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[ << | < | 692 | 693 | 694 | 695 | 696 | 697 | 698 | 699 | 700 | 701 | 702 | 703 | 704 | 705 | 706 | 707 | 708 | 709 | 710 | 711 | 712 | > | >> ]

    10th June 2005 - 10:11:59 AM    
17604 : RememberWhen
Hey, Zoinksboy, Remember when your school held its annual soapbox derby? Remember how you built your shitty car from old hubcaps and boxes of Cornflakes? Remember how you had to pawn off your grandma's necklace to get the money to enter? Remember how you had to get anal with the local scrap-metal merchant to get the front bumpber for your car? Remember how you dreamed of taking Slater up the rear whilst in your car watching some 50s horric film? Remember how on the day of the derby you were locked in your garage by local schoolkids? Remember how you nearly choked to death from the car fumes? Remember how Belding came around to give you the kiss of life? Remember how you enjoyed it and began responded by steadily growing erect against Belding's inner thigh? Remember how Belding made you "headboy" of the school - a medal only bestowed unto one of "Belding's Boys"? Remember how the next year you set fire to all but your car so you could win Belding's schlong milk? Those were the days!

    10th June 2005 - 10:17:21 AM    
17607 : RememberWhen
Hey Zack remember when you and slater got drunk and started to watch the complete works of Russ Myer? Remember how you thought Slater wouldn't bat an eyelid for when you got your schlong out for the "big titted women"? Remember how Slater proceeded to grease up your flute with his greasy mexi-mullet jerri-curlled hair? Remember how you shot your jism into his hair? Remember how he smiled and sucked the rest of your feebleness off? Remember how the next day you ratted on Belding and he forced Slater to wear a tu-tu? Remember Zack, how Slater got into his favorite college? Remember how you forced your way into his college too by getting James to tickle your cock with his fake 'tache? Remember how Belding never could understand what on between you two? Remember how much of a jockstrap you were to Slater's flute? God you were pathetic back then...

    10th June 2005 - 10:27:01 AM    
17608 :
Hey Screech, remember that Zack Attack episode on Save by the Bell that was hosted by Casey Kasem? Remember when you guys first began playing in a garage and then made it big and got a record contract and went on tour and got that new manager chick who caused the band to become divided? Remember when she helped Zack's ego become inflated and he went solo as a result? Remember when Slater became a racecar driver and ended up in the hospital and Zack heard about it and dumped the manager chick so he could be by Slater's side? Remember when you showed up and you and Zack and Slater had sweaty unprotected makeup sex back in the garage and then Mr. Belding showed up to find out why nobody had shown up for school in over a year and caught all three of you and personally performed his own version of the 'Zack Attack' on you while covered in maple syrup? I wonder why NBC deleted that scene, I thought it was funny.

    10th June 2005 - 10:45:55 AM    
17609 : Genetical Manipulation process runs by the Evangel
Genetical Manipulation process runs by the Evangelian Zionist lobbies, most performed horny satanistical experiments exposed on the satellite regimes of Scandinavia...


- GENETICAL Crimes of judaized OLIGARCHIE? - Some kind of project...
- I understand social virus threats humanbeing...
- Two-legged deformative zioni virus hates non-deformated mankind... - Let's watch the related documentary on such subjects!... - You are welcome comrados!..

- "Genmanipulerad potatis godkänd i Sverige", rapporterar Tv Independent Laponia...
- Låt se dokumentär-klippet!
- You are welcome, Comrados!..


- I torsdags den 8 april 2004 meddelades att Jordbruksverket godkänner kommersiell odling av en genmodifierad potatis. Såtillvida att EU inte protesterar kan potatisen bli den första genmodifierade gröda som odlas kommersiellt i Sverige.

Potatisen har genmanipulerats så att den skall ha en annan stärkelsesammansättning än konventionellt förädlad potatis. Modifieringen ska göra potatisen mer passande för pappers- och limtillverkning och biprodukter från potatisen skall även kunna användas som foder och gödsel.

Ansökan gäller inte direkt användning av potatisen som livsmedel.

I Sverige har försöksodlingar av genmanipulerad potatis funnits sedan mitten av 1990-talet och redan 1996 gjordes en första ansökan för kommersiell odling till Jordbruksverket, vilket dock tvingades göras om sedan EU infört skärpta regler för genmodifierade organismer, GMO.

Det centrala i GMO är föreskriften om en övervakningsplan för odlingen, Övervakningen ska dels bekräfta de riskbedömningar som gjorts, dels upptäcka oväntade effekter. Bland annat ska man noga övervaka att potatisen inte sprider sig utanför odlingarna, vilket dock Per Hofvander, forskningsledare på företaget Plant Science som står bakom potatisen, anser vara obefintligt.

Huruvida foder av genmanipulerad potatis i längden kan ge biverkningar i form av försämrad mjölkkvalité eller andra skador, är ännu inte helt klart.

Antiimperialistisk front kräver: Kraftigt stöd till forskning för skydd av djur och natur, totalförbud av plågsamma djurförsök samt onaturlig genmanipulation av såväl växter som djur.


- Här är de nya terroristerna
- Vilka?
- Titta på skärmen; där!.. De som protesterar mot genmanipulation övervakas ordentligt...
- Skojar du!..
- Sant!..Tusentals svenska organisationer måste registreras och övervakas... 10 juni 2005.
Några aktivister från Greenpeace hängde upp en banderoll i centrala Köpenhamn. Protesten mot genteknik i jordbruket var fredlig. Ändå kan organisationen fällas för brott efter att lagarna skärpts för att hindra terrorismen. I går fick nordiske chefen Lennart Daléus stå till svars i en dansk rättssal.
Det är ännu ett exempel på hur svepande lagstiftning fått dramatiska effekter efter 11 september 2001.

Kränker föreningsfriheten
Folkrörelserna i Sverige varnar för nya planer. Tusentals svenska organisationer måste registreras, övervakas och kontrolleras, enligt ett förslag från den internationella arbetsgruppen FATF. Syftet är att strypa penningflödet till terrorgrupper. Effekten kan bli kränkningar av föreningsfriheten och stora svårigheter att ge stöd till demokratirörelser i andra länder.
Justitiedepartementet lovade inför veckans FATF-möte att ta hänsyn till protesterna. Regeringen är tystare om vad som händer i EU.
Att övervaka ideella organisationer är en av hundratals punkter i den uppdaterade handlingsplan mot terrorism som EU:s toppmöte ska godkänna nästa vecka. Innehållet är brännande. Övervakning och hårdare tag står mot rättssäkerhet och integritet.
Thomas Bodström gick igenom handlingsplanen med sina kollegor förra veckan. Men i EU-nämnden fanns inte dokumentet på bordet. Justitiedepartementet brydde sig inte om att skicka det till riksdagen, trots att det fanns flera dagar i förväg.

Kränker integriteten
Även det svenska förslaget att lagra uppgifter om telefonsamtal och sms har fått hård kritik. Förra veckan spelade justitieministern ned betydelsen. ”I dag kan operatörerna lagra informationen hur länge som helst”, sa han till Expressen.
Flera experter hävdar att det är fel. EU:s dataskyddsdirektiv hindrar företagen från att lagra uppgifter om telefonsamtal obegränsad tid. Thomas Bodströms förslag är något nytt, ett krav på lagring av alla medborgares kontakter utan brottsmisstanke.

Svårt hitta balansen
Hotet från terrorismen är verkligt. Vissa av förslagen i EU:s handlingsplan behövs för att hindra nya dåd, andra är djupt tveksamma. Det finns ofta konflikter mellan säkerhet och personlig integritet. Att hitta rätt balans är svårt.
Just därför behövs politisk uppriktighet. När Göran Persson informerar EU-nämnden nästa vecka står grundlagskrisen och EU:s budget i förgrunden. Det får inte betyda att förslagen mot terrorismen slinker igenom utan öppen debatt. EU-toppmötet handlar också om föreningsfrihet och rättssäkerhet.


- Har tv redaktionen mer detaljerade bevismaterial och forskningskällor om ovanstående dokumentär-klipp samlingen?
- Yep, redaktionen rekommenderar att kontakta med vissa experter som alla inblandade i sådana händelser, någon gång, någonstans, i något form uppdrag!.. Försök att nå dem via e-mail:
EU authorities:,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (oops; this is one of the instruments of the
ProZionist provocation Party Fp), (oops; this is one of the instruments of the ProZionist provocation Party Fp; plus; this doggy
works directly and completely under directives of Tel Aviv Mafia; very dangerous freak whore of Mo$$ad),,,,, (reliable Humanist like Mr. Herman SCHMID and Mrs. Marianne ERIKSSON),,,

UNITED NATIONS:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

SIPRI:,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, möllerströ, , ,,,, ,,,, Ingvor,,,,,,, ,,

Satellite examples like Scandinavian RED CROSS; registration index of this jew-controlled shurk sect including Mo$$ad Scandinavia league address, too (means, it's big honour not to be included by such shitty whores' list):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

- Behövs det ännu fler; då hänvisar redaktören under en notiz att "If the tv documentary guests&editorial authorities want to contact with more and more detailed info sources for saga-formated documentary clips, then we would recommend this additional e-post list, including most responsible figures, who interested in about the all above kinky affairs; false writers (mostly) traitorous masters for example imported Mammele whore Fascist Ljiljana DUFGRAN, chief at the Swedish Zionist PEN Club luxury Casino" Tel. 00.46.705954191 e-post:,,,,,,,,,, lars@hohfö,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Biträdande camera equipage collaborators of the imperialist system:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

- Nu kommer det ännu irriterande, horaktige, ännu mer avancerade fräcka bastarder, experter att producera falska uppgifter s.k. the history falser-staff of the lobbies for example "rent-a-propagandist" centre of false conservatives who undermine American history:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

..and its collaborated copies; also, rent-a-propagandist instruments in similarly well-infiltrated authorities worldwide":,,
- Obs; härmed ville jag gärna tillägga att detta sistnämnda propagandister visar sig att de mest fräcka, mest farliga kallblodiga fascisterna som rekryteras och placeras som anställd... Dessa tvåbenta djurarten exempelvis WALLIN&BART&AHLMARK&JACUBOWSKI etc klanmedlemmar har dubbel-pass, liksom deras dubbelmoral, fördubblade inkomster etc. Varifrån kommer allt detta? Vilket land som mest står bakom sådana kriminella? Snälla, gissa bara!..
- Väl!. I guess!.. Which regimes prepared the passports as "gift" to thus kinky couple of IDF-gang, Insanity Death Forces of military mafia USrael?!
- Yep, instämmer; som sagt, it's Big Brother and Big Brothel !...

...m. m...
- All form af tänkbara kloakråttor trots otänkbara synliga håll omkring oss?
- I Lappland tolkar man att ; "More doggies than bones!"..
- Instämmer!..
- Det syns ju!.. Solklart som sagt; “Unfortunately, thus e-mail list includes many polit-whores... Do you understand now why this WONDERFUL DEMOCRACY (!) turned to some modernized Bali Tel-Aviv mixed "Big Brothel"? Why forced the intellectuals to be silenced? What does it mean, systematically dismissed masses to face elimination process? Where are the true advocates of Child Rights, next generations? Where are the true Human Rights activists? Where are the true Work Rights fighters? Well, the lie have no long legs and the truth is anti-semitic; I mean look at the independent social researchers' report that including the reality on the dismissed categories, for example honoured people eliminates even in the democratic masked circus, satellite regime SvekJa Kingdom eliminate, here, so called “the softly-slaughtered lambs of REGISTRATION process”, at least 500.000 PEOPLE, who pursued and thus victimized silent-people still goes PERMANENT JOBLESS...
- It's true!.. Unfortunately, there are nowadays much more figures mostly zionized see, there are much more different characters (unfortunately, few honoured, majority of such chiefs are simply hired lapdogs and clan members of Jewish lobbies, who get profits by the non-honoured ways, for instance licking the kinky ass of Zion boss) and most of them ready to sell their own children to the liberalized pedofilia markets only for a handful Tel-Aviv made dollars...


- Charmiga charlataner å "playground of kinky oligarchie"...
- Spelar de sina roller som låtsas demokratiske, menar ni?
- Definitely!.. Sådana instrumenter är traditionellt listiga at vara låtsas demokratiske, speciellt då de kloakråttorna avslöjas, ertappas..
- Det behövs modiga människor inte åskådare, soffliggare... Inte bara intellektuellas ansvar att bygga upp den socialistiska ansvarsdemokratin... Respekterar man rättsamhället då finns det grundläggande uppdrag exempelvis det är varje friska individs ansvar att försvara sanna människorättigheter, de morala värderingarna.. Annars varar det evigt att verkligen göra slut med detta finfinade utsugnigsprocessen och barbariet.. Även vanligt folk bör agera och reagera ordentligt.. "Not to resist injustice is to let it win, which is cowardice." säger mannen, menas; "Att inte göra motstånd mot orättvisan är att låta den vinna, vilket bara är feghet."
- Ernesto CHE GUEVARA som uttryckt?..
- Sätt och viss men lite före... Marcus Tullius CICERO, kamraten min...
- ?!
- Här tittade vi på något nytt, dokumenterade klippet omkring den nya sagan!. Hoppas att det bidrar till att ni engagerar något mer efefktivt humanistiskt… Hejdå sålänge!.. Det är en Saga; man behöver inte vara illamående då man möter faktumet som öppet demokratiskt plattform... Det finns ju en del intressanta typer som inte vill se människor som inte robotar.. Tyvärr finns en del som aldrig vill acceptera andras grundläggande rättigheter... Vissa fräcka vill inte fatta att det finns människor som har olika idéer, särskilda dikter, uttryckssätt i den litteratur världen d.v.s. det är inte vinnande att bita sig via berättelseförloppet.. Självklart ska både onda och goda spela sin roll på scenen... Vem som är onda i den sagan och vem som är onda, kritisera detta senare... Skriv recensioner eller en liknande saga om du vill säga något!.. Är det inte bra att visa reaktionen på mänskligt sätt istället för trampa närligannde som åsna? I lugn och ro får man följa händelseförloppet.. Jo, det är en saga bara, behövs inte försöka tysta för at det innehåller även din röst.. Är det så känner någon sig berörd då önskas att även denne försöker att skriva ännu bättre; humana, senare... Är du en af dem som inte litteratur-kännare, inte vill visa respekt till omvärldens oliktänkasätt, då rekommenderas att inte anstränga dig, lämna platsen omedelbart och springa åt skogen so fort dina föräldrar kunnat i historien... . Speciellt de som är människofiender, bör vara helt ute och inte smutsa ner den Internetvärlden... Det är sant och sådant förord blivit obligatoriskt, tyvärr.. Här, omkring den sagan ska ni upptäcka att sistnämnda kategorien lämnar sina tassar; massor varelser lever via smutsa allt t.o.m. sagovärlden... Se upp, här finns sexannonsliknande fascistiska provokationerna som syftar att sabotera mänskliga attityder.. De hatar all form berättelser som riskerar deras vinster... De vill inte fatta att de finns redan i sådana berättelser men det är också ett psykologiskt bevis att de som smutskastar mina sagor hatar sig själv djupt inne i deras egna grisliknandehjärtan, kalkliknande hjärnor...... De är människofiender, inget annat.. Gissa då hurdan varelser som utnyttjar människo-ID; gissa snälla hur vi behöver fler och humana sagor i en sådan planet!.. Skydda bevismaterial så att efter en kort undersökning ska bli det ännu roligare att tillintetgöra den smutsiga karaktären vilken ansvarig att stå bakom sådana attack exempelvis viss falska annons klistring omkring våran saga.. Kamratliga hälsningar från sagoberättaren...

- Vad borde de nedtryckta samhällsklasser göra? Åtmisntone vi som individer har något ansvarsområde då att visa reaktionen på något sätt; eller hur? Vi som villiga att visa humanistiska kraften mot ondskan så att absolut ska detta leda till stoppa det här pågående barbariet!..
- Definitivt!... Delta i aktionen, åtmisntone sprid informationen så att upplysa de goda männsikorna över hela världen.. Det finns massa olika möjligheter och metoder att kämpa mot ondskan, samt finns underbara links, plus tv diskuss-studios å internet; exempelvis;

Lägg din röst i de modiga rörelsernas aktionstillfällena, inte minst radio-tv-redaktionernas gäststunder!.. Det finns massa möjligheter och här visas samlade länksidor, mest omtyckta info-källor s.k. LIVING SAGA examples on tv channels&related pages on Internet and today's most visited recommended links&useful informative websites, internet tv channels:


Abunimah org.:

Abuse Survivors&Fredrik BENDTZ testimonied and exposed many imported Criminals like Abit DUNDAR-BARZANI Zioni clan's Bastards:

ADC, Anti-Discrimination Committee:

Adelaide Institute:

ADL (American Defence League) Solidarity with Yugoslavian People:

ADL Watch link watching the Anti-Defamation labelled Zion Criminals:

ADDAMEER, Human Rights against Torture:

AfghanistanLiberationOrganisation (ALO, Revolutionary Marxist-Maoist Organisation of Afghanistan Working Class):

Who is Terrorist?

Ahram Org.:


Al Ansar&Anvari&KurdInfo, Antisemite revolutionary community in Scandinavia:

Att massakrera muslimer och solidariserade intellektuella är helt fritt:


Al Awda Britannia, the Palestinian Right to Return:

Al Ayyam org.:

Alexinac; Yugoslavians massacred by the Zionist military mafia's toy NATO:

Educational Freedom and opprtunity, but to whom?

Al Fatah Liberation Organization Victoria Siempre![

Al Haq/Law org. affiliate I.C.J., International Commission of Jurists, Geneva:

Al Qudüs University.:

Alternative Info org.:


Amateur plot on 9/11 and plenty of evidences that may hang George WCmouth Bush:
The real Cowboys and the fucked horses:


Amnesty International:

American Free Press:

Americans against Bombing:

Americans against World Empire:

American-Islamic Solidarity:

American occupational army executes without reason; it's enough to be killed if people are not Jews&ass slicker collaborators:

American state terrorism:

Amin org.:


Amnesty International:

Anders GUSTAFSSON slaughtered by the Assassination league; "official masked Criminal bastards&Fryshuset trainee centre parasites" which already under controll of the Zionist chief Anders CARLBERG:

Arabesque doubble-moral:

Anna LINDH, Abraham LINCOLN, KENNEDY&KENNEDY, PALME, FORTYN "cleansed" by the same league, ZOGang:

Anti-Fascist Duisburg gegen den zionistischen Imperialismus:


Anti-Imperialist Musicians (downloading easy and free) against judaized dominance on culture:

AntiKrisGroup Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist Imperialism:

Antiracist Network:

Fred i judiska odjurets tassar?!

Anti-Semitic Legends:


Anti-Zionist Laponian revolution supported by Mugu Liberation Movement of Nigeria&Togo:örnman

Gränslösa fräckheten:

Anti-Zionist Magazine Challenge:

Anti-Zionist Revolutionary Kurdistan:
Webmaster Comrade Roni INAN's e-post:,

Apartheid in Fact: (Pissed off by the Jewish Chiefs of Humboldt Co.)

Apartheid should be banned worldwide:

Snake's character is snake-character:

Arab Human Rights:

Arbeit macht frei; true! And therefore the jackals prevent the Work Rights of dissidents:

Arthur R. BUTZ informs about Jewish Fascism:

Double-moral of double-faced clan-members:

Artists&Christian Academians against Racism:

Associazione Revisionismo Storico:

New World Ordning=Jew World Order:

Assyrian Freedom online&Assyrians against Jewish Fascism::

Assyrian&Syrian Working Class struggle against Zionist Imperialism:

SvekJa Kingdom's piggies&doggies exposed, iin its original term s.c. SvekJa oligarkins-svinarter:

Australian Anti-Zionist News by Cassopaea:

SvekJa Kingdom's media belongs to the ZOGang Mafia, socalled: Sveriges svek media tillhör USraeli Maffia?


Aramean/Suryoyo Forum of Beth-Nahrin:

Against judaized Imperialism///Indian&Kashmir Solidarity movement:

Ahmet KAYA Protest Art forum against Genocide:

Balkan Massacre related provocative assassinations of Mo$$ad demasked by the American Communist Party; Los Angeles Labor Anti-Zionist forum:

Anti-Eurogold/Anti-Imperialist Peasant Revolt/Bergama Solidarity forum:

Anti-Eurogold/Anti-Imperialist Peasant Revolt/Bergama Solidarity forum:

Anti-Fascist forum&Ìsci Party-Aydinlik readers in the C.H.; Confederation Helveteja:

Anti-Semite poetry:

Anti-War service /Kriegsdienstgegner /Savaskarsitlari-forum:

War resisters don't want be military slaves of Imperialism, Evangelist/Talmudian fanatism, Zionism and such all other Fascist systems... (Unfortunately, many deserters from little Asia have a strange passionate to the passwords, chiffres, secret numbers etc. and therefore their forums collapsed.).

Arameans Anti-Genocide forum: (moved to the Syriac Studies online....)

Archive/Lêgerîn, Anti-Imperialist Scandinavian&Kurdish asylumseekers' forum:

Armenian Turkish Communication Team against the Genocide:
This is Edward KEVORKIAN's second additional forum.

Assyrian-Armenian (Beth Suryoyo Assyrian) Anti-Imperialist Alliance:
In this one, we do not demand passwords, nor show IP numbers and therefore no one single joiner needs to give away his/her identity. Anti-Fascist, Anti-Zionist esoterik forum Germania.

Bethnahrin Holand Forum:

Civil Constitution/Anayasa-forum:*

Cypriotic Discovery/Discover Turkey through crimes on Cypriotic and other

Discussion forum exposing Turkey's crimes against Humanity obtain justice for its many
innocent victims in Cyprus, Armenia, Kurdistan and in Turkey itself.

Deniz GEZMÌS Communist forum:

Hikmet KIVILCIMLI Communist forum:

DSÌP-Revolutionary Socialist Workers / Dev Sosyalist Ísçi Party:

DSÌP, Revolutionary Socialist Party's Women Rights& Feminist forum:

Europen Union have two different conference centres about democracy; here; E.U.,
European Union's democratical suggestions; Conference Centre number one:

E.U.,Conference Centre number two; European Union's Intellectual responsibility.

Force Capitalism!.. Comittee of International Revolutionaries:


BADIL (Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee rights):

Barbarity transferred from Western, like an useful horse, almost ridden by the Jews:

BarnesReview against the Jewish fabrication industry:

BBC Documentary Center/ (with special thanks to the staff of Panorama Archive-BBC)
(Pissed off by the corrupted Fascist Jewish staff...) It was an audiovisual doc. on HumanButcher SHARON and other Jew-Fascists' Crimes/PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE/massacre in Sabra/Shatila/Qana...occupied Mideast/Hypocrisy of U.N.-War Crime section's reponsible jurists, corrupted chiefs etc. E-post:,,

Bergen-Belsen Jobbcentrum Independent Initiative against Zionist Imperialism:

Belgian MotherEarth Activists against the judaized fascist dominance on the World:

Bengalian Mafia uses like a Zioni-vibrator-toy, undermines EU institutions:

Beware Holy places from the ZOG, zioni occupational gang,:

Beyond the fake propaganda of the Zionist Media:

Bilderberg Conference (first time in 1954):

Birger studies on traditionally pedophilia&robbery&fraud connection of Zionist Criminals:

Bob HANSSON&BURMAN&Musicians against the judaized "Big Brother" Imperialism:

Bolletino di informazione antimperialista: <

    10th June 2005 - 11:11:21 AM    
17610 :
WOW, this indeed quite an honor....SCREECH!! (no really i just "screeched" out loud) this is almost as cool as the first time i ran into a girl and touched her boob! Almost as cool as the first time I woke up and had to the bathroom cause I had JIZZED all over myself! Didn't that happen on an episode of Saved By The Bell? I think so, only it was Mr. Belding. So would you mind rubbing that brillo pad of a head on my ass, untill rancid poopiness came out and seeped into your huge schnozz YOU FUCK YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WAS STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND FUCKED IT UP! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HOPE HOT CAMELS COME ALONG AND SPIT ALL OVER YOUR KNEES! and someday MY dream is to meet you! So if you want, send me an email!!!


Joe Franks

Hey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and

Dustin will you be my boyfriend? We can go out on a date to the Cornhole, my favorite club. Afterwards, we can cum back to my place and take a shower. Do you ever clean yourself with body lotion? You will in my shower. I'll soap your ass nice and good.

We can also take a vacation to Key West or San Francisco. We can also listen to the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync 24x7 at my place. I love you!!!

Cum swing on my cock lovely, I have a huge penis, oops my towel came down, what are you going to do about it, Dustin, how's your dad Neil Diamond going? Still tending to his penis and ass needs? I love u dustin.

Hey guys, you can watch me stick batteries up my ass anytime. After you pull the bowling pin from your ass can I sniff it and lick it please? I wish I could suck my own cock, but I'm not flexible enough or my cock is not long enough. Can you guys suck your own cock?

Ham Span, if you're looking for cities overrun with faggots, look no further than Key West, Florida or San Francisco, California. I've personally lost many loads in Key West - usually to some dude I just met in a gas station bathroom!!! I've also heard that Madison, Wisconsin has a huge queer population. Isn't that where Diamond supposedly live now? No surprise there.

I really want Diamond to call me. I'd like to use his face as my personal rocking chair. I'll eat some Taco Bell and then sit on his face and drop some nasty ass, just the way he likes it. Then he can play "chef" and toss my salad - he needs to add his own personal ranch dressing.

- Kurt Steinberg
I woke up one day, and i found my penis floppin in the breeze due to a draft from MY CATS PECKER. My dog shit his briches b/c he got into my Laxative pills. He has no pecker..... My Hamster Sucked his own little penis one day and he got blown over by the floppin PENIS breeze from my CATS PECKER. And my dolphin started having sex with me b/c he got horny and saw me..... I just wanted to know, y r the stores in florida called PUB LIX? Is that sexual? Is this all normal? Thank you,
Harry Wrinkles

Please, everyone, the main topic of discussion here is supposed to be homosexuality concerning Dustin Diamond. This was my intention when I opened the board and I'd like to politely remind you that this is the way in which it must continue, otherwise I'll have no choice but to shut this place down.

This site is a labour of love and the bandwidth costs me a fortune, so please keep the conversation on-topic and discuss acts of gay love with Dustin Diamond. Apparently he reads all the posts here and gets a real kick out of the fact that he's a gay cultural icon. Way to go DD!

Thanks for your co-operation, everyone play nice and you won't get banned!

As I have said before I'm gay. 24/7 I am a sissy wearing womens clothing. I have a few places that I go that provide me with some real enjoyment.

When the guys realize that I am wearing womens clothing they follow me until we get to a spot where we can talk. After some foreplay they tell me that they are str8 but would like to fuck a guy that wears womens clothing.

I am more than happy to comply. They always make comments about how nice my hairless cock is in my panties are as they are taking them down. They like to rub my hairless chest and underarms as they touch the bra. When they feel the nylons it seems to get them going even more.

I get real turned on by a guy fucking my shit stained corn hole (Always without a condom, of course) me with my legs in the air while he tells me I am tighter than his wife. I always make a point of swallowing ALL of his hot load.

Diamond, you are a tremendous icon in the homosexual community. You have been so diefied that the gay community now simply refers to you as "Diamond." You are one of the few celebrities who can get by on only one name, much like Madonna or Cher. You are well-known for your "white man's afro," your neatly-trimmed beard and your pale, chunky ass! Please star in another crappy sitcom soon! Your queer fans need more masturbation material!!!- Kurt Steinberg

When I was younger (7 years old) my sister caught me wearing her panties and attempting to get hard. I was scared that she would tell our parents, but instead she got on her knees and started to suck me through her panties until I got semi hard and started to cum she licked most of it off and then made me wear her panties whenever our parents were at work and she would even have some of her girl friends see me in panties and also suck me while wearing them. It was great for 3 years, but that all came to an end when she got married and left the house.

Hey Screech, remember that No Hope with Dope episode on SbtB with Jonny Dakota? Remember when he came to Bayside to film an anti-drug commercial and you and Zack and A.C. went to the restroom and found that used joint on the bathroom floor? Remember when Zack started smoking it and then Slater smoking it and you were like "hey, what about me?" and then Zack and A.C. looked at each other and smiled and pulled down their pants and told you to "start smoking"? Remember how you eagerly started puffing away on Zack's neatly trimmed blonde manhood as you wrapped your girlish hand around Slater's darkly tanned bushman? Remember when A.C. buried his face into your sweaty unwashed groin and performed his special 'Sloppy Slater'? Remember when Jonny Dakota suddenly walked in on you guys and was like "whoa" and he thought he was in a public restroom back in West Hollywood? Remember how he thanked you guys for making him feel at home as his tight fitting jeans hit the floor?

Hey Screech, remember that Zack Attack episode on Save by the Bell that was hosted by Casey Kasem? Remember when you guys first began playing in a garage and then made it big and got a record contract and went on tour and got that new manager chick who caused the band to become divided? Remember when she helped Zack's ego become inflated and he went solo as a result? Remember when Slater became a racecar driver and ended up in the hospital and Zack heard about it and dumped the manager chick so he could be by Slater's side? Remember when you showed up and you and Zack and Slater had sweaty unprotected makeup sex back in the garage and then Mr. Belding showed up to find out why nobody had shown up for school in over a year and caught all three of you and personally performed his own version of the 'Zack Attack' on you while covered in maple syrup? I wonder why NBC deleted that scene, I thought it was funny.

Hey Screech, remember that Saved by the Bell episode where everybody was trying to come up with a new school song and Zack sabotaged everybody? Remember when you had that wacky plan to break into the musicroom and steal all the instruments but when you snuck in there you caught Zack and AC in the 69 position on top of Mr. Tuttle's desk? Remember when Slater forced that crusty unlubed music flute up your butthole and you told him not to because you had a really bad case of the runs that day? Remember when you started to uncontrollably pass gas and played the flute with your ass? Remember how AC started sniffing the end of the flute and smiled and said he was getting hungry because your smelly farts reminded him of homemade burritos? Remember when you couldn't hold back your bowels any longer and a continuous stream of liquid shit shot straight out of the flute and splashed Slater right in the face? Remember how he opened his mouth real wide and started gulping down your dark watery waste as fast as he could?

09th June 2005 - 05:13:47 PM
16940 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!
WOW, this indeed quite an honor....SCREECH!! (no really i just "screeched" out loud) this is almost as cool as the first time i ran into a girl and touched her boob! Almost as cool as the first time I woke up and had to the bathroom cause I had JIZZED all over myself! Didn't that happen on an episode of Saved By The Bell? I think so, only it was Mr. Belding. So would you mind rubbing that brillo pad of a head on my ass, untill rancid poopiness came out and seeped into your huge schnozz YOU FUCK YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WAS STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND FUCKED IT UP! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HOPE HOT CAMELS COME ALONG AND SPIT ALL OVER YOUR KNEES! and someday MY dream is to meet you! So if you want, send me an email!!!


Joe Franks

Hey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and

Dustin will you be my boyfriend? We can go out on a date to the Cornhole, my favorite club. Afterwards, we can cum back to my place and take a shower. Do you ever clean yourself with body lotion? You will in my shower. I'll soap your ass nice and good.

We can also take a vacation to Key West or San Francisco. We can also listen to the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync 24x7 at my place. I love you!!!

Cum swing on my cock lovely, I have a huge penis, oops my towel came down, what are you going to do about it, Dustin, how's your dad Neil Diamond going? Still tending to his penis and ass needs? I love u dustin.

Hey guys, you can watch me stick batteries up my ass anytime. After you pull the bowling pin from your ass can I sniff it and lick it please? I wish I could suck my own cock, but I'm not flexible enough or my cock is not long enough. Can you guys suck your own cock?

Ham Span, if you're looking for cities overrun with faggots, look no further than Key West, Florida or San Francisco, California. I've personally lost many loads in Key West - usually to some dude I just met in a gas station bathroom!!! I've also heard that Madison, Wisconsin has a huge queer population. Isn't that where Diamond supposedly live now? No surprise there.

I really want Diamond to call me. I'd like to use his face as my personal rocking chair. I'll eat some Taco Bell and then sit on his face and drop some nasty ass, just the way he likes it. Then he can play "chef" and toss my salad - he needs to add his own personal ranch dressing.

- Kurt Steinberg
I woke up one day, and i found my penis floppin in the breeze due to a draft from MY CATS PECKER. My dog shit his briches b/c he got into my Laxative pills. He has no pecker..... My Hamster Sucked his own little penis one day and he got blown over by the floppin PENIS breeze from my CATS PECKER. And my dolphin started having sex with me b/c he got horny and saw me..... I just wanted to know, y r the stores in florida called PUB LIX? Is that sexual? Is this all normal? Thank you,
Harry Wrinkles

Please, everyone, the main topic of discussion here is supposed to be homosexuality concerning Dustin Diamond. This was my intention when I opened the board and I'd like to politely remind you that this is the way in which it must continue, otherwise I'll have no choice but to shut this place down.

This site is a labour of love and the bandwidth costs me a fortune, so please keep the conversation on-topic and discuss acts of gay love with Dustin Diamond. Apparently he reads all the posts here and gets a real kick out of the fact that he's a gay cultural icon. Way to go DD!

Thanks for your co-operation, everyone play nice and you won't get banned!

As I have said before I'm gay. 24/7 I am a sissy wearing womens clothing. I have a few places that I go that provide me with some real enjoyment.

When the guys realize that I am wearing womens clothing they follow me until we get to a spot where we can talk. After some foreplay they tell me that they are str8 but would like to fuck a guy that wears womens clothing.

I am more than happy to comply. They always make comments about how nice my hairless cock is in my panties are as they are taking them down. They like to rub my hairless chest and underarms as they touch the bra. When they feel the nylons it seems to get them going even more.

I get real turned on by a guy fucking my shit stained corn hole (Always without a condom, of course) me with my legs in the air while he tells me I am tighter than his wife. I always make a point of swallowing ALL of his hot load.

Diamond, you are a tremendous icon in the homosexual community. You have been so diefied that the gay community now simply refers to you as "Diamond." You are one of the few celebrities who can get by on only one name, much like Madonna or Cher. You are well-known for your "white man's afro," your neatly-trimmed beard and your pale, chunky ass! Please star in another crappy sitcom soon! Your queer fans need more masturbation material!!!- Kurt Steinberg

When I was younger (7 years old) my sister caught me wearing her panties and attempting to get hard. I was scared that she would tell our parents, but instead she got on her knees and started to suck me through her panties until I got semi hard and started to cum she licked most of it off and then made me wear her panties whenever our parents were at work and she would even have some of her girl friends see me in panties and also suck me while wearing them. It was great for 3 years, but that all came to an end when she got married and left the house.

Hey Screech, remember that No Hope with Dope episode on SbtB with Jonny Dakota? Remember when he came to Bayside to film an anti-drug commercial and you and Zack and A.C. went to the restroom and found that used joint on the bathroom floor? Remember when Zack started smoking it and then Slater smoking it and you were like "hey, what about me?" and then Zack and A.C. looked at each other and smiled and pulled down their pants and told you to "start smoking"? Remember how you eagerly started puffing away on Zack's neatly trimmed blonde manhood as you wrapped your girlish hand around Slater's darkly tanned bushman? Remember when A.C. buried his face into your sweaty unwashed groin and performed his special 'Sloppy Slater'? Remember when Jonny Dakota suddenly walked in on you guys and was like "whoa" and he thought he was in a public restroom back in West Hollywood? Remember how he thanked you guys for making him feel at home as his tight fitting jeans hit the floor?

Hey Screech, remember that Zack Attack episode on Save by the Bell that was hosted by Casey Kasem? Remember when you guys first began playing in a garage and then made it big and got a record contract and went on tour and got that new manager chick who caused the band to become divided? Remember when she helped Zack's ego become inflated and he went solo as a result? Remember when Slater became a racecar driver and ended up in the hospital and Zack heard about it and dumped the manager chick so he could be by Slater's side? Remember when you showed up and you and Zack and Slater had sweaty unprotected makeup sex back in the garage and then Mr. Belding showed up to find out why nobody had shown up for school in over a year and caught all three of you and personally performed his own version of the 'Zack Attack' on you while covered in maple syrup? I wonder why NBC deleted that scene, I thought it was funny.

Hey Screech, remember that Saved by the Bell episode where everybody was trying to come up with a new school song and Zack sabotaged everybody? Remember when you had that wacky plan to break into the musicroom and steal all the instruments but when you snuck in there you caught Zack and AC in the 69 position on top of Mr. Tuttle's desk? Remember when Slater forced that crusty unlubed music flute up your butthole and you told him not to because you had a really bad case of the runs that day? Remember when you started to uncontrollably pass gas and played the flute with your ass? Remember how AC started sniffing the end of the flute and smiled and said he was getting hungry because your smelly farts reminded him of homemade burritos? Remember when you couldn't hold back your bowels any longer and a continuous stream of liquid shit shot straight out of the flute and splashed Slater right in the face? Remember how he opened his mouth real wide and started gulping down your dark watery waste as fast as he could?

09th June 2005 - 05:13:47 PM
16940 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

    10th June 2005 - 11:17:38 AM    
17611 : Lance Dickstrong
Please Dustin, I need for you to shit and jizz in my mouth, my offer to work on Lord of the Queens is still open. I get moist at the thought of you playing a homo Gollum obessed with my prcious cock. Please get in touch with me so we can get started on this sure to be great movie.

    10th June 2005 - 12:48:49 PM    
17612 :
I'm going to rip off you zubaz Dustin and shove them down your mouth will I pound you.

    10th June 2005 - 01:08:30 PM    
17613 :
Goldberg, something needs to be done about the spam on this page! Sort it out or I'll come round your house while you are asleep and shoot my HIV+ load in your mouth!

    10th June 2005 - 01:29:38 PM    
17614 :
I will eat the shit out of your zubaz Dustin! I must rub my nutsack in your chin hair and tea bag you until my shit stained ass makes your forehead look tanned.

    10th June 2005 - 01:47:28 PM    
17615 :
Diamond, your stand-up act smells worse than a big wad of your momma's month-old vaginal dreck.

    10th June 2005 - 03:22:28 PM    
17617 : Tommy Chode
I want you to play my skinflute Dustin. I would probably laugh when you play my skinflute because your beard you tickle my thighs, so I might cum to soon and get it in your eyes. Have you ever thought about doing a record gang bang anal video? I bet you could easily take 250 cocks in the ass. I would sign up to be apart of the Dustin Diamond anal gang bang record video. You can even make it that everyone who participates in the gang bang must dress as a male Saved by the Bell character. I would dress as Slater and I'd put my manchilata in you and give you my spicy sauce. ZOINKS

    10th June 2005 - 06:04:43 PM    
17618 :
Am I the only queer who masturbates while watching the Wiggles? The only shows that ever got me hotter than the Wiggles was Saved by the bell, Teletubbies and Who's the Boss.

    10th June 2005 - 06:37:21 PM    
17655 :
WOW, this indeed quite an honor....SCREECH!! (no really i just "screeched" out loud) this is almost as cool as the first time i ran into a girl and touched her boob! Almost as cool as the first time I woke up and had to the bathroom cause I had JIZZED all over myself! Didn't that happen on an episode of Saved By The Bell? I think so, only it was Mr. Belding. So would you mind rubbing that brillo pad of a head on my ass, untill rancid poopiness came out and seeped into your huge schnozz YOU FUCK YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WAS STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND FUCKED IT UP! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HOPE HOT CAMELS COME ALONG AND SPIT ALL OVER YOUR KNEES! and someday MY dream is to meet you! So if you want, send me an email!!!


Joe Franks

Hey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and

Dustin will you be my boyfriend? We can go out on a date to the Cornhole, my favorite club. Afterwards, we can cum back to my place and take a shower. Do you ever clean yourself with body lotion? You will in my shower. I'll soap your ass nice and good.

We can also take a vacation to Key West or San Francisco. We can also listen to the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync 24x7 at my place. I love you!!!

Cum swing on my cock lovely, I have a huge penis, oops my towel came down, what are you going to do about it, Dustin, how's your dad Neil Diamond going? Still tending to his penis and ass needs? I love u dustin.

Hey guys, you can watch me stick batteries up my ass anytime. After you pull the bowling pin from your ass can I sniff it and lick it please? I wish I could suck my own cock, but I'm not flexible enough or my cock is not long enough. Can you guys suck your own cock?

Ham Span, if you're looking for cities overrun with faggots, look no further than Key West, Florida or San Francisco, California. I've personally lost many loads in Key West - usually to some dude I just met in a gas station bathroom!!! I've also heard that Madison, Wisconsin has a huge queer population. Isn't that where Diamond supposedly live now? No surprise there.

I really want Diamond to call me. I'd like to use his face as my personal rocking chair. I'll eat some Taco Bell and then sit on his face and drop some nasty ass, just the way he likes it. Then he can play "chef" and toss my salad - he needs to add his own personal ranch dressing.

- Kurt Steinberg
I woke up one day, and i found my penis floppin in the breeze due to a draft from MY CATS PECKER. My dog shit his briches b/c he got into my Laxative pills. He has no pecker..... My Hamster Sucked his own little penis one day and he got blown over by the floppin PENIS breeze from my CATS PECKER. And my dolphin started having sex with me b/c he got horny and saw me..... I just wanted to know, y r the stores in florida called PUB LIX? Is that sexual? Is this all normal? Thank you,
Harry Wrinkles

Please, everyone, the main topic of discussion here is supposed to be homosexuality concerning Dustin Diamond. This was my intention when I opened the board and I'd like to politely remind you that this is the way in which it must continue, otherwise I'll have no choice but to shut this place down.

This site is a labour of love and the bandwidth costs me a fortune, so please keep the conversation on-topic and discuss acts of gay love with Dustin Diamond. Apparently he reads all the posts here and gets a real kick out of the fact that he's a gay cultural icon. Way to go DD!

Thanks for your co-operation, everyone play nice and you won't get banned!

As I have said before I'm gay. 24/7 I am a sissy wearing womens clothing. I have a few places that I go that provide me with some real enjoyment.

When the guys realize that I am wearing womens clothing they follow me until we get to a spot where we can talk. After some foreplay they tell me that they are str8 but would like to fuck a guy that wears womens clothing.

I am more than happy to comply. They always make comments about how nice my hairless cock is in my panties are as they are taking them down. They like to rub my hairless chest and underarms as they touch the bra. When they feel the nylons it seems to get them going even more.

I get real turned on by a guy fucking my shit stained corn hole (Always without a condom, of course) me with my legs in the air while he tells me I am tighter than his wife. I always make a point of swallowing ALL of his hot load.

Diamond, you are a tremendous icon in the homosexual community. You have been so diefied that the gay community now simply refers to you as "Diamond." You are one of the few celebrities who can get by on only one name, much like Madonna or Cher. You are well-known for your "white man's afro," your neatly-trimmed beard and your pale, chunky ass! Please star in another crappy sitcom soon! Your queer fans need more masturbation material!!!- Kurt Steinberg

When I was younger (7 years old) my sister caught me wearing her panties and attempting to get hard. I was scared that she would tell our parents, but instead she got on her knees and started to suck me through her panties until I got semi hard and started to cum she licked most of it off and then made me wear her panties whenever our parents were at work and she would even have some of her girl friends see me in panties and also suck me while wearing them. It was great for 3 years, but that all came to an end when she got married and left the house.

Hey Screech, remember that No Hope with Dope episode on SbtB with Jonny Dakota? Remember when he came to Bayside to film an anti-drug commercial and you and Zack and A.C. went to the restroom and found that used joint on the bathroom floor? Remember when Zack started smoking it and then Slater smoking it and you were like "hey, what about me?" and then Zack and A.C. looked at each other and smiled and pulled down their pants and told you to "start smoking"? Remember how you eagerly started puffing away on Zack's neatly trimmed blonde manhood as you wrapped your girlish hand around Slater's darkly tanned bushman? Remember when A.C. buried his face into your sweaty unwashed groin and performed his special 'Sloppy Slater'? Remember when Jonny Dakota suddenly walked in on you guys and was like "whoa" and he thought he was in a public restroom back in West Hollywood? Remember how he thanked you guys for making him feel at home as his tight fitting jeans hit the floor?

Hey Screech, remember that Zack Attack episode on Save by the Bell that was hosted by Casey Kasem? Remember when you guys first began playing in a garage and then made it big and got a record contract and went on tour and got that new manager chick who caused the band to become divided? Remember when she helped Zack's ego become inflated and he went solo as a result? Remember when Slater became a racecar driver and ended up in the hospital and Zack heard about it and dumped the manager chick so he could be by Slater's side? Remember when you showed up and you and Zack and Slater had sweaty unprotected makeup sex back in the garage and then Mr. Belding showed up to find out why nobody had shown up for school in over a year and caught all three of you and personally performed his own version of the 'Zack Attack' on you while covered in maple syrup? I wonder why NBC deleted that scene, I thought it was funny.

Hey Screech, remember that Saved by the Bell episode where everybody was trying to come up with a new school song and Zack sabotaged everybody? Remember when you had that wacky plan to break into the musicroom and steal all the instruments but when you snuck in there you caught Zack and AC in the 69 position on top of Mr. Tuttle's desk? Remember when Slater forced that crusty unlubed music flute up your butthole and you told him not to because you had a really bad case of the runs that day? Remember when you started to uncontrollably pass gas and played the flute with your ass? Remember how AC started sniffing the end of the flute and smiled and said he was getting hungry because your smelly farts reminded him of homemade burritos? Remember when you couldn't hold back your bowels any longer and a continuous stream of liquid shit shot straight out of the flute and splashed Slater right in the face? Remember how he opened his mouth real wide and started gulping down your dark watery waste as fast as he could?

09th June 2005 - 05:13:47 PM
16940 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!

Dustin, the new sitcom sounds great! Please include an episode where Slater turns up out of the blue to admit his undying love for you, and you, him, Belding & the Art teacher get down to serious group hardcore buttfucking for the entire episode. While the end credits roll a slo-mo film could play in the background of Slater losing his slimy load on your beard. Trust me, the Fox Network loves this type of shit!

Hope everyone in here is well and having an asslicking good day! Last night I headed out on the town dressed in zubaz, my fro wig and some red converse sneakers. I wanted to try to capture the image of the Max so I went to this crummy diner and ran in! A Mr. Do game was in the corner and to my amazement that guy who played Max was in there as a waiter! When he saw me his face lit up and he immidiately signaled for me to follow him in the bathroom. When we got in there he said "I knew you wouldnt forget me Dusty." He yanked down my Zubaz and started licking my asshole. I squeezed out a small turd which he gobbled up like a hungry dog. He yelped in ecstasy when I punched him in the face and reamed his shit chute for an hour! I finished by blowing my load in his jew fro! Needless to say I will be going back for seconds!

09th June 2005 - 05:03:03 PM
16939 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!WOW, this indeed quite an honor....SCREECH!! (no really i just "screeched" out loud) this is almost as cool as the first time i ran into a girl and touched her boob! Almost as cool as the first time I woke up and had to the bathroom cause I had JIZZED all over myself! Didn't that happen on an episode of Saved By The Bell? I think so, only it was Mr. Belding. So would you mind rubbing that brillo pad of a head on my ass, untill rancid poopiness came out and seeped into your huge schnozz YOU FUCK YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WAS STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND FUCKED IT UP! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HOPE HOT CAMELS COME ALONG AND SPIT ALL OVER YOUR KNEES! and someday MY dream is to meet you! So if you want, send me an email!!!


Joe Franks

Hey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and

Dustin will you be my boyfriend? We can go out on a date to the Cornhole, my favorite club. Afterwards, we can cum back to my place and take a shower. Do you ever clean yourself with body lotion? You will in my shower. I'll soap your ass nice and good.

We can also take a vacation to Key West or San Francisco. We can also listen to the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync 24x7 at my place. I love you!!!

Cum swing on my cock lovely, I have a huge penis, oops my towel came down, what are you going to do about it, Dustin, how's your dad Neil Diamond going? Still tending to his penis and ass needs? I love u dustin.

Hey guys, you can watch me stick batteries up my ass anytime. After you pull the bowling pin from your ass can I sniff it and lick it please? I wish I could suck my own cock, but I'm not flexible enough or my cock is not long enough. Can you guys suck your own cock?

Ham Span, if you're looking for cities overrun with faggots, look no further than Key West, Florida or San Francisco, California. I've personally lost many loads in Key West - usually to some dude I just met in a gas station bathroom!!! I've also heard that Madison, Wisconsin has a huge queer population. Isn't that where Diamond supposedly live now? No surprise there.

I really want Diamond to call me. I'd like to use his face as my personal rocking chair. I'll eat some Taco Bell and then sit on his face and drop some nasty ass, just the way he likes it. Then he can play "chef" and toss my salad - he needs to add his own personal ranch dressing.

- Kurt Steinberg
I woke up one day, and i found my penis floppin in the breeze due to a draft from MY CATS PECKER. My dog shit his briches b/c he got into my Laxative pills. He has no pecker..... My Hamster Sucked his own little penis one day and he got blown over by the floppin PENIS breeze from my CATS PECKER. And my dolphin started having sex with me b/c he got horny and saw me..... I just wanted to know, y r the stores in florida called PUB LIX? Is that sexual? Is this all normal? Thank you,
Harry Wrinkles

Please, everyone, the main topic of discussion here is supposed to be homosexuality concerning Dustin Diamond. This was my intention when I opened the board and I'd like to politely remind you that this is the way in which it must continue, otherwise I'll have no choice but to shut this place down.

This site is a labour of love and the bandwidth costs me a fortune, so please keep the conversation on-topic and discuss acts of gay love with Dustin Diamond. Apparently he reads all the posts here and gets a real kick out of the fact that he's a gay cultural icon. Way to go DD!

Thanks for your co-operation, everyone play nice and you won't get banned!

As I have said before I'm gay. 24/7 I am a sissy wearing womens clothing. I have a few places that I go that provide me with some real enjoyment.

When the guys realize that I am wearing womens clothing they follow me until we get to a spot where we can talk. After some foreplay they tell me that they are str8 but would like to fuck a guy that wears womens clothing.

I am more than happy to comply. They always make comments about how nice my hairless cock is in my panties are as they are taking them down. They like to rub my hairless chest and underarms as they touch the bra. When they feel the nylons it seems to get them going even more.

I get real turned on by a guy fucking my shit stained corn hole (Always without a condom, of course) me with my legs in the air while he tells me I am tighter than his wife. I always make a point of swallowing ALL of his hot load.

Diamond, you are a tremendous icon in the homosexual community. You have been so diefied that the gay community now simply refers to you as "Diamond." You are one of the few celebrities who can get by on only one name, much like Madonna or Cher. You are well-known for your "white man's afro," your neatly-trimmed beard and your pale, chunky ass! Please star in another crappy sitcom soon! Your queer fans need more masturbation material!!!- Kurt Steinberg

When I was younger (7 years old) my sister caught me wearing her panties and attempting to get hard. I was scared that she would tell our parents, but instead she got on her knees and started to suck me through her panties until I got semi hard and started to cum she licked most of it off and then made me wear her panties whenever our parents were at work and she would even have some of her girl friends see me in panties and also suck me while wearing them. It was great for 3 years, but that all came to an end when she got married and left the house.

Hey Screech, remember that No Hope with Dope episode on SbtB with Jonny Dakota? Remember when he came to Bayside to film an anti-drug commercial and you and Zack and A.C. went to the restroom and found that used joint on the bathroom floor? Remember when Zack started smoking it and then Slater smoking it and you were like "hey, what about me?" and then Zack and A.C. looked at each other and smiled and pulled down their pants and told you to "start smoking"? Remember how you eagerly started puffing away on Zack's neatly trimmed blonde manhood as you wrapped your girlish hand around Slater's darkly tanned bushman? Remember when A.C. buried his face into your sweaty unwashed groin and performed his special 'Sloppy Slater'? Remember when Jonny Dakota suddenly walked in on you guys and was like "whoa" and he thought he was in a public restroom back in West Hollywood? Remember how he thanked you guys for making him feel at home as his tight fitting jeans hit the floor?

Hey Screech, remember that Zack Attack episode on Save by the Bell that was hosted by Casey Kasem? Remember when you guys first began playing in a garage and then made it big and got a record contract and went on tour and got that new manager chick who caused the band to become divided? Remember when she helped Zack's ego become inflated and he went solo as a result? Remember when Slater became a racecar driver and ended up in the hospital and Zack heard about it and dumped the manager chick so he could be by Slater's side? Remember when you showed up and you and Zack and Slater had sweaty unprotected makeup sex back in the garage and then Mr. Belding showed up to find out why nobody had shown up for school in over a year and caught all three of you and personally performed his own version of the 'Zack Attack' on you while covered in maple syrup? I wonder why NBC deleted that scene, I thought it was funny.

Hey Screech, remember that Saved by the Bell episode where everybody was trying to come up with a new school song and Zack sabotaged everybody? Remember when you had that wacky plan to break into the musicroom and steal all the instruments but when you snuck in there you caught Zack and AC in the 69 position on top of Mr. Tuttle's desk? Remember when Slater forced that crusty unlubed music flute up your butthole and you told him not to because you had a really bad case of the runs that day? Remember when you started to uncontrollably pass gas and played the flute with your ass? Remember how AC started sniffing the end of the flute and smiled and said he was getting hungry because your smelly farts reminded him of homemade burritos? Remember when you couldn't hold back your bowels any longer and a continuous stream of liquid shit shot straight out of the flute and splashed Slater right in the face? Remember how he opened his mouth real wide and started gulping down your dark watery waste as fast as he could?

09th June 2005 - 05:13:47 PM
16940 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!

Dustin, the new sitcom sounds great! Please include an episode where Slater turns up out of the blue to admit his undying love for you, and you, him, Belding & the Art teacher get down to serious group hardcore buttfucking for the entire episode. While the end credits roll a slo-mo film could play in the background of Slater losing his slimy load on your beard. Trust me, the Fox Network loves this type of shit!

Hope everyone in here is well and having an asslicking good day! Last night I headed out on the town dressed in zubaz, my fro wig and some red converse sneakers. I wanted to try to capture the image of the Max so I went to this crummy diner and ran in! A Mr. Do game was in the corner and to my amazement that guy who played Max was in there as a waiter! When he saw me his face lit up and he immidiately signaled for me to follow him in the bathroom. When we got in there he said "I knew you wouldnt forget me Dusty." He yanked down my Zubaz and started licking my asshole. I squeezed out a small turd which he gobbled up like a hungry dog. He yelped in ecstasy when I punched him in the face and reamed his shit chute for an hour! I finished by blowing my load in his jew fro! Needless to say I will be going back for seconds!

09th June 2005 - 05:03:03 PM
16939 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!

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17725 : Kurt Steinberg

    10th June 2005 - 06:51:05 PM    
17741 :
this spammer is a real big chode, if you're going to fill the pages with crap, could you please make it homosexual stuff
WOW, this indeed quite an honor....SCREECH!! (no really i just "screeched" out loud) this is almost as cool as the first time i ran into a girl and touched her boob! Almost as cool as the first time I woke up and had to the bathroom cause I had JIZZED all over myself! Didn't that happen on an episode of Saved By The Bell? I think so, only it was Mr. Belding. So would you mind rubbing that brillo pad of a head on my ass, untill rancid poopiness came out and seeped into your huge schnozz YOU FUCK YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WAS STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND FUCKED IT UP! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HOPE HOT CAMELS COME ALONG AND SPIT ALL OVER YOUR KNEES! and someday MY dream is to meet you! So if you want, send me an email!!!


Joe Franks

Hey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and

Dustin will you be my boyfriend? We can go out on a date to the Cornhole, my favorite club. Afterwards, we can cum back to my place and take a shower. Do you ever clean yourself with body lotion? You will in my shower. I'll soap your ass nice and good.

We can also take a vacation to Key West or San Francisco. We can also listen to the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync 24x7 at my place. I love you!!!

Cum swing on my cock lovely, I have a huge penis, oops my towel came down, what are you going to do about it, Dustin, how's your dad Neil Diamond going? Still tending to his penis and ass needs? I love u dustin.

Hey guys, you can watch me stick batteries up my ass anytime. After you pull the bowling pin from your ass can I sniff it and lick it please? I wish I could suck my own cock, but I'm not flexible enough or my cock is not long enough. Can you guys suck your own cock?

Ham Span, if you're looking for cities overrun with faggots, look no further than Key West, Florida or San Francisco, California. I've personally lost many loads in Key West - usually to some dude I just met in a gas station bathroom!!! I've also heard that Madison, Wisconsin has a huge queer population. Isn't that where Diamond supposedly live now? No surprise there.

I really want Diamond to call me. I'd like to use his face as my personal rocking chair. I'll eat some Taco Bell and then sit on his face and drop some nasty ass, just the way he likes it. Then he can play "chef" and toss my salad - he needs to add his own personal ranch dressing.

- Kurt Steinberg
I woke up one day, and i found my penis floppin in the breeze due to a draft from MY CATS PECKER. My dog shit his briches b/c he got into my Laxative pills. He has no pecker..... My Hamster Sucked his own little penis one day and he got blown over by the floppin PENIS breeze from my CATS PECKER. And my dolphin started having sex with me b/c he got horny and saw me..... I just wanted to know, y r the stores in florida called PUB LIX? Is that sexual? Is this all normal? Thank you,
Harry Wrinkles

Please, everyone, the main topic of discussion here is supposed to be homosexuality concerning Dustin Diamond. This was my intention when I opened the board and I'd like to politely remind you that this is the way in which it must continue, otherwise I'll have no choice but to shut this place down.

This site is a labour of love and the bandwidth costs me a fortune, so please keep the conversation on-topic and discuss acts of gay love with Dustin Diamond. Apparently he reads all the posts here and gets a real kick out of the fact that he's a gay cultural icon. Way to go DD!

Thanks for your co-operation, everyone play nice and you won't get banned!

As I have said before I'm gay. 24/7 I am a sissy wearing womens clothing. I have a few places that I go that provide me with some real enjoyment.

When the guys realize that I am wearing womens clothing they follow me until we get to a spot where we can talk. After some foreplay they tell me that they are str8 but would like to fuck a guy that wears womens clothing.

I am more than happy to comply. They always make comments about how nice my hairless cock is in my panties are as they are taking them down. They like to rub my hairless chest and underarms as they touch the bra. When they feel the nylons it seems to get them going even more.

I get real turned on by a guy fucking my shit stained corn hole (Always without a condom, of course) me with my legs in the air while he tells me I am tighter than his wife. I always make a point of swallowing ALL of his hot load.

Diamond, you are a tremendous icon in the homosexual community. You have been so diefied that the gay community now simply refers to you as "Diamond." You are one of the few celebrities who can get by on only one name, much like Madonna or Cher. You are well-known for your "white man's afro," your neatly-trimmed beard and your pale, chunky ass! Please star in another crappy sitcom soon! Your queer fans need more masturbation material!!!- Kurt Steinberg

When I was younger (7 years old) my sister caught me wearing her panties and attempting to get hard. I was scared that she would tell our parents, but instead she got on her knees and started to suck me through her panties until I got semi hard and started to cum she licked most of it off and then made me wear her panties whenever our parents were at work and she would even have some of her girl friends see me in panties and also suck me while wearing them. It was great for 3 years, but that all came to an end when she got married and left the house.

Hey Screech, remember that No Hope with Dope episode on SbtB with Jonny Dakota? Remember when he came to Bayside to film an anti-drug commercial and you and Zack and A.C. went to the restroom and found that used joint on the bathroom floor? Remember when Zack started smoking it and then Slater smoking it and you were like "hey, what about me?" and then Zack and A.C. looked at each other and smiled and pulled down their pants and told you to "start smoking"? Remember how you eagerly started puffing away on Zack's neatly trimmed blonde manhood as you wrapped your girlish hand around Slater's darkly tanned bushman? Remember when A.C. buried his face into your sweaty unwashed groin and performed his special 'Sloppy Slater'? Remember when Jonny Dakota suddenly walked in on you guys and was like "whoa" and he thought he was in a public restroom back in West Hollywood? Remember how he thanked you guys for making him feel at home as his tight fitting jeans hit the floor?

Hey Screech, remember that Zack Attack episode on Save by the Bell that was hosted by Casey Kasem? Remember when you guys first began playing in a garage and then made it big and got a record contract and went on tour and got that new manager chick who caused the band to become divided? Remember when she helped Zack's ego become inflated and he went solo as a result? Remember when Slater became a racecar driver and ended up in the hospital and Zack heard about it and dumped the manager chick so he could be by Slater's side? Remember when you showed up and you and Zack and Slater had sweaty unprotected makeup sex back in the garage and then Mr. Belding showed up to find out why nobody had shown up for school in over a year and caught all three of you and personally performed his own version of the 'Zack Attack' on you while covered in maple syrup? I wonder why NBC deleted that scene, I thought it was funny.

Hey Screech, remember that Saved by the Bell episode where everybody was trying to come up with a new school song and Zack sabotaged everybody? Remember when you had that wacky plan to break into the musicroom and steal all the instruments but when you snuck in there you caught Zack and AC in the 69 position on top of Mr. Tuttle's desk? Remember when Slater forced that crusty unlubed music flute up your butthole and you told him not to because you had a really bad case of the runs that day? Remember when you started to uncontrollably pass gas and played the flute with your ass? Remember how AC started sniffing the end of the flute and smiled and said he was getting hungry because your smelly farts reminded him of homemade burritos? Remember when you couldn't hold back your bowels any longer and a continuous stream of liquid shit shot straight out of the flute and splashed Slater right in the face? Remember how he opened his mouth real wide and started gulping down your dark watery waste as fast as he could?

09th June 2005 - 05:13:47 PM
16940 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!

Dustin, the new sitcom sounds great! Please include an episode where Slater turns up out of the blue to admit his undying love for you, and you, him, Belding & the Art teacher get down to serious group hardcore buttfucking for the entire episode. While the end credits roll a slo-mo film could play in the background of Slater losing his slimy load on your beard. Trust me, the Fox Network loves this type of shit!

Hope everyone in here is well and having an asslicking good day! Last night I headed out on the town dressed in zubaz, my fro wig and some red converse sneakers. I wanted to try to capture the image of the Max so I went to this crummy diner and ran in! A Mr. Do game was in the corner and to my amazement that guy who played Max was in there as a waiter! When he saw me his face lit up and he immidiately signaled for me to follow him in the bathroom. When we got in there he said "I knew you wouldnt forget me Dusty." He yanked down my Zubaz and started licking my asshole. I squeezed out a small turd which he gobbled up like a hungry dog. He yelped in ecstasy when I punched him in the face and reamed his shit chute for an hour! I finished by blowing my load in his jew fro! Needless to say I will be going back for seconds!

09th June 2005 - 05:03:03 PM
16939 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!WOW, this indeed quite an honor....SCREECH!! (no really i just "screeched" out loud) this is almost as cool as the first time i ran into a girl and touched her boob! Almost as cool as the first time I woke up and had to the bathroom cause I had JIZZED all over myself! Didn't that happen on an episode of Saved By The Bell? I think so, only it was Mr. Belding. So would you mind rubbing that brillo pad of a head on my ass, untill rancid poopiness came out and seeped into your huge schnozz YOU FUCK YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WAS STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND FUCKED IT UP! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HOPE HOT CAMELS COME ALONG AND SPIT ALL OVER YOUR KNEES! and someday MY dream is to meet you! So if you want, send me an email!!!


Joe Franks

Hey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and

Dustin will you be my boyfriend? We can go out on a date to the Cornhole, my favorite club. Afterwards, we can cum back to my place and take a shower. Do you ever clean yourself with body lotion? You will in my shower. I'll soap your ass nice and good.

We can also take a vacation to Key West or San Francisco. We can also listen to the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync 24x7 at my place. I love you!!!

Cum swing on my cock lovely, I have a huge penis, oops my towel came down, what are you going to do about it, Dustin, how's your dad Neil Diamond going? Still tending to his penis and ass needs? I love u dustin.

Hey guys, you can watch me stick batteries up my ass anytime. After you pull the bowling pin from your ass can I sniff it and lick it please? I wish I could suck my own cock, but I'm not flexible enough or my cock is not long enough. Can you guys suck your own cock?

Ham Span, if you're looking for cities overrun with faggots, look no further than Key West, Florida or San Francisco, California. I've personally lost many loads in Key West - usually to some dude I just met in a gas station bathroom!!! I've also heard that Madison, Wisconsin has a huge queer population. Isn't that where Diamond supposedly live now? No surprise there.

I really want Diamond to call me. I'd like to use his face as my personal rocking chair. I'll eat some Taco Bell and then sit on his face and drop some nasty ass, just the way he likes it. Then he can play "chef" and toss my salad - he needs to add his own personal ranch dressing.

- Kurt Steinberg
I woke up one day, and i found my penis floppin in the breeze due to a draft from MY CATS PECKER. My dog shit his briches b/c he got into my Laxative pills. He has no pecker..... My Hamster Sucked his own little penis one day and he got blown over by the floppin PENIS breeze from my CATS PECKER. And my dolphin started having sex with me b/c he got horny and saw me..... I just wanted to know, y r the stores in florida called PUB LIX? Is that sexual? Is this all normal? Thank you,
Harry Wrinkles

Please, everyone, the main topic of discussion here is supposed to be homosexuality concerning Dustin Diamond. This was my intention when I opened the board and I'd like to politely remind you that this is the way in which it must continue, otherwise I'll have no choice but to shut this place down.

This site is a labour of love and the bandwidth costs me a fortune, so please keep the conversation on-topic and discuss acts of gay love with Dustin Diamond. Apparently he reads all the posts here and gets a real kick out of the fact that he's a gay cultural icon. Way to go DD!

Thanks for your co-operation, everyone play nice and you won't get banned!

As I have said before I'm gay. 24/7 I am a sissy wearing womens clothing. I have a few places that I go that provide me with some real enjoyment.

When the guys realize that I am wearing womens clothing they follow me until we get to a spot where we can talk. After some foreplay they tell me that they are str8 but would like to fuck a guy that wears womens clothing.

I am more than happy to comply. They always make comments about how nice my hairless cock is in my panties are as they are taking them down. They like to rub my hairless chest and underarms as they touch the bra. When they feel the nylons it seems to get them going even more.

I get real turned on by a guy fucking my shit stained corn hole (Always without a condom, of course) me with my legs in the air while he tells me I am tighter than his wife. I always make a point of swallowing ALL of his hot load.

Diamond, you are a tremendous icon in the homosexual community. You have been so diefied that the gay community now simply refers to you as "Diamond." You are one of the few celebrities who can get by on only one name, much like Madonna or Cher. You are well-known for your "white man's afro," your neatly-trimmed beard and your pale, chunky ass! Please star in another crappy sitcom soon! Your queer fans need more masturbation material!!!- Kurt Steinberg

When I was younger (7 years old) my sister caught me wearing her panties and attempting to get hard. I was scared that she would tell our parents, but instead she got on her knees and started to suck me through her panties until I got semi hard and started to cum she licked most of it off and then made me wear her panties whenever our parents were at work and she would even have some of her girl friends see me in panties and also suck me while wearing them. It was great for 3 years, but that all came to an end when she got married and left the house.

Hey Screech, remember that No Hope with Dope episode on SbtB with Jonny Dakota? Remember when he came to Bayside to film an anti-drug commercial and you and Zack and A.C. went to the restroom and found that used joint on the bathroom floor? Remember when Zack started smoking it and then Slater smoking it and you were like "hey, what about me?" and then Zack and A.C. looked at each other and smiled and pulled down their pants and told you to "start smoking"? Remember how you eagerly started puffing away on Zack's neatly trimmed blonde manhood as you wrapped your girlish hand around Slater's darkly tanned bushman? Remember when A.C. buried his face into your sweaty unwashed groin and performed his special 'Sloppy Slater'? Remember when Jonny Dakota suddenly walked in on you guys and was like "whoa" and he thought he was in a public restroom back in West Hollywood? Remember how he thanked you guys for making him feel at home as his tight fitting jeans hit the floor?

Hey Screech, remember that Zack Attack episode on Save by the Bell that was hosted by Casey Kasem? Remember when you guys first began playing in a garage and then made it big and got a record contract and went on tour and got that new manager chick who caused the band to become divided? Remember when she helped Zack's ego become inflated and he went solo as a result? Remember when Slater became a racecar driver and ended up in the hospital and Zack heard about it and dumped the manager chick so he could be by Slater's side? Remember when you showed up and you and Zack and Slater had sweaty unprotected makeup sex back in the garage and then Mr. Belding showed up to find out why nobody had shown up for school in over a year and caught all three of you and personally performed his own version of the 'Zack Attack' on you while covered in maple syrup? I wonder why NBC deleted that scene, I thought it was funny.

Hey Screech, remember that Saved by the Bell episode where everybody was trying to come up with a new school song and Zack sabotaged everybody? Remember when you had that wacky plan to break into the musicroom and steal all the instruments but when you snuck in there you caught Zack and AC in the 69 position on top of Mr. Tuttle's desk? Remember when Slater forced that crusty unlubed music flute up your butthole and you told him not to because you had a really bad case of the runs that day? Remember when you started to uncontrollably pass gas and played the flute with your ass? Remember how AC started sniffing the end of the flute and smiled and said he was getting hungry because your smelly farts reminded him of homemade burritos? Remember when you couldn't hold back your bowels any longer and a continuous stream of liquid shit shot straight out of the flute and splashed Slater right in the face? Remember how he opened his mouth real wide and started gulping down your dark watery waste as fast as he could?

09th June 2005 - 05:13:47 PM
16940 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!

Dustin, the new sitcom sounds great! Please include an episode where Slater turns up out of the blue to admit his undying love for you, and you, him, Belding & the Art teacher get down to serious group hardcore buttfucking for the entire episode. While the end credits roll a slo-mo film could play in the background of Slater losing his slimy load on your beard. Trust me, the Fox Network loves this type of shit!

Hope everyone in here is well and having an asslicking good day! Last night I headed out on the town dressed in zubaz, my fro wig and some red converse sneakers. I wanted to try to capture the image of the Max so I went to this crummy diner and ran in! A Mr. Do game was in the corner and to my amazement that guy who played Max was in there as a waiter! When he saw me his face lit up and he immidiately signaled for me to follow him in the bathroom. When we got in there he said "I knew you wouldnt forget me Dusty." He yanked down my Zubaz and started licking my asshole. I squeezed out a small turd which he gobbled up like a hungry dog. He yelped in ecstasy when I punched him in the face and reamed his shit chute for an hour! I finished by blowing my load in his jew fro! Needless to say I will be going back for seconds!

09th June 2005 - 05:03:03 PM
16939 :
Screech, remember that episode where you learned about gravity in Mr. Tuttle's science class? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said that, assuming no wind resistance, two objects of different mass dropped from the same height would hit the ground at the same time? Remember when you said you didn't believe him? Remember when Slater yelled from the back of the class "SHUT UP, YOU ZUBAZ-WEARING COCKSUCKER!!!!" Remember when everybody except you laughed hysterically at Slater's insult? Remember when Mr. Tuttle asked the class to calm down and then told everyone to go the the roof for a test? Remember when Mr. Tuttle dropped a nickel off the roof and everyone watched it hit the ground? Remember when you leaned over the edge of the roof to get a bird's eye view of the nickel? Remember when Mr. Tuttle said it was time to drop more things? Remember when he held an apple in his left hand and then walked over to you and kicked you in the nuts? Remember when you fell over in pain and then Zack and Slater picked you up and fired you off the room as Mr. Tuttle dropped the apple? Remember when the apple and your scrawny body both hit the pavement at the same time? Remember when Slater said he still didn't understand the law of gravity, so Mr. Tuttle told Zack and him to drop trow and piss off the roof? Remember when Zack, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle all pissed off the roof, and their urine landed on your mangled body? Remember when they were done urinating and then started throwing gravel from the roof down onto you? Remember when you were struck in the eye with a little rock thrown by Slater and suffered permanent damage to your cornea? Remember when Zack took off his shoe and threw it at your head from the top of the roof? Remember when it hit you in the head, knocking you out? Remember when you woke up and were paralyzed in a hospital? Remember when your nurse was a flaming HIV+ homosexual? Remember when he used to drug you up and unload his HIV+sperm in your mouth? Remember when you contracted HIV from him and now have full-blown AIDS? You sure got screwed over that time!

Hey Dustin you bitch I've got a remember when for you. Remember when I used to torment you all the time on the set. remember when I punched you in the stomach and you fell over crying for me to stop. remember when I chased you into the locker room set when no one was around and beat the shit out of you as you screamed for help. remember how I rubbed my nut sack all over you as you cried. remember how when I was done I ripped off your underwear and stuffed them in your mouth as you cried and trembled. remember how Dennis Haskins came over and looked at you and started laughing so much he pissed and shit himself. remember how he took off his pants and smeared his shit all over you. remember how you almost quit that day but the producers calmed you down and said they would have a very long talk with me. remember how when they came to talk to me they just started laughing and called you a little shit who deserved it. remember that - it sure was fun I wish I could do it all over again.

Hey Screech, remember when you were in Mr. Belding’s office discussing possible science courses for next semester? Remember when you spotted agriculture as a class and you got excited because it was new field of study for you? Remember when you asked Mr. Belding about who taught the class and what you did in there? Remember when he told you that Mr. Tuttle taught the class and he called Mr. Tuttle into his office for a brief overview of the course? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked into Mr. Belding’s office and you got excited because of the wealth of knowledge you were about to learn? Remember when Belding said that there was a fieldtrip to a creamery that Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Belding are both chaperoning? Remember how excited you were that you could go see a creamery with your favorite teacher and your favorite principal? Remember when you asked when the fieldtrip was and Mr. Belding screamed “RIGHT NOW YOU ZUBAZ WEARING COCKSUCKER!!” and he snuck a left hook into your face? Remember when you collapsed onto the floor and you looked up too Mr. Tuttle for help only to see a devilish grin? Remember how he undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles and kicked them away? Remember how Belding did the same? Remember the horror you felt when you saw both of your role models standing over you with their middle aged wrinkled cocks dangling out? Remember when you saw that Belding and Mr. Tuttle were standing over you and Mr. Tuttle was laughing in his mischievous laugh jerking off? Remember when Mr. Belding spun you onto your stomach and thrusted his cock into your Jewish leather starfish? Remember how you screamed as Belding fucked the shit out of you while Tuttle continued to jerk off and laugh that evil laugh? Remember when Belding pulled out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR TRIP TO THE CREAMERY BITCH!!” and both him and Tuttle let out a huge stream of cum all over your shivering frightened body? Remember when then you heard Belding’s voice over the intercom asking Zach and Slater to the office for the “field trip to the creamery?” Remember how Slater and Zack came into Belding’s office and dropped trough? Remember when Slater and Zach double penetrated your bleeding asshole fucking you like a fucking wildbeast? Remember the pain your bunghole was going through? Remember the pain your mind was going through as you were being double teamed? Remember when Zach and Slater pulled out and blew their loads all over you screaming “HAVE YOU LEARNED ENOUGH AT THE CREAMERY YOU FUCKING JEWISH NERD??!! FAGGOT ASS BITCH!!!” Remember when they were done cuming on you just laid there crying and they got dressed and started to leave the room? Remember when as the left Tuttle had to get the last word in and said “oh yeah…here’s a little chocolate for your milk” as he laughed and pulled down his pants and sprayed his slimmy liquid shit all over your frail body? Remember how you felt being all shitted up and jizzed to oblivion? Boy the gang really gave you a raw deal!

Screech, remember that episode where you got butt-raped in gym class again and decided you had to learn to protect yourself? Remember when you decided to go to the weight room after school to buy some steroids that you heard were dealt there? Remember when you saw me injecting Slater with 'roids over by the leg press machine? Remember when you walked up to Slater after he got the shot and asked for some of the "juice"? Remember when he said, "sure, I'll juice you up! Give me first!" Remember when you paid him and then he punched you in the eye, knocking you over? Remember when he said "here comes the juice, FAGGOT!!!" as he pulled down his pants? Remember when he unleashed a torrent of warm diarrhea in your face and then said, "I'm juicing you up, you piece of SHIT! How do you like the juice now?" Slater sure screwed you over that time!"

Listen, Dustin, I'm calling you from the restroom, and I'm jerking off as I watch you at the bar... let's get fucking get crazy. I'll snort coke off your dick and finger your ass.... I so fucking into you I just want to rip your asshole with a baseball bat and drink all your anal juices...I fucking want this so bad and I know you're into me...we'll get Mario and Dennis together and they can suck your nipples while I eat you ass.... I want to fuck you so bad. I hope you get this message and want to fucking fuck me like I want to fucking fuck you...Let's just go all the way..Mario can watch me fuck you, than i can watch him fuck you..Lets just get crazy, your dog can join in, I'll suck his dick while you eat his ass...Just give me a wink if your into this....Man I want to fuck you so bad..

I wanna fucking go crazy with you... You are so fucking hot, and I wanna eat you, and I want you to suck my cock, and I want to fuck you... Let's do it, you are so fucking hot, leave me a voicemail. I told Mario that you were into him... I want to lick your taint and make you cum so much... I want you badly, I know you want me. ... I am so fucking into you. You have to pay attention to Mario, but let's have fun. I wanna fuckin' eat you and fuck you and suck your nipples and watch you eat Mario's ass and lick your ass. I'm so fucking into you, it's incredible. Uhm, check this message, and then just say to me, "Yes." ... I wanna fuckin' suck your cock, talk dirty to you, watch you and Mario fuck each other, suck my cock, beat off on your face. Get another man up, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke."

Screeeeech! Slater tells me he caught you in the men's locker room, sniffing his wrestling jock strap! You'll have to be punished - and I've decided that the best punishment would be to be spit-roasted by me and Mr. Tuttle while Slater kicks you repeatedly in the balls! Now bend over and open wide!!!WOW, this indeed quite an honor....SCREECH!! (no really i just "screeched" out loud) this is almost as cool as the first time i ran into a girl and touched her boob! Almost as cool as the first time I woke up and had to the bathroom cause I had JIZZED all over myself! Didn't that happen on an episode of Saved By The Bell? I think so, only it was Mr. Belding. So would you mind rubbing that brillo pad of a head on my ass, untill rancid poopiness came out and seeped into your huge schnozz YOU FUCK YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WAS STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND FUCKED IT UP! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HOPE HOT CAMELS COME ALONG AND SPIT ALL OVER YOUR KNEES! and someday MY dream is to meet you! So if you want, send me an email!!!


Joe Franks

Hey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and white trash ok. I love it when you toss my salad, it makes me want to giggle so I almost wet myself. I want Chris Bailey to suck my shrivelled jew foreskinHey dustin, lets buttfuck some more so we can spread more aids to the homies and

Dustin will you be my boyfriend? We can go out on a date to the Cornhole, my favorite club. Afterwards, we can cum back to my place and take a shower. Do you ever clean yourself with body lotion? You will in my shower. I'll soap your ass nice and good.

We can also take a vacation to Key West or San Francisco. We can also listen to the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync 24x7 at my place. I love you!!!

Cum swing on my cock lovely, I have a huge penis, oops my towel came down, what are you going to do about it, Dustin, how's your dad Neil Diamond going? Still tending to his penis and ass needs? I love u dustin.

Hey guys, you can watch me stick batteries up my ass anytime. After you pull the bowling pin from your ass can I sniff it and lick it please? I wish I could suck my own cock, but I'm not flexible enough or my cock is not long enough. Can you guys suck your own cock?

Ham Span, if you're looking for cities overrun with faggots, look no further than Key West, Florida or San Francisco, California. I've personally lost many loads in Key West - usually to some dude I just met in a gas station bathroom!!! I've also heard that Madison, Wisconsin has a huge queer population. Isn't that where Diamond supposedly live now? No surprise there.

I really want Diamond to call me. I'd like to use his face as my personal rocking chair. I'll eat some Taco Bell and then sit on his face and drop some nasty ass, just the way he likes it. Then he can play "chef" and toss my salad - he needs to add his own personal ranch dressing.

- Kurt Steinberg
I woke up one day, and i found my penis floppin in the breeze due to a draft from MY CATS PECKER. My dog shit his briches b/c he got into my Laxative pills. He has no pecker..... My Hamster Sucked his own little penis one day and he got blown over by the floppin PENIS breeze from my CATS PECKER. And my dolphin started having sex with me b/c he got horny and saw me..... I just wanted to know, y r the stores in florida called PUB LIX? Is that sexual? Is this all normal? Thank you,
Harry Wrinkles

Please, everyone, the main topic of discussion here is supposed to be homosexuality concerning Dustin Diamond. This was my intention when I opened the board and I'd like to politely remind you that this is the way in which it must continue, otherwise I'll have no choice but to shut this place down.

This site is a labour of love and the bandwidth costs me a fortune, so please keep the conversation on-topic and discuss acts of gay love with Dustin Diamond. Apparently he reads all the posts here and gets a real kick out of the fact that he's a gay cultural icon. Way to go DD!

Thanks for your co-operation, everyone play nice and you won't get banned!

As I have said before I'm gay. 24/7 I am a sissy wearing womens clothing. I have a few places that I go that provide me with some real enjoyment.

When the guys realize that I am wearing womens clothing they follow me until we get to a spot where we can talk. After some foreplay they tell me that they are str8 but would like to fuck a guy that wears womens clothing.

I am more than happy to comply. They always make comments about how nice my hairless cock is in my panties are as they are taking them down. They like to rub my hairless chest and underarms as they touch the bra. When they feel the nylons it seems to get them going even more.

I get real turned on by a guy fucking my shit stained corn hole (Always without a condom, of course) me with my legs in the air while he tells me I am tighter than his wife. I always make a point of swallowing ALL of his hot load.

Diamond, you are a tremendous icon in the homosexual community. You have been so diefied that the gay community now simply refers to you as "Diamond." You are one of the few celebrities who can get by on only one name, much like Madonna or Cher. You are well-known for your "white man's afro," your neatly-trimmed beard and your pale, chunky ass! Please star in another crappy sitcom soon! Your queer fans need more masturbation material!!!- Kurt Steinberg

When I was younger (7 years old) my sister caught me wearing her panties and attempting to get hard. I was scared that she would tell our parents, but instead she got on her knees and started to suck me through her panties until I got semi hard and started to cum she licked most of it off and then made me wear her panties whenever our parents were at work and she would even have some of her girl friends see me in panties and also suck me while wearing them. It was great for 3 years, but that all came to an end when she got married and left the house.

Hey Screech, remember that No Hope with Dope episode on SbtB with Jonny Dakota? Remember when he came to Bayside to film an anti-drug commercial and you and Zack and A.C. went to the restroom and found that used joint on the bathroom floor? Remember when Zack started smoking it and then Slater smoking it and you were like "hey, what about me?" and then Zack and A.C. looked at each other and smiled and pulled down their pants and told you to "start smoking"? Remember how you eagerly started puffing away on Zack

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