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    11th January 2005 - 04:20:44 PM    
11961 : Dustin Diamond
Hey Becky I'm alright, but your b/f sounds like a total douche bag, you should leave him immediately. I am glad you enjoy the show, I hope to star with Dennis Haskins in another run of Saved By the Bell. This time Mr. Belding is dean of a community college and I teach at the school and I'm also the hard knock chess coach. In this run I come out of the closet and have a little fling with an art teacher who is flaming gay, like Will and Grace queer. It should be funny and we are in production of shooting the pilot and hope that it gets picked up. I will keep the fans posted on what's happening with the show. Thanks for writing Becky!

    11th January 2005 - 04:26:19 PM    
11962 : Becky
That future sitcom sounds great, but I don't think you should pretend you are gay, Dustin. There are too many homos here in this guestbook and they are saying horrible things about you. Is it true that your dad has taken all of the money from you and now you are really in the poorhouse or are some of the standup comedy shows helping you out. What is this dumpster everyone talks about? Thanks for answering this but I'm still look for that website. PLEASE, and thank you again Dustin. oh, my b/f means butt fucker not boyfriend. GOT that cleared up so please do not worry.

    11th January 2005 - 04:32:43 PM    
11963 : Anna
You are an awesome actor. I think you should have won the weakest link. You were great in saved by the bell.

    11th January 2005 - 04:34:55 PM    
11964 : Dustin Diamond
yes it's true, my father spent all my money on drugs and loose women, so I do stand up for money. I've even jerked off in front of other guys to make ends meet. Let me tell you, letting someone talk a shit on you will pay a pretty penny. I really hope this new show works out, I might even have on onscreen man on man kiss.

    11th January 2005 - 05:28:50 PM    
11965 : Bapudi
Are you for reals?! Are you REALLY "the" Screech??!?! OH MY GOD!!! I used to see you on tv! On that show, remember! Hahaha, this is SOOOOOO unbelievably awesome. What is up dawg?

    11th January 2005 - 05:30:08 PM    
11966 : Emilio \"Fritos Kid\" Levy
You're the man now dog!

    11th January 2005 - 05:35:48 PM    
11967 : Dustin Diamond
Thanks! Dad was a mess taking all of my money but at least I've got some great fans, some great future plans for a show, and things are looking good. Some agent wanted me to get into gay porn but I knew right off, this would ruin the career. OK maybe shooting on a guy's face or even some kinkier stuff, but not with my face showing. In this business, things are rough, going up and down in the bank account. Who asked about the dumpster? Forget IT!

    11th January 2005 - 07:29:01 PM    
11968 : george bosch
Shun the mighty cocknader

    11th January 2005 - 07:40:50 PM    
11969 : Randy Van Der Cont
Dear Mr. Diamond

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a middle-aged Dutch gentleman of some high standing within the community. I am quite rich, and, as I understand you are 'broke' at the moment, I was wondering if you would be willing to come to my penthouse apartment in Amsterdam, where I would be willing to pay you a handsome sum to squat on my glass coffee table and take a shit whilst I lay underneath. Also I would pay you more money if you would be so good as to allow me to insert teaspoons into your tight young ass. I would also like to film these goings-on for my own private use.

Please get in touch if you are interested.


R. Van Der Cont

    11th January 2005 - 07:49:17 PM    
11970 : Buck Studly
Dustin, the new sitcom sounds great! Please include an episode where Slater turns up out of the blue to admit his undying love for you, and you, him, Belding & the Art teacher get down to serious group hardcore buttfucking for the entire episode. While the end credits roll a slo-mo film could play in the background of Slater losing his slimy load on your beard. Trust me, the Fox Network loves this type of shit!

    11th January 2005 - 07:57:15 PM    
11971 : Gary
Giant Tsunami of AIDS hits America
Giant Tsunami of AIDS hits America

BOSTON, MASS (AMERICAN NEWS SERVICES) - A giant tsunami of AIDS hit the east and west coasts of the United States simultaneously today, causing numerous casualties and uncountable human suffering. The wave impacted at 8:03.32 EST, when most people were preparing for their 45-minutes commutes to work.

Immediate submissive and passive behavior followed, culminating in a rolling pile of writhing bodies engaged in all forms of anal sex and gay fellatio. Further, the atmosphere around California outleast became "downright fruity," according to Governor Arnold Schwarzeneger, who quickly followed his statement with a glance at the polls and, "But we support that, of course."

A tsunami is a rolling undersea wave created by a massive shock or earthquake, and can race across the ocean floor at speeds of up to 500 miles per hour before being channeled upward by the slanted coastline, producing waves up to 50 feet tall that come crashing down on helpless victims.

"I have asked the President to declare a state of emergency and impose martial law," said New Jersey acting governor Richard J. Codey. "Federal aid alone can address this devastating event, and with any luck, they'll be wearing well-cut matching uniforms." As he said this to a press conference, a ripple of delighted sighing passed through the audience.

AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is a disease which attacks the body's defenses against disease and turns them against the body itself, much as a submissive philosophy encourages one to pity one's enemies and turn the other (glutteal) cheek. Originally called GRID, or Gay-Related Immune Disease, the disease was named AIDS after gay groups objected, threatening the paychecks of doctors and researchers alike.

    11th January 2005 - 08:02:19 PM    
11972 : Gary Larken
In New Jersey, the giant wave caused vast demographic shifts toward lifestyles centered around submissive sexuality, in addition to outbreaks of lisping and Village People impersonators, and the City Courthouse to turn bright pink. "I think it's safe to say we're in a New America," said Codey. "The old America was boldly asserting oneself against the frontier, but the New America is being ready to take any good-looking cock that comes along deep into your digestive tract."

Hispanic groups massed on the Mexican border and prepared to surge across into a newly-receptive America, while boatloads of Haitians, who have more experience with AIDS than any other group except young gay urban professionals, circled near the coastline of American cities selected by The Jewish Review as "most tolerant." On boat 3417, refugee and freedom fighter Mbeko Hassan Washington Khan said, "America is about opportunity, and while the orifice is open, we are taking ours!"

As Federal Emergency Management Association workers, dressed in bright pastels, descended upon the afflicted area with sushi, condoms, lubricant and lime jell-o, lawmakers gathered in Washington, D.C., to discuss the New American outlook. "Gone are the days of manly self-assertion, domination and warfare," said Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois). "We're talking openly with the Iraq resistance about simply opening a franchise for our government and importing sexy men who can't grow moustaches."

The disaster took an unusually high toll, said Codey, because when the wave reared up on the coastline, most victims took refuge in churches and leftist coffee bars, where the greatest concentration of the wave hit. "They were destroyed in exactly the places they saw as refuge," wept Codey. "I can only empathize."

    11th January 2005 - 08:08:30 PM    
11973 : Gary Larken
Reaction was mixed worldwide. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder expressed surprise. "I'm amazed it was even noticed, since Americans have been passive whiny queens bitching in front of their televisions since 1944 or so," he said. In Israel, Prime Minister and Rassenfuehrer Ariel Sharon sent his best wishes to America, saying, "Israel has always had a wonderful submissive partner in the United States."

Asked if he thought the "New America" would be able to sustain its submissive lifestyle without going bankrupt, Schwarzeneger began a lengthy monologue about the need to cut funding for internal programs while not raising taxes but, after whisperings with his advisor, put on a rainbow warrior(tm) ribbon and said simply, "Yeth."

On Wall Street, trader W.J. "Bruce" Willingsworth (formerly Bill "Chunk-Style" Willingsworth) looked pensively to the sky and said, "With change, comes great opportunity, and none of us in the financial community want to miss out. We're lucky it wasn't an ice age, because that would leave only the strong surviving, depriving us of passive sexual partners."

    11th January 2005 - 08:22:50 PM    
11974 : Gary Larken
Reaction was mixed worldwide. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder expressed surprise. "I'm amazed it was even noticed, since Americans have been passive whiny queens bitching in front of their televisions since 1944 or so," he said. In Israel, Prime Minister and Rassenfuehrer Ariel Sharon sent his best wishes to America, saying, "Israel has always had a wonderful submissive partner in the United States."

Asked if he thought the "New America" would be able to sustain its submissive lifestyle without going bankrupt, Schwarzeneger began a lengthy monologue about the need to cut funding for internal programs while not raising taxes but, after whisperings with his advisor, put on a rainbow warrior(tm) ribbon and said simply, "Yeth."

On Wall Street, trader W.J. "Bruce" Willingsworth (formerly Bill "Chunk-Style" Willingsworth) looked pensively to the sky and said, "With change, comes great opportunity, and none of us in the financial community want to miss out. We're lucky it wasn't an ice age, because that would leave only the strong surviving, depriving us of passive sexual partners."

    12th January 2005 - 01:06:53 AM    
11975 : mr. belding
screech, have you ever swallowed a fecal jizz tsunami?

    12th January 2005 - 07:41:04 AM    
11976 : s&s here in Japan
Hello. I am s&s. I live alone near Tokyo in Japan. The whole life and the partner who can live together all the time are looked for after this. A type is the hairy man with the mustache of uncut cock. It is the highest if it is a person kind to. Since it also has the pics, if good, doesn't it exchange? Thank you forconsideration.

As we say about dustin when on the tv set: NASTER NASTER VIE TECHIE MORKO! it mean 'eat my ass you mamafucker' OK? by e for now

    12th January 2005 - 12:09:51 PM    
11977 : Pink Beard the Butt Pirate
Looking to start a dumpster scene in my city, how do you get the queers to come.I like dressing as a pirate, but enjoy jollying around with SBTB characters.

    12th January 2005 - 02:28:26 PM    
11978 : Mr. Slave
Oh Jethuth!! Jethuth Chrithhh!!!!

    12th January 2005 - 04:27:29 PM    
11979 : Sheeners
DUSTIN's IDEA.....and it's a great one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not One Damn FUCK Day - Jan 20, 2005: Since our religious leaders will not speak out against the war in Iraq, since our political leaders don’t have the moral courage to oppose it, since Bush is wasting 40 MILLION dollars on his inauguration party -- while the soldiers have inadequate armor and too few of them to create or maintain peace in Iraq -- Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is "Not One Damn FUCK Day" in America. On "Not One Damn FUCK Day" those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq can speak up with a 24-hour national boycott of all forms of SEX and connected spending.

During "Not One Damn FUCK Day," please don’t spend money of anything dealing with prostitutes or pimps. Not one damn FUCK for YOUR WIFE or BOYFRIEND. Not one damn FUCK for condums or for lube. Please don't go to Tina Wong's WHORE HOUSE, don't visit the Philly ADONIS, and do not use public toilets. Please don't go to the mall or the local convenience store for blow jobs and cheap tricks. Please don’t buy any sex jellies. For 24 hours, please do what you can to shut the perversion in DC.

There’s no rally to attend. No fingering to do. No left or right wing agenda to rant about. On "Not One Damn FUCK Day," you take action by doing nothing, not even inserting your penis into ANY GLORY HOLE, or having your boyfriend shove it down your throat. You open your mouth by keeping your pants closed. For 24 hours, nothing gets FUCKED, to remind our politicians and religious leaders of their moral responsibility to end the war in Iraq and give America back to the people, whose perversions are at an all time HIGH.

    12th January 2005 - 05:53:31 PM    
11980 : Queer Bait
Hi all, I stumbled upon this site by accident, but I'm glad i did. I lost a huge load of spunk after reading a few pages about your fantasies with the Screech. I have a black blow up doll that has an afro - I put zubaz on it, only I cut a hole in the ass and a hole for the rubber penis to stick out. It's provided me countless hours of enjoyment for those times when queers weren't all that hot down at my favorite queer hangout. Hope to lose a few more loads to your homoerotic filth.

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