18th June 2006 - 07:22:36 PM |
77864 : #1 Fan |
Dustin, I heard you had a weird sense of humor, but your website is just too much! I think you should spellcheck your main page. |
18th June 2006 - 07:49:25 PM |
18th June 2006 - 07:58:51 PM |
77866 : Bruno, the well hung |
I long for your gaping anus once more. Please meet me at the dumpster at the George Webb on West Layton in Milwaukee tonight at 10:30. I will bring my Slater mullet. Can I cum in your jew-fro again? |
18th June 2006 - 08:05:21 PM |
77867 : Bruno, the well hung |
I long for your gaping anus once more. Please meet me at the dumpster at the George Webb on West Layton in Milwaukee tonight at 10:30. I will bring my Slater mullet. Can I cum in your jew-fro again? |
18th June 2006 - 08:15:27 PM |
77868 : |
Get a job freak instead of looking for a handout. |
18th June 2006 - 08:31:54 PM |
77869 : |
what a jew loser you are !!!!!!!!!!!! |
18th June 2006 - 08:45:35 PM |
77870 : Brian Donaldson |
Clean up the mis-spellings on this web page! Very unprofessional........ |
18th June 2006 - 08:47:41 PM |
77871 : bob saget |
Diamond, Remember when I came over to your house and when you opened the door I hammered you in that gonzo fucking nose of yours? Remeber how when you began to cry I kicked you in the balls and dropped trough? Remember how I said this is for Kimmie Gibbler, (as you had once been caught on the SBTB set masturbating to a pic of her) and let loose a torrent of heavy diareahh. A thick paste that stopped your tears as you began to gobble it up like a starving dog. Remember when you said, "tastes like Mr. Tuttle" and I hit you over the head with a shovel? What you didn't know is that I buttfucked your unconscious ass and let a few HIV + hobos feed their salty load to your hungry ass! Enjoy shitbrick! Bob |
18th June 2006 - 09:17:43 PM |
77872 : christopher |
hello screech i mean dustin lol sry i just thought you where the best on save by the bell i would like to learn if your going to start up an acting school are maybe start an acting search if so when and where and do you have any contacts i can call to see if i have what it takes to become a famous actor are maybe my kids i have a 1yr old and a 4 yr old |
18th June 2006 - 09:25:15 PM |
77873 : chessnerd |
I heard that besides being an awesome chess player that you love to have 2 KNIGHTS stuck up ypur ass and spinning at a high rate of speed in opposite directions. Is it true? |
18th June 2006 - 09:26:18 PM |
77874 : SCREECH |
18th June 2006 - 09:41:44 PM |
77875 : asdfasd |
18th June 2006 - 09:47:14 PM |
77876 : bob eucker |
Diamond you fucking loser! Remember me, fellow Wisconsin and your landlord Bob Eucker. Told you you shoulda sucked off my old man cock! I must be sittin in the front row!!! Now I'm gonna take your house from you and burn it down!!! Then I'm gonna hunt you down and assrape you while screaming "I must be in the front row"!!!!! I will do this over and over while wearing a Richard Nixon mask. Get ready for some fun times Dusty!! |
18th June 2006 - 09:52:26 PM |
77877 : Finlay\'s Leprechaun |
All I want is for you to spread peanut butter on my cock and lick off every peanutty morsel. |
18th June 2006 - 09:52:34 PM |
77878 : Willis |
Hey fashizzle my izzle! Diamond you stud! When your homeless you can come live in the crack den that me and Gary Coleman live in. It's pretty nice but you betta watch that nose o yours or it'l get blown off in a drive by. That happens alot! Ever since Dickie Roberts I've wanted to snuggle with you, and feed your tailpipe my giant nigger cock! Is it ok if Gary gets in on the action? While I buttfuck you Gary can stick his cock in your mouth and scream WHAT U TALKIN BOUT WILLIS!!! It will be the shit! |
18th June 2006 - 10:36:28 PM |
77879 : Kurt Steinberg |
Diamond, thanks for bringing back your guestbook. Your queers fans owe you for this! To show my appreciation, I'd like to give you a warm and heavy pair of Arabian goggles and then rub my smelly taint all over your face and fire my seed in you eyes!!! Let's get together soon. - Kurt Steinberg |
18th June 2006 - 10:48:03 PM |
77880 : Mark |
Ok, way to go. |
18th June 2006 - 11:19:25 PM |
77882 : Kurt Steinberg |
Here's a video to which I posted a link last year. A 16-year-old nerd interviewer and his buddy totally clown Diamond in this clip: http://www.bestsharing.com/files/ms00167498/Screech.WMV.html |
19th June 2006 - 12:01:54 AM |
77883 : Kurt Steinberg |
Here's a video of the "Inside the Actor's Studio" where Tobey Maguire played Screech! http://www.bestsharing.com/files/ms00167506/SNL%20-%20Inside%20the%20Actors%20Studio%20w%20Screech.mpg.html |
19th June 2006 - 01:19:04 AM |
77884 : Dustins Mom |
Dustin, why do people want to play with your bum? Thought that was only for daddy! |