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    13th June 2005 - 10:56:23 PM    
20383 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, please queer up your website immediately! Why are you allowing all this poker spam to be posted here? Are you a gambling addict or something like that? I still want to have unprotected butt-sex with you.

- Kurt Steinberg

    14th June 2005 - 05:21:16 AM    
20387 :
You said it FB. Somebody contact Goldberg!

WHOIS information for

status: lock
owner: Max Goldberg

or maybe he reads the forums...

    14th June 2005 - 05:38:10 AM    
20388 : oli

    14th June 2005 - 05:39:27 AM    
20389 : sven

    14th June 2005 - 08:23:47 AM    
20667 : R. Kelly
Yeah. 40 oz. of malt liquor mmake me want to tell you somethin'.

Rollin round, sittin on dubs.
Countin the hours, was high on shrubs.
Coolin in my Escalade.
Man I'm paid, I got it made!
Take me to your special place.
Close your eyes, show me your face.

I'm gonna piss on it!

Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love.
I don't even want none of the above.
I want to piss on you!
Yes I do. I'll piss on you; I'll pee on you.

Now your body, your body is a Porta-Potty.
And my pee I'd kick; like it know's karate. (knows karate)

And you'll never fell quite the same once u take a whiff of my Hershey stains.
I want to poop on u too.
I want to pee in your food.
Only thing that make my life complete is when I turn your face into a toilet seat.
I'm gonna piss on you!

Before we star, I'm gonna fart. I'm gonna fart on you.

    14th June 2005 - 08:42:50 AM    
20681 : sara

    14th June 2005 - 08:43:30 AM    
20682 : oli

    14th June 2005 - 10:26:34 AM    
20683 : Protest poetry
Protest poetry


Turkish language version

Siir bahçesini lağımsıçanlarından kurtaramadıktan sonra şiir de haram olsun bize...; olsun!..




yeni hanedanlık mı yaldızlanan, yeni ağalık mı/
niye kardaş, bağımsızlık battı mı/
git iblisin güleryüzlü faşosu, sırça sarayı devrilesice/
benden dost övüdü, kıssadan hisse al/
de ki; al vaadlerini başına çal!/
kanadı yoktur domuzun vaadine ırak kal/
ne ABD, ne AB denen koalisiyonal/
deldirme bağımsızlığını/
onurlu kal, temiz kal!


Sibel Dilek




emeğin onuruna/
övündüğün ahlakına/
kültürel varlığına/
namusluca sahip çık/
EU kerhanesini yık!


sömürgenlerin her fikri piçtir/
suskunluk, yarına prim vermektir; geçtir/
onun için şimdiden bir adım öne çık/
al da bu pisliği çıktığı yere tık!


Amerika kemirdi, ele geçiremedi/
USrael denedi, ökçene erişemedi/
şimdi Brüksel yaftalı orospu işmar verdi/
TAkiYYeIP’in ağzı kulaklarına erdi/
Gül dersen adı üstünde, çiçeklendi/
Sezer simgesel kukla, kimsenin usuna gelmedi/




Fikriye YAPICI




Presidential pig's secret vow/
yani, cumhurbasinin gizli yemin metni/
ele geçirildi; aha:

"kurban’a dinkardasiyim/
cellada yatak/
necip adam gidisattan sezer’mis/
kodadim yalak"


Sungur Bozbeyli




gün doğu’dan doğar, aydınlığa bak/
Tayyip-Gül-Sezer palavraSiyonunu bırak!


bilgin varsa bilgi’ne/
dinin varsa dinine/
dinsizsen dinsizliğine/
dürüstçe sahip çık; koru/
yoksa EU ayaklarıyla/
en alt katmanlara döşenecek en kalın boru


başına geçirilecek EU çuvalına iyi bak/
Tayyip-Gül-Sezer’miş; sezdirmedikleri karanlıkları bırak!


Halime Kara




hangi güçler, nasıl kumanda ederler/
bu şarlatan Tayyip’i-Gül’ü güderler/
demeden derin bir nefes al/
besmele çek, orda kal/
her kıssadan bir hisse al/
ısırmadan önce dişini/
göstermezmiş siyon cinsi çakal


bizde ulusca şans ne gezer/
başımızda Gül’lü-Tayyip’li cinsinden neo-siyoni Sezer/
Irak savaştı yenilmedi, biz savaşmadan beter/
ne olsun daha; bu utanç bize yeter


Cemile Kaplan




kana susayan neo-siyoni Kürtler/
nefrette birlestiler/
çapulcu Türkçü fascio çeteler/
dolar'a endexliler/


Amerikan Ìngiliz/
zaten ikiz/
Siyon alyans sebekeler/
... **
eeey insan yüzlü kurbanlik/
biraz toparlan artik!


Cezmi Pamir




25 milyon Irakli masuma/
25 cent biçeni/
bir avuç kirli dolar'a/
dinkardesinin kanini içeni/
her yeni soykirimda/
zevkten kendinden geçeni/
görüp de suçlama medeniyeti/


Hirosima'lari yakan/
"Big Brother" denen sarlatan/
sana sormadan/
herbir yerine girdi/
limanina çöreklendi/


daha nasil anlatmali/
sana da mi patlatmali/
kulagin sagirsa suç davulda mi/
Allah askina çagrildin/
gaflet uykularindan/
hangi seytansa taptigin/
hiç degilse bari/
onun yüzüsuyuna/


savasa karsi bir oy/
onurlu bir tavir koy!


Mahmut Yamaner



bak su Big Brothers denenlere/
nodullayan Siyon efendilere/
pislige Irak olanin basina gelenlere/
kobay faresinden daha ürkünç hadise/
o zavallli yaratik hiç degilse/
bu insan kalibindaki canavarligi/
düsünsel bir potadan öngöremiyor/
insandaki hayvanliga/
ihtimal veremiyor/
Irakliya Filistin'e ötekine berikine/
giydirilen laboratuvar gözler önünde/
barbarlik bar bar "geliyorum", diyor/
tam anlamda ikinci sinif fare kitlesine dönüsen/
bir kanli-dolarlar zinciriyle örgülenen/
tarihin son modernize, en gelismis/
tuzaklar ki, BM ceketi giydirilmis /
fareden daha acinasi; öngörebiliyor/
elikolu bagli, sindiremiyor/
birseyler söylüyor, dinletemiyor/
önceden belirlenmis projeler geregi/
sürüyor Talmudî vicdansizlik deneyi/
bir nal izi olsun tepki de veremiyor/
topyekün bir dünya, kurban gidiyor


Sungur Bozbeyli

CHP, Cümleten Hıyanet Pandomimciligi


herkes kendine odaklandıgı anda, dünya gündemini gören çıkmaz/
esrimişler dergahı bu, ülke sorunlarını kavrayana raslanmaz/
altı ok safsatasıyla daha haala halkı uyutacagını sanan kaz/
sürüsünün icraatı bir incir çekirdegini doldurmaz/

doluya koy almaz, boşa koy dolmaz/
biri uzun havadan gidiyor, ötekisi caz/
al bunları kaynana Semra dizisine figüran yaz/
yoksa boş lafla gemi yürütenden başka bir .ok olamaz/


Ayse Kaya


CHP, Cesetlerine Hürmeten Pislemeyelim


SARIGÜL, USA-Masonry yalakası/
LİVANELİ, USrael militer mafyasının homo-kuklası/
BAYKAL dersen, kuyruğunda şurekası/
bunaklar tayfası, çürük domates tarlası...




CHP, Cumhuriyet (laf) Halk (gaf) Partisi (yersen)


bir o kaldı, demeyin Mustafa Kemal de sistemden payını almış/
sözde bu söz salatası hamamı, onun partisi olma savındaymış/
devlet adamlığı bir yana bunlarda ne edep, ne utanma kalmış/
anla ki savunmasız zavallı, ölümünden sonra böyle dolandırılmış...


altı temeli bilen altı kişi kalmadı; ilkelermiş,/
miş-miş bir .ok simgelermiş/
kalmışsa onun bir zerresi, gramı/
eh artık halka da mustahak yutarsa böyle yalanı/

yine de aldatmağa adayım diyen bir adım beri gelsin/
hakettiğini yedi kuşak tümcesi dinlesin/
anasını Mustafa’lar/
avradını Kemal’ler bellesin



kanlı USrael sofrasına beleş salça


Western buluşudur uzantı kol,/
namı diğer HAÇLI Manipula-SiYON/
içimizden beşinci kol,/
nam-ı takiyye tayyip’s HAÇSIZ PRODUKSiYON


Meftun GARIP



AB sevdalısının baharı var, yazı var/
ülke sevdalısının yüreğinde közü var/
Berlusconi kirvemiz yeminle te’yit etmiş/
"Ey haçlılar korkmayın, Tayyip beyin sözü var!"


Taha "Kılçık"




Bush’larin kucaginda/
kas göz eder Sharon’a/
bunca cevizden sonra,/
Takiyyeip kukla,/
Tel Aviv'den katilsaydi,/

aday olmaga!..
en azindan Siirt'in nami,/
çamurlanmadan kalirdi,/
o da efendilerinden,/
daha fazla oy alirdi
Hasan Karakaya



Avrupa Birliği’ne HAYIR!/
kendi insanını kayır!

yoksa öz cennetin Filistinleştiğip olmasın/
Evangel-Zion domuzuna çayır!


egemen sınıfların afyonlu-gül’lü vaadlerine HAYIR!/
kendine sahip çık, kendi sınıfını kayır!


Zeynep Alkan




tarihe bilim açisindan bakinca/
penisilini, çiçek asisini/
bulan insanligin yaratici emek hizi/
savasa/borsaya/servet hirsina özendirilmese/
silahli silahsiz sömürüye/
savasa son verilse/
insani anlamda ölüm kavrami/
bu gezegende silinmis olabilirdi/
al diyelim, tam tersini, “aids” belasi/
bio-silah laboratuarinda/
dedem uydurmadi ya/


tarihe emek ve halklar açisindan bakinca/
Hirosima, Dresden, Sabra, Jenin, Shatila’lar/
soykirim, manipulasyon, Sharon, Bush’lar/
talmud kosullanmasi, tradisiyonal fanatizm/
yahudi güdümlü amerikanci sömürü/
emegin tepkisiyle frenlenmese/
uygarlik zaten biterdi de/
insani her türev/
bu gezegende silinmis olabilirdi/
al diyelim, “nükleer kis” kavrami/
dedem uydurmadi ya


Mahmut Yamaner




Osmanlı‘dan ananemize girmiş/
iflah olmaz milli kalleşligimiz/
varsayalım satasacak tek komşu kalmadi arz-ı kürede/
bir gerekçe türetir, kendimizi kemiririz/

sanki yeminli gelenegimiz/
basimiza her dönem kivrak zevat seçeriz/
işimize uydu mu Paşam diye çizmesini öperiz/
uymazsa kulp ustasiyiz, sallandırır silkeriz/

yahud i medyasindan al haberi, halimiz ayan beyan/
camide poz artistidir bunlar sözde müslüman/
içerde yalan birader, dışarda dolan/
koltukdur dinleri, dolarlar iman/

sonunda Anadolu’yu da Haçlılar‘a han yaptılar/
Siyon dedigin bu işlerin uzmanı, dolarin ambarı var/
biri gitti biri geldi, her kuralı onaylattılar/
limanlar emre amade, ilaveten sıgırlar ve sınırlar/

ha tayyipden tayyipden vaadde bulunanlar/
takiyyeip düstü gül göründü, açtı yerli uşaklar/
Tanrı’dan korku yalandir bu sistemlerde, utanma hiç yok/
kıç general Abraham‘in kucagında, daha hala nutuk atar/

billah domuz olsaydi kizarırdı belki yüzü-ensesi/
bunlarda ar-haya enflasyon, kalmamış emaresi/
iş oraya dayandı, az daha koklatsalar/
haşa huzurdan yani... anasının örekesi


Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan



Avrupa Birligi'nden yumurtalar/
üç premier jude-bastard-barbar/ BLiar, Berlusconi, Aznar/ onayladilar/


Irak, Irak'lilardan kurtarilacak/
raslantiya bak/ BLiar'in onaltinci babasi/
human-hunter Sir AhMac/ Irlanda'yi Irlandalilardan kurtarmak/
Franco, Ispanya'yi halk yanlilarindan arindirmak/
Mussolini, Çizme'yi kanla yikamak/ paydasindaydilar...


Sinan Güven


RestPublica TurCIA?


SEZER`in villa rezaleti/
KIVRIKOĞLU-KILINÇ`ın dolar yularlı rüşveti/
Yargıtay ligasının malum müteahhiti/
Çevik BİR paşa klan üyelerinin Siyon-i taltif rozeti/
Amiral battı oyunu değil, ta kendisi İlhami ERDİL illeti/
say bitmez; A. ÇAKICI-Haluk KIRCI-Yaşar ÖZ-Sedat PEKER; Susurluk`tan beri dönen teker/
ülkeye hıyanet, kan, gözyaşı, kin tohumu eker/
çeteler, şarkıcılar ardında görünmekteler/
bazan Hülya AVŞAR-Sibel CAN-Selçuk URAL-Mehmet Aliş ERBİL köçekçeler/
gibisi yok, pezevengi orospusu yopyekün içiçeler/
kim kimden türeme vallah kendileri bile/
binde bir insan evladı çıkıp alıveriyor iti/
akabinde biri salıveriyor kanemici biti/


adını Semra kaynanaları mı koysun, bu neyin illeti/
TurCIA çeteler cumhuriyeti/
hırsız generaller, üst düzey çocuk subyancılar cenneti/
iktidara Batı desteği de bundan; nedir yani kerameti/
USA&USrael kullanabildikçe TAkiYYeİP-GÜL`vari/
"pembe muslimler"i/
daha çok ağlar bu halkın anası hele ki bundan geri/






düstü düstü kuklabasi Gül Düstü/
tam ardindan Takiyyeip göründü/
BOP plani ugruna USraeli Mafyanin/
limandan limana içsinirlar örüldü/


AKP wc tabelasini birak/
ardinda siritan gerçeklere bak/


altlarinda yagdanliklar/
artlarinda dalkavuklar/
görüldü ki taptiklari tanrilar/
David-yildizi mavisinde banknotlar...


Namik Cemal Ziya Hasahuzurdan




bir eline porno dergisi al, baba/
yanlis anlama, ha/
bir de NATO’dan mecmua/
amaç, incelemek/
baska söze ne gerek/
porno sermayesi/
ne kadar sanayi ise/
silaha harcanan alinteri de/
o kadar onurlu (!!!), anlamli (!!!)/
yani halktan tepki olmasa/
candan/kandan bir yeni borsa/
“industri” diye yutturacak/
ne yazmis aralara bak/
“batida genisleyen sanayi!..”/
va! .mina ..mun Siyonist enayi


Cezmi Pamir



TakiyyeİP düştü GÜL göründü, suyüzüne vurdu ruhu kirli kuklalar/
uçuştu, kirli David-yıldızı mavisinde çekler, gerdanlıklar/
adamları anladık da ne bu resmi görüşmelerde taktıkları madamlar/
zırcahillik giderilir sanarak kasılıyorlar/
devlet adamı havasındalar/
"zahir maiyetten bir inek"; farkı, iki ayağı var/
nitemsizin en niteliksizi Emine hanımağa’nın emrinde tahtırevanlar/
öyle bir han-ı yağma ki, her kuyruk sallayana düşüyor yağlı parçalar/
utanmazlık aymazlık dorukta, resmen kendilerinden geçiyorlar/
afyon yerine içilen Ortadoğu-Balkan-Çeçen-Afgan çocuklarının kanlarından süzme şıralar


Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan


Şiir gibi siteler dizisinden örnekler:

KARAKIZIL forum; bazan enfes bicimde Anti-Siyonit tartismalar gerceklestiriyor:

Sanal Molotof Forum; bu da bazan enfes bicimde Anti-Siyonit tartismalar gerceklestiriyor:

Serbest Anti-Fasist&Anti-Siyonit yoldaslar linki:,com_akobook/Itemid,43/startpage,2/

Siir bahçesinden dize dize karanfiller derleme grubu

    14th June 2005 - 11:36:02 AM    
20684 : ¬l—p•i
[url=]Shanghai Apartment Shanghai Rent[/url]
[url=]water cooler manufacturer[/url]
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[url=]bottling machine manufacturer[/url]
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    14th June 2005 - 12:15:03 PM    
20688 :
Protest poetry


Turkish language version

Siir bahçesini lağımsıçanlarından kurtaramadıktan sonra şiir de haram olsun bize...; olsun!..




yeni hanedanlık mı yaldızlanan, yeni ağalık mı/
niye kardaş, bağımsızlık battı mı/
git iblisin güleryüzlü faşosu, sırça sarayı devrilesice/
benden dost övüdü, kıssadan hisse al/
de ki; al vaadlerini başına çal!/
kanadı yoktur domuzun vaadine ırak kal/
ne ABD, ne AB denen koalisiyonal/
deldirme bağımsızlığını/
onurlu kal, temiz kal!


Sibel Dilek




emeğin onuruna/
övündüğün ahlakına/
kültürel varlığına/
namusluca sahip çık/
EU kerhanesini yık!


sömürgenlerin her fikri piçtir/
suskunluk, yarına prim vermektir; geçtir/
onun için şimdiden bir adım öne çık/
al da bu pisliği çıktığı yere tık!


Amerika kemirdi, ele geçiremedi/
USrael denedi, ökçene erişemedi/
şimdi Brüksel yaftalı orospu işmar verdi/
TAkiYYeIP’in ağzı kulaklarına erdi/
Gül dersen adı üstünde, çiçeklendi/
Sezer simgesel kukla, kimsenin usuna gelmedi/




Fikriye YAPICI




Presidential pig's secret vow/
yani, cumhurbasinin gizli yemin metni/
ele geçirildi; aha:

"kurban’a dinkardasiyim/
cellada yatak/
necip adam gidisattan sezer’mis/
kodadim yalak"


Sungur Bozbeyli




gün doğu’dan doğar, aydınlığa bak/
Tayyip-Gül-Sezer palavraSiyonunu bırak!


bilgin varsa bilgi’ne/
dinin varsa dinine/
dinsizsen dinsizliğine/
dürüstçe sahip çık; koru/
yoksa EU ayaklarıyla/
en alt katmanlara döşenecek en kalın boru


başına geçirilecek EU çuvalına iyi bak/
Tayyip-Gül-Sezer’miş; sezdirmedikleri karanlıkları bırak!


Halime Kara




hangi güçler, nasıl kumanda ederler/
bu şarlatan Tayyip’i-Gül’ü güderler/
demeden derin bir nefes al/
besmele çek, orda kal/
her kıssadan bir hisse al/
ısırmadan önce dişini/
göstermezmiş siyon cinsi çakal


bizde ulusca şans ne gezer/
başımızda Gül’lü-Tayyip’li cinsinden neo-siyoni Sezer/
Irak savaştı yenilmedi, biz savaşmadan beter/
ne olsun daha; bu utanç bize yeter


Cemile Kaplan




kana susayan neo-siyoni Kürtler/
nefrette birlestiler/
çapulcu Türkçü fascio çeteler/
dolar'a endexliler/


Amerikan Ìngiliz/
zaten ikiz/
Siyon alyans sebekeler/
... **
eeey insan yüzlü kurbanlik/
biraz toparlan artik!


Cezmi Pamir




25 milyon Irakli masuma/
25 cent biçeni/
bir avuç kirli dolar'a/
dinkardesinin kanini içeni/
her yeni soykirimda/
zevkten kendinden geçeni/
görüp de suçlama medeniyeti/


Hirosima'lari yakan/
"Big Brother" denen sarlatan/
sana sormadan/
herbir yerine girdi/
limanina çöreklendi/


daha nasil anlatmali/
sana da mi patlatmali/
kulagin sagirsa suç davulda mi/
Allah askina çagrildin/
gaflet uykularindan/
hangi seytansa taptigin/
hiç degilse bari/
onun yüzüsuyuna/


savasa karsi bir oy/
onurlu bir tavir koy!


Mahmut Yamaner



bak su Big Brothers denenlere/
nodullayan Siyon efendilere/
pislige Irak olanin basina gelenlere/
kobay faresinden daha ürkünç hadise/
o zavallli yaratik hiç degilse/
bu insan kalibindaki canavarligi/
düsünsel bir potadan öngöremiyor/
insandaki hayvanliga/
ihtimal veremiyor/
Irakliya Filistin'e ötekine berikine/
giydirilen laboratuvar gözler önünde/
barbarlik bar bar "geliyorum", diyor/
tam anlamda ikinci sinif fare kitlesine dönüsen/
bir kanli-dolarlar zinciriyle örgülenen/
tarihin son modernize, en gelismis/
tuzaklar ki, BM ceketi giydirilmis /
fareden daha acinasi; öngörebiliyor/
elikolu bagli, sindiremiyor/
birseyler söylüyor, dinletemiyor/
önceden belirlenmis projeler geregi/
sürüyor Talmudî vicdansizlik deneyi/
bir nal izi olsun tepki de veremiyor/
topyekün bir dünya, kurban gidiyor


Sungur Bozbeyli

CHP, Cümleten Hıyanet Pandomimciligi


herkes kendine odaklandıgı anda, dünya gündemini gören çıkmaz/
esrimişler dergahı bu, ülke sorunlarını kavrayana raslanmaz/
altı ok safsatasıyla daha haala halkı uyutacagını sanan kaz/
sürüsünün icraatı bir incir çekirdegini doldurmaz/

doluya koy almaz, boşa koy dolmaz/
biri uzun havadan gidiyor, ötekisi caz/
al bunları kaynana Semra dizisine figüran yaz/
yoksa boş lafla gemi yürütenden başka bir .ok olamaz/


Ayse Kaya


CHP, Cesetlerine Hürmeten Pislemeyelim


SARIGÜL, USA-Masonry yalakası/
LİVANELİ, USrael militer mafyasının homo-kuklası/
BAYKAL dersen, kuyruğunda şurekası/
bunaklar tayfası, çürük domates tarlası...




CHP, Cumhuriyet (laf) Halk (gaf) Partisi (yersen)


bir o kaldı, demeyin Mustafa Kemal de sistemden payını almış/
sözde bu söz salatası hamamı, onun partisi olma savındaymış/
devlet adamlığı bir yana bunlarda ne edep, ne utanma kalmış/
anla ki savunmasız zavallı, ölümünden sonra böyle dolandırılmış...


altı temeli bilen altı kişi kalmadı; ilkelermiş,/
miş-miş bir .ok simgelermiş/
kalmışsa onun bir zerresi, gramı/
eh artık halka da mustahak yutarsa böyle yalanı/

yine de aldatmağa adayım diyen bir adım beri gelsin/
hakettiğini yedi kuşak tümcesi dinlesin/
anasını Mustafa’lar/
avradını Kemal’ler bellesin



kanlı USrael sofrasına beleş salça


Western buluşudur uzantı kol,/
namı diğer HAÇLI Manipula-SiYON/
içimizden beşinci kol,/
nam-ı takiyye tayyip’s HAÇSIZ PRODUKSiYON


Meftun GARIP



AB sevdalısının baharı var, yazı var/
ülke sevdalısının yüreğinde közü var/
Berlusconi kirvemiz yeminle te’yit etmiş/
"Ey haçlılar korkmayın, Tayyip beyin sözü var!"


Taha "Kılçık"




Bush’larin kucaginda/
kas göz eder Sharon’a/
bunca cevizden sonra,/
Takiyyeip kukla,/
Tel Aviv'den katilsaydi,/

aday olmaga!..
en azindan Siirt'in nami,/
çamurlanmadan kalirdi,/
o da efendilerinden,/
daha fazla oy alirdi
Hasan Karakaya



Avrupa Birliği’ne HAYIR!/
kendi insanını kayır!

yoksa öz cennetin Filistinleştiğip olmasın/
Evangel-Zion domuzuna çayır!


egemen sınıfların afyonlu-gül’lü vaadlerine HAYIR!/
kendine sahip çık, kendi sınıfını kayır!


Zeynep Alkan




tarihe bilim açisindan bakinca/
penisilini, çiçek asisini/
bulan insanligin yaratici emek hizi/
savasa/borsaya/servet hirsina özendirilmese/
silahli silahsiz sömürüye/
savasa son verilse/
insani anlamda ölüm kavrami/
bu gezegende silinmis olabilirdi/
al diyelim, tam tersini, “aids” belasi/
bio-silah laboratuarinda/
dedem uydurmadi ya/


tarihe emek ve halklar açisindan bakinca/
Hirosima, Dresden, Sabra, Jenin, Shatila’lar/
soykirim, manipulasyon, Sharon, Bush’lar/
talmud kosullanmasi, tradisiyonal fanatizm/
yahudi güdümlü amerikanci sömürü/
emegin tepkisiyle frenlenmese/
uygarlik zaten biterdi de/
insani her türev/
bu gezegende silinmis olabilirdi/
al diyelim, “nükleer kis” kavrami/
dedem uydurmadi ya


Mahmut Yamaner




Osmanlı‘dan ananemize girmiş/
iflah olmaz milli kalleşligimiz/
varsayalım satasacak tek komşu kalmadi arz-ı kürede/
bir gerekçe türetir, kendimizi kemiririz/

sanki yeminli gelenegimiz/
basimiza her dönem kivrak zevat seçeriz/
işimize uydu mu Paşam diye çizmesini öperiz/
uymazsa kulp ustasiyiz, sallandırır silkeriz/

yahud i medyasindan al haberi, halimiz ayan beyan/
camide poz artistidir bunlar sözde müslüman/
içerde yalan birader, dışarda dolan/
koltukdur dinleri, dolarlar iman/

sonunda Anadolu’yu da Haçlılar‘a han yaptılar/
Siyon dedigin bu işlerin uzmanı, dolarin ambarı var/
biri gitti biri geldi, her kuralı onaylattılar/
limanlar emre amade, ilaveten sıgırlar ve sınırlar/

ha tayyipden tayyipden vaadde bulunanlar/
takiyyeip düstü gül göründü, açtı yerli uşaklar/
Tanrı’dan korku yalandir bu sistemlerde, utanma hiç yok/
kıç general Abraham‘in kucagında, daha hala nutuk atar/

billah domuz olsaydi kizarırdı belki yüzü-ensesi/
bunlarda ar-haya enflasyon, kalmamış emaresi/
iş oraya dayandı, az daha koklatsalar/
haşa huzurdan yani... anasının örekesi


Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan



Avrupa Birligi'nden yumurtalar/
üç premier jude-bastard-barbar/ BLiar, Berlusconi, Aznar/ onayladilar/


Irak, Irak'lilardan kurtarilacak/
raslantiya bak/ BLiar'in onaltinci babasi/
human-hunter Sir AhMac/ Irlanda'yi Irlandalilardan kurtarmak/
Franco, Ispanya'yi halk yanlilarindan arindirmak/
Mussolini, Çizme'yi kanla yikamak/ paydasindaydilar...


Sinan Güven


RestPublica TurCIA?


SEZER`in villa rezaleti/
KIVRIKOĞLU-KILINÇ`ın dolar yularlı rüşveti/
Yargıtay ligasının malum müteahhiti/
Çevik BİR paşa klan üyelerinin Siyon-i taltif rozeti/
Amiral battı oyunu değil, ta kendisi İlhami ERDİL illeti/
say bitmez; A. ÇAKICI-Haluk KIRCI-Yaşar ÖZ-Sedat PEKER; Susurluk`tan beri dönen teker/
ülkeye hıyanet, kan, gözyaşı, kin tohumu eker/
çeteler, şarkıcılar ardında görünmekteler/
bazan Hülya AVŞAR-Sibel CAN-Selçuk URAL-Mehmet Aliş ERBİL köçekçeler/
gibisi yok, pezevengi orospusu yopyekün içiçeler/
kim kimden türeme vallah kendileri bile/
binde bir insan evladı çıkıp alıveriyor iti/
akabinde biri salıveriyor kanemici biti/


adını Semra kaynanaları mı koysun, bu neyin illeti/
TurCIA çeteler cumhuriyeti/
hırsız generaller, üst düzey çocuk subyancılar cenneti/
iktidara Batı desteği de bundan; nedir yani kerameti/
USA&USrael kullanabildikçe TAkiYYeİP-GÜL`vari/
"pembe muslimler"i/
daha çok ağlar bu halkın anası hele ki bundan geri/






düstü düstü kuklabasi Gül Düstü/
tam ardindan Takiyyeip göründü/
BOP plani ugruna USraeli Mafyanin/
limandan limana içsinirlar örüldü/


AKP wc tabelasini birak/
ardinda siritan gerçeklere bak/


altlarinda yagdanliklar/
artlarinda dalkavuklar/
görüldü ki taptiklari tanrilar/
David-yildizi mavisinde banknotlar...


Namik Cemal Ziya Hasahuzurdan




bir eline porno dergisi al, baba/
yanlis anlama, ha/
bir de NATO’dan mecmua/
amaç, incelemek/
baska söze ne gerek/
porno sermayesi/
ne kadar sanayi ise/
silaha harcanan alinteri de/
o kadar onurlu (!!!), anlamli (!!!)/
yani halktan tepki olmasa/
candan/kandan bir yeni borsa/
“industri” diye yutturacak/
ne yazmis aralara bak/
“batida genisleyen sanayi!..”/
va! .mina ..mun Siyonist enayi


Cezmi Pamir



TakiyyeİP düştü GÜL göründü, suyüzüne vurdu ruhu kirli kuklalar/
uçuştu, kirli David-yıldızı mavisinde çekler, gerdanlıklar/
adamları anladık da ne bu resmi görüşmelerde taktıkları madamlar/
zırcahillik giderilir sanarak kasılıyorlar/
devlet adamı havasındalar/
"zahir maiyetten bir inek"; farkı, iki ayağı var/
nitemsizin en niteliksizi Emine hanımağa’nın emrinde tahtırevanlar/
öyle bir han-ı yağma ki, her kuyruk sallayana düşüyor yağlı parçalar/
utanmazlık aymazlık dorukta, resmen kendilerinden geçiyorlar/
afyon yerine içilen Ortadoğu-Balkan-Çeçen-Afgan çocuklarının kanlarından süzme şıralar


Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan


Şiir gibi siteler dizisinden örnekler:

KARAKIZIL forum; bazan enfes bicimde Anti-Siyonit tartismalar gerceklestiriyor:

Sanal Molotof Forum; bu da bazan enfes bicimde Anti-Siyonit tartismalar gerceklestiriyor:

Serbest Anti-Fasist&Anti-Siyonit yoldaslar linki:,com_akobook/Itemid,43/startpage,2/

Siir bahçesinden dize dize karanfiller derleme grubu

    14th June 2005 - 12:15:39 PM    
20689 :
Protest poetry


Turkish language version

Siir bahçesini lağımsıçanlarından kurtaramadıktan sonra şiir de haram olsun bize...; olsun!..




yeni hanedanlık mı yaldızlanan, yeni ağalık mı/
niye kardaş, bağımsızlık battı mı/
git iblisin güleryüzlü faşosu, sırça sarayı devrilesice/
benden dost övüdü, kıssadan hisse al/
de ki; al vaadlerini başına çal!/
kanadı yoktur domuzun vaadine ırak kal/
ne ABD, ne AB denen koalisiyonal/
deldirme bağımsızlığını/
onurlu kal, temiz kal!


Sibel Dilek




emeğin onuruna/
övündüğün ahlakına/
kültürel varlığına/
namusluca sahip çık/
EU kerhanesini yık!


sömürgenlerin her fikri piçtir/
suskunluk, yarına prim vermektir; geçtir/
onun için şimdiden bir adım öne çık/
al da bu pisliği çıktığı yere tık!


Amerika kemirdi, ele geçiremedi/
USrael denedi, ökçene erişemedi/
şimdi Brüksel yaftalı orospu işmar verdi/
TAkiYYeIP’in ağzı kulaklarına erdi/
Gül dersen adı üstünde, çiçeklendi/
Sezer simgesel kukla, kimsenin usuna gelmedi/




Fikriye YAPICI




Presidential pig's secret vow/
yani, cumhurbasinin gizli yemin metni/
ele geçirildi; aha:

"kurban’a dinkardasiyim/
cellada yatak/
necip adam gidisattan sezer’mis/
kodadim yalak"


Sungur Bozbeyli




gün doğu’dan doğar, aydınlığa bak/
Tayyip-Gül-Sezer palavraSiyonunu bırak!


bilgin varsa bilgi’ne/
dinin varsa dinine/
dinsizsen dinsizliğine/
dürüstçe sahip çık; koru/
yoksa EU ayaklarıyla/
en alt katmanlara döşenecek en kalın boru


başına geçirilecek EU çuvalına iyi bak/
Tayyip-Gül-Sezer’miş; sezdirmedikleri karanlıkları bırak!


Halime Kara




hangi güçler, nasıl kumanda ederler/
bu şarlatan Tayyip’i-Gül’ü güderler/
demeden derin bir nefes al/
besmele çek, orda kal/
her kıssadan bir hisse al/
ısırmadan önce dişini/
göstermezmiş siyon cinsi çakal


bizde ulusca şans ne gezer/
başımızda Gül’lü-Tayyip’li cinsinden neo-siyoni Sezer/
Irak savaştı yenilmedi, biz savaşmadan beter/
ne olsun daha; bu utanç bize yeter


Cemile Kaplan




kana susayan neo-siyoni Kürtler/
nefrette birlestiler/
çapulcu Türkçü fascio çeteler/
dolar'a endexliler/


Amerikan Ìngiliz/
zaten ikiz/
Siyon alyans sebekeler/
... **
eeey insan yüzlü kurbanlik/
biraz toparlan artik!


Cezmi Pamir




25 milyon Irakli masuma/
25 cent biçeni/
bir avuç kirli dolar'a/
dinkardesinin kanini içeni/
her yeni soykirimda/
zevkten kendinden geçeni/
görüp de suçlama medeniyeti/


Hirosima'lari yakan/
"Big Brother" denen sarlatan/
sana sormadan/
herbir yerine girdi/
limanina çöreklendi/


daha nasil anlatmali/
sana da mi patlatmali/
kulagin sagirsa suç davulda mi/
Allah askina çagrildin/
gaflet uykularindan/
hangi seytansa taptigin/
hiç degilse bari/
onun yüzüsuyuna/


savasa karsi bir oy/
onurlu bir tavir koy!


Mahmut Yamaner



bak su Big Brothers denenlere/
nodullayan Siyon efendilere/
pislige Irak olanin basina gelenlere/
kobay faresinden daha ürkünç hadise/
o zavallli yaratik hiç degilse/
bu insan kalibindaki canavarligi/
düsünsel bir potadan öngöremiyor/
insandaki hayvanliga/
ihtimal veremiyor/
Irakliya Filistin'e ötekine berikine/
giydirilen laboratuvar gözler önünde/
barbarlik bar bar "geliyorum", diyor/
tam anlamda ikinci sinif fare kitlesine dönüsen/
bir kanli-dolarlar zinciriyle örgülenen/
tarihin son modernize, en gelismis/
tuzaklar ki, BM ceketi giydirilmis /
fareden daha acinasi; öngörebiliyor/
elikolu bagli, sindiremiyor/
birseyler söylüyor, dinletemiyor/
önceden belirlenmis projeler geregi/
sürüyor Talmudî vicdansizlik deneyi/
bir nal izi olsun tepki de veremiyor/
topyekün bir dünya, kurban gidiyor


Sungur Bozbeyli

CHP, Cümleten Hıyanet Pandomimciligi


herkes kendine odaklandıgı anda, dünya gündemini gören çıkmaz/
esrimişler dergahı bu, ülke sorunlarını kavrayana raslanmaz/
altı ok safsatasıyla daha haala halkı uyutacagını sanan kaz/
sürüsünün icraatı bir incir çekirdegini doldurmaz/

doluya koy almaz, boşa koy dolmaz/
biri uzun havadan gidiyor, ötekisi caz/
al bunları kaynana Semra dizisine figüran yaz/
yoksa boş lafla gemi yürütenden başka bir .ok olamaz/


Ayse Kaya


CHP, Cesetlerine Hürmeten Pislemeyelim


SARIGÜL, USA-Masonry yalakası/
LİVANELİ, USrael militer mafyasının homo-kuklası/
BAYKAL dersen, kuyruğunda şurekası/
bunaklar tayfası, çürük domates tarlası...




CHP, Cumhuriyet (laf) Halk (gaf) Partisi (yersen)


bir o kaldı, demeyin Mustafa Kemal de sistemden payını almış/
sözde bu söz salatası hamamı, onun partisi olma savındaymış/
devlet adamlığı bir yana bunlarda ne edep, ne utanma kalmış/
anla ki savunmasız zavallı, ölümünden sonra böyle dolandırılmış...


altı temeli bilen altı kişi kalmadı; ilkelermiş,/
miş-miş bir .ok simgelermiş/
kalmışsa onun bir zerresi, gramı/
eh artık halka da mustahak yutarsa böyle yalanı/

yine de aldatmağa adayım diyen bir adım beri gelsin/
hakettiğini yedi kuşak tümcesi dinlesin/
anasını Mustafa’lar/
avradını Kemal’ler bellesin



kanlı USrael sofrasına beleş salça


Western buluşudur uzantı kol,/
namı diğer HAÇLI Manipula-SiYON/
içimizden beşinci kol,/
nam-ı takiyye tayyip’s HAÇSIZ PRODUKSiYON


Meftun GARIP



AB sevdalısının baharı var, yazı var/
ülke sevdalısının yüreğinde közü var/
Berlusconi kirvemiz yeminle te’yit etmiş/
"Ey haçlılar korkmayın, Tayyip beyin sözü var!"


Taha "Kılçık"




Bush’larin kucaginda/
kas göz eder Sharon’a/
bunca cevizden sonra,/
Takiyyeip kukla,/
Tel Aviv'den katilsaydi,/

aday olmaga!..
en azindan Siirt'in nami,/
çamurlanmadan kalirdi,/
o da efendilerinden,/
daha fazla oy alirdi
Hasan Karakaya



Avrupa Birliği’ne HAYIR!/
kendi insanını kayır!

yoksa öz cennetin Filistinleştiğip olmasın/
Evangel-Zion domuzuna çayır!


egemen sınıfların afyonlu-gül’lü vaadlerine HAYIR!/
kendine sahip çık, kendi sınıfını kayır!


Zeynep Alkan




tarihe bilim açisindan bakinca/
penisilini, çiçek asisini/
bulan insanligin yaratici emek hizi/
savasa/borsaya/servet hirsina özendirilmese/
silahli silahsiz sömürüye/
savasa son verilse/
insani anlamda ölüm kavrami/
bu gezegende silinmis olabilirdi/
al diyelim, tam tersini, “aids” belasi/
bio-silah laboratuarinda/
dedem uydurmadi ya/


tarihe emek ve halklar açisindan bakinca/
Hirosima, Dresden, Sabra, Jenin, Shatila’lar/
soykirim, manipulasyon, Sharon, Bush’lar/
talmud kosullanmasi, tradisiyonal fanatizm/
yahudi güdümlü amerikanci sömürü/
emegin tepkisiyle frenlenmese/
uygarlik zaten biterdi de/
insani her türev/
bu gezegende silinmis olabilirdi/
al diyelim, “nükleer kis” kavrami/
dedem uydurmadi ya


Mahmut Yamaner




Osmanlı‘dan ananemize girmiş/
iflah olmaz milli kalleşligimiz/
varsayalım satasacak tek komşu kalmadi arz-ı kürede/
bir gerekçe türetir, kendimizi kemiririz/

sanki yeminli gelenegimiz/
basimiza her dönem kivrak zevat seçeriz/
işimize uydu mu Paşam diye çizmesini öperiz/
uymazsa kulp ustasiyiz, sallandırır silkeriz/

yahud i medyasindan al haberi, halimiz ayan beyan/
camide poz artistidir bunlar sözde müslüman/
içerde yalan birader, dışarda dolan/
koltukdur dinleri, dolarlar iman/

sonunda Anadolu’yu da Haçlılar‘a han yaptılar/
Siyon dedigin bu işlerin uzmanı, dolarin ambarı var/
biri gitti biri geldi, her kuralı onaylattılar/
limanlar emre amade, ilaveten sıgırlar ve sınırlar/

ha tayyipden tayyipden vaadde bulunanlar/
takiyyeip düstü gül göründü, açtı yerli uşaklar/
Tanrı’dan korku yalandir bu sistemlerde, utanma hiç yok/
kıç general Abraham‘in kucagında, daha hala nutuk atar/

billah domuz olsaydi kizarırdı belki yüzü-ensesi/
bunlarda ar-haya enflasyon, kalmamış emaresi/
iş oraya dayandı, az daha koklatsalar/
haşa huzurdan yani... anasının örekesi


Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan



Avrupa Birligi'nden yumurtalar/
üç premier jude-bastard-barbar/ BLiar, Berlusconi, Aznar/ onayladilar/


Irak, Irak'lilardan kurtarilacak/
raslantiya bak/ BLiar'in onaltinci babasi/
human-hunter Sir AhMac/ Irlanda'yi Irlandalilardan kurtarmak/
Franco, Ispanya'yi halk yanlilarindan arindirmak/
Mussolini, Çizme'yi kanla yikamak/ paydasindaydilar...


Sinan Güven


RestPublica TurCIA?


SEZER`in villa rezaleti/
KIVRIKOĞLU-KILINÇ`ın dolar yularlı rüşveti/
Yargıtay ligasının malum müteahhiti/
Çevik BİR paşa klan üyelerinin Siyon-i taltif rozeti/
Amiral battı oyunu değil, ta kendisi İlhami ERDİL illeti/
say bitmez; A. ÇAKICI-Haluk KIRCI-Yaşar ÖZ-Sedat PEKER; Susurluk`tan beri dönen teker/
ülkeye hıyanet, kan, gözyaşı, kin tohumu eker/
çeteler, şarkıcılar ardında görünmekteler/
bazan Hülya AVŞAR-Sibel CAN-Selçuk URAL-Mehmet Aliş ERBİL köçekçeler/
gibisi yok, pezevengi orospusu yopyekün içiçeler/
kim kimden türeme vallah kendileri bile/
binde bir insan evladı çıkıp alıveriyor iti/
akabinde biri salıveriyor kanemici biti/


adını Semra kaynanaları mı koysun, bu neyin illeti/
TurCIA çeteler cumhuriyeti/
hırsız generaller, üst düzey çocuk subyancılar cenneti/
iktidara Batı desteği de bundan; nedir yani kerameti/
USA&USrael kullanabildikçe TAkiYYeİP-GÜL`vari/
"pembe muslimler"i/
daha çok ağlar bu halkın anası hele ki bundan geri/






düstü düstü kuklabasi Gül Düstü/
tam ardindan Takiyyeip göründü/
BOP plani ugruna USraeli Mafyanin/
limandan limana içsinirlar örüldü/


AKP wc tabelasini birak/
ardinda siritan gerçeklere bak/


altlarinda yagdanliklar/
artlarinda dalkavuklar/
görüldü ki taptiklari tanrilar/
David-yildizi mavisinde banknotlar...


Namik Cemal Ziya Hasahuzurdan




bir eline porno dergisi al, baba/
yanlis anlama, ha/
bir de NATO’dan mecmua/
amaç, incelemek/
baska söze ne gerek/
porno sermayesi/
ne kadar sanayi ise/
silaha harcanan alinteri de/
o kadar onurlu (!!!), anlamli (!!!)/
yani halktan tepki olmasa/
candan/kandan bir yeni borsa/
“industri” diye yutturacak/
ne yazmis aralara bak/
“batida genisleyen sanayi!..”/
va! .mina ..mun Siyonist enayi


Cezmi Pamir



TakiyyeİP düştü GÜL göründü, suyüzüne vurdu ruhu kirli kuklalar/
uçuştu, kirli David-yıldızı mavisinde çekler, gerdanlıklar/
adamları anladık da ne bu resmi görüşmelerde taktıkları madamlar/
zırcahillik giderilir sanarak kasılıyorlar/
devlet adamı havasındalar/
"zahir maiyetten bir inek"; farkı, iki ayağı var/
nitemsizin en niteliksizi Emine hanımağa’nın emrinde tahtırevanlar/
öyle bir han-ı yağma ki, her kuyruk sallayana düşüyor yağlı parçalar/
utanmazlık aymazlık dorukta, resmen kendilerinden geçiyorlar/
afyon yerine içilen Ortadoğu-Balkan-Çeçen-Afgan çocuklarının kanlarından süzme şıralar


Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan


Şiir gibi siteler dizisinden örnekler:

KARAKIZIL forum; bazan enfes bicimde Anti-Siyonit tartismalar gerceklestiriyor:

Sanal Molotof Forum; bu da bazan enfes bicimde Anti-Siyonit tartismalar gerceklestiriyor:

Serbest Anti-Fasist&Anti-Siyonit yoldaslar linki:,com_akobook/Itemid,43/startpage,2/

Siir bahçesinden dize dize karanfiller derleme grubu

    14th June 2005 - 01:59:31 PM    
20690 : dustin
ere un esputo de hombre. no merece ni de vivi. amorrayao

    14th June 2005 - 03:07:57 PM    
20691 :

    14th June 2005 - 04:28:54 PM    
20895 :

    14th June 2005 - 05:02:59 PM    
20953 : GAY PROSTITUTION: A Saga on the male horny-market,
GAY PROSTITUTION: A Saga on the male horny-market, which completely runs by the Jew ruled Evangelic Zionist Capitalism...




- Dear listeners, readers, tv-viewers! Welcome! A new saga is shining here... Brave people makes these forums available to encourage intelligent and open democratic debate platforms. Users are requested to participate in the spirit of good fellowship and tolerance. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of saga tellers.... "Living tales broadcasting" does not mean "fantastical fairy tales", but aims to offer a solution for "living questions of humanity" and one of them begins here, today's well-documented tales!.. Notice it respectfully, please; this is a SAGA; man don't need to be stressed... Avoid to show incredible angry attitudes or overwhelmed happy on such tales.. Test your self-control! Well, we are aware, there are a kind of interesting types, which fanatically programmed to see the similarly robotics and they can not accept the creative brains... Compare yourself with them! Take it easy; don't to be imprisoned of "mass-medial brainwashing campaigns"... In normally case there are different open-views, artistically creations, poetry, approximate to the social cases in community; listen to them... If you want to criticize these stories, feel free; do that!.. No doubt!. This is a form of literature to create essays; of course built a bridge to say out your opinion; do that, please!.. Other-ways, you will just a living witness here; yes, here seems many aggressive robotics making shit after my tales; let them stay on this page as my best evidence.. People needs such testimony; who tells saga, who has shit in his mouth; discover on internet around my saga texts... They are not only my enemies, because I have nothing private conflict with them... In fact they are the fanatical enemies of human-being; this is the question... My Grandfather had piggies at farm; all the animals had name there and selected examples prized by true ID cards... I see that Grandfather's true piggies were more respectable than human faced piggies&doggies... Let's these doggies shitting here on internet, mostly using false sexual announcements; let's people witness what a kind kinky planet the two-legged piggies dreaming.. Keep the evidences should be apparently pasted there on internet page, although it's not friendly; all after checking this attack it'll easier to struggle against thus kinky character, who beyond this dirtiness!.. Go on to tell what the newest!.. In fact, we have much more exciting broadcasting tournaments... You see; the fanatics of system are so eager to bite your heel.. No doubt, its typical attitudes of bulldogs and lapdogs of judaized imperialism... But criticism welcomes.... Of course there are different opinions.. Discussion is better than warplanes... Let's create new saga examples and try to build a wonderful socialistic saga-world for whole human-being; yes, for human, dear!.. Solidarity regards from saga-teller, additional works of studio-guests, followers on friendly tv channels...


Chapter -I-


- Well described!.. This story, "Adopt-Zional", dedicated to the AIDS-suffers who almost imported by the Jewish whore markets and dying isolated in the half-officially brothels... It is first time in E.U., the Homo Whores' Leader "Freak Negro Jew" Staffan Tostar started appeal, "Refuse to be Called a Whore; demand legal Payment! We want to pay tax!" ... "Adopt-sional"... Homo Whores' representative Staffan Tostar's Appeal: "Refuse to be Called a Whore; demand legal Payment! We want to pay tax!"


AdoptZional... "Refuse to be Called a Whore; demand legal Payment! We want to pay tax!"


- Did you hear about gay escorts... Gay market of Sweden, runs by zionist lobbies? - What does "hear" means, I experienced it there...
- ?!


- What is the difference between the female whores and this group who porganized behind an African?
- This is not an ordinary African, but this is a chief who drive a project like a worldwide project... Secondly, this gay, Staffan Tostar isn't similar with other Africans who mostly enslaved.. He was been
imported to Scandinavia by the Jewish lobbies, because he is an Ethiopian Jew and works for Zionist aims... He has a tv interview tonight at the channel 3...
- Record it for us, please!...
- No trouble!.. I'll do that!...


- Let's roll on the pieces of recorded acts around the male whores of SvekJa Kingdom!..
- It's time for FREE PROSTITUTION... Refuse to be Called a Whore; demand legal Payment!
- I agree with you, my sweetie!.. I adopted you from Ethiopia for these actions and proud of your work... You are most ripe socail secretary on this anal channels!...
- It's your pleasure, Sir!..


- Everything began with an appeal when I saw an Ethiopean boy signed and cried; "Refuse to be Called a Whore; demand legal Payment! We want to pay tax!"
- I know!... I met him, too!..
- Swedish sex-market performed with a serie attractions... It classed a brand new progress by bourgeoisie!... For example an Adopted African Jew founded a big appeal nowadays and spread this idea in whole E.U. members, too Most famous responsible groups like Tostar-DVD productions and their willing pedofil-boy Staffan Tostar grounded this well-known campaign:
Headline; "Refuse to be Called a Whore; demand legal Payment!" ("Vägra kallas homo-hora; arbeta för betalt!)... Smart!... But, how can you call himself as a market-product; this is the question!?.. Anyway, this appeal is a start point and good timing by Staffan Tostar, if we count the elections period and his carrier as communal staff... If he miss in market, maybe shall win by political pots... Shemale Staffan explain its performed suggestions; "This action seems a different line in the SwedoJews Folk party in Sweden; sure, it is well known
among activists for its initiatives and participation in numerous campaigns, particularly against cuts in non-tax-works and against slavery. The group was launched in the beginning 1990s, at the same time as the group's paper, Liberal, went weekly. In a survey on 8th March 2000 on the new capitalist homo movements, Sweden's biggest daily, Liberal fanatics propagand paper D.N., interviewed representatives of "the Tostars and other adoptation firms", a force on "the far Zionist right". well, he continues to explain; "On the same day we played a
key role in mobilising 1,000 prostitutied homosexuals in a Stockholm
demonstration against illegal prostitution, following the mass arrest of over 100 customers the previous weekend at a street party in Goetheburg. Homos and prostutied-lesbian members of Campaign organising now new demonstrations against sexual harassment. In particular the campaign Vägra kallas Hora ("Refuse to be Called a Whore") has been a big success drawing a significant layer of sympathisants into political activity by Folk Party & Moderat MPs. Our legal payment campaigning recently chalked up a major victory when we joined homo-parade... I am not alone; actually, we have branches and members from Sundsvall in the north to Malmö in the south. The Swedish Zionist Folk party has two councillors in Sundsvall in the north, where the party district has 150 members. The party's national headquarters are in Stockholm, mostly Tostar-family members with local offices in several other towns. In addition to
our weekly in Baltics, Liberal, the party issues a quarterly theoretical
journal, Folk Lieb brallorna. During the year 2000 the party published three books, including fotos and supporter lobbys for the first time in Swedish.", talks Staffan Tostar.


- Have you sponsors or only customers?
- Both them... There are many support lines, so-called "umbrellas" behind the "Liberal Homos" actions for instance KFS in Sundsvall, chief Elisabeth Tostar and her Jew friends in collaborated sex-production markets...
- There are many "umbrellas" like Elisabeth Tostar's concern KFS in
Sundsvalll... KFS, paraply concernen. betyder "Kommunala Företagens
- Is this KFS, under embrella of ROKS?
- The Swedish Organisation for Local Enterprises?
- Yes; on the legally scenes, it is... KFS is an employers' organisation for companies in the municipal and county council sector. These companies are both large and small, and are located throughout Sweden. The KFS has almost 500 enterprises with a total workforce of about 30 000 employees. Our member companies are owned by municipalities and county councils, or are wholy or partly privately owned. Our member companies represent many important industries: Energy, public transport, street cleansing, waste disposal, water and sewerage systems and road management, as well as property management, parking facilities, leisure and tourism, schools, health care, airports etc. We work to protect and promote the common interests of our member companies with respect to relations between the companies and their employees. Our aim is to help these companies to be as efficient and competitive as possible. Our key activities include working out central agreements, striving to adapt collective
bargaining agreements to specific industries, offering services in connection with employer-related issues and offering defense in the event of conflicts. In brief, we must be experts in the latest legislation, in interpreting laws and contracts, and we will be involved in local negotiations at the companies whenever our presence is desired. We also arrange a large number of courses and conferences for our member companies. The results of our efforts include a number of competitive agreements, such as the various industry agreements, the PA-KFS pension agreement and the KFS Social Security Agreement /Trygghetsavtal.
Working through agreements and applying our expertise, it is our mission to contribute to successful employer strategies for our member companies.
- Wonderful announcements... But how much tax pay this firm!
- Zero!... There are many Jewish firms giving no tax because they usually sying; "It was zero input in whole year!" and inspectors accept such lies when firm collaborate with any lobby...


- Is Staffan a foxy-shurk figur in homosexual Scandinavians market?
- What do you mean, dear?
- He has many new announcements including different appeals; like "I regret been called Whore", but meantime there are other kind announcements in the English magazines, shows another face?
- Do I read it!?
- Welcome! So you can understand if he bluffed or been exploited...
- I am reading it for you. too; ", Staffan Tostar, imported EthiopianJew adored TRUE SEX and I am sending FREE DVDs from Stockholm Swe6land International Black Escort Gay Contact: (e-mails):,,,,,,
Yes, it's! and my friends looking for body contact!.. Wish you discuss about the gay-escort-prices; suggestions, please write just to our market's master: Fucking&Joy center (festival arranged by the Tostar-adoptation commerce family's home) in Stockholm, Sweden. Maybe you'll like surprise us and visit just without any info, it'll be funny! Directly action, fuck and cum, feel free! First experince free of costs only by us in whole E.U.; so lovely sperm-supremacy! Action, Sir! Come and cum us & ass please! Code at the door, say only: Adopted homosexual Ethiopian Negroe "pearl-star", so you can easily drop in! Did you hear before about the African pearl? Just, it'll
be in your hand!: Wish you fuck an EthiopianTravestit? If not, choose thefriends who works with us in league! Don't hesitate and don't be shy, please! Call now for free broshures: or 00.46.88331216,
Recommended and referred by these links: AFO Stockholm choose-for-joy forum:
Best Jewish imported-for-love Forum:
Adopted homosexuella groups forum:
SundbyBook drop in for body contact forum:
AdoptedBlack Jewish Co. Market forum:
Local fixer service for Non-Tax marketing of adopted toys:
Recommended and referred by many famous persons for instance Stockholm's
sexcrazy mayor Herr Cederchiöld and collaborator dick-sucker Ulla Winblad, Mikael Jarnlo& Bonet, adopted Jew travesti Amanda Fredricsson, Mattias from Uppsala district and plus SDN "pimps"; Lennart Bettner, Jan Jönsson, Gustaf Åkerblom m m... much more Swedish experienced fucked masters.... FREE of CHARGE DVD-VIDEO ORDER FORM via snail mail, Addresses: (Note, please!! ONLY ONE film/person including only homosex och animal porn-Coding pleasse on the sending about: "hemlagade sioniverk"... Feel free, send your order just now to
us, distributors) Ingrid Nilsson & Ingvar Tostar, Storg. 68A, 262 35 AENGELHOLM, Swe6land 00.46.431.17927 A-G Tostar, Ringstorpsv. 25A, 254 54 HELSINGBORG Gunnel Tostar, S:t Eriksg. 88, 113 62 STOCKHOLM / SWEDEN Ingvar Tostar, Storg. 70, 262 35 AENGELHOLM / SWEDEN
00.46.431.10832 Iréne Tostar, Ynglingag. 26, 113 47 STOCKHOLM , Swe6land Joel Tostar & Carolina Stark Co., Tjäderv. 11, 856 31
SUNDSVALL , Swe6land Ani. DVD Engineer Lennart Tostar,
Trelleborgsv. 7, 857 30 SUNDSVALL, Swe6land Sven Tostar,
Odenv. 10, 136 42 HANINGE /, Swe6land ...and my very special
distribution address: "H-Boy" Staffan Tostar c/o. Box 503, 127 26
Skaerholm-Stockholm, Swe6land ...and your mail ABSOLUTELY MUST not include the
kat / cannabis / amfetamin order etc... only films available now... I played in
a lot of sex films first on Tel Aviv/Addis Abeba scenes when I was been adopted
by the Swedish Boss-filmseller family Tostar... Just here is very exclusive
photos from me when I first been fucked on the beaches in the occupied Middle
East; here:
- But what is the problem betwen Jewish Party and the Tostars Adoptation Market
- Tostars want legal prostitution and legalised pedophiles DVD etc selling...
- ...and Tostars are a big part of this lobby... - Yes! Lobby didn't
accept all these ideas what adoptation services demanding... - I can't
- OK! I try explain with other words... Pedophiles and prostitutionmarkets boss
and homo-handlers pay since long time only to the lobbies... Now, they want be
legal and pay taxes to the official authorities... Lobbies refuseed this idea
because lobbies saying "There is no problem. We create the balance, too. And
Sweden is member to E.U.. If the taxes rules been changed, it must change in
other 14 members, too! Belgique shaked wirh a Marc Dutroux scandal, we don't
want start a riskable campaign..."
- But the lobbies couldn't save Marc Dutroux, although he paid well to the
Jewish lobbies...
- I think little different...
- Tell me!
- Man! Man must not tell everything when man want survive...
- ?!


- What are you thinking now on this appeal what shake Sweden? - I think
Staffan Tostar has been exploited... Two times and on the two different way...
First when he was a little boy been exploited for Child Porn... Now, he is a
adult boss who sells both Child porn and Animal Sex DVDs but the really boss'
stay behind him...
- I agree with you... Because it counts a industry in Sweden and Staffan Tostar
isn't the first one bad example on this cruel profit market... Unfortunately,
there are many adopted African Jews in Sweden, the white Jews using them like
- White Jews exploating the Negroe Jews!...I see the cruel panorama, anyway this
market looks like a kind of weapon against Humanity, what the Zionist lobbies
traditionally product!
- ?!


- Are there specified pedophile networks? - They are working (what kind of work!) very clever-hidden parts in the marlket and collaborated mostly with corrupted official authorities... - I understand now, why only Marc Dutroux arrested but international boss-elit who won big money are free now...
- Ye, unfortunately! The big boss are always outside and have connection in the official sections... Otherway, they are very technical modernized division network too. For instance, DVDs etc sells by a group but announcements fixing by other expert group...
- I saw three names that offered announcements...
- Do you tell me, who are these experts?
- Lennart Bettner, Jan Jönsson, Gustaf Åkerblom... - There are such freak ponces both are the personnel in Communal Section 24 (Skaerholmen SDN) in capital city of Sweden...
- What is connection with Tostar family... - Not directly... But this freak homo-whore Staffan earn salary from same SDN 24 and he counts like staff there...
- Who placed them there as staff? - Answer is in the question.... SwedoJewish Party Fp placed all these shurks there like other parts
of the official authorities in Scandinavia... Division number 24... So can the judges arrest Marc Dutroux in Bruxel but not the Swedish Jews who producting all kind of sex-criminal things...
- What is the connection with Tostar gang and Dutroux gang... - Don't forget, Sweden is member to E.U. and what is criminal in Bruxel must count criminal in Stockholm, too... ...and remember, attorney stopped all the inspections about pedophiles-scandal when the journalists poublished about Dutroux's Jewish corruption connection...
- But Staffan Tostar signed a big appeal which included that they will pay tax...
- This is the modernized manouver and difference in their markets... But I think it should called double tax?
- Double?
- Yes!... They are paying a tax to the lobbies... From and now they want to pay to the
state-tax-offices, too!
- But pedophilia calls "crime" by the constitutional representatives,
responsible figures...
- Constitution?!... Lobbies prepare parties to change such details what Sweden
- Sweden succeed?! - Adoptation... Willing boys... African sekts
and other groups who invest milliomns of dollars... Why?!
- Terrible!...
- ...according to whom?


- Should we congratulate the Swedish Zionist Folk Party administration? - For what? - Because of thus liberalized market... Recruitments beyond the official door and behind the mask of the adoptive import from Ethiopia and other Jewish dominated areas... - No, Sir!.. We should congratulate the premier Fatty Imbecill G.rån Petsion!..
- ?!


- Militarizm needs lie undustries.. The liars need polit-whores.. Prostitution markets need both male and female (nowadays animals, too) instruemnts.. All such instruemnts need the well organized lobbies... The Zionist Network is biggest well organized lobby beyond all above kinky affairs... - I agree with you!.. A philosopher described it well; "Although only one per cent of the world's population...[Jews] opinion, and world politics." - It's true; the shocking truth!..


- Jew dominated Swedish prostitut-libo-system wins fiscal recognition as service provider, reported AFP on Apr 4, 2003 - Let's listen!..
- Contemporary whores in the modernized (and legalized) markets belong to the powerty, the true powerty who dominate and rule the "living history"... This is the true histpory, living history... This is a documentary work shows such cases, includint the collected amateur film clips... For the first time, a prostitute has been registered as a service provider by the Swedish authorities, meaning she will pay taxes and social security charges on her income. Under Swedish law, offering sexual services is allowed, but buying such services is illegal, which leaves a certain ambiguity as to whether the proceeds of prostitution are above board or not.
- But Anna-Kristina Selander, head of the tax office in Varberg, southern Swe6land, told daily Hallands Nyheter Friday that "there is nothing illegal" about the tax application by the prostitute, Rosinha Sambo. Ethiopian Swedish whore Sambo, who has been been a prostitute for 19 years, was given the tax code 93050, which stands for "other services." "I run my own one-person prostitution company. But I can't sign a lease agreement" without legal recognition, Sambo said. Her tax number will now allow her to reclaim value-added tax on her business lease, to contribute to a state pension scheme and gain access to the public health system. Ethiopian whore Sambo said she makes about 900,000 kronor (98,000 euros) per year. "I want to pay taxes, and my aim is that we (prostitutes) can work in a completely transparent way," she said.
- I have her foto...
- Connected?
- What?!.. No!. I bought any magazines and DVDs in Jew York and these matters including almost the "Swedish culture".. I saw this woman first on these matter... But she used nick name as "Swedish adoptive Black Lolita"... I have a little poster here...
- Do you show me it?
- Oooh!.. I know him...
- Him... You ,mean her!... This is a woman, not a guy...
- A gay!... Like a gay, Staffan Tostar!...
- I understand you... I thought same thing at first time..Maybe this prostitution representative Rosinha is close relative like true sister to Staffan... Magazines explain her backgrund as same town from Ethiopia...
- Same Jewish clan...


- Tv Independent Laponia comments on 23 july 2003; "Gay prostitution in Sweden on the grove"...
- Let's watch it!..
- Male prostitution: Clientele growing, varied: poll... A growing number of middle-aged businessmen, politicians and bureaucrats of both sexes in Stockholm are buying sex from male prostitutes, according to an official study released yesterday.

The study dismisses a popularly held belief that only a small number of gay men and wealthy middle-aged women buy sex from male prostitutes.

"Male Prostitutes in Stockholm: A Channel for HIV/Aids" was released yesterday by the Thai Association for Safe Sex and Better Quality of Life in conjunction with the Health Ministry.

Association director Christians said the study was sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and involved interviews with 100 male prostitutes from january 2003 to juni 2003.

The study revealed that middle-income earners of both sexes were the main customers of male sex workers, but that some young men were lured into the business by large amounts of money. Most dismissed fears that their work made them a high-risk group for contracting HIV/Aids.

Association president and Emeritus Professor Ulla Svensson said the survey found that male sex workers in massage parlours and fitness centres in the Uppsala, Malmö and Goetheburg areas mostly sold their services to male clients.

He added that most were in good shape, do not smoke or drink and had frequent physical check-ups.

However, Svensson said, those who worked in karaoke parlours tended to smoke and drink heavily and were heavy spenders and gamblers, not taking good care of their health.

Sex workers who worked in discos and clubs typically serviced female clients and were moonlighting in the sex industry, having other jobs as their main sources of income, Svensson said, adding that many did not use condoms, making them a high-risk group for contracting and transmitting HIV/Aids. We detected the Jewoish lobbies always behind prostitution and such crimes... The lobbies who have control on such diry affairs aim to destruct the moral vaules and family ties in the community...

The boss' are not the secret fenomenes; they have open annuncements today and here is last want of the results... They said around 74 per cent of their male customers were aged 30-49, while 13 per cent were over 50.

Meanwhile, around 65 per cent of female clients were 30-49, 34 per cent younger than 30 and just 1 per cent over 50.

The study found that 45 per cent of the clients were Swedish passport owned Jews, 32 per cent from elsewhere in Africa and the remainder USraeli visitpors or Australian. Forty-eight per cent of the male customers were businessmen, while 45 per cent of the women were businesswomen. And around 24 per cent of the men and 5 per cent of the women were government officials.

In terms of monthly incomes, most male sex sellers (70 per cent) earned between SEK 100 000 000 and SEK 490 000 000. It's very interesting that all these profits transferred to the Jewish bank accounts, not to the hands of protitued gays...
- Authorities who talking on the law?
- Corrupted shurks, toy boys of the evangelain zionist lobbies...
- What is the difference with Sweden in EU?
- First at all such crimes accepts the "Ground Rights of individuals"... Secondly this is an indsutry what driven directly by Jewish lobbies who supporting a zionsit world domination... - For customers?
- Methodes are most advanced in Sweden... Ulla Svensson and her group explain as official experts; "28 per cent of the male sex workers masturbated their male clients, 48 per cent had anal sex and 20 per cent oral sex. Seventy-eight per cent had intercourse with their female clients and 21 per cent oral sex." In the other EU members you can not find so performed methodes...
- I am not the customer... I am only one one ordinary sociolog who research such cases...
- ?!


- Tv redaction get a list today... On this document we can see the selected dirty figures of the zionist thieves by Tostar clan members who looted so called "Socialstyrelsen"s cash sect... There are Svekish evidences, news, too on these shurks for example; "Tostar, råttorna som smittade avdelningarna af socialsyrelsen i Stockholm, plundrat folkets egendom och delade ut the short listed "israelvänliga" clan members..."
- I understand.. Let's see; who were the close friends, plundered the wealth of local administration in Stockholm? - Here are the main figures, advanced thieves of Tostar clan members who still plundring the institutions of Scandinavia:

Iréne Tostar Tel. 00.46.8. 6672476 Östermalmsg. 75, 114 50 Stockholm

Sven Tostar Tel. Odenv. 10, 136 42 Haninge, southern Stockholm

Gunnel Tostar Tel. 00.46.8. 331216 S:t Eriksg. 88, 113 62 Stockholm

- Stockholm transferred to be Swe6land's capital under Zionist domination in last years... - Whole country... Tostar clan members drive gay prostution in other cities, too, for example:

Ingrid Nilsson & Ingvar Tostar Tel. 00.46.431.17927 Storg. 68A, 262 35 Aengelholm, Sweden

- It's secure to have two alternaticve centres just in same city, for example: Ingvar Tostar Tel. 00.46.431.10832 Storg. 70, 262 35 Aengelholm, Sweden

A-G Tostar Tel. Ringstorpsv. 25A, 254 54 Helsingborg, Sweden

Joel Tostar & Carolina Stark Tel. 00.46.60. 156709 Tjäderv. 11, 856 31 Sundsvall

- This city, Sundsvall is famous with imported Thai Mammele figures who run the "Lolita pron", means child porn...
- I know and I would like add another boss, Tostar, in this dirty sity; Lennart Tostar, Ing. Tel. 00.46.60. 500821 Trelleborgsv. 7, 857 30 Sundsvall

- What does this list mean? - Gay prostituton's masters in Sweden.... It shows many differencies in the contemporary communities... Selling sex for money or "whoring" was classical defination of prostituton... But contemporary terms including performed issues for instance use whoring for political aims is prostitution, too. Sweden is an advanced pilot area on such performed affairs... Otherway the classical prostitution based on female whores, but Sweden exposes most performed and grown with male prostitution... There are different boss beyond the classical female whores but we detected an interesting tie with any official authorities that specially the Swedish male prostitution driven by the legalized lobbies of zionist evangelian powerty... They who prostitute and talking on "free choose, own rights on their own bodies", lyning... Contemporary whores in the modernized (and legalized) markets belong to the powerty, the true powerty who dominate and rule the "living history"... This is the true histpory, living history... - Staffan Tostar and his political sponsor SwedoZioni Folk Party caused a new discussion in July 2002; "Prostitution and Work Union Rights"... Syndicalist Work Union's redaction issued this question in the Magazine Arbetaren Nr. 28; M. Altemark comments; "- DEBATE: NO TO SEX-WORKERS UNION... Three members of the Network Against Prostitution and Pornographyreplies to Henrik Hirselands suggestions that SAC should organizestrippers, prostitues and other sex-workers (!). They are of the opinionthat prostitution isn't a profession and that Hirseland confuses libertarianism with neo-liberalism.."
- Yes, it is! Folk Party calls itself "Liberal Party" nowadays...
- I don't agree with bourgeoisie which organized as anti-Prostitution league.... This league want not discuss the relations of oligarchical system and profits... Anyway I wish congratulate Staffan Tostar, started such discussion... Discussions began with Tostar's appeal; "Refuse to be Called a Whore! Demand payment" and "Liberal shurks must stop hypocrisy! Realize real capitalism!",
although he is a Jew and member at the liberal lobbies...
** - Are there close market-collaborators? - Yes, it's... like "Pink Boy", Halit... They have similarly announcements, for instance; it's me guys; Halit Dogruel Your new friend, Gay Halit looking for gay! Come to me to Sweden! I dream to lick your penis! I am a passive gay, adored active big one! E-posts of my ponces:,, Call me, tonight; man! Nights:
tel.00.46.8. 53184735 Days tel: 94 82 My best informative
links: NikolaJew:
Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:
Sexual Message Forum:
Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by us Af-labelled Distribution in Scandinavia;
read our best co-operated referred links:


- It is not about being against or for prostitution!.. - You say!?
- No!.. Sweden Syndicalist Henrik Hirseland who start a second theme areound the matters of Tostar clan members... He continues the debate on wether SAC should organize "sex workers". As an answer to criticism of his suggestion he points out thtat the question is not wether you are for or against prostitution, but the fact that prostitution takes place and under
what conditions it does, how we relate to this and try to solve it with analysis and laws or by listening to and helping the people who workwith sex. - I am thinking, Staffan Tostar is no worker, a typical Zionist whore, who provocate all
the possible situations... - I know that he is staff in Skaerholm-Ghetto of Stockholm as "registrator" against the Africans...
- It is a project in whole in E.U. - Who started this project?
- May be Tel Aviv ... - Why? - Because there is a new confrontation between any democratical authorities of E.U. and the so-called neo-Zionist occupational Gang... But Staffan Tostar is responsible only on his
area, "gay prostitution"!
- I don't understand?! Okay, I know the Jews traditionally hate Human Being, but what wants USrael? What will Z.O.Gang change with such projects?
- ...Crack-down the castle!
- ?!


- I think this is a liberal market and everyone free to sell what man can...
- Not the children, please!... Australia, Belgique and SvekJa were been the toy boys of Zionist projects, what I don't like.. Beacuse I am thinking, there would be less gays in the priesthood without celibacy.


- What are you thinking on these incredible scenes?
- We must know that our weakness is Imperialism's strength, I understand here again...
- I agree with you, Comrade Jonas HÅLLÉN!
- You are welcome, Comrade Lars TÖRNMAN!


- I think, democracy should work better!.. Criminals and collaborators should be arrested!
- Should we arrest the criminals?!. Don't make me laugh! - Well, I see the double roles and false rules of the juridical instruments... What a shame we been forced to label it "democracy"... How thus majority of people, thus living creators, stinky mass could be so incredible nonsense blind meanwhile all the enormous fraudulent process?!.. Unbelieveable!... This is a glaring injustice!.. I wonder, what goes wrong by the juridical instruments... How can I say?! It is very strange!... You now, if you see all these incredible cases, thick-headed attitudes... - How? Do you explain? What is concrete that you remember?
- Yes, I remember that David JANZON, a redactional worker of Radio Islam, was sentenced to 4 months' imprisonment in October 1992, for the station's agitation "against an ethnic group". Are the provocators of Capitalist Fascist lobbies are really a ethnical group?!
- There is so specially groups? Okay, Jews!... It's the overclass group, nobody can imitate such shurks...
- But when you been oppressed so your accusation can only be refuseed... The shurks are the masters 'cause they experinced a lot of cruel methodes since many years... You can only suffer like many freedom fighters...
- Concrete cases?
- Very much!... The judges of system who play dirty rolls... It is extra incredible on Swedish justice-scenes that many foolish judges been corrupted by Jewish authorities and they play extra horrible rolls as pycho-proff doctor magister at policlinics... I can not meet all the judges nor observate all the cases but I met many high-staff at Golf Club Tenerrife, they explained... Shameful!... I can not explain here what they say on the corrpted colleges, so awfully shameful... ... Court material look likes simetrical sences, reasons are too similarly... Many papers of court been published by the Bonniers, Nordstedt... Same mechanism publish as basic Zionist propagand material, too... EU-membership... After 1995 impressed it by the democratical authorities of other countries?
- Unfortunately, it's in all frauds, much more dirty now... If any true jurist goes to United Nations related commissions or the independent justice authorities, so we shall most interesting scandals...
- What kind of scandals?
- For instance Osmo VALLO&Tony MUTKA and other members of the "assassination on the so called Resande Folket" cases... Märta Pettersson and others who murdered by the "imported criminals" like Bengalian Zionist Mafia mobilized in the EU; similarly recruitment cases... Remember; what the relatives of Tony DEOGAN, Dagmar HAGELIN, Anders GUSTAFSSON demand... - Don't make me worry with examples, don't list please much more!.. - It's not me who create the official shame lists!.. Did you hear Osmo VALLO's two brothers and all other relatives are arrested, too... The victims and witnesses were been arrested instead of murderers... Otherway, many freedom fighters forced to be jobless and living under minimal standards... Most famous concrete case is Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV who labelled as "laborious"... There are many examples... The Work Rights fighters Jimmie ÖSTERGREN, delegated adviser (former grafiker) Bengt PETTERSSON and Ahmed RAMI, because of these bravehearts criticized the thieves by the Capitalist Jewish lobbies... Laponians who fight for their own mark and minority rights, therefore prisoned their representative character Olof T. JOHANSSON... Remember the true Socialists like Bengt FREJD, Sara LIDMAN, Staffan EHNEBOM, so-called the "Free Speech Fighters", anti-Capitalist demonstranter like Jan HATTO, Sten ARNE-ZERPE, Dietlieb FELDERER... Even the independent movements who struggle against the weapon-handlers and main figures of such groups, like Henrik Westander (before he got professur-chair gift) and by his side likely flexible Calle HÖGLUND... Don't forget the Anti-Imperialists, like Hannes WESTBERG, Herman SCHMID, journalists Staffan BECKMAN, Stefan HJERTÉN, free-mind intellectuals like Ernst Rainer HOLM, Linus Brohult, honoured priest K. G. HAMMAR and hundreds of the anti-Zionists who were been registrated, pursued and attacked by the lobbies...
- What is common with them?
- Also! When a Fascist accuse them so judges punish the reviewers, immediately... But when the oppressed people leave any accusation acceptance, can easily be refuseed ... The requests of them almost been absolutely refuseed... Read two different cover of assassinations for example one of the victims called Daniel WRETSTRÖM and second one Tony DEOGAN; so you'll be shocked if you discover many incredible freakness, parallel points; for instance how the prosecutors and judges corrupted by financial lobbies and how all the gang members released, how the evidences disappointed, witnesses forced to go in silence or they disapponted, too...
- Why the DN, Expressen and other big papers awoid of to publich these true stories?.. They awoid of to show the real discrimination?! Schindler's List was only a filmatic illusion, actually the true boss never gave a chance peace in communities... You know, Bonniers, Wallenberg, Bilderberg-gangs and "Bulldogs" drive the Swindlers' lists, means all the honoured intellectuals been registrated on their computers... Therefore Stockholm-Canberra changed to be second plot area of Jew York-Tel Aviv's armed Mafia...
- Yes, it's!.. But what a lucky I have been warned before! - The authorities are blind on such actions.. Why?
- Because every big shurk drives by the big lobbies in this big SvekJa zionized Kingdom...
- ?!
- How can we could informed and know the truth!?...
- I can't reply all in two minutes?!
- Well!... I understand better... It's a modernised version of enormous hypocrisy... And I understand why the world couldn't react when Jews slaughted people in Sabra, Shatila, Jenin... Everybody watched on tv meanwhile druck Coca-Cola, chips, bonbons...
- Like the film-druged idiots?..
- No, Sir!... We have incredible reactions and collaborated feelings too, remember, we all cried when we watched on the Swindler's list, whole lies master-piece on scenes... - Shame on double-moral masters!.. Where are the all good peoples now?! - No way to Pessimism, please!.. Well, I see a positive case here on the Scandinavian Jewish DN, Expressen, Menorah pages; Maximum sentence for the desecration of cemeteries - an outrage which traditionally targeted Jewish cemeteries - was raised from 6 months' imprisonment to 2 years. Yes, the prisonment period raised in 1993, Spring. Then...
- It should not calls for case; it's simply provocation... There is no any single case in SvekJa, means nobody sentenced, nobody imprisoned for desecrations.. - Maximum sentence will be 2 years! Isn't good?
- I want not talk on the sentences good or not good... But I'm coming from Skaane and I witnessed who targeted the cemeteries...
- Who?
- Jews!... I saw them... They were there and porovoced very succesful so they manipulated sitation... Therefore there is no prisoner after this pharagraph ' cause they aimed change the rules... - I remember some similarly case, my mother witnessed and told us about the foxy Jews who played theatre at the street on 30 November in Germania... It was before WW III, Jewish fanatics crashed own glass and won enormous generous compensation by the reasurance firms... But their media manipulated the world by the help of american Imperialism so all the analphabets crying on every 30 September worldwide, every year like a crying festival, meantime the Zionist boss' laughing behind the windows...


- This is not the Cold War but a form of ongoing Cold War, what drives now by the lobbies... This area demands the prejudiced scientists... - Why the oppressed folk don't protest or discuss these problems... - Ever and never! This is not the results of the football matches... People need knowledge on biological developments... - Biological? But the lobotomies and sterilization methodes were only in last century?! - System has now most advanced methodes for instance isolation, registration and systematically persecution and such injustice affairs... Only two thousand youngs become suicide in SvekJa Kingdom, two times been a short news.. - Youngs?... But adults?
- They never counts by half officially pools.... Animal lover bourgeoisie have sex-partner-dogs, counts for identification and health rights, but not the discriminated persons... Never mind!...
- There aren't really a single one modernized democratical institution?
- ?!


- I wonder why many immigrants sets to work without language courses meanwhile many others been discriminated because of their language is not "wonderful, brilliant"?..
- I met many people too... For example after Warszawa pakt's collapse fleed many biologs to the occupied Middle East, Australia, SvekJa and specially the laboratory workers sets on the jobs without any oppression... - Did you found any explain about this subject?..
- Not directly... I met a family in SvekJa, who calls for BOLDTs, escaped from Baltics by the way of so-called "official Al CAPONE Raoul WALLENBERG" Co's false Finnish passport and corrupted authorities in Kingdom by the way of Jewish lobbies... A cunning mature, drives "Invandrar Publications", like Sesam weekly... She explained that all these scientists had already one or two international languages what been respected...
- She lies!.. I know a true writer, who can six or seven language but SvekJa system set him too the cleaner-catch boy courses...
- Yes; I understand... Jolin replied this case too; "maybe the writer criticised the oligarchical targets..."
- And she publish these subjects on the Invandrar Tidningen? Bravo!... - You will be shocked; she help to the lobbies to registrate opposite... - Was she biology-worker in Baltics...
- No!... But system need such families to follow the people and therefore she didn't go to the claenar courses and nor any language course although her vocabulary is worst when I compare with other immigrants... Nowadays fixed this family a credit possbility by the lobbies and Swedish American authorities,looks like a support to publish weekly propagand bulletin, called "Sesam"... - Is it a propagand bulletin which the redacteurs in Jew York recommended? - Yes!... Worst and most dangerous in the world... - Do you explain; what you discovered by Sesam or chief Jolin BOLDT or Jusek/jurists' syndical sect, which completely Evangelist/jew-dominated and its periodcal media runs by Göran BOLDT Co. although this zionist gangster never had a single one scientist in the family!.. - Yes, it's!.. But such chiefs are clever to use the regularly credits of system... I am an ordinary people and regularly reading all the issues of Sesam/Jusek falsification magazines and look at on these pages, what these gangsters provoce: "Immigrants always have problems.. They must complete their education and integrate to the democratical values..." Very provocative...It means if you never been accepted as true citizen so you must think that your education is low, complete it... If immigrated person is non-judaic originated must complete cources to be disher, even if man is professor.. But other immigrant who came from Warszawa and presented himself as academician, accepted to be professor wit´hout a true diplom.. If you criticize this dirty deal, riskable to be labelled that you collapsed on integration... - A kind of tregistrated psycho?
- Definitely!.. This is a kind nonchalanted crocodiles' market... The masters of this neo-liberal "smiling faced fascist process" show no pardon... Since many years the Swedish immigrant publications run by the fascist zionist readcteurs, collaborators and inseminate false imagination... This is a insemination what the Zionist Fascists do against thesecond class people in Tel Aviv... In SvekJa Kingdom, by this shurk-coup drivessame project... Look at these pages, even the Laponians counts like the second class people and never discuss serious their minority rights, work rights by the industrial investigations of Kingdom... They handled often like the Gypsies,more worst; they handled like prisoners on its own marks like the Palestinians who prisoned his own haoses there in the occupied Middle East... Do you discuss your rights here on Immigrant pages? Never... BOLDTs had easier credit opportunities by Sparbank and Nordea's Jew chiefs... Why? Because, BOLDT-gang is the best flexible which uses like a condom against Human Rights...According of these shurks there is no any Zionist Occupational Gang in the world, but Palestinians been counted as problematics... Palestinians described like the immigrants there, what the oppressed people behandles here in SvekJa Kingdom... BOLDT and her lapdogs manipulate the questions of immigrants and never answer thequestions although there is two pages for responses... - I know a Jewish paper in USA, redacteur send letters himself and replies later instead of the true readers...
- Similarly tactic!... What Big Brother do, Swedish hypocrites just imitate it... Not only this fetty imbecill's Sesam, all other creit-addicted papers administrations making copies of ordinary people's letters... mostly all these half-officially "Invandrar" publication industry "brain washing instruments on the immigrants" running on this line... what thelobbies, so-called "registrationsnaemnden" and the collaborators by the Swedish ministries like much and therefore pumping money.. - Now I have a little question; is BOLDT-gangs are Jewish originated... - More dangereous... Members, so-called "edsvurna" by the Zionist lobbies!...But how you guess about the origins of these shurks?!
- I am not so stupid although I like sometimes discuss football, too... - ...and maybe a private question, too!.. How you can be so close to Jolin!... - She like small and younger Africans like a tradition by the bourgeoisise fetties nowadays and it was plus point when she discovered I am from Ethiopia... - More question?
- No more, 'cause I have already all the answers on this area specially experiences by such kind of chiefs who need my massage... This is biology, too; bio-physique... - But why all these lobbies hate Rainer HOLM?.. Rainer is not immigrant.. - He registrated because of the critics againt the system and projects..
- What kind of system? Whose projects, whose rules?
- Kidding?
- ?!

- Different faces but same play on the dirty scenes!.. - That is right!.. Unfortunately, a crow goes but another crow comes... Betrayers love eacht other and they always have supporters by the financial lobbies... For example Sparbank, Nordea, Associates thieves Co, Citibank/CitiGroup, even CSN and other similarly zion-dominated betrayers, lean-mousetraps... - More dangerous than all other classical mafia examples... Because all these liberalized instruments have both legal and illegal leagues, different faces on the different scenes...
- Flexible fascism!..


- Not only this case and such victims, all the anti-imperialists are the potentially criminals, according to the registrators of lobbies...They are suspicious in all cases, on all the connections...
- They are suspicious perhaps only on our duties... Otherways I met an interesting gay, he talks perfect Persian like a true Iranian citizen, practiced around of Gulf... - DEHDARI? KAMALI? TAGAWI?
- Bijan FAHI MI!.. This gay, Persian Zionist case enough to explain any connections between many Swedes... Such "imported instruments" help to compare with the opportunities and benefits for example these persons systematically been discrimined: Staffan EHNEBOM, Jimmie ÖSTERGREN, Ahmed RAMI, Ernst Rainer HOLM (regime critic worker, disappeared in Gaevle city just after May Day 2003), Henrik WESTANDER, Osmo VALLO (murdered by police torture in Malmuu-city) and his prisoned brothers, Tony DEOGAN and Anders GUSTAVSSON (both murdered by system supported violence leagues and prosecutors didn't accuse anyone because these poor boys weren't from bourgeoisie cathegories in the community and both criticized sytem by any articles before), Bengt FREJD, Olof T. JOHANSSON, Sara LIDMAN, Calle HÖGLUND, Belay MEKKONEN, Hannes WESTBERG, Linus BROHULT, Sven WOLTER, Gunnar THORELL, Murat YILDIZ, Bodil Margret LINDQVIST, Staffan BECKMAN, Ísmet CELEPLÌ, Juan FONSECA (when he hadn't concern so intensive interest on money), Ditlieb FELDERER, Stefan HJERTÉN, Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV...
- Is it dangerous to have same name? - Very riskable!.. Nephew Stefan forced to be psyhico because one of the his relatives in Balkan were the anti-Zionist guerilla leaders... One of the guerillas had same name forced for Independent Makedonia and jailed by false accusations of two Jewish judges from Bulgaria just after 1945. Guerilla leader had no possibility to defence himself, Jewish judges published only the false accusations, including fictive movements who leaned weapon from Germania under WW II. Although many corrupted judges and prosecutors were the traitors, this power manipulated history; nobody succeed to choose what is right what is wrong by medial campaigns... Guerillas, like "Uncle Tcholakov" sentenced without any minimal evidence.. He died there... We see another Tcholakov in Scandinavia, immgrated, but pursued and falled in incredible troubles... This nephew TCHOLAKOV, "immigrated heimatlos Stefan" borned in 1944 as Dimiter, become a brilliant academical carrier in Sofia university and fleed to SvekJa Kingdom, completed 180 university points but prevented from work life, pursued, isolated, discriminated by the the Jewish registrators, lobbies, specially the collaborators of Clas LILJA "genetical-researcher Zionist clan" members in the Waexsjö city university... I can add other figures, too; for example the victims from West Front like Robert Malecki as true Vietnam deserter and as second category; Jan MYRDAL, Teddy John FRANK, Frank BAUDE, Peter BRATT, (his cell-shared-comrade Jan GUILLOU pissed off from lists because he is a multi-milliarder rich, reached to be droged creatur at last), Dagmar HAGELIN (been pursued by Zionist lobbies who collaborated with dictators of South America and murdered there by fascist military of ASTIZ.. Dagmar murdered because her father listed as Marxist and very interesting now, his family affected by persecution, all the relatives troubled similarly case and systematically hunting by the Zionist lobbies), Torsten LEANDER (only this one pursued person compensed as symbolic maneouver), Work Rights Fighters Jimmie ÖSTERGREN from Högdalen and his ombudsman Bengt PETTERSSON from Folks house Raagsved Ghetto district, Lilian GUSTAFSSON who is mother to Anders, 17, murdered by torture methodes of bulldog Anders CARLBERG's well-paid bastards at Fyrshuset trainee center in Hammarby bourgeoisie area of capitol. After that Anders CARLBERG been prized as Integration chief and poor mother Lilian still betrays by the Jewish manipulation center Expo's "professional liars"...
- It looks like a living history...
- That is right and tv redaction collected much more figures, the names of the victims, all the almost anti-imperialists...
- The "Human enemies" will not like to talk on such cases.. They hate the truth... - It's true!... The profiteers of system hate human being... We collected here hundreds of names... Count please the victims of Estonia ferry, which used to transferring the nuclear weapons to the West and sinked by an explosion; prosecutors hunted the criticer intellectuals not the criminal propagandists of Jewish DN-Expressen-Menorah falsificators nor the boss of weapon markets...... Why thus people counts in two different categories and what is difference between two oppressed or only been registrated followed people I don't understand... But you can notice much more if you visit Veritas Co. Veritas fraud league is a computer and distribution which serve the falsificators, Swedes call him "Jankele Pirat kopiormästaren!", means "Bitch falsificator masters' bastard"...
- What is common with all these plays? What is the connection but with our tennisplayer monkey?
- That is the question... They don't know anything and therefore we are on the duty, means their unknowledge is our gain...
- Game?!
- You need go to the ear specialist, my friend; Nordic climate is not fit to your upside... - ?!
- Please, my friend!... Take these coverages back to the archives!.. Explain nothing there, outside;please! I'll do tanksgiving because I have only ond year to be retired.. - Wait!.. Wait!.. My son and daughters already at AMS and their fiancees fixed places at Länsarbetsnämnden, Migration teater's integrationsverket.. It was difficult to be staff there, without any true exam, nor really job interviews... We mustn't leave their situations on risk!..
- ?!


- I witnessed any related cases... But a woman who formated this explain she was been guilt, instead of the suspected persons... Don't make laugh on such stories, please!... One of these writers named Bodil Margret LINDQVIST wrote a saga/story and faced PUL when the Evangelist coup of Swedish church spioned her... But folks insist to be solidarised with Bodil Margret LINDQVIST... Did you know, why? Resistance against discrimination... Saga on Ulf BERG , for instance, this saga is a strong file of Bodil's works... Saga-files are a kind of action; yes, I should remember that Bodil was VPK-follower rebel...
- VPK?
- Vaensterpartiet kommunisterna.. Main European leftist parties changed themselves but traditionally hate clans of zionist imperialism didn'rt change the persecution process on the antiimperialists...
- They hate human being...
- That's right!.. This is one of the reasons; yes, she was a famous member by Communist Party... There are any related explains on her own homepages what she been attacked and therefore cleaned many pages.. As a brand new example about the first story pages of Bodil Margret LINDQVIST:
- Bodil's ordinary corrected (nicked...) short reserv stories online; here, Bodil and her friends still inform community on true criminals, for example incest&pedophile figures:
- There are many solidaríty groups around such anti-imperialist figures for example, Solidarity Group, EDRI:
EDRI-gram against Echelon in Russisch language:
Solidarity in Scandinavia:
Juridical Solidarity in Bruxel:
The readers' notices to the story teller Bodil:
Bodil's close friend Comrade Jörgen "Snegroy" (second nick: Dr. ROBNSON) built a support page:
Individual Solidarity for example Anders R. OLSOON, struggles against corruptial authorities:
Individual Info Blog for example Bengt O. KARLSSON:
Official info pages, like German-spoken jurists in Belgique:
Individual Infor pages in German language, for example the site of Christoph Andersson:
Analysis by EU authorities:
European Court discuss Bodl-case:
Registration question, discuss by Britannian authorities:
Half-officially indivudual infos online, for example Taylor WESSING:
Governmental explanation of Swedish hypocrisy:
Free-researchers from Scandinavia:
Free-International researchers, like Sidley Austin BROWN:

    14th June 2005 - 05:09:36 PM    
20954 :

    14th June 2005 - 05:13:35 PM    
20955 :
shit ?

    14th June 2005 - 07:53:52 PM    
20965 : DD
what a waste

    14th June 2005 - 08:21:07 PM    
20966 : DD
what a waste

    14th June 2005 - 10:19:58 PM    
20967 : Neil
screech, i want to pee in your food and then watch you eat it. i will shit on your taint,

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