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    07th November 2003 - 03:36:17 AM    
5608 : John Walsh

What is a “metrosexual?” Today, we explore the new buzz word that’s been making headlines and getting all sorts of attention lately, and focus on what some call “the new male vanity.” The definition of a metrosexual: a man who is hyper-aware of his appearance, style, social and cultural surroundings. He is a man who spends time and money on his looks and his clothes; a man that is willing to embrace his feminine side! Today, with the help of some “metrosexual experts,” we see what steps men are taking to beautify themselves; from their skin and hair, to their wardrobe, to their once-a-week spa treatments. First, we get a behind-the-scenes glance at our 22-year-old guest, Andrew, who is getting ready for the show in the make-up room with a team of assistants. Then, John sits down with Michael Flocker, author of The Metrosexual Guide to Style: A Handbook for the Modern Man. Michael gives his definition of the term and reveals the ten best ways a guy can turn himself into a “Metroman.” Next, meet Rosalie, who is desperately trying to get a makeover for her husband, Thomas. Rosalie says her husband’s look is “disastrous,” and John challenges Michael to turn Thomas into a metrosexual. Next, we meet Mary, whose husband, Reggie, is an out-of-control metrosexual. We see a day-in-the-life package of Reggie and what he goes through to become “The Reg.” Reggie admits he is obsessed with his looks and his style, and believes the public and “his fans” deserve the best he can deliver. Then, Andrew, our metrosexual guest on a budget, joins us in the studio to tell John how he gets his well-groomed look together. We introduce Andrew to Michelle Probst, founder of Menaji, a skincare line exclusively for men. She leads the men in our audience in a skincare lesson, using Andrew as her model. Plus, throughout the show we see the progression of Thomas’ makeover, and he reveals his final stunning transformation to his wife Rosalie in the studio. Finally, we see how the trend of metrosexuality is reaching young men, too! We get an inside look at a spa at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa in San Antonio, TX that caters exclusively to young people. Wait until you see these metrosexuals-in-the-making…some of whom say they would get a facial every day if they could. It’s an informative hour of fun you won’t want to miss!

    07th November 2003 - 03:52:22 AM    
5609 : Fagbusters

    07th November 2003 - 04:40:47 AM    
5610 : saturn
metrosexual? is that what that homo mario lopez is claiming to be now? he shouldn't be ashamed of his sexuality or of who he is. look at african americans. they're proud of who they are: car stealing porch monkeys.

    07th November 2003 - 07:35:04 AM    
5611 : Leaky Ass Queer
Thanks for another classic "Remember When" story, I sure hope Diamond reads this stuff, along with his family and friends.

    07th November 2003 - 10:16:29 AM    
5612 : huhhuhhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuhhuhuh

    07th November 2003 - 10:30:11 AM    
5613 : huhhuhhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuhhuhuh

    07th November 2003 - 10:44:26 AM    
5614 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, do you remember the game "Duck Hunt" for Nintendo? It was sold with the Nintendo game system in the late 80's. Anyway, I invented a variation of the game that I'd like to play with you! As you may recall, the user held a plastic toy gun and shot at ducks flying around the TV screen. In my version, you are the target, and my "weapon" is my penis, instead of a plastic gun! I win if my load ends up in your mouth or eye! If my wad lands in one of your huge nostrils, I win bonus points!!!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

    07th November 2003 - 10:57:21 AM    
5615 : truck accessories
truck accessories

    07th November 2003 - 12:00:42 PM    
5617 :

    07th November 2003 - 05:49:09 PM    
5618 : Salmo
I drive a feeefteen-wheeler for a living, but when I come home I like to relax and have a beer and watch tv.

    07th November 2003 - 07:03:27 PM    
5619 : Princess peussie
God, please tell me it's not true. The money for Soc. Security is now being used for a war on Iraq, or is it Iran, or maybe Nigeria is next or Columbia, and then comes France and so many others. Here at the Royal Palace where Celine Dion records are banned, and we only listen to those filthy exposed things of Michael the Moon-stalker, the remaining Xmas tunes come outta the walls like assholes at Halloween. Smiles to you, GORDO. Talking and singing assholes all over the damned place, not to mention the vaginal fisting and the fart contests. can make a Princess such as myself just turn brown with envy. Gin enemas are not prohibited at the Palace inspite of what you've heard. Let's just shout to the sky: JESUS RULES FOR FUCKING SURE...and pop another little blue pill. Ship ahoy, me lads, and down with those panties!
Princess Peussie

    07th November 2003 - 07:27:29 PM    
5620 : tiffany
you are so sexy

    07th November 2003 - 11:10:55 PM    
5621 : Fagbusters

    07th November 2003 - 11:31:05 PM    
5622 : PANTERA

    08th November 2003 - 02:05:35 AM    
5623 : Kornmeister2000
Pantera sucks gopher balls.

    08th November 2003 - 02:24:42 AM    
5624 : Leaky Ass Queer
Diamond, have you noticed that this site is the first link when you type your name into Google? You purposely arranged it with Google so that your queer fans find it easy to meet up on the internet to discuss having gay sex with you didn't you? Even your official home site is nowhere to be seen on the Google search, I think it's sweet of you to be so considerate to your queer fans and I'm glad that you don't underestimate the size and dedication of your homosexual fanbase.

Last night when I was drinking in my favourite gay bar (and, yes, in case you're wondering the "Diamond" style of beard is still VERY popular here in London) the guys and I were talking about how cool it would be if your band was to play a special one off gig here for us. Let's face it Diamond, you're going to be the kiss of death for that band and your records will never so much as worry the lower reaches of the charts because the whole planet considers you to be a joke, so play to your strengths and come over here to entertain us....

    08th November 2003 - 02:35:17 AM    
5625 : Leaky Ass Queer.
Diamond, this is a continuation of my previous post in case you're too stupid to work it out for yourself. OK? Good.

When your band plays for us queers here in "The Boot Camp" (our favourite gay club) there are certain songs we'd like to hear of course. We're not interested in the garbage that you usually play but would like to hear classic gay theme songs that we can dance and make out to whilst you're dancing and gyrating for us onstage. The Locomotion by Kylie, Runaway by Bronski Beat, It's Raining Men and YMCA should all be part of your set. We had Bronski Beat play here in the 80's and it was a wonderful night with the band and audience indulging in unprotected drugged up sex at every available opportunity, something that I know will happen when you play for us. Imagine the backstage area, Diamond? Imagine the amount of beefed up testosterone charged teddy bears waiting to spear you on the end of their aching pricks? In the morning after you've played your ass is going to look like the Japanese flag!

    08th November 2003 - 09:13:01 AM    
5626 : credit

    08th November 2003 - 12:58:23 PM    
5627 : mullen
you suck

    08th November 2003 - 02:21:17 PM    
5628 : Leaky Ass Queer
Diamond, I'm Just checking in to say that I'm going to Thud tonight which is a gay club in Soho, and I'll be bringing a few queer friends back here afterwards to look at your site and hopefully post some messages on here for you. After that we're going to get stuck into some amyl nitrate and wear our Diamond face masks whilst we're reaming and cornholing each other. I may even give one of my friends a Dirty Sanchez whilst he's wearing your mask in honor of you!

Have you thought about doing the gig yet? Do you think you'll do some ABBA or Gloria Gaynor songs for your queer fans?

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