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    03rd October 2003 - 09:33:02 AM    
5060 : judith
Hello dustin i wooth like to say i come from Europe and i wooth like to say that i verry verry like you i ame sorry for that my englise is so good bye bye xxxxxxxxxx your europe frend

    03rd October 2003 - 10:01:06 AM    
5061 : tytyrytrytyrtyrtyrty
defnuhfebegfyrgffe9duyfherhfberfuygerfuyfyergfygfyegfygfyegfyergferygferyfgerfgryfgeryfgeryfgerfuygerfiergfiwegteyrgfuyfwyufgewqfiugy woot!! ROTFALMAO

    03rd October 2003 - 11:50:19 AM    
5062 : Dustin
Vaya mierda de web!

    03rd October 2003 - 11:53:04 AM    
5063 : jess
hello dustin i just wanted to say i think you are awsome in saved by the bell you make me laugh everytime i watch it.hehe your so damn funny!!!

    03rd October 2003 - 12:05:12 PM    
5064 : duran
Dear sir or madam
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Sales Manager
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    03rd October 2003 - 12:07:59 PM    
5065 : Flogger
I love to suck the inside of bra cups, I love the taste that nipples and breasts give. One day I took my mother-in-laws bra (she is a 38 d cup) and shot my load into the cups. I spread it around and let it dry and then placed her bra back into her drawer. It was so hot seeing her knowing her nipples and massive breasts were sweating into my cum. I waited till that evening to check out the hamper and get her bra. As soon as I began to suck it I came! Anyone else love to suck the inside of bras?

    03rd October 2003 - 01:29:17 PM    
5066 : lisa
so is this site for real or what......?

c yaz l8r lisa....;)

    03rd October 2003 - 02:59:46 PM    
5067 : joella
hello dustin diamond I liked you wen you were playing in 'saved by the bell'you were verry funny

bye bye kisses joella

    03rd October 2003 - 03:18:15 PM    
5068 : Eric
Dustin your a great actor. I think you helped a lot of people thru high school. What are your thoughts on the school shooting. People say that people similar to the Screech character have done it. Anyone who reads this remember the golden rule "Do onto others as you'd like to be treated.

    03rd October 2003 - 03:39:44 PM    
5069 : faggot
fuck you lol

    03rd October 2003 - 03:56:33 PM    
5070 : lisa
some one please tell me if this is a joke or not............
catchya l8r.

    03rd October 2003 - 07:49:36 PM    
5071 : lisa
ok i will just take it that it might be real but your in that dickie roberts:former child star arent you dustin so is haim and feldman...????
later peolpe.

    03rd October 2003 - 08:00:44 PM    
5072 : nevena
Hey Dustin,
i think that you are FANTASTIC in "Saved by the Bell'.You always make me laugh like crazy. I LOVE you.
Bye Bye

    03rd October 2003 - 10:00:35 PM    
5073 : Dustin\'s fan
If that was really Dustin writing i would have to agree with him. the language is really bad and i mean if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. If you were famous and you were doing so musch you wouldn't have much time to fix up you site.
He said he would fix it and i believe him. For all the people who are saying those horrible things about him go to hell. Dustin has never done anything to you so why are you saying all these discusting thing about him.
i think that your site is fine as it is Dustin. I love you and i wish you the best of luck in the future.

    03rd October 2003 - 10:10:56 PM    
5074 : dsheit
Screech shot up a school.

    03rd October 2003 - 10:55:26 PM    
5075 : Phone Sex
Looking for phone sex?


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    04th October 2003 - 12:50:35 AM    
5076 : Mr DE
Does anyone know what movie Dustin is in that has yet to come out, filmed in Delaware? I bet not. You guys are all lame.

    04th October 2003 - 04:13:05 AM    
5077 : Sex and BUSINESS

    04th October 2003 - 04:30:17 AM    
5078 : FroStinko3
I bet that if I farted in Screech's fro, it would stay there for years until somebody ran a lice comb through his hair. And then he would die, as would all within a fifty mile radius. God bless his luscious, manageable, hair.

    04th October 2003 - 04:37:57 AM    
5079 : screechfan
hi dustin you are funny at saved by the bell you always make my laugh i just wanna say that xxx a fan

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