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    16th October 2003 - 02:52:19 PM    
5260 : CHENSO

    16th October 2003 - 03:20:56 PM    
5261 : Guy who loves you
Some guy by the name of jeriso JERISO. Fukin HATESSSSSSSSSSSSSs you. But i love you. i want your sweet cum blown in my mouth.

    16th October 2003 - 03:21:55 PM    
5262 : god of screech
greetings earthlings i am an admirer of screechs work in saved by the bell. i have a question for the old screechmiester tho dustin do you realize that youve built ur sucess on being increddddiibllyyy pathetic! i mean when the only job u can get is on dicie roberts being a washed up child star u know ur acting career is going no where ...unless u can get a job as some kind of new reality tv host or somthing.... call 1 902 564-0257 so u can hear more of my opinions ps. (u had the shitiest go tee ever in dickie roberts ..i laughed)

    16th October 2003 - 03:26:03 PM    
5263 : anal-slam isd gay
Salty Earthlings I am also the god of screech tonia. Anal slam loves you. He is a guy at my skool, and he is gay and he got jumped by us jocks. i will jump some other guy later.

    16th October 2003 - 03:29:16 PM    
5264 : meacrob
hey bi im ryan almon .. and im eric kiss screech we beat up poeple all the time (yeah ur dad in his winter garden bi) shut up ill get da eishen and aldebois after yah

    16th October 2003 - 03:33:00 PM    
5265 : Er ic Kiss
j to the r o c that made me laugh so hard i busted a nut. and a part of my ab popped out goddam it answer ur phone

    16th October 2003 - 03:36:11 PM    
5266 : go bot
screech if u had aids and we amde out for an hour and 45 minutes do yah think thta i would get heppititus c? ps.(if coke has a taste challenge and pepesi has a taste challenge and only lachlorn Macdormat how many people will show up to the next pepsi challge?) thats a little math proablem courtesy of J*n Peekan from mB2

    16th October 2003 - 03:39:59 PM    
5267 : Er ic Kiss
j to the r o c that made me laugh so hard i busted a nut. and a part of my ab popped out goddam it answer ur phone

    16th October 2003 - 03:41:19 PM    
5268 : eric kiss
screech im tyrin to start up my raping career do ayh think yah can help me out ..her ill drop one of myy sample beats for yah ------------------- yo yo heat in the street the dog goes blang blang money in the bank word up and gees up im like a ninja i kick so much ass my dad doesnt hate me and i have lots of friends peace out screech call me if u liek what u hear ... please

    16th October 2003 - 03:41:25 PM    
5269 : Deathtoskreech
What a fucking choad choad...DIE SKREECH YOU COCKSUCKER@

    16th October 2003 - 03:45:12 PM    
5270 : Eric Kiss
"He-man has 25 pizzas and he has to sell them door to door un til they are gone. Graphi theis porblem if 8 then 10, 5, 15, 25 eople buy them.".... then your day would be in his winter garden... SHUT UP!!! Gt OUT OF MY HEAD!

    16th October 2003 - 03:47:06 PM    
5271 : Dustin
Hello this is the REAL Dustin Diamons (D.D.)..Stop making fun of me and take down this webiste NOW or i will kick your silly asses!

Losers! Your just jealous you arent sexy and famous like me.

    16th October 2003 - 03:52:02 PM    
5272 : sebastian carnaval
all suck my massive cock. i love dustin dick face diamond climb on.

    16th October 2003 - 04:03:43 PM    
5273 :
okay "dustin" if that is your real name which I will assume it is not you cannot kick our "silly asses" and you are not sexy and you are in a way famous but not in the good way like tom cruise your like all of the other washed up child stars out there. Shut up you are weak anyway. And your goatee makes you look groos. IF you are the real dustin diamond you wouldnt mind send ing me a pic of yourself on the webcam.

    16th October 2003 - 05:37:25 PM    
5274 : ZEDIAGO



    16th October 2003 - 06:52:30 PM    
5275 : Princess Peussie
If love were the answer to the world's problems, then my hole would be a UFO in space...SO SAYS PROUD PRINCESS PEUSSIE, of the Royal Court in Mortville. Report: "Yes, it is true. Gordo bit some meatstick last night during Mass, right there on the altar of love and vanished, and Princess Fluff got IT in the mouth before she took it in the rear. And we here at the Royal Palace prepare for the High Colonic Celebration of the Virgin Mary. ALL HAIL! I just wrote Pres. Bush and he assured me that he's not really trying to seize the US GOVT. for any self-servicing his pals in BIG BUSINESS, and he's not seizing the Iraq oil wells for himself, but for US...and WOW, phuckers, THAT is great news".....All Hail the Trinity of LOVE: buts, cox and Ann Coulter, professional dyke!! Amen and hand me the sauce!! Smiles to you, Nana Bezerka....PRINCESS PEUSSIE

    16th October 2003 - 06:56:43 PM    
5276 : Dustin Eduardo

jaja ke peedo kon esos korreos jajja, stan meedios maniakones

    17th October 2003 - 12:02:30 AM    
5277 : Fagbusters

    17th October 2003 - 12:11:23 AM    
5278 : Donna and Victoria
You are,our favorite (nerd in "Save by the bell" more then steve urkel.We wanted to write a poem for you.It's called "A real friend".

Some people will be your friend
because of whom you know
Some people will be your friend
because of your position
Some people will be your friend
because of the way you look
Some people will be your friend
beacuse of your possessions
But the only real friends
are the people who will be your friends
Because they like you for how you are inside
thank you for being
one of the very few people in our life
who is a real friend

you are really funny and hilarious person.So please
write back as soon as you get letter.Here are address

    17th October 2003 - 01:12:16 AM    
5279 : Kurt Steinberg
Screechie Maniac (message 5258), thanks for posting the Saved By The Bell story. However, next time please only post homosexual fantasies!

I'd like to read a prison story about Belding, Slater, Max and Screech. Perhaps Slater and Sreech are prison-mates and Slater forces Screech to be his bitch in return for protecting him from the other inmates! Every night Screech's cries of pain are heard by the whole cell block!

Belding could play the psychotic prison warden who beats him and sticks stuff up his cornhole when Screech is sent to solitary confinement! Max could play the child-molester who befriends Screech and later makes him his sex slave!

There's so much potential!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

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