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    27th February 2004 - 04:18:34 PM    
6526 : non of ur bisness
dis website is so funny!!!!!!
if u are an idiot go to this website
(lol i sended it to somone i hate and dat person freaked out and axulythought it was a virus!!!!lol

    27th February 2004 - 06:10:35 PM    
6527 : Judy Shrimper
And I know someone who said this a while back....
"Within the months between October 1991 through December 92, I have had my testicles filled with jello worth a few sucks and fucks, if you know what I mean ... The most violating thing I've felt this year is not the media love-ins over my body or the fan letters asking me to suck off this guy or that one, but the rape of my cat, then my dog and now my bitch, courtney. Ripped out of pages from my stay in mental institutions and hijacked airplanes, in gay bath houses, etc. I feel compelled to say JESUS RULES FOR FUCKING SURE!!!!!! to those of you who have absolutely no underpants on now or ever, and I CAN FUCKING SMELL IT FROM HERE, DUDE. You have butt-fucked me sweeter than you'll ever know. And why the way GOD spells TURD backwards"

    27th February 2004 - 06:24:34 PM    
6528 : Bernie Goy
OK so here's the real guy in my life...yeh, fuckers, I'm a fag and just get used to it, margaret!!!!!Well, I must record this date in my calendar... I have met the first 78 year old "man", AND IT HAD TO BE YOU.  Love that song like I love used toilet paper.  Get a life, I would yell if only I still had my set of teeth, but lost them at that last fuck party given at Maria's Ass Temple. You say guys won't respond to a piece of ass with a rash like the one you gave me? It's because they can't jump the weeds, in other words, they just cannot take it in the butt worth diddly. I tell them "Educate yourself because your pathetic ATTEMPTS to insult me are funny and lovely and full of flowery images but just not WHERE a gal needs it.  Like, my brother Boomer could take a fist in his ass, while chanting the rosary..........................................................and he was something else when he'd take a dump on the altar at St. Joe's". Pick your nose in public and at the opera? Yeh you're the kind of guy who gets a box seat then sees how many times he can shoot his rock, whacking away during an aria....and then leave the entire area just dripping in goo. But now I want to address this following bit of info to Gordo, that asswipe at Princess Peussie's summer camp: "I think you're the fart who started the e-mails, correct? Recognize reality in a shoe box and tell me if you really think I'd put that little weener inside of my pet lizard. You're a sad little turd with too much filth on your mind and with skidmarks in your pants, just like Nicole Kidman in that film about the Stains of Love. Get a Master to work on your useless tits and ass and educate yourself.............................. hey, I'll send you one so that you can learn something, you uneducated, foul-mouthed, pimple poppin', jerkin' off little punk hetero. Try to insult me again and I'll circumcize your nose. Like I said, the only pain you cause me is the pain in my side from laughing so hard while visiting the Crucifixion. "  Now how is that for a strong statement?   Even the local Father Bruno, our priest here in Shitville, loves it and told me that I should start re-writing a version of the Bible.It begins with "Once upon a time...."

    27th February 2004 - 07:12:15 PM    
6529 : Clyde
All I can say is "you wish".
The ones that think they are offensive are the saddest.
Don't you realize no one reads your posts?
There used to be the occasional post here that was worth reading and occasionally even funny, that wasn't just some anonymous, friendless adolescent struggling to string a sentence together in order to try and offend someone.
If you are
a) friendless
b) bitter
c) illiterate
d) a worthless, horrfiyingly unattractive and untalented loser
Then i am talking about you. Next time you post read through it when you've finished, and honestly ask 'will anybody give a fuck about this?
No one who reads it will ever meet you in person, which is how you like it, but if I did I would turn your crusty head inside out with my fist, and you know i'm not joking.
If you don't change your attitude, your life will stay like this forever.
I bet you 00 you can't make a post without using the word 'fuck', the mainstay of your limited, childish vocabulary.

    27th February 2004 - 07:25:24 PM    
6530 : Jim, Clyde\'s fuck-buddy
Looks like it's time for some sactimonious prayers and thoughts for my fuck-boy Clyde who take is in the ass like THE END OF THE WORLD. Clyde, I love you but you are a bit offensive around the scrotum. And:::::::NEW PRAYER FOR SINNERS:
Number one, I have a wonderful set of dildos that I like... that I paid for!  It's been reported that I steal everything since I make so little money from sucking off the guys in the local gang. My weekly allowance couldn't cover it, you little queers but that doesn't stop me from hanging out with Mojo and his enema clan and getting what I want after their massive evacuations during prayer meetings and love-ins. Secondly, I'm old enough to buy a bra and vote in the Clutch-Step-Drag Events in Pasadena and anything else I want. If you would sit back and look at how RIDICULOUS you are, you might learn something like how to be another miserable fag out on the toilet seat in the countryside PEAKING OUT THAT DAMNED LITTLE OUTHOUSE WINDOW. I understand why you aren't getting any joy from all of that vomit you create when you sing along with Peussie at the Monkey Cave.  She fucking hates you too and has put out the hit list with YOU at the top.

    27th February 2004 - 07:27:33 PM    
6531 : Clyde
I am dissapointed that this website has become so poor in quality. This site actually used to be funny (quite a long time ago).
I hope the site improves in quality.
These are my reccomendations to save the world (of this website)-

1)Please use correct grammar and spelling, and keep your posts reasonably short. If you write posts that are very long, poorly written or written only in capitals, no one will read them.

2)Talking about gay sex is fine (in fact it's great) but if all you're going to do is repeatedly use 'ass', 'fuck' and other expletives, plus a few other randomly chosen words, don't bother.

3)Don't talk about sex if you've never had it.

4)Only use one name.

There seems to be one person who uses several names, spells badly and thinks he is very offensive. You are a sad, unfunny cunt and no one will ever like you.

If the few people who actually make interesting posts stay, i think everything will be ok.


    27th February 2004 - 07:33:09 PM    
6532 : Mama Clod, of Scheissville
All I can say is "you wish upon a star and you are who you FUCKING think you is".
The ones that think they are religious are the saddest of saints.
Don't you realize that you are famous to even a tadpole?
There used to be the occasional post here that was sortta dumb-dumb and occasionally even kookoo, that wasn't just some anonymous, friendly senior citizens juggling some tits in the air or trying to string a rope around my testicles while being together in order to try and FUCK someone silly, dear little Clyde.
If you are
a) groovy
b) bitter-sweet
c) filled with lube and love
d) a devotee of Mother Mary May I..."Come over, come over, Little RED Rover"
Then i am talking about you. Next time you piss then read through it when you've finished, and honestly ask "Will I get the NOBEL for this or NOT?
No one who reads it will ever fuck his dog again, which is how you like it, but if I did I would turn your asshole inside out with my fist, and you know i'm not acting like Judy Garland or any fag hag.
If you don't change your attitude, your attitude will not change. Smiles to you, Princess Peussie.
I bet you you can't make a pot of stew without using the word 'onion', the mainstay of your divine cooking ability. Oh Lord, look down upon us and help our little CLod CLYDE.

    27th February 2004 - 07:38:10 PM    
6533 : Clyde
See message 6530 for an example.
Do you sit infront of your computer all day, jacking off and eating hot dogs? That's the image i have of you from your post.
The idea of you being by 'fuck buddy' is as preposterous as you having a real friend, or being able to unattach your scabby, sweaty fat ass from the chair and do something worthwhile.
Do you genuinely think people find you offensive/funny/irritating? I'm really not sure what you think you are but it is obvious no one in the real world gives a shit. If it wasn't for the smell coming from the basement your own mother probably wouldn't know you existed.
I honestly tried to read your whole post, but it was such dull, repetitive irrelevant shit that i only got a third of the way down.
You won't win any freinds and you won't win any sympathy.

    27th February 2004 - 08:48:03 PM    
6534 : Mamacita
Mamacita says "Clyde, you is one big dumbass dude. You got sour smells in your undies and your soul is stinky of crank case oil...again" YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FOR BEHAVING IN THIS HOLIER THAN THOU 'fuck me'kind of way.

    27th February 2004 - 11:46:16 PM    
6535 : Fagbusters

    28th February 2004 - 01:56:00 AM    
6536 : b00ga
i miss the 'remember when' guy, what the hell ever happened to him?

    28th February 2004 - 02:27:54 AM    
6537 : Happy goLucky
He got sucked into a homo vortex with a squid. The squid's probably a jizz sponge by now.

And fuck you for asking you stupid prick.

    28th February 2004 - 07:40:41 AM    
6538 : Happy go FUcky
Dear Fab Blusters,
You going without, dude? You find that no one wants to fuck you anymore? Your hole drying up? No cocks want to get sucked by your diseased throat? Poor fucker....and you Mommy won't let you go out and play with the other kids? Hey try this: EAT MY DINGLEBERRIES!!

    28th February 2004 - 01:08:53 PM    
6539 : Princess Peussie
Greetings, TURDS!! Don't you all have that feeling that Fagbuster and Clyde are one and the same fairy?! check out the e-mails and you'll see what I mean.
How simplistic, how very NOW....
Tonight is the Royal Palace Colonic Exhibitions...hope to see you all there.
Princess Peussie

    28th February 2004 - 01:15:38 PM    
6540 : Rima Bird Girl
 Hey there, Princess, calm down. Oh I know why you are so very upset but it comes and goes like a couch rash or rot in the panties. Mojo or Gordo are to Blame! Damn those Bastards. Love, RIMA

    28th February 2004 - 02:11:30 PM    
6541 : Fagbusters

    28th February 2004 - 04:19:21 PM    
6542 : Damage the Internet
My, my. Aren't you all the angry biddies lately!
Everybody here needs a hug.

    28th February 2004 - 07:21:52 PM    
6543 : Happy goLucky
Fuck you, anus.

    28th February 2004 - 08:47:17 PM    
6544 : Chad Boothby
hey everyone i like to take it up the a$$

    28th February 2004 - 09:51:56 PM    
6545 : Ronald Rumpsteak
Hey Chad, make sure that hole is clean so I can do some pf on that butt of yours. pf? punishment fucking......

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