21st April 2005 - 06:47:42 PM |
13216 : Brian Austin Green |
What's up guys, I used to party with Dustin back in the day and when I say party, I mean do lots of drugs and engage in homosexual orgies. I was so hot for Dustin, we had a little secret romance going for a while, but than I got more popular on the show and I had to start being seen in public with women, but now I'm ready to be open about my past and profess my gayness. |
21st April 2005 - 08:33:05 PM |
13217 : link |
Welcome to canton fair. Do you know ebay china is very famous. Please have a look while wanting to understand the chinese auction have a lot of chinese goods to auction here. Do you know the Malaysia Real Estate?If you want to buy the building you would come the Singapore Real Estate or the USA Real Estate, you can find out a lot of good places in the UK Real Estate like in the Australia Real Estate. Come to enter there quickly. |
22nd April 2005 - 12:41:16 AM |
13218 : |
screech, are you going to provide a DVD commentary for the episode where mr. belding raped you after gym class? as i recall from watching the episode on the spice channel, you didn't seem to enjoy it the first time, but after the 50th time you were really getting into it. |
22nd April 2005 - 12:52:21 AM |
13219 : Funny gay needs your cock |
PolarCub75@aol.com PolarCub75@aol.com PolarCub75@aol.com PolarCub75@aol.com PolarCub75@aol.com PolarCub75@aol.com PolarCub75@aol.com PolarCub75@aol.com |
22nd April 2005 - 01:11:03 AM |
13220 : Singapore Real Estate |
Welcome to [http://www.cantonfairhotelguangzhou.com canton fair]. Do you know [http://www.echinabid.com ebay china] is very famous. Please have a look while wanting to understand the [http://www.echinabid.com/stores/index.asp chinese auction] and have a lot of [http://www.echinabid.com/browse.asp chinese goods] to auction here. Do you know the [http://Malaysia.property2u.com Malaysia Real Estate]? If you want to buy the building you would come the [http://Singapore.property2u.com Singapore Real Estate] or the [http://usa.property2u.com USA Real Estate], you can find out a lot of good places in the [http://uk.property2u.com UK Real Estate] like in the [http://australia.property2u.com Australia Real Estate].Come to enter there quickly. |
22nd April 2005 - 01:41:52 AM |
13221 : Dner |
Hey Dustin, is it true that you've created a new band with Rob Halford and the remaining members of Frankie Goes to Hollywood? Is it true that your band is called the Semen Stalions? Is it true that your first album is called Dumpster My Dumphole? Is it true that during your stage show you have a 12 year old asian boy eat out your ass while you do a base solo? Is it true that the before the show Rob sprays his bloody cum filled shit in a bucket and keeps it on the side of the stage until you play your "hit" and dumps it on you? Is it true that while you're playing your "hit" you get on your knees while Mr. Halford screams about hating Jews and Faggots and face fucks you until you throw up over his cock? Is it true that you guys leave the stage pretending the show is over and fooling the crowd only to come out in 2 minutes to play an encore of Turbo Lover? Is it true that during those 2 minutes back stage Rob and the gang fits your with a leesh and takes you on stage and fuck the living shit out of you while you scream in pain? Is it true that its customary for your fans to jump on stage and kick you in the face and balls? Is it true that you only let 12 year old asian and latino boys into your dressing room? Boy it sounds like you've got quite the gig! |
22nd April 2005 - 02:25:15 AM |
13222 : |
Yeah. |
22nd April 2005 - 03:45:54 AM |
13223 : Something Awful Forums - Forum Archives - Somethi |
Something Awful Forums - Forum Archives - Something Awful Website - Buy SA Merchandise! - Shop Through SA Affiliates PURCHASE: Custom Title (Yours) - Custom Title (Another User's) - Change of Username - Banner Ad (Onsite) - Banner Ad (Offsite) - New Account - Donation - Platinum Upgrade - No-Ads - Bonus Features - Gift Certificate FEATURES: User Control Panel - Search the Forums - Private Messages - Forum Rules - SAclopedia - Posting Gloryhole - Tech Support - Log Out *** UPGRADE Your Account To SA PLATINUM *** - The Awful Forums > Main > DIPSET TALIBAN BYRD GANG PURPLE CITY WOOP WOOP > :rolleyes: Go to first unread post first unread Author Thread Jesus Krist DATE OF HIV INFECTION: Aug 12, 2002 MONDO BONER [fairport purchased this hidden shit.] OH NO THE THREAD IS GONE!!! bonzoesc.net mondo bonder Apr 22, 2005 01:38 NIGGAH PLEASE Fuck You User's Tripod Homepage Search For More Crap Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Report this post to a moderator Wodnerslut D |
22nd April 2005 - 08:51:37 AM |
13224 : Biology Professor |
Mr. Diamond, I am a professor at a prestigious East Coast university. I am in the process of preparing the final examination for my 200-levl course, but I need some input from you regarding one of the questions. Specifically, which tastes better, a dried turd or diarrhea? Does Mexican piss taste better than black piss? |
22nd April 2005 - 11:05:50 AM |
13225 : Uykusuz kalanlar |
GECEYARISI MOLASI söyleşileri ** Baskı yoğunlaştıkça devrimler yakınlaşırlar... ** Başarısızlık, güçsüz insanı çökertir; güçlü olan kişiye ise, depreme dayanıklılık test'i gibi gelir... ** Bir toplumda bir kesimin karnı doymuyorsa orada özgürlüğün meyvelerinden söz ederek yönetenler ya bilerek alay ediyorlar ya da tümü resmen sahtekarlar... ** Çoban gereksinen yaratıkların en çok demokratik uyumluluk gösteren cinsine sürü deniliyor... ** Demokratik toplumda örnek bireyler, karşılaştıkları olguları, alışılmış kalıpları bozmadan ele alırlar. Üstünyeti (deha) denilen kimseler ise, gerçeğe kendileri ilerler ve onu alışılmamış yaklaşımlarla ele alırlar... ** Devrimi kesintiye uğratarak uygulayanların yaşamları kesintiye uğratılmıştır... ** Diktatörlük de bir düşünce yapısı gereksinir, fakat egemenliği ele geçirdikten sonra işler bunu.... Devrimler ise egemenliğin elde edilmesi düşüncesinden yola çıkar, uygulamalı işleyiş gösterirler... ** Diktatörlükler, hem yaşanan döneme hem de gelecek kuşaklara mal olurlar; devrimler ise izleyen kuşağa... ** Dünyada açlık ve yoksulluk olmasaydı da yine birçok başkaldırı ve devrim yaşanacaktı; yoksulluk ve açlık, haksızlıkların tamamı değil yalnızca birer parçası olduklarından... ** Düşünce özgürlüğü tanımayanlara özgürlük tanıyan bir sistemde köpeklerin tasmayla dolaştırılması anormaldir... ** Geçmişi ne denli kahramanlıklarla dolu olursa olsun, bir tek rüşvet, bir tek işkence olayı bile bir devletin ayıplı sayılmasına yeter; tıpkı ömrünce bekaretini kroumakla övünen birinin sonunda kendini bir kez bile pazarlamasıyla namussuz nitemini alması gibi... ** Her çeşit hayvanın her çeşit acıya alışmadığı saptanmıştır; en karaktersizi insan, alışmıştır... ** İftira eylemini basite indirgemeyin; insanlıktan nefret eden kimi geleneksel fanatik sürüler, örneğin Yahudiler onu kalsikj bir silah olarak kullanırlar; hatta, bu eylemi endüstriye dönüştürmüşlerdir... ** Korkuya dayalı devlet yapısı, katılaştıkça totaliterleşir; korkudan soyutlandıkça çeteler yeşerir... Bimem ki; bilime, bilince, humanist sorumluluğa dayalı bir sosyal model kaç yüzyıl sonra gerçekleşir... ** Üstünyeti (dahi) kimseler, demokratik toplumda en yumuşak nitelemeyle "rebel/asi" vbg adlandırılırlar; totaliter sistemlerde daha ileri gidilir ve "terörist" sayılabilirler; devlet terörüne kurban gidebilirler... ** Yurttaşını gözeten devlet, namusunu korumağı beceren kadına benzer; ikisi de dile düşmezler...Tersi, yani tv'de dizi izlenir gibi sıradanlaşan rüşvet, basında işkence manzaraları namussuzlaşmanın belgelenmesidir.... Buna da demokrasi deniliyor fakat randevuevine oranla genelev kadar temiz... ** Uykusuz kalanlar Heyamola_2005@yahoo.com |
22nd April 2005 - 11:59:53 AM |
13226 : Beck |
She's got a paradise camouflage.... NIGGER! |
22nd April 2005 - 02:41:19 PM |
13227 : |
fuck beck |
22nd April 2005 - 03:05:09 PM |
13228 : |
Wink Martindale is laughing at his own joke and it's about you. |
22nd April 2005 - 06:52:44 PM |
13229 : |
ok Diamond, meet me in the third stall in the west Hollywood Denny's - tap twice on the door and we'll continue where we left off last week - my anus is leaking just thinking about you |
22nd April 2005 - 08:48:33 PM |
Mr Dustin Diamond I believe you to be a negro of the highest order. You will have gay sex with me and my nigger-loving buddies. I hope you haven't eaten because I gotta whole lotta cum for you, you cum-spelunking, jizz chewing sperm swallower. NIGGER PATROL, OUT!!!!!!!!!! |
22nd April 2005 - 11:06:42 PM |
13231 : suck ma dick |
i want you to spit on my shit covered dick then lick it all off then ill feed it to your gay donkies daddy that will shit in ur mommys face and then she'll get fucked by ur daddy and ull get fucked by him and ur fucking donkey will die b cuz no 1 can fuck him |
22nd April 2005 - 11:16:15 PM |
13232 : Mystery Loves some Vomit |
search.php?qq=anal">anal |
23rd April 2005 - 01:18:33 AM |
13233 : UK PHONE SEX |
UK phone sex I love nothing better than to talk dirty to you! http://www.phone-sex-uk-phonesex.co.uk/ |
23rd April 2005 - 01:26:53 AM |
13234 : Amateur Hardcore UK Phone Sex |
UK phone sex I love nothing better than to talk dirty to you! http://www.phone-sex-uk-phonesex.co.uk/ |
23rd April 2005 - 05:17:43 AM |
13235 : penis enlargement pills |
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