26th February 2004 - 05:50:32 PM |
6506 : Madre Loki, here in Waikiki, or is it Why-KAKA???? |
Wow, and Praise Jesus...here it is and very fresh and new. But hey there, lovely Princess Fluff, BAD NEWS, the beaches here at Waikiki are still covered with turds and used, floating toilet paper. Hell they had the sewage problem for so long, thought it was solved, and wouldn't you know it, along comes Mojo and opens it again, but just kicks. I attended Last Sunday's Beach Mass with Reverend Scrota and Father BOB serving, and low and behold, some of the holy water had cum globs in it. I just chowed down and said an extra Hail mary, just in case. By the way, and talking about chowing down on weird shit, little Angela Portato was visiting our local Ethnic Museum and was taken on a tour of the auditorium by the gentleman guide, who proceeded to pull his penis out and put it into her hands all the while saying Aloha. How do you like that? Angela took one look at this prick and vomitted all over the rugs and chairs then ran for her little life. |
26th February 2004 - 05:58:32 PM |
6507 : Mary Mount, and yes I did survive AssWednesday!! |
Greetings to my dear friends and globs of goo! YES it is time to celebrate the coming of Spring with fresh orgies and lots of 'giving head' in the Classical Way. Don't think however I'll make it down to the RANCH although Michael sent me an invitation...and by the way, I'm sending you all this peculiar Ranch story which I can verify IS TRUE! In fact I've got some damned good videos of these young slaves being turned into old, nasty slaves, worked on and trained to be the best sex objects in Southern California.....I'm off to Hawaii and that MASS ON THE BEACH with Madre Loki, with hopes that they've managed to turn that vast sewage system there which drains right onto the beach OFF.....and I won't have to dodge those 'turd submarines' during the Mass itself. Hi there, Fluff......Nana Bezerka sends her best to you....as do I to all of my fans. "Mount me if you must, but don't kiss me"....oh god i love THAT film. Breast Wishes, Mary....PS: and here's the story I promised:::::::::::::::::::: |
26th February 2004 - 06:37:35 PM |
6508 : Bernard Butthole |
Maggie "faggie" Tan, I have to admit that you've really lost me now... You make absolutely no sense, and your stupid little diatribes make it quite clear that you have a bad case of mental constipation combined with verbal diarreah. Speaking of diarreah, I'd really like you to drink mine - Thanx... |
26th February 2004 - 06:47:44 PM |
6509 : Margaret Tan |
Here's one for you nerdie Bernie Buttfuck!!! see if you can deal with this one, you deviated scrotum. YOU wouldn't know truth if it climbed up your asshole and sang AWAY IN THE FUCKING MANGER, you turd. Go for it, if you really are a male..... http://www.herbolove.com/community/bbs/guestbook.asp?category=25&user=7322 |
26th February 2004 - 06:56:03 PM |
6510 : Princess Peussie, hoping to calm down Ms. Tan |
Dear Ms Tan, you obviously are in love with this faggot Bernie. You seem to have some infatuation for him, I mean FATUation for him, as this fucker is in the area of about 349 lbs, NO SHIT< GIRL!! And even he hasn't been able to locate his cock in over three years. Anyway here's something to think about, all of you sinners:::::::::::::HERE'S A STORY OF MICHAEL'S FIRST VISIT TO THE DISTRICT OF RUMP-LAND: HIS SAD TALE OF LUST AND LOVE AND MUSICAL MERRIMENT WITH A STRANGER! MJ mentioned all of this under the influence of Opium given him by his doctor and personal panty-shrinker: The first bar THIS FRUITCAKE was right outside, a half a block away. HE WAS in this car, but had taken all of my clothes from me in the toilet...and now I was standing there naked with just some toilet paper hanging from my butt crack. The second bar, I walked out, with the owner coming out after me cursing me out, saying "hand out the cock and balls, boy or just don't come back. We like action here and not diddling". I walked one block, along very brightly lit street...he wasn't there, My Master and Savior, the guy I called BINDOO BOY, the guy who had planned to sell me the two children for 0 each. There were cars passing, and honking horns. Each passerby, while hardly sober, yelled, "Look at me too, Mr. Jackson. I'm an asshole and can sing from this orifice better than you can!". The next block was a taxi stand....lots of people on the brightly lit street..I continued my nude walk to laughs, yells, and screams, stating that I was "an asshole, that YOU don't have a clue about doing the bunny-hop". By now I was nervous and my penis had gotten semi-hard at about 1 inch long, as I was into the third block, approaching a very busy wide interesection, and he was no where to be seen, this guy I had loved like no other lover, since last week, and I could still smell his stinking body as he plowed my useless butthole. Who is that, I asked myself? Was it Christ I was looking for, or just another lover-boy who wants to take me for 'a fucking great butt-ride'? Christ NO, I answered. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. I SHALL NOT WANT MORE PRICKS THAN TWO OR THREE AT A TIME. AMEN.... I was afraid, trembling, but still hard, turned on and driven. More people pointing, laughing, calling me pervert, etc. I came to the intersection. I was so scared now.I really caused a stir, as on that corner hundreds could see me. I finally saw him, lover of my soul and body, was then accross the avenue, in his car, and laughing hysterically. He must have taken more crack on his peanut butter sandwhich along with the LSD tabs in his diet coke...because I had never seen him having so much fun at my expense. I crossed the avenue, still stating to people loudly, that I was an a shit-stained pervert and out looking for some sauce. Which ofcourse was kind of true, friends. I cried out "Oh Jesus, take this monkey from my nuts". I got to the car, and he said, "fuck off , little Michael, you're going to have to get home nude, if you can, I hope the cops get you first. So long sucker!" And he pulled off in his car. With my clothes, leaving me nude, on a very busy intersection. I didn't know what to do. I was very humiliated, embarrassed, and terrified. So I just bent over and took one huge dump right there on the highway. I was sure I was going to be busted. Ruined. Probably fucked by the cops. I had no place to finger-fuck myself , and it was a half hour subway ride on the train home. Another ride, another fucking by some stranger. Very far and without hope and love. Christ, YOU are my savior, but sometimes I just don't get the punch line to this very delicious joke. And, I was still hard with my dick about to snap off! but along came Mojo with Robert McFerrin, dudes and fuck-buddies from the Ranch, and they gave me a ride back to the Ranch on the condition that once there, we'd call out the ranch hands and have one BIG AND HOT ASS-EATING TIME FOR ALL. Calls were made...and LOVE could be smelled in the air!! Can one ask for better friends? I can't....even though I've been dripping cum globs for days now. Amen!! |
26th February 2004 - 07:48:50 PM |
6511 : jo3y |
you all are assholes. assholes i tell you ! |
26th February 2004 - 07:55:58 PM |
6512 : Bernie Butthole II |
Actually ladies (and I use the term VERY loosely...), I am in very good shape, EXTREMELY good looking, quite intelligent, have a beautiful lady friend (a couple, actually...), and play guitar and sing in a killer rock band that you've probably heard of (but we won't even go there - the last thing I need is one of you psycho bitches showing up at one of our shows and freaking out or some stupid shit... l.o.l.). I also have a big dick and have slept with three women at once before - and had my buddies film it!!! (one of the many benefits of being a fineass rock stud...) So you can think whatever you want- I have nothing against you personally, I was just in the mood to rattle someone's cage and you seemed like an easy mark... So, no hard feelings honey, you just sound like you need some good dick... Hell, I might even kick you down a sympathy fuck if you ask me real nice... hahahaha!!! I should have known that you couldn't take the heat!! Awwwwwww.... pweeeese don't cry, honey.... Love, Bernie |
26th February 2004 - 08:19:55 PM |
6513 : Bernie Butthole II |
JUST KIDDING, GALS....I'm a fag, love to get fucked by as many dudes as possible...and have been known to suck and get fucked by over 20 guys in one night. My sister even calls me "You fucking princess.." So let's just have that Reality check.....It's now YOUR turn. Bernie |
26th February 2004 - 08:27:50 PM |
6514 : Bernie Boy |
Oh and by the way, Ms. Tan, I just checked out that stupid-ass website that you posted a link to below... Very interesting, to say the least... What the fuck is up with that shit?! You must run in some pretty fuckin' strange circles - otherwise, how would you even know that such a lame, gayass website exists?! Jelquing? I've never heard the term before in my life and you're a fuckin' weirdo. However, there was one product offered for sale there that I think you might be interesting in ordering - It's called Femax VI, I believe, and it's designed to tighten up loose vaginas - a problem that I can only imagine you're all too familiar with... I swear, you're probably about as tight as a bucket of warm water... Fucking you must be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway!!! I mean, even a 747 looks small when it's landing in the Grand Canyon... Peace Out. |
26th February 2004 - 08:38:09 PM |
6515 : Bernie Boy |
Oh and by the way, Ms. Tan, I just checked out that stupid-ass website that you posted a link to below... Very interesting, to say the least... What the fuck is up with that shit?! You must run in some pretty fuckin' strange circles - otherwise, how would you even know that such a lame, gayass website exists?! Jelquing? I've never heard the term before in my life and you're a fuckin' weirdo. However, there was one product offered for sale there that I think you might be interesting in ordering - It's called Femax VI, I believe, and it's designed to tighten up loose vaginas - a problem that I can only imagine you're all too familiar with... I swear, you're probably about as tight as a bucket of warm water... Fucking you must be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway!!! I mean, even a 747 looks small when it's landing in the Grand Canyon... Peace Out. |
26th February 2004 - 09:15:50 PM |
6516 : Chachi |
Watch out. The Chach may soon be making a comeback! DA CHACH |
26th February 2004 - 10:20:10 PM |
6517 : Fagbusters |
26th February 2004 - 11:20:39 PM |
6518 : Martha Washington |
Dear Fagbuster, you can take Jesus and God and shove them both up your rotten stinking hole. Kingdom of fucking god indeed! YOU TURD! |
27th February 2004 - 05:35:57 AM |
6519 : MalcolmC |
Sexed up fat girls are good. |
27th February 2004 - 06:49:53 AM |
6520 : Benny |
Hey Mr. Diamond, I once heard that actor Bob Golic (Mr. Rogers on SBTB college years) actually raped you in real life in his dressing room and emptied the contents of his nut sack deep into your tight scrawny butt, is that true? |
27th February 2004 - 07:12:33 AM |
6521 : DIAMOND |
Yes, Benny, that is correct. Then he took a piss right inside of me, giving me that enema I've needed. But funny thing, THEN he got down on his knees and had me empty the waste into his mouth...what a funny guy, that Mr. Rogers! We were friends for so long.... |
27th February 2004 - 08:14:53 AM |
6522 : King Baggy Anus |
Hi Queers Can someone help me out with tips to eat my own cum please? I loose the will to do it when I ejaculate, I dunno if it's the blood or the smell that makes me nauseous but I just can't seem to get it past my lips. Any hints greatly appreciated - Steinberg, you like tasting your own diseased goo don't you? As a fellow sufferer of The Gay Plague what advice can you give me for getting some of this tainted man custard down my thirsty gizzard? Love you all! |
27th February 2004 - 11:50:41 AM |
6523 : ninja killer 1 |
umm why so much shit ass and other such words some people just have bad people skills..... |
27th February 2004 - 12:42:01 PM |
6524 : ............................. |
27th February 2004 - 03:23:36 PM |
6525 : assboy |
Hey ninja killer, you, Hitoshi and I should get together for a gay bukkake session! I can even invite Maragret Tan over so she can lick off our feces-covered members when we're finished!!! It will be all too beautiful! |