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    28th February 2004 - 10:02:26 PM    
6546 : Chad Boothby
Geez Ron, I promised by hold to fagbusters, but he's actually a bottom and loves to get fucked let's invite him to join us and we can all fuck together.

    28th February 2004 - 10:45:05 PM    
6547 : Jeff
Yo Dustin
You are a total fucking loser. I was just on your official website,, and I saw that you are now in a band and playing music? Shit, your career was over a long time ago, bitch. I mean shit, at least your former cast members from Saved By The Bell have moved on to bigger and better things. MP Gosselaar is on a hit show, Mario Lopez is on that stupid daytime talkshow, and even Elizabeth Berkeley, and all that she has really done is gotten naked, and the shit fucked out of her in Showgirls. You know, it's funny, you remind a little bit of Corey Feldman. You guys are both former child actors, you both have resorted to sucking cock for money and drugs, and you both are making sorry, yet meager attempts to make an impact in the music scene. I would love to see your band tour with Corey Feldman's, though. That shit would be fucking hilarious. Actually, I think that you and Corey should get together and compare your suicide notes, because I bet that they are strikingly similar. Dildo.

    29th February 2004 - 01:11:26 AM    
6548 : spike
hey d-diamond, have you ever seen the WB show called "The Surreal Life?" it has a bunch of washed-up celebrities who live together in a house for awhile. Corey Feldman was one of the celebrities in the 1st season, along with MC Hammer, the kid who played Webster, Vince Niel, and some other has-beens. in the second season, Ron Jeremy is living with Tammy Faye Baker, Vanilla Ice (the one person who still has a professional career), and some other nobodies.
i think you need to ask if you can be on the third season. they should put you in a house with Steve Urkel, the guy who played Ralph Malph on "Happy Days," and the kid from "Who's the Boss." you, Ralph Malph, and the "Who's the Boss" kid should have a 3-way and post your gay encounter on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    29th February 2004 - 02:22:05 AM    
6549 : Happy goLucky
Wow, I usually don't agree with anybody, but clithead, you are dead on. Even if you are a fucked off cat molester. That and reality shows are jizz stained shit heaps. Wanker.

    29th February 2004 - 02:56:15 AM    
6550 : Princess Peussie
Michael Jackson RULES IN THE WORLD of Sodomy and Kindergarten parties. I don't know why people are so critical of his Ranch and bedtime parties, when all he's doing is measure little morsels of LOVE and tucking the little boys into bed. At least he's not blowing them up in Irag in the name of Freedom and Liberty. Hey, give that little guy a glass of wine and let's see what happens. JESUS RULES FOR FUCKING SURE!!
Princess Peussie

    29th February 2004 - 03:03:54 AM    
6551 : Zero Whore
DID I JUST MISS SOMETHING OR WHAT???this Dustin guy is a total nerd. Just read up on who he is , what he does..and folks: why are you wasting your time? this guy is zero from day zero. In the train Station in Philly there is actually a Track Zero...this is the one created for people just like this bj specialist like Dustin. Doubt that he gives the kind of head my husband likes...Sure of that!

    29th February 2004 - 06:19:59 AM    
6552 : Throb
Diamond, how does it feel to be a professional nobody? In the morning, when you're dragging your pointless and irrelevant body to the bathroom (I'm presuming that your gypsy caravan has it's own bathroom) how do you actually bring yourself to look in the mirror? I can't imagine how it feels to be you, you're on the same list as cancer, AIDS and runny dogshit in my book. I expect your mother and father are very disappointed that your life has turned out to be a complete waste of sperm and egg. If I was your father I'd hire a hitman to snuff you out in the most macabre way possible and feed your own miniature penis to you as you're drawing your last breath.

Do the world a favor and kill yourself NOW. You're wasting our valuable air.

Hiel Hitler!

    29th February 2004 - 08:42:55 AM    
6553 : Princess Peussie
Dear Throb, and while you're at it, KILL YOURSELF! You are too stupid to know how to spell the simplest words in German, you dried up old turd. Try that attempt on your part just doesn't exist, just like yourself! Who is this Diamond anyway? He certainly would not fit into my Royal Court of slaves and merrymakers....rather Mary-makers. Smiles to you, Mary Mount!! Bless your numbnuts heads, Princess Peussie...and NO, we do not watch the Academy Awards at the Royal Palace.

    29th February 2004 - 10:05:01 AM    
6554 : Kurt Steinberg
Princess Peussie, go put a fucking shit in your mouth, I want to use you as a human toilet and you need some practice. I can't wait to unleash belly loads of toxic AIDS infected excreta into you whimpering mouth.

    29th February 2004 - 12:30:39 PM    
6555 : kevin fentress
this is kevin fentress i met some one at the beach in ocean city new jersey that know all you actor my birth is 6/13/65 ss.143 ,64 ,8509 i am black and looking to meet all of you

    29th February 2004 - 12:33:57 PM    
6556 : Chachi
The Chach is ready to go on the attack again to clean up this board! I am giving all freaks 24 hours to move on out before da CHACH launches operationd double dog!

    29th February 2004 - 12:42:03 PM    
6557 : Kurt Steinberg
I did not write message 6554. This message board totally sucks now! I think someone needs to set up a homosexual Slater or Mr. Belding webpage, because this one has become tiresome.

- Kurt Steinberg

    29th February 2004 - 12:52:49 PM    
6558 : kevin fe ntress
i forgot to give my number 856/264/1070

    29th February 2004 - 04:14:17 PM    
6559 : Kurt Steinberg
So YOU see how this goes?!!! I post something, then some asshole uses my name (6557) saying stuff that is ruining this message board. AND JUST FOR THE RECORD: I did write message 6554, and FUCK YOU, who says I didn't! Eat Shit!!!

    29th February 2004 - 04:26:28 PM    
6560 : jimjim
yo dust u should come back to rochester and ill show u how pep party in yankee vill ill show u where the bitches are

    29th February 2004 - 04:31:33 PM    
6561 : Chachi
Double DANG...and strip for action, FUCKERS. I'm now giving you 24 days to get your shit together and get outta here, and leave us FAGS alone to talk about wanking and suckin....and HEY THERE, KURT, I didn't know you have AIDS, and kind of weird suggesting you'd dump AIDS down anyone's throat! Dude, move on and just get a life. THE COUNT DOWN BEGINS!!!! oppppsss....just farted......

    29th February 2004 - 05:09:23 PM    
6562 : Damage the Internet
Alright dears, now I'm confused.

    29th February 2004 - 07:09:31 PM    
6563 : Kurt Steinberg
Chachi, please stop posting under my name on this board! You've ruined this board. This used to be a great place to find Diamond-related queer fantasies - those are great masturbation material! However, the amount of queer fantasies has rapidly decreased recently, and has been replaced with crappy tripe!

- Kurt Steinberg

    29th February 2004 - 08:47:18 PM    
6564 : LUCIFER666

    29th February 2004 - 11:03:16 PM    
6565 : Jon
The "Remember when..." guy says he'll come back when there's less shit cluttering up this guestbook.

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