29th October 2003 - 04:00:26 AM |
5461 : marc jones |
Excellent website.You did a good job.Good luck |
29th October 2003 - 07:22:52 AM |
5462 : Mike |
I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit I like limp bizkit |
29th October 2003 - 07:32:33 AM |
5463 : lammte |
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l b b b b |
29th October 2003 - 07:39:42 AM |
5464 : Momma |
Im sick of what i see out of you |
29th October 2003 - 07:47:51 AM |
5465 : mugu |
29th October 2003 - 08:24:10 AM |
5466 : Remember when... |
Hey Screech, remember that College Saved by the Bell episode where it was Thanksgiving and featured all those special guest stars and you guys tried to make a turkey? Remember how one of the guest stars was (at the time) Tiffany Amber Thiessen's real life boyfriend, Brian Austin Green? Remember how jealous you were of her and kept giving her dirty looks for the rest of the episode? Remember how Brian was trying to start a career as a white rapper? Remember how much you kept flirting with him in front of everybody? Remember how uncomfortable he seemed by it? Remember how pissed Slater looked and he wouldn't talk to you for the rest of the episode? Remember when you invited Brian into the men's room and asked him to rap for you personally in return for a sloppy anal rimming? Remember how disgusted he was by the request? Remember when he had sex with you anyway? Damn, that dude will do ANYTHING to get people to listen to his new beats! |
29th October 2003 - 09:39:45 AM |
5467 : kornkid |
R r r r r r r rrrrrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrr r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r |
29th October 2003 - 10:02:59 AM |
5468 : Hiroshi Fujiyama |
Most visited MESSAGE BOARDS: ANTI-FASCIST LINKS / FORUM LIST...Any useful FORUM/ LINKS that belong in Jay's progressive Internet Resources Cathegory: (PLEASE, USE AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE, LIKE ENGLISH!)...This is an various types of alphabetical/selected portals like the serious lists of anti-Imperialist, anti-Racist, anti-Zionist and anti-Fascist movements... These pages been built by all Good People around Planet Earth who are anti-War initiatives... These courageous profiles want to "fight back" and build together a Better World...Just here today for your pleasure; many IMPORTANT DISCUSSION FORUMS/ SITEs LISTed - (last updated by the Friends of Palestinian Library-Francia ...) In memory of Ernesto Che GUEVARA, Patrice LUMUMBA, Deniz GEZMÍS, Martin Luther KING and all the honoured people who sacrificed themselves to anti-imperialist struggle!...Please use the English language when you response the discussion articles!.. Aramean/Suryoyo Forum of Beth-Nahrin: http://f22.parsimony.net/forum43509/messages/98.htm http://f22.parsimony.net/forum43509/messages/52.htm Against judaized Imperialism///Indian&Kashmir Solidarity movement: http://members.tripod.com/indianheart/_disc1/0000005a.htm Ahmet KAYA Protest Art forum against Genocide: http://Ahmet-KAYA.freeservers.com/fsguestbook.html http://www.renkayrim.com/mesaj.html http://www.turkey.com/forums/showthread.php3?threadid=1247 American Communist Party; Los Angeles Labor Anti-Zionist forum: http://www.lalabor.org/wwwboard/wwwboard.shtml Anti-Eurogold/Anti-Imperialist Peasant Revolt/Bergama Solidarity forum: http://www.globalresponse.org/joinform.html http://www.bergamadirenisi.net/mc/english.htm Anti-Fascist forum&Ísci Party-Aydinlik readers in the C.H.; Confederation Helveteja: http://www.aydinlik.com.tr/arsiv/2001/06/17/anasayfa.html http://f50.parsimony.net/forum202797/ Anti-War service /Kriegsdienstgegner /Savaskarsitlari-forum: http://www.dfg-vk.de/wwwboard/index.php?p_lng=&p_days=15&p_cmd=entry&p_entry=187 http://www.dfg-vk.de/Zivildienst/inter025.htm http://savaskarsitlari.org/mforum/a/index.asp http://www.dfg-vk.de/Zivildienst/inter026.htm http://www.connection-ev.de/ http://www.savaskarsitlari.org/kayit.asp?SozumVar=1&ArsivTipID=9 http://www.dfg-vk.de/wwwboard/index.php#write War resisters don't want be military slaves of Imperialism, Nationalism, Zionism and such all other Fascist systems... (Unfortunately, many deserters from little Asia have a strange passionate to the passwords, chiffres, secret numbers etc. and therefore their forums collapsed.). Arameans Anti-Genocide forum: (moved to the Syriac Studies online....) Archive/Lêgerîn, Anti-Imperialist Scandinavian&Kurdish asylumseekers' forum: http://www.legerin.com/discussions/ShowLatest10.asp?language=en&grid=13 E-post: siwon@telia.com Armenian Turkish Communication Team against the Genocide: http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=13181&messageid=994175916 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=13181&messageid=1001755719 This is Edward KEVORKIAN's second additional forum. Assyrian-Armenian (Beth Suryoyo Assyrian) Anti-Imperialist Alliance: http://f21.parsimony.net/forum37811/messages/11910.htm http://f21.parsimony.net/forum37811/messages/11847.htm http://f21.parsimony.net/forum37811/messages/8777.htm http://f21.parsimony.net/forum37811/messages/11103.htm http://f21.parsimony.net/forum37811/ In this one, we do not demand passwords, nor show IP numbers and therefore no one single joiner needs to give away his/her identity. Anti-Fascist, Anti-Zionist esoterik forum Germania: http://www.homepagemodules.de/board/topic.php?&board=210108&id=160188&forum=11719870 Bethnahrin Holand Forum: http://f27.parsimony.net/forum66280/messages/38.htm http://f27.parsimony.net/forum66280/messages/10556.htm Civil Constitution/Anayasa-forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sivilanayasa/messages http://come.to/Che* Cypriotic Discovery/Discover Turkey through crimes on Cypriotic and other peoples': http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/94800 Discussion forum exposing Turkey's crimes against Humanity obtain justice for its many innocent victims in Cyprus, Armenia, Kurdistan and in Turkey itself. Deniz GEZMÍS Communist forum: http://gaeste5.parsimony.net/gaeste38565/ http://www.bizimdeniz.net/English/index_engl.html http://www.mcdonaldsgohome.net/ Dr. Hikmet KIVILCIMLI Communist forum: http://people.freenet.de/kivilcimli/almanca.htm http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/k/i.htm http://people.freenet.de/kivilcimli/ DSÍP-Revolutionary Socialist Workers / Dev Sosyalist Ísçi Party: http://us.geocities.yahoo.com/gb/view?member=devrimciparti&.start=16 DSÍP, Revolutionary Socialist Party's Women Rights& Feminist forum: http://us.geocities.yahoo.com/gb/sign?member=devrimciparti E.U., European Union's Democratic Suggestions: http://pub45.bravenet.com/forum/fetch.php?id=9639706&usernum=3782049108 http://pub50.bravenet.com/forum/fetch.php?id=9637071&usernum=4258143977 http://pub50.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=4258143977 Force Capitalism /kapitalizmeisyan International Revolutionaries: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kapitalizmeisyan/message http://groups.yahoo.com/group/imfyehayir http://f23.parsimony.net/forum51823/messages/108.htm http://f23.parsimony.net/forum51823/messages/105.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum51823/messages/86.htm I.M.F., World Bank analyzing and discussions around of Globalized Kapitalist danger... Free / Özgür Anti-Imperialist Discussion: http://panolar.hypermart.net/defter/guestbook.html Hellenic Genocide: http://www.greece.org/genocide/quotes/ http://www.greece.org/genocide/ http://www.greece.org/genocide/petition_form.html Indian&Kashmir against judaized Imperialism: http://members.tripod.com/indianheart/_disc1/0000005a.htm International Communists in exile - Germania: http://www.f22.parsimony.net/forum41888/messages/2681.htm http://www.f22.parsimony.net/forum41888/messages/1053.htm http://www.f22.parsimony.net/forum41888/messages/1080.htm Intifada Online forum: http://www.soundofegypt.com/Palestinian/adult/page0.htm http://www.soundofegypt.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi http://www.soundofegypt.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=47;t=000128 http://www.soundofegypt.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=47 http://www.soundofegypt.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=reply;f=47;t=000128 WARNING of Intifada Online: Don't watch please on thus page if you are under 18, please. This site contains images and material that may be inappropriate for children or people who suffer from heart problems. If you are sure that you can deal with Genocide Information searh, click; http://www.soundofegypt.com/Palestinian/adult/page1.htm "..and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old and ox and sheep and ass, with the edge of the sword!" (Old Testament: Joshua 6:21) The base of the Zionist movement Irrational / Sanal Molotof messages: http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=120309&messageid=1021453150 http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=120309&messageid=1019554513 http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=120309&messageid=1016185629 http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=120309&messageid=1016020474 http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/120309 The Peoples of Black Sea-forum/Karadeniz Anti-Genocide Alliance: http://www.f16.parsimony.net/forum27628/messages/2448.htm http://www.f16.parsimony.net/forum27628/messages/2413.htm http://www.f16.parsimony.net/forum27628/messages/2080.htm http://www.f16.parsimony.net/forum27628/messages/2194.htm http://www.f16.parsimony.net/forum27628/messages/2207.htm http://www.f20.parsimony.net/forum36933/messages/201.htm http://www.f20.parsimony.net/forum36933/messages/216.htm Köxüz Magazine's Periodical Communist Comentary forum: "Reissen wir uns von den Wurzeln los, die uns mit jeder Art von Herrschaftsform verbinden" http://people.freenet.de/koxuz/ http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_43201 http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_43201&ACTION=view&ENTRY=1000196345&mainid=1000196345 http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_43201&ACTION=view&ENTRY=1016186079&mainid=1016186079 Webmaster. Demir@comlink.de Kurdish Revolutionaries against the Fascist Zionist Occupational Gang /Conflict forum: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1074/ Kurdish Socialists in Germania: http://f27.parsimony.net/forum67059/ Kurdistan Liberation/Guerilla forum: http://guerilla.hypermart.net/discus/ http://guerilla.hypermart.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-post-form.cgi (leave the password box empty) Lazuri Anti-Genocide forum: http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=57404&messageid=1021453545 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=57404&messageid=1020846469 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=57404&messageid=1016458393 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=57404&messageid=1002371572 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=57404&messageid=1000290183 Mediachronicle Anti-Imperialist Criticism forum: http://www.medyakronik.com/eposta/index.htm http://www.medyakronik.com/arsiv/basintarh_arv22.htm Middle East Anti-Zionist forum: http://network54.com/Forum/4359(Password demands) http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=4359&messageid=1000290404 http://network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=4359&messageid=1000208221 http://network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=4359&messageid=991385885 http://network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=4359&messageid=990235745 http://network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=4359&messageid=990159842 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=4359&messageid=994175837 http://network54.com/Forum/post?forumid=4359&messageid=0 Minor Asia and Middle East Genocide forums ("Self Determination Rights of Minorities and the Historical Crimes Against Humanity"): http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/7758/ The founder was Comrade Edward KEVORKIAN Nazim HÍKMET Communist Culture House forum: http://www.theguestbook.com/vgbook/288528.gbook Neo-Anarchist amateur leftist page-design continues with neo-anarchodikine forum: http://www.dikine.net/guestbook/guestbook.php http://www.dikine.net/guestbook/addentry.php Webmaster: Comrade Çelik SAVRAN (borned in Turky, lives in U.S.A.), e-post via: http://www.dikine.net/e-mail/mail.php3 Mr. SAVRAN worked against the revolutionaries before in the Middle East as provocator but he changed his front and began struggle against the Imperialist Authorities of the West.... His father Sungur SAVRAN was a Leftist Academician, worked in the Central Administration of The Ö.D.P., Freedom and Democracy Party, what Çelik SAVRAN wasn't common with his neo-liberal line... As a non-balanced voluntary he helped to the Mossad in different countries; he has already symphaty-attitudes to the Z.O.G. although he labelled himself as "Leftist"(!)... With his non-stabile trends Mr. Çelik is always active in U.S.A. nowadays, built the Internet pages for example: A new leftist Culture against the New World Order / Revolutionary Solidarity /I-ODK, dayanisma-anachodikine struggle forums and he likes to write anarcho-provocative comments under many different names, mostly on the guestbooks on Internet. Comrade Çelik SAVRAN is a clever expert-activist on the Sabotage Technics against the Military Targets etc. Nicole BREIMAR&Recep MARASLI's GELAWEJ Forum: http://www.f27.parsimony.net/forum66647/messages/7844.htm http://www.f27.parsimony.net/forum66647/messages/8890.htm Partizan, Maoist Revolutionary Brigades: http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum57370/messages/559.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum57370/messages/473.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum57370/messages/503.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum57370/messages/535.htm Webmaster: partizan@partizan.org, anls@mail.wdn.com Pontos Anti-Genocide /Rum Folk Culture forum Karalahana: http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/thread?forumid=110796&messageid=1001767067 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/thread?forumid=110796&messageid=1000293207 Protest the Militarist-Nationalist-Fundamentalist Barbarian thieves: http://www.topsitelists.com/mboard/?user=protest&area=start&num=9596 http://www.topsitelists.com/mboard/?user=protest&area=start&num=8789 http://new.topsitelists.com/mboard/?user=protest&area=start&num=3868 http://new.topsitelists.com/mboard/?user=protest&area=start&num=3853 http://www.topsitelists.com/mboard/?user=protest&area=start&num=7036 http://new.topsitelists.com/mboard/?user=protest&area=start&num=3898 http://www.topsitelists.com/mboard/?user=protest&area=start Webmaster's e-post: protest@crosswinds.net Radical Anti-Imperialist forum: http://www.f15.parsimony.net/forum24801/messages/2532.htm http://www.f15.parsimony.net/forum24801/messages/2531.htm Radio A. RAMI's Anti-Zionist, Anti-Fascist forum: Idealist researcher immigrant Ahmed RAMI's realist struggle against the "State Fascism"!. http://abbc.com/forum/english/turki.htm http://abbc.com/islam/english/debate/deser69.htm http://abbc.com/forum/english/indexen.htm http://www.theguestbook.com/vgbook/130905.gbook A. Rami's tel.: 00. 46. 708121240 Discussion forum exposing Zionist Barbarity & State Fascism's crimes against Humanity obtain justice for its many innocent victims in Mideast, Africa, Asia, Europa and specially in the U. S. A., U. Kingdom of U. Sweden itself. You are able to leave your new discussion subjects, messages by e-post, too: r.i.forum@eudoramail.com Rebels' Anti-Fascist Militants' forum: http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=68583&messageid=1020847977 http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=68583&messageid=1019645944 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=68583&messageid=1000294074 http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=68583&messageid=999694128 Resistance / International Revolutionary Direnis forum: http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62759/messages/567.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62759/messages/376.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62759/messages/349.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62759/messages/376.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62759/messages/368.htm Revolutionaries' Dev-forum: http://members.m4d.com/devrimci100/guestbook/ http://members.m4d.com/forum/read/devrimci100/119313/ http://members.m4d.com/forum/forum/devrimci100/ Attention: This forum's last page shows all IP numbers and including enormous risk for desertive sex announcement which responsible address is: bizdev@netbroadcaster.com ! Rizgari Kurdish Revolutionaries' Struggle against the Genocide: http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum58919/messages/16952.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum58919/messages/12216.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum58919/messages/4641.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum58919/messages/4671.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum58919/messages/4525.htm Socialist discussion: http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum48979/messages/3820.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum48979/messages/3814.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum48979/messages/3199.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum48979/messages/3115.htm Webmaster Comrade Levent's e-post: sosyalistisci@myrealbox.com Socialist Revolution / Devrim forum: http://f24.parsimony.net/forum60172/messages/137.htm http://f24.parsimony.net/forum60172/messages/56.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum60172/messages/46.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum60172/messages/64.htm Suryoyo Youth: http://f19.parsimony.net/forum33113/ Syria against Neo-Judaic Fascism: http://network54.com/Forum/50446 http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=50446&messageid=1021454657 http://network54.com/Forum/viewall?forumid=50446&it=0 Suryoyo Aramaean People's Syriac Studies International Solidarity: http://f16.parsimony.net/forum26093/messages/8069.htm http://f16.parsimony.net/forum26093/messages/11485.htm http://f16.parsimony.net/forum26093/messages/11337.htm Password demands... Osmanian Imperium's Gendarmeries are still living in wemaster's brain... Syriac Aramean Web Forum: http://f16.parsimony.net/forum28457/ The Target Magazine / Hedef Anti-Fascist Solidarity: http://www.f18.parsimony.net/forum32964/messages/460.htm http://www.f18.parsimony.net/forum32964/messages/378.htm http://www.f18.parsimony.net/forum32964/messages/383.htm http://www.f18.parsimony.net/forum32964/messages/360.htm T.&D.; History&Democracy, Anti-Genocide forums: (Only for registrated guests / Hier dürfen nur registrierte Besucher schreiben) http://f1.parsimony.net/forum789/messages/3341.htm http://f1.parsimony.net/forum789/messages/3262.htm http://f1.parsimony.net/forum789/messages/3227.htm http://f1.parsimony.net/forum789/messages/3076.htm http://members.aol.com/xsoysal/index.html/homepage.html http://gaeste.parsimony.net/gaeste7936/ http://www.foren-net.de/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?id=10599 (Don't forget to write "Gast", instead of "Password"). But, this page too shows all the IP numbers... http://foren-net.webtropia.de/cgi-bin/forum.cgi (moved to http://www.foren-net.de/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?id=10599) (Zum SOYSAL's Foren dürfen nur registrierte Besucher schreiben/means, password demands! When man lives under a dictator, any time, has difficulties to concentrate to freedom and mostly such persons dramatically are looking for secret numbers, spionage, passwords, registration lists etc.) Turco Media Anti-Zionist Democracy forum: http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum51170/messages/687.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum51170/messages/603.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum51170/messages/264.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum51170/messages/256.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum51170/messages/250.htm http://www.f23.parsimony.net/forum51170/messages/244.htm Antifa Forum under FascioJudenAttack: Antifa of Hamm-city; belong to files of the http://www.antifa.net/index.php?catid=4, closed down the former main forum because of the provacative Zionist Fascist attacks/Forum gesperrt; wurde jetzt vorübergehend gesperrt, da es sich vermehrt zum treffpunkt von fascho- zionistischen entwickelt hat, die hier ihren geistigen dünnschiss abgelassen haben, neue einträge sind zur zeit somit nicht mehr möglich, es können aber weiterhin alle beiträge unter dem gastzugang betrachtet werden. das forum soll aber nach möglichkeit aufrechterhalten bleiben, wir überlegen uns wie das zu realisieren ist... Revolutionary regards from Antifa Hamm /Germania...bis dahin; bitte, lesen dies neues Forum beim Antifa Hamm; http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 Turkey Democratical Discussion: http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum56940/messages/228.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum56940/messages/224.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum56940/messages/135.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum56940/messages/216.htm http://www.f24.parsimony.net/forum56940/messages/143.htm Think tank / Marxist Revolutionary "Düþünenler"-forum: http://www.mavinokta.com/mavinokta/webyardim/freeguestbook/websites/dusunce.html http://www.mavinokta.com/mavinokta/cgi-bin/freeguestbook/guestbook.pl http://members.m4d.com/forum/read/dusunenler/139202/ http://members.m4d.com/forum/forum/dusunenler/ http://members.m4d.com/cgi-bin/forum/post?l=dusunenler&id=0 Attention: Second page shows all the IP numbers ! Universal forum: http://www.zmag.org/chomsky/index.cfm "As for Kurds, Palestinians, slum-dwellers in Cairo and others who contribute nothing to the basic structure of power -- they have no rights, by the most elementary principles of statecraft. Perhaps they can occasionally be used in one or another power play, but that is where their rights end, as the history of the Kurds has demonstrated, today once again. The status of the Palestinians has been even lower than that of other worthless people; their value is not zero, but negative, in that their plight has had a disruptive effect in the Arab world, thus interfering with US goals. They must therefore be marginalized somehow, perhaps under a form of "autonomy" that leaves them to manage their own affairs under Israeli supervision.", comments Noam CHOMSKY. (Z Magazine, 1993) World Socialist Forum under FascioJew ZOG attack: http://users.cgiforme.com/socialistica/messages/366.html http://users.cgiforme.com/socialistica/cfmboard.html Yýlmaz GÜNEY Anti-Fascist forum: http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/political_news.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/Forums/_disc2/00000034.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/Forums/_disc2/00000027.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/forums/_disc2/00000013.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/forums/_disc2/00000012.htm http://www.yilmazguney.net/defter/ziyaretci.asp?mode=gbsign http://www.yilmazguney.com/Forums/_disc2/00000020.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/Guest/mesaj_sayfasi.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/Forums/_disc2/00000022.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/Guest/guest_book.htm Zaza asylumseekers' Anti-Genocide / Anti-Imperialist forum: http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62148/messages/3941.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62148/messages/3859.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62148/messages/1502.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62148/messages/1476.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62148/messages/1423.htm http://www.f25.parsimony.net/forum62148/messages/1376.htm ** Please, use always the international languages like English if you can! Unfortrunately, the Parsimony Co. has weakness to show the IP address for example: http://escati.linkopp.net/counter2000/325737.html Anyway, if you don't want to show your IP-number; so, it'll be better you should visit these servers: 1-) http://www.anonymizer.com 2-) http://www.safeweb.com 3-) https://www.hushmail.com/index1.shtml 4-) or you can choose a kidding- IP number that belong to IMF/World Bank or Vatican that we already have here. Thanks for technical info of the new Leftist Culture pages of Revolutionary Solidarity and thanks to dayanisma-anarchodikine, www.dikine.net/guestbook/addentry.php , I-ODK (Int. Committée in Confederation Helvetia) struggle pages etc... Many servers have stock-exchange connections with the weapon kartels and Jewish capital and therefore you'll be not allowed to add any articles when you critize the Jewish Fascists... Any staff at the German Parsimony GmbH have controll and prevent the anti-Zionist discussion joiners... Parsimony-staff clean many articles without warning the webmasters, it means the clients are not aware on such dirty affairs and none of them have a minimal power on the own pages... This is the ironical panorama on the Internet-markets.. Revolutionary greetings from Canada!.. ** "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..." - Preamble to the Universal Declaration of HUMAN RIGHTS- ** ANTI-IMPERIALIST LINKS' Webmasters / Comrades in Solidarity-chain: PLEASE, ADD YOUR ARTICLES in ENGLISH LANGUAGE! This work dedicated to the HEROES of HUMAN RIGHTS, like Ernesto Che GUEVARA, Patrice LUMUMBA, Deniz GEZMÍS, Martin Luther KING and all other revolutionaries Hiroshi Fujiyama info@Antifada-Nagasaki.org http://geocities.com/cpimlnd/ ___________________________________________________________________________ Moh'd SALEH's Eyewitnesses are telling: TrueHolocaust_PalestinianGenocide@vanadoo.fr Massacres, Censur and the enormous Barbaric of massmedial Capitalism... News that couldn't become NEWS: http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/political_news.htm -Evidences: Independent sources' news and documentary films on the True Holocaust Palestinian Genocide were systematically censured and destroyed by the Imperialists... Antifa index: http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/political_news.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/trophies.jpg http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/politi2.gif http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/mahmoud.jpg ___________________________________________________________________________ Moh'd SALEH's Augenzeugen/Innen erzählen: Stoppt_zionistischesMassaker_auf_okkupierteNahenOsten@maccabi.net Massaker, Zensur und Medienspektakel... Die Berichten und die Fotos die von der Heucheleimedien versteckt geworden: http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/political_news.htm "Nieder mit der Okkupation palästinensischer Gebiete! Okkupationsmafia den faschiozionistischen Juden raus aus okkupierte Nahosten/Palästina!", rufen die Antifaschisten auf am erster Mai -der internationale Kampftag der Arbeiterklasse! -Mitbestimmung für Millionen gegen Imperialismus-! Antifa index: http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/political_news.htm ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 MAY - PROLETARIANS' committee of MAY DAY for INTIFADA WORLDWIDE Antifada@yahoo.uk Best Posters of the 1 MAY: "Arrest, annihilate all the traditionally Fascist Zionist Jews,/ Down with Sharon-Bush-Tory bleh infectious assassin bastard doggies!" .....Communist greetings to all comrades on this glorious May Day.:) Greetings to our Palestinian brothers and sisters in struggle against imperialist oppression. On this May Day we must recommit to the struggle for socialism and the liberation of all the opppressed people of this earth. We must renew our fight against imperialist aggression that has recently manifested itself in Iraq and continues in the Third World. Just because there is no more Soviet Union does not mean we give up. We must remember the hammer of Socialism strikes against imperialism continually. The hammer strikes the surface and then pulls back for an even mightier blow at imperialism and our class enemies. Remember,your labour-power is yours. Best Forums: Socialists against Imperialist Occupation and Massacre: http://www.socialistworker.org/2002-1/402/402_08_SharonIsTerrorist.shtml The truth is Anti-Semitic: http://uk.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=63011&group=webcast Antifa Hamm-Germania: http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 Antifada Worldwide against Zionist Imperialism: http://lists.antiracismnet.org/mailman/listinfo/antifanet-int http://www.stop-fascism.org/mini-nukes.htm ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 Mai -der internationale Kampftag der Arbeiterklasse...Mitbestimmung für Millionen gegen Imperialismus... Stoppt zionistisches Massaker auf okkupierte NahenOsten!..United AntiFa gegen zionistischen Imperialismus!.. Bestes Poster: "Arrestiert, vernichtet überall die traditionellen kriminellen zionistischen Faschisten,/ die Tollwut-Schweine SHARON u. solch' Scheiss Blutdurstige Bastarden, Kollaboratoren!" Erster Mai-Zionfrei! Es lebe United Antifa&Antifada Worldwide against the Zionist Imperialism!.. Beste Linken: Socialists against Imperialist Occupation and Massacre: http://www.socialistworker.org/2002-1/402/402_08_SharonIsTerrorist.shtml The truth is Anti-Semitic: http://uk.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=63011&group=webcast http://www.stop-fascism.org/mini-nukes.htm Antifa Hamm-Germania: http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 Stoppt Imperialismus Stoppt_Imperialismus@yahoo.de ___________________________________________________________________________ ERSTER MAI; ZIONFREI!..Z.O.Gang ist Zwungen zurückbezahlen, alles was die Juden gestahlen haben.. Es ist Zwang wegen schmutziges Geld, lügnerei-Religion und okkupazional faschistischen TradiZion... STOPPT den ZIONISTISCHEN IMPERIALISMUS!..ANTIFADA gegen FASCHISMUS!.. Wahrheit oder Witze: Eine Jude ist ein einfacher tradizioneller Räuber; zwei Juden sind Sparbank&Citibank u. solche "offiziellen Betrüger" Banker GmbH, drei Juden sind internationaler zionistischer Mafia welchen bewaffnete beim Pentagon, okkupiert deines Land, zerstört deines Haus mit Schachtmaschinen, bombardiert weiter deine Kinder, trotz alle unglaubliche grausame Barbarei gebt Schuld nur zum dir und auch sehr frech propagandiert bei imperialistischen Papagei-Medien dass du wahrscheinlich ein Selbstmordattentater seien konntest... Beste Linken: Socialists against Imperialist Occupation and Massacre: http://www.socialistworker.org/2002-1/402/402_08_SharonIsTerrorist.shtml Antifa Hamm-Germania: http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 The truth is Anti-Semitic: http://uk.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=63011&group=webcast http://www.stop-fascism.org/mini-nukes.htm United AntiFa&Antifada&Socialist Worker gegen zionistischen Imperialismus Stoppt_Imperialismus@yahoo.ch ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 MAY - PROLETARIANS' committee of MAY DAY for INTIFADA WORLDWIDE, krävar nu att KROSSA U.S.-IMPERIALISMENs SIONISTISKA FASCISMEN!.. Laponian Anti-Imperialist Alliance for Freedom and Humanitarian Solidarity sven.hansson@fededge.se Bästa Poster: "Arrestera, straffa, förinta allihop de traditionell-krimininella fascistiska sionisterna,/ BUSH-SHARON-AHLMARK-ZOGänget bl. a. bastarder av Fp, smittsama knähundarna!" ** Kamratliga hälsningar från PROLETARIANS' committee of MAY DAY for INTIFADA WORLDWIDE&Laponian Anti-Imperialist Alliance for Freedom and Humanitarian Solidarity... Bästa forum-sidor af s.k. "Anti-Imperialist&Anti-Semite&Anti-Racist Revolutionaries' articles/translations by Working Class children": Bästa länken: http://lists.antiracismnet.org/mailman/listinfo/arti/Anti_Zionist_Jonas_Hallen/arbetarklassens_son/skribent/metrotidningen.html The truth is Anti-Semitic: http://uk.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=63011&group=webcast Zionism is Jewish Fascism: http://www.stop-fascism.org/mini-nukes.htm Socialists against Imperialist Occupation and Massacre. http://www.socialistworker.org/2002-1/402/402_08_SharonIsTerrorist.shtml Antifada: http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 ___________________________________________________________________________ http://geocities.com/cpimlnd/ |
29th October 2003 - 10:28:19 AM |
5469 : Kurt Steinberg |
Hiroshi Fujiyama, do not post here again!!! Nobody wants to read your socialist propaganda, dumbass! People visit Diamond's website because they want to read or post homo-erotic messages involving Diamond. Almost everyone who reads messages here comes here to find masturbation material - the queer stories always turn me on. In fact, I'm cracking one off as I write this! It is my understanding that most socialists are queer, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to keep on-topic next time! - Kurt Steinberg |
29th October 2003 - 11:20:37 AM |
5470 : LIMP |
MONKEYS ARE COOL!!!!!!!!!!! |
29th October 2003 - 11:30:56 AM |
5471 : billy |
Momma madey oatmeal for breakfast and it was good. Do you like oatmeal |
29th October 2003 - 11:39:35 AM |
5472 : buckleys forest |
--- --- --------- --- - --- ----------- --- --- ------- ----- --- - |
29th October 2003 - 11:48:24 AM |
5473 : billy |
Im playing a game on my new commadore 64. It just came out today and it's awsome |
29th October 2003 - 12:35:21 PM |
5474 : Loadboy |
Hiro Never post here again! But do meet me behind the rest stop. -Loadboy |
29th October 2003 - 12:48:33 PM |
5475 : new cars |
new cars |
29th October 2003 - 01:00:12 PM |
5476 : Billy |
I wenty to a partyey and the grilldley chessssssssee sandwish for us. it was tasty |
29th October 2003 - 01:12:52 PM |
5477 : Billy |
My mommy said ie couldie go to movie caledd trains and bananas |
29th October 2003 - 02:42:42 PM |
5478 : moses |
the bear says the frozen words in army clouds but my cell phone take my mocus energy away hail to the thief - Karlita the pink pussy retro christian girl |
29th October 2003 - 02:59:07 PM |
5479 : billy |
Im having a good day |
29th October 2003 - 03:09:15 PM |
5480 : billy |
I went to the parky todaye |