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    09th June 2005 - 11:31:40 AM    
16585 : Fagbusters


    09th June 2005 - 12:16:04 PM    
16589 :
hey gambler - fuck you I'm over here trying to spam up this guestbook with queer stories that others have written as primo spank material, but got hidden in your dribble. We need our stroke fodder, go to hell or take it in the ass from a dumpster orgy

    09th June 2005 - 12:27:35 PM    
16590 :
so I met this dude last night at my favorite dumpster spot. It was his first time and he came dressed as Kevin, I was dressed as Screech. I walked over to him and asked him to be my sexbot, I slide my finger inside his ass and began to finger him until he came. When I was finished I gave him a dirty Sanchez, so we had a Kevin robot with a dirty Sanchez running around the dumpster with about 5 guys trying to catch him to give him golden showers. He really took it like a champ, his suit was covered in urine and feces so he took it off, only to reveal that he kind of resembled Dustin, all homos stopped what they were doing and immediately bowed down to him. They formed a line as two Slaters held him down and we all took turns anal raping him. He cried with pleasure and pain as we pounded his firm white ass. Everyone shot their load in his curly hair. after everyone was done we took turns beating the shit out of him and leavin him for dead. It's what we'd probably do if the real Dustin ever showed up.

    09th June 2005 - 12:34:06 PM    
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club

    09th June 2005 - 12:43:26 PM    
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

    09th June 2005 - 12:54:48 PM    
16593 : Lance Dickstrong
Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

    09th June 2005 - 01:04:52 PM    
16594 : United power of oppressed peoples
Army; biggest bloody markets of the shameless oligarchies


Svekish language version


- NATO circus in the Holiday Club of Aare-Laponia
- Låt se klippet!..
- Både Svenskar och Sapmé folket (Lappland) protesterar mot NATO-schakalernas inbrott...


Måndag/tisdag den 23/24 maj 2005 kommer det i Östersund och Åre vara protester mot ett NATO-toppmöte med försvarsministrar från bl.a. USA och Storbrittanien.

Försvara den svenska militära neutraliteten!

Nu kommer Åre och Jämtland att lysas upp av världmediernas strålkastarljus. En internationell konferens med utrikesministrar från ett otal länder kommer att förläggas till vårt alpina centrum den 24-25 maj. Vår utrikesminister kommer att stå som värd under denna NATO konferens som drar till sig journalister, politiska skribenter och säkerhetsexperter från hela världen. Det är bra att den svenska landsbygden är en del av världen och drar till sig uppmärksamhet för att kunna visa upp detta underbara län. Vi som svenskar kan inte bara visa upp en underbar natur men även ett tryggt samhälle som i demokratins namn förespråkar sina medborgares och världens folks mänskliga rättigheter. Tyvärr kan man inte sjunga samma lovsång över den konferens och de deltagare som får stå i uppmärksamhetens ljus.

Det är krigens förespråkare och NATO:s förtryckarapparat som kommer till oss men vi vill inte att detta leder till ett förtäckt svensk medlemskap som står i flagrant strid med vårt lands neutralitetstänkande. Sveriges anseende som en vän till världens folk skadas allvarligt och vår handlingsfrihet i FN begränsas. Krigsförbrytare och ansvariga för folkmord och tortyr som USAs utrikesminister Condoleezza Rice och Storbrittaniens utrikesminister Jack Straw kommer att vara huvudaktörer och den svenska regeringen välkomnar dem som hedervärda deltagare. Dessa har varit tongivande i Irakkriget och står för den tortyr och den terror som Iraks folk och många andra drabbas av. Deras regeringars militära och politiska operationer, som de och vissa andra beskriver som upprätthållande av lag och ordning, klassificeras i internationell rätt som folkmord och inblandning i andra länders inre angelägenheter. De hotar världsfreden och främjar terrorismen. Den svenska regeringen har, trots att en stor majoritet av folket är emot, närmat sig NATO genom svenskt medlemskap i Partnership for Peace.

Vi som bor i det här samhället har vår frihet att uttrycka vår åsikt och vi förväntar oss att våra fredliga protestaktioner kommer att tillerkännas samma yttrandefrihet som deltagarna i konferensen. Säkerhetsåtgärderna skall garantera kongressdeltagarnas säkerhet men inte stå i vägen för vår rätt att demonstrera mot NATO. Deras utrikesministrar talar inte i rättvisans och fredens namn.

Dessa i Åre samlade utrikesministrar talar inte i vårt namn.


Nato ut ur Sverige!
• • Den 24-25 maj kommer en hel hop av krigsförbrytare och brottslingar till Sverige. Anförda av bland andra Natos generalsekreterare Jaap de Hoop Scheffer och representanter för ockupationsmakterna USA och Storbritannien håller Nato-organet EAPR möte i jämtländska Åre.
Att krigsalliansen Nato välkomnas av utrikesminister Laila Freivalds, som också är värd för mötet, är en skrämmande uppvisning i svenskt kryperi för Natos starka makt, USA. Men det är också ytterligare en bekräftelse av att den svenska regeringen knyter Sverige allt närmare Nato, vilket står i direkt strid med folkviljan.
I veckans tema granskar vi Natos utveckling och nya uppgifter liksom Sveriges roll i krigsalliansen. Vi lyfter också fram den positiva sidan, att svenskarna inte tar emot Nato med öppna armar. I Jämtland och på flera andra orter planeras protester mot Nato och USA.
Men vänsterpartiet i Åre välkomnar krigsalliansen. "Bra PR för kommunen", är deras sanslösa kommentar.


"Vi demonstrerar mot både Nato och USA"

Nätverket Global Fred och Demokrati i Östersund planerar protestmöten mot Natomötet i Åre och ser fram emot att fylla gator och torg med demonstranter.

- Vår ambition är att vanligt folk ska vara med och demonstrera mot både Nato och USA, säger PG Bengtsson, en av företrädarna för Nätverket till Proletären.

Bakom Nätverket står FN-föreningen, Svenska Kyrkan, vänsterpartiet och Kommunistiska Partiet. När man fick höra talas om att Nato skulle hålla ett toppmöte i Åre satte man genast igång med att planera hur detta skulle bemötas.

Nätverket bildades i samband med att USA och Storbritannien planerade att anfalla Irak hösten 2002. Flera demonstrationer har genomförts, nu senast den 19 mars i år mot tvåårsdagen av USA:s ockupation av Irak.

Under de aktuella Natodagarna i Åre kommer mängder av aktiviteter att utföras, allt från seminarier till demonstrationer och artistuppträdanden. En dryg vecka innan har redan hundratals personer anmält att de kommer till Östersund och Åre för att protestera mot Natomötet.

Slut upp i protesterna!
- Det går som planerat och stämningen är på topp, säger PG Bengtsson. Men visst finns det saker vi reagerar över, till exempel att Nätverket inte är inbjudna till den konferens där bland annat utrikesminister Laila Freivalds ska delta.

- Nätverket är en etablerad kraft i Östersund och så har arrangörerna för konferensen, Östersunds-Posten, Mittuniversitetet och Folk och Försvar, fräckheten att inte bjuda in oss. Det är ju vi som står för manifestationerna mot Nato och som driver frågan.

- Men inte ett ord till oss i Nätverket om deras arrangemang och det tycker jag är mycket svagt av dom, men det har väl sin förklaring i att Östersunds Posten är centerpartistisk.

- Nu ser vi fram emot att demonstrera mot Nato, USA:s krigspolitik och deras strävan efter världsherravälde. Men jag vill betona att vi inte accepterar några våldsamheter eller provokationer. För att undvika detta planerar vi arrangemangen ihop med polisen.

- Nu hoppas vi att alla fredsvänner och Natomotståndare söker sig till Östersund. Det blir händelserika dagar och än en gång vill jag passa på att hälsa alla välkomna till Åre och Östersund den 23-24 maj, säger PG Bengtsson.


- NATO-schakalernas fest kostar 96 miljoner kronor...
- De som festar mjölkar folket...
- Det är bara övervaknings kostnaden... ANdra kostnader hålls hemligt... Tusentals poliser i järnring runt Nato-mötet i Jämtland
Nästa vecka möts utrikesministrar från Nato och Partnerskap för Fred i Åre. Polisen förbereder ett av de största säkerhetspådragen i Sverige någonsin.

Det är sammanlagt 46 utrikesministrar som samlas till toppmötet på konferensanläggningen Holiday Club i Åre, 10 mil väster om Östersund. Toppmötet sker inom ramen för Euroatlantiska partnerskapsrådet, EAPR, en organisation för samarbete mellan Nato och de europiska länder som står utanför militäralliansen.

Till Nato-mötet i Åre väntas respresentanter från både USA och Storbritannien, det vill säga representanter för nationer som begått krigsförbrytare under kriget mot och ockupationen av Irak.

Enligt senaste beskedet kommer inte USA:s utrikesminister Condoleezza Rice. Men det kan vara dimridåer och vem som USA skickar i stället är ännu oklart. I måndags kom det fram att också andra utrikesministrar ställer in sina besök och skickar företrädare på lägre nivå. Men Storbritanniens Jack Straw kommer.

Massiv övervakning
Det var i september 2004 som Nato beslutade att Sverige skulle bli värd för toppmötet. Att valet föll på jämtländska Åre är begripligt. Risken för att krigsförbrytarna och krigshetsarna ska behöva konfronteras med Nato-motståndare är mindre i lilla Åre än till exempel i Stockholm.

Men säkerhetspådraget är ändå enormt och ett av de största någonsin i svensk historia. 1700 poliser ska slå en järnring runt Holiday Club. I flera fall kommer dessutom ministrarnas egna livvaktsorganisationer att vara på plats i Åre.

Trafik med farligt gods stoppas på E 14 i Åre och inga tåg får köra in till Åre. Vissa delar av byn spärras helt av och de boende får poliseskort fram till sina dörrar. Åre skola ligger mitt i byn och föräldrarna uppmanas att följa sina barn till skolan. Barn bör av säkerhetsskäl hålla sig borta från torget på kvällarna, uppmanar polisen.

Holiday Club stängs och Säpo tar över bevakningen. Personal på hotellet säkerhetskontrolleras inför mötet och alla som inte passar Säpo får stanna hemma under dessa dagar. Alla tänkbara organisationers hemsidor gås nu igenom för att se vad som är på gång.

Kostnaden för Natomötet i Åre väntas uppgå till närmare 90 miljoner kronor, varav 50 miljoner kronor för att den svenska polisen ska kunna garantera Nato-topparnas säkerhet. Det är notan för ett land som inte officiellt är medlem i Nato. Och skattebetalarna får stå för fiolerna.

Det faktum att regeringen i dag välkomnar ett gäng krigsförbrytare och krigshetsare från Nato att samlas i Åre är logiskt. Regeringen är på god väg att sälja svensk neutralitet för medlemskap i Nato och då gäller det att visa sin välvilja gentemot militäralliansen.

Arbetar under Nato
Att Nato bjuds in till Sverige innebär i praktiken att vi omfamnar USA:s imperialistiska utrikespolitik. Regeringen kryper inför maktens arrogans och skäms inte ens över det, men det har ju som sagt sina förklaringar.

- Vi har under många missioner arbetat under Nato-ledning och vi har ett stort intresse att utveckla och fördjupa samarbetet, blev utrikesminister Laila Freivalds kommentar till Svenska Dagbladet när Natomötet i Åre blev känt.

Nu ska hon tillsammans med Natos generalsekreterare Jaap de Hoop Scehffer stå som värd för toppmötet i Åre, och därmed visar sig Sverige välvilligt inställt till Nato. Men regeringen har ett problem, nämligen att svenskarna inte alls har någon lust att ansluta sig till Nato, det visar återkommande opinionsundersökningar.

Toppmötet kommer att rikta all världens blickar mot Åre. Människor som angripits och kanske fått sina barn dödade av USA-imperialismen och Nato kommer att förknippa det med Åre. Därmed blir också Sverige en del av imperialismen härjningar runt om i välden.

På måndag förvandlas Åre till en ointaglig fästning, där boende får poliseskort medan demonstranter hålls på behagligt avstånd. Men regeringens inviter till Nato kommer att möta på motstånd i form av demonstrationer och protester under toppmötet.


RKU:s ordförande Pär Johanssons tal i Åre

Fredsvänner och NATO-motståndare,

Idag har ett gäng krigsförbrytare och brottslingar kommit till Sverige
och Åre.
Än värre är att dessa brottslingar som borde stoppats vid gränsen och
avvisats är inbjudna av ingen mindre än av utrikesminister Laila Freivalds.

Då är skönt att se er alla här, fredsvänner och NATO-motståndare, för
att protestera mot detta möte och mot att Sverige är värd för det.

NATO är en organisation som fungerar som verktyg för USA-imperialismen
att få med sina alliansbröder i på Europas på att bomba länder tillbaka till stenåldern.
Som i kriget mot Jugoslavien 1999 och som i dagens ockupation av

Det gör Sveriges närmande till NATO allvarligt och skrämmande.
Sedan år tillbaka så övas man som värnpliktig inte i att försvara
Sverige utan man övar så kallat internationell tjänst.

Med andra ord etnisk rensning av Kosova och att små prata med lokalbefolkningen i ett ockuperat område.

Eller som NATO själv säger:
"Budskapet jag vill lämna är att det inte finns en nation på jordens yta
som vi inte kan komma åt", Det är Nato-generalen John J Sheehan ord
efter ett så kallat krigsspel i centralasiatiska Kazakstan 1997.

Det är detta som är dagens Nato. Glöm allt tal om försvarsallians och
glöm allt tal om Nato som ett "partnerskap för fred". Nato är en idag
ren krigsallians.

Detta gör det svenska Nato-fjäsket dubbelt skamligt. Att fjäska för Nato
är att fjäska för våldets världsmakt; att delta i Nato-operationer, om
så med FN-mandat, är att låna sig som imperialistisk legoknekt.

För nu kräver NATO med USA i ledningen att svenska grabbar och tjejer ska delta i dess anfallskrig. Sverige ställer sig i givakt och svarar lydigt ja när
USA kallar.
Det är skamligt!

Svenska ungdomar ska skickas till Irak för att dö och döda för
imperialismens intressen. Och inte är det Laila Freiwalds eller Leni
Björklund som får bära konsekvenserna av sitt fjäsk för NATO. Så är det
alltid arbetargrabbar och tjejer som ska dö i de liberala frihetskrigen
i Iraks öken. Vi måste säga tvärt nej till att svenskar ska skickas för att dö eller
döda i imperialismens namn.

Men ett flygblad som delades ut på demonstrationen igår från det liberala ungdomsförbundet fick mig att ändra uppfattning en smula. Jag kan nu tänka mig att under ett villkor gå med på att skicka svensk trupp till exempelvis Irak.

Och det är att vi skickar hela det svenska folkpartiet. Det är väl cirka 5000 man. Nätt och jämt en brigad.

Klä dem sedan i ridbyxor och tropikhatt och de kan komma att bli ett med
sin koloniala retorik.
Det första denna svenska kontingent av 5000 Folkpartister bör göra är ju
att söka efter massförstörelsevapen. För i Folkpartiets valmanifest
inför valet 2002 kunde man läsa att Saddam Hussein till och med hade

Var är dom nu? Allt detta har ju visat sig vara lögner. Fredrik Malm och
Lars Leijonborg satt och ljög svenska folket rakt upp i ansiktet. Men
har vi hört ett erkännande?

På samma sätt ljuger idag NATO genom att framställa sina bombkrig som
mänskliga. Folkmord och ockupation som demokrati och civilisation.

Genom att kalla sina krig för fredsfrämjande insatser så saboterar reaktionen ord som fred och demokrati.

För när NATO talar om demokrati så kommer irakier, palestinier, Afghaner att
titta mot himlen – för då kommer snart bomberna att börja falla.

Men vi måste kalla saker vid dess rätta namn. NATO leds av USA, ett land
som står för fred av frihet, utan olaglig ockuperar och förtrycker Irak,
som stödjer kubanska terrorister, som ger Israel rätt att mörda
palestinier, som stödjer militära kuppförsök mot valda presidenter, som
systematiskt med våld bryter mot folkrätten och FN:s resolutioner, och
som gör sig skyldiga till ockupation och brott mot de mänskliga

Vi kallar gänget i Åre för vad de är: Krigsförbrytare och
ansvariga för folkmord.

Ja, det är en dyster framtiden vi ungdomar går till mötes nu bär svensk
militär håller på att bli en del av NATOS och EU:s interventionsstyrka.

Men inget är för sent. I år är det trettio år sedan vietnameserna
slängde ut amerikanerna från sitt land och det är trettio år sedan vi såg massiv folklig rörelse för fred och rättvisa.

Det visar att det går att besegra imperialismen, och det visar att en
stark antiimperialistisk rörelse tvingar makthavare att följa folkviljan.

De fantastiska antikrigsdemonstrationer våren 2003 benämnde som den
tredje supermakten. Och det är en bra beskrivning. Det enda som kan
stoppa NATO, USA och dess lakejer inom den svenska eliten är en stor
folklig opinion. Och för varje krig har den blivit starkare och större.

Det bådar gott för framtiden, och jag tror inte att vi går en dyster
framtiden, då jag tror på antikrigsrörelsens styrka.

Jag tror på vår styrka!

Idag sänder denna rörelse en alldeles speciell hälsning till
krigshetsarna i Åre:

Svensk militär skall försvara Sverige mot angrepp, inte bli en del av
NATOS och EU:s interventionsstyrka!
Svenska ungdomar ska inte skickas för att dö eller dödas i eliternas krig!
Svenskar vill inte veta av NATO!
Bryt allt samarbete med Nato!
Nato ut ur Sverige!


Inget Nato-möte i våra namn!
På besök hemma i Jämtland. Stämningen är lite förvirrad. Vad får en organisation som militäralliansen Nato att hålla ett toppmöte mitt ute i den jämtländska fjällvärlden? Många jämtar skakar undrande på huvudet och frågar sig om Nato helt enkelt begått ett underligt misstag. Förmodligen förhåller det sig dock precis tvärtom. De kunde inte ha valt en bättre skådeplats för sina smutsiga förehavanden.

Åre ligger 10 mil väster om Östersund. För varför nöja sig med ett psykologiskt avstånd till folket när man även kan distansera sig rent geografiskt?

Risken för att de stackars topparna ska behöva se några Nato-motståndare bedömdes troligen vara betydligt mindre i lilla Åre än i Stockholm. Eller Östersund för all del.

Överklassens semesterparadis
Det är inte bara geografiskt Åre är varje krigshetsares våta dröm. Åre råkar också vara en skidort. Ett ställe dit medel- och överklassen åker på skolloven medan arbetarfamiljerna sitter kvar i stan. Hur skulle Åre kunna tacka nej till att arrangera mötet?

När jämtarna visade sig vara så negativa till EMU (77 procent röstade nej) brummade de borgerliga ledarskribenterna om att de i fortsättningen minsann skulle bojkotta Åre till förmån för de franska alperna.

Det är inte svårt att räkna ut att ett avvisande av Nato vore ett politiskt självmord som garanterat skulle kännas i plånboken inte bara under nästa skidsäsong.

Till och med gruppledaren för Vänsterpartiet i Åre, Sune Bengtsson, är positivt inställd och säger till tidningen Flamman att mötet kommer att innebära "mycket bra PR för Åre".

I samma anda uttalar sig nu boende i Åre lite krampaktigt och säger att "det är ju roligt att det händer något". Ja, visst är det! Frågan är väl bara om de afghanska, irakiska och palestinska barn som ställs inför Natos mullrande krigsmaskineri delar den uppfattningen.

Sverige och NATO
Detta är dock inte en fråga som kan isoleras till Åre (i rättvisans namn bör det påpekas att även många årebor är negativt inställda till mötet). Det hela måste lyftas till en högre nivå än så. Att Nato kommer till Sverige innebär i praktiken att vi omfamnar USA:s imperialistiska utrikespolitik.

Det är ingen nyhet att den socialdemokratiska regeringen kryper för den amerikanska, men när man till synes utan moraliska betänkligheter välkomnar ett gäng krigshetsare och krigsförbrytare från Nato innebär det också att Sverige tar ett stort steg mot att ansluta sig till organisationen och därmed ge upp sin militära alliansfrihet.

Ett svenskt Nato-medlemskap skulle, enligt förespråkarna, ge Sverige ett större inflytande på den internationella arenan. Vad de egentligen menar är att den svenska utrikespolitiken därmed skulle styras direkt från Pentagon och Vita huset. Nu ska utrikesminister Laila Freivalds vara värdinna i Åre och därmed tydligt visa att Sverige gärna vill vara med och leka. Skämmes ta mig fan.

Folkligt motstånd
Men Freivalds har ett stort problem, nämligen att svenskarna inte alls har någon lust att ansluta sig till Nato. Därför ska nu Åre förvandlas till en ointaglig fästning där de boende ska få poliseskort hem till dörren och demonstranterna hållas på behagligt avstånd.

Samtidigt bör det faktum att man valt att gömma sig i en fjällby ses som en seger. Maktens rädsla för folket börjar ta sig allt mer absurda uttryck. Det tyder på en styrka från vår sida och det ger hopp i en värld där tydligen till och med vänsterpartister kan se dollartecken flimra förbi framför ögonen inför bokstavskombinationen Nato.

I Jämtland växer nu en folklig vrede fram. Toppmötet kommer att vara internationellt uppmärksammat, människor som fått sina barn dödade av Nato kommer att förknippa det med Åre, jämtarna (och alla andra svenskar) kommer dras i smutsen. Men det kommer inte att ske utan motstånd. Not in our names! Inte i våra namn, jävla provokatör judinna Freivalds!


Åre tillhör inte NATO!

I den svenska vintersportorten Åre har svensk idrott genom åren visat upp sig från sin bästa sida. Åre Slalomklubb har stått som värd för 18 Alpina världscupsarrangemang, många av klubbens åkare har nått internationella framgångar, med bland annat OS-guld och världscupssegrar i meritlistan.

Den 24-25 maj blir Åre nu också platsen för en annan svensk paradgren, som även den rör sig på det sluttande planet: världscupen i dubbelmoral.

Sverige är ännu så länge militärt alliansfritt, samtidigt låter vi militäralliansen NATO med associerade partnersländer hålla toppmöte i Jämtland.

För så fungerar svensk utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik numera, att det som sägs är inte detsamma som det som menas. Och det som sker när vi samövar och går på konferenser med NATO, skall inte övertolkas, det är väl bra med samarbete?

Men det är svårt för att inte säga omöjligt, att inte tolka det euro-atlantiska partnerskapsrådet i Åre som något annat än ännu ett närmande till NATO. Hur mycket kan vi närma oss innan vi ansöker om medlemsskap?

På Folk och Försvars rikskonferens 2005 flaggade ÖB, Håkan Syrén för att alla funktioner som inte är absolut nödvändiga för att delta i internationella uppdrag kan komma att avvecklas. Det gäller t ex hela ubåtsvapnet eller samtliga stridsvagnsenheter.

Det som håller på att ske är att vi bygger ett försvar som bara kan fungera i samarbete med andra länders försvar. Därmed omöjliggörs - rent praktiskt – fortsatt militär alliansfrihet. Skulle Sverige hamna i krigsfara är vi beroende av att få hjälp från annat håll. Som av en slump, samövar vi med EU och NATO.

Men några ömsesidiga försvarsgarantier har inte givits, rent formellt, mellan Sverige och NATO. Det gör vår nuvarande säkerhetspolitiska position ganska vansklig. Vi avvecklar vår egen militära försvarsförmåga utan att skaffa garantier för att vi får stöd i händelse av krig. Självklart är det bara ett övergångstillstånd, målsättningen för försvarspolitiken är att ersätta den nedrustade egna militära förmågan med ett inträde i NATO.

Under största tystnad förs Sverige in i NATO. Det sker genom att gränsen successivt flyttas för såväl definitionen av vår alliansfrihet som för vår medverkan i NATO-leddainsatser. Vid samma Folk och Försvar sade Leni Björklund att försvarets huvuduppgift är att producera militära förband som kan skickas utomlands med mycket kort varsel, ”ledda av FN, EU eller Nato”

Notera detta lilla "eller", svensk trupp skall agera under ledning av NATO om FN saknas i aktionen. Och det gör FN alltoftare, som i Irak och Afghanistan. Helt enkelt därför att stormakterna valt att förvandla FN till ett rundningsmärke. När Sverige öppnat upp för att ingå i renodlade NATO-koalitioner bidrar vi till den utvecklingen.

Innebörden i den svenska alliansfriheten har också förändrats successivt. Från den tidigare mycket tydliga praxisformuleringen "Alliansfrihet i fred med bervarad möjlighet till neutralitet i händelse av krig" har försvarministrarna avlöst varandra i gradvisa glidningar i sina utrikespolitiska förklaringar. Numera är Sverige "Militärt alliansfritt" med möjlighet till neutralitet i händelse av "krig i vårt närområde".
Den förändrade formuleringen med tilläggen "militärt" och "i vårt närområde" har öppnat upp ett bråddjup av urholkningar.

Vi deltar idag med trupp under NATO-kommando på flera platser i världen. Vi låter den främmande militäralliansen med krigsförbrytare bland företrädarna sammanträda i vår vackraste fjällvärld.
Den alliansfrihet som hållit oss utanför krig är i praktiken fullständigt underminerad. Men ändå väljer Leni Björklund och regeringen att fortsätta låtsas som ingenting kommer ske. Det är synd att det bara finns två politiska partier, folkpartiet och moderaterna, som vågar stå för den säkerhetspolitiska omsväningen fullt ut. Resten talar luddigt i sina små von Sydowskägg om det som vi alla vet: vi är påväg in i NATO med samma hastighet som en kryssningsmissil.

Det är kanske det allvarligaste. Att omorienteringen sker utan allmän debatt, trots att dagordningen uppenbarligen ligger klar sen länge. Vår (militära) alliansfrihet angår fler än militären, det är en angelägenhet för varje svensk medborgare. Därför kan alliansfriheten inte förhandlas bort i slutna rum och presenteras som ett fakutm.

Därför är protesterna som organiseras mot toppmötet i Åre bra och nödvändiga! När högdjuren träffas trampas det friskt på gräsrötterna. Men gräset i Jämtland är tack och lov av det starkare slaget. På initiativ av Nätverket för fred och demokrati organiseras protester mot toppmötet som visar att förändringen av svensk säkerhetspolitik fortfarande inte kommer kunna genomföras utan motstånd. Vi vet vad som är på gång, vi håller oss informerade.

Protesterna riktar sig mot såväl urholkandet av svensk neutralitetspolitik som mot NATO:s och USA:s strävan efter världsherravälde.

Parollerna är:

- Inget svenskt deltagande i NATO!
- Sverige skall lämna Partnership for Peace!
- Inga svenska militära insatser utomlands utan tydligt FN-mandat!
- Mot NATO och USA:s strävan efter världsherravälde

Förutom demonstrationer ordnas en mängd andra folkliga aktiviteter mot toppmötet under de två dagarna i Jämtland. Jämtland och Åre tillhör inte NATO, inte de här dagarna heller.

Protester ordnas också på andra håll i landet. Läs mer på t ex:

...deklarerar Ung Vänsters verkställande utskott


- ”Varför är regeringen så oerhört mån om att hela tiden fördjupa samarbetet med en organisation – Nato – som man inte vill vara med i?”.
- De flesta svenskar vill inte det. Vi närmar oss Nato med stormsteg, anpassar vår politik, vår teknik, vår syn på internationell rätt och mänskliga rätigheter, vårt nationella samvete. Men det förs ingen vettig debatt i frågan. Det ljugs. För detta bär socialdemokraterna det fulla ansvaret. Processen har pågått länge.


Regeringen omfamnar Nato
En tiondel av Sveriges poliser är beredda att försvara det Nato-ledda mötet i Åre

Nato-mötet i Åre 24-25 maj visar att Sverige har kommit långt från den neutralitetspolitik som landet officiellt fört i mer är 150 år. Delegater väntas från 46 länder, därav ett 20-tal utrikesministrar. 1 700 poliser kan få order att skydda dem.

Under slutet av 1960-talet och början av 1970-talet fördes en intensiv debatt om Sverige skulle gå med i EEC (dåvarande EU). Frågan avgjordes av regeringen med den officiella förklaringen att ett medlemskap i EEC inte var förenligt med den svenska neutralitetspolitiken.

Kritik mot krig
Under kalla kriget var Sverige inklämt mellan Warszawapakten och Nato. Warszawapakten hade makten över Östersjön och Sveriges maktelit kände sig därmed tvingade att hålla sig på god fot med Sovjetunionen även om man ”visste var man stod”. Under speciellt Olof Palmes ledning engagerade sig Sverige i tredje världens problem. Sverige stödde befrielserörelser (som av dagens svenska regering troligen skulle klassas som terrorister) i flera länder, bl a Mocambique, Sydafrika och Nicaragua. Sveriges kritik av USA:s krig i Vietnam var så stark att USA vid ett tillfälle kallade hem sin ambassadör.
Sedan murens fall har Sveriges utrikespolitik ändrats. Från att ha engagerat sig i tredje världens problem ägnar man sig nu till stor del åt närområdet och lojalt deltagande i Natos och EU:s interventioner utanför Europa. De baltiska staterna har rönt stort intresse. Man har där hjälpt till att bygga upp marknadsekonomin. Resultatet ser vi i dag när de baltiska folken används som billig arbetskraft.

Inför omröstningen om svenskt EU-medlemskap försäkrade dåvarande statsminister Ingvar Carlsson att det inte skulle betyda något för svensk neutralitetspolitik. Redan då hade Maastrichtfördraget undertecknats och där talas det om samverkan i försvarspolitiska frågor, något som skulle kunna leda till ett gemensamt försvar. Men det fanns vetorätt. Vi har dock inte sett mycket opposition från Sveriges sida mot en gemensam försvarspolitik inom EU.
Tvärtom är Sverige sedan 1994 med i Nato-ledda Partnerskap för fred (PFF). De deltagande länderna ska ”samordna, förbereda och öva sina styrkor inför insatser i fredsbevarande verksamhet” (Utrikesdepartementets e-post 9/2-05). Deltagande länder är inte bara Nato-medlemmar utan även många f d Sovjetrepubliker, bl a Uzbekistan där i dagarna hundratals demonstranter skjutits ihjäl.
EU:s stats- och regeringschefer har beslutat att utveckla unionens civila och militära resurser för krishantering. Eftersom det blir dyrbart planerar man att använda delar av Natos resurser.
– För Sverige är det särskilt betydelsefullt att vi kan fortsätta vidareutveckla vårt partnerskap med Nato avseende vårt deltagande i Nato-ledda krishanteringsinsatser, sade Laila Freivalds i ett pressmeddelande från försvars- och utrikesdepartementen 23 juni 2004.
Svensk militär deltar i dag i Nato-ledda krishanteringsinsatser i bl a Afghanistan.
Den förändring i svensk utrikespolitik som skett de senaste 15 åren har skett helt utan offentlig debatt. Förändringar har smugits in och efter 11 september har behovet av terroristbekämpning hamrats in. Och vad som är terrorism och hur den bäst bekämpas bestäms naturligtvis av USA. Allt mer pengar slussats till ”terroristbekämpning”, alltså ökade militära utgifter.
Ska terrorismen diskuteras i ett hermetiskt tillslutet Åre? Tågtrafiken stoppas, busstrafiken berörs, tung trafik stoppas på E 14 genom Åre. Sveriges regering kan inte längre påstå att vi är militärt alliansfria.


- Åre-möte utan riktig profil...
- Hur menar du?
- Jo!.. Det pågående mötet med Natos Partnerskap för fred (PFF) i Åre skulle bli en tillställning med viss tyngd. Det talades om att USA:s utrikesminister Condolezza Rice skulle komma. Och i så fall även utrikesministrar från så viktiga Nato-länder som Storbritannien, Frankrike och Tyskland. Av detta blev intet. Visst finns 46 nationer representerade vid Åre-mötet, men blott 15 utrikesministrar. Ett antiklimax så gott som något. Nu blir Åre en ordinär samtalsträff, där representanterna för de olika länderna kan ventilera aktuella säkerhetspolitiska frågor med utgångspunkt från situationen i Centralasien och i Europa utan att egentligen kunna fatta några beslut. Det blir säkert lugnt för de 1 700 poliser som kallats in till Åre och Östersund för att bevaka ordning och säkerhet.
Natomötet i Åre sätter ändå fart på vissa av våra inhemska säkerhetspolitiska debattörer, där
Sveriges alliansfrihet så gott som alltid ifrågasätts. Enligt folkpartiet och vissa moderater borde Sverige bums gå med i Nato. Motståndet mot ett svenskt Nato-medlemskap är dock kompakt och växande, vilket en rapport från SOM-institutet har visat inför mötet i Åre. Endast 20 procent vill att Sverige ska bli medlemmar i Nato medan hela 47 procent säger nej tack.
- Samtridigt ser vi att vissa diktaturländer skickar sina analfebeta representanter till Åre, exempelvis Turkiet. Det är helt absurd att en USrael-kramare diktatgur skall konferensera i Lappland och vi tvingas att lyssna på den Gladio-instrumenten.. Faaan!..
- Jag förstår dig!.. Kriminalitetens diktaturer pratar om säkerhet som NATO-maskerade... Det är skrattretande... En andel som dessutom växer. Några säkerhetspolitiska äventyrligheter faller inte svensken på läppen. Samtidigt blir vi självfallet allt mer beroende av vår omvärld. Inte minst genom EU och den säkerhetspolitiska doktrin som håller på att formuleras för EU-samarbetet. Steget därifrån till att även bli medlemmar i Nato är långt. Svensk utrikespolitik har allt mer anpassats till EU. Därmed har neutralitetspolitiken hamnat i ett politiskt mellanläge. Tyngdpunkten i den svenska säkerhetspolitiska doktrinen formuleras fortsatt: "Sverige är militärt alliansfritt. Denna säkerhetspolitiska linje, med möjlighet till neutralitet vid konflikter i vårt närområde, har tjänat oss väl", och fortsättningen lyder: "Hot mot freden och vår säkerhet kan bäst avvärjas i gemenskap och samverkan med andra länder". I en militär konflikt har Sverige rätt att vara icke krigförande, eller att enligt FN-stadgan deklarera neutralitet, heter det. Däremot är den militära alliansfriheten fortfarande en grundsten i säkerhetspolitiken. Så Nato-anhängarna borde icke göra sig besvär, men folkpartiet driver sin Nato-vänliga linje och får så göra, men får också vara beredda på att möta hårt motstånd. Svenska folket anser generellt att både neutraliteten och alliansfriheten ska bibehållas. Ännu har alltså inte neutralitetspolitiken helt förpassats till historiens skräpkammare, som folkpartiet tycks tro. Alliansfrihet och neutralitet innebär tillsammans att vi kan stå fria från olika bindningar. Vi kan med trovärdighet arbeta för fred och nedrustning. I det globala samarbetet är det även av betydelse att det finns länder som hävdar både neutralitet och alliansfrihet och det ena förtar inte det andra. Även om det finns olika meningar om den militära alliansfriheten ligger den svenska säkerhetspolitiska doktrinen fast. Samtidigt finns förstås en risk för att trovärdigheten i denna urholkas om ett eller flera av de partier som står bakom denna börjar tveka till dess innehåll. Överenskommelsen är bräcklig redan som den är.Osäkerheten om förhållandet mellan EU:s säkerhetspolitiska ambitioner och Nato:s är heller inte tydliggjorda. Tillsammans med övriga alliansfria stater i EU; Finland och Österrike, har Sverige fått ett undantag som innebär att de alliansfria länderna inte självfallet ska delta i det säkerhetspolitiska samarbetets alla delar. En annan fråga är förstås hur mycket detta undantag är värt i ett längre tidsperspektiv. Det väsentliga är att alliansfriheten ger oss handlingsutrymme. Sverige kan delta i fredsinsatser i östeuropa och i andra delar av världen på FN-uppdrag. Detta utan att som medlem i Nato ständigt tvingas att underordnas USA:s maktpolitiska ambitioner. Vårt land har stått utanför militära allianser i snart 200 år. Vi kan tryggt fortsätta på den inslagna vägen.


- Aggressionspakten NATO skyldig till bla terrorbombningarna i Yugoslavien och ockupationen av Kosovo liksom Afghanistan Irak och snart alla Rysslands grannländer kommer att hålla möte i Östersund.

Denna kvarleva borde gått samma väg som warsava-pakten men har nu blivit den globaliserade amerikanska marknadsfascismens och €Us militära ockupationsmakt, kom och demonstrera mot smygnatofieringen av Sverige!


- SvekJa Kingdom in the North isn't alone on the dirtiness of Weapom Markets...
- Norway, you mean!
- Yes, it's!.. Rumsfeld skrev på nytt avtal om norska vapenlager, rapporteras i den 9 juni 2005: USA:s försvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld besökte i går Stavanger. Han skrev under ett avtal om att USA ska fortsätta lagra vapen i Norge. Men de 80-talet demonstranter som väntat i flera timmar utanför Natobasen Jåttå, väntade förgäves. Rumsfeld smet ut en annan väg.

- Vi tycker det är fegt. Han vågade starta ett krig, men han vågade inte möta oss, sade Marcela Molina, från Fredsinitiativet, till VG Nett.
Att Donald Rumsfeld kommer till Norge samtidigt som Norge firar att unionsupplösningen med Sverige skedde fredligt, har väckt uppmärksamhet. Att det dessutom kom ett amerikanskt hangarfartyg, USS Saipan, till Oslo hamn gav en amerikansk närvaro som den norska regeringen knappast räknat med på förhand.
- Att Rumsfeld kom just nu är nog en slump. Det passade bra på väg hem från Thailand, säger Nils Morten Udgaard, som är utrikeskommentator i Aftenposten.
För Norges del är emellertid besöket välkommet, även om det helst hade kommit på en annan tidpunkt. Amerikanskt intresse för Norge är inte så
självklart i dag som det var under det kalla kriget. Då hade Norge en särställning inom Nato som det enda landet, förutom Turkiet, som direkt gränsade till Sovjetunionen.

Norge kunde bidra med signalspaning mot sovjetisk aktivitet på Kola-halvön. Sovjet hade sina strategiska atomubåtar stationerade bara några mil från den norska gränsen. Många trodde att det tredje världskriget skulle börja i Norska havet, som en maritim konfrontation. Om Sovjet kunde avskära USA:s havsförbindelser med Europa, skulle de europeiska länderna aldrig kunna försvaras eftersom mängden materiel ett stort krig skulle kräva var så enormt.
Förhandslagring av utrustning var ett sätt att minska sårbarheten för Nato och den norska regeringen ställde villigt upp. Nato-motståndarna i Norge protesterade kraftigt, liksom Sovjetunionen. En kompromiss gjordes där de amerikanska förhandslagren i Norge inte lades i Finnmark, som gränsar till Ryssland, utan till Stjørdal, som ligger norr om Trondheim. Försvarsmateriel för en brigad
marininfanterister placerades därmed i stora fjällhallar. Där har de stått sedan 1981.
När avtalet mellan USA och Norge nu omförhandlats har vikten lagts mer på att lagren ska kunna användas vid katastrofer och i kampen mot terror. Men Donald Rumsfeld försäkrade att det inte bara är för att vara artig, som han förlängde avtalet som reglerar förhandslagringen.

- Jag är inte precis känd för att vara snäll och trevlig. Avtalet har en klar militär motivering och USA följer utvecklingen i de nordliga områdena noga, både som vän av Norge och som medlem av Nato, sade han.
Nyligen presenterade det norska utrikesdepartementet en utredning om Norges "Nordpolitikk". Områdena i Arktis tros innehålla en fjärdedel av världens oupptäckta reserver av olja och gas. Men Norge och Ryssland har fortfarande inte löst frågan var gränsen i Barents hav ska gå. Det omtvistade området är 155 000 kvadratkilometer stort. Samtidigt är Norge rädd för att USA och Ryssland ska finna varandra i ett tätt energisamarbete, och att norska intressen därmed överses.
- Vilken dag blir det s. k. Norskt självständighetsjubel?
- Igår, den 8 juni.
- Okay!.. När skrev USA och Norge ett nytt försvarsavtal då?
- Samma dag, den 8 juni 2005.
- Ser du fräckheten!.. De som har makt, överdriver med folket!...
- Någon viseman som beskrivit detta såhär; "skamlösa oligarkins största blodigaste vapenhandel är NATO.
- JAg förstår!.. Well-described: Weapon Markets/biggest one, NATO; armed ciscus of shameless oligarchies
- Definitivt!..


Joint movements!

United power of oppressed peoples

    09th June 2005 - 01:11:25 PM    
16595 :
16593 : Lance Dickstrong
Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club

09th June 2005 - 01:27:35 PM
16590 :
so I met this dude last night at my favorite dumpster spot. It was his first time and he came dressed as Kevin, I was dressed as Screech. I walked over to him and asked him to be my sexbot, I slide my finger inside his ass and began to finger him until he came. When I was finished I gave him a dirty Sanchez, so we had a Kevin robot with a dirty Sanchez running around the dumpster with about 5 guys trying to catch him to give him golden showers. He really took it like a champ, his suit was covered in urine and feces so he took it off, only to reveal that he kind of resembled Dustin, all homos stopped what they were doing and immediately bowed down to him. They formed a line as two Slaters held him down and we all took turns anal raping him. He cried with pleasure and pain as we pounded his firm white ass. Everyone shot their load in his curly hair. after everyone was done we took turns beating the shit out of him and leavin him for dead. It's what we'd probably do if the real Dustin ever showed up.

09th June 2005 - 01:16:04 PM
16589 :
hey gambler - fuck you I'm over here trying to spam up this guestbook with queer stories that others have written as primo spank material, but got hidden in your dribble. We need our stroke fodder, go to hell or take it in the ass from a dumpster orgy

    09th June 2005 - 01:21:54 PM    
16596 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, remember how Zack would come up with a zany scheme to make money in every episode much like Sgt Bilko? Remember how one time Zack set up a lemondade stand? Remember how he'd force you to get up early to crush all the lemons? Remember how you ran out of stock and decided to supplement the lemons with your piss? Remember how kids from all over the state used to come over and drink your mucas urine? Remember how you told Zack it was your secret formula & patented as being "Golden Shower Lemonade"? Remember how the kids used to pull pubic hair from their mouths? Remember how many got zits, boils and ill from your piss? Remember how Belding rumbled you & forced you to shower in his "juice"? Remember how your skin became a zit-ridden, diseased pasty-cretin you call a face? Remember how you stupidily tried to use industrial bleech to get rid of the zits but the toxic chemicals burnt off half your face instead? Remember how much of a total jackass pansy you were back then and still are? Jackass.

    09th June 2005 - 02:32:43 PM    
16611 :
Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club

    09th June 2005 - 02:55:18 PM    
16732 :
Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club

    09th June 2005 - 03:02:49 PM    
16772 : Lance Dickstrong
I can do this all day spam fucker, and I will until I reclaim this board back in the name of the legions of queer fans looking for spank material.

    09th June 2005 - 03:07:05 PM    
16794 : cedline

l know this mail will come as a surprise to you. I have a proposal for you to this project, however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against your will.Your profile pushed me to send you this mail, I am Miss Dories Green, 23years old and the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs Best. My father was a highly reputable farmer (a cocoa merchant) in cote d' ivoire during his days.

It is sad to say that he was poissoned and passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad on 12th.December 2003.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle who travelled with him at that time. But God knows the truth!
My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my father took me so special.Before he made the trip to france that lead to my misfortune (his death) He called me and explained to me the reason why he will make this trip and also told me that he deposited a trunk box that

    09th June 2005 - 03:08:09 PM    
16802 :
Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin,

    09th June 2005 - 03:13:16 PM    
16841 :
Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club

    09th June 2005 - 03:23:35 PM    
16892 :
you're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club h

    09th June 2005 - 03:34:04 PM    
16917 :
you're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known

    09th June 2005 - 03:37:26 PM    
16923 : vghjf hfd yj
Army; biggest bloody markets of the shameless oligarchies


Svekish language version


- NATO circus in the Holiday Club of Aare-Laponia
- Låt se klippet!..
- Både Svenskar och Sapmé folket (Lappland) protesterar mot NATO-schakalernas inbrott...


Måndag/tisdag den 23/24 maj 2005 kommer det i Östersund och Åre vara protester mot ett NATO-toppmöte med försvarsministrar från bl.a. USA och Storbrittanien.

Försvara den svenska militära neutraliteten!

Nu kommer Åre och Jämtland att lysas upp av världmediernas strålkastarljus. En internationell konferens med utrikesministrar från ett otal länder kommer att förläggas till vårt alpina centrum den 24-25 maj. Vår utrikesminister kommer att stå som värd under denna NATO konferens som drar till sig journalister, politiska skribenter och säkerhetsexperter från hela världen. Det är bra att den svenska landsbygden är en del av världen och drar till sig uppmärksamhet för att kunna visa upp detta underbara län. Vi som svenskar kan inte bara visa upp en underbar natur men även ett tryggt samhälle som i demokratins namn förespråkar sina medborgares och världens folks mänskliga rättigheter. Tyvärr kan man inte sjunga samma lovsång över den konferens och de deltagare som får stå i uppmärksamhetens ljus.

Det är krigens förespråkare och NATO:s förtryckarapparat som kommer till oss men vi vill inte att detta leder till ett förtäckt svensk medlemskap som står i flagrant strid med vårt lands neutralitetstänkande. Sveriges anseende som en vän till världens folk skadas allvarligt och vår handlingsfrihet i FN begränsas. Krigsförbrytare och ansvariga för folkmord och tortyr som USAs utrikesminister Condoleezza Rice och Storbrittaniens utrikesminister Jack Straw kommer att vara huvudaktörer och den svenska regeringen välkomnar dem som hedervärda deltagare. Dessa har varit tongivande i Irakkriget och står för den tortyr och den terror som Iraks folk och många andra drabbas av. Deras regeringars militära och politiska operationer, som de och vissa andra beskriver som upprätthållande av lag och ordning, klassificeras i internationell rätt som folkmord och inblandning i andra länders inre angelägenheter. De hotar världsfreden och främjar terrorismen. Den svenska regeringen har, trots att en stor majoritet av folket är emot, närmat sig NATO genom svenskt medlemskap i Partnership for Peace.

Vi som bor i det här samhället har vår frihet att uttrycka vår åsikt och vi förväntar oss att våra fredliga protestaktioner kommer att tillerkännas samma yttrandefrihet som deltagarna i konferensen. Säkerhetsåtgärderna skall garantera kongressdeltagarnas säkerhet men inte stå i vägen för vår rätt att demonstrera mot NATO. Deras utrikesministrar talar inte i rättvisans och fredens namn.

Dessa i Åre samlade utrikesministrar talar inte i vårt namn.


Nato ut ur Sverige!
• • Den 24-25 maj kommer en hel hop av krigsförbrytare och brottslingar till Sverige. Anförda av bland andra Natos generalsekreterare Jaap de Hoop Scheffer och representanter för ockupationsmakterna USA och Storbritannien håller Nato-organet EAPR möte i jämtländska Åre.
Att krigsalliansen Nato välkomnas av utrikesminister Laila Freivalds, som också är värd för mötet, är en skrämmande uppvisning i svenskt kryperi för Natos starka makt, USA. Men det är också ytterligare en bekräftelse av att den svenska regeringen knyter Sverige allt närmare Nato, vilket står i direkt strid med folkviljan.
I veckans tema granskar vi Natos utveckling och nya uppgifter liksom Sveriges roll i krigsalliansen. Vi lyfter också fram den positiva sidan, att svenskarna inte tar emot Nato med öppna armar. I Jämtland och på flera andra orter planeras protester mot Nato och USA.
Men vänsterpartiet i Åre välkomnar krigsalliansen. "Bra PR för kommunen", är deras sanslösa kommentar.


"Vi demonstrerar mot både Nato och USA"

Nätverket Global Fred och Demokrati i Östersund planerar protestmöten mot Natomötet i Åre och ser fram emot att fylla gator och torg med demonstranter.

- Vår ambition är att vanligt folk ska vara med och demonstrera mot både Nato och USA, säger PG Bengtsson, en av företrädarna för Nätverket till Proletären.

Bakom Nätverket står FN-föreningen, Svenska Kyrkan, vänsterpartiet och Kommunistiska Partiet. När man fick höra talas om att Nato skulle hålla ett toppmöte i Åre satte man genast igång med att planera hur detta skulle bemötas.

Nätverket bildades i samband med att USA och Storbritannien planerade att anfalla Irak hösten 2002. Flera demonstrationer har genomförts, nu senast den 19 mars i år mot tvåårsdagen av USA:s ockupation av Irak.

Under de aktuella Natodagarna i Åre kommer mängder av aktiviteter att utföras, allt från seminarier till demonstrationer och artistuppträdanden. En dryg vecka innan har redan hundratals personer anmält att de kommer till Östersund och Åre för att protestera mot Natomötet.

Slut upp i protesterna!
- Det går som planerat och stämningen är på topp, säger PG Bengtsson. Men visst finns det saker vi reagerar över, till exempel att Nätverket inte är inbjudna till den konferens där bland annat utrikesminister Laila Freivalds ska delta.

- Nätverket är en etablerad kraft i Östersund och så har arrangörerna för konferensen, Östersunds-Posten, Mittuniversitetet och Folk och Försvar, fräckheten att inte bjuda in oss. Det är ju vi som står för manifestationerna mot Nato och som driver frågan.

- Men inte ett ord till oss i Nätverket om deras arrangemang och det tycker jag är mycket svagt av dom, men det har väl sin förklaring i att Östersunds Posten är centerpartistisk.

- Nu ser vi fram emot att demonstrera mot Nato, USA:s krigspolitik och deras strävan efter världsherravälde. Men jag vill betona att vi inte accepterar några våldsamheter eller provokationer. För att undvika detta planerar vi arrangemangen ihop med polisen.

- Nu hoppas vi att alla fredsvänner och Natomotståndare söker sig till Östersund. Det blir händelserika dagar och än en gång vill jag passa på att hälsa alla välkomna till Åre och Östersund den 23-24 maj, säger PG Bengtsson.


- NATO-schakalernas fest kostar 96 miljoner kronor...
- De som festar mjölkar folket...
- Det är bara övervaknings kostnaden... ANdra kostnader hålls hemligt... Tusentals poliser i järnring runt Nato-mötet i Jämtland
Nästa vecka möts utrikesministrar från Nato och Partnerskap för Fred i Åre. Polisen förbereder ett av de största säkerhetspådragen i Sverige någonsin.

Det är sammanlagt 46 utrikesministrar som samlas till toppmötet på konferensanläggningen Holiday Club i Åre, 10 mil väster om Östersund. Toppmötet sker inom ramen för Euroatlantiska partnerskapsrådet, EAPR, en organisation för samarbete mellan Nato och de europiska länder som står utanför militäralliansen.

Till Nato-mötet i Åre väntas respresentanter från både USA och Storbritannien, det vill säga repr

    09th June 2005 - 03:40:11 PM    
16927 :
you're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

    09th June 2005 - 03:50:56 PM    
16936 :
you're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as're doing a great job with your non-homo erotic waste of good spank space Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

09th June 2005 - 01:43:26 PM
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

09th June 2005 - 01:34:06 PM
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club [ << | < | 690 | 691 | 692 | 693 | 694 | 695 | 696 | 697 | 698 | 699 | 700 | 701 | 702 | 703 | 704 | 705 | 706 | 707 | 708 | 709 | 710 | > | >> ]

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