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    23rd March 2004 - 04:48:54 AM    
6846 : Kevin

    23rd March 2004 - 06:43:09 AM    
6847 : Dustin Diamond
YEP, I'M THE REAL ONE....and a devoted follower of Princess Peussie and the toilet bowl crowd. All I can say is "you wish upon a star and you are who you FUCKING think you is".
The ones that think they are religious are the saddest of saints.
Don't you realize that you are famous to even a tadpole?
There used to be the occasional post here that was sortta dumb-dumb and occasionally even kookoo, that wasn't just some anonymous, friendly senior citizens juggling some tits in the air or trying to string a rope around my testicles while being together in order to try and FUCK someone silly, dear little Clyde.
If you are
a) groovy
b) bitter-sweet
c) filled with lube and love
d) a devotee of Mother Mary May I..."Come over, come over, Little RED Rover"
Then i am talking about you. Next time you piss then read through it when you've finished, and honestly ask "Will I get the NOBEL for this or NOT?
No one who reads it will ever fuck his dog again, which is how you like it, but if I did I would turn your asshole

    23rd March 2004 - 06:56:13 AM    
6848 : saturn
wow mr. diamond, you're a devoted follower of princess peussie? jesus, no wonder you're so fucking unfunny, you worship someone who isn't even funny enough to write sitcoms for the upn network!

    23rd March 2004 - 12:53:40 PM    
6849 : saturn
White House:
Report Says Medicare to Go Broke by 2019

By MARK SHERMAN and LEIGH STROPE, Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON - Medicare will have to begin dipping into its trust fund this year to keep up with expenditures and will go broke by 2019 without changes in a program that is swelling because of rising health costs, trustees reported Tuesday.

Social Security's finances showed little change, and its projected insolvency date remained 2042.
The deteriorating financial picture for the health care program for older and disabled Americans is a result, in part, of the new Medicare prescription drug law that will swell costs by more than 0 billion over 10 years, according to the annual report by government trustees.

Provisions of the law that President Bush signed into law in December "raise serious doubt about the sustainability of Medicare under current financing arrangements," the trustees said.

The 2019 go-broke date for the Medicare trust fund, which is devoted primarily to paying beneficiaries' hospital bills, is seven years sooner than what the trustees projected last year.

The trustees' report is the first official estimates of the long-term costs of the new Medicare law in December. As they did last year, the trustees said that projected lower tax receipts devoted to the program and higher expenditures for inpatient hospital care also contributed to the growing financial problem.

White House spokesman Trent Duffy said the rising cost of health care — and not the prescription drug program — is causing Medicare costs to swell. "It's health care costs — over 70 percent," he said. "Not prescription drugs."

Government officials have been predicting for years that the retirement insurance and health care funds for the elderly — both financed through payroll taxes — will be pushed toward insolvency as more post-World War II baby boomers reach 65.

The trustees took the unusual step of estimating the shortfall for both Medicare and Social Security on an "infinite horizon," instead of limiting their long-term projections to 75 years. The new approach, which would put the combined shortfall at trillion, takes into account "not only people who are participating today, but all future generations who will pay taxes and draw benefits," said a report co-authored last fall by Thomas Saving, a trustee who teaches economics at Texas A&M University.

Several analysts and Democratic congressional aides said the longer timeframe was meant to create a sense of crisis by Republicans who want to reduce the government's role in the programs in favor of private, individual investments.

Small differences in assumptions can produce major swings in projections, they said, pointing to the 9 billion difference over just 10 years in the estimated cost of the Medicare law between congressional budget analysts and Medicare's actuary.

The trustees' report is based on the estimates by Medicare actuary Richard Foster.

Republicans pressed for the overhaul of Medicare last year to give private insurers a much larger role in the program as a way, Bush and others said, to control long-term costs.

But the government's own projections are that private managed care plans will cost taxpayers more than traditional Medicare for the foreseeable future.

A big reason for an earlier insolvency date "will be a direct result of increased payments to private health plans," said Terri Shaw, an analyst with the liberal Center for American Progress.

Last year, Medicare's insolvency date was moved up to 2026 from 2030. The projected insolvency date for Social Security, on the other hand, was extended to 2042, one year later than what was forecast in 2002.

    23rd March 2004 - 12:56:19 PM    
6850 : Rachel
ik heb eeb vraag doet dustin zelf de brieven beandwoorden

Gr:.dustindiamond fan

    23rd March 2004 - 01:44:07 PM    
6851 : Dustin Young
im gay.....i like cocks in my gay...hehe... i like boys..i live on capri street in memphis tennessee...some of u homos come see me to get a big one up your anus...hehe...i like anal sex.

    23rd March 2004 - 01:50:54 PM    
6852 : Shrimper
dustin, you are so wonderful and so brave and so thrilling; why dont' you just put yer head UP yer stinking asshole for awhile? Cool and brown. But WHAT a minute!!!!!! Hey Guys, it seems that this area is filled with docs of various sorts. I'm a specialist in sex therapy so I see lots of men suffering from all kinds of disfunctions. I've been recommending jelqing to all of my patients simply because they have lost 'contact' with the penis- feelings. Yes, I know this sounds New Age, and it probably is, but some guys just cannot get a 'stiffy' unles they really work at it. I've established some marathon jelqing 'bouts' with about 40 men on massage tables, music metronomes for tempos, lots of lube and towels and have supervised some incredible 'break throughs' in sperm-release, projectile pointing and orgasm blockage. Just recently I incorporated into my marathons the Electrosizer, that equipment men have been using for building muscles via attached electrodes to various parts of the body. Now I attach the electrodes to the testicles, and if the penis is big enough, to the shaft, so that when the 'receiver' is jelqing himself or getting jelqed by an assistant (most effective) and says he cannot continue for ANY reason, I give him a JOLT of electricity, send his nuts into spasms and his cock into shock. At this point I find it important to have the patient tied down with handcuffs to the table, sometimes a gag, and then continue this workout until the timer goes off or the patient appears to be in some stage of shock or trance. I cannot say that any of this creates length in the penis, but the patient feels better when released from therapy, loads lighter and much happier for the experience and its conclusion. In Toronto, one doctor associate of mine has found great results with an electric cattle prod used on the sphincters, nipples, the testicles and penis during a jelqing marathon. This seems extreme, but works well so I've been told. If any of you have questions, please feel free to contact me. I travel alot giving lectures (this month includes Greeley, Colorado, Nasterville, OHIO, Indiana, PA, and Tooterville in Southern California).

    23rd March 2004 - 01:56:44 PM    
6853 : Robert McFerrin
Hey if you want to read some BAD SHIT and not worth wiping your shitbrains on, then here goes, Jerks!

    23rd March 2004 - 02:03:05 PM    
6854 : Marley
when I see that statement about Jesus RUles for Fucking Sure then I know that the gang is back and ready to rule this site and RUIN my fucking good/gay life, so let me remove my fingers from my asshole and stick a been bottle up the

And I know someone who said this a while back....
"Within the months between October 1991 through December 92, I have had my testicles filled with jello worth a few sucks and fucks, if you know what I mean ... The most violating thing I've felt this year is not the media love-ins over my body or the fan letters asking me to suck off this guy or that one, but the rape of my cat, then my dog and now my bitch, courtney. Ripped out of pages from my stay in mental institutions and hijacked airplanes, in gay bath houses, etc. I feel compelled to say JESUS RULES FOR FUCKING SURE!!!!!! to those of you who have absolutely no underpants on now or ever, and I CAN FUCKING SMELL IT FROM HERE, DUDE. You have butt-fucked me sweeter than you'll ever know. And why the way GOD spells TURD backwar

    23rd March 2004 - 03:19:33 PM    
6855 : Fire Mountain Gems= Shady Jew scumbags
Fuck you Stuart Fraudman!! you will soon suck satans Dick in Hell you Butt Ugly Fat Bald Jew Crook!

Fuck you Stuart Fraudman!! you will soon suck satans Dick in Hell you Butt Ugly Fat Bald Jew Crook!!

Avoid Fire mtn Gems and Beads like the Plague. They are crooks and Cocksucking Dirtbags.

    23rd March 2004 - 05:11:38 PM    
6856 : Lim Dim
dat is terrible site of shit! you get ass kickt mutherfuker!!!!

    23rd March 2004 - 09:09:41 PM    
6857 : Happy goLucky
Saturn is totally right. Peussie couldn't even write for a media shitbox like the Parkers. Obviously the King of Diamonds wouldn't post such an inane rambling, fuckholes.

    23rd March 2004 - 09:43:23 PM    
6858 : Ass plunderer
princess peussie, your posts totally suck. i never beat off to them, and i doubt that anyone else does either. i still don't understand why you post anything here. you have yet to ever write anything that's even remotely funny. in fact, as hard as it is to believe, your actually more unfunny than dusitn diamond is!

    23rd March 2004 - 11:29:09 PM    
6859 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, let's get together and go to my favorite local queer establishment, the "Booty Burglar Bar." The bartenders Lance and Bruce will hook us up with some body shots. Then you'll suck the pants off me right in the bar and I'll give you a golden shower!

- Kurt Steinberg

    24th March 2004 - 02:30:58 AM    
6860 : Kevin

    24th March 2004 - 08:07:13 AM    
6861 : saturn
i am truly serious about the whole princess peussie thing and how incredibly unfunny she and her gang of high school dropouts obviously are. for the most part, this place used to be pretty funny (albeit in a very queer way), but then the princess (who is likely a he) decided to show up and post messages using a brand of humor that she likely picked up from all the naughty joke books that she and every other teen have read during their junior high years. usually, as you get older, you grow out of that phase and realize how unfunny those books really were, but i guess the princess and her crew of rejects still have a bit more growing up to do. either that or they honestly don't realize how truly unfunny they really are. the fact that they occasionally try to make it their "hilarious stories" topical and "current" only makes it that much more unfunny.

some advice to the princess and her entourage: typing out the word "FUCKING" in all caps and using it at least once in ever other sentence does not make you special or funny to anybody here. in case you haven't notice, that method is already done on a pretty consistent basis here in much funnier posts from much funnier people. and although your brand of humor might be funny to 13 year olds, last i checked, dustin diamond hasn't had a 13 year old fan in years, if ever. and if he does, i sincerely doubt that that any of them hang out here. go back to geocities and peddle your shitty stories on yahoo message boards and chat rooms if your really that desperate for a couple extra website hits.

    24th March 2004 - 10:26:01 AM    
6862 : Benny
Hello Mr. Diamond, it is me Benny again. Unfortunately you have not answered any of my last questions which disappoints me but I know you are busy touring the nightclubs trying to make a couple extra bucks because I heard that you hold a steady job at Burger King which doesn't pay much, is that true? Supposedly on your first day on the job you were assaulted by the manager who just so happened to be the gay comedian Andy Dick, is that true? My friend says Mr. Dick pulled out his cock and told you to suck it and said it was part of your training but you wouldn't suck it so he bent you over the counter and raped you using mayonnaise as lubrication and when he climaxed in your butt he said that now you know what the secret ingredient in the special sauce is, is that true? I heard that you tried to press charges the next day only to find out that Andy really didn't work there and had pulled a fast one on you by showing up to your job dressed as a BK manager, is that true too? Does that mean his salty semen really isn't the secret ingredient in the special sauce?

    24th March 2004 - 04:26:54 PM    
6863 : Chachi
Chach lurking about and ready to leave a fart blast on anyone who disrespects the double dog's honor!

    24th March 2004 - 06:46:44 PM    
6864 : ballsout
I wish I could smell screech's sweaty socks until I pass out with desire... Oh GOD, I'm so fucking horny....

    24th March 2004 - 06:54:38 PM    
6865 : Dustins Mom

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