05th December 2003 - 12:33:25 PM |
5868 : scorched |
window.open('http://www.cehennem.com') window.open('http://www.cehennem.com') window.open('http://www.cehennem.com') window.open('http://www.cehennem.com') window.open('http://www.cehennem.com') window.open('http://www.cehennem.com') |
05th December 2003 - 02:08:22 PM |
5869 : Jewerd Anglewej |
Hot off the wires: At New York's Kennedy airport today, an individual later discovered to be a public school teacher was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a setsquare, a slide rule, and a calculator. At a morning press conference, Attorney general John Ashcroft said he believes the man is a member of the notorious al-gebra movement. He is being charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction. "Al-gebra is a fearsome cult," Ashcroft said. "They desire average solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names like "x" and "y" and refer to themselves as "unknowns", but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer, Isosceles, used to say, there are 3 sides to every triangle." When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, "If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes." "I am gratified that our government has given us a sine that it is intent on protracting us from these math-dogs who are willing to disintegrate us with calculus disregard. Murky statisticians love to inflict plane on every sphere of influence," the President said, adding: "Under the circumferences, we must differentiate their root, make our point, and draw the line." President Bush warned, "These weapons of math instruction have the potential to decimal everything in their math on a scalene never before seen unless we become exponents of a Higher Power and begin to factor-in random facts of vertex." Attorney General Ashcroft said, "As our Great Leader would say, read my ellipse. While I am uncertain of the following, it is clear that, as they continue to multiply, their days are numbered as the hypotenuse tightens around their necks." |
05th December 2003 - 02:14:05 PM |
5870 : Pauloe |
"I kissed that girl's inner thighs when she was six days old -- I said, 'Look at those little poulkes.'" William Ginsburg, Esq. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-sr...sburg052498.htm |
05th December 2003 - 02:15:55 PM |
5871 : |
Kurt Steinberg, if you would like to discuss my reasoning, you know how to get ahold of me. |
05th December 2003 - 02:22:02 PM |
5872 : Pauloe |
In all countries the black haired Jews represent a parasite element and their activity, instead of cheapening the production trade, they raise the price artificially in the same measure as they monopolize it in their dirty hands. They are, as commercial element, absolutely destructive in everywhere and because of this fact we can notice that anywhere the poorness is direct proportional with the number of the Jews. They can never complete any necessity, instead they give birth to vices and bad habits, and they encourage and satisfy them. More, the Jews seem to be, in general, incapable of industrial work. No matter how many of them may be in a certain town, none of them will be workers in factories, workshops, except for very easy works, with female character somehow. The solution isn’t that Jews should be denationalized, because nobody cares if a consumer and unproductive race will speak or not a certain language, but forced in a strict economic organization, to work, to muscular work, to production. Then most of them would emigrate and then be absolutely eliminated from exploitation of the working classes, from traffic of vices and weaknesses. This is main point of this discussion. The trade with alcoholic drinks, peddling must be reduced to the necessary strict. Not speculation, but work must determinate the walk of the society and advancement in the social scale. The Jews think that every country has the Jews that it deserves. I couldn’t disagree more. We haven’t deserved the Jews. Some immigrants had disastrous influence to material and intellectual development. Invasions of foreign armies and invasions of foreign parasites are misfortunes that no country should deserve, but it’s forced to abide if it’s small and uninfluent. I really don’t hate Jews, nor I am guilty that they have been persecuted in other countries, that they contracted habits of speculation and parasitism that they still have, and definitely I cannot love this elementary evil which falls without any mercy over us. In the total lack of organization thanks to the influence of parasite elements to the state, other parasites like them could enter. In the moment we’ll decide to organize and defend the national work, I believe that the eternal Jews will disappear slowly; searching other human societies as unhealthy as the ones they already infested and flood on them. Stop the Jewish cancer. Future: forbidden place for Jews. 88 |
06th December 2003 - 12:38:16 AM |
5873 : pirate |
This site is such a peice of shit. Like what the fuck were you trying to accomplish. You fucking spelled ultimate wrong you fucking idiot. I hope that you one day pass the forth grade and learn how to make real websites. WTF the post button for this shitty guest book is fucking spelled wrong you ass wad. I hope that you go to Japan where school is the most important thing, I want to see them beat the living shit out of you. -A |
06th December 2003 - 10:04:39 AM |
5874 : debby |
Hi ! I am a dutch girl from thirteen and in holland i see every day saved by the bell. Great ! I love that program ! Greets to Elizabeth Berkley , Thiffani Amber Thiessen , Mark paul Gosselaar , Dustin Diamond , lark Voorhies and Mario Lopez. I love them ! |
06th December 2003 - 12:30:18 PM |
5875 : sarah |
hi mark paul gosselaar happy birtday for your birthday |
06th December 2003 - 12:36:36 PM |
5876 : Zacharia |
Yo Bro. You are funny by Saved by the Bell!!:D In Holland is Saved By The Bell every Day on Nickelodeon. OKE, See ya |
06th December 2003 - 07:47:36 PM |
5877 : Freddie Fuckface |
My big brother is very mean to me because he always tries to steal my tinker toys, but then I started to stick them in my asshole and now he doesn't want to play with them anymore because he says now they smell bad... Kurt Steinberg, I wanna unleash a spray of diarreah in your face like a fuckin' firehose, man!... Then I want to piss in your ass... If Chachi had as many dicks sticking out of him as he's had in him, he'd look like a motherfuckin' porcupine!!! If he sucked any worse, he'd be inhaling his own dick!!! Have a nice day and stay gay!!! |
06th December 2003 - 08:27:31 PM |
5878 : |
P.S. Kurt, I also want to ram my shit-covered cock up your juicy rump-hole and then suck your balls raw, you big city bad boy bitchass buttfuck!!! P.S.S. I also like to suck black cocks when I'm high so if you know any niggers please bring them along too... Did you hear about the nigger who had diarreah? He thought he was melting!!!!... hehehehe!!!! Seriously though, I really want you to shove your throbbing meatstick up my tight, puckered love bud and then give me a man-milk nut-facial!!!!.... You guys should check out this cool site - It's called urinalpoop.org and it's very thought provoking (and tasty...). I'm out like Chachi's tube of anal-lube - c'ya... |
06th December 2003 - 08:35:52 PM |
5879 : |
P.S. Kurt, I also want to ram my shit-covered cock up your juicy rump-hole and then suck your balls raw, you big city bad boy bitchass buttfuck!!! P.S.S. I also like to suck black cocks when I'm high so if you know any niggers please bring them along too... Did you hear about the nigger who had diarreah? He thought he was melting!!!!... hehehehe!!!! Seriously though, I really want you to shove your throbbing meatstick up my tight, puckered love bud and then give me a man-milk nut-facial!!!!.... You guys should check out this cool site - It's called urinalpoop.org and it's very thought provoking (and tasty...). I'm out like Chachi's tube of anal-lube - c'ya... |
07th December 2003 - 12:16:49 PM |
5880 : mullen |
http://a-5.multimedia-source.com http://www.multimedia-source.com |
07th December 2003 - 01:53:50 PM |
5881 : Ethel Thatcher |
Hey Ethel, We may say things on the internet we would not say in public but I think your a very sick puppy, if this is really you. If this is not you but it is true, you should get help. This is not normal. Yor not a great asset for the Garden State. |
07th December 2003 - 03:02:41 PM |
5882 : Tors |
i hope that the 'remember when...' guy posts some more episode recaps before this website goes away (which i fear is imminent). --Tors ("T-O-R...S") |
08th December 2003 - 03:35:38 AM |
5883 : |
Just a note to anyone inquiring, the website isn't going anywhere. I spent a lot of time researching (and even speaking to lawyers) and have made the appropriate changes. I only posted the document to explain why the recent change was made. Other than that, I'm looking for someone to moderate the guestbook (just remove ads and blank posts and stuff, no other content moderation). If you are intersted email me. |
08th December 2003 - 09:28:50 AM |
5884 : Nero |
whewww....I was worried. I haven't been to this site in a while but I decided to add a dot net to Dustin's name on a whim, Lo and behond the man wised up and attained an official site. It seriously had to be in respond to this website and the fact that people were most likely confused when they thought this site was his. Kinda sad that you can't say that Dustin himself is running this site anymore but whatever...Keep the disgusting, gay discourse going!!! |
08th December 2003 - 02:25:34 PM |
5885 : Freddie Fuckface |
I wonder what happened to Kurt Steinberg? I hope that I didn't scare him off with my warm and tender musings on love and romance!... hehehehe.... That would make me very sad, because I thought that his input was quite funny and relevant. I was just pulling your chain Kurty, the only person that I really hate on this website is that alex fag - he's a semen-suckin' shithole, and I wouldn't take the time to walk across the street to piss in his mouth if his head was on fire!... Oh, I almost forgot, Chachi is scum as well... |
08th December 2003 - 11:26:27 PM |
5886 : Cam-A-Lot.Net |
Nice site Come visit ours! |
08th December 2003 - 11:53:30 PM |
5887 : Princess Peussie |
Dear Friends, I know that you've asked this question many times and finally we found the answer here in this guestbook. Leave us a note and let us know your thoughts. Do not forget those of us at the Royal Palace, praying and offering sacrifices to the Victims of Iraq, the children that Mother Teresa loved so very much not to mention their oil wells! Praises be! again that Saintly Question: HAS MOTHER TERESA LEARNED "HOW TO JUMP THE WEEDS"??? Princess Peussie here in Mortville, and on MY knees in prayer and YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!! http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/MotherTeresa_Weeds.html http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/Mother_Teresa_Love_Book.html http://www.geocities.com/pocitojuanito/Kids_Safe_World.html |