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    27th January 2004 - 09:33:07 AM    
6261 : Kiiim
Love yah Steven

    27th January 2004 - 10:25:21 AM    
6262 : Remember when...
Hey Screech, remember that one SbtB episode where a new girl wanted to join the wrestling team but the team didn't want her to join? Remember how she thought it was because she was a girl but, unbeknownst to her, the REAL reason was because it would have screwed up the team's homosexual rankings among the members? Remember how much you secretly wished you could join too but knew that they wouldn't take you in because of your pitiful physique? Remember how you tried your best to bulk up by working out and eating nothing but power bars sprinkled with weight-gaining powder & grasshopper bits? Remember how you weren't gaining any muscle mass but started getting flabby instead so you cut back and resorted to eating nothing but candle wax & paper products? Remember when you finally started to get back into a decent shape but nobody noticed because the new wrestling chick was the center of everybody's attention at the time? Remember when she noticed you looking pitiful and felt sorry for you so she invited you over to her house after wrestling practice to talk? Remember when you were in her room and she told you to close your eyes and not to open them until she said so? Remember when you smelled something fishy so you peaked anyway and opened your eyes just in time to see her attempting to use your enormous gonzo nose to stimulate her smelly snatch? Remember how disgusted you felt to be touching a girl in a sexual manner like that for the very first time? Remember how much you cried as you ran down the street away from her house as fast as your thin bony legs could take you, your arms flailing in the wind? Remember how good it felt to have the wrestling team finally notice you as they washed your tears away when they each took turns ejaculating all over your face? Remember how much you cried again when they said you still couldn't join the team anyway? Damn, even The New Class still be laughing about that shit!

    27th January 2004 - 10:30:47 AM    
6263 :
hey screech you are cool man, i from the Nederlands end you are very cool!!!!!! you are my idol bay

    27th January 2004 - 12:01:32 PM    
6264 : Dustin D.
I,m coming after all you fuckers who wrote that I am gay! Imma get your ip address and show up at your houses... just like jay and silent bob did in their strikes back film. You will all pay...I am screech, and you are dead!

    27th January 2004 - 12:09:19 PM    
6265 : Dustin D.
I,m really a nigger!

    27th January 2004 - 01:33:04 PM    
6266 : ur hottie mommie
hey sexy, i loved it when u played screech. did i leave my condoms at ur house?
-Love Billy D

    27th January 2004 - 06:25:17 PM    
6267 :

    27th January 2004 - 09:43:42 PM    
6268 : Kurt Steinberg
"Remember When" guy, thanks for the great recap!

How about a recap of "The Fabulous Belding Boys"? That's the episode where Belding's brother was a substitute teacher. I don't exactly recall, but I seem to remember that Screech was jealous of all the attention that Belding brother was getting. I also vaguely recall that somebody gave Screech a "dirty sanchez" at the end of the episode!

- Kurt Steinberg

    27th January 2004 - 11:40:28 PM    
6269 : Michael Moore
For those of you familiar with me, you will know I am the biggest, most entrenched homosexual. Those that do not, well now you do. I came with looking for a few good men to rub assholes together. Steinberg, you game?

    28th January 2004 - 04:26:03 PM    
6270 : mad hatta
eminem is a fucking girly ass fagget! eminem is so much of a pussy, that if you did him up the butt, it actually wouldn't be considered a gay act!

    28th January 2004 - 04:54:36 PM    
6271 : kristel
yo! i'm from holland and this is a cool site! I've seen almost all episodes of saved by the bell and I still think it is a populair high-school show!! many greetings from holland!! :)

    28th January 2004 - 09:39:54 PM    
6272 : Dustin D.
I wish I,d never done that fuckin show! Everybody thinks I,m really goofy and gay like Screech! It was just a character I played on TV. It,s pretending. Give me a break guys. I,m not gay, and I,m a grown up now. In fact, I,m a pretty cool guy. If you could see some of the hot guys I,ve banged, you,d know that I,m not a nerd. ( I meant to say girls that I banged) Take care! your friend, DD

    29th January 2004 - 07:51:31 AM    
6273 : Kurt Steinberg
Michael Moore (message 6269), are you the really fat, bearded filmmaker who hates America? If so, I am not game! Your fat, mushy ass could never turn me on! I would like to take a dump on you, but not for sexual pleasure; instead, I just don't like you!

- Kurt Steinberg

    29th January 2004 - 08:42:37 AM    
6274 : hi
I agree with the guy who wants to hang the niggers

    29th January 2004 - 02:41:13 PM    
6275 : Dustin D.
Michael Moore is a fuckin cunt! I,d like to cut his head off!

    29th January 2004 - 02:46:17 PM    
6276 : Dustin D.
I shoved a foot-long dildo up Fred Durst,s ass. He liked it!

    29th January 2004 - 02:52:28 PM    
6277 : Dustin D.
Here,s my favorite nursery rhyme! "deedle deedle son john..went to bed with his trousers shoe off, and one shoe on..deedle deedle dumpling, my son john" Wasn,t that special! I have more funny rhymes if you want me to post them! Thanks to all my fans!

Dustin D.

    29th January 2004 - 04:41:39 PM    
6278 : Sissy Timmy
Hello Queers!

I Just had to tell someone! The snow's just arrived in the UK and typically although we've had plenty of warning, nobody's ever prepared. By chance my latest purchase arrived at the office, (safer to deliver to me there as there's no-one at home) and I couldn't wait to try them on, so being daring, for only my second time 'in public', waited till I was last to leave and put on my nappy and clear plastic pants for the drive home.
As it was, the traffic crawled along at an average of 6 miles an hour due to the weather, and my 19 mile journey, which normally takes about 40 mins, took 3 1/4 hours. Boy was I glad I had my nappy on, I just couldn't help smiling to myself all the way home, wondering how many other drivers were desparate to get home before they were 'caught short' whilst I peed myself three times and curled out at least two hot spicy steamers, and loved every minute of it.

Hope it snows again tomorrow! Smooches xxxxx

    29th January 2004 - 05:50:15 PM    
6279 : Dustin D.
Sissy Timmy.. your posting sucks! Get the fuck outta here you cunt!

    29th January 2004 - 09:27:33 PM    
6280 : Fagbusters

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