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    17th June 2005 - 09:58:38 AM    
22906 : RememberWhen
Screech, remember when that horrible 30-something hall monitor was ruling the halls of Bayside? Remember how you fantasied being RoboCop and kicking his ass? Remember how they cut the scene where your cyberdick entered his ass? Remember in the dream it seemed that in fact, instead of hating the hall monitor - you actually liked the idea of him having his wicked way with you? Remember how, after the show, he did? Remember how he remarked that your colon was fully diseased? Remember that he punished your rectum and then dragged you outside to get beaten up by his dad and brothers? Remember how the next day you realised the hall monitor didn't even like you in any, way, shape or form? Remember how he'd beat you off and beat you up over the next few days before he got transferred to Alaska? Remember how upset you were, nursing your black eye wondering who would tender to your penis eye - which the hall monitor stuck a pencil into before leaving as a memento to "remember him by"? You sure got leprosy that time!

    17th June 2005 - 10:06:26 AM    
22907 : World\'s Biggest Collection on the SELECTED XXX AN
XXX GUINESS AWARDS 2005///World's Biggest Collection on the SELECTED XXX ANNOUNCEMENTS (Guiness Record awards):
Chapter -I--


SweXXX A-Z cathalogues, famous whores of judaized ZOG-satellite SvekJa Kingdom///Swedish identified (masked-liberalized) Jewish Evangelian&Co. XXX markets///collected advertisements on the kinky XXX affairs of ZOG; half-officially whores of shurk-satellites


- "Israel's inrikesminister vill legalisera prostitution", rapporterar tv i den 6 july 2004: Den israeliske inrikesministern Avraham Poraz förordade idag att prostitution bör legaliseras i Israel. Han menade bland annat att det redan finns "en uppfattning att allting är tillåtet".

Redan 1978 föreslog en judisk expertgrupp som den israeliska regeringen utsett att prostitution borde legaliseras i judestaten. Förslaget förverkligades emellertid aldrig, men nu vill den israeliska inrikesministern alltså åter aktualisera frågan.

Majoriteten av de prostituerade i Israel är europeiska kvinnor som förslavats av judar. Enligt den israeliska lagen är det inte förbjudet att handla med icke-judar, något vita nationalister över hela världen protesterat mot, men även grupper som Amnesty International. Den svenska regeringen har däremot aldrig uttalat sig kritiskt mot detta förhållande när man diskuterat med israeliska regeringsrepresentanter.

Judar har historiskt var starkt överrepresenterade inom sexslavhandeln. Redan under romarrikets dagar anlade judar handelsstationer i norra Europa för att få tag på nordiska kvinnor som de senare sålde vidare som sexslavar i Medelhavsområdet.


- Här finns en dokumentar-film som visar att den "ancient market" redan full fart..
- Satellit-regimer, skurkländer som SvekJa Kingdom, utnyttjas som reserv-bordeller...
- Få se klippet!..

Mature söker hårdare XXX som man förstår, visst, det är den! Kom då!.. Brand New FREE *PICS* via snail-mail Come to me: Åhusvägen 21, 121 51 JOHANNESHOV, S. STOCKHOLM, Swe6land Same order welcomes by Samordnare: Monica Stenlåås och Hanna Zeland & Magnus Skagerfält Saftig (group pics on this line): Hanna ZELAND's collection so-called Evangelian XXX Church:

Dear Mr. Wetlay; come and fuck me&my dolls!

Marianne: Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:
Maria Berg's E.U.-Project Forum:
Zeland's family album-link is "Samlaget":
Marianne Berg

Mogen tjej önskar att tala om sex gärna i telefon...Nattkontoret ligger i Johanneshov, södra Stockholm som fullkomligt i drift hela natten, tack vare kunniga tjejer i den EU verksamheten... Jag vill tipsa om att knulla HELT GRATIS... Vem som behöver råd om sexuella tjänster och sugen att prata med en erfaren dam får ringa mig... Oerfaren man har förtur: Brand New FREE *PICS* via snail-mail Address: Marianne Berg, Åhusvägen 21, 121 51 Johannashov, södra Stockholm Ring: 08-648 15 90 eller besök mig efter 22.00 (via kodord: Ponce Magnus: 08-6003632) och kom omedelbart för att jag gillar mysigakvällar speciellt då ngt varmt i mellan ben... Jag själv var sekreterare&samordnare i Ingenjörsförbundet I felare år... Då fixade jag vissa förhållandena exempelvis jag samordnat Hanna&Magnus äktenskap att lätta arbeta inom den industrin... Magnus var min f.d. kopplaren I förbundet... Nu är mina samordnare är bl. a. : Monica Stenlåås och kopplargrannarna Hanna Zeland & Magnus Skagerfält Best referred online sites s.k. Marianne Berg's cumpage: Saftig: (one line add)
Molekyl 2.0:
Samlag favourites:
Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:
Marianne Berg ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Har ni hört grabbar, det talas om sexuella samhällstjänst!... Den här gången prövar jag helt villig för eran XXX skull!...Knulla mig! Helt gratis -samhällstjänst: Gunilla Brisgård, 08-6451746, 08-508 49 194, 08-508 49 183, Brand New FREE *PICS* via snail-mail Order form, distribution and visit address: Ljusstöparbacken 26A, 117 65 Stockholm.Här hittar du mig och mina dötar att servra på vilken tid som helst... Jag är här, Gunilla Brisgård, brist kåt o törstiga kåta killar tillfredsställas hos oss! Lösenord: Knulla Lustgård och fråga efter Gunilla egen tonen som kommer, då svarar jag omedelbart:, 00.46.8 508 49 194, 00.46.8 508 49 183, "Knulla Brisgård är bäst i test", uppger arbetskamrater som svarar sexfågor genom e-mail:,,,
Den bästa sitesamlingen som rekommenderar min verksamhet: Do you want to see the PICS of my sister; here: My outlowed sister Ewa Netanyahu:
RymdÄlgarna: Simpsala Elizabeth:
Sangberg Rally:
Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by us Brisgård Distribution in Scandinavia; read our best co-operated referred links:
Visit me at home for "mysiga hemmakarnavaler ordnas via kopplaren"; Bert Brisgård & Gunilla Brisgård, Ljusstöparbacken 26A, 117 65 STOCKHOLM
Tel. 08-6451746 Gunilla Brisgård __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am a passive gay, adored active big one!.. Gay looking for gay! Come to me to Sweden! I dream to lick your penis! Call me, man! Nights: phone: 00.46.8. 53184735 Days phone: My name is Halit Dogruel and e-posts of my ponces:


Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden: Sexual Message Forum:

Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by us Af-labelled Distribution in Scandinavia; read our best co-operated referred links:

Brand New FREE *PICS* via snail-mail Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by so-called Arbetsförmedlaren staff in Sweden:

Halit Dogruel

Kåt kille söker kåtare hårddings.. Norsborg (suburb), södra Stockholm Do you want to see the PICS of my sister; here: Lisa Moshedayan:
...and me, cheer!:

Halit Dogruel


Man söker man... Jag är en gift kille (det hindrar inget för att min fru från Kurdistan som en riktig ko hemma, undrar om intet) bor i Norsborg +40/186/82. Vill träffa en kille som tycker om tjejliknande bodyfigurer men är också nyfiken på sex med en kille och vill pröva allt möjligt. Jag ser OK ut, är slank och idrottar. ...väntar på ett seriöst svar. Diskretion självklart.
Bokning för eventuella träff: Hem (kvällstid) tel.08-53184735 Jobb (dagarna) tel: 08-680 94 82 Email går likabra genom två olika adresser som kopplats till mitt officiellt arbetsområde:
Rekommenderas av:ånadens-gay

Satan DMSD: Sex-Guiden: Sexigast: ÖN'are Finnish:
Pucko Magnus:

Independent MC:
Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by Af-förmedlaren Didson in Sweden:
Halit Dogruel

Det är jag, passive gay, heter Halit Dogruel som välkomnar aktiva gays i Norsborg (suburb)-SWEDEN d.v.s. man söker män... Min kropp som kategorieras "killtjejkroppen" saknar värme av hårda killar. Jag e sååååå stjärt-kåt å heter samma sak som du så ja undrar kan du knulla mig i röven?
Bokning för eventuella träff:
Hem (kvällstid) tel.08-53184735
Jobb (dagarna) tel: 08-680 94 82
Email går likabra genom två olika adresser:,
Rekommenderas av:

Utvaldes till månadens gay av Svd:
Samordnare: Mona Hallström tel. 011-36 13 63

Noga recenserade af links:
Peterix Planet: Olle:

Ebba: 1-) 2-)

Gävle Tjej:

Ann Stridberg: Barracuda:



Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by Af-förmedlaren in Swe6land
Halit Dogruel

FAMOUS GAY of liberal Markets in Swe6land-USrael...About me?.. Well, I am (already) Swede, was born in 1964, married with Susanne in 1986, have 3 children. as a hobby I realized the infilitrativ-provocative acts by the different religious fanatic movements. I practized & joked both by the Jews' and Christian (evangelist) sympathisers & sites... I took in proparly (in other word, misleaded) many of the judaic-reactionaries and both the idiotic-members of "Kristdemokraterna"-party & churches with my "mouse-trap" homepages for instance "Mission". It was easy to corrupt the Swedish firms like NUTEK, IDG for cooperation on Internet. The enemies desinformation actions collapsed many times by the way of my "hacker-friends"-circle.. Now, we are decoding thus how such enemies fabricates the realities, how they are spreading the lies and using the dangerous propagand- mechanisms like the "agent-provocators in the Livets Ord", "agent provocatörs-like me- in the Guds Ord", "judaic-semitic Fascist Neo-Nazis leagues", "judiska församlingar" Mo$$ad's E.U.- sections like "Judisk krönikan-redaction" , "Judaica-Foundation", "Judiska Center", "Judiska Libr.&Museum" (any virus' been sabotated) in Scandinavia etc. of FascioJews's gangs. Unfortunately, I remember only my mother... Who was my father, I didn't ask... My poor mother refugeed from Tel Aviv away to Europe (Scandinavia) because she was afraid of thus criminal-occupying gang. She didn't accept to join the criminal-Jews-thieves' regime and had any conflict between the thief-Neo Nazi collaborators' children like Barak, Netanjahu-Sharon etc. Tel Aviv was a hell for mummy. Between thieves, well, you suggest that there are live only for the bastards of Fascist dictators really children. The bastards of Zionist thieves living with hate, blood, drug, dirty money and calling all occupied places as USrael instead of Occupied PalestinE... As profession, I am working now with "Network Supervision" by Global One (a part of France Telecom) in Ronneby-town..

Look at me:
Peter Edwardsson

*WOW* Awesome XXX Hardcore SEX pictures and videos! A MUST see! ME, yes, from Karlshamn-city, Swe6land naturally!... We are happy couple Jews, (nowadays in) Scandinavia.. A new beginner couple, very curious and looking for new beginners! We, Peter Edwardsson och Susanne Edwardsson, Jewish Gay and housewife looking for both gays&lesbos!
Book By B.: Bosse: Bowling:
Gaevle Karate: Gunilla: John Huber: Juha Diver:
Svhing Klotterplank: (+very short) SM3CR:
Project XXX:

LinkTips af Mammele HEDENSTIERNA: Mammele's cheaper DVD-Distribution Partners-tips:


Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by Mission.Nu in Sweden:
Peter Edwardsson ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vi är ett lyckligt par som söker kåta killar...Som nybörjare drömmar vi om att suga tillsammans!..Pröva helt gratis!... Absolut roligare med oss!.. Kom utan tvekan!.. Besökadress för mysiga hemmakvällar: hos oss å knullventer: Ekbacken 13, 374 50 Asarum-KARLSHAMN / BLEKINGE Jag, Peter Edwardsson, född1964 växte upp i en judebordell fam miljö som alla smakat fritt alla gift sedan 1986 med Susanne. Har tre barn., som hindrar inget... Annonserar mest i Blekinge Läns Tidning men ändå permanent sugen att få känna nuya kukar m m... E-mail: och
Besök/videofilming/och par utbyteadressen är:
Ekbacken 13, 374 50 Asarum / SWEDEN
Recommended by these folks: Anna-Lisa Kindermann-Hult, Elisabet Bolander, Mattias Bengtsson, Carl Rudbeck, Johan Norberg, Fredrik Erixon, Dick Erixon (you know, actually Dick means Penis, härrligt namn), Kristina von Unge, Karl Bengtsson and m. m. who all together fucked the Edvardssons on the Hill of Smedje Backen, was wonderful funny!... Bordellen flyttade tillfälligt till:
Susanne Bodin Edwardsson & Peter Edwardsson
Citronv. 2, 175 57 JÄRFÄLLA 08-58039386


ManWhore: Nyhem:
Discuss by Fack Organisation:

Andrew: Shemale Swede looking for hardy: Peter Susanne

Jewish couple looking for pair who have no economic problem!..Action center XXX, settled in Karlshamn-SWEDEN.. Yes, Peter & Susanne Sexy couple for joyful life...Peter & Susanne Edwardsson söker män...Kille söker kille / par...
Peter Edvardsson, Ekbacken 13, 374 50 Asarum-KARLSHAMN / BLEKINGE Peter Edwardsson, föddes 1964, gift sedan 1986 med porrlolitan Susanne
Peter & Susanne Edwardsson
Ekbacken 13, 374 50 ASARUM 0454-329008
Bordellen flyttade tillfälligt till:
Susanne Bodin Edvardsson & Peter Edvardsson
Citronv. 2, 175 57 JÄRFÄLLA 08-58039386

Recommended by links:

Samordnare: Adrian Groglopo tel. 011-36 14 12


Motor City: Dino 6y00:
CS&Ama Norway: Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:
Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by Mission.Nu in Sweden:
Susanne Peter

*PICS* , films and more fun with me! Where and when you wish!.. I am Swedish Jew expert to lick the sweet dicks!.. Check my skills in your bed! FREE Pics available via snail mail, address available in phone cathalogues of Swe6land:

Rose-Marie Egberth

Hungarian Jew hallick i tjänsten av svenska marknadens förfogan , erjuder exklusiva albumet s.k. "Brand New FREE *PICS* of Lucy and VilmosX2. XXX services at home in the suburb of Hagsaetra / Swe6land That's right... We are really dreamer Hungarian Jewish mature couple looking for exciting body contacts! Brand New FREE *PICS* via snail-mail... Visit address: Vilmos Rényi och Lucy Rényi, Hagsätra
Torg 21, 124 73 BANDHAGEN / Swe6land Booking phone: 01 36
Best for XXX test comments Hans W. Levy
Recemmmended even by the other liberal experts: Start XXX:
SameOrdner&distributions and sexassistances:
Matthew Acksplutter:Vuckloves Renyi
Come just tonight! 01 36
Andra kunder som rekommenderar mig bl. a.: Hello, My name is John Heflin, I'm from the united states and customer of Hungarian Jews... I'm just looking for other things like information about regional and national games\events. Specifically if charity events are held also at these events. Thanks,
John Heflin
Assistant Charity Director - Events
Kattcon spelligan i Katrineholm...
Snart slåss dörrarna upp för Kattcon, Katrineholms helt nya spelkonvent. Vil du resa till Hungarojudiska Vilmos-bordellen eller vill du arangera något går det bra att maila mig på:
eller gå in på vår hemsida:

Preliminärt datum är i slutet av denne månaden, dvs en gång i månaden skadar inget men glöm inte tillräckliga kondomer plus viagra.
SAS är bäst för knullas mest enligt Crew service:
Vilmos Gajzágó

Jewish mature looking for rich customers! Aktivitetsgaranti af sexläraren Margareta Holm. Gymnasieflickor eskorterar dig hela natten: Speciell lärare å sexindustrin: Ring och pröva hos förmedlaren Margareta Holm 08-508 49 204, 08-508 49 166
Samordnarens Webbredaktör: Sigvard Eklund

Dansdraget:Margareta Holm
Dj. Tracer:


K-Bar: Linda Halvarsson:

Storming: Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:
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Margareta Holm


Animal porn in Scandinavia...sheaper by Hajdyla clan members... It's cheaper; Brand New Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by Mammele Hajdyla&Hedmans Co. in Sweden: Film Distributionen 76 00, Adress Box 15125, 104 65 Stockholm (om du inte vill betala skatt): Tala med Lena Hedenstierna, Liselotte Videla eller Lena Björklund

BEST PICS of our Casino Massage Staff Girls

Shemale Swede looking for hardy:



Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:

BEST PICS of our Casino Massage Staff Girls

Hedman Göran&Hajdyla Katarina

Famous Jewish Hallicks looking for rich gay customers! before served in Chechia, BUT NOW WORKING here, in Bromma SWEDEN... Yes, Swe6land and it's me, Mammele and famoues relative Hardy love hardly just funny passive gays looking for active gays all over the world!
Casino brothel paradise; a new version of XXX announcements of CASINO collaborator houses (house -!!!-):... Bemannade Links which recommend us: Call us tonight for hot memories: 99 70 Feel free, visit us in the midnight, if you like to surprise me; please!
Directly action address: Tegnebyv. 65, 168 55 BROMMA / SWEDEN
We have animal-porn DVD produced at home; come and choose yourself!
BEST PICS of our Casino Massage Staff Girls
BEST PICS of our Casino Massage Staff Girls
Göran Hedman & Hardy Hedman ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jewish mature looking for rich customers! Aktivitetsgaranti af sexläraren Margareta Holm XXX Gymnasieflickor eskorterar dig hela natten... XXX Filial... CASINO-HOUSE and another announcement on the XXX Lines of Jewish Whore Clans who dominated Scandinavia... Speciell lärare å sexindustrin, framträdande producenten mammele Margareta Holm from SWEDEN: Ring till förmedlaren Margareta Holm 08-50849 04, 08-50849166
Samordnarens Webbredaktör: Sigvard Eklund
Dansdraget:Margareta Holm
Dj. Tracer:


K-Bar: Linda Halvarsson:

Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:
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BEST PICS of our Casino Massage Staff Girls BEST PICS of our Casino Massage Staff Girls
Swedish animal sex (farm/zoo) industry:
Margareta Holm

CASINOS at HOMES (feel yourself at home) XXX Services including Jewish Traditional Mastur-Massage Center by former Komvux Teacher, Mammele Holmberg.. Outlawed daughter can give hand for your special order:,,,,, Direct phone (Lena); 76 71 SWEDEN
Swedish Jew mature looking for friends, who have no any economical troubles! Inga-lill Holmberg from Paradiso Sexo Animalo SWEDINO
Knullförmedlaren Inga-lill Holmberg (f.d. Komvux lärare)
-förmedlar för nöjes skull: Besöksadress: Jungfrug. 48, 114 44 STOCKHOLM Nätterna får ni säkra chansen ha ett direkt svar: 08-662 26 35
Kvalificerad handläggare Samordnare: Khaled Assel Yep, Retired Mammele's CASINO-HOUSE and another announcement on the XXX Lines of Jewish Whore Clans who dominated Scandinavia... Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by Mammele Ingalill Co in Sweden:
Swedish animal sex (farm/zoo) industry:
Inga-lill Holmberg

XXX Lines of Jewish Whore Clans who dominated Scandinavia looking for new customers... Inga-lill Holmberg , in SWEDEN. Swedish Jew mature looking for men! Inga-lill Holmberg from Paradiso Sexo Animalo SWEDINO. Knullförmedlaren Inga-lill Holmberg (f.d. Komvux lärare), förmedlar för nöjes skull: Besöksadress: Jungfrug. 48, 114 44 STOCKHOLM Nätterna får ni säkra chansen ha ett direkt svar: 08-662 26 35
Kvalificerad handläggare:
Samordnare: Khaled Assel
Recommended by links: Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by me in Sweden:
Animal Porn DVDs always Cheaper by Mammele Ingalill Co in Sweden: Film Distributionen 08-615 76 00, Adress Box 15125, 104 65 Stockholm (om du inte vill betala skatt): Tala med Mammele Lena Hedenstierna, Liselotte Videla eller Lena Björklund

Inga-lill Holmberg

Swede Jewish GAY looking for new beginners&hot friends! Hagsätra (HaschCentra) SWEDEN Code-word Transferred Playman Kille söker kille... Brand New FREE *PICS* via snail-mail and visit address: Vilmos Gajzágó, Önskehemsgatan 8, 124 54 Hagsätra / SWEDEN 08-99 36 83, 08-56020717 Recommende by Lucy Rényi from same county, Hungarian dolly center:

Samordnare: Gunn Stenhammar Metdonaj tel. 011-36 13 37

My best referred link:

Do you want to see the PICS of my sister; here: Maria-Pia Boëthius Jr.:


Thomas LÖNNGREN: Vilmos Gajzágó

GAY Films & SVT archive center offer FREE examples...


Gay looking for rich gays!
Do you want to see the PICS of my first anal center; here: mammele XXX Ulrica Goldman:

FREE GAY FILM order address:
Rekommenderas av Neo-Lulu Mikael Jarnlo:

Tobias Hübinette

Japan Jewish mature looking for HOT VISIT who has no economic problem! Okazaki-city JAPAN
Do you want to share your experiences with a well-experienced poassionated mature?

My visit address/Anschrift: Mrs. Takako Inagaki, Aichi-ken Okazaki-city, Hora-chou Nishiura 4-6, Valuge N-2 , 201 444-0008 JAPAN Tel. 0564 (24) 0090 Fax.: 0564 (24) 3902


Annoncement / Bewerbung: Takako Inagaki, (42++, witwe)
Wohnort/Country: Japan
Beruf/profession: Aichi
I am 41++ year old mature who are working for a corrupted insurance company, which biggest tax-embezzler named THE YASUDA FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. JAPAN. I am looking for men in Europe, specially in Germany, 'cause men are well experienced there when I lick their penis entlang every holidays. If you would meet and passionate licking each other whole holiday, please send me e-mail.

Bijin Mature Club: Chinese Big S: Footballer:
Insurance Company:

Brand New FREE *PICS* absolutely only via snail-mail... Homepage:
Takako Inagaki
Takako Matsu: Takako Tokiwa:

A.Dragon Tagako:
I am looking for new friends if you like Japanese cunt!.. Tagako Inagaki, here: Aichi-ken Okazaki-city, JAPAN. Hi, it's me, Takako Inagaki from Okazaki. Do you want to share your experiences with a well-experienced poassionated mature?.. Come and cum me, just now!... My visit address/Anschrift: Mrs. Takako Inagaki
Aichi-ken Okazaki-city Hora-chou Nishiura 4-6 Valuge N-2 201 444-0008 JAPAN
Takako Inagaki,
Secretary at the firm Ricoh:
Ricoh Co., Ltd., Japan
cooperated with the Firm:
Takako Inagaki (M.S., AE)
Recomended by Deutscher Kendobund e.Vereiningung
NightFlight: Takako Matsu:
Takako Tokiwa:

Tagako Inagaki

African Jew boy looking for hot friends! Hiii, me, here your hot adopted ass figure, Mikael Jarnlo International Black Escort Gay Contact:,, Vill ni diskutera escort-priser, förslaget hänvisas till kassan: Eller vill du se mig bakifrån!. Varsågoda!
KnullCentrum (festen sker hemma hos Tostar ättlingar som adopterade Staffan) i Hägersten Sweden, får överraska och delta i festen utan bokning vad vi gillar, häftigt! Direkt knull på en gäng, den här fantasin förverkligas första gången i E.U. Action, Sir! Come and cum us & ass please!
Code: Adopted homosexual Ethiopian Negroe "pearl-star":
Har ni hört om afrikansk pärlan:
Vill du knulla en EthiopianTravestit?
Ring då: 08-6672476 , 08-331216 , 08-7777821
Rekommenderas af Links via Stockholm stads borgarråd Herr Cederchiöld, Ulla Winblad, Staffan Tostar & Bonet, adopted Jew travesti Amanda Fredricsson, Mattias från Uppsala
Sexual Pruty:Tostar

Do you want to see the PICS of my sister; here: Regina regelbundet bondagelover:

AdoptedBlack JewishWhoresMarket:

Backside foto:
Mikael Jarnlo

African Jew boy looking for hot friends! Come and cum me, just in Stockholm Swe6land.

Actually I am from South Korea but clever like an Jewish African and my "ponces" are always Africans... You can meet me via International Black Escort Gay Contact:,, Wish you discuss about the gay-escort-prices; suggestions, please to the master:, Fucking&Joy center (festival arranged by the Tostar-adoptation commerce family's home) in Hägersten, Sweden. Maybe you'll like surprise us and visit just without any info, it'll be funny! Directly action, fuck and cum, free! First experince free of costs only by us in whole E.U.; so lovely sperm-supremacy! Action, Si

    17th June 2005 - 10:08:36 AM    
22908 : RememberWhen
Screech, remember how you walked in on Zack getting his first blowjob from Miss Bliss? Remember how Zack rugby tackled you to the ground and swore if you ever told anybody he'd break your collar bone? Remember in the heated exchange you felt his schlong against yours? Remember how you offered your ass as compensation which he took up? Remember how he said to close your eyes? Remember as he began to pencil you in you thought you'd have a quick gander? Remember your shock as you saw Miss Bliss boning you with a strap-on whilst being filmed? Remember how Miss Bliss got fired the very next day for unrelated reason? Remember how sorry you felt but couldn't give a shit? Remember how she tracked you down and broke one of your jaw, exclaiming "Take that, jerkweed.." Remember how she brought her boyfriend to rape your ass, remember how your ass ached for days after that?

    17th June 2005 - 10:15:06 AM    
22909 : RememberWhen
Screech, remember how you decided to track down Mr Miyagi from Karate Kid to learn Karate? Remember how he insisted on getting blatoed before teaching you anything? Remember how he insisted on calling you Daniel, regardless of how many times you protested? Remember how, in his broken english, he used to say "Daniel-san, you know you built like Miyagi's first wife?" or "Daniel, take off trousers, I show you gut hand technique" or "Daniel, Miyagi show you how to get out of anal rape situations" or "Daniel, sometime Miyagi get wet dream about yew" or "Daniel, Miyagi like putting chopstick up ass" or "Daniel-san, first sand floor, paint house, suck kock - d'en learn Karate"... Remember how after many months you learnt jack all but ended up feeling Miyagi's super secret special ass technique? You sure got anally raped that time boy.

    17th June 2005 - 01:56:55 PM    
22910 : Varför inte ge samerna ett eget autonomt område? U
Varför inte ge samerna ett eget autonomt område? USA är ju ingen stat baserad på en etnisk grupp och många städer har ju faktiskt namn som bevittnar om att de är europeer som grundat dem. Tex New York, det är väl, om jag inte är helt ute och cyklar, engelska York. Amerikanska Philadelphia, är en från början en stad i Turkiet, innan vi turkar kom och började bråka och skulle sätta igång våran förintelse av alla kristna spår! Berget Ararat har vi också lyckats byta namn på, Konstantinopel som var förknippat med kejsaren som ”kristnade” Europa har vi bytt till Istanbul.

Armenierna kanske har ett land, men om du varit i Östra Turkiet, runt Van så kanske du sett att det finns massa kyrkoruiner, minnesmärken etc. byggda av armenier som bott där innan vi kom invandrande från Centralasien och började förgripa oss på dessa som då haft över 2000 års närvaro i Anatolien/Turkiet/Armenien. Vårat folks bort är så grovt och att vi mörkar det gör att vi aldrig kommer till himmelen! Vi kommer att få dansa turkiska danser runt djävulens eldar, kanske…

Vem är det som drömmer? Du måste inse att Turkiet är byggt på moderna tiders största brott! Vi har mördat och skövlat kultur, människor och sedan har vi mage att säga att vi är stolta! När vi borde skämmas och beklaga vad som föranlett våran stats grundande och vad Turkiet fortsätter med att göra! Om du tror på fred, frihet och harmoni, borde du vara mer öppen för försoning i praktiken istället för att smutskasta dessa ord med din latenta fascistiska grundsyn som bottnar sig i okunskap, indoktrinering och brist på empati!

Det är skrämmande att det finns människor som lever i Sverige som inte har större respekt för de värderingar som landet uppbär, även om det finns brister. Och en ska är säkert: det är sådana som du som gör Sverige till ”blatteland” eftersom dina ideologiska perverterade tankar som hör hemma i utkanten av träskmarker förpestar de demokratiska grundpelarna som vi andra försöker slipa till en utopi.

Helt ärligt åt helvete med alla fascister/nazister, kommunister, radikala, kapitalister och feminister.

Länge leve humanister och Anatolier!


Från : Lelle
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-17 11:06:22

AA jooo då visst håller jag med dej..

Turkiet ska fr.o.m nu heta Anatolien
USA fr.o.m nu heta Nya Europa
Sverige --> Stor-Norden
Australien --> Stor-Brittanien

Vakna ut ur din dröm, "turken", verkligheten ser heeeeeelt annorlunda ut...

OM alla fick som dom ville, då skulle världen se heeeeeeeelt annorlunda ut.. Jag skulle vara en diktator i ett paradis, säg bahamas, och du skulle få ditt "Anatolien" :-p

Men varför skulle det representera bättre om turkiet hette Anatolien? Har inte armenien redan ett land att stoltsera sig med? I Sverige är nästan 1/3 invandrare.. Kanske skulle "Blattelandet" passa bättre än "Sverige"? Eller varför inte Sameland, halllåå glöm inte bort dom, svenskarna har ju kört över dom, men NEEEEJ där hör man inte dej klaga... Om du nu är såå mkt för rättvisa och demokrati, öppna dina ögon istället....

Love Peace and Harmony

Från : turken
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-17 10:24:52

vist prostitution är ett internatinellt problem, men man kan inte komma ifrån att det finns olika sorters prostitution. I svergie är den kanske mer drågrelaterad medans den i andra länder som tex. Iran kan till en stor andel kan bero på att kvinnor som är förskjuna från sina män inte har pengar att försörja sig. Men vist problemet är inte enbart turkiskt.

Och Baltaci Mustafa Pascha....
Behöver jag svara på ditt inlägg? En flagga är bara en flagga! Tänk på de folks flaggar som vi vanhedrat för att få en egen: grekers, jugoslavers, österikares, ukrainares, ryssars, armeniers osv.

Fög mig är en flagga inte en symbol för värdighet, utan en symbol för den ideologoiska synan på vad vi anser vara våran antions värdighet. Många av oss turkar har fått en parranoid uppfostran kring flaggan. Borde vi inte ha en neutral flagga och döpa om Turkiet till Anatolien. Det skulle bättre representera att det Turkiet för 90 år sedan var bebott av armenier (som vi mördade), bebos av 20-30 procent kurder och andra folk. Tyvärr har våra barbariska politiker inte lyckats assimilera kurderan och denna förlust måste vi inse. Vi måste kapitulera inför den nya världen och demokratin!
Från : Lelle
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 23:32:19

Jag vet fortfarande inte var du har fått ifrån att vi ska på en dejt.... Jag har redan en flickvän... :-P
Från : Baltaci Mustafa Pascha
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 22:49:30

N och "Turken", ni är bara för mycket alltså...
Från : ..
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 22:39:52

jag känner nuray körhan, hon är inte normal i huvudet.typisk adhd fall..hon borde först diagnostiserats och sedan vet vad man kan gå efter för att hjälpa denna kvinna.
Från : N
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 22:37:08

och du baltaci mustafa!du låter som en typisk hurriyet tidnings lever i sverige och här har vi rätten att säga vad vi vill oavsett om andra håller med eller inte.det verkar som om du fortfarande lever i 70-talets revolt turkiet då en massa studenter blev mördade pga de vill ställa sig upp och prata fritt. rättten att prata fritt är inte förolämpning utan en fullständig demokrati..så länge det inte är hets mot folkgrupp som skadar. du borde gå och slå upp ordet demokrati och se vad det innebär.
Från : N
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 22:32:25

till lena svensson..
aaaheem aheeem!! jag undrar om det ett typiskt turkiskt fenomen att kvinnor prostituerar sig?ärligt talat så tycker jag bara synd om dig som ser har ett sådant perspektiv på denna problematik som prostitution. varför inte kolla från ett bredare och ett mer objektivt perspektiv.kanske lite bakomliggande fakta(som är rätt så vedertaget) som härrör ur prostitution.
den största anledningen idag till varför kvinnor prostituearar sig är FATTIGDOM!!i och med att det knappt existerar sådan fattigdom i sverige som i andra länder kan det väl bero på andra omständigheter som har gjort så att hon hamnat i detta. vem är det som har sagt att gå och gifta sig med 5 olika män och skaffat barn med dessa, borde inte hennes första prioritering i livet att ta hand om sig själv och sina barn`?ärligt talat,jag är så arg att jag knappt kan skriva.amatörmässig, patetisk och inte allra minst obildad..det är hur man kan beskriva dig. du kan ju inte beskriva en hel anatolisk bys leverne och tankesätt bara genom att lyfta fram den här enskilda individen vars liv har gått snett. snälla!!

och du turken..jag hade faktiskt förväntat mig ett helt annat närmande av detta inlägg som tex att detta är inte typiskt turkiskt utan världsligt problem som existerar överallt, speciellt i de fattigare delarna av världen.

svensson, om hon prostituerar sig så är det väl inte kulu som är anledningen till detta.är det inte så att vårt socialdemokratiska folkhem ska beskydda alla utsatta...dvs förövare och offer??
Från : Baltaci Mustafa Pascha
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 22:17:00

Förolämpning av den turkiska flaggan, turkiska folket, turkiska folket och turkiska staten är inte demokrati. Om detta är demokrati är jag inte för demokrati.
Jag förstår inte varför admin inte har raderat följande inlägg från "Turken", skickat den 2005-06-15 klockan 19:32.04

Från : turken
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 20:29:56

reflektion över Lena Svenssons inägg:
Håller med dig om att Turkiet behöver en bättre politik mot landets kvinnor. Nyligen röstade man bort en lag som kriminalicerade otrohet! Turkiet går en balansgång mellan att vara ett modernt I-land och ett ocivlicerat U-land. Hoppas att det moderna krafteran vinner mer teräng snart! Patrasket som styr måste bort! Länge leve de upplysta och inteligenta! Förpassa facistera till sophögen!

Från : turken
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 20:25:25

Hur blir det med våran träff?

Från : turken
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 20:23:05

Till Baltaci Mustafa Pascha:
Jag tar ditt inlägg som ett hot! Vist har vi varit lite hårda på detta stället, men ingen har hotat någon! Jag tycker det är mycket lågt! Jag kommer inte tyssna, eftersom det är min demokratiska rätt att yttra mig! Och vad har du att dölja? Hur vi turkar behandlat armenierna? Varför är du rädd för sanningaen, för att dina föräldrar berättat lögner för dig hela ditt liv och för att dessa framstår i dålig dager då sanning och mer nyanserade bilder kommer fram? Skärpning! Vi lever i Sverige inte i ett U-land! Om du inte kan anpassa dig till demokratins spelregler kan du ju flytta till ett land som styrs av den diktator eller liknande. Men passa dig! Demokratin kan komma dit och ditt liv blir en enda flykt! HUr skulle det va, du kanske skulle känna dis som de syrianer, armenier och kurder som vi i Turkiet förföljt. Dock skiljer sig en sak: du kämpar för fel ändamål!

Från : Lelle
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 15:11:46

Lena, dags och ta en skrivkurs i svenska kanske?
Fattar inte ens vad du försöker komma fram till... Om det är om en prostituerad kvinna så har "ni" svenskar en heeeeeeel del själv att ta itu med...

Försök inte "lösa" andra folks problem om ni inte själv har gjort det.. Det är så typiskt svenskt...

Love Peace & Harmony
Från : Lena Svensson
Email :
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-16 14:56:05

Turkar borde hjälpa till sina landsmän som hemlösa och prostituerar sig exempelvis Nuray Körhan, vistas ofta i Södertälje polisförvar!

Jag undrar varför de turkiska invandrare såhär skrämmande sätt hänsynlösa när det gäller sina landsmän exempelvis finns nu fler turkar som hemlösa.. De borde hjälpa till varandra och rädda de mest drabbade bl. a. prostituerade...Häromdagen omtals en AIDS-smittaren, kvinnan som heter Nuray Körhan, låter pyskisk, ändå glad och billigt och därför är hon väldigt väldigt farligt... Kalla nätter snattar hon för att sova i polisförvar... Ursuprungligen kommer hon från Kulu och skaffade 5 barn av 5 olika män så att göra bra affär, fixa ta hit männen hit till Sverige... Men detta slags affär också bllev inte så mycket vinnande då två män, Ali och Nihat lurade henne för den lovade summan. Hennes två systrar också prostituerar sig i Skandinaviens olika städer, gator...pendlar mellan Köpenhamn, Malmö, Stockholm.. Turkar borde kämmas över sådana fall!


Lena Svensson
Från : Baltaci Mustafa Pascha
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-15 21:23:38

Vi behöver få tyst på dig din varelse, kom inte hit och skriv förolämpningar om Turkiet och Turkarna.
Från : turken
Email : not given/invalid
Datum/Tid : 2005-06-15 20:54:20

En nyu debatör! En som inte vill brottas med sanningen och lögnen, utan väljer den enkla utvägen - ideologin.

Vänner, vi behöver inga röda reolutioner! Vi behöver en orange i Turkiet!

Länge leve friheten & likheten, länge leve demokratin!


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Original version labelled as: "Forum för levande historia af nedtryckta samhällsklasser, diskriminerade sami-folket, utestängda intellektuella, registrerade revolutionärer, särbehandlade hederliga, oskyldigt dömda, icke korrruptsugna-icke prostituerade, utstta men ändå icke uthyrda, icke svansar och aldrig slicker judiska kapitalisternas skitiga röv och de allra tappra solidariserade bröder&systrar som motsätter sig den sioniserade imperialismen"


- Dear listeners, readers, tv-viewers! Welcome! A new saga is shining here... Brave people makes these forums available to encourage intelligent and open democratic debate platforms. Users are requested to participate in the spirit of good fellowship and tolerance. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of saga tellers.... "Living tales broadcasting" does not mean "fantastical fairy tales", but aims to offer a solution for "living questions of humanity" and one of them begins here, today's well-documented tales!.. Notice it respectfully, please; this is a SAGA; man don't need to be stressed... Avoid to show incredible angry attitudes or overwhelmed happy on such tales.. Test your self-control! Well, we are aware, there are a kind of interesting types, which fanatically programmed to see the similarly robotics and they can not accept the creative brains... Compare yourself with them! Take it easy; don't to be imprisoned of "mass-medial brainwashing campaigns"... In normally case there are different open-views, artistically creations, poetry, approximate to the social cases in community; listen to them... If you want to criticize these stories, feel free; do that!.. No doubt!. This is a form of literature to create essays; of course built a bridge to say out your opinion; do that, please!.. Other-ways, you will just a living witness here; yes, here seems many aggressive robotics making shit after my tales; let them stay on this page as my best evidence.. People needs such testimony; who tells saga, who has shit in his mouth; discover on internet around my saga texts... They are not only my enemies, because I have nothing private conflict with them... In fact they are the fanatical enemies of human-being; this is the question... My Grandfather had piggies at farm; all the animals had name there and selected examples prized by true ID cards... I see that Grandfather's true piggies were more respectable than human faced piggies&doggies... Let's these doggies shitting here on internet, mostly using false sexual announcements; let's people witness what a kind kinky planet the two-legged piggies dreaming.. Keep the evidences should be apparently pasted there on internet page, although it's not friendly; all after checking this attack it'll easier to struggle against thus kinky character, who beyond this dirtiness!.. Go on to tell what the newest!.. In fact, we have much more exciting broadcasting tournaments... You see; the fanatics of system are so eager to bite your heel.. No doubt, its typical attitudes of bulldogs and lapdogs of judaized imperialism... But criticism welcomes.... Of course there are different opinions.. Discussion is better than warplanes... Let's create new saga examples and try to build a wonderful socialistic saga-world for whole human-being; yes, for human, dear!.. Solidarity regards from saga-teller, additional works of studio-guests, followers on friendly tv channels...


Chapter -I-

"The Truth is Anti-Semitic, 'cause reel truth bases on the scientical reality and it must be dialectical materialistic, anti-imperialistic fundament"...


- David Botsford, dear; you had a radio program on this subject and ,many listener asked "if Jan Myrdal a Nazi?
- Is Jan Myrdal a Nazi?.. Hoh how?! I remember..
- Radio talks...
- Do you explain your opinions on this subject?
- With pleasure!.. It's better we listen together a clip which connected this matter... - Let's listen!..
- One of the ironies of our time is that just as technology makes it
ever easier to communicate ideas, the freedom to express those ideas
is being subject to continuous erosion. The world-wide spread of
electronic communications, and of the Internet in particular, is
progressively reducing the power of the state to exercise control
over the flow of information and ideas. In the years ahead we will
experience not only a dramatic increase in access to the Internet,
but also a vast extension of the range of material available on it,
which appears to be entirely outside the control of any censoring
body. Arthur C. Clarke, the distinguished science-fiction writer
and inventor of the communications satellite which largely made
these developments possible, said as long ago as 1983 that:

[T]he debate about the free flow of information which has been
going on for so many years will soon be settled - by engineers,
not politicians. ... No government will be able to conceal, at
least for very long, evidence of crimes or atrocities - even from
its own people. The very existence of the myriads of new
information channels, operating in real time and across all
frontiers, will be a powerful influence for civilised behaviour.
If you are arranging a massacre, it will be useless to shoot the
cameraman who has inconveniently appeared on the scene. His
pictures will already be safe in the studio 5,000 kilometres
away; and his final image may hang you. Many governments will not
be happy about this, but in the long run everyone will


- Definitely!.. These insights appear to have eluded the British government. On 14th
November, 1997, Saxon Burchnall-Wood, Noel Molland and Stephen
Booth, the editors of Green Anarchist, were each sentenced to three
years' imprisonment for "inciting their readers to carry out attacks
on property and acts of violence". Green Anarchist, as its name
implies, is a magazine which combines collectivist-anarchism with
environmentalism. It publishes a "Diary" section which lists
"direct-action" events worldwide, mostly without editorial comment.
These include "ecotage", a name given to such actions as the
disabling and damaging of property and machinery such as
earth-moving vehicles on the sites of new roads. The prosecution
successfully argued that by publishing such reports, the editors
were "conspiring to incite persons unknown to commit further acts of
violence". Other publications cited in court as examples of
"conspiracy to incite", which have not so far been prosecuted
include Do or Die, the annual publication of Earth First. The
magazine Index on Censorship described the Green Anarchist case as
"one of the most serious attacks for many years on press freedom in

On 27th April 1998 a trial will begin at Harrow Crown Court which
promises to be an even more fundamental attack on freedom of
expression. Nick Griffin and Paul Ballard, both members of the
British National Party, are being prosecuted under the Public Order
Act 1986 for publishing material liable to incite racial hatred in
the form of certain articles appearing in their magazine The Rune.
Griffin is the editor of the magazine and Ballard the distributor.
If convicted, they face a sentence of up to two years in prison
each. The case is currently sub judice, and the press has not been
permitted to publish any details of the prosecution's case.
Nevertheless, Griffin is distributing for sale an edited version of
the police audio tape of his interview while under arrest, and the
Director of Public Prosecutions has accepted that this distribution
is lawful. I have summarised the contents of this tape in an
appendix to this paper, and will only point out here that one of the
articles for which they are being prosecuted is one denying that the
Nazis carried out a policy of extermination of Jews during the
second world war.

The criminal offence of publishing material liable to incite racial
hatred was introduced under the Race Relations Act 1965. The first
prosecution was of Michael de Freitas, a Trinidadian Black Power
advocate later known as Michael X, who was sentenced to a year's
imprisonment for advocating the killing of white men who lay hands
on black women. In virtually all cases, however, members of white
racist groups, such as the National Front, British Movement and
British National Party, have been prosecuted and fined or imprisoned
for the breach of these laws. Subsequent legislation, such as the
Race Relations Act 1976 and the Public Order Act 1986, have
drastically widened the definition of "incitement to racial hatred".
Under the latter Act a two-year prison sentence can be imposed
merely for possession of literature wherever there is an "intent or
likelihood" of inciting racial hatred. In 1997 three members of the
National Socialist organisation Combat 18 were imprisoned for
possessing material which spoke of "the myth of the Holocaust" and
outlined the aim to "execute all Jews, who have actively helped to
damage the White Race and to put into camps the rest until we find a
solution to the eternal Jew". Libertarians are, of course,
totally appalled by such opinions, but would argue that putting
people into prison simply for possessing such material is a greater
evil than their possession of it (as distinct from acting in
accordance with the views expressed).

The British courts have so far ruled that historical arguments
denying the Holocaust are not a form of incitement to racial hatred
and therefore cannot be prosecuted under these laws. There was never
any indication that these laws were ever intended to apply to
arguments about history. Publications denying the Holocaust may be
lawfully imported, published and distributed without official
restriction. In 1996, Michael Howard, the Conservative Home
Secretary, negotiated an opt-out from a European Union agreement to
introduce laws to criminalise Holocaust denial. In the same year,
the Board of Deputies of British Jews called for the first time for
the introduction of such laws in Britain. Although this request was
rejected by the Conservative government, the Labour Party announced
in September 1996 that it intended to make Holocaust denial into a
criminal offence, punishable by two years' imprisonment. The Sunday
Times reported that

Jack Straw, the shadow home secretary, is expected this week to
call for the outlawing of right-wing intellectuals and political
campaigners who claim the Holocaust never happened or was unknown
to Hitler.

The right-wing historian David Irving, who argued that the
diaries of Joseph Goebbels proved Hitler was unaware of the
extermination programme against the Jews, would be among those
facing possible prosecution. by the London-based Holocaust
Educational Trust.

Janice Lopatkin, spokeswoman for the trust, said:

There is a gap in the legislation because courts do not regard
Holocaust-denial material as insulting to Jews.

Lord Merlyn-Rees, former Labour Home Secretary, said:

It is wrong to deny the Holocaust. It is done for anti-semitic
reasons and it should be made a criminal offence.

This is the same politician who, as Home Secretary in 1977, refused
to ban the National Front march through Lewisham on the libertarian
grounds that the NF had the right to freedom of speech. That march
ended in the most ferocious street battle seen in Britain since the
1930s. If his Lordship was then so committed to the principle of
freedom of speech that he authorised the NF demonstration, and
police protection of that demonstration, despite the known risk of
violence, we are entitled to ask why he now calls for the
introduction of laws which would imprison people for two years
simply for expressing an historical opinion which differs from his
own. Between the Home Office and the House of Lords, he seems to
have taken a detour to Damascus.

A Labour Party spokesman said:

We already accept that there are limits to absolute freedom of
speech, and Holocaust denial is often used as a means of
spreading anti-semitic propaganda.

At its 1996 conference, the Labour Party voted unanimously in favour
of a motion to introduce such a law. Tony Blair has made several
announcements that Jack Straw, who is now Home Secretary, is
exploring possible ways to change the law in this direction. In
1997, Mike Gapes MP (Labour, Ilford South) introduced a Holocaust
Denial Bill which failed because of the dissolution of Parliament
before the May general election. The introduction of this bill led
to considerable discussion in the media about the merits or
otherwise of the introduction of such a law. John Major, who was
then Prime Minister, Paddy Ashdown, leader of the Liberal Democrats,
and the historian Lord Russell all went on record as opposing the
introduction of such a law, as did Dr Anthony Lehrman, director of
the Institute for Jewish Policy Research. No proposals have been
heard so far since Labour took office about any legislation which
would curtail or prohibit the right to deny the Holocaust.

Nevertheless, if in the forthcoming Rune trial Griffin and Ballard
are successfully convicted of "incitement to racial hatred" simply
for making an historical argument that the Holocaust never happened,
then such a conviction would establish a very ominous precedent from
the point of view of freedom of expression. It would mean that the
distribution of any publication denying the Holocaust could suddenly
be deemed illegal and liable to prosecution, and thus be effectively
prohibited. The way in which law works in Britain would mean that
once a court had ruled that Holocaust denial per se is a form of
"incitement to racial hatred", it would mean that any person who
denies the Holocaust could receive up to two years in prison. Such a
change to the law would be the first time in which it has ever been
a criminal offence in Britain to express an opinion on an historical
subject. And this change in the law would have taken place without
any public or Parliamentary discussion of its nature and


- I am not a Nazi, ordinary Christian, example... But the liars label everyone if man talks on the truth.. The purpose of the present paper is not in any way to defend. Holocaust denial, but simply to give an accurate description of what
it is and what it is not, and to describe efforts in other countries to use the law against it. I will then put forward an argument, based on the nature of historical inquiry, in defence of the right
of Holocaust revisionists (as they call themselves) to express their
beliefs without civil or criminal law being brought into action
against them. No part of this paper should be interpreted as either
supporting or opposing any particular historical or other idea,
except the universal right of freedom of expression and the free
market in ideas. I am essentially adding factual information and
arguments to the position already taken, as we have seen above, by
various public figures. My concern is that a form of censorship may
come in by the back door through the Rune case which would have a
devastating effect on intellectual freedom, the concept upon which,
as Sir Karl Popper and numerous other philosophers have amply
demonstrated, all human progress ultimately depends.

It is commonly believed that Holocaust revisionism is promoted
solely by neo-Nazis, racists and anti-semites. While such
individuals have certainly taken up such ideas and promoted them
extensively, they did not initiate them. Most of the authors of
books denying that the Holocaust occurred have no connection with
such movements. Paul Rassinier was a French Socialist Party member
and pacifist academic who was arrested in 1943 and imprisoned in the
German concentration camps at Dora and Buchenwald for his
non-violent activities in the French Resistance. After the war he
was elected as a Socialist member of the Constituent Assembly,
decorated by the French government for his work in the Resistance,
and went on to write a series of books denying that the Nazis had
carried out any policy of extermination in their concentration
camps. Some Holocaust revisionists are academics, such as Professor
Arthur R. Butz, associate professor of electrical engineering and
computer science at Northwestern University, Illinois, and Dr Robert
Faurisson, formerly professor of French literature at the University
of Lyons-2, who have simply published their considered opinions
based on the research they have carried out, and are not known to
have any political affiliation or agenda. The best-known historian
who has associated himself with these arguments is David Irving,
author of numerous books about the second world war, and especially
the Third Reich. In 1977, in his book Hitler's War, Irving argued
that Hitler knew nothing about the extermination of the Jews, and he
gradually became convinced that no such exterminations at all
occurred in the concentration camps. Another is a retired German
judge, Dr Wilhelm Staglich, who claims to have been stationed at
Auschwitz during the war, and who wrote a book arguing that no
exterminations occurred there. Another is Fred A. Leuchter, an
American specialist in execution technology, who visited Auschwitz
and wrote a report stating that the building presented to visitors
at Auschwitz as a homicidal gas chamber could not have been used for
that purpose. There are Palestinian, Moroccan, Saudi Arabian, South
American and Japanese Holocaust revisionists, as well as American
blacks associated with the Nation of Islam. In France, Jean-Gabriel
Cohn-Bendit and Claude Karnoouh are both Jewish Holocaust
revisionists with left-wing political beliefs. Bezalel Chaim, of the
Revisionist Press of Brooklyn, is an American Jew who argues that
the Holocaust "myth", as he calls it, has created divisions between
Jews and Gentiles, encouraged a belligerent Zionist nationalism, and
is used to justify the Israeli oppression of the Arabs. (David Cole,
another American Jew, produced a video about Auschwitz which claimed
that no gassings occurred there, but has since recanted his views
and now accepts that the Holocaust occurred.) Extraordinary as it
may seem, the late Josef Ginsburg, a German Jew who spent the entire
second world war in Germany and Romania, and who was imprisoned in
several Nazi concentration camps, wrote several books under the
pseudonym J. G. Burg denying that any extermination of the Jews had
been carried out by the Nazis. Professor Pierre Vidal-Naquet, the
most outspoken French academic critic of the Holocaust revisionists,
states that:

In several countries ... revisionism is the speciality not of the
racist and anti-Semitic extreme right, but of several groups of
individuals coming from the extreme left. This is the case in
Sweden following the intervention on Robert Faurisson's behalf of
the extreme left-wing sociologist Jan Myrdal, whose intervention
was on behalf not merely of the man but, in part, of his ideas;
in Australia, following the action of the former secretary of the
Victorian Council for Civil Liberties, John Bennett; and even in
Italy, where a small Marxist libertarian group invokes its debt
to Paul Rassinier.

Other Holocaust revisionists are American libertarians who have
associated themselves with the Institute for Historical Review
(IHR), the California-based organisation which denies that the
Holocaust occurred, as well as promoting other revisionist views
about twentieth-century history. Professor James J. Martin, the
author of numerous studies of nineteenth-century libertarianism and
anarchism, as well as revisionist studies of the two world wars and
the cold war, and who has contributed three times to the
Encyclopedia Britannica, is closely associated with the IHR. The IHR
has published one of his books, The Man Who Invented Genocide, a
biography of Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term "genocide" to
describe what the Nazis were doing to the Jews in wartime Europe.
The radical libertarian Samuel Edward Konkin III is also a supporter
of the IHR, has spoken at its conferences and provided a platform
for Holocaust revisionism in his magazine New Libertarian, although
I do not know his exact position, if any, on the Holocaust. L. A.
Rollins, the American author of the philosophical pamphlet The Myth
of Natural Rights, which has caused considerable controversy in
libertarian circles, is another Holocaust denier. It is difficult to
classify Rollins' views in terms of conventional political labels,
but he is an anti-authoritarian individualist and certainly no kind
of National Socialist or fascist.

One of the most active American Holocaust revisionists is Bradley R.
Smith, a libertarian journalist and playwright who was convicted for
selling a banned erotic novel, Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer, in
his Los Angeles bookshop in 1960-61. In 1983 his play The Man Who
Stopped Paying, dealing with tax resistance, was favourably reviewed
by the Los Angeles Times, which described it as the work of a
"libertarian-anarchist". In 1979 he first became convinced that the
Nazi extermination of the Jews never happened, as a result of
reading an article by Professor Robert Faurisson which appeared in
Le Monde. He subsequently formed the Committee for Open Debate on
the Holocaust, and has promoted Holocaust revisionism on hundreds of
radio and television talk shows, placed advertisements in college
newspapers and spoken at universities throughout the US. In an
interview with the radical American publisher Loompanics Unlimited,
Smith explained his motives for doing so:

In 1960-61 I was arrested, jailed, tried and convicted of selling
a book banned by the U.S. Government, Henry Miller's Tropic of
Cancer. At that time the best people among the progressive forces
supported my refusal to participate in censoring Miller's book in
this country. Today it's the progressive forces who work with
such dedication to suppress the Revisionist critique of the
Holocaust orthodoxy. The progressive forces will go to the wall
for sexual freedom. What they balk at is free inquiry into the
foundations of their own world view. ... I reject the
authoritarian ideal in every form, but particularly as it is
expressed by the State. ... My interest is in the ideals of free
inquiry, an open society and, if you will, my own moral being. As
a writer, how do I stand aside from the issues that I see
corrupting public discourse, and thus the lives of my friends and
neighbors? As a man, how do I stand aside from them? ... Almost
thirty years ago, the night I got the word that a bookseller on
Hollywood Boulevard was going to be arrested and prosecuted for
selling Miller's Tropic, my first reaction was to remove the book
from my store window. When I went to the window to take the book
out something caused me to pause. ... The next morning I took a
walk along the Boulevard and looked over the display windows in
the other bookshops. Tropic wasn't in any of the windows any
longer. That was good enough for me. I went back to my own shop
and climbed into the window but I couldn't bring myself to remove
the display stack. ... That same afternoon I was arrested by a
couple of L.A.'s finest in plain clothes and the stage was set
for the longest civil trial to have taken place in the city up to
that time.

It wasn't First Amendment idealism that made it impossible for me
to remove Miller's book from my window. ... It made me ashamed to
think of removing a book from my displays that I respected and
that I had gotten so much pleasure and encouragement from. ...
[W]hen the State put me to the test to declare myself publicly, I
chose my heart's desire hands down and told the State to shove it
along. ... I feel something similar for Revisionist scholarship.
While I have no love for the work, to not stand up for it now
that I know what it is would make me ashamed. That's why I can't
"just drop the subject." Hostility is easy to face when the
alternative is shame.


It is worth pointing out here why some libertarians and others who
have no connection with fascist or anti-semitic movements are
interested in Holocaust revisionist arguments. Although libertarians
do not agree with each other on all issues, libertarians could be
defined as believers in the value of individual freedom, property
rights, a legal and economic system which enables the voluntary
exchange of property rights in a free market, voluntary rather than
coerced cooperation between individuals and groups within society,
and the reduction of the interference of the state in the economy
and life of the people. Although these ideas go back many centuries,
the contemporary libertarian movement emerged in the United States
in the post-war period, and clearly differentiated itself from
conservatism in the 1960s. Since 1941, American foreign policy has
been based on the principle that the US government has an obligation
to intervene in the internal affairs of all countries of the world
on a massive scale in order to promote such concepts as "democracy",
"Americanism", "freedom", "anti-fascism", "anti-colonialism",
"anti-communism", "anti-terrorism", "anti-apartheidism",
"self-determination", "economic development", "the new world order",
"the war on drugs", "the survival of Israel" and several dozen other
ideas developed at places like Harvard University and the State
Department. In order to advance these concepts, young Americans,
many of them conscripts, have been sent out to kill or be killed in
various wars throughout the world, and hundreds of thousands have
lost their lives. In addition, US foreign policy has destroyed
political and economic systems, such as the European colonial
empires, which, while by no means perfect, certainly functioned far
better than the "national independence" which has followed them. The
American taxpayer has paid hundreds of billions of dollars in
"economic aid", "dev-elopment aid" and "military aid" to governments
throughout the world, and also to revolutionary movements which the
US government considers to be more "pro-Western" or "democratic"
than the government in power. It has actively attempted to re-shape
the political and economic systems of nations throughout the world,
in a process which would end, presumably, only when every corner of
the earth from Paris to the interior of Papua New Guinea is an exact
replica of Madison, Wisconsin. Perhaps the most succinct and
perceptive commentary on this policy was given by Hadj T'hami el
Glaoui, pasha of Marrakesh, in 1944:

American policy today stirs up everything and settles nothing.
The result is that it creates a void, opening the way to new
tyrannies instead of new freedoms. At the bottom of America's
attitude is the assumption that all the world wishes to be
American. And that assumption is false.

Now libertarians argue that massive government intervention in the
economy and life of the United States has produced a lengthy series
of economic and social disasters. Most American libertarians would
argue that the US government is just as disastrous, if not more so,
when it intervenes in the economy and life of other countries. They
ask how American conservatives can complain about the intervention
of "big government" at home while enthusiastically supporting the
intervention of that same government in every other country on the
surface of the planet. Most American libertarians argue for a
non-interventionist foreign policy in which the US enjoys good
relations with all other countries without in any way interfering in
their internal affairs. Those individuals in other countries who
want to become Americans are free to apply at the US embassy to
emigrate there. Those who are quite happy to remain Bhutanese in
Bhutan, Bedouins in the Middle East, or whatever, should be left in
peace, and if their economic, social and political systems differ in
certain respects from those of the United States, no American should
stay awake at nights worrying about the fact.

Those American libertarians who argue in this manner are interested
in critically examining the governmental and non-governmental
propaganda which has been used to justify American global
interventionism in peace and war. They are therefore open to
historical studies which demonstrate that what governments have said
about these interventions has not always accorded with the facts.
Such historical studies, they believe, can help Americans to learn
from the past and to develop a foreign policy which is more in
accordance with the interests of the American people and of the
stability, peace and prosperity of the entire world. (And what is
true of America is also true, to a great extent, of Britain and
other Western countries.)


The term "revisionism" referred originally to that school of
historical inquiry which sought to re-examine the origins of the
first world war at the end of that conflict, in the light of new
documents and interpretations which had become available. The first
revisionist work on the conflict was How Diplomats Make War (1915),
by Francis Neilson, a pacifist British MP who resigned his seat in
1914 when the British government decided on war and wrote the book
in order to expose the real origins of the conflict, as opposed to
the government's propaganda line for public consumption. After the
war, a number of American historians, beginning with Sidney B. Fay
in 1920, examined the available diplomatic papers, and in particular
the documents which had recently been published by the German,
Austrian and Soviet governments, relating to the outbreak of war in
1914. They concluded that responsibility for the war lay with
Russia, Serbia and France, and to some extent the actions of the
British foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, who failed to take
action to stop the drift to war, and not with Germany and

The revisionist history of the first world war was of more than
purely academic interest. The American intervention in that war in
1917 marked a monumental departure from the traditional American
policy of non-intervention in the quarrels of European countries,
which had been the guiding principle of US foreign policy since the
days of Washington and Jefferson. This policy was only breached when
the United States attacked Spain after the American warship the
Maine was sunk by an mysterious internal explosion in Havana harbour
in 1898. In 1917, Woodrow Wilson, rather in the manner of Pope Urban
II in 1095, preached a great crusade, not to free the Holy City of
Jerusalem from the Moslems, but to fight a war to end wars, to save
civilisation and to make the world safe for democracy. Revisionists
considered such a transformation of American foreign policy to be an
important subject for historical examination.

Also, the Treaty of Versailles (1919) had included an article which
affirmed that Germany was solely responsible for the outbreak of the
war. The Weimar government signed the treaty against enormous
domestic opposition, and only because the British navy was
maintaining a blockade of Germany that had led to the death by
starvation and disease of tens of thousands of children after the
Armistice of 1918. The treaty imposed extremely harsh measures on
this basis, including the transfer of a large proportion of German
territory and people to the rule of foreign states such as France
and Poland, and the requirement to pay vast sums of money in
financial reparations to France and Belgium. By challenging the
claim of sole German responsibility for the outbreak of war, the
revisionist historians were undermining the credibility of
Versailles and strengthening the case for revision of the entire
settlement. This case was put forward not only by Germans of all
political persuasions, but also by the Soviet Union and the
political "left" and "centre" in most Western countries. In books
such as The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1920), for example,
John Maynard Keynes exposed the economic and political dangers to
Europe of the vindictive terms of Versailles.

The historian who took the lead in addressing the Kriegsschuldfrage
was the distinguished American scholar Harry Elmer Barnes. Barnes'
magnum opus is generally considered to be the three-volume
Intellectual and Cultural History of the Western World, a landmark
in historical scholarship as well as an essential libertarian text
on account of its orientation in favour of intellectual and cultural
freedom. Before the United States entered the war, Barnes was an
outspoken advocate of intervention. When Woodrow Wilson declared war
on Germany in 1917, Barnes was recruited by the US government into
its propaganda operation, and was noted for the zeal with which he
promoted the Allied cause and denounced the Boche in that capacity.
After the war, however, he examined the documentary evidence on the
origins of the war and wrote a series of publications which argued
against German responsibility for the outbreak of that conflict. In
books such as Genesis of the World War and In Quest of Truth and
Justice, he argued that Serbia, Russia and France were primarily
responsible. In the 1920s, revisionist arguments achieved enormous
international influence, and Barnes travelled to Europe, where he
established links with European revisionists and even had an
audience with the former Kaiser. By 1930, revisionist arguments had
attained general acceptance in both Europe and the US, and had
contributed significantly to the desire of Americans to stay out of
any future foreign conflicts. Nevertheless, although the financial
reparation terms of Versailles were somewhat modified, the revision
of the territorial terms was not addressed at all. In 1930 Barnes
urged an immediate revision of Versailles in order to forestall the
rise of Adolf Hitler. He wrote:

The gains of the Hitlerites and other German nationalists
indicate that Europe cannot safely go on basing its diplomacy on
this absurd lie which never could have been solemnly maintained
except in the fog of wartime hatred which held over into
1918-1919. In 1927, von Hindenburg asked Europe in conciliatory
tones to investigate the facts of war guilt. In 1930, friends of
peace in Europe are appealing to Hindenburg to save them from
Hitler. What will be happening in 1933 if the spirit of Lloyd
George, Clemenceau, and Poincare still rules Europe?

Barnes' call was ignored. Hitler came to power and began taking
vigorous steps to revise the Versailles settlement. The British and
French governments, which were later condemned for carrying out a
policy of "appeasement" of Hitler, were simply granting him what
every German government from 1919 to 1933 had asked for, and been
refused, by those same governments.


With the increasing threat of war in the late 1930s, and especially
after the outbreak of the European conflict in 1939, Barnes was an
outspoken opponent of US intervention. In his nationally-syndicated
newspaper column, he alerted Americans to the danger of involvement
in the war. In 1940, heavy pressure by pro-war interest groups was
brought to bear on his employers, who dropped Barnes as a columnist
in order to avoid a ruinous advertising boycott. After the second
world war, Barnes became the leader of the historical revisionist
school relating to that conflict. He raised funds in order to
finance the research, writing and publication of books addressing
different aspects of the 1939-45 war, and assembled scholars
throughout the US and western Europe to carry out this work. In
addition, Barnes edited Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, a major
collection of revisionist essays on the Roosevelt-Truman foreign
policy, and produced a series of pamphlets critically reviewing what
he called the "court historians", those scholars who were paid vast
sums by governments and semi-official institutes to produce works
which were no more than ex post facto justifications of government

In the United States, revisionist historians, who included the
distinguished Charles A. Beard, produced studies of the diplomatic
history which led to American intervention in the war in December
1941. The Roosevelt administration had claimed that it had done
everything in its power to keep the US out of the war, until it was
subjected to a treacherous and unprovoked attacked by the Japanese
at Pearl Harbor. The revisionists argued that Roosevelt had in fact
been actively doing everything in his power to involve America in
the war from 1939, or even as early as his "quarantine the
aggressors" speech of 1937. However, he had to do so serruptitiously
because of the strong non-interventionist sentiments of the American
people. Other writers, including George Morgenstern, Admiral Robert
Theobald, John Toland and Barnes himself, argued that the Roosevelt
administration had deliberately provoked the Japanese into attacking
Pearl Harbor. They argued that the freezing of Japanese assets in
the US in July 1941 and the subsequent cutting off of oil supplies
put the Japanese into a position where they had no alternative but
to strike at the US. They claimed that the administration had known
in advance that the attack was due, as the Japanese code had been
deciphered, and had deliberately withheld that information from the
commanders at Pearl in order to ensure the maximum loss of life and
therefore be sure of obtaining a declaration of war from Congress.
Indeed, I have heard that a researcher in the US National Archives
has recently discovered a German intelligence transcript of a
wiretap of a telephone conversation between Roosevelt and Churchill
discussing the forthcoming attack on Pearl several weeks before it
actually took place.

The definitive revisionist study of the outbreak of war in Europe in
1939 was The Origins of the Second World War (1961), by the
distinguished historian A. J. P. Taylor, of Oxford University.
Taylor challenged the generally-held myth that in the 1930s Hitler
had rapidly re-armed Germany and carried out a master plan for the
conquest of Europe which would inevitably lead to war. Taylor
demonstrated that Hitler had hardly re-armed at all until 1936, and
then did so no more rapidly than other European powers. Although he
was determined to revise the terms of Versailles, he merely
responded to situations such as the Austrian and Sudeten crises of
1938 and the Polish crisis of 1939 as they arose, and acted in just
the same manner as any other great power did. He had no plan for
war, and, indeed, wanted to achieve the revision of Versailles while
avoiding it. When war broke out, it was a result of various
miscalculations by several powers during the Polish crisis, in which
Hitler was trying to recover the German city of Danzig from Poland
by negotiations. The myth of a Nazi master plan for world domination
was dead. Taylor was highly amused by the wailing and gnashing of
teeth which followed the publication of his book, which included
claims that he was some sort of Nazi apologist. An entertaining
incident is related in Adam Sisman's biography of Taylor:

When Alan flew to Munich for another televised debate ... the
taxi-driver who drove him in from the airport queried whether he
knew a certain Englishman called A. J. P. Taylor. Alan was taken
aback; he explained that he knew him well, being himself A. J. P.
Taylor. The taxi-driver stopped in mid-traffic, explained that he
had been part of Hitler's SS bodyguard, and extended a hand to
congratulate Alan for proving that Hitler had not caused the War
after all.

Of course Taylor was no kind of a Nazi sympathiser. In private life
he was a socialist whose political views approximated to those of
the left wing of the Labour Party. But he kept his personal opinions
separate from his professional historical work. His approach to
history was a simple one:

There is only one profound responsibility on the historian, which
to do his best for historical truth. If he discovered things
which were catastrophic for his political beliefs he would still
put it in his books. He has no responsibility whatsoever to
fiddle the past in order to benefit some cause that he happens to
believe in.

Taylor was scathing about the "court historians" who were employed
by governments and semi-official institutions. He described Between
War and Peace, by Herbert Feis, a former US State Department
employee, as "a State Department brief, translated into terms of
historical scholarship". He said that:

Dr. Feis's conclusions were not derived from the evidence; they
were assumed as self-evident before the book was begun.

Taylor concluded:

The academic historians of the West may assert their scholarly
independence even when they are employed by a government
department; but they are as much `engaged' as though they wore
the handsome uniform designed for German professors by Dr.

Other British revisionists, such as Emrys Hughes, David Irving and
John Charmley have produced critical studies of the policies of
Winston Churchill before and during the 1939-45 war which tend to
undermine the popular image of Churchill as a national and world
saviour. They have argued that his policies ruined Britain and its
empire, and that his behaviour did not display the heroic
characteristics presented in the mythology. For example, Irving has
demonstrated that during the Blitz, which Churchill had himself
provoked by his continuous bombing of German cities, in breach of
international agreements, Churchill knew in advance from
intelligence sources when German air raids on London were due. He
left for the countryside on those dates, only to return later and
tour the bomb sites for the benefit of the newsreels and press

In the 1960s, several American "new left" revisionist historians,
such as William Appleman Williams and Gabriel Kolko, produced
studies arguing that US foreign policy during the second world war
aimed at extending the economic, military and political power of the
United States over the world, at the expense of other powers, and
was not the altruistic "crusade for democracy" of wartime
propaganda. The work of these historians was a milestone in the
development of 1939-45 revisionism, in that criticism of the
Roosevelt administration's wartime foreign policy had hitherto been
something of a taboo subject among American scholars of the
political "left" and "centre".

The background to the outbreak of war between Germany and the Soviet
Union in June 1941 has also been the subject of revisionist inquiry.
Professor Ernst Topich, an Austrian philosopher, and Victor Suvorov,
a Soviet defector who had access to first-hand Soviet material, have
both written books arguing that Stalin was massing colossal military
forces on his western borders in the spring of 1941 in preparation
for an invasion of Germany in the summer of that year. Topich and
Suvorov argue that Hitler's Operation Barbarossa aimed to pre-empt
this threat before it was too late, and was not the culmination of
any long-term plan.

Other revisionist studies critically examined the "unconditional
surrender" doctrine upon which Roosevelt insisted from January 1943,
which, it is argued, undermined the position of the anti-Hitler
plotters in Germany, extended the war's duration, death toll and
destructiveness, and eliminated Germany and Japan as bulwarks
against the expansion of Soviet and Chinese communism. Vast
Anglo-American material assistance was handed over to the Soviet
Union without any conditions relating to the future of the eastern
European nations, which ended up under Soviet rule for over 40

Revisionist scholarship has also examined Allied atrocities. During
the war, some 500,000 to 1 million Soviet citizens fought as part of
the Wehrmacht and its auxiliaries, and toward the end of the war a
Russian Liberation Army was set up under General Vlasov, who had
been captured by the Germans in 1942. Other Soviet citizens went
over to the Germans as forced or volunteer labourers and prisoners
of war. After the war, the British and US authorities forcibly
repatriated some two to three million Soviet and Yugoslav citizens
who had surrendered to the British and Americans in return for
guarantees that they would not be sent back. These people were then
either murdered by the NKVD or Tito's communists, or sent to the
slower death of the Gulag archipelago.

F. J. P. Veale, A. J. P. Taylor and others have demonstrated
conclusively that Britain, and not Germany, initiated the aerial
bombing of civilians in 1940, in breach of binding international
agreements and centuries of European practice. The Lindemann Plan,
which was formally adopted by the Churchill government in 1942,
called for the deliberate saturation bombing of German civilians,
and led to wholesale massacres in German cities. Martin Caidan has
demonstrated that the ten-day British raid on Hamburg in 1943 killed
a total of 60,000-100,000 civilians. David Irving has estimated that
in 1945 the RAF and US Air Force killed some 70,000-90,000
civilians, mainly refugees, in the raid on Dresden, a city with no
military value, war industries, or anti-aircraft defences.
Altogether, over 400,000 German civilians were killed by bombing.
For every British civilian killed by German bombing, nine Germans
died from Anglo-American raids, and for every ton of German bombs
dropped on Britain, 315 tons of British and US bombs were dropped on
Germany.18 Once American bombers were within range of the Japanese
home islands in 1945, the US carried out the saturation bombing of
Japanese cities. The attack on Tokyo was the largest air raid in
history, and pilots reported the smell of burning flesh two miles
above the blazing city. The only unusual feature of the raids on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that they were carried out with a single
bomb in each case. Gar Alperovitz, among others, has demonstrated
that the Japanese had been trying to surrender since January 1945.
The atomic bombing of those cities in August was the result of
internal US politics and inter-service rivalries, and completely
unnecessary from a military point of view.

Other Allied atrocities which have been studied by revisionists
include the Soviet massacre of 23,000 Polish prisoners of war at
Katyn in 1940, and the mass killing, rape, looting and destruction
which the Soviet Army carried out in its advance across Germany and
Hungary in 1944-45, including the deliberate sinking of German
hospital ships which were transferring refugees to the west. Such
atrocities continued long after the final German surrender, and were
deliberately incited by Soviet propaganda. The treatment of German
prisoners of war in Soviet captivity was so bad that only a handful
of them returned home alive, some as late as 1955. Other studies
have examined the forced expulsion of some 15 million German
civilians from their homes in the eastern provinces of Germany which
were ceded to Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union at the end
of the war. Somewhere between one and two million are estimated to
have died from hunger, exposure, and murder in the long march to the
rump of western Germany.

Revisionists such as the Italian historian Luigi Villari have
revealed that the Anglo-American invasions of western Europe in
1943-5 were far from the wonderful process of "liberation" displayed
in Hollywood films. In 1944, for example, a division of Moroccan
troops under the command of General Juin, of the Free French Army,
went on the rampage in the Italian countryside between Naples and
Rome. They raped 2,000 to 3,000 females aged from 11 to 86, as well
as some men, murdered 100 of the women and 800 men who tried to
protect them, destroyed 81% of dwellings and farm buildings, stole
90% of the farm animals and took virtually every valuable belonging
to the villagers.19 During the Allied "liberation" of Italy, the
American authorities closely co-operated with vicious Mafia killers
such as "Lucky" Luciano, who re-established the Mafia's death-grip
over Italy, which had been successfully destroyed by Mussolini in
the 1920s. In "liberated" Italy and France, armed communist death
squads roamed the country and murdered, with or without a show
trial, anybody they classed as a "collaborator", which included
anyone known to hold anti-communist opinions.

Revisionists have argued that the wartime German shootings of
civilians in occupied countries, harsh though they certainly were,
were a response to partisan warfare carried out by individuals
fighting in civilian clothes who carried out killings of German
soldiers and then blended back into the civilian population. This
form of warfare was expressly prohibited under the Geneva
Convention, which provided for a strict division between combatants
and non-combatants. The communists, in particular, engaged in such
warfare in order to provoke German retaliation against the civilian
population, and thus increase hatred against the Germans, which
would bring more recruits for the "resistance" movements. The
distinguished British military historian and tank warfare expert
Major General J. F. C. Fuller describes how the Soviet partisans

[T]he partisans were instructed to kidnap German soldiers, torture
them to death, and expose their mutilated bodies in places which
would incriminate the local inhabitants. German reprisals followed;
villages were burnt, hostages shot, cattle removed, and sometimes
entire districts in which partisans operated were devastated. The
results of reprisals were negligible, because all that the partisans
had to do was to move into another district and repeat their
devilry. But for the Germans they were disastrous. The peasants,
deprived of means of living and filled with intense hatred for those
[the Germans] whom they had welcomed as liberators [when they first
arrived in the Soviet Union], joined the partisans in tens of

Similar events happened throughout German-occupied Europe. When the
killing of their soldiers occurred, the Germans announced that any
further partisan actions would be dealt with by shooting ten
civilians for every German soldier killed. These threats were
carried out when partisan warfare continued in spite of the
warnings. The German response, ruthless though it certainly was, was
nevertheless carried out in accordance with international law and
the military manuals of all major countries. Exactly the same
methods were used after the war by the British in Malaya and Kenya,
the French in Indochina and Algeria, and the Americans in Vietnam.

The Anglo-American-French post-war occupation of western Germany was
inspired by the Morgenthau Plan, which called for the destruction of
Germany's industrial capacity and its reduction to an agricultural
economy with a greatly reduced population. Numerous accounts from
the immediate post-war period testified to the appalling conditions
of starvation and disease which had been imposed on the German
people through the post-war destruction of factories, mines and
other economic resources, as well as the deliberate withholding of
food supplies. Prisoners of war were illegally used as slave
labourers after the war, often in extremely bad conditions, or
deliberately left to die of starvation, disease and exposure in
prison camps without shelter. One can only imagine what conditions
were like in the Soviet zone. Only in 1948, with the growing Soviet
threat, did the Western occupiers begin to reverse the Morgenthau
Plan and replace it with a policy of German reconstruction. In his
recent book Crimes and Mercies, the Canadian journalist James Bacque
has claimed that, overall, as many as nine million Germans died
premature deaths as a result of Soviet and Western Allied occupation
policies from 1944 to 1950, but this is considered an overestimate.

The Nuremberg Trials, and other prosecutions of German and Japanese
leaders for war crimes, have also been the subject of revisionist
scholarship, especially in Advance to Barbarism, by the British
lawyer F. J. P. Veale. Revisionists have criticised what happened
when the Allied powers created a "court" with "laws" and "crimes"
invented for the occasion, in which judges and prosecutors both
represented the Allied powers, in which technical rules of evidence
did not apply, in which generals, admirals and diplomats were
imprisoned or even hanged simply for performing their normal duties,
in which sentences were announced in advance, and in which no Allied
official was ever charged with any war crime. Revisionists contend
that there was not a single crime proven at Nuremberg, such as the
use of slave labour, which the Allied powers had not also committed.
For example, Admiral Raeder received a life sentence for the
invasion of Norway in 1940, which, as the official British history
of the war has stated, was precisely what the British were preparing
to do before the Germans successfully pre-empted them.
Colonel-General Jodl was hanged primarily for being the most popular
and respected of the German generals. Joachim von Ribbentrop was
hanged for "plotting aggressive war" on evidence which could have
convicted the foreign minister of any major power. Field Marshal
Keitel was hanged for taking reprisals against civilians on the
Eastern Front of exactly the sort which, as we saw above, the
British, French and Americans carried out in various post-1945
conflicts. Rudolf Hess, who had tried to end the war with his flight
to Britain in 1941, received a life sentence (and supposedly
"committed suicide" under mysterious circumstances in 1987 after
Mikhail Gorbachev had agreed to release him). A. J. P. Taylor said
of the Nuremberg Trials that they were a "macabre farce" and that
"there are few episodes of modern history more nauseating".21 He
might have said the same about the trials of Japanese leaders at the
Tokyo and Manila war crimes trials, which were run on similar
principles. The Nuremberg Trials were denounced by numerous public
figures throughout the Western world. For example, in his book
Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy, later President of the United
States, praised Senator Robert A. Taft for his public denunciation
of the Nuremberg Trials while they were going on, and argued that
Nuremberg represented the Soviet idea of trials as an instrument of
government policy rather than of Western ideals of justice.

From a libertarian perspective, revisionists have also demonstrated
the drastic extension of the power of the state at the expense of
individual liberty which occurred in consequence of the second world
war. For instance, peacetime conscription was introduced for the
first time in Britain in 1939 and the US in 1940, and was continued
after the war. In Britain, fascists, suspected German sympathisers
and other opponents of the war, including Admiral Sir Barry Domvile,
formerly director of Naval Intelligence, Captain A. H. M. Ramsay MP,
and Sir Oswald and Lady Diana Mosley, were imprisoned without charge
or trial under Regulation 18B in 1940, in breach of the provisions
of Magna Carta. The Communist Party papers Daily Worker and The Week
were banned in 1940, and the anarchist magazine War Commentary in
1945. In the US, Japanese-Americans, whether immigrants or born in
the US, were rounded up and put into concentration camps without
charge or trial, in breach of the provisions of the Bill of Rights.
In both countries a vast range of "wartime emergency" economic
controls were introduced "for the duration" and continued after the
end of the war.

Revisionists have also argued that the trials of alleged Nazi war
criminals that have occurred since then have led to severe breaches
of the protections of the rights of the accused. The Israeli
kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann from Argentina in 1960 was a breach of
Argentinian national sovereignty, and Eichmann was tried before a
court which had no jurisdiction to try him, in circumstances in
which there was not the slightest chance of objectivity or
acquittal. Britain's War Crimes Act 1991, which was passed by the
House of Commons after it had been rejected by the Lords, was
introduced in order to bring prosecutions against several elderly
eastern Europeans living in Britain for alleged crimes committed
during the second world war. The Act retroactively made their
actions a crime and brought them under British jurisdiction. For
centuries it has been recognised that a retroactive law, that is,
one which subjects to the criminal law actions which were not crimes
at the time when they were carried out, or were carried out under a
different jurisdiction, is a fundamental breach of the protection of
individual rights. After all, if the authorities can introduce laws
which retrospectively criminalise actions which were not unlawful at
the time they were carried out, there can be no protection against
arbitrary tyranny. Although it is very unlikely that any convictions
will be obtained under the Act, the extremely dangerous precedent of
retroactivity has been established as a part of British law.

Revisionists have also expressed concern about the deportation of
alleged "Nazi war criminals" from countries such as the US, Canada
and Australia to face trials in the Soviet bloc and Israel in
circumstances where Anglo-Saxon protections of the rights of the
accused do not exist, and they have virtually no chance of a fair
trial. The courageous Israeli lawyer Yoram Sheftel has described how
the Office of Special Investigations (a division of the US Justice
Department), the Israeli authorities and the Soviet KGB deliberately
framed his client, John Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian-born American
citizen, as the "Ivan the Terrible" who allegedly operated the gas
chambers at Treblinka. On the basis of forged evidence, a US court
stripped Demjanjuk of his citizenship and ordered his deportation to
Israel to undergo a show trial in which the basic principles of
justice were flouted. Sheftel was subjected to vilification, death
threats and an acid attack in the face for his vigorous defence of
his client. Fortunately, the collapse of the Soviet Union made
available documen

    18th June 2005 - 10:59:18 AM    
23539 : krystal
Hi dustin I loved you in saved by the bell you were so funny.

    18th June 2005 - 01:31:44 PM    
23540 : A Story on the Massacre Ir(a)landia
A Story on the Massacre Ir(a)landia




- Dear listeners, readers, tv-viewers! Welcome! A new saga is shining here... Brave people makes these forums available to encourage intelligent and open democratic debate platforms. Users are requested to participate in the spirit of good fellowship and tolerance. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of saga tellers.... "Living tales broadcasting" does not mean "fantastical fairy tales", but aims to offer a solution for "living questions of humanity" and one of them begins here, today's well-documented tales!.. Notice it respectfully, please; this is a SAGA; man don't need to be stressed... Avoid to show incredible angry attitudes or overwhelmed happy on such tales.. Test your self-control! Well, we are aware, there are a kind of interesting types, which fanatically programmed to see the similarly robotics and they can not accept the creative brains... Compare yourself with them! Take it easy; don't to be imprisoned of "mass-medial brainwashing campaigns"... In normally case there are different open-views, artistically creations, poetry, approximate to the social cases in community; listen to them... If you want to criticize these stories, feel free; do that!.. No doubt!. This is a form of literature to create essays; of course built a bridge to say out your opinion; do that, please!.. Other-ways, you will just a living witness here; yes, here seems many aggressive robotics making shit after my tales; let them stay on this page as my best evidence.. People needs such testimony; who tells saga, who has shit in his mouth; discover on internet around my saga texts... They are not only my enemies, because I have nothing private conflict with them... In fact they are the fanatical enemies of human-being; this is the question... My Grandfather had piggies at farm; all the animals had name there and selected examples prized by true ID cards... I see that Grandfather's true piggies were more respectable than human faced piggies&doggies... Let's these doggies shitting here on internet, mostly using false sexual announcements; let's people witness what a kind kinky planet the two-legged piggies dreaming.. Keep the evidences should be apparently pasted there on internet page, although it's not friendly; all after checking this attack it'll easier to struggle against thus kinky character, who beyond this dirtiness!.. Go on to tell what the newest!.. In fact, we have much more exciting broadcasting tournaments... You see; the fanatics of system are so eager to bite your heel.. No doubt, its typical attitudes of bulldogs and lapdogs of judaized imperialism... But criticism welcomes.... Of course there are different opinions.. Discussion is better than warplanes... Let's create new saga examples and try to build a wonderful socialistic saga-world for whole human-being; yes, for human, dear!.. Solidarity regards from saga-teller, additional works of studio-guests, followers on friendly tv channels...


- Bloody Sunday, calls programme, FM Channel Independent Laponia broadsats...
- N. Irland 1972
- 2002!.. 30 year later the masscare on North Irlanda...
- Let's listen!..
- I wonder, why the Britannian media is so deeply in silence on such massacres?
- Because of Zionist domination on media.... We have a clip on this subject!...
- Start, dear!..
- Media control and Censorship!.. A power greater than government? " ... the freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses. And it's true."
Jonathan Tobin, Editor of the weekly The Jewish Ledger (West Hartfort, USA), quoted in the Jewish Chronicle (London), Aug. 25, 1995, p. 19
"Today the film makers are the people who control the most powerful medium in the
world, and art that can create ideals, change language or topple governments."
John Baxter in the Daily Mail (28th December 1995)

Jewish Control of the British Media
(May 2002 Update) by Thomas Sparks

- What about Abstract?

- Well, the Jews have an almost total grip on the media in Britain, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain, which is nothing new. With this media, they are uniformly, deliberately, systematically, constantly and intensely promoting both the transformation and permanent destruction of Britain into a multiracial, "multicultural" state, and also the interests of the so-called "state of Israel", against the wishes and interests of the native British people. The television medias that they control broadcast into almost every home in Britain, all day, every day. BBC television under the Jew Alan Yentob broadcasts into almost every home all day, every day. Likewise ITV, which is controlled by Carlton Communications plc under the Jew Michael Green and by Granada plc under the Jew Steve Morrison, each of which broadcasts to regions of 26 million, half of the population, or more, all day, every day. Daytime television across the ITV network, which broadcasts to the whole of Britain, every day, is mainly provided by Anglia Television under the Jew Graham Creelman, while the rest of the time it is controlled by the regions controlled by Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc. Likewise ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network every day, is controlled by the Jew Michael Green and its programmes are broadcast to the whole of Britain, while Carlton and Granada jointly own the London News Network. Further, BSkyB controlled by the Jew Rupert Murdoch broadcasts to over 10 million subscribers and their families every day. Meanwhile, the main two production studios in Britain, and the largest in Europe, are controlled by Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, controlled by the Jew Michael Grade. The situation is similar in radio, with all BBC radio stations controlled by the Jewess Jenny Abramsky, alone accounting for 49% of all radio listening in Britain, every day. Further, in total, over 85 million copies of Jewish controlled newspapers are sold in Britain every week, controlled by
the Jew, Richard Desmond, the Jew Rupert Murdoch, the Jew Guy Zitter, the openly Shabbat Goy and rabidly Zionist Conrad Black and Mrs Black, who is the Jewess Barbara Amiel. They deliberately, constantly, systematically and intensely use this media to promote the multiracial and "multicultural" transformation of Britain against the wishes of the British people. That is treachery, treason, of a terrific magnitude. Along with mass, coloured immigration, they are also deliberately encouraging mass inter-racial marriage, race-mixing, which will mean the extinction of our race. It is genocide. We must break the Jewish yoke if our race is to survive.

We shall first consider their control of television and of radio, and then of the press; finally we shall give a summary of our findings. All data contained in the study are accurate as of May 2002.

Television and Radio

ITV - Jewish Controlled
It had always supposedly been a principle of ITV, since its foundation in 1955, that unlike the BBC, each company involved could only hold a franchise to broadcast to a single region and that these
franchises were to be reviewed every couple of years. But in 1993, the Jew Michael Green, who is the founder and Chairman of Carlton Communications plc, along with the Jewish Saatchi brothers of the advertising giants Saatchi and Saatchi, aggressively campaigned to have the independence of the ITV regions abolished, with the Government agreeing. At present, the ITV network is divided into
fourteen regions, all of which are controlled by two Jewish controlled companies, Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc, except for the less populous regions of Scotland, Ulster and the Channel Islands. Carlton controls Central, London, West Country and HTV Wales and West: while Granada controls Anglia, Border, Granada, London Weekend, Meridian, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire.

In April 2001, Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc announced proposals for partnership in a new ITV company, which will put the entire ITV network under the control of a single Jewish controlled ITV company. New Labour have announced, May 2002, that present laws which would prohibit such a merger are to be changed in their Communications Bill. The new company will simply have control of ITV, ITV2, and a new ITV Sport Channel. Michael Green, the Jewish Chairman of Carlton Communications plc, boasted of the new monopoly that: "ITV will now leapfrog the BBC and Sky with this new partnership. A combined free-to-air and pay television audience of 50 million
viewers a week offering entertainment, the Internet and e-commerce is a world first." Steve Morrison, the Jewish Chief Executive of Granada plc, commented: "This agreement will fuel the growth and evolution of ITV and unlock the full potential of our assets in the digital age. ITV's strong content brands, like Coronation Street, Popstars, Survivor and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? will be exploited across all channels, making ITV the home of entertainment for everyone, everywhere." As things are, each of the companies broadcasts to 26 million people, half of the country, or more.

Carlton Communications plc - Jewish Controlled
The Jew Michael Philip Green is the founder and Chairman of Carlton Communications plc, floated on the London Stock Exchange in February 1983, and has a personal "salary" of £892,000 and a personal fortune of £124 million. Carlton has a turnover of £2.1 billion, and in A. D. 2000 reported pre-tax profits of £342m, while Green has a "salary" of £892,000 per year and a staff of 3000. Carlton is a media company, dealing in free and pay television, the making and distribution of programmes, as well as in interactive television and the internet. It owns over 40 per cent of the ITV network, which is by far the UK's largest commercial broadcaster, and thereby presently broadcasts to 26 million people in the United Kingdom.
Its ITV channels are:
Central, London, West Country and HTV Wales and HTV West. Its Carlton Channels division also includes 50% of London News Network, 25% of GMTV and 20% of ITN. Carlton Productions is a major producer for ITV, producing drama, entertainment, factual, factual entertainment, comedy and children's titles, investing over £200m a year in producing new television programmes for ITV, BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5 and digital channels. It includes the producer Planet 24, responsible for Gay Time TV, and the supplier of game show formats Action Time. Carlton International controls and sells a library of 2,000 films and 18, 000 hours of television programmes to over 100 countries. Carlton America produces seventeen films for television each year. According to the Media Guardian, July 16, 2001: "His future power is inextricably linked to the future of ITV, which will become a single company in the not too distant future." He was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle as declaring that: "I am very aware of being Jewish." Kosher TV.

ITN - Jewish Controlled
Green is also Director of ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network, of GMTV Limited and of Thomson multimedia in France. He is also Chairman of the Media Trust. Kosher TV.

Granada plc - Jewish Controlled
In the year ending 30th September 2000, Granada plc had a turnover of £5,447 million and made operating profits of £123 million. Like its partner Carlton Communications plc, Granada is a media company, dealing in television broadcasting and production, pay and digital TV. The company owns seven of the ITV stations: Anglia, Border, Granada, London Weekend, Meridian, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire. It broadcasts to 60% of Britain's homes. Its other ITV investments are ITN (20%), GMTV (25%), London News Network (50%), and the Scottish Media Group (18.1%), which controls Grampian, and Scottish. Granada Creative produces nearly 9000 hours of original television programmes and films per year, which it sells to more than 120 countries and makes in five countries worldwide. It made 60 % of the ITV Network's original programmes, in A. D. 2000, and 83 % of its best-rating ones.

The Jew Steve Morrison is Chief Executive of Granda plc. He joined Granada Television in 1974, was made Director of Programmes in 1987, and was appointed Managing Director of Granada in 1993, Managing Director of LWT in 1994, Chairman of the ITV Marketing Group and of Laser Sales in 1995, and Chief Operating Officer of Granada Media Group in 1996. He is also Governor of the National Film and Television School. He is set on permanent joint domination of the entire ITV network with his fellow Jew Michael Green. Kosher TV.

Anglia Television - Jewish Controlled
Also worthy of mention within the ITV network is Anglia Television, now part of the Granada Media Group. Broadcasting to the East of England, covering nine counties from the Wash to the Thames and westwards to Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire, of which it is the most watched television channel, it has its own audience of over four million. However, as a producer, Anglia is the major provider of daytime and religious programmes for the entire ITV Network and also produces documentaries.

The Jew Graham Creelman has been Managing Director of Anglia Television since 1996. He is also Chairman of Anglia Multimedia, Chair of Eastern Screen, and Chair of East of England Cultural
Consortium. Before joining Anglia, he was a current affairs producer for BBC Television, and specialised in politics. Kosher TV.

BBC TV - Jewish Controlled
The present Director General of the BBC is Greg Dyke, who is thought to be a Shabbats Goy. He was appointed by the fanatically muliticulti New Labour Government, to which Party he had donated over £50, 000 in the preceding five years. He was previously Chairman of Pearson Broadcasting plc, who then owned Thames Television, and while there he left its day-to-day running to the Managing Director, the Jew Tony Cohen. Dyke is well known for his fanatical anti-white crusade. He complained during his interview on BBC Radio Scotland's The Mix show on January 7, 2001 that, "I think the BBC is hideously white." And I had thought it was hideously Jewish, like the rest of the world's media! He has made the negress Linda Mitchell Head of Diversity at the BBC, with the task of ensuring that the BBC fully reflects "the diversity of the United Kingdom" in its programmes and workforce. Dyke explained at a Race in the Media conference, that his crusade to enlarge the ethnic representation of the BBC is the "acid test" of his tenure. We do not think that Dyke has much to worry about on that score.

The Jew Alan Yentob is Director of Drama, Entertainment and Children's Programmes for all of BBC television with a personal staff of 1392 and a salary of £213,000. He formerly had the title of Director of Television from 1997 to 2000 and before that, Director of Programmes. According to Broadcast magazine in 1996, his former title gave him "control over all non-news BBC programmes including those for satellite channels and those in English for the World Service." Judging by his new title, one does not suppose much has changed. He is a close personal friend of the Jew Michael Green who owns Carlton plc and of the Jew Michael Grade, Chairman of Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, whom we shall meet soon. They holidayed together in the Caribbean and, together with the Jew Charles Saatchi, are referred to by insiders as the "St. John's Wood Mafia". For good measure the atheist Jew, Alan Bookbinder was appointed the BBC's new Head of Religion and Ethics in July 2001.

The BBC, like the rest of the supposedly British media, is fully geared to the all-out promotion of "multiculturalism". Its Producers' Guidelines specify to its potential programme producers that: "People from all groups should be represented in the full range of our programmes. [...] BBC programmes should not categorise black people as criminals. [...] Colour should be mentioned only when it is relevant. Ask yourself each time: would you say "white" in similar circumstances? [...] Programmes must not allow offensive assumptions or generalisations in scripted material, and interviewees who express them need to be challenged wherever possible. [...] BBC programmes
must not be vehicles for prejudice. Lesbians and gay men can be particularly subject to thoughtless and offensive stereotyping. [...] Programmes must not allow offensive assumptions or generalisations in scripted material, and interviewees who express them need to be challenged with vigour. [...] Be sensitive to the effect of language. 'Homosexual' has wide currency. 'Gay and lesbian' is often preferred and is certainly acceptable."

BBC Radio - Jewish Controlled
The Jewess Jenny Abramsky is Director of BBC Radio and Music and has control of all of BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Live, and of the BBC's digital radio operation. Abramsky is the most powerful executive in radio in the UK, public service or commercial: with control of the five national radio stations she oversees 49% of all radio listening in Britain. She has an annual programming budget of £290 million, a staff of 600 and takes home £258, 000. She has spent over 30 years in BBC Radio, only taking a two-year break as Director of the BBC Continuous News Services. Abramsky has also been a Governor of the British Film Industry since February 2000. The BFI Annual Review for
the year 1999-2000 states: "We embarked on a series of initiatives to establish cultural diversity as a core value across the BFI". They have established the Towards Visibility campaign as part of
their "cultural diversity strategy". She received the accolade of "Woman of Distinction" from Jewish Care in 1990.

BSkyB - Jewish Controlled
British Sky Broadcasting is also a significant television broadcaster in the United Kingdom, and a part of the global media empire, News Corporation, of the Jew Rupert Murdoch, son of Elizabeth Green who was the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family. His rise in the media business has been due to the financial support of the Jews Oppenheimer, Bronfman, Armand Hammer and the Jewish Rothschild empire.

The satellite broadcasting arm of the Jew Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, Sky Global Networks, includes the lion's share of British Sky Broadcasting. British Sky Broadcasting is Britain's leading pay-TV provider and one of the world's top 250 companies. It broadcasts news, entertainment and sports programmes to over 10 million subscribers and their families in the Britain and Ireland, which includes five and half million subscribers to its digital satellite service, which was launched in 1998 with 140 channels. By 1999, satellite and cable television channels accounted for over 15% of total UK viewing. Murdoch has spoken of "my faith and News Corporation's faith in the integrity and worthiness of the Zionist undertaking", and has explained that, "I have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals of the international Jewish community." Kosher TV.

'American' Satellite Broadcasters - Jewish Controlled
The other leading media bosses in the world all broadcast some channels into Britain via satellite: the Jew Gerald Levin, the Chief Executive Officer of AOL-Time Warner, the leading media conglomerate in the world with sales of £18 billion in the first two quarters of 2001, and 133 million subscribers; the Jew Michael Eisner, Chairmen and Chief Executive Officer of Disney, another world leading media conglomerate, with a turnover of billion; and the Jew Sumner Rothstein ("Redstone"), Chairman and Chief Executive of Viacom, also a world leading media conglomerate with a turnover of billion. The Jew Sumner Redstone remarks of the Jew Murdoch that, "he
basically wants to conquer the world." Takes one to know one? Something to bear in mind. For their part, Jewish-controlled AOL-Time Warner boast that, "We touch consumers worldwide more than 2.5
billion times each month."

Pinewood-Shepperton Limited - Jewish Controlled
Pinewood-Shepperton Limited is the result of the merger of Britain's two leading film and television production studios, Pinewood and Shepperton into a single company. Pinewood was built in the l930s by J. Arthur Rank and was the home of many "classic" British films. It is Europe's leading production facility and has been at the front of international production for over 60 years, presently providing studio facilities for producers of feature films, commercial and television programmes. Shepperton has also been in operation since the 1930s and over 600 films have been made here, including many British "classics". It is the second largest production studio in Britain, hosting high profile television programmes and providing facilities and stages for hundreds of commercials a year.

Pinwood-Shepperton is controlled by the Jew Michael Grade. Grade is the nephew of the Jew Lew Grade, also a film producer and one of the founders of the ITV network. Micahel Grade was formerly Controller of BBC 1 in 1984, Director of BBC Programmes in 1986, and as Chief Executive of Channel 4 from 1988 to 1997, he was dubbed "pornographer-in-chief" by the Daily Mail. He is now Executive Chairman of Pinewood and Shepperton Studios, Executive Chairman of Pinewood-Shepperton
Limited, Chairman of Hemscott plc, Chairman of the Octopus Publishing Group and in October 2001 was made Chairman of Camelot. The Jew Grade purchased Pinewood Studios from the Rank Group plc for £62 million in February 2000 A. D. He was backed by the investment trust "3i", paying £55.5 million in cash and £6.5 million in a loan note, repayable in 2007. In February 2001 he paid £35 million for the rival Shepperton Studios, again backed by "3i", and while the studios continue to operate under their old names, they are now merged into a single company as Pinewood-Shepperton, valued at over 4 million.

The Cultural Diversity Network
We have already seen the pro-multicultural policies of the Jewish controlled BBC, whereby "the full range" of their programmes are constantly to be used as instruments for the promotion of "multiculturalism". The same is true of all the other Jewish controlled broadcasters in Britain too. They are all committed in their policies to the intense, systematic promotion of a permanent
transformation of Britain into a multiracial, "multicultural" Britain. This uniformity of political purpose finds an important rallying expression in the so-called Cultural Diversity Network, which was launched on October 12, 2000. Its membership comprises the ITV Network Centre, Carlton Communications plc, the Granada plc, the BBC, Channels 4 and 5, BSkyB, ITN, the Independent Television Commission, the Royal Television Society, BAFTA, the Film Council and the Broadcasting Standards Commission; United News and Media and Pearson plc were also members before they were absorbed by Carlton and Granda. In other words, all the Jewish controlled broadcasters in
Britain and their associate bodies are aligned to the CDN.

Although the Jews have been using their control of the media to transform Britain for decades, the so-called Campaign for Racial Equality stated in April 2001 that: "British TV bosses plan to
revolutionise the way new television programmes are developed in the future, putting diversity right at the heart of the creative process." They quoted the Chairman of the CDN as explaining as the
purpose of the Network as follows: "Britain is changing. And British television needs to change too. We are becoming an increasingly multiracial, multicultural society. [.] The new Commissioning Clause will make diversity one of the standard criteria against which new programme proposals are judged. I fully expect it will change the face of television as we know it." In other words, all of the Jewish controlled broadcasters in Britain are committed to constantly and systematically using all of their programmes to promote a multiracial, "multicultural" transformation of Britain, against the
expressed wishes of the British people. Kosher TV.


Express Newpapers - Jewish Controlled
Express Newspapers owns the Daily Express, the Sunday Express and the Daily Star, all of which have a national circulation. The Daily express had an average daily circulation of 927, 785 in the six
months to April 2002, being Britain's second leading mid-market paper, after the Daily Mail. The Sunday Express had an average circulation of 842, 003 in the same period, and the Daily Star 828,
823. All together Express Newspapers distributes an average 13 million newspapers in Britain per week.

Express Newpapers was bought in November 2000 by Northern and Shell, all owned by the Jew Richard Desmond. Desmond is a "Porno King" who made his personal fortune of £150 million selling pornography, which shows the sort of filth who are allowed to control the media in Britain. He also owns the porno magazines "Big Ones" and "Asian Babes", as well as the porno satellite stations "Television X" and "The Fantasy Channel" and perverted "sex" sites on the internet.
Such filth are quite celebrities in Zionist Occupied Britain: he has been to tea with the Queen, and the Duke of Edinburgh officially opened the Docklands HQ of his porno company. He donated £100,000 to Blair's Jew Labour in return for them not opposing his acquisition of Express Newspapers, which is small fry compared to the £30 million "raised" for Jew Labour by the Jew "Lord" Levi "moneybags", as he is known, who effectively owns the Party. Blair phoned Desmond to invite him over to tea at Downing St. the day the sale went through. Kosher News.

The Jew Desmond used his Express Group to undermine the British National Party's election campaign in the recent Local Elections. His Daily Express ran front page anti-BNP "Nazi" slander articles on four consecutive days in the run up to the election, and the day following headlined the front page with "ASYLUM SEEKERS FLEE NAZIS" in an attempt to get as much sympathy for mass immigration as possible. Council workers in Oldham left copies of his Express beside the ballot boxes during the elections to deter voters from voting BNP. Perhaps they should have left copies of "Big Tits" there too, to complete his mockery of our political life. He was joined in his anti-BNP campaign by the rest of the Jewish-controlled "media" as well as by the Jew Gerry Gables' Searchlight slander company, which distributed 200,000 anti-BNP slander leaflets to houses in key BNP wards during the election campaign. Also prominently active were the slanderously named "Anti-Nazi League" which is a front group for the Jew Tony Cliff's Socialist Workers Party, the main Marxist group in Britain. The BNP managed to gain representation in a few wards, but for now, mass coloured immigration continues under the Jew "Lord" Bessam as Secretary for Immigration and the Jewess Barbara Roche as Under-Secretary for Immigration; which is not to mention such Jew
Labour figures as the Jew "Lord" Irvine as Attorney General; the Jew "Lord" Wolf as Lord Chief Justice; the Jew Jack Straw as Home Secretary; the Jew Stephen Lander as Head of MI5; the Jew "Lord" Millet as Chief of Appeal, &c. ad nauseam. At the same time 250, 000 Britons flee the rapidly deteriorating country each year, hastening the transformation from a white to a non-white Britain. Kosher Britain. Almost dead Britain.

News International - Jewish Controlled
The Jew Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation owns News International, which owns the Sun, the Times, the Sunday Times and News of the World, all of which have a national circulation. In the six months to October 2001, News of the World had an average daily circulation of 4,042,714 and the Sun of 3,507,176, being the two best selling daily papers in Britain with a joint average daily circulation of over 7.5 million copies, with perhaps twice that many people actually reading them. The Sunday Times had an average weekly circulation of 1,383,683, being the best selling Sunday broadsheet, and the Times a daily circulation of 717,657, being the second best selling daily broadsheet. Altogether, News International distributes over 50 million newspapers a week in Britain.

The Telegraph Group - Zionist Controlled
Another major newspaper group in Britain is the Telegraph Group Limited, which is owned by Hollinger International Inc. In 2000, Hollinger sold its major Canadian newspapers for US.1 billion to CanWest Global Communications Corporation, which is owned the Jew Israel Asper, who alone owns over 60% of Canada's newspapers and other media outlets, including 14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across that country. However, Hollinger still has dozens of papers in the US. The Chicago Sun Times and the Telegraph newspapers are its main assets. It also owns the Jerusalem Post, the Jerusalem Report, Shaar Lamatchil (Israel), This Week in Israel, the Student Post (Israel), and the "Christian Jerusalem Post". Its Telegraph Group owns the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph, the Weekly Telegraph, the Spectator magazine as well as other, lesser media interests, including the Saturday Telegraph, all of which named newspapers have a national circulation. In the six months to October 2001, the Daily Telegraph had a daily circulation of 1,023,510, being the best selling broadsheet in Britain, ahead of the Jew Murdoch's Times; and the Sunday Telegraph a had weekly circulation of 812,613, being the second best selling Sunday broadsheet, after the Jew Murdoch's Sunday Times. The Spectator magazine had an average weekly sale in the six months to 30-Jun-2001 of 60,776. Altogether, the Telegraph Group distributes about 7 million papers a week. Hollinger International lost £99 million in the third quarter.

The Telegraph Group and Hollinger International belong to the openly Shabbat Goy, the Canadian Conrad Black, Chief Executive Officer of Hollinger. Mrs Black is the Jewess Barbara Amiel. Conrad Black is a raving Zionist as well as "still the third biggest newspaper magnate in the world" according to the Media Guardian. In the 24 February, 2001 edition of the Spectator, one of his writers dared to criticise "Israel's" treatment of Palestinian civilians, provoking Black to a tactical Zionist rage, to which Lord Gilmour responded as follows: "A few weeks ago, Taki, one of The Spectator's columnists, wrote a wholly innocuous column in which, referring to Israel, he talked about "those nice guys who attack rock- throwing youths with armour-piercing missiles." [.] [Black] decided to write an article in The Spectator fatuously accusing Taki of being anti-Semitic, and alleging that what he had written was "almost worthy of Goebbels". [...] Even so, although the pretence that critics of Israel are anti-Semites is a transparent fraud, it has proved an enormously successful blackmailing tool."

Black referred to the Palestinians in his Jerusalem Post in 1993 as "vile and primitive", while Mrs. Black, the Jewess Barbara Amiel likened them to "animals" in the November 7, 2000 edition of their
Telegraph. Conrad Black explained that, "If editors disagree with us they should disagree with us when they're no longer in our employ. The buck stops with ownership. I am responsible for meeting the payroll; therefore I will ultimately determine what the papers say and how they're going to be run." Kosher News.

Associated Newspapers - Jewish Controlled.
The "flag ship", national circulation newspaper of Associated Newspapers is the Daily Mail, which had an average daily circulation of 2,477,416 in the six months to October 2001, while the company
claims an actual daily readership of 5 million during the week and 6 million on Saturdays. It has a weekly circulation of around 15 million and is Britain's leading mid-market paper. The Managing
Director of the Daily Mail is the Jew Guy Zitter. Kosher News.


The Jews have an almost total grip on the media in Britain, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain, which is nothing new. With
this media, they are uniformly, deliberately, systematically, constantly and intensely promoting both the transformation and permanent destruction of Britain into a multiracial, "multicultural" state, and also the interests of the so-called "state of Israel", against the wishes and interests of the native British people. The television medias that they control broadcast into almost every home in Britain, all day, every day. BBC television under the Jew Alan Yentob broadcasts into almost every home all day, every day. Likewise ITV, which is controlled by Carlton Communications plc under the Jew
Michael Green and by Granada plc under the Jew Steve Morrison, each of which broadcasts to regions of 26 million, half of the population, or more, all day, every day. Daytime television across the ITV network, which broadcasts to the whole of Britain, every day, is mainly provided by Anglia Television under the Jew Graham Creelman, while the rest of the time it is controlled by the regions controlled by Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc. Likewise ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network every day, is controlled by the Jew Michael Green and its programmes are broadcast to the whole of Britain, while Carlton and Granada jointly own the London News Network. Further, BSkyB controlled by the Jew Rupert Murdoch broadcasts to over 10 million subscribers and their families every day. Meanwhile, the main two production studios in Britain, and the largest in Europe, are controlled by Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, controlled by the Jew Michael Grade. The situation is similar in radio, with all BBC radio stations controlled by the Jewess Jenny Abramsky, alone accounting for 49% of all radio listening in Britain, every day. Further, in total, over 85 million copies of Jewish controlled newspapers are sold in Britain every week, controlled by the Jew, Richard Desmond, the Jew Rupert Murdoch, the Jew Guy Zitter, the openly Shabbat Goy and rabidly Zionist Conrad Black and Mrs Black, who is the Jewess Barbara Amiel. They deliberately, constantly, systematically and intensely use this media to promote the multiracial and "multicultural" transformation of Britain against the wishes of the British people. That is treachery, treason, of a
terrific magnitude. Along with mass, coloured immigration, they are also deliberately encouraging mass inter-racial marriage, race-mixing, which will mean the extinction of our race. It is genocide.
- We must break the Jewish yoke if our race is to survive.


- Lessons from the Irish Intifada, comments FM Channel and Albert Doyle talks; "Croppy, Lie Down!" - Let's listen!... - No historical analogy is perfect but events in Palestine today make me recall to mind Ireland at the end of the 18th century.
Ireland was then ruled by and for an alien class of "planters". With some honorable exceptions such as Jonathan Swift the arrogance of these people was legendary. They despised and oppressed the native Irish, seized their land for "treason" to the foreigners' monarch, and suppressed their culture and religion. The masses of Catholic Gaels were reduced to the status of virtual slaves in their own country, their leaders exiled or killed. Periodic famines reduced the native population but to the dismay of the ascendancy they always came back. The enlightened classes wished them to disappear.
The ruling ascendancy class was kept in power by a powerful and then modern military force against which the natives had no match. But, as can be imagined, from time to time the rage and frustration of the slave class boiled over into open rebellion. The most serious was the rebellion of the United Irishmen in 1798. Led by Protestant "dissenters", mostly Presbyterians who were also subject to discrimination, the cannon fodder of the revolt were nevertheless from the mass of Catholic, Irish peasants - the "Defenders" and others, a poorly led, disorganized group for the most part. These peasants cropped their hair and beards, against the custom of the time, and were known as "croppies". To this day the name has a pejorative flavor in parts of Northern Ireland, while the old ballad, "The Croppy Boy" stirs nationalist hearts!
As might also be expected the rebels committed "outrages" against the persons and properties of the rulers; they were the "terrorists" of their time and a "war on terrorism" was directed against them. Cromwellian indignation ran hot in the enlightened ruling classes and the rebellion was crushed in bloody fashion. Thousands were slaughtered or deported to the colonies (which would cause further future grief to Mother England in other fields) but a kind of peace returned. In 1801 an Act of Union joined Ireland to the British crown, which was intended to deny any local legal framework for future dissenters against Imperial rule.
The slogan of the planter "yeomen" who suppressed the native Irish in the rebellion of 1798 was an exquisitely pointed saying, "CROPPY, LIE DOWN!". It looked for a time as though the problem was taken care of. As it turns out, it wasn't.
Within a century the Cromwellian mentality dried up like the leaves of the past and was blown away in the winds of historic change. The Croppy Boy's people came to rule in their own country. Some would say that justice prevailed.
- I wonder if Ariel Sharon even knows about the Irish intifada. Someone should tell him.
- Ir(a)landia lokks like a form of occupied Middle East...
- Definitely!.. Radio FM broadcasts a list on the Palestinian Genocide
- Lets listen!..
- Here, I recorded it for Irish comrades: Place / Village / Date / Crime / made by / Number of Killed people/
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh on January 31, 1947 Jewish Fascist Groups 60
The massacre of Mansurat al Khayt on 18 January, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Sa'Sa'a Village on February 14, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Qisarya on February 15, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Wadi 'Ara on February 27, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Abu Kabeer Village on March 31, 1948 Haganah NA
The massacre of Dair Yasin on April 9/10, 1948 Irgun 254
The massacre of Nasir ad Din, Khirbet on April 12, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Hawsha on April 15, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Al Wa'ra Al-Sawda on April 18, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Haifa on April 21, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Husayniyya on April 21, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Ayn az Zaytun on May 02, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Bayt Daras on May 11, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Burayr 12 May, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Khubbayza on May 12, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Abu Shusha on May 14, 1948 Jofati Army 50
The massacre of Al Kibri on May 21, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Al Tantoura on May 21, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Qazaza on July 09, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Lydda on July 10, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of El-Led on July 11, 1948 Mohsa Dayan 426
The massacre of Al Tira on July 16, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of The massacre of Ijzim on July 24, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Beer Sheba on October 21, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Isdud on October 28, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Al Dawayima on October 29, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Jish on October 29, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Majd al Kurum on October 29, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Safsaf on October 29, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Sa'sa on October 30, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Saliha on October 30, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Arab al Samniyya on October 30, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Aylabon Village on October 30, 1948 Jewish armed gangs NA
The massacre of Al-Ba'na / Dair Al-Asad on October 31, 1948 Jewish armed gangs NA The massacre of Al Khisas on December 18, 1948 Jewish Fascist Groups NA
The massacre of Qibya on October 14, 1953 Jewish armed gangs 67
The massacre of Qalqalya Village on October 10, 1956 Jewish armed gangs 70
The massacre of Kufr Qasim on October 29, 1956 Jewish Army 49
The massacre of Khan Younes on November 03, 1956 Jewish armed gangs 250
The massacre of Khan Younes on November 12, 1956 Jewish armed gangs 275
Sabra & Shatila Camps on September 16/17/18, 1982 Jewish armed gangs/Kata'ib 3500
The massacre of Oyon Qara on May 20, 1990 Jewish armed gangs 7
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque on October 08, 1990 Jewish armed gangs 23
The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1991 and 1992 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) a lot of human; United Nations allowed of to declare counts... U. N. concentrated to massacre Iraqian people... The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1993 Jewish Fascists killed 187 human The massacre of Ebrahime Mosque on February 25, 1994 Baruch Goldstein 53 The massacre on passsengers of M/S Estonia ferry on September 28, 1994; Radioactive Weapon smugglers to the Western allied who always collaborate with Swedish Jewish lobbies, on Baltic Sea, massacred innocent people and prevented all kind of investigations on the bodies of 852
The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1994 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 144 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1995 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 48 human The massacre of Qana on April 18, 1996 Jewish armed gangs 109 The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1997 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 20 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1998 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 27 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1999 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 8 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 2000 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 292 human The Massacre of Khan Younis on November 22, 2001 Jewish armed gangs, by toys- (mouse traps /mines) 5 Children
The Massacre of Rafah on February 4, 2002-Jewish armed gangs, Assassination , 5 youngs The Massacre of Balata Camp (Nablus) and Nur Al-Shamps (Jenin) on Feb. 28-March 1, 2002-Jewish armed gangs, 2 little children, 28 youngs The massacre of Jenin and Nablus-Bloody Monday on March 4, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 30 The massacre of Tullkarem (West Bank), Gaza and Betlehem-Bloody Friday on March 8, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 49 The massacre of whole Palestine- Bloody Easter 30 March -3 April 2002, Jewish Army 200
The massacre of Jenin- Ongoing Bloody Easter Slaughter- on April 4, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 32
The massacre of Nablus- Human Hunting Weekend; on April 7-8, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 36
The massacre of Jenin- Ongoing Slaughting; on April 9, 2002, Jewish armed gangs massacred over 500 human
The massacre of Jenin- Ongoing Slaughting; on April 14, 2002, Jewish armed gangs massacred over 70 human The massacre of Hebron/Palestinian Police HQ/ on June 28, 2002,Jewish armed gangs 15 The massacre of Gaza Strip on July 22, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 17
The massacre of Gaza Gazze on July 25, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 15
The massacre of Gaza Strip Strip on September 23, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 10 The massacre of Al Amal in Gaza Strip Strip on October 07, 2002; Jewish armed gangs at least killed 17 human...
The massacre of Gaza Strip Strip on October 13, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 6...
The massacre of Rafah on October 17, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 8
The massacre of Al-Bureij refugee Camp in Gaza on December 6, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 10
The massacre of Carni border in Gaza on December 11, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 5
The massacre of West Bank towns on December 26, 2002; Jewish Armed gangs 9 The massacre of Maghazi refugee camp (in Gaza) on January 7, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 6
The massacre of Maghazi refugee camp (in Gaza) on January 8, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 5
The massacre of Gaza on January 24, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 3 The massacre of Gaza on January 26, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 13 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on January 28, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 7 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 12, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 7 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 16, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 6
The massacre of West Bank in Nablus on Feb 16, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 3
The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 16, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 6
The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 17, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 2 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 18, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 11
The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 20, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 14
The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 21, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 2
... ...and much more insanity scenes under control of IDF, Insanity Death forces of ZOG, militarized Mafia...the real Holocaust continues under Jewish Imperialism!..
- What are you thinking on these incredible scenes?
- We must know that our weakness is Imperialism's strength, I understand here again...
- I agree with you, Comrade Jonas HÅLLÉN!
- You are welcome, Comrade Lars TÖRNMAN!


- I think, democracy should work better!.. Criminals and collaborators should be arrested!
- Should we arrest the criminals?!. Don't make me laugh! - Well, I see the double roles and false rules of the juridical instruments... What a shame we been forced to label it "democracy"... How thus majority of people, thus living creators, stinky mass could be so incredible nonsense blind meanwhile all the enormous fraudulent process?!.. Unbelieveable!... This is a glaring injustice!.. I wonder, what goes wrong by the juridical instruments... How can I say?! It is very strange!... You now, if you see all these incredible cases, thick-headed attitudes... - How? Do you explain? What is concrete that you remember?
- Yes, I remember that David JANZON, a redactional worker of Radio Islam, was sentenced to 4 months' imprisonment in October 1992, for the station's agitation "against an ethnic group". Are the provocators of Capitalist Fascist lobbies are really a ethnical group?!
- There is so specially groups? Okay, Jews!... It's the overclass group, nobody can imitate such shurks...
- But when you been oppressed so your accusation can only be refuseed... The shurks are the masters 'cause they experinced a lot of cruel methodes since many years... You can only suffer like many freedom fighters...
- Concrete cases?
- Very much!... The judges of system who play dirty rolls... It is extra incredible on Swedish justice-scenes that many foolish judges been corrupted by Jewish authorities and they play extra horrible rolls as pycho-proff doctor magister at policlinics... I can not meet all the judges nor observate all the cases but I met many high-staff at Golf Club Tenerrife, they explained... Shameful!... I can not explain here what they say on the corrpted colleges, so awfully shameful... ... Court material look likes simetrical sences, reasons are too similarly... Many papers of court been published by the Bonniers, Nordstedt... Same mechanism publish as basic Zionist propagand material, too... EU-membership... After 1995 impressed it by the democratical authorities of other countries?
- Unfortunately, it's in all frauds, much more dirty now... If any true jurist goes to United Nations related commissions or the independent justice authorities, so we shall most interesting scandals...
- What kind of scandals?
- For instance Osmo VALLO&Tony MUTKA and other members of the "assassination on the so called Resande Folket" cases... Märta Pettersson and others who murdered by the "imported criminals" like Bengalian Zionist Mafia mobilized in the EU; similarly recruitment cases... Remember; what the relatives of Tony DEOGAN, Dagmar HAGELIN, Anders GUSTAFSSON demand... - Don't make me worry with examples, don't list please much more!.. - It's not me who create the official shame lists!.. Did you hear Osmo VALLO's two brothers and all other relatives are arrested, too... The victims and witnesses were been arrested instead of murderers... Otherway, many freedom fighters forced to be jobless and living under minimal standards... Most famous concrete case is Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV who labelled as "laborious"... There are many examples... The Work Rights fighters Jimmie ÖSTERGREN, delegated adviser (former grafiker) Bengt PETTERSSON and Ahmed RAMI, because of these bravehearts criticized the thieves by the Capitalist Jewish lobbies... Laponians who fight for their own mark and minority rights, therefore prisoned their representative character Olof T. JOHANSSON... Remember the true Socialists like Bengt FREJD, Sara LIDMAN, Staffan EHNEBOM, so-called the "Free Speech Fighters", anti-Capitalist demonstranter like Jan HATTO, Sten ARNE-ZERPE, Dietlieb FELDERER... Even the independent movements who struggle against the weapon-handlers and main figures of such groups, like Henrik Westander (before he got professur-chair gift) and by his side likely flexible Calle HÖGLUND... Don't forget the Anti-Imperialists, like Hannes WESTBERG, Herman SCHMID, journalists Staffan BECKMAN, Stefan HJERTÉN, free-mind intellectuals like Ernst Rainer HOLM, Linus Brohult, honoured priest K. G. HAMMAR and hundreds of the anti-Zionists who were been registrated, pursued and attacked by the lobbies...
- What is common with them?
- Also! When a Fascist accuse them so judges punish the reviewers, immediately... But when the oppressed people leave any accusation acceptance, can easily be refuseed ... The requests of them almost been absolutely refuseed... Read two different cover of assassinations for example one of the victims called Daniel WRETSTRÖM and second one Tony DEOGAN; so you'll be shocked if you discover many incredible freakness, parallel points; for instance how the prosecutors and judges corrupted by financial lobbies and how all the gang members released, how the evidences disappointed, witnesses forced to go in silence or they disapponted, too...
- Why the DN, Expressen and other big papers awoid of to publich these true stories?.. They awoid of to show the real discrimination?! Schindler's List was only a filmatic illusion, actually the true boss never gave a chance peace in communities... You know, Bonniers, Wallenberg, Bilderberg-gangs and "Bulldogs" drive the Swindlers' lists, means all the honoured intellectuals been registrated on their computers... Therefore Stockholm-Canberra changed to be second plot area of Jew York-Tel Aviv's armed Mafia...
- Yes, it's!.. But what a lucky I have been warned before! - The authorities are blind on such actions.. Why?
- Because every big shurk drives by the big lobbies in this big SvekJa zionized Kingdom...
- ?!
- How can we could informed and know the truth!?...
- I can't reply all in two minutes?!
- Well!... I understand better... It's a modernised version of enormous hypocrisy... And I understand why the world couldn't react when Jews slaughted people in Sabra, Shatila, Jenin... Everybody watched on tv meanwhile druck Coca-Cola, chips, bonbons...
- Like the film-druged idiots?..
- No, Sir!... We have incredible reactions and collaborated feelings too, remember, we all cried when we watched on the Swindler's list, whole lies master-piece on scenes... - Shame on double-moral masters!.. Where are the all good peoples now?! - No way to Pessimism, please!.. Well, I see a positive case here on the Scandinavian Jewish DN, Expressen, Menorah pages; Maximum sentence for the desecration of cemeteries - an outrage which traditionally targeted Jewish cemeteries - was raised from 6 months' imprisonment to 2 years. Yes, the prisonment period raised in 1993, Spring. Then...
- It should not calls for case; it's simply provocation... There is no any single case in SvekJa, means nobody sentenced, nobody imprisoned for desecrations.. - Maximum sentence will be 2 years! Isn't good?
- I want not talk on the sentences good or not good... But I'm coming from Skaane and I witnessed who targeted the cemeteries...
- Who?
- Jews!... I saw them... They were there and porovoced very succesful so they manipulated sitation... Therefore there is no prisoner after this pharagraph ' cause they aimed change the rules... - I remember some similarly case, my mother witnessed and told us about the foxy Jews who played theatre at the street on 30 November in Germania... It was before WW III, Jewish fanatics crashed own glass and won enormous generous compensation by the reasurance firms... But their media manipulated the world by the help of american Imperialism so all the analphabets crying on every 30 September worldwide, every year like a crying festival, meantime the Zionist boss' laughing behind the windows...


- This is not the Cold War but a form of ongoing Cold War, what drives now by the lobbies... This area demands the prejudiced scientists... - Why the oppressed folk don't protest or discuss these problems... - Ever and never! This is not the results of the football matches... People need knowledge on biological developments... - Biological? But the lobotomies and sterilization methodes were only in last century?! - System has now most advanced methodes for instance isolation, registration and systematically persecution and such injustice affairs... Only two thousand youngs become suicide in SvekJa Kingdom, two times been a short news.. - Youngs?... But adults?
- They never counts by half officially pools.... Animal lover bourgeoisie have sex-partner-dogs, counts for identification and health rights, but not the discriminated persons... Never mind!...
- There aren't really a single one modernized democratical institution?
- ?!


- I wonder why many immigrants sets to work without language courses meanwhile many others been discriminated because of their language is not "wonderful, brilliant"?..
- I met many people too... For example after Warszawa pakt's collapse fleed many biologs to the occupied Middle East, Australia, SvekJa and specially the laboratory workers sets on the jobs without any oppression... - Did you found any explain about this subject?..
- Not directly... I met a family in SvekJa, who calls for BOLDTs, escaped from Baltics by the way of so-called "official Al CAPONE Raoul WALLENBERG" Co's false Finnish passport and corrupted authorities in Kingdom by the way of Jewish lobbies... A cunning mature, drives "Invandrar Publications", like Sesam weekly... She explained that all these scientists had already one or two international languages what been respected...
- She lies!.. I know a true writer, who can six or seven language but SvekJa system set him too the cleaner-catch boy courses...
- Yes; I understand... Jolin replied this case too; "maybe the writer criticised the oligarchical targets..."
- And she publish these subjects on the Invandrar Tidningen? Bravo!... - You will be shocked; she help to the lobbies to registrate opposite... - Was she biology-worker in Baltics...
- No!... But system need such families to follow the people and therefore she didn't go to the claenar courses and nor any language course although her vocabulary is worst when I compare with other immigrants... Nowadays fixed this family a credit possbility by the lobbies and Swedish American authorities,looks like a support to publish weekly propagand bulletin, called "Sesam"... - Is it a propagand bulletin which the redacteurs in Jew York recommended? - Yes!... Worst and most dangerous in the world... - Do you explain; what you discovered by Sesam or chief Jolin BOLDT or Jusek/jurists' syndical sect, which completely Evangelist/jew-dominated and its periodcal media runs by Göran BOLDT Co. although this zionist gangster never had a single one scientist in the family!.. - Yes, it's!.. But such chiefs are clever to use the regularly credits of system... I am an ordinary people and regularly reading all the issues of Sesam/Jusek falsification magazines and look at on these pages, what these gangsters provoce: "Immigrants always have problems.. They must complete their education and integrate to the democratical values..." Very provocative...It means if you never been accepted as true citizen so you must think that your education is low, complete it... If immigrated person is non-judaic originated must complete cources to be disher, even if man is professor.. But other immigrant who came from Warszawa and presented himself as academician, accepted to be professor wit´hout a true diplom.. If you criticize this dirty deal, riskable to be labelled that you collapsed on integration... - A kind of tregistrated psycho?
- Definitely!.. This is a kind nonchalanted crocodiles' market... The masters of this neo-liberal "smiling faced fascist process" show no pardon... Since many years the Swedish immigrant publications run by the fascist zionist readcteurs, collaborators and inseminate false imagination... This is a insemination what the Zionist Fascists do against thesecond class people in Tel Aviv... In SvekJa Kingdom, by this shurk-coup drivessame project... Look at these pages, even the Laponians counts like the second class people and never discuss serious their minority rights, work rights by the industrial investigations of Kingdom... They handled often like the Gypsies,more worst; they handled like prisoners on its own marks like the Palestinians who prisoned his own haoses there in the occupied Middle East... Do you discuss your rights here on Immigrant pages? Never... BOLDTs had easier credit opportunities by Sparbank and Nordea's Jew chiefs... Why? Because, BOLDT-gang is the best flexible which uses like a condom against Human Rights...According of these shurks there is no any Zionist Occupational Gang in the world, but Palestinians been counted as problematics... Palestinians described like the immigrants there, what the oppressed people behandles here in SvekJa Kingdom... BOLDT and her lapdogs manipulate the questions of immigrants and never answer thequestions although there is two pages for responses... - I know a Jewish paper in USA, redacteur send letters himself and replies later instead of the true readers...
- Similarly tactic!... What Big Brother do, Swedish hypocrites just imitate it... Not only this fetty imbecill's Sesam, all other creit-addicted papers administrations making copies of ordinary people's letters... mostly all these half-officially "Invandrar" publication industry "brain washing instruments on the immigrants" running on this line... what thelobbies, so-called "registrationsnaemnden" and the collaborators by the Swedish ministries like much and therefore pumping money.. - Now I have a little question; is BOLDT-gangs are Jewish originated... - More dangereous... Members, so-called "edsvurna" by the Zionist lobbies!...But how you guess about the origins of these shurks?!
- I am not so stupid although I like sometimes discuss football, too... - ...and maybe a private question, too!.. How you can be so close to Jolin!... - She like small and younger Africans like a tradition by the bourgeoisise fetties nowadays and it was plus point when she discovered I am from Ethiopia... - More question?
- No more, 'cause I have already all the answers on this area specially experiences by such kind of chiefs who need my massage... This is biology, too; bio-physique... - But why all these lobbies hate Rainer HOLM?.. Rainer is not immigrant.. - He registrated because of the critics againt the system and projects..
- What kind of system? Whose projects, whose rules?
- Kidding?
- ?!


- Different faces but same play on the dirty scenes!.. - That is right!.. Unfortunately, a crow goes but another crow comes... Betrayers love eacht other and they always have supporters by the financial lobbies... For example Sparbank, Nordea, Associates thieves Co, Citibank/CitiGroup, even CSN and other similarly zion-dominated betrayers, lean-mousetraps... - More dangerous than all other classical mafia examples... Because all these liberalized instruments have both legal and illegal leagues, different faces on the different scenes...
- Flexible fascism!..


- Not only this case and such victims, all the anti-imperialists are the potentially criminals, according to the registrators of lobbies...They are suspicious in all cases, on all the connections...
- They are suspicious perhaps only on our duties... Otherways I met an interesting gay, he talks perfect Persian like a true Iranian citizen, practiced around of Gulf... - DEHDARI? KAMALI? TAGAWI?
- Bijan FAHIMI!.. This gay, Persian Zionist case enough to explain any connections between many Swedes... Such "imported instruments" help to compare with the opportunities and benefits for example these persons systematically been discrimined: Staffan EHNEBOM, Jimmie ÖSTERGREN, Ahmed RAMI, Ernst Rainer HOLM (regime critic worker, disappeared in Gaevle city just after May Day 2003), Henrik WESTANDER, Osmo VALLO (murdered by police torture in Malmuu-city) and his prisoned brothers, Tony DEOGAN and Anders GUSTAVSSON (both murdered by system supported violence leagues and prosecutors didn't accuse anyone because these poor boys weren't from bourgeoisie cathegories in the community and both criticized sytem by any articles before), Bengt FREJD, Olof T. JOHANSSON, Sara LIDMAN, Calle HÖGLUND, Belay MEKKONEN, Hannes WESTBERG, Linus BROHULT, Sven WOLTER, Gunnar THORELL, Murat YILDIZ, Bodil Margret LINDQVIST, Staffan BECKMAN, Ísmet CELEPLÌ, Juan FON

    18th June 2005 - 05:11:11 PM    
23823 : DNER

    18th June 2005 - 06:28:52 PM    
23824 :
yeah this spam is insane, whoever is doing it needs to get a life or spam homoerotic tales of butt fucking and rimming Dustin.

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