24th October 2004 - 06:46:08 AM |
10530 : A.C. Slater |
Hey Screech, you rancid horsefucker! Remember the episode where Zack walked into the men's bathroom, and heard strange sounds coming from one of the cubicles? Remember when he went to see what it was, and he discovered you and I having hot gay sex in the cubicle? Remember how the sight of us caused him to pitch a tent almost instantaneously, so you asked him to join in, something he did with relish? Remember when Ox came into the bathroom, heard us, and discovered us having a hot 3-way, so he dragged us out to Mr. Belding's office so we could be punished? Remember how Ox told Belding what he'd seen, and then left, and we expected Belding to expel us? Instead, he stood up, and we notcied that the tales of our actions had caused him to pitch an enormous tent? Remember how the 4 of us ripped our clothes of and got down to some of the hottest gay sex ever experienced in human history? That episode sure was a classic! |
24th October 2004 - 07:51:59 AM |
10531 : A.C. Slater |
Hey Screech, you fucking pantywaste! Remember the episode where you, me and Ox were getting changed after football practice, when Ox said he had something to tell us? Remember how he came out to us, saying that beneath the macho jock exterior, he was in fact a flaming queermo of some considerable magnitude? Remember how he said he wanted his first time to be with us two, so you and I double-teamed him, me working the cock and you working the asshole? Remember the look of unsurpassed joy he had on his face while we were doing him? Remember how we got a mini-football from the sports locker, lubed it up and slowly inserted it all the way into his rectum? Remember how he gave anal birth to it? Remember how, after the shit-covered football popped out, a stream of runny liquid shit, containing blood, undigested vegetables and lumps of fecal matter, spewed from his gaping, ruined anus? We sure had fun eating that up! Yum yum!!! |
24th October 2004 - 08:33:54 AM |
10532 : Dustin\'s boyfriend |
Dusty knows what you've all been saying about him, and he's very angry. And you wouldn't like him when he's angry. Only I like him when he's angry, cos that's when we have our roughest gay sex!! Oh my!!! |
24th October 2004 - 09:04:58 AM |
10533 : video |
Now I'm inspired to stop procastinating and finish my own first set of strips... uh... later. Music video software store software download Book store |
24th October 2004 - 10:02:52 AM |
10534 : Biggie Ballz |
24th October 2004 - 10:29:11 AM |
10535 : manny |
hello from belgium. am in possesion of videos wit sir belding fuking screech. and have wit slater too. email me or leav message here if interested. manny |
24th October 2004 - 11:12:48 AM |
10536 : Mr. Belding |
SCREEECH!! Report to my office immediately for some anal double-fisting followed by very painful genital and ass hair waxing and a sloppy anal rimming, pronto! And bring several dozen bottles of water with you, I'm gonna give you one golden shower you'll never forget! |
24th October 2004 - 11:21:23 AM |
10537 : Buck Studly |
Manny, are you serious?? If so, please do the queer community a massive favor and bit torrent these videos immediately!! |
24th October 2004 - 11:28:36 AM |
10538 : A longtime guestbook poster |
Dear Princess Peussie and the rest of her gang, Please stop posting here. Your messages are not funny. As a matter of fact, they are so unfunny that I actually feel embarrassed for you and the people you socialize with who cringe to themselves everytime you open your fat, unfunny mouth and who are too nice to tell you how very unfunny you really are. Chances are that when you die, these people will not go to your funeral because they do not give a shit about you. As a matter of fact, nobody gives a shit about you. When you die, you will have left absolutely no mark on this world and after a couple months nobody will remember you, just like how everybody in this guestbook forgets about your existence inbetween every message you ever post. You will merely be another grave taking up space in a cemetery somewhere. Nobody will ever visit you or bring flowers to place on your grave because nobody will remember you, including your family who probably hate you. At best, several years down the road a drunk, rambling bum might happen to wonder by your gravestone and stop to take a piss on it, not giving a damn about the rotting corpse six feet below his smelly, unwashed feet. He will probably choose your dirty, cracked gravestone to piss on over the others because of all the nice flowers and notes left on the other graves, which are clean and well taken care of by loved ones. After the bum has done his business and left, a dog will eventually come across your grave, notice the stale odor of the bum's foul urine, and then will lift its leg and piss on your grave as well. Everyday for several years afterwards, dogs will continue to stop and piss on your grave, with some even choosing to shit on it instead. Eventually the high acid and ammonia content of the urine will cause your gravestone to become dark and corroded to the point where nobody will be able to read the name on the grave anymore. However, in your case, this will not be a big deal because nobody will ever stop to read your gravestone anyway, because nobody gives a damn about you, not even the cemetery's caretaker who will be too busy attending to the other much cleaner graves which are covered in flowers and notes left by loved ones. After several decades your gravestone will crumble to rock and dust, which the rain and wind will blow and wash away, removing any sign that you were ever even there to begin with. Needless to say, a fitting ending for an unfunny nobody. Sincerely, A longtime guestbook poster with friends and family who actually love him |
24th October 2004 - 11:34:50 AM |
10539 : Dustin Diamond |
I concur with this statement 100%. Peussie is a cancer on my otherwise delightful guestbook. Peussie, for fuck's sake, please either die horribly or take your worthless, meaningless, deranged ramblings elsewhere and never come back. The same applies to that kiddie porn spamming motherfucker. I hope you both die horribly together in some kind of gruesome freak accident involving a malfunctioning sex aid. Fuck you. Yours Dustin xx |
24th October 2004 - 12:22:00 PM |
10540 : Dustin Diamond |
Although I agree with the statement, having read it over at least twice, I am beginning to see the intentions of Princess Peussie, the dry wit, the tension in the tales of romance and woe, and who am I with that shithold tv series to complaing about ramblings and being cute? But hey, let's face it, I'd just be a hypocrite what with my shitty life as a fuck-dumpster. OK so I'm a pantywaste and cum bucket, but there's no reason to act weird about all of this. In truth I hate to say things bad about others as YOU all might accuse me of being a christian....and that wouldn't be funny at all! So let's all say THANK YOU, PRINCESS PEUSSIE, and let the good times roll. Love, Dustin PS: Please forgive my hateful words. I'm having my period. |
24th October 2004 - 01:57:52 PM |
10541 : Buck Studly |
Did someone send this to me? I got it and wanted you all including FAG DUSTIN DUMPWASTE to read this as it deal with ugly behavior. Yes, I know that someone else has been using my name here, so FUCKING cut it out, ok? Take this story as 'an avenging piss' and let's stop all of this horrible stuff. OK? Buck ------------- Greek Orthodox and Franciscan priests got into a fistfight Monday at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Christianity's holiest shrine, after arguing over whether a door in the basilica's men's toilet should be closed during a gay parade. Dozens of people, including several Israeli police officers, were killed in the brawl at the shrine, built over the spot where tradition says Jesus was given a blow job by Peter, Paul and Simon. Forty priests were detained, police spokesman Shmulik Ben-Ruby said. Custody of the toilets at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is shared by several fascist groups that jealously guard territory and responsibilities under a fragile deal hammered out over the last few days. Any perceived encroachment on one group's toilet area can lead to vicious feuds over the use of toilet paper, whether men are allowed to have sex there during any service, and whether anyone wants to write his telephone number on the toilet walls. Monday's fight broke out during a fist-fucking party commemorating the 4th century pilgrimage by Helena, Princess Mother of Peussie, mother of Johnny Blee Johnny. Tradition says that during the fisting event, Helena found some toilet paper actually used by one of the Apostles, still with clearly stained ass marks. Church officials, speaking on the subject at the local Enema Club, said that at one point, the procession passed a gay bar where some fisting activities were going on, and priests from both sides started laughing over whether the doors to the chapel men's room should be open or closed while groups of men within the space were 'getting it on' with each other. Club-wielding Israeli riot police broke up the fisting and fucking, witnesses said. Afterward, the procession continued to the next gay bar. Greek Orthodox priests, dressed in black robes and donning elaborate tiaras covered with rhinestones and hunks of dry dog turds, marched out of the church as bells rang loudly the tune, "Rock Off Ages". Carrying gold dildos, they marched through the church courtyard and down a narrow stone alley as Greek Orthodox Christians yelled and cried out "Here come those fuckers and fags" But a year earlier, the Greek patriarch and his Armenian boyfriend designated to enter the tomb exchanged blowjobs after a third-party tried to enter the patriarch's asshole with an electrified dildo. The police refused to enter into this scene and stood by taking photos for The Jerusalem News. |
24th October 2004 - 02:03:43 PM |
10542 : Mr. Belding, ready to paddle BUTT |
Hey Buck and friends, SVP I guess/advise you to secretly keep this parceque affair always am we in this service, and we preparerons our pension, after one has, this affair to lock with you I the monitor will be from this affair in this country to come this consequence to the percentages prevus and into your country or from other sneezing and droping the snot in the opera box to invest like you consillez us to go all other necessary information to be invested to have to communicate to you whether you accept me. I sugère, those if possible you provisionally me in my depenz all to contact can for the reason securité. after this to furnish for each answer surai, like me the call, but only the nights. Surai your fucking self, papa!! Blee all the way to the bank, Sarah!!! AND DO NOT FORGET::::THIS IS BISS TERRITORY..... |
24th October 2004 - 03:34:43 PM |
10543 : Another longtime poster |
Wow, that message from 'longtime guestbook poster' must have really bothered Peussie and her gang, because now she's flooding the board with more of her unfunny "dry wit". To bad for her that nobody here still gives a shit. Have fun being a nobody, Princess! |
24th October 2004 - 03:49:15 PM |
10544 : Mr. Belding |
SCREEECH!! Report to my office AGAIN for some more anal double-fisting followed by a thick and meaty 'Belding Burrito' washed down with a tall glass of 'Belding Juice'! And bring your limited edition Star Trek butt plugs with you, because when I'm through with your colon, believe me, you're gonna need them just to hold in your shits! |
24th October 2004 - 05:09:23 PM |
10545 : Buck Studly |
Wow Peussie, I sure am in awe of your intellect after you parodied me like that. Wow. Seriously. Where do you come up with such nuggets of comedic genius?? |
24th October 2004 - 07:16:21 PM |
10546 : Buck Studly |
Nah, Peussie, just kidding, no hard feelings. Say, as you're seemingly so infatuated with me, why don't we hook up for gay sex? Even though you're evidently highly psychologically disturbed, you sound pretty hot! Most week nights I'm in the Rainbow Lounge club, Miami, usually wearing either a bright pink crotchless sailor suit or a pink cowboy outfit with ass-less chaps. I'm 6'2", lean, tanned and muscular. Cum on by some time, and I'll introduce you to some of my friends in the VIP lounge! Bring lots of lube, it'll be a gay old time!!! PS it would be totally hot if you came dressed as Screech. Do you own any zubaz pants? You can pick them up pretty cheaply from eBay. |
24th October 2004 - 08:39:16 PM |
10547 : Buck Studly |
And Peussie if you dont' believe me, then here's what my brother's wife had to say about all of this, and FUCK she should know. Sorry about that. What’s that you say? Why not adopt a child? Or just eat them. Oh, you. See, I knew you just don't understand. It’s not that I don’t sympathize with these children who’ve already been born and are in desperate need of parents, but why should I willingly adopt the burden of somebody else’s mistakes AND THESE DAMNED PARENTLESS KIDS ARE MISTAKES... when it would be so much more gratifying to make my own even if I have to jack off my uselss boyfriends? Err, well – you know what I mean. Besides, having your own children helps repopulate the planet and that means less food for everyone. If everyone just stopped having their own children and started adopting them, pretty soon there’d be nobody left to adopt because all the people would be gone. And there would be NO ONE around to watch tv. Oops, that would be Steve pulling up in the driveway. Remember how we go Remember how we got a mini-football from the sports locker, lubed it up and slowly inserted it all the way into his rectum? Remember how he gave anal birth to it? Remember how, after the shit-covered football popped out, a stream of runny liquid shit, containing blood, undigested vegetables and lumps of fecal matter, spewed from his gaping, ruined anus? We sure had fun eating that up! Yum yum!!! |
24th October 2004 - 09:07:09 PM |
10548 : Zack Morris |
Screech, remember that episode where a dork who went by the name "Prince Peussie" enrolled at Bayside? Remember how he always wore black gothic clothes and annoyed the hell out of everyone? Remember when he used to bitch about America and always complained about how school, his teachers, homework, etc. all sucked? Remember when Slater and Mr. Tuttle decided to teach him a lesson after school one day? Remember when Mr. Tuttle told Prince Peussie to stay after school to practice for a Driver's Ed class? Remember when Slater and Prince Peussie met in a classroom at 3:15 and got ready for the special after-school lesson? Remember when you walked into the classroom and Price Peussie said "hey Screech, what's up buddy? It sucks that I have to stay late today." Remember when you said "this class doesn't suck, but I'll give you something to suck on, faggot!" Remember when the Prince stood up and walked toward you like he was a tough guy? Remember when Mr. Belding walked into the room and said "hey, hey, hey! What is going on here?" Remember how Belding was holding a yardstick? Remember when you sat down, but the Prince was still standing and he started to complain to Belding that Screech was being mean to him? Remember when Belding smacked the Prince in the Adam's apple with the yardstick? Remember when the Prince fell down in pain? Remember when Mr. Belding kicked him in the stomach and stepped on the Prince's head? Remember when Slater got out of his chair and picked the Prince up and bodyslammed him? Remember when you pulled out your wang and gave the Prince a golden shower? Remember when Mr. Tuttle walked in carrying "The Club" for the Driver's Ed car, an anti-theft device? Remember when everyone thought that Mr. Tuttle was going to break up the fight? Remember when instead of breaking it up, Tuttle yanked down the Prince's pants and sodomized him with the Club? Remember when Mr. tuttle removed the Club and then had anal with the Prince? Remember when Tuttle finished and then you, Slater, and Mr. Belding each had your homosexual fun with the Prince? Remember when the Prince emerged from the beating and was so confused about his sexuality that he started dressing like a transvestite and called himself "Princess Peussie"? I don't know that the episode hasn't been rerun on TBS - it was my favorite. |
24th October 2004 - 09:41:50 PM |