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    08th April 2004 - 03:35:39 PM    
7007 :
fuck ya all biches

    08th April 2004 - 06:08:28 PM    
7008 : Melissa Munro
Hi, my friends and I were just talking and one of them saidd that they had heard that Dustin Diamond was killed in the September 11th tragedy. Do you know if this is true, we will be deeply saddened, the man is a legend!

    08th April 2004 - 07:00:33 PM    
7009 : niger killer
niggers are ugly and wierd fuck those dirty pieces of shit i hope one day good comes to kill them all with his mighty touch

    08th April 2004 - 07:06:37 PM    
7010 : nigger killer
with my mgithy penis i wil wipe u all and kill every one without blue eyes and blond hair i am hitlers great great grea great grand son bitch and i will strike you all with the enemies torch i will come back a reinflame my fury filled with anger the jew and niggers will be our slaves again and this will be the end of the kingdom or the "great amercan society"

Heat YoKrAvoch

    08th April 2004 - 08:03:17 PM    
7011 : Fagbusters

    08th April 2004 - 10:14:08 PM    
7012 : Princess Peussie
I am such a fuck fer fuckin' sure!
I am less funny than the Parkers fer fuckin' sure!

    09th April 2004 - 12:01:53 AM    
7013 : Kurt Steinberg
Goldberg, thanks for the offer, but I'll have to decline to be your guestbook moderator. I'm too busy meeting strange dudes as gas station bathrooms and playing homoerotic Saved By The Bell role-playing games!!!

Maybe you shouldn't have a moderator. If you do end up with a moderator, I hope that person doesn't delete all of the queer fantasies that have been posted here.

- Kurt Steinberg

    09th April 2004 - 01:02:38 AM    
7014 : Major DeBacle

An ignorant Mother fucker calling himself 'nigger killer'.
--[ "niggers are ugly and wierd fuck those dirty pieces of shit I ope one day good comes to kill them all with his mighty touch" ]---

I don't have any great love for any race, not even my own, but it's comments like yours which almost cause me to 'pre judge' an entire race. You make me think that the sub-human race you belong to should be eliminated.

I seriously doubt that you have ever killed anything but the helpless animals you have tortured through out your brilliant career.

You are an ignorant miscreant of the lowest order. You would
not kill anyone for fear that you might have to do time. You couldn't do time... not where I have.

Come on down to Texas.. we have the largest prison system in the world with the exception of Russia, China, and USA. The state kills more people here than in any other State.

The Texas Department of Criminal "Justice" inmate population is comprised of about 60% black, 20% hispanic, and 20% white. The first person to swell your eyes shut would be a white guy... that is who you would gravitate to first... and that is who you would piss off first.

Get over that little black kid who so long ago sucker punched you and made you cry in front of that pretty little girl who would never have given you the time of day anyway.

Get a life, get a job, move out of the folks' house... learn how to "throw some ducks"... maybe you'll feel better about yourself.

In case you haven't already... don't get yourself covered in Nazi tattoos... it's a bad career move.

    09th April 2004 - 01:05:08 AM    
7015 : skraggs
Max rules! Screech drools. Rock on mang. The power of independent/solo representation is in true effect. "I'm Rich biatch!" Where do I send my funhi make you holla animated gif?

    09th April 2004 - 01:11:36 AM    
7016 : Major DeBacle

Wait.. wait.. don't throw "ducks", throw "dukes".. ducks won't hurt anyone, and they are very hard to find in prison.

But when your "dukes" are as old as mine are.. you might want to switch to knees and elbows.

    09th April 2004 - 01:23:35 AM    
7017 : Major DeBacle

Oh... Screech... he's the dweeb on Celebrity Boxing that beat down "Horshack" from Welcome Kotter! LOL That was cool.

Screech beat him down and swelled his eyes shut until... until the skin ripped and allowed the blood to gush out of his swollen eyes.. yeah.. that was cool.

Max.. do you have any pics of that? I wonder if Screech would admit to having been on PCP that night... Hmmm.

    09th April 2004 - 04:55:08 AM    
7018 : Major Debacle
Another thing I learned in prison was just how damn good a nice meaty slice of black mans cock tasted. Believe me boys, after a couple of hours brawlin' with my elbows and knees I need to relax, and chowing down on a tumescent negro member is a fine way to do so. I had one of them dress like my Mom one time, that was a bit weird at first but I soon got used to the idea, especially when there was a gallon of splash across my face.

You can gorge yourself on those motherfuckers 'cause there's just so much of 'em to get down your throat. Obviously I have nothing but contempt for niggers but I just can't resist blowing 'em.

See y'all!

    09th April 2004 - 03:05:06 PM    
7019 : piss-face
I like big, juicy fanny-fucks up my asshole

    09th April 2004 - 08:10:23 PM    
7020 : Dustin
Hi i am dustin diamond e-mail me and i will get back to you as soon as i can!

    09th April 2004 - 08:10:31 PM    
7021 : a young child
I remember one time at fashion camp Dustin Diamond came up behind me and pulled my shirt over my head. He pushed me to the ground and jumped on top of me. He took 3 pairs of handcuffs out of his rear pocket. He used one pair to bind my hands, another for my feet, and the last one to bind my hands and feet together.
Dustin Diamond then ripped off all of my clothes including my new shirt and silk briefs. He put his mouth on my penis and masturbated me for a minute or two and then he turned me around on the ground. Dustin Diamond then disrobed himself and lay down on top of me. He inserted his penis in to my anus. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on. Dustin Diamond was fucking me in the ass!
He continued to fuck me in the ass. I counted every second of it. After 27 seconds he ejaculated inside of me. I was mortified. The worst part was that my new shirt was ripped and I didn't even reach orgasm!

    09th April 2004 - 08:40:48 PM    
7022 :
Fuck thiszbherer

    09th April 2004 - 09:37:10 PM    
7023 : Kurt Steinburg
You fags aren't gay enough!!! I want you to donkey punch me and cum on my ass!!!!!!!! I crave your cum!!!! CUMMMMMM!!!!!

    09th April 2004 - 10:21:52 PM    
7024 : Kurt Steinburg
Its a shame you fucking worthless queers haven't responded to my fantastic 7023th post.

Would you fags like to cream on Orlando Bloom's buttocks??
I sure would.
Tasty English buttocks covered in Steinburgian man jam.

    09th April 2004 - 10:28:48 PM    
7025 : Kurt Steinburg
Lets talk about nut butter in a festive janforryment of ubiquitous cocophony.
I hope you'll join us.

-Kurt "The gayest faggot on earth who licks Chachi's taint on a nightly basis" Steinburg

    09th April 2004 - 10:34:17 PM    
7026 :

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