17th April 2005 - 08:59:35 PM |
13154 : Tiny Timmy with a Prick of GOLD |
OK, fuckers, who sent me this one via my email???? and what the fuck does it mean???? i saw the picture of the blue gould you have on zebra club do you sell blues? if so could you let me know any info please. we d like to know what you think about our web site please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors. he scanned the scroll with growing unhappiness an intricately plot drawing of the unknown rims of every galaxy was printed in elboarte detail. love the new layout drea took me by surprize when i went to make my usual rounds this morning however and all the links were in a different place. now go click on that link up there at the top see the history of the hollywood bowl make some plans buy some tickets and go!! i like your dobs and seeking many months to own a good puppy of six month of age so please contact me. |
17th April 2005 - 09:58:53 PM |
13155 : Penis of Salsa |
Well Timmy you sure are a weird dude, Man...and what the hell do you mean sending this shit here to the GAY DUSTIN group? Let's talk about vomit and shit all over DUSTIN, and stop with the Rocco saint burpie stuff, ok? |
17th April 2005 - 11:48:23 PM |
13156 : Ox |
Screech, remember that episode where you where playing basketball in gym class? Remember when Slater checked the ball off your huge gonzo nose? Remember when your nose started bleeding because he threw the ball so hard? Remember when you started crying like a little bitch? Remember when the gym teacher told you to go to the nurse's office? Remember when the nurse gave you a shot to calm you down? Remember when you came to and discovered you were lying naked in a patient's bed in the nurse's office with your arms and legs tied to the bed? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked in and called you a huge faggot? Remember when he slapped you in the head and started laughing at you? Remember how it was allergy season and his nose was really runny? Remember when he walked up to you and you thought he was going to untie you? Remember when he instead blew his nose right in your face? Remember when he started flicking boogers out of nose nose and into your mouth and eyes? Remember when he spit in your hair? Remember when Mr. Belding walked in and said "hey, hey, hey, what is going on here?" Remember when he saw you with boogers and spit on your face and started laughing his ass off? Remember when he dropped trow, revealing his wrinkled middle-aged cock? Remember when he started stroking himself and blew his load in your poofy afro? Remember when he also blew his nose in your eye and flicked boogers into your mouth? Remember when Slater walked in the room from gym class and was carrying the basketball from class? Remember when he whipped it in your face, breaking your nose? Remember when Zack walked in and ripped a nasty fart right in your face? Remember when Zack and Slater then took turns picking their noses and wiping their boogers in your hair? Remember when Slater finished your off by unloading a huge pile of shit in your 'fro? Remember when everyone walked out and returned to class, leaving your by yourself for the next 5 hours as the bodily fluids in your hair hardened? Remember when Mr. Dewey finally released you in time to catch the bus home? Remember when it took several weeks to get all of the boogers, shit, jizz, and spit out of your hair? The Bayside gang really got you good that time! |
18th April 2005 - 05:57:18 AM |
13157 : |
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18th April 2005 - 05:57:22 AM |
13158 : |
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18th April 2005 - 05:57:34 AM |
13159 : |
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18th April 2005 - 06:56:27 AM |
13160 : SOMEBODY |
18th April 2005 - 10:25:01 AM |
13161 : OX again, and looking for my dick |
Here's the answer to those POKER assholes, as if anyone goes there for that shit!!!!! Try this one on for size after a BIG DOOBIE and some poppers and your pal's fist up yer asshole....... lucy is the butterfly lol i thought i d name it hope u have a very nice peaceful weekend!!! summer hi dot hi markella thanks i thought the butterfly was cute who s lucy? various depending on therapies more information available on request a national placement agency for qualified therapists seeking more clients in the corporate market. daniel your brilliant at keeping up with the guestbook and doing paul s job while he is away are you ever away? bone id les with j athletic featuring ty quot beyond the clouds quot and ty s quot we don t care quot. the finals are coming up soon and all the gals from northfield academy in aberdeen wish the best of luck to peterhead academy you lot are fab. i am however in a family of beautiful women who have a lot of different amazing and unique qualities if i can somehow manage to inherit the best from each of them i ll be in good shape. dude my mind is my worst enemy!!! my dreams need to stop or the piece of my heart that still belongs to me is going to shatter from confusion which equals no more me! reflexology vertical reflex therapy vrt aromatherapy hopi ear candles indian head massage louise hay philosophy teachings reiki. believ it!! heys a brodi watz up my man u r funny ill see uyou on the best dam spronts show!! can i trow a basebal withe you won day??? ling ling oh my stars and comets your cattitude is showing! perhaps some catnip tea earl gray of course with sugar cookies would help! tituba me too. good morning summer! sorry i have neglected your journal and everyone elses but just been real busy! hope you get to feeling better! have a great week! |
18th April 2005 - 11:52:16 AM |
13163 : Independent Anti-Racist Brigades&National Socialis |
ManipulaZional National Socialism ** ** - NAZIS were RIGHT: Zionist CAPITALISM BETRAY whole WORLD via its MEDIAL SHURKS, well-paid polit-prostitution figures, neo-liberal bastards, imported criminals, Mo$$ad's doggies&piggies - I agree with you! Well, tv redactioen team prepared a brand new clip just on thus subject and it's ready for broadcasting, labelled as, "NAZISM&RACISM on Jewish Media is a Product of the judaized IMPERIALISM" - Let's watch!.. ** - Nazism (den provokativa och falska nazismen att behålla makten över opinionsbildande krafter) och rasism produceras i EU, speciellt i den skurk-satellite-regimen SvekJa Kingdom... - Vilka är de framkommande instrumenter som producerar Nazism&Rasism? - De är experter, mesta ursuprungligen bastarder af judiska kapitalister... Det är inte hemlighet längre att de som praktiserar i avdelningar af Mo$$ad etc. har extra pass i skurkländer därmed blir lättare att operera över hela världen. De framkommande figurerna som Tv Independent Laponia dokumenterat, sänds idag... - Lå se klippet! ** - Mest fräcka figurer som producerar "Nazism&Racism News, almost Made by US&USrael&Co Shurk-Satellites": BART, Daniel: Middle East expert has several tasks to create conflicts between peoples, for example betrayed Kurds against the oppressed Kurkik Turkmen or Swedish Anarchists against the NSD/NSF, N.Socialist Front members in the EU etc etc... POOHL, Daniel: Expo&AIPAC&ADL&Mo$$ad staff, settled in Scandinavia, get prize his fist practice, aslo he infiltrated National Democrats adn nowadays infiltrates the artistical communities and the democratical institutions of EU, undermines such areas, steal secret info for USraeli Mafia tel. 073-903 71 90 OLSSON, Daniel: Expo&AIPAC&ADL&Mo$$ad staff, Expo&AIPAC&ADL&Mo$$ad staff tel. 070-402 29 05 CLINELL, Bim: författarinna, journalist (according to Arne RUTH made paper&BONNIERS&TEl Aviv diploms) i radio, TV och tryck. Hon har även arbetat för USrael's räkning i Paris 10 år.", means, this dangerous French-spoken Mammele, still operates EU and infiltrated the French sections, worked in Paris, ten years sprea dlies against the Anti-Zionists&Communists&Muslims ... She is expert to produce fake-racism-stories. BAKSI, Kurdo: imitation of all above chiefs...Second hand homo-pig produces fake-racist stories,almost operates via Masoud BARZANI neo-zioni-gang. AMIN, Jabar: BarZioni's neo-Zionist Kurd instrument, infiltrated GreenParty. ...other second hand puppies&dogggies, who were been prized on such horny tasks: WIRTÉN, Per: MATTHIAS, Moa: WINTHER, Marianna: KONSTANTIS, Jannis: Catch-boy of Imperialism, imported from GreeCIA and uses as simply provocator, chief at NMR (fake anti-racist section of Jewish lobbies)... BERGGREN, Erik: His father was top-chief of provocative news fabrications by BONNIERS&WALLENBERG&BILDERBERG Mafia. Henrik BERGGREN for instance was chief propagandist at Daliy Newspoaper Dagens Nyheter... Doggy Erik sitting now in the father's chair at same paper, DN and continues to produce traditionally Jewish llies... JONSSON, Stefan: CATOMERIS, Christian: SEHN, Arthur: History-falser, operates Ukraina OLSSON, Ola: History-falser, operated Ukraina, too. WALLIN, Stig: "Den gamla bedragaren mjölkar svenska folket"... Famous betrayer in many countries... Wanted in Polonia 'cause of WALLIN Clan Members looted other Jews during WW II. He escaped to Scandinavia and still operates institutions, built several fake Anti-Racist unities, like CMR (Centrum mot rasism; don't make me laugh!) Sick!.. Ridiculous sickness, yes, it's biggest one in this horny market!.. And meantime this shiitty Jew operates in the religious sects for example Baptist Sect for USraeli Mafia. ANDROSHUCHUK, Feidr: Archeologie-falser, worked (operated) Ukraina and sometimes joined propaganda actions in the EU, via Zionist Folk Party visa... HASSAN, Maria: joined history-falsery coup and operated Ukraina. She prized by Jewish coup in Sosis Party of SvekJa Kingdom, selected (!) as parliamet as biggest prize for her completely successfull polit-prostition. AHLMARK, Per&AHLIN, Per: TIGER, Annica: IT-service ** AIPAC&ADL Terrornetwork's directly connex in Scandinavia; propaganda center Exxpo: Stieg LARSSON (death af AIDS preventive medicament was ooverdos and caused heart attack): David LAGERLÖS contuines in the chief's chair ** CMR Gang administration of Jewish Propagand Machinery: Stig Wallin Ordförande stig.wallin@cmr.nu Raili Borg raili.borg@cmr.nu Jabar Amin jabar.amin@cmr.nu Matti Laukkanen matti.laukkanen@cmr.nu Godfrey Etyang godfrey.etyang@cmr.nu Jannis Konstantis jannis.konstantis@cmr.nu Amina Ek Verksamhetschef telefon: 08- 545 414 81 e-post: amina.ek@cmr.nu Babak Rahimi Webbansvarig telefon: 08- 545 414 82 e-post: babak.rahimi@cmr.nu Mkyabela Sabuni Medlemsamordnare telefon: 08- 545 414 83 e-post: mkyabela.sabuni@cmr.nu ** NMR, Nätverk mot rasism som ständigt i tjänsten af sionistisk rasism: Nätverket mot rasism's postal adddress: c/o Hasans vänner (bara en falsk vän som ökända homo-horan Jannis KONSTANTIS) Box 34 129 21 Hägersten Billiga kollaboratörer å samma sidan: www: http://www.nmr.nu e-post: info@nmr.nu ** FARR, Falseriet's gyllene tider, bedrivs af Pentagon's male-whore Michael WILLIAMS, settled in the EU for operations: FARR: Box 57, 776 23 HEDEMORA Tel/fax 0225-14777, pg 520890-5, info(at)farr.se Michael Williams (ordf), michael.williams(at)farr.se Ingeborg Sevastik (vice ordf), 0173-10129, isevastik(at)hotmail.com (Bangladesh) Birgitta Olsson (sekreterare), 0157-20907 Britta Flodin (vice sekr), 0159-10707 Sören Lilja (kassör), 0696-55115 Övriga styrelsen, landansvariga och medlemsgrupper: Borås: FARR-gruppen i Borås, 033-139895, alt 179447 Falun: Falu-Borlänge Asylkommitté, lennart.ed.konsult(at)swipnet.se Falkenberg: Hallands Asylkommitté, 0346-58316 Birgitta Hallding, 0709-822888 Lars Fagerström, 0346-17796 Filipstad: (Värmland) Bengt Sjöberg, 0590-10336, bengt.sjoberg00(at)telia.com Flen: Föreningen Solidaritetens hus, 0157-10006 Gävle: Asylkommittén i Gästrikland, 0297-20307 Göteborg: Ingen Människa är Illegal, goteborg(at)ingenillegal.org Reza Chitsaz, reza1871(at)hotmail.com Laxå: Laxå asylkommitté, Marita Wanche, 0585-44360 Linköping: Jan Johansson, 0703-991319 Ljusdal: Ljusdals Solidaritetshusförening, 0651-15957 Ludvika: Rigmor Andersson, 0240-18603, rigmor.andersson(at)farr.se Lund: Asylgruppen Lund, 073-6699375, asylgruppenlund(at)hotmail.com Malmö: Asylgruppen i Malmö, 0736-590573 asylgruppen(at)hotmail.com Joachim Lentz, 040-464736 (Latinamerika) Stockholm: Asylkommittén i Stockholm, 08-6175186 asylkommitten(at)hotmail.com Ingen Människa är Illegal, stockholm(at)ingenillegal.org Bertil Bengtsson, 08-7118180 (Libanon) Bertil Mathsson, 08-323602 Brita Hännestrand, 08-6557936 (kl 17-19) (Iran). Fax 08-6554031 Elisabeth Halász, 08-53185191 Jean-Luc Martin, 08-6628871 Lidija Badel, lidija.badel(at)spray.se Sundsvall: Asylkommittén i Sundsvall, 060-122850 Birgitta Krona, bikrona(at)yahoo.se Uppsala: Ekumeniska fristadsgruppen m nätverk, 018-370135 ** Kristen-klädda judiska bedragarnas mest farliga figurer: Enochsson-clan members Lilja-clan members Thorson/Thorsson clan members Wikström clan members... etc. etc. bl. a. propaganda section chiefs: Annelie Enochson Telefon: 08-786 44 20 Mobil. 070-655 06 50 E-post: annelie.enochson@kristdemokraterna.se Mats Odell Telefon: 08-786 5686 Mobil. 070-530 42 47 E-post: mats.odell@kristdemokraterna.se Polit-whores in the officially corridors of EU: Gunnar Hökmark är moderaternas förstanamn som missbrukar partiets resurser och prostituerar för USraeli militär-Mafia. 19 september 1952 föddes i Ystad, Mammele var bordellmamma och pppan var efterlyst kund rymmde från Germania som stulit ägodelar/guld af andra judiska tjuvar. ** - Zionist Folk Party - Vilka namn jag kan lista upp uttalen; exempelvis; Jan STENBECK (died after overdos viagra in a brothel by the side of Jewish porno figures...) Fredrik Malm chief at homo-whore-sect, Lars LEIJONBORG drives pro-Zionist Fag Party, Birgitta OHLSSON cloakrat in Parliament, Cecilia MALMSTRÖM undermines Bruxel institutions; there are multi-culti labelled multi-criminal intruments too for instance Mauruicio ROJAS, PINOCHET's Jewish bastard imported just from Chilean dictatorship and similarly doggies&piggies under polit-whore clothes... ...massor... Sect/sektarians/manipulation sektionerna är mycket rika, finns massa skurkar som aktiva i detta skitiga området exempelvis: JABOTINSKY sect: EKMAN Clan members ruling Jabotinsky terror-gang worldwide. Arken-sect: bedrivs af bedragaren Gunnar Bergling, född 1944, hjärndöd på mänskligt sätt ändå springer kloakråttan som ett slags af marionett. ICJ-sect: Jehova's pedophiles sect: Lutherian sect who betray the name of poor Martin LUTHER!.. Satanistical sects took money from Masonry lobbies... ...and much more... ** - Intressant... Bara finns ju cirka 20.000 judar i Sverige. - Men det är någon form speciell doktrinera flock... - Visst!.. Inte bara plundrare, bedragare som flydde från de länderna fortfarande efterlyser brottslingarna... - Traditinellt farliga instrument, vad jag bevitnat.. Deras vuxna andel är helt hjärntvättade fanatiker som hatar mänskligheten.. - Men räcker det att dominera Sverige? - Bara tio fifflare räckte att lúra FN, (United Nations) i 1948 så bildades världens första militär maffian som s.k. state of USrael... Självklart räcker detta att driva samhället vart som helst... Kom ihåg att mediala apaprater och finans-sektor ligger i deras tassar... - Dessutom är svenskar, samer, norrman, finnar etc. så snälla att tro på judarnas lögner i flera år... - Titta på Channel Discovery.. Samer och svenskar liknar de drabbade renarna som vilseledas i öknen... - Skandinaviens egna institutioner och stiftelser utnyttjas liksom råttfällor som skadar folket, istället för shakaler... - Definitivt!.. Sanningens vinkel om man bara vill se!.. Se på den pågående plundringen!.. En enda schakal räcker att driva en stor hjord... Stackare svenskar blev bara 9 miljoner och de opiniosbildande krafter tillochmed enorma resurser af mediala propagandans mekanismer, DN, Expressen, Aftonbladet, Judisk krönika, Menorah etc etc ligger i schakalernas tassar. Miljontals människor hjärntvättas via den enorma kraften.. Även de som kallar sig ockupations-koalitionen som massakrerar Mellanöstern, har inte sådan mediala möjligheter... Vilken paradis blivit Skandinavien att schakaler, råttor, skitätar fluggor dansar i taket af den noga korrumperade cirkusen!.. - Då är det lätt att fatta!.. Det räcker att suga ut hela Europa's blod, inte minst de stackare svenskarnas... - Väl-beskrivit!.. Nu är du Nazi!.. - Tack så mycket, men jag är Marxist och den här bästa vännen är Muslim!.. - Oavsett vad ni är! Imorgon hängs ditt namn ut som Nazi, då kan dina alla krafter inte räcka att försvara dina grundläggande rättigheter!.. - Då går jag til Amnesty Int.! - Förgäves!.. Amnesty SvekJa sviker människor om man kritiserat imperilaismen, speciellt blivit etiketterad hos SKMA. - Vad är SKMA - Central registration of Mo$$ad's Scandinavia civil pursuement section. - Wow!.. I am afraid of such democracy!.. - Vad? - Zero!. Ground Zero of Human Rights, specially in the such horny staellites of ZOG - ???!!! - ???!!! ** Sverige mot rasism!.. Smart!.. Den välsminkade varudeklarationen låter fint i första ögonkastet! Men vem som ligger bakom det här projektet och hur mycket vinner de cheferna i detta lurendrejeriet? Egentligen borde man fråga; kära listiga schakaler, vems Sverige ni vill låtsas representera? Tror ni att detta land så enkelt blivit lättlurad och förvandlas att vara en extra bordell af era horaktige döttrar? Eller är detta US&USrael-ägda kondom som ni obgränsade sättet utnyttjar saken i flera år? Tror ni att detta fräckhet skall inte sättas i svars, ska ni plundra samhället såhär fritt/schutzpach och undvika att bestaffas; blir det, verkligen? Smittsamma råttor smiter inte varje gång! Det saka var nog någon gång!.. Läs historien!.. - Låt se och höra, vad de vittnena berättar om detta nya exemplet af projektet? - Varsågoda!... http://turture.abf.se/Forum/kalles.ns...!OpenDocument http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/... http://www.schriwer.no/_disc1/0000000... http://guestbooks.pathfinder.gr/read/... http://readthetruth.com/guestbook/gue... http://www.shariati.com/messages/3861... http://www.hopp.org/guestbook.asp?pag... http://turture.abf.se/Forum/kalles.ns... - ABF, Jew dominated falsification center explain its own parasites; also, main casuality of Racism is just main benefits of the Zionist Fascists! - It's true!.. Sebbe THORVALDSSON tells the truth when he get a bottle "absolute Vodka" from me!... - Wow!.. Typical traditionally affair!.. I understand now better!... - I am experter on Jewsih Evangelian fag character!.. - Congratulation, Sir!.. http://www.efc-inc.com/boards/toys/me... http://www.faulkingtruth.com/GuestBoo... http://kisielice.com/kisielice/ksiega... http://readthetruth.com/guestbook/gue... http://www.ludd.luth.se/~birger/gb_re... http://www.foothill.net/swisley/wwwbo... http://debatt.passagen.se/show.fcgi?c... http://amazingforums.com/forum/KEMDOC... http://turture.abf.se/Forum/kalles.ns... http://www.faulkingtruth.com/GuestBoo... - Jag personligen känner vissa af de ovanlistade svinarter.. Jo, de är som legal-maskerade kriminella, plågar samhället full-fritt! - Någon ska sätta stop någonstans! - Hoppas! Vi behöver nya modiga Che GUEVARA, STALIN, HITLER, LENIN tillochmed profeten MOHAMMAD-sinnade krigare som ska sluta den pågående sionistiska imperialismen! - Instämmer!.. Folk borde inte utnyttjas som kor!.. Det varar inte evigt! Åtminstone jag som en af dem som inte tillåter att vara jagad, plundrad och behandlas som leksak... ** Se hit, vad svenskafolket tycker; vad man avslöjar om judedominerade historie förvrängning och föroreningar: http://www.svenskafolket.se/forum.htm - ManipulaZional Racism is most progressive industry to win bloody money and therefore we witness so wonderful conferences against Racism and same figures who profiteers of Racist brutality.. - Actually I am the one of such witnessess... I realized that the Zionist obbies bult a lot of AntiRacist leagues who drive this industry... In fact, there are famous evidences on this satellite; CMR&NMR... These big shurkness centers driven directly from US&USraeli Military Mafia... CMR&NMR coalition looks like US&BRitannian Coalition... US&ToryBLiar occupoied Iraq.. But CMR&NMR Coalition didn't need occupation, 'cause poor Sweden been occupied since many years... BONNIERS&WALLENBERGS&HORNYBERGS' bastards exactly similarly sadistical jackals look like the Toturer Chiefs at Proison Abu-Gharib... We heard the prisoners from Iraq, it's great!... But unfortunately , there are no single one example to show me a race that world heard the oppressed people of Laponia... World'd mass-discrimination, biggest oppression onpoing n the EU and there is no single one true Human Rights defender in Bruxel.. The ridiculous figures of Bruxel EU department produce still lies on the Muslim world, but these shurks never try to see the dismissed Laponians od Scandinavia... - Why? - Because all the medial instruments stil n the hand of Jewish Mafia... - Then it's not strange all the Anti-Racist falsification leagues too sitting in the fame of same system.. - Definitely!.. This is very dangerous situation that top-chie fof ENAR is Mammele Whore Vera EGENBERGER... ECRI Chiefs all the Jewish whores and all connected sections recruit their own bastards like Evangelist fanatics or such piggies.. And al these institutions stil under Zionist occupation...They label themselves "Anti-Racist".. Ridiculous joke, Sir!.. How can I explain, look at this my little doggy;it is an animal, sitting here and I am labelling it "Lion"... Is it really "Lion" now? - No? - You are Nazi!... - What? - As long as you expose the real world, you are Nazi!.. As ong as you declare the truth so you are Communist, you are true relligious man, so you are Muslim!.. According to me, to my fake AntiRacist power you never welcomed.. Even you can't be credited by me and I'll hang out your posters via mmy medial machinery.. You'll be Nazi!... If majoority hate Laponians, so I'll label yoiu as "Laponian/Aborigian/Indigenous/Gypsy... So what! - Crazy!.. You are a big stinky dare!... You are dangerous provocator!.. - Yes!.. Yes!.. That's is right!. You are awakening now; I succeed about you!.. I would like to expose how all these top-whores are dangerous... Yes.. This is a stupidy affair, still droven under "legalized masks"... This is well-paid mafia and well-organized Fascist league but it labelled itself as "AntiRacist"... - We must piss off them!... - Do that, if you are human!... Defence your honoour against the provocaors, occupied our institutions!.. ** - In fact, I am not a kind Socialist nor National Socialist; also, it's your wrong when you called me "Nazi".. But as long as system dismiss the people and tageted them; so I'll stay by their side, as biggest Nazi!.. I fight for the baisc free-speech-rights of al National Socialists!... Understand?.. If your boss discriminates a poor woman, so I am just an aggressive Feminist there.. If your school closed to the Muslim Children because of their scarf or what, so I am just a warrior there, like an Intifada member and definitely a Muslim like a biggest steel monument.. - I understand! You are Communist!.. - Yes!.. If you listen to me, when I am Communist, then it's me; okay!.. No doubt!.. I am the Communist Guevaraist now, because you left me only one way to be serious by you!.. Isn't it?! Call me please STALIN, LENIN, MARX... All these labels are high level gold, honour medailles for me now!.. ** - What do you know anout the Holoco$$t industry? - As you say now, it's simply klassical affair of Zionist flock, it's absolutely biggest one of the industries... - Here is some additionally inof on such affairs... - I am istening to you!. Go on!.. - Lies of the Holocaust Industry Subjecting an ethnic group or nation to torture under any pretext is quite unacceptable, but it is worse when the suffering is abused, and it is the worst when a group tries to exaggerate the event for political purposes. By exaggerating the suffering of the Jews during World War II, Zionist groups and the Israeli regime are taking advantage of the situation by raising the issue at international organizations in order to neutralize any opposition to their diabolical plots. No one is trying to ignore the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, but the suffering of a religious/ethnic group should not cause the world to forget the suffering of another nation or allow those who suffered persecution to do the same injustice to another nation. Every year on January 27 the media give wide coverage to the so-called Holocaust and Tel Aviv rebukes the world for the historic suffering that they claim they experienced in the past. Today the Holocaust has very complicated connotations. The exaggeration of this phenomenon can be interpreted as the Europeans’ attempt to salve their guilty consciences by handing over the lands of the Palestinian nation to a people to whom the Europeans believe they have done an injustice. After the end of the war in 1945, the Allies along with Zionist leaders began formulating strange conceptions about the killing of Jews at Nazi camps which a modern man can hardly accept. By conjuring up images of gas chambers, they are attempting to convey the idea that the Jews have undergone indescribable torture and that the world’s conscience should be awakened to this issue so that the Jews are not subjected to injustice again. In pursuit of this goal, the West, spearheaded by Britain and the United States, began sowing seeds for the seizure of Palestine and condemned the Palestinians to pay for a crime that the Westerners themselves had committed. Thus, this nation, which claims to have been the perennial victim of violence and torture over the course of history, is now doing the same thing to the Palestinians. It was not long before a group of revisionist historians in the West began to question the claim that six million Jews were butchered by the Nazis and even asked whether the slaughter of six million Jews during World War Two was possible or not. The revisionist historians have proven in two decades of study that if Hitler had carried out a systematic program to eradicate the Jews, it would have taken more time than the six years that the war lasted. They have also proven that such an act of ethnic cleansing through the use of the poison gas Zyklon-B, as the Zionists claim, was not possible at the time. Norman J. Finkelstein, a Jewish professor at New York University critical of Zionist policies, has called the claim the “Holocaust Industry”, which is only meant to boost support for the government of Israel. Over the past several decades and since the event was questioned, Zionist propagandists have tried to substantiate this claim through various means. The Zionists are trying to revitalize an issue which has become discredited in the eyes of world public opinion by using the press, radio, television, the Internet, and, most importantly of all, cinema and the great filmmaking industry in Hollywood, since most of the significant players of this influential industry are Jews. It can be said that any war, and particularly one that affects the world, will always lead to many problems and disasters, and World War II is no exception. Undoubtedly, the Nazi concentration camps were not holiday resorts and imposed various difficulties on the prisoners, just like any other detention camps in other wars. Many people in these camps, including innocent men, women and children, died of hunger, illness, and other causes. The victims were from different nations and ethnic groups, including the Jews, who also lost many people, but the Jews were not the only victims of the war and a greater number of innocent people from other ethnic groups also lost their lives. The issue of the Holocaust and the anniversaries held for the event are only meant to promote the repressive policies of the Zionists. The Jews suffered as a result of Hitler’s expansionism, just like other innocent victims but should not be granted special privileges over the others. The declaration that six million Jews were killed in World War II is an exaggeration of the truth. Furthermore, the suffering and pains of a nation cannot justify their crimes against other nations. The issue of the Holocaust is only being highlighted to cover up Israel’s crimes in Palestine. http://www.tehrantimes.com/Descript...=14&Num=001 ** - Comrade John LYNCH tells: http://www.geocities.com/carbonomics/indexcopy.html http://www.holywar.org/poster507.jpg http://www.teenschatlive.com/webboard/messages/6495.htm http://www.holywar.org/CART151.gif http://jollyroger.com/zz/ymilitaryd/REVOLUTIONARYWARhall/mobydicks.php http://www.holywar.org/poster533.jpg http://www.qurultay.org/eng/forum_msg_list.asp?id=140&FN=53 http://www.holywar.org/poster526.jpg http://www.folkmakt.nu/debatt/messages/5837.html http://www.holywar.org/poster524.jpg http://users.cgiforme.com/fbendz/messages/948.html http://pub3.bravenet.com/forum/236150122/fetch/432665/ http://englischlehrer.de/media/holocaust.php http://www.shariati.com/messages/4445.html http://www.holywar.org/poster507.jpg Independent Anti-Racist Brigades&National Socialists of EU&Solidarity with all kind Socialists&Marxists&true Muslim-Christian Brotherhood&oppressed Minorities like Laponians and Anti-Fascist Movements, who alll together struggle against Zionist Imperialism stop-manipulation@fight-back.org, fight_Fascist-Jewish-Imperialism@org |
18th April 2005 - 12:01:41 PM |
13164 : |
that game kicks fucking ass |
18th April 2005 - 12:22:05 PM |
13165 : |
what's with all this fucking poker spam - the only poker I'm interested in is to poker my cock into Diamonds sweet ass - maybe even poker my cock into his pretty mouth and skull fuck him until my jizz shoots out his eye sockets, ears and nose. |
18th April 2005 - 01:56:13 PM |
13166 : |
When people are labeled 'abnormal' simply because of their differences, and discriminated against because of those differences, their entire being can become paralyzed. The voice of the mind is stifled, the voice of the heart is oppressed, and the voice of action becomes disabled. For many decades in America, homosexuals have suffered in this way. Homosexuality was not only discriminated against, it was made illegal and labeled a mental disorder. With the multicultural revolution of the '60s and '70s, we witnessed the beginnings of the arduous task of affirming the rights of oppressed people in our society, including homosexuals. For gay people, a benchmark of success in this movement occurred in 1973, when the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM) removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. At last, as gay people, our differences were no longer pathologized and society began to not hold these differences against us, at least institutionally. This was one of the many markers in gay history that enabled us to rediscover our long impotent voices. Even so, there are still those who attempt to pathologize our expressions of love, to minimize who we are as human beings, and who look upon our community only in the context of our 'behavior,' rather than embracing each individual as a member of the human family. As a gay man living with HIV, I have found it difficult to hold the DSM in my hands, difficult to gaze upon its pages, and difficult to let go of the rage that I felt inside towards a book that was often referenced in the persecution of so many of my gay relations. But in my anger I came face to face with my own resistance-resistance to let go of the past, to look upon the pages of the DSM with a fresh mind, and to acknowledge the wisdom that this book holds. I recognized that my inability to rise above such a mindset mirrored that of the earlier authors of the DSM. This was a source of tremendous suffering for me. I often refer to the DSM in this article. I do so not to hold individuals in a pathological 'freeze-frame,' but rather as a tool to recognize particular paths, to understand the complex story of people. I am trying to explore my own resistance to the lives that we bear witness to here. Ultimately, I believe that we are all bound by love and the human covenant to deeply understand such lives. I must also begin with this disclaimer. The men I refer to as "Bug Chasers" are a very small fraction of the gay community. This article is not meant to sensationalize nor bring harm to my gay brothers. It is only my attempt to understand, embrace and ultimately love them-without want, resistance, or ignorance. Asking For Help I can remember the demonstrations in San Francisco, I can still feel the heavy sadness, still hear the chanting of the crowds, I can see the placards demanding assistance from the federal government, and I can still smell the burning of thousands of candles in memory of our dead. I can taste the salt of my tears. Our pain, our anger, our isolation, our grief, our hopelessness, and our helplessness brought us together. Help was all we were asking for. Gay had become the acronym for "Got AIDS Yet?" Out on a date I confided "I am HIV positive." His reply was "Who isn't?" Was it 1983? '84? '85? Was it Castro Street, Market Street, or Civic Center? Was it 10,000, 20,000, or 30,000 marching? This was the dawning of the AIDS community and help was all we were asking for. Year 2000. In Gay nightclubs across the U.S. men wear sleeveless shirts in hopes that someone will notice the tattoo "HIV-" blazoned across their deltoid. What is not so obvious is that the intention of such a tattoo is to attract someone who is HIV+. It is an invitation to infect through a practice known as "barebacking," having unprotected anal sex. In other words, the tattooed man is intentionally seeking an HIV+ partner to infect him with the virus. All that is left is a trip back to the tattoo artist to have that tattoo adjusted from negative to positive. Simple. Is help all these men are asking for? In private sex clubs across the U.S. men gather for a chance to participate in what is called Russian Roulette. Ten men are invited, nine are HIV-, one is HIV+. The men have agreed to not speak of AIDS, nor HIV. They participate in as many unsafe sexual encounters with each other as possible, thus increasing their chances to receive "the bug." These are the men known as 'Bug Chasers.' Is help all they are asking for? Suicide or Informed Consent? For most of us, our initial reaction to such behavior is shock. We could assume that men who do this are trying to commit suicide, consciously or unconsciously. We might demonize such behavior by blaming these men for the further spread of AIDS. My own initial reaction was a mix of deep sadness and concern, harsh and bitter judgment, accompanied by a dark fascination and an echo of familiarity. I wanted to see into and label such behavior, perhaps even to pathologize. I wanted to understand what was the fire of my judgment and the coolness of something so familiar. As I began to research, I turned first to the wisdom of psychology to try to understand. What could cause men to tempt fate so? There are many apparent reasons. Some men report that the element of danger in sexual encounters of this kind adds to the "rush" of arousal. There are men who, once infected, feel like they finally "belong," they are now part of the Gay community. Some find relief in knowing that now they don't have to worry about getting infected any more, the deed is done. Some believe the myth that HIV is a chronic manageable disease and that the new drugs promise them a long and healthy life. Some couples see infection as the deepest level of intimacy. No doubt any of the above explanations can be put forth as probable cause for such seemingly reckless self-destructive behavior. Yet I find myself stepping back from easy explanations. Generalizations such as these don't speak to me as truth, they merely touch the surface. The truth is that each individual has a different story that leads him to participate in this way. Each story has many layers, and these layers fall somewhere on a continuum between what is deemed 'abnormal' and 'normal' behavior. Although it is convenient to maintain a narrow reactive focus, the fact is that if we truly want to shed light on this subject and to understand, we must use our insight and our knowledge. "Bug Chasers" are members of the human family and it's important to embrace them as such. Conscious and Unconscious Intentions In reflecting on the stories of people I know and have read and heard about, it seems to me that Bug Chasing can be both conscious and unconscious. Such intentions seem to manifest differently in two distinct generations of gay men. The older generation are those who have lived through nearly two decades of loss and grief due to the ravages of HIV. The younger generation of Gay men have not been as affected by the multiple losses which have occurred in our community. In pointing out this difference, I do not mean to minimize the impact of emotions felt by the younger generation of Gay men about such losses. Rather, I choose these two generations as a marker of differentiation because there seems to be two very different themes that play out in participating in unsafe sexual behavior. The clinical disorders discussed in this article should not be considered absolute—some characteristics overlap into both generations while some disorders are more clearly present in one than the other. And by the way, and perhaps this will be a surprise to some, research reveals that most of these men, regardless of generation, are well informed and educated. The Unconscious Intention I believe that the "Bug Chasers" of the older generation of Gay men may possibly be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The diagnostic criteria in the DSM for PTSD is that the individual "has experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury... and that the person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror." The DSM also states, "Individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may describe painful guilt feelings about surviving when others did not survive or about the things they had to do to survive." Psychologist Walt Odets, in reference to the complex varieties of survivor guilt seen in HIV men, says, "HIV- men tend to be profoundly clinically depressed, anxious, disoriented, hypochondriachal, uncertain about the future, sexually dysfunctional, deeply demoralized and physically numb." He goes on to say that many HIV men "abuse alcohol or drugs, and their physicians prescribe them millions of dollars worth of tranquilizers, sleeping pills, anti-depressants and sedatives every year." Finally, Odets finds that more and more uninfected men now "live in nearly every detail like a dying man - disoriented, piecemeal, and with no assumption of the future." My own experience bears this out. In the larger Gay ghettos of San Francisco and elsewhere, I have met older Gay men who have lost all of their friends and avoid developing new relationships. Such men live in a world often characterized by increasing isolation, unresolved anger, substance abuse, and a lack of desire to participate in activities they once enjoyed. I recall some men who were HIV- in the late eighties attending support groups where they openly expressed their hopelessness and alienation as they witnessed their friends, their peers, and their generation die. I have witnessed many such individuals express disappointment and despair that they were still alive. I have heard men say it would have been easier to die with the complications of AIDS because living meant having to learn to cope with multiple loss. Add to all of this the terribly revealing fact that, as Michaelangelo Signorile recently wrote, "far too many gay men say they actually fear growing old in a gay world that puts the young and buffed on a pedestal while treating the over-35 crowd like lepers." The Intimacy of Bug Chasing For some men, the desire and quest for intimacy is also bundled into this equation of bug chasing. Some men may fetishize the HIV virus, and act in intimate ways to relate to it, while others may feel so 'below' another that they risk their own well being for a fleeting moment of intimacy. In an article in POZ Magazine, Michael Scarce challenges our ideas of what might be considered intimacy when he writes: "Charged Loads...offer a kind of permanent partnership, a connection out-side of time." He quotes an HIV+ man as saying, "It turns me on knowing how much he wants my come and how much he's willing to deal with to get it." Scarce goes on to state that "the sharing of semen and reclaiming its rich symbolic meanings," reflects the desire for intimacy. Sadly, I am skeptical that sharing of this kind can ultimately bring about the level of ongoing intimacy that these men are searching for. I do not, however, believe that Scarce is advocating bug chasing, per sé, but is wisely presenting us with an opportunity to examine intimacy beyond our narrow understanding of it. We might think that these men are out of their minds, but that judgement is the measure of our own resistance. We need to explore this resistance if we are to understand more completely these men who are undeniably our own. Confronting my own negative judgement, I ask myself, "How dare I project my ideas of intimacy onto another." After all, isn't that the same root of oppression towards homosexuality that has occurred throughout this past century? The Positives of Being HIV Positive Ian Young, in his article The AIDS Cult and Its Seroconverts, says that many HIV- men think "HIV positives live richer, more complex, more 'authentic' lives, get more attention, are better able to take risks including, significantly, the 'risk of intimacy' and with such risk-taking, life can be meaningful and full." I must confess that my own seroconversion (i.e. becoming HIV+) brought about tremendous grief coupled with a wonderful euphoric sense of liberation, of letting go-a liberation that taught me to love again. I know of many men, including myself, who, when they seroconverted, felt as though they were now encouraged to take better care of themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Coupled with such feelings, many of these same men also felt as though they were finally supported by the community that they once felt so alienated from. Confirming this, Young writes "An HIV+ test result, or even an AIDS diagnosis, frequently results in a decrease in anxiety!" Reacting with such positive emotions about such a devastating diagnosis seems quite strange at first, like a reversal in the logic stream. But this isn't about logic, it's about very complex psychological and emotional territory. It might be that such positive acceptance of finding oneself HIV positive arises developmentally from previous abnormal conditions. Such conditions might include chronic depression rooted in childhood unhappiness, socially induced guilt, and internalized homophobia. As these conditions develop, the opportunity to fully act out is then presented through barebacking and bug chasing. Seroconversion, in this case, may or may not be the goal. But it might also be argued that there is a conditioning factor inherent in Gay culture that rewards men for becoming HIV positive, as though it were a rite of passage. If so, this would be a relatively new (within the last 20 years) cultural development, and something that we would do well to bring into the light of consciousness and intention. Is such a self-injurious rite of passage what we want for ourselves? Is it not possible to love and accept one another without having to seroconvert? Without having to die to feel loved? A More Conscious Intention It is difficult for me to imagine being young and coming into my sexuality after two decades of AIDS, be it gay, straight, or otherwise. My own sexual liberation twenty years ago held no such fears or threats. I did not have to confront the choice of whether or not to adhere to the "do's" and "don't's" of my sexual expression. Such expression was not desensitized by latex, interrupted with "informed" negotiation, nor stalled by the doubt or mistrust of my partner's sexual history. Such expression flowed with the rhythms of the heart and the body, not the ticking of an apprehensive mind. But young people are coming into their sexuality, every day. HIV and AIDS are not new news. Their consciousness and choices are a world apart from what I and my generation experienced. And, given the world of choices and consequences they face, some choose barebacking and even bug chasing. I think, for most people, it is very easy to demonize these behaviors. I did. My initial thought was that such men suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder which, according to the DSM, is characterized by a "lack of empathy and tendency to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and suffering of others." The DSM goes on to say, "These individuals may also be irresponsible and exploitive in their sexual relationships," and "are more likely than people in the general population to die prematurely by violent means, e.g. suicide, accidents, and homicides." I assumed that these men had no sense of remorse for the harm they commit, not only to others, but to themselves. I imagined an impulsive behavior and a failure to conform to reasonable social norms. I judged them negatively as being sexually irresponsible, exploitive, and cavalier. Then I read the February '99 issue of POZ Magazine. It was dedicated to the subject of barebacking. POZ editor Walter Armstrong states, in reference to barebacking, "There has always been a strong outlaw element in gay sexuality, this is an extension." This statement stopped me dead in my tracks. I began to recall the many friends, now dead, who might have been considered sexual outlaws, who might be considered deviant, callous, non-empathetic, or anti-social by those who did not really know them. But I did know them. And was I an "outlaw" as well? As I thought about it, I tried to look more deeply, to understand, and to cultivate the insight I might need to become more compassionate in regards to them, and to myself. As insight and compassion deepened, that negative judgement about barebacking and bug chasing had to be re-examined. In light of this, I now view barebacking and bugchasing not as Antisocial Personality Disorder, but more as Self Inflicted Violence, or as I prefer to call it, Self Injurious Behavior. This realization turned the question from "how could someone do that?" to "how can I understand and help?" Seroconversion as a Rite of Passage As I read through the articles published in POZ, I found the young Gay men who advocated barebacking and bug chasing to be somewhat cavalier. The glamorization, eroticization, and the claims of deeper levels of intimacy made by these men would lead one to believe that they are indeed making informed choices in their sexual behavior. Consider, for example, this plea by Tony Valenzuela. In speaking about the practice of barebacking, he states, "We need to trust that young gay men will be wise in their decisions. They're not passive victims .... It's a huge disrespect to do otherwise." Can we trust that young gay men are "wise in their decisions" when they engage in barebacking? If so, are we able to extend such a trust to young gay men who are bug chasers? I do want to extend the trust that Tony Valenzuela and others ask for. At the same time, I don't accept all of these claims entirely at face value. My fear is that, if I were to do so, I wouldn't be getting to the deeper truth of this issue. To their credit, bareback advocates are at last speaking out about the behavior that has been quietly hidden away in the closet for the past two decades, and on the surface it is informed. But I believe there are others, not so outspoken, who may be equally informed, but whose intention and experience may be seen in the light of Self Injurious Behavior. For example, in the summer of 1999 I attended the Gay Men's Health Summit in Boulder Colorado. I recall speaking to a twenty year old man who openly shared with me his feelings of wanting to seroconvert. "I don't know why, I honestly don't know why." Informed, educated, but where is the depth of insight to such desire? What's driving it? Self Injurious Behavior may have several motivations. From the web site I found several points to consider that shed light on bug chasing. Self injurers say that their behavior offers: "escape from emptiness, depression ... relief from intense feelings... an expression of emotional pain ... escaping numbness ... a feeling of euphoria... a relief of anger... a sense of control over one's body... expressing or coping with feeling of alienation." We're right back to that self-injurious rite of passage. For many men, being gay in the 1990's is equated with being HIV+. Such thinking has divided our community, creating strong feelings of alienation and anger for many who are HIV- . How to heal this rift? By seroconverting, many men believe that they will finally be supported by the community they once felt alienated from. Michael Scarce writes "barebacking is equated with 'breeding' and infection with 'impregnation.' Some HIV bug chasers have gone so far as to consciously choose the individual gift-giver who will 'father' their HIV infection." Such a rite of passage for some undoubtedly completes their identification with being gay and deepens their role as a member of the community. I believe many Gay men experience a great deal of internalized shame and anger through awakening to, and acceptance of, their sexuality in a homophobic society. The resulting Self Injurious Behavior paradoxically provides an individual with an opportunity to nurture himself, "to make internal wounds external and to nurture and heal these wounds. . . it is much easier to take care of a visible, tangible wound than to care for internal or emotional damage," according to web site . Living with the constant fear of becoming HIV+ or dying with complications of AIDS often manifests in internalized anger or feelings of numbness. But, paradoxically, a positive HIV test result can provide relief for the person who has seroconverted. I believe what is being relieved is internalized rage, anger, and the numbness produced by excessive fear. The article Protease Dis-inhibitors? quotes a young man as saying, "That awful waiting is gone ... Maybe now that I am HIV positive, I can finally have my life." For me, it is not so hard to imagine living in such fear and numbness that one feels as though one doesn't even have a life. As I reflect on my own experience with sincere honesty, I must say that my life prior to HIV was very lonely and empty. It is as though HIV enabled me to discover the depths of myself and a new depth of connection with the greater human family through all of our suffering, not just my own. Something Absolute I am the "Bug Chaser." I am every man spoken of in this article. I am the man who has witnessed so many die while wishing that I was dying, too. I was once the hopeless, the depressed, the alienated, the physically numb. I was the one who could care less about the future; the one who felt so below another that I would put my life in jeopardy for that fleeting moment of intimacy. I was the man who slept with infected men, who had unprotected sex with these men, through the haze of alcohol, drugs, desire, and anger. I was the man who demonized my own behavior and hated myself for such behavior. I was the man who was asking for help in so many conscious and unconscious ways. I am the man whose life became full, whose life became meaningful after my seroconversion. I am the man who finally got his life back through a glimpse of liberation when I realized the depths of impermanence. I am the man who wanted to share the intimacy of suffering together and of healing together, and I am the man who knows true intimacy now. So often we grasp for absolutes, for that which is "right," that which is "wrong," that which is "normal," that which is "abnormal." But in our grasping, we set ourselves apart and bolster ourselves there with what appears to be "fact" or "truth," and our own personal experience. It's a thin security. I began my research into the behavior of bug chasing by turning to the wisdom of psychology to try to understand. But I have learned that, to get to the whole truth, we must let go of the definitions and the story, let go of the "bug chasers," for ultimately their story is not qualitatively different from the story of smokers, drug addicts, alcoholics and the rest of "us." Their story is little different from those who drive their cars too fast, or choose not to wear a seat belt, or use cell phones that cause brain tumors. Everyone is in the closet about something. The only real difference is the demonization of their behavior-and that's not about "them," it's about us. It is easy to condemn others for what they do, but are we able to own our own self-destructive tendencies, conscious or unconscious? Bug chasers are members of the human race, like everyone else. I once was taught that when we ask for help, we create the opportunity for love to be expressed in the world. I think back to the eighties and how we continually asked for help then. It is true that we were often ignored, but it is equally true that we were often heard. I have witnessed a great deal of love manifested in the world in this way. I know how difficult it is for me to ask for help. More often than not, the difficulty is identifying what I need help with and learning to articulate it. That which is absolute is the truth of our own hearts. That which is absolute is our willingness to look deeply into our own resistance and love what we discover there. In my journey, through researching and writing this article, I have had to come face to face with a tremendous amount of grief, a tremendous amount of self-demonization, a tremendous amount of truth that I had ignored for far too many years. It is difficult to love this part of myself but it becomes easier each time I re-read the words written here. It is through the cultivation of this love that I will be able to love my gay brothers who share this experience with me, and this I know as absolute. |
18th April 2005 - 05:13:56 PM |
13167 : |
18th April 2005 - 05:23:09 PM |
13168 : Craven Moorehead |
Dustin, I really would love to schedule some sodomy with you also - You could even get me into scat play if you give me enough coke. I am one of the dirtiest queers you'll ever slam. |
18th April 2005 - 05:24:16 PM |
13169 : Dustin Miller |
I like it up the ass!! |
18th April 2005 - 05:47:29 PM |
13170 : Enquiring Mind |
Diamond, I was wondering - does Mario Lopez's crotch smell like nacho cheese? |
18th April 2005 - 05:52:52 PM |
13171 : |
The halls of Bayside high were silent now. It was a little after seven o'clock in the evening. The football team had just wrapped up practice and would be showering in the locker room across campus and the cheerleaders were all leaving school for an after practice pizza party. All the academic and social clubs had long adjourned their meetings. A lone figure strode silently down the hall, still dressed in her Bayside cheerleading outfit. Kelli Kapowski, the Princess of Bayside High, knew she wasn't supposed to be in the mail quad area this late, but a bit of eye batting to old Nick, the janitor had gotten her in. She often used this sort of persuasion to get what she wanted. Kelli was sometimes surprised at just how easy men were to manipulate. Kelli used this time alone in the halls to check up on her friends private affairs, going so far as to print up an anonymous gossip column and hand it in to the school paper secretly. Getting the dirt on her fellow classmates was actually quite easy. Zach Morris had stolen everyone's locker combination from the school's computer and Kelli had in turn stolen them from Zach. She loved to spy on her fellow cheerleaders and her good friends Jessie and Lisa. They would just die if they knew that Kelli had learned all of their secrets from rifling through their lockers. After a particularly successful gossip finding mission, Kelli turned from the lockers and headed up the small staircase which led to the main hallway out of Bayside High. The quad area she strolled through had been her hang out for almost four years now. She had talked, laughed, cried and teased all boys she could right here at the center of school. It would be safe to say that these stairs were eighteen year old Kelli Kapaowski's home away from home. As her foot touched the second to the last step, the quiet darkness of the Bayside halls was shattered by blinding light. Kelli closed her eyes against the invasive light and let out a frightened shriek of shock. As her eyes fought to adjust to the light, Kelli heard a voice from behind her. "Well, well, well. I guess we know who the school gossip columnist is now don't we?" Kelli recognized the voice even before she whirled around to see who was talking. It was her sometimes boyfriend Zach Morris. He was leaning against the wall next to the stairs, with one hand on the light switch, the other on his hip. He had a cocky, mouth open, half smile on his face. "Oh Zach." Kelli said breathlessly. "It's just you. You scared the heck out of me." "Did I?" replied the good looking blond young man, an odd tone in his voice causing Kelli to shudder. "Yes." she managed, stalling for time, trying to figure out a way to talk her way out of the situation. "I just came back to get my science book." she said weakly. "Really?" Zach replied defiantly. "Your science book in Jessie's locker." Before Kelli could reply he continued. "You know, it took me a while to piece it all together. The anonymous gossip reports to the paper, those could have been almost anyone. Then I started to notice that a lot of the items in the columns came directly from notes I sent or received. I usually keep notes like that in my locker like anyone else would. Then I started to figure it out. It had to be someone getting into lockers. I have all the locker combos and I knew it wasn't me. So, who could it be? That's when I knew it had to be you Kelli. You must have stolen the locker combos off of my computer when you were over one day." He paused long enough for Kelli to answer. Zach was smiling, so she felt confident enough to tell him the truth. "Yep. One of the times I sent you down for a glass of iced tea." Zach chuckled aloud and Kelli joined him, relieved that he didn't seem angry with her. Soon, they were laughing loudly together. "You won't tell anyone will you Zach?" She asked, batting her eyes as she had done countless times before. "Tell anyone Kel? Is that what you're worried about?" He asked, taking a step towards her, with a strange look on his handsome face. "Well yeah." she replied. "I don't want everyone to know that its been me telling all of their secrets. They would all hate me if they knew." "Kelli, I already sent a letter to the school paper and Mr. Belding explaining who is responsible for the gossip, even admitting how I know. It will be all over school by tomorrow afternoon." He was still stepping towards her as he spoke. Kelli felt a chill run up her spine at the thought of all her classmates knowing about her secret. She knew it would take a lot of talking and a lot of flirting to get herself out of this mess, but first she had to see just what Zach was up to. "So, if not to catch me doing this, then why be here at all Zach." she asked. "To settle another matter. You see Kel, once I figured out that you were breaking into lockers, it was easy to figure out that you were doing it after everyone was gone. So, I just decided I'd wait here for you." "But why?" Kelli asked, stepping backwards up another step away from Zach who stood now at the bottom of the stairs. "To settle something that I have been meaning to take up with you for some time now." he replied. "And just what would that be?" Kelli asked, relaxing a little as Zach seemed to be his normal mischievous but harmless self again. "Well, Kel, we have been going together on and off for pretty much the last three years and I've never gotten any further than feeling your tits through your polo shirt." he replied. "Zach!" cried Kelli, annoyed at him now. "We have been through this a thousand times. I am not that type of girl. You know that I am going to wait until I'm married to fool around. We are not going to have this discussion right now." She added angrily, determined to get out of there fast and try to find some way out of the other mess. "Oh I am afraid we are going to do more than just talk about it this time Kelli. I'm sick of talking about it. Slater!" Before Kelli could turn to look, she felt strong hands grabbing her shoulders, holding her in place. "Got her." grumbled the familiar voice of A.C. Slater, her friend, and other sometimes boyfriend. His strong hands dug into her tender arms, hurting Kelli as she struggled in his grasp. "You see Kelli, both Slater and I have decided that it is about time to put you in your place. You have teased every student, teacher and staff member here at Bayside for too long. I mean A.C. and are best friends and yet we fight all the time over you. We have made total fools of ourselves over you and never even got so much as a blow job." "Or even a hand job." Slater added. "But I told you both, I am not that type of girl." Kelli protested, still squirming in vain. "You will be after tonight Kelli." said Zach coldly. "What do you mean?" asked the frightened cheerleader. "Oh dear, sweet, naive Kelli." Teased Zach. "What I mean is that we are going to violate you in all the ways we have ever dreamed about. Right here, right now." Fear flashed across Kelli's face at Zach's words. "Come on guys." she whimpered. "You're really starting to scare me." When neither Slater nor Zach said a word, Kelli started to cry out for help. "Go ahead, scream Kelli. Why do you think I chose to do this now? There is no one left to hear you. It's just you me and A.C." Zach said. "Don't forget about little old me." came a squeaky voice from the shadows. Kelli's spirits lifted upon recognizing Screech's voice. "Screech." She pleaded. "Help me." Kelli knew that if anyone could talk sense into the other boys it was him. Screech came bouncing over to the stairs, his goofy smile on his face. "Please Screech. make them let me go." she pleased, batting her eyes at him the way she had done a thousand times before to get anything she wanted from him. :Gee Kel." Screech squawked. "I'd really like to help you, but Zach and Slater have a point. You have done an awful lot of teasing. You teased me on many occasions and I think they are right. It's time you paid for all of that. Right guys?" He slapped Zach on the back, almost knocking the blonde over. "That's right Screech." replied Zach, and all three young men laughed aloud. Kelli seized the opportunity and tried to make a run for it. She was not quick enough and before she had taken one step, Slater grabbed her by the hair and slammed her hard into the metal hand rail along the stairs. The force knocked the wind from her painfully. Kelli grasped the rail in one hand as she fell to her knees gasping for air. Before she even knew what had happened, Zach had looped a silk scarf around her wrist and was tying it tightly to the hand rail. Kelli wanted to pull away, but her instinctual quest for air left her paralyzed until it was too late. Zach was handy with a knot and Kelli found her wrist tightly tied to the cold metal bar. Kneeling there, on the stairs, where so much of her teasing had taken place, Kelli trembled with fear. Part of her still held out in hopes that Zach, A.C. and Screech were just putting a scare into her. The other idea was just too hideous to imagine. It just couldn't be that after all of her holding out and saying no, her precious virginity would be taken by force here at school by three of her best friends. Kelli's mind overloaded with fear and shame and she began to cry. "Hey Zach." Slater said, still holding Kelli's shoulder. "Can I be the first one in her mouth?" Kelli was only vaguely aware of the meaning of his words, so lost in despair was she. "Sure Slater." replied Zach, coming close to Kelli. He bent his face next to hers. "Kelli dear," He said, taking her chin in his hand and forcing her to look into his eyes. She trembled at the cold stare she saw in Zach's face. "You need to listen very carefully Kelli. We are going to fuck you in every way possible. You can scream all you want, but no one will hear you. You can struggle, but you know we are stronger than you. In fact, if you resist too much, Slater here might just have to cause you some real pain." To emphasize this point, the stronger young man twisted the pretty cheerleader's arm behind her back. She let out a yelp of pain, but nodded her understanding. Zach continued, "That doesn't mean you can't ask us to stop. Go ahead, cry away, beg for mercy all you want. I like it. I can't wait to hear you beg me to stop." Their laugher began again as Kelli lost her control and sobbed loudly. Slater kept a hold of her arm and stood on a lower step, positioning his cock level with Kelli's face. With his free hand, Slater tugged down his sweat pants and briefs, exposing his semi erect penis. Through teary eyes, Kelli caught her first glimpse of a male sex organ. This was not the setting she had pictured for her first peek at a penis. It was not her wedding night, in a candlelit hotel suite high atop a cliff overlooking the Bay. This was not the man she was married to. It was the cold hallway of her high school with three young men who were acting like anything but friends at the moment. "I don't think she's gonna be much of a cock sucker Slater." Teased Zach. "She might need some coaxing." "Shit." Responded the muscular boy. "If I can teach a near dyke like Jessie to gobble knob and gulp jizz, a pretty little cheerleader like Kelli here should be no problem." "Yeah, but Kelli is a good girl." Zach taunted. "Not for long." Replied Slater, slapping his half hard prick against Kelli's tear streaked cheek. She let out a frightened cry and turned away, trying to escape Slater's pulsing rod. He grabbed a handful of Kelli's long brunette hair in his strong fingers and pulled roughly, turning her head back towards his dick. "Come here bitch." he snapped, ignoring Kelli's yelps of protest. "You open up and suck me good or I'll rip out your fucking hair, then break your arm." Kelli turned her wide year filled, doe like, green eyes to Slater and pleaded one more time. "Please Slater, I'm so sorry I teased you. I'll never do it again. I won't tell anyone, I promise, just please don't make me...." HE cut her off by yanking her hair harder. "Owwww." She cried out. Using the opportunity given to him by her open mouthed cry, Slater shoved Kelli's face towards his crotch. His semi hard cock slipped into Kelli's open mouth. She tried to fight and pull back, but he was too strong. Another wave of tears flowed from Kelli's eyes as the humiliation sank in. She was getting her first taste of cock, was in fact, almost choking on it as Slater force fed her pretty face. "Suck it, you slut." Barked Zach from beside her. "Suck Slater's cock." Realizing that she had no choice, Kelli tried to focus on the task at hand. She had heard some of the other cheerleaders talk about giving head to their boyfriends. Kelli remembered thinking what a totally gross thing that would be. She secretly hoped that her future husband would never ask her to do it. Now Kelli wished she had listened more carefully so that she might have some idea as to what to do in order to end this ordeal as quickly and painlessly as possible. At first Kelli just held her mouth open and sort of ran her tongue along the underside of Slater's cock head which pulsed in her mouth as he grew harder. Kelli had no idea what to do, but his reaction seemed to tell her that she was doing all right. "Suck it." Slater growled, prompting Kelli to do just that. She sucked on it as if it were a popsicle, feeling the fleshy member fill her mouth. It seemed to be all the way hard now as it stopped growing. Only two thirds of his prick now fit into Kelli's moth as Slater pulled it out and held it against her lips. The athletic young man enjoyed the sight of his hard on pressed against Kelli's mouth. He had jerked off a thousand times to this very image. "Look at my cock slut." Slater said, popping it against her cheek. Kelli saw that it was indeed hard and throbbing, the shaft covered with bulging veins and the round, fat head, smooth and slick with her own spit. "She might have to squint to see it Slater." Joked Zach. "I guess it it's true what they say about you weight lifter types and your little dicks, huh?" "Hey, fuck you preppie." Slater snapped back. "It's plenty big enough to stretch out your little girlfriend's mouth now isn't it Kelli?" He slipped the tip of his cock back between her lips and began to piston in and out of her mouth as if her were fucking her. Each time Slater's five inch prick would hit the back of Kelli's throat, she gagged and choked, bringing more laugher from the other two. Kelli gagged as a reflex, but also in utter revulsion of what was happening to her. She was being forced to suck Slater's cock. Kelli knew from other girls that men liked to shoot their seed into a girl's mouth. It was something only the lowest sluts at Bayside would ever do, and yet, Kelli knew she was helpless to stop Slater from making her do it. Just the thought made Kelli want to throw up. Slater kept pumping in and out of her mouth for a long while, ramming to the back of her throat, then pulling out when she would gag. All of Kelli's choking and gagging left her chin covered with drool and spit that ran along with her tears onto her white cheerleader's polo shirt. She looked a mess. Her jaw was beginning to ache from the abuse Slater was giving it. When he stopped briefly, Kelli gasped for air, praying that her ordeal was finished. She was, however, quite mistaken. "You best do better than that bitch." Slater said, grabbing Kelli by the side of her head. "Open really wide, I'm gonna fuck your throat Princess." Without thinking Kelli parted her lips and felt Slater slam his cock into her mouth. It his the back of her virgin throat, which steadfastly refused him passage, trying to expel the invader. Not one to five up so easily, Slater simply held Kelli firmly in place and rammed his cock in harder, this time forcing his way past her protesting throat muscles. The pain and sudden fear of choking caused Kelli to fight wildly, but Slater held firmly onto her head while Zach and Screech grabbed her legs, holding her down. When Slater pulled out, Kelli gasped wildly for air. "Better learn to breathe through your nose slut." The tall, dark boy blurted out as he slammed his prick home once again. Over and over, Slater deep penetrated Kelli's virgin mouth, assaulting her throat mercilessly. She could feel his heavy balls slap against her chin repeatedly as he raped her pretty face. In truth, Kelli wasn't much of a cock sucker. Even if she had been more willing, Slater thought that she could never have been as good at gobbling hose as Jessie had become. Still, the whole idea had him pushing the brink almost from the start. Now, actually seeing Kelli's lips wrapped around his cock as he fucked her face, was too much for him. Slater could feel the cum in his balls begin to pump out. Quickly, he pulled his prick from between Kelli's lips. "Keep your mouth open." He grumbled, his hand rapidly stroking his cock just inches away from her face. Slater moaned loudly. "Oh yes, baby her it comes." Kelli had only the briefest moment to process what was about to happen. He was about to have an orgasm which would mean shooting his stuff..... She never got to finish the thought. Slater let loose the first volley of cum from his cock. It was a perfect shot, directly into Kelli's mouth, causing her to wince in shock and move slightly. The next stream splashed across her left cheek, getting into her eye. She turned away to avoid the stinging spray and got a third shot right across her nose. By now, the taste of Slater's sperm had registered in Kelli's mind. It was salty and slimy, causing her to gag. Zach had begun holding her head still so that Slater could finish splashing Kelli's face with his spurting jizz. Seeing the expression on Kelli's face and anticipating her next move, Slater barked at her. "Don't you dare spit it out slut. Swallow my cum like a good homecoming queen whore." His words hurt her because in a way they were true. Nothing would ever be the same again. She was now swallowing his cum. New tears fell down Kelli's cum streaked face for the loss of her total purity. She swallowed the bitter, sticky fluid as the three young men stood around her, laughing at the humiliation if the high and mighty Kelli Kapowski. She didn't look so untouchable tied to the stairs with cum running down her face and globbed in her hair. Slater let go of her hair and Kelli collapsed back onto the steps sobbing. She was too humiliated and exhausted to even move. So much had happened to her, that she could not even think. What brought her somewhat out of her trace was a feeling of someone tugging on her panties. Her instincts were to struggle, but one hand was still tied to the stairs. Slater had a hold of her free hand and one of her legs in his strong grip. Screech had grabbed her other ankle and had resorted to sitting on it to her from kicking him as he held her down. Zach tugged her panties down to her knees then to Kelli's shock, he tore them violently from her body. The three boys now got a nice look at Kelli's sparsely haired pussy. She had kept herself well trimmed because her cheerleader panties were rather skimpy. Now, as they gaped at her neatly groomed pubic triangle, it made her feel dirty somehow, as if she had been preparing for this ordeal. "Oh nice Kel." said Zach, unbuttoning his jeans. "Been doing a little landscaping on the old bush eh?" "Too bad she didn't shave it all the way." Chimed Screech. Kelli felt her heart pounding in her chest as Zach positioned himself between her thighs. His cock was hard and bigger than Slater's. The more she struggled, the more the other two held her down. "That's it Kel." Teased Zach. "Put up the good fight. After all I'm about to take your precious cherry." He sucked on one of his fingers then Kelli felt him stab into her with the finger. It didn't exactly hurt, but Kelli was so dry and frightened, it did cause some discomfort. As Zach pulled his finger out, he held it up the others to see." "Shit." He said. "Dry as a bone. Not to worry Kel, a few good loads of cum and you'll be all juiced up and ready for more." As they laughed at her again, a terrible thought struck Kelli. Swallowing cum was bad enough, but if Zach was going to unload his sperm inside of her, she could get pregnant. Having not planned to have sex until she was married, Kelli had never considered taking any precautions. Her lips quivered. "Please Zach, no." She whimpered as he lowered himself down onto her. "Let's get a look at those titties Kel." Zach said, just laying there half atop Kelli, prolonging the agony of her anticipation. She felt the hard prick brushing against up against her thighs. It felt much larger than Slater's, a fact that scared her even more. Something that big was bound to hurt her a great deal. Tears blurred her vision as Zach pulled her white polo shirt up over her breasts, exposing the bra covered mounds. Since one hand was tied and Slater had the other one pinned down, the shirt would not come completely off. Smiling broadly, Zach grabbed the collar of Kelli's shirt and pulled with all his strength. The white cotton material tore easily down the front, exposing Kelli from neck to navel. All three men stopped to stare lustfully at her breasts. They were forbidden fruit that Kelli had kept well hidden. Glimpses of cleavage or partially exposed Kapowski tit flesh were the fuel for numerous masturbatory fantasies for every male, and many females at Bayside High. Such an unabashed look at them had been the privilege of only the bravest girls in the locker room. No boy had yet seen them almost entirely expose. Believing that a little just wasn't enough, Slater reached down and unhooked the clasp at the front of Kelli's bra, allowing it to fall open, fully exposing her large perky breasts. They could see her entire upper body turn pink as Kelli blushed, feeling newly humiliated by her exposure to the leering eyes of the young men. Her quarter sized, chocolate colored aureole offset against the pasty white flesh of her never exposed breasts.. In spite of having a full C cup, Kelli's athletic body held her breasts so well that they stuck up proudly, even in her prone position. They were capped off by sharp, dark nipples that lay flat against her chest. A fact that Zach picked up on first. "Oh Kelli," He said with mock sympathy in his voice. "I see your nipples aren't hard yet. Are you not enjoying this babe?" "We can fix that." Said Screech, grabbing one of her breasts in his hand and squeezing roughly. Slater followed suit, and soon both of Kelli's boobs were being roughly massaged and groped. They pinched and pulled at her nipples, which responded to their slightly painful manipulation involuntarily. By the time they had gotten their fill of her perfect boobs, both of Kelli's nipples stood up painfully erect. Meanwhile, Zach was caressing her tan, smooth legs. The feel of her skin make his cock throb between his legs. He knew it was only about average in length at six inches and in width, but at this moment, it felt bigger and fatter than ever before. Now, as Slater and Screech were taking turns sucking on Kelli's erect nipples, Zach felt her pussy lips. They had moistened a little bit as in response to the stimulation of her breasts, but he still needed more lubrication. He was just about to spit into his hands when he looked up into Kelli's face. She was still crying. Zach reached up gently and lovingly stroked her beautiful face. "Poor Kelli, what have we done? We've made you cry. Here, let me wipe you tears dear sweet Kelli." A flood of hope rushed through her body as Zach gently wiped the teats and sweat from her face. Perhaps he had seen the light. He wasn't going to do it after all. All three young men saw her face light up as she smiled, visibly relieved. Drying off her face, Zach smiled broadly. "All better sweetheart?" He asked. Kelli nodded, returning somewhat to her usual cheery self. "Good." Zach said, his voice changing back to a more menacing tone. "Your tears well make a great lube." As Kelli struggled to process the meaning of his words, Zach stroked his cock with his tear and snot covered hand until the shaft shone with wetness. Kelli felt Zach's weight shift and the tip of his cock press against her virgin lips. She tried to scream, but Slater covered her mouth with his hand. Although she fully expected her first time to hurt, and this physical pain was not insignificant, the mental torture of being held down and raped by her friends in a place she would have to walk past every day for the rest of the school year was much worse. It made her sick to her stomach as Zach's slippery dick poked slowly into her dry pussy. She had stopped trying to scream and just shut her eyes tightly and sobbed. Zach Morris had fucked at least a dozen Bayside hussies in his short life, but none of those bimbos compared to Kelli. Her pussy was so tight, that he couldn't believe it. Just the thought of taking her cherry by force made him want to drop his load as quickly as possible. He wasn't going to let in end so rapidly, or give the others the chance to ridicule him for an early climax. Kelli's quivering body felt so smooth and soft under him as he thrust steadily into her resistant pussy. When he reached her hymen, Zach paused, waited for Kelli to open her eyes, saw her fear and smiled. "I've dreamed of this Kel." He said, pushing harder into her. The pain was sharp as Zach plunged his dick past Kelli's hymen. The cherry she had worked so hard to keep was now ripped away in one swift stroke. She sobbed louder, spiraling down into deeper despair and humiliation as the boys held her down, allowing Zach to pump more steadily into Kelli. Although the pain had lessened to a dull, overstuffed feeling, she could feel, with each stroke of Zach's dick, a bit more of her purity and self respect slipping away. She was being used to please him sexually, and it was making her sick. Once her cherry burst, Kelli's virgin pussy gripped Zach's cock like a vice. Despite her objections, the cheerleader's pussy lubed itself, instinctively making it a bit easier for him to penetrate her. A few minutes inside this exquisite honey hole was all Zach's throbbing prick could stand. he knew his climax was rapidly approaching. More than anything, he wanted to shoot his spunk inside of her. The idea of the virginal prick tease Kelli Kapowski all fat and round with a child was so very inciting. However, they had all agreed to blast their loads all over her so she would have to see her shame. Seeing Zach close his eyes and moan loudly as his thrusts grew more intense, Kelli feared he was going to shoot his sperm into her unprotected womb. She tried to scream, but Screech covered her mouth. "Shhhh, Kelli, can't you see that Zach is trying to concentrate?" "Take you hand away you idiot." Yelled Zach as he pulled his cock from Kelli's pussy and moved swiftly into position over her face just as a blast of hot cum spurt from his prick, hitting Kelli across the forehead. It stung her eyes, but before she could turn her head away, Zach held her by the hair and stuffed his spurting prick into her half open mouth. He was still pumping his thick semen into her. The gooey fluid shot across her unsuspecting tongue, causing Kelli to gag. Unable to swallow the rush of cum, Kelli soon found her mouth filled to overflow, the hot sticky liquid ran around Zach's cock, over her chin and dripped obscenely onto her tits. Zach held Kelli steady until the last convulsions of his orgasm subsided, then he stared down at Kelli's face. Her big eyes red and swollen from the crying, her pretty mouth stretched wide around his wilting prick, streams of white cum ran down her face. Precious Kelli Kapowski, Bayside's virgin Queen looked very much like a cheap slut from a porn video. He stepped away, his cock popping out of her mouth dripping even more cum down her chin. "Such a pretty mess." Zach teased. "Thank you Kelli, that was one of the best fucks I've ever had. Sorry if it wasn't all that you hoped your first time would be. Oh, who am I kidding? I got what I wanted and you got taught a lesson you prick teasing little bitch." There was more laugher as Kelli just lay there, too humiliated to even speak. "Well," Slater said at last. "Two down, one to go. Guess it's your turn Screech old buddy." Kelli's eyes widened in horror at the thought of being forced to give herself one more time to the biggest geek in the school. Girls like her were supposed to be with popular guys like Zach, or jocks like Slater, but never with scrawny little nerds like Screech. She could never hope to live down the utter degradation of it all. Her life was over. "I don't know guys." Said Screech, backing away. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea." "You can't back out now buddy." Said Zach. "You've waited so long for this, she's all yours. Go ahead and fuck the little slut." "I really don't want to get her pregnant guys." Screech whined. "Come on." Said Slater. "we aren't cuming inside of her stupid." "Still, some can leak out. I really don't want to be a dad." Replied the skinny boy. Kelli began to feel relief wash over her for a moment as Screech stood silently. Zach broke the silence. "What if I can guarantee you that won't get pregnant?" He asked. "Well, then I guess it would be OK." Screech replied. "But how?" Without a word, Slater and Zach untied Kelli's hand, turned her over onto her knees in the same spot, then retied her other hand to the railing. Using his foot, Zach pushed Kelli's skirt up over her ass, exposing the plump, white cheeks of her round, virgin ass. :Easy Screech." Zach said. "Just fuck her in the ass." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kelli shrieked in utter terror. She struggled wildly, but was not being held down by Zach and Slater. Screech meanwhile, seemed to be all right with Zach's new plan. As Kelli struggled, he shed his clothing and knelt on a step behind Kelli, stroking his now rigid cock. "Well, come on Screech." Said Zach, struggling to control one of Kelli's legs. "Get on with it." For the first time, he looked back at Screech. "Holy shit." he gasped, causing Slater to turn and see what the other boy was gawking at. "Fuck me." Said the bigger boy. "That can't be." This was the first time the two had ever seen their friend naked and neither of them could believe their eyes. In Screech's hand, protruding from his scrawny, pale body, was a prick to put most farm animals to shame. It was at least a foot long and as big around as his bony forearm. The big, fat, purple head was the size of a big plumb and glistened with oozing pre cum. "That's a fucking horse dick." gasped Zach. "Screech, I had no idea." "Well Zach," he replied. "Guess you can't judge a geek by his cover." All the commotion caused Kelli to stop crying and look back over her shoulder to see. When her eyes caught sight of Screech's monster pole, they widened in horror. "Oh God no." She pleaded. "Please, he'll split me in two with that thing." "Shut up bitch." Screech growled, slapping Kelli's ass and surprising all of them with his aggressing posturing. "I've been teased by you for too long, You and that stuck up bitch Lisa, always putting me down. Well, I'll show you Kelli. And when you talk to Lisa, be sure to tell her how it felt to have this cock shoved up your ass." He grabbed the backs of her thighs and caressed them, loving the feel of her smooth soft skin. "Hold her down." He mumbled. "I want to rape this bitch right up her fucking ass." None of them had ever heard Screech talk like this. It was a bit frightening to Slater and Zach. Kelli, meanwhile, was terrified beyond rational thought. Anal sex was a humiliating enough prospect without the obvious pain that such a huge prick would cause her. Slater got on the lower step, holding Kelli's legs while Zach pinned her arm under her body. Sitting next to Kelli, he spread her plump ass cheeks, exposing the puckered little brown hole to Screech. "She's going to need some lube for that monster buddy." Zach said, cringing a bit at the thought of Screech using his huge tool on Kelli's dry ass. "Hold her open." He said coldly. Zach complied, stretching Kelli's cheeks wide. Screech spat a wad right on her puckered asshole, causing both Kelli and Zach to flinch in surprise. Surveying his aim, Screech let lose a half a dozen more mouthsfull of saliva until Kelli's round ass was speckled with spit, most of which pooled in her deep ass crack, slowing towards her rosebud. Satisfied with his work, Screech rubbed the head of his big, fat cock along Kelli's crack, setting off a fresh round of struggles and cries each time the head of his prick got close to her back hole. When the twelve inch monster was good and lubed up from his spit, Screech carefully guided it so that the head pressed firmly against Kelli's asshole. The dry, hot flesh was firm and resistant. Screech paused a moment, feeling Kelli's body tense as she waited silently, struggling to clench her cheeks closed to no avail. "Ready Kel?" He said mockingly. "You're about to get fucked right up your precious poop chute." Scared beyond works, Kelli simply trembled as she felt her sphincter stretched wider than she could have thought possible by the huge head of Screech's cock. The pain was unbelievable. No among of lube could have eased the pain Kelli felt from just the head of Screech's prick entering her virgin asshole. She felt certain her body was being ripped apart as he eased it inch by inch inside of her. Screech had masturbated a million times to this very image, however his experience with girls was zero until now. Kelli was his first. Her untouched ass was hotter and tighter than any hand job he had ever given himself. For years he had dreamed of having a girl like Kelli, only to find rejection at every turn. Since no one would actually date a geek like him, Screech had resigned himself to knowing that helping Zach and Slater rape Kelli would most likely be his only shot at sex with a girl during his high school years. Given that fact, Screech was determined to make the most of it. He had known for a while that he was blessed with a huge cock and he really wanted to see if any girl, especially a prick teasing virgin Princess like Kelli, could take it all. By now, half of his foot long fuck tool was inside of her. Kelli's sphincter gripped Screech's cock so tightly he wondered if she could cut him in half with her ass. Her screams had quieted down now and she simply sobbed steadily as he inched more and more of his thick shaft into her bowels. Not even is his filthiest fantasies had Screech dared to imagine such a devilishly perverse violation of Bayside's Homecoming Queen. Even thought the pain had dulled, Kelli sobbed heavily in humiliation. Surely the biggest slut in all of Bayside hadn't ever been anally impaled by such a huge pole. Word of this would get out and Kelli would be known as the anal whore of Bayside. This thought hurt her even more than the eight inches of cock buried in her bowels. It filled her up uncomfortably, making Kelli wonder if she would ever be able to have a normal bowel movement again. Both Zach and Slater gad a good view of the action and both stared open mouthed in awe as the final few inches of Screech's cock worked into Kelli's ass. His heavy balls now rested in the poor cheerleader's pussy lips. It seemed beyond human for so much cock to be shoved into so tiny a space. Zach could see the stretched hole grip Screech's cock tightly as he slowly withdrew all but the head before beginning the whole process over again. For Kelli, the time it took for Screech to complete his long strokes was more unbearable than the pain. A lifetime of purity swept away with each plunge of his huge pole. Her three close friends had forever changed Kelli's life. She would have to see them in the halls and they would know that she had sucked cock, been fucked, swallowed cum and even taken it in her ass, Kelli wanted to die. Screech on the other hand, was in sheer ecstasy. The thrill of sodomizing his tormentor was exquisite, but it had given way to the even greater feel of her hot tight asshole. Its resistance to his penetration was actually making the experience more pleasurable as she squeezed him tightly. A few more long slow strokes and he knew he would blow his load. That would have be lovely, bit he felt the need to make it just a gag more dramatic. Rearing back, Screech plunged his twelve inches into her on one violent thrust, ramming Kelli into the cold concrete steps and bringing a shrill scram from her throat. Pulling out just as rapidly, Screech began to ass fuck Kelli like a madman. His balls, heavy and full from all his waiting, slapped against her swollen pussy lips. To get more leverage, Screech grabbed Kelli's ponytail and pulled her head back, riding her like he had always dreamed of. Screech knew that if he kept this up much longer, he would do permanent damage to Kelli's young body, so he began to let himself go with the waves of pleasure that were starting deep inside of his balls. How good it would have been to flood the perfect little cheerleaders bowels with his seed. How precious it would be to send her home feeling him oozing from her most private of areas. That, however, was not the plan. Feeling all his control melt away, Screech pulled his cock from Kelli's ass. It made a loud pop as it exited, leaving Kelli with an odd, empty feeling, as if Screech had removed her very essence along with his cock. They all turned her over, twisting her arm behind her back impossibly. She moaned in pain as Screech stood over her, his slimy cock, fresh from her ass, just inches from her beautiful, sweat covered face. He stroked it a few times, then bumped ita against her lips. "Lick it slut." He said roughly. When she refused, Slater shifted his weight, causing her arm to scream with pain. Zach grabbed her hair and pulled hard. "Screech said open up Kelli. Do it now." Zach added some pressure to Kelli's jaw so she was forced to finally open her mouth. Screech was jerking off madly, desperately trying to get himself off. "Stick out your tongue slut. Lick my cock and taste your ass." He ordered. Kelli got a brief taste of her own ass hole as she touched Screech's throbbing prick with her tongue. Mercifully, he began to cum, flooding her tastebuds with a new flavor. His first jet of cum shot straight into her mouth, gagging her slightly as it hit the back of her throat. Kelli tried to back away, but was held steady by the two boys as Screech kept pumping. His second shot splashed against Kelli's perfect teeth, sending it dripping down around his cock and over her chin. Kelli's eyes looked up at Screech who was staring down at her, memorizing every detail of this moment. The look of fear and hurt in her eyes, the trembling outstretched tongue, the shooting cum running down her face, it was all too perfect. He tilted his cock slightly so that the next two streams shot up into her eyes, stinging them and dripping cum down her cheeks, mingling with her tears. As his stream diminished, Screech let his cock rest on Kelli's outstretched tongue so that his sperm filled her mouth and ran down her face. "Now suck it while you swallow my cum slut." Screech ordered. Kelli was well beyond refusal. She wrapped her pretty lips around his shrinking member and swallowed his bitter semen down. Screech pulled his cock from her mouth and as a final insult, slapped it across her face, splattering spit and cum on her one final time. Zach and Slater finally released Kelli and she fell limp on the steps. She was covered in sweat. Her face soaked with all of their cum and her tears. The three boys looked down at the once proud Princess Kelli Kapowski and smiled. She had finally gotten what she deserved. They stood and left her lying on the steps. Zach strolled away thinking of how he would smile at her in class from now on knowing he had deflowered her and how she would blush at the thought. Slater knew that in their struggles, Kelli had broken her arm. He smiled knowing how she would lie about how it happened, and how his grin would remind her of her shame. Screech laughed aloud knowing that no man would ever fuck Kelli like he just had. All three were already formulating plans on how to get even with those other two snooty bitches Lisa and Jessie. THE END |
18th April 2005 - 05:54:22 PM |
13172 : Morrissey |
Hey Diamond, how's it been I haven't seen you since that night behind the West Hollywood Bowling Alley, maybe next time I can sing a few songs for you before we get into the anal pleasure. I want you to know that your little chode of a penis is a nice break from big or even average sized ones and I can't wait to hear from you. |
18th April 2005 - 06:13:12 PM |
13173 : |
WARNING! If you do NOT like pornographic material, then beat it. (If you do like it, beat it too, but don't leave please!) All characters are fictitious, and are not related in any way to any real TV series in any way, even if names and places may be coincidental. This story is the original work of Scott Van Horn, but may be reposted as seems may be. Give me credit, though! Comments and Suggestions are welcome at: foxuria@blackout.sim.es.com "Saved By The Hand-Story #1" Scott Van Horn The bell rung to leave class and Zack, as usual, hurried as quickly as he could to leave the room. Just as he got to the doorway, a hand stopped him from walking any farther. "Where do you think you're going, Zack?" It was Mr. Belding. "Uh... Right to detention, of course." Zack flashed a "Zack Morris" smile at the principal and walked back to a back-row seat. Zack Morris was 18, and aching to get out of the school. His cock was aching for release. He had been studying for a final exam at Slater's house for the past few nights. Slater was definately straight and wouldn't beleive in jacking off with Zack. The preppie, as he was known around High School, eased his fingers through his blond hair, aching to get home. Mr. Belding paced around the front of the classroom, impatiently. Finally, he spoke to Zack. "You know, tonight is my wife and my anniversary. And... You don't mind if..." "If you let me out of detention?" Zack finished for him, smiling excitedly. Mr. Belding thought it over and finally nodded. "Then, I'm outta here!" The blond preppie grabbed his books and headed swiftly for the door. Mr. Belding clasped his hand on Zack's shoulder just as he approached the door. "Thanks, kid. This means a lot." Zack couldn't stand the sentimatality. "Go home and have fun." Zack winked, leaving a stunned Mr. Belding behind. He couldn't have been talking about... Nah... Before Zack could go home, he had to grab his sweaty athletic cloths in the gym room. He loved to smell his own sweat while jacking his cock. He rounded the corner, pushed the door open, and almost ran into a naked Slater. "What the hell... Preppie, I thought you were in detention?" Slater stood, towel around his neck, sporting a naked, tan, and hot body. At least, so Zack thought as his cock began to push against his jeans. "He wanted to go fuck his wife. It's their anniversary." Slater nodded and began to laugh. "When I'm as old as him, I'll be letting anyone off work so I can work on the old woman back at home." Zack laughed, patted his friend on the shoulder and began to walk past him. Just then, Slater turned also, his cock brushing Zack's hand as he passed. Not wanting to show that he felt anything, Zack continued on. Slater flushed red, and walked out towards the showers. "See ya later, Preppie." Zack watched the hot athletic stud's buns as he moved down the hallway. How he would like to touch his cock sometime. The blonde stud continued over to his locker, which happenned to be next to Slater's. Inside, he could see a jock-strap, sweaty from a hard work out. A sweaty shirt lay next to the strap. Zack couldn't help but smell the aroma coming from the items. He undid his lock and grabbed his sweaty clothing and stuffed it in his bag. In the background he heard the showers turn on, and the moans of Slater being relaxed in the warm spray of water. Just as Zack locked his locker, he looked again at Slater's clothing. He thought, Boy, those would smell good if I jacked off while getting a whiff of Slater. With that thought, he grabbed the jock-strap and shirt, and stuffed it in his gym bag. He would say goodbye to Slater before he left. Morris walked down the hall towards the showers, and peered around the corner. There stood the muscular Slater in a mist of warm steam, a hard cock in his hand. He didn't notice Zack gazing in on his jacking off session, so he kept stroaking his at least seven inch cock. Zack thought about how hot it looked, to see his good friend playing with himself. After a moment or more of watching, he back around the corner and talked loudly. "Slater? I'll see ya later, buddy!" He looked around the corner, his eyes meeting with Slater's. Slater had his hand around his cock, and was in mid-stroke. He quickly turned away, hiding his cock from Zack's view. "Woah, sorry to barge in on ya. Enjoy yourself." Zack winked at Slater, and headed back out of the locker room, adjusting his hardon. Immediatly after Zack arrived home to an empty house, he ran upstairs, and unzipped his pants. Finally, the rest he received. His cock still stood hard from his encounter with Slater. Although he would have wanted more to happen between the two, seeing Slater's hot cock gave him something to think about while jacking. With his left hand stroaking his seven incher, he opened his gym bag with his right hand pulled out his clothes. He only had a shirt, shorts, and underwear because he wasn't on football, and thus he didn't need a jock-strap. Zack Morris breathed in his sweaty scent from his gym clothes. They smelled sweaty, yet clean. He felt dirty, and so he wanted to smell something dirty. Zack reached in for Slater's still damp shirt and jock-strap. As the aroma of Slater filled Zack's room, the preppie began to pump his hard cock even harder. He stuck his nose deep into the armpits of Slater's shirt, imagining the naked Slater, cock in hand, rubbing off in the showers. How Zack wanted to be there, helping him. He imagined running his fingers down Slater's hard chest to the thickly matted patch of black pubic hair. After that, sliding his palm up and down his friends cock. Zack pumped his own dick even more furious. In his mind he could see the whole episode happenning. Morris could feel Slater wrapping strong and rough hands around the preppie's cock, feeling it. Soon enough, the preppie came close to cumming all over his newly washed bedspread. He slowed his stroakes and grabbed the jock-strap. Inside were a few black pubic hairs from Slater's dick. It was somewhat soaked with sweat from a tough football work out that Slater seemed to have enjoyed. With the jock-strap pressed against his nose, Morris smelled Slater and imagined his face being that close to the football star's prick. It would be so wonderful, thought Zack. He kept jacking with his left hand, feeling his cock all over. Curious, he stuck his tongue out and licked the jock strap. It tasted salty; not the taste of sweat though. Odd enough, Zack thought of the times he had slurped his own cum after jerking off. It was! Slater had came in his jock strap. After learning the news, Zack's hand moved furiously up and down his shaft. He toyed momentarily with the head of his cock, intensely touching the soft skin on the far side of his dick. Zack Morris felt so good! Laying back, he placed the sweaty jock strap on his face, occasionally poking his tongue to taste the sweet and bitter dried cum on it. His left hand was moving up and down his shaft while his right hand played with his balls, moving them around gently in his scrotum. Every now and then he moved it up to his patch of blondish pubic hair, running his fingers through the soft hair. He moved his hand up under his shirt and toyed with his erect nipples. Then, they moved back down to his balls, massaging them. Just then, Slater opened the door to Zack's room, talking. "No one answered so I thought I'd--" Zack abruptly sat up straight, the jock-strap falling off the bed right to Slater's feet. Casually, he bent down, picked it up, and tossed it in the corner. Zack was so stunned at Slater's arrival that both hands still held on to his manhood. "Slater, I didn't expect you to--" "So that's where they went," said Slater pointing to the jock-strap and shirt. "Do you need help continuing your fun? I'd have wanted you to play with me in the showers, but after you winked I called for you, but you were gone." Zack smiled, and pulled on Slater's shirt, bringing him closer. "If you'd like to have some fun, I'd love to." Zack moved his body closer to the far end of the bed, allowing Slater to lay down. Then, Zack moved his hands to Slater's zipper, undid it and stuck his hand inside. The afternoon was just beginning for the two boys, thanks to Mr. Belding. As Zack kissed Slater's lips he thought, "I guess sometimes it's good to be 'Saved by the Bell', in this case, a horny principal named Mr. Belding." From: foxuria@blackout.sim.es.com -- [Scott Van Horn] [Brer Foxuria] [Bountiful, Utah] [foxuria@blackout.sim.es.com] * The AlterNet! BBS - SysOp: Dmitri Baughman (dmitri@blackout.sim.es.com) * |