30th March 2004 - 05:29:29 PM |
6926 : Robert Rumpsteak |
OK here's the deal..and DUSTIN organized this one for get ready to dump!!!!!! _____________________________________________ CAN THERE BE REAL LOVE IN A WORLD LIKE OURS? THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE REMARKS ARE DIRECTED TO GORDO, AT THE NEVERDOWELL RANCH, OWNED BY MICHAEL JACKSON: =============================== Well, I must record this date in my calendar... I have met the first 78 year old "man", AND IT HAD TO BE YOU. Love that song like I love used toilet paper. Get a life, I would yell if only I still had my set of teeth, but lost them at that last fuck party given at Maria's Ass Temple. You say guys won't respond to a piece of ass with a rash like the one you gave me? It's because they can't jump the weeds, in other words, they just cannot take it in the butt worth diddly. I tell them "Educate yourself because your pathetic ATTEMPTS to insult me are funny and lovely and full of flowery images but just not WHERE a gal needs it. Like, my brother Boomer could take a fist in his ass, while chanting |
30th March 2004 - 05:46:15 PM |
6927 : saturn |
BWAHAHAHAHA stupid robert, your shitty message got cut off like the stupid unfunny turd that it is, BWAHAHAHAHA!! |
30th March 2004 - 07:04:40 PM |
6928 : whats gwarnin? |
nigger |
30th March 2004 - 09:36:45 PM |
6929 : Kurt Steinberg |
Article re: Diamond (from http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=3310) Dustin Diamond & Matthew Perry Dustin Diamond (famed for his role as "Screech" on "Saved by the Bell") once spotted "Friends" star Matthew Perry in a Los Angeles restaurant. Having briefly worked with him in the 1980s, Diamond approached Perry and said hello. When the actor failed to recognize him and rudely turned away, Diamond explained that he had played "Screech" on "Saved by the Bell." "Good for you," Perry replied, before turning back to his friends. Some time later, Diamond attended NBC's 75th Anniversary bash, where he happened to spot Matthew Perry once again. Again he said hello and again he was snubbed. Diamond, who was carrying a tube of Vicodin for a sore tooth, also spotted "SNL" star (and friend) Jimmy Fallon being hounded by autograph-seekers. As a joke, he approached Fallon pretending to be a fan. Then, producing his tube of Vicodin, he asked whether Fallon would sign it. Fallon laughed and agreed that it was a funny gag. Thus inspired, Diamond approached Perry, produced the tube, and repeated his request. Perry, apparently, was not amused. "Oh, dear lord," he exclaimed before walking away. While driving home from the party, Diamond related the story to his girlfriend. "You do realize," she sarcastically remarked, "that he checked himself into a clinic for addiction to Vicodin." Diamond's reply? "Oh, dear lord!" - Kurt Steinberg |
30th March 2004 - 09:45:30 PM |
6930 : Kurt Steinberg |
Diamond, I have to give you props for the way you handled Matthew Perry! That dude is such a faggy bitch! Someone should take a dump on his head! - Kurt Steinberg |
30th March 2004 - 11:05:51 PM |
6931 : Zeus |
Dustin I would like to split you face with an axe you fucking mook. If I ever see you wandering around LA, I'm going to whip your ass until you curls fall out! |
31st March 2004 - 12:14:54 AM |
6932 : |
It's me, Darryl. |
31st March 2004 - 01:09:54 AM |
6933 : Matthew Perry |
This isn't funny guys - he was trying to play on my inner demons like it was some sort of joke... If you had the personality of a limp dishrag and a face that looks like it has been hit by a Mac Truck, you'd be in need of sedation too, you assholes... So being the complete, humorless, total bore that I am, I think that I will go and lock myself in my basement with a bottle of viks, drop trou, and beat of until I'm raw. Hugs not drugs... |
31st March 2004 - 03:51:56 AM |
6934 : Fagbusters |
31st March 2004 - 04:12:15 AM |
6935 : |
who? matthew perry? |
31st March 2004 - 06:27:49 AM |
6936 : Princess Peussie |
Who is matthew perry? ....and who should give a shit anyway? get outta my way, I'm going down on the first young dude's asshole and it ain't matthew perry. PS: to that saturn, you're a slow moving planet and one filled with scum, and robert rump, forget it, jizz sucker, you don't know how to drain a cock if you tried. |
31st March 2004 - 07:13:50 AM |
6937 : mong |
fuck you scrrech you fuckin nerd |
31st March 2004 - 07:33:50 AM |
6938 : Linda Besharaty-Movaed |
Oral Sex Shown to Be Linked to Penis Pleasures LONDON (Reuters) - Although the risk is small and it is more likely to result from heavy drugging and pot smoking, scientists have uncovered evidence that oral sex can cause mouth decay and the dissolving of the teeth from sperm. Researchers had suspected that a sexually transmitted infection that is linked to anal cancer could also be associated with shit in the mouth. Now a study by researchers working for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France seems to have confirmed it through various ass-eating tests. "Oral sex can lead to anal sex which can lead to even greater pleasures," New Scientist magazine said Wednesday, referring to the latest research. The scientists studied more than 1,600 patients from Europe, Canada, Australia, Cuba and the Sudan with swollen anal canals and more than 1,700 healthy people of various boring occupations. They believe that the rimming of the asshole can be of benefit to all involved. "The researchers think both cunnilingus and fellatio can be lots of fun and should involve the entire family," the magazine added. Raphael Viscidio, a proctologist who worked on the asshole research, believes the findings are worthless but make for great reading. "This is a major study in terms of penis and testicle size," he said. "I think this will convince people to GET IT ON AND FAST." High consumptions of hashish and coke are estimated to cause 75-90 percent of all cases of excessive pleasure. The combination of rimming and alcohol are thought to produce high levels of what various doctors refer to as "sodomite pleasures". |
31st March 2004 - 09:35:49 AM |
6939 : www.internetnewsdaily.com |
cool site |
31st March 2004 - 11:34:56 AM |
6940 : me |
matthew perry is a diseased ass mole on the back of steinburg's mother's big fat rump. despite that, he is STILL a hell of a lot funnier than princess peussie, the unfunniest dry fecal chip to ever fall off of michael moore's crunchy matted ass hair that i have ever seen. |
31st March 2004 - 01:38:56 PM |
6941 : tørm§hadow |
Death Metal Chatroom.. Screech ain't invited.. LoL http://ancientlair.cjb.net |
31st March 2004 - 08:44:42 PM |
6942 : Fagbusters |
01st April 2004 - 10:20:53 PM |
6943 : Kurt Steinberg |
Max Goldberg, you played a good practical joke! I initially fell for it and believed that your website had been confiscated by the government. You put a big scare into all of Diamond's homosexual fans (where else would they find queer SBTB-related fantasies???)! - Kurt Steinberg |
01st April 2004 - 11:30:56 PM |
6944 : |
Goldberg, I read your Answer to Diamond's complaint - I had a good laugh! I have some thoughts regarding Diamond's complaint (note that I am not giving you legal advice - these are merely my thoughts): Diamond's name probably has acquired limited secondary meaning with respect to chess-related videos. However, you have not committed trademark infringement - Diamond's Complaint evidences a fundamental misunderstanding of trademark law. You aren't selling anything confusingly similar to Diamond's chess videos. Since you aren't selling or offering to sell ANYTHING, you can't be infringing Diamond's trademark/trade name. |
02nd April 2004 - 01:04:09 AM |
6945 : James Allen Bressem |
America's Antiquated Social Structure What is called democracy and speaks of consensus is in truth a multitude of Petty Kings or as I call them "Petty Capitalists" or PCs each having just enough financial power to drag the laws of the land and the destiny of the nations in hundreds of chaotic directions all at the same time resulting in very little progress for themselves and retrogression for Humanity. Humanity exists within a state of retrogression with the Petty Capitalists - PCs, because multitudes of the PCs support their opulence by pillaging the public (www.ucom-ism.com/pits.htm) with ad hoc legislation and creative marketing, not to mention blatant fraud. This article is located here: www.ucom-ism.com/aass.htm www.ucom-ism.com |