'Reilly Factor weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET and listen to the Radio Factor!

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the Unresolved Problems segment tonight, Pioneer High School (search) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, held a discussion about homosexuality and religion. In that discussion, five Christian ministers and a rabbi put forth that homosexuality was not immoral. A student at the school, Betsy Hansen, wanted to state an opposing point of view, but the school wouldn't allow it. Betsy and her mother sued. And last Friday, [they] won as a federal court ruled Pioneer High School had violated Betsy's freedom of speech and the establishment clause in the Constitution.

Joining us now from Ann Arbor is Robert Muise, from the Thomas More Law Center (search). He represented the Hansens and Connie Hansen, Betsy's mom.

All right, Ms. Hansen, we'll begin with you. Betsy is now a sophomore at the University of Florida. How did she react to the verdict?


    30th December 2003 - 08:52:58 PM    
6027 : o reilly1
qc module v2.3.15 Rocks!!!!!

    30th December 2003 - 08:58:39 PM    
6028 : reggin
am in the US Air Force currently deployed to Southwest Asia. I had the opportunity the other day to go sight-seeing in downtown Doha, Qatar. I saw throughout the day in different places, Christmas decorations! I find it extremely disturbing that Christmas is increasingly becoming taboo in America and yet over here it's a non issue.

    30th December 2003 - 09:06:59 PM    
6029 : niggerhater
Proclaiming a Message of hope and deliverance for White Christian America !

    30th December 2003 - 09:12:23 PM    
6030 : niggerhater2
I would like to share with you our vision for the future, what the 6th era of the Klan is, and why you should support The Knights program and make a life long serious commitment to its advancement, political agenda, and its potential to bring about a white Christian political and social revolution in the United States perhaps sparking victories for White Christians the whole world over!

    30th December 2003 - 09:17:56 PM    
6031 : whitie
dustin diamond is a grand wizard in the klan you know!

    30th December 2003 - 09:24:59 PM    
6032 : D,Diamond
I will dominate you all!

    30th December 2003 - 09:30:19 PM    
6033 : cowisgood
"This will further strengthen our systems by decreasing the risk of any brain material becoming dislodged during the slaughter of an animal," she said.

    30th December 2003 - 09:35:55 PM    
6034 : piccies 4 sale
this is even better than the paris hilton tapes. i got
raw uncensored video of dustin going wild with dennis haskins (mr. bellding). just go to

    30th December 2003 - 09:42:40 PM    
6035 : GoergeW
I am sad that you people don't take Dustins career more seriosly. Shame on you all. I am going to pass a law that all women have to sleep with him on there wedding night before htere husband!.

    30th December 2003 - 09:48:25 PM    
6036 : D. Diamond
anal speculum.
say what!!!!
sreech here i lost one of lisa's pearl necklaces in my butt and was wondering if someon could stick this anal speculum in my butthole and shine a flash light down there to see if if anyone could find it. lisa is going to kill me if i lose it!

    30th December 2003 - 09:55:03 PM    
6037 : Larkmeadows
You son of a bitch! Thats tis the last of my good pearls. Quit tea bagging Zack and find my god damned pearls. P.S. grab me a bottle of astroglide and a bottle of Colt 45 on the way home.

    30th December 2003 - 10:02:23 PM    
6038 : yoursource


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    30th December 2003 - 10:19:37 PM    
6039 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, have you ever been on a queer cruise? It's a great way to get some hot, manly lovin'!!!

Let's book a cruise here:

Maybe we can go to Mexico:

- Kurt Steinberg

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