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    30th September 2003 - 02:24:04 AM    
5039 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, your website is losing its edge. Please queer this site up a bit more. This used to be an edgy place to go to post or read erotic gay sex fantasies involving Diamond. However, your website "jumped the shark" around the time when you added your forum webpages.

Please start posting here again or at least make this guestbook a little more fruity. Otherwise, your homosexual fan base will start to dwindle!

What ever happened to Gwando? I haven't seen a post from him in weeks.

- Kurt Steinberg

    30th September 2003 - 04:02:00 AM    
5040 : Molesterfiesta
I'm gonna steal Slater's gay bomber jacket and paint a huge dick on it. Then I'm gonna stick Screech's finger in a light socket and have him see Elizabeth Berkely's mediocre future. Then I'll beat the shit out of him and give him Kid's haircut from House Party. Jaleel White is gonna have a motherfucking crowbar lodged in his goddamn head and I'm gonna twist it like a fork full of spaghetti and feed it to that fat fuck Carl Winslow. That video from Hot Sundae better top TRL next week or I'm gonna detonate the nuclear warhead that I implanted in Screech's loving colon. One snap of his hot suspenders and it's 9/11 all over again.
Sylvester the nerd is going to go postal on your nuts, beeitches.

    30th September 2003 - 04:14:29 AM    
5041 : Shitbox2k
Fuck you, asshole. Keep your damn hands off Jaleel White and Carl Winslow. I'm gonna be the bologna in a Family Matters sandwich. I'm gonna get fucked in every single orifice while we lay on the artificial turf at Dingey's Putt-Putt Mini Golf Course. I want to get bent over on the windmill while Carl sticks his nightstick up so far that I bleed peanuts, and Urkel fills my inner ear with his big black dick and cums on my spinal cord. So you just fuck right off.

    30th September 2003 - 12:30:15 PM    
5042 : leonie
hey lekkerding,
kun je nederlands? Vast niet.
Pak er maar vast een woordenboek bij. of vraag maar aan Mark-Paul Gosselaar. (he can speak Dutch)
kusjes (kisses) Leonie

    01st October 2003 - 02:21:58 PM    
5043 : James
dustin your a dude i live in the uk and i watch saved by the bell every day

    01st October 2003 - 05:16:58 PM    
5044 : bill
could something be done about the font color/background color to make these posts easier to read...

    01st October 2003 - 08:53:36 PM    
5045 : the fonz
Hey Dusty, remember Zack Attack? "Friends Forever"? How about Glow Worms? The Garbage Pail Kids movie? Manimal? Remember how MacGyver had that noticeable long flowing mullet and nobody gave it a second thought? Man, the 80s were weird.

    01st October 2003 - 09:33:01 PM    
5046 : Thunder Boy
Is this website for real, or is it just to make fun of Dustin? Or maybe both?

    02nd October 2003 - 01:31:49 AM    
5047 : Kurt Steinberg
Thunder Boy, this website is definitely legit. It was set up to allow Diamond's gay fans to (a) post queer fantasies involving Diamond, (b) schedule gay sex with Diamond, and (c) tell Diamond how much he sucks.

Read the messages - you'll find that most were written by flaming queers. One of my favorite fantasies is the one where I get naked, sit on Diamond's neatly trimmed beard, and then spin myself around like a top!

- Kurt Steinberg

    02nd October 2003 - 03:05:57 AM    
5048 : Beldacil
Screech made the mothafuckin' Zach Attack. They were gonna call it the Screech Breach but decided that it sounded way too queer (even for a band with Mario Lopez in it). ouch!

    02nd October 2003 - 03:07:35 AM    
5049 : Dustin Diamond
Commuters in and around the nation’s cities spent almost an hour per week trapped in traffic during 2001, according to a report issued Tuesday. That is the amount of extra time congestion added during one week to a 25-minute commute, the nation’s average, according to the Texas Transportation Institute.

Despite billions spent building and widening roads and expanding transit service, snarled traffic added an average of 51 hours of commuting time annually in 2001, up from 45 hours five years earlier, according to the report.

Nationwide, the study found that congestion cost Americans .5 billion in wasted time and fuel during 2001.

(In our "great" modern society, our time is not valued at all, as long as we are busy guiding machines. We're so independent we can sit in traffic and breathe each others' cancerous exhaust. Truly this must be a brilliant design. Idiots, feast on the death you brought on yourselves with greed and paranoia.)

    02nd October 2003 - 10:27:36 AM    
5051 : dhfu
ghhjeritysuihu fhuhjjf hde sdb

    02nd October 2003 - 11:27:19 AM    
5052 : Gwando
Does anyone know of any websites dedicated to tampon use for guys?

    02nd October 2003 - 03:41:04 PM    
5053 : Kurt Steinburg
Gwando, I hope that, one day soon, the world will be lacking in people like you. Specifically, gay fucking hippie tree-fucking dog-kissing faggot single-mom jews.

Seriously. I'd like to meet you in person, so that I can get to know you. That way when you meet your inevitable death from sharing an AIDs infected needle with your boyfriend and die, I'll know about it and be able to piss on your gravestone.

Meanwhile your mom is sucking my cock which is kind of gross because its covered with her own shit and blood since I had it deep in her asshole about 5 minutes ago. It's amazing what a filthy crack whore will do for .

Heil Hitler!

    02nd October 2003 - 04:04:15 PM    
5054 : Niek from utrecht, holland
DUSTIN!!! why was your site down man!! did those sick guys hack your site?? I put your site up as my starting page because you're role is s.b.t.b. is the only pillar in my shabby existense!!! i LOVE you Dustin!!!!!!!

    02nd October 2003 - 08:44:49 PM    
5055 : lisa
ok who are all you ppl dude my friend gave me this site so kinda help me please?????

    02nd October 2003 - 09:06:17 PM    
5056 : lisa
ok i have just read though some of the boards and i find them desturbing lol will somone tell me that this is just a joke and Corey Haim and Dustin Dimond are not actually send messages in.
catch yas later. lisa

but even if it isnt corey haim lol he is still the best person on the face of the planet!!!:)

    02nd October 2003 - 11:08:25 PM    
5057 : peeniss
Ich bin Der Scheissemensch.

    03rd October 2003 - 01:49:04 AM    
5058 : Kurt Steinberg
Chachi, please stop posting under my name, you dipshit! All of the fans of my numerous posts know that I would never post what you posted in message 5054 under my misspelled name!

I'm a huge queer and I first found out about this website when I was in a gas station bathroom getting it on with a dude named Larry - Diamond's website was printed on the bathroom wall! Diamond, let's get together and make a queer "train" with another dude. Then I'll give you a cleveland steamer!

- Kurt Steinberg

    03rd October 2003 - 09:09:45 AM    
5059 : peter
He dustin.
When i see you bij saved by the bell, i always start lafing.
You are grazy but cool.
bye, i see you on tv.


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