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    27th October 2004 - 03:11:02 PM    
10610 :
Dustin, how often do you masturbate while fingering your asshole? I do it daily myself, I lube up my finger and jam it up my ass and beat off. I just bought a new butt plug that I have yet to break in. The only downside of fingering myself is I love the feeling of a man cumming inside me, and my finger can't do that. Do you smell you finger after doing it or maybe even give yourself a dirty sanchez? Let us in on your most intimate moments Dustin, I'll be masturbating to Saved By the Bell episodes.

    27th October 2004 - 03:48:13 PM    
10611 : Queer Quiz
You are sleeping in your bed, alone, nude.

Suddenly and without warning, Screech climbs into your bed!!!

What do you do?

    27th October 2004 - 03:54:28 PM    
10612 :
dear dustin i hate you, you goddammned piece of shit pantywaste pudsucking assfuck

    27th October 2004 - 03:58:58 PM    
10613 : Fart Smuggler
First, shit into his mouth, as a gesture of kindness, then rip off those Zubaz pants and bite down firmly on his genitals while shoving the nearest telephone inside his ass. After his anus is lubed and gaping, climb inside his anus, into his lower intestine, and play a blues song on your harmonica. Then, climb out, make sure his anus is now encrusted with blood and poo. Now, tie his penis to a doorknob and beat it with sticks. After blowing a massive wad into his Jew-fro, put some chloryform on and old rag and hold it over his mouth and nose. When he wakes up in a remote highway rest stop with a bleeding anus and a sperm-encrusted Jew-fro, he will know he had fun the night before! Did I get it?

    27th October 2004 - 04:30:58 PM    
10614 : OMG
Go to the Salty The Pocketknife forum before they delete the new topic I just posted. GO! HURRY!

    27th October 2004 - 04:54:01 PM    
10615 : twyla 16
hey u guys cut it out ok im haveing a really shity day so please just stop.
the medication they give me for being crazy makes my vagina dry and itchy and they dont let me do drugs and be cool and the state took away my daddy cause they say he touched me wrong but when? when did he touch me wrong? if he did it was my fault and i liked it
also in the retard hospital the tampons are all too little and not absorbant enough to suite my needs so i have to use three of them at once and wrap them in toilet paper
o yea the toilet paper here is not soft it is hard and rough like sand paper and it makes my poo hole get red and irritated and when i poop it hurts and then i wipe and it hurts even more so i just stopped wiping and some poo got inside my vagina hole and now i have some infection they say is unknown to the scientific community i tried to make a razor blade out of my toothbrush so i can just end it all but the toothbrush didnt work right and now my tooth brush is broken & my teeth are coated with plaque

    27th October 2004 - 05:14:00 PM    
10616 : SB
The STPK forum is gaying up and there's nothing anybody can do about it!

    27th October 2004 - 05:15:12 PM    
10617 : LDS
LOL!!!! I love Dustin Diamond. I jack off to him when I'm fucking my girlfriend's dead body. haha. I get big boners when I look at his scrawny dick. I wanna suck it right off his body. I wanna buttfuck him all day. okay? Now I need to jack off to some dustin hardcore porn!!!!11on1!!

    27th October 2004 - 05:17:18 PM    
10618 : Me
My answer to the queer quiz would be to tear off any clothes Dustin might be wearing, punch him hard in the gut several times until he shits himself, then flip him on to his stomach and eat out his ass. After I've had my fill, I would then punch him in the face and throw him out into the street for shitting all over my bedsheets!

    27th October 2004 - 05:32:31 PM    
10619 : Fart Smuggler
I like my answer better. And LDS has some agression issues. I suggest that you refer to the message forum at for further instruction.

    27th October 2004 - 05:52:52 PM    
10620 : Gay Zack
yes fart smuggler, your response was quite erotic - I think I shall try that with a dustin at the next dumpster gathering. Good to see some queering at the STBK forum, Jose is always ready to queer that place up!

    27th October 2004 - 06:08:02 PM    
10621 : GAY FEZ

    27th October 2004 - 06:15:08 PM    
10622 : Gay Zack
yes I just checked out gay fez' post's - highly erotic and sure to piss off that jack off "the fez" - the fez needs a good rim job followed by anal to loosen up that tight ass of his

    27th October 2004 - 06:22:57 PM    
10623 : The REAL Dustin Diamond
You dirty motherfuckers! My band can't even have a message board without sick fags posting hot erotic gay messages! I'll sue every one of you faggots! You queens take your disgustingly arousing "Rim Jobs" and your deliciously sinful "Arabian Goggles" and go back to San Francisco! I don't want to hear another word about the wildy stimulating abomination of God that is the Dirty Sanchez. Or the ever boner-inducing Glass Bottom Boat. Not one word! And how can you be so cruel to a depressed little gothic girl? She just wants you to like her!

    27th October 2004 - 06:38:04 PM    
10624 : twyla 16
thank u teh real dustin durmer. they make fun of me for trying to kill my self to get attention. these guys are really sick assholes

also, my asshole is sick. it makes funny noises and theres a thick orange discharge. the doctor told me to stop sticking the pork chops in it, but it really gets me hot and the pork chops they serve at the crazy retard hospital are gross.

something came out of my vagina on teh toilet this morning. i thought maybe it came out the other end but i felt it and i knew it was the cootie hole. so i looked in the toilet and yes it was a little bitty old baby. it was all little and shriveled up and smelled bad. i tried to remember if i left a aborted fetus up there but i dont think i did so teh baby has to eather be from my dad or my speed dealer or my speed dealers cousin but probly my dads cause it had the same colored eyes i know because i picked him up out of the toilet and plucked out one of his eyes

i knewed he were a boy cause he had little weeny on em how sad=9 oops i mean =

    27th October 2004 - 06:47:45 PM    
10625 : twatla 16
ps dustin it would be kewl if you wood dress up goth and go trik or treating with me we can stick candy corns up each others asses than bob for cock, my favorite pastime

    27th October 2004 - 06:53:48 PM    
10626 : Felch Slurper

    27th October 2004 - 07:28:49 PM    
10627 : Country Blumpkin
Any o' y'all seen a big tall feller with a cowboy hat, boots, a lasso, a gee-tar, and some Zubaz chaps without nothin' underneath? He goes by the name of "Honky Tonk Man". Anybody seen that sumbitch? If you do, gimme a holler!
Oh, by the way, I'm the Country Blumpkin. Pleased to meetche.

    27th October 2004 - 07:39:02 PM    
10628 :
just re-reading some reviews for the SBTB dvds on amazon. for the first and second seasons, all of the queer reviews are in a row going down the page.

    27th October 2004 - 08:36:37 PM    
10629 : Gay Ox
Duh! Me gay Ox? Ox like scat! Ox want Screech take off Zubaz and we roll around each other's poo! Ox want threesome with Screech, small retarded boy. Then Hot Lunch. Hot Lunch good!

Ox want take Slater mullet then Ox shoot cum in it! Cum good!

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