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    30th October 2004 - 12:20:24 AM    
10690 : Dude
10689: Are you Busters? Busters was a lot more clever.

    30th October 2004 - 01:14:37 AM    
10691 : Another Dude
I agree. Busters also at least sounded like he was over the age of 14.

    30th October 2004 - 01:53:28 AM    
10692 : osama bin laden
yuor contry will fall. more biuldings go down. we have bombs so make yuor time.

    30th October 2004 - 01:56:27 AM    
10693 : zack morris\' sweaty grundel
Hey Screeth. This is Lisa Turtle. I'm a at the Max and they won't make me eggs cuz I'm a nigger. They will only sell me fruit punch and watermellon. Jessie is scared she on caffeine pills. I think she is a dyke. AC Slater is a wetback. Kelly Kapowski has big tits, but is packing a sweaty sack and bologna wad. See in you the one hallway at bayside. P.s. tell Mr. Tuttle he has Diabetes and should lay off the McDonalds. He smells like stale farts. Peace, Leace

    30th October 2004 - 03:43:23 AM    
10694 : SLAIN

    30th October 2004 - 04:26:22 AM    
10695 : cooter
Learn how to spell buddy, your site sucks.

    30th October 2004 - 04:38:55 AM    
10696 :

    30th October 2004 - 06:07:26 AM    
10697 : Daily Radar
How To Ask Your Grandma On A Date

Inbreeding may be illegal in 48 states (and "gently discouraged" in the remaining two), but if Grandpa's dead, Grandma's hot and you're a lonely guy looking to find a girl just like the one who gave birth to the girl who married your dear old dad, then you've come to the right place. These instructions are not for everybody. If you are easily offended, or Grandma has a strict "no dating grandsons" rule, then do not read this. In fact, nobody should read this. We're not reading this, and we wrote it. (Okay, we lied.)
What you'll need:
• One sexy Grandma
• One deceased Grandpa
• Cookie dough
• Vick's vapor rub
• A good lawyer

Step One: Pick the right time. Unless you've been flirting, it's highly unlikely that Grandma has any idea you might be interested in her. It's bound to be a surprise, so choose a time to ask her out very carefully. Bad times to make your move: at Grandpa's wake, following hip surgery, first night at the nursing home, after the respirator's been shut off. Good times: your birthday, her birthday, during Andy Rooney, a bake sale, any holiday.
Step Two: Hang where Grandma hangs Creepy as it may sound, follow Grandma wherever she goes. "Accidentally" run into her at her weekly bingo game, and sweet talk her between games. Join her quilting club. Drop by for unexpected visits. Conveniently, nobody will ever accuse you of stalking -- you're just a "loving grandson."
Step Three: Become a Grandma magnet Remember that green and red striped sweater Grandma gave you for Christmas 10 years ago? Now's the time to dig it out of the closet. Wear it with a pair of brown corduroy pants pulled up to your armpits and a dab of chocolate chip cookie dough behind each ear. No Grandma alive could possibly resist you.
Step Four: Avoid distractions Your parents will undoubtedly have some concerns: "Grandma's too old for you," "You're related," "Her diapers leak," "She's in an oxygen tent"... the list goes on and on. Siblings will probably have similar fears: "She smells like old people," "Does this mean you're 'geri-sexual'?" and, of course, the inevitable "But I saw her first!" You're better off visiting her when she's alone and not at relative-heavy occasions like a family reunion. You don't need the competition.
Step Five: Getting Grandma in the mood Any potentially awkward social situation can be lightened considerably with a little "herbal refreshment," if you know what we mean. Bring a jar of Vick's vapor rub to your visit and let the magic fumes do their work. This stuff is like catnip to the elderly, making them drool even more than usual. If you're really lucky, Grandma may suggest you massage some into her shoulders. If this happens, you are so in.
Step Six: Popping the question With Grandma loosened up a little (not too loose -- make sure she's wearing a fresh change of Depends), suggest the two of you take her Rascal (tm) out for a spin around the block. Look her deeply in the eyes (she might not make you out too clearly), shouting as closely to her as possible, and go for the gusto: "GRANDMA, WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUT WITH ME SOMETIME?" Repeat until she stops replying "What? I didn't hear you, dear."
Congratulations! You have just asked your grandmother out on a date. Take her out to her favorite restaurant, like Denny's, and don't be surprised if she's into the idea as much as you are.
How to tell if you've turned Grandma on:
• Her support hose have garters
• Grandma bakes up a batch of Viagra brownies for dessert
• Just for you, whatever remains of her hair is a completely new shade of silver-blue
• She takes out her dentures halfway through the date

    30th October 2004 - 09:51:16 AM    
10698 : Steve
hey fuckers i bet i can out-dustin dirty talk you all email me for some nasty dustin talk especially if it involves ac slater come on you fruits give me something to blow my dusty load to

    30th October 2004 - 10:41:36 AM    
10699 : Anal explorer
Well, Cpt. Mountaineer, may I suggest that we get out our helmets and probe deep into Dustins dark and windy crevice. It will be a dangerous expidition so make sure you bring protection

    30th October 2004 - 11:22:15 AM    
10700 : rick james
BMX, Kerry is a fag, just like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    30th October 2004 - 04:11:34 PM    
10701 : Melvin Manjuice
I want to perversely pound dustin's pink, puckered, pouting poophole until he shits out gooey lumps of diarreah in my face... YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! It will be just like a little slice of heaven sliding down my throat as I lick his anus clean and lovingly swallow the tasty little love-nuggets that had been previously clinging to the outer parameters of his tight young turd-ring... Then I want to shit in his eyes and piss all over his freshly-fucked anus...

    30th October 2004 - 04:24:17 PM    
10702 :
you must really be so proud of the disgusting crap you just posted... Congratulations, loser, you officially suck ass

    30th October 2004 - 05:37:26 PM    
10703 : Chachi, NOW looking for fuck some assholes
I love to suck dingles out of assholes like dustins but he's is closed for the season due to disease....sort of like Georgie Bush and his sick brain. BUt whatever, I'm FUCKING MAD AND READY TO FIGHT SOME OF YOU NERDS. Don't think however I'll make it down to the RANCH although Michael sent me an invitation...and by the way, I'm sending you all this peculiar Ranch story which I can verify IS TRUE! In fact I've got some damned good videos of these young slaves being turned into old, nasty slaves, worked on and trained to be the best sex objects in Southern California.....I'm off to Hawaii and that MASS ON THE BEACH with Madre Loki, with hopes that they've managed to turn that vast sewage system there which drains right onto the beach OFF.....and I won't have to dodge those 'turd submarines' during the Mass itself. Hi there, Fluff......Nana Bezerka sends her best to do I to all of my fans. "Mount me if you must, but don't kiss me"....oh god i love THAT film.

    30th October 2004 - 05:45:03 PM    
10704 :
get out

    30th October 2004 - 05:59:08 PM    
10705 :
One of the neatest things about Dustin is that his facial structure is such that he can stick his nose up your ass and lick your balls at the same time.

    30th October 2004 - 06:04:48 PM    
10706 :
It's the best seat in the house, baby!

    30th October 2004 - 06:11:00 PM    
10707 : Queer Quiz
Pop quiz, hotshot:

You are asleep one night, and Dustin Diamond suddenly inserts his penis in to your asshole, fucks you hard, blows his load, felches his own semen out of your gaping anus, and begins to beat you about the face with his big old donkey dick.

What do you do?

    30th October 2004 - 06:11:33 PM    
10708 : Mr. Belding
SCREEECH!! Report to my office immediately for some anal double-fisting followed by a leaky piss enema and a hot session of testicle-tongue tennis, pronto! And bring a syphon hose with you, after the piss enema I'm probably gonna be really thirsty so I'm gonna have to drink the shit-piss punch back out of your ass!

    30th October 2004 - 06:23:39 PM    
10709 : HOT BELGIAN YOUNGERS TO SUCKING YOUR COCK - XXX hot stuff for you this evening!

Underage belgian cum whores wanting your cock to be sucking this tonite. You like cock in cunt, you will like, no spam, no up-pop, none of bullingshits, just hot underage belgian youngers prostitutions wanting for your ball-juice. Up ass, in cunt, in mouth they will do all. Talk live to whores in live interweb link-up live chat live and see beautifulness, live. Hot XXX action gaping donkey anal spectualrs. piss shit ass cunt fuck testicle golden shower bestial inbreeding rape bukkake slut jizz period action for alls.

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