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    30th October 2004 - 07:29:51 PM    
10710 : Queer Quiz Answer

    30th October 2004 - 07:39:43 PM    
10711 : Kurt Steinberg, OUR LEADER
This board is now the best anyone can find for Dustin and his perversions. Yeh, lots of other saved by the balls groups have been invaded by fags and sluts, but this one shines and glows like my twinkling little anus. Hey forgot to tell you all that I had an enema last night by a buddy, he pissed at lest a gallon up my butt then I evacuated all over his face. Great fun, and we talked alot about Gay Dustin and his tight scrotum. I hear that he's planning a sex change.

    30th October 2004 - 07:47:36 PM    
10712 :
Peussie, you are shit. Fuck off.

    30th October 2004 - 08:13:43 PM    
10713 : Michael J. Fox
There has been extensive chatter about the best way to eat your own cum, which by the way I find very exciting to say the least. The question is,I have been cumming in ziplock bag for the last week or so, then put the bag in the fridge. I am saving up for lets just say my own Saved By The Bell bukkake party! Has anyone else done this to this degree, or can you advise as to how long cum will hold in the fridge. Thanks!

    31st October 2004 - 02:16:29 AM    
10714 : Mr. Belding
SCREEECH!! Report to my office AGAIN for some more anal double-fisting followed by a heavy session of teabagging and a Chocolate Twinkie, complete with creamy white filling! And bring a can of pork & beans with you, I'm gonna literally pork out your ass and then sing a smelly tune with mine right in your face!

    31st October 2004 - 02:37:09 AM    
10715 :
what's a "chocolate twinkie"?

    31st October 2004 - 06:02:56 AM    
10716 : Bukkake Kenji
Ko-n-ni-chi-wa Mr. Fokusu-san, i can be recommend that semen will be last much longer if inserted in freezer. In fridge will only last week or around ebfore it starting smell like month-old takiyoki, is bad.

Also, checking out please favorite Japanese porn film 'Asian Bukkake Sluts 9' i am feature!! At end of film i is presenting handy guide no. 1 about how to hold yr own bukkake party and best of ways to be storing yr own sperm. Buy today is good! Gambare kudasai!!!!

    31st October 2004 - 07:17:29 AM    
ß VERY YOUNG SWEET NUDE GIRLS - FREE 300 PHOTOS - VERY YOUNG SWEET NUDE GIRLS - FREE 300 PHOTOS - http://xxxteeny.virginshardcore.comë

    31st October 2004 - 07:24:15 AM    
10718 : Donnie Dumper
Dear Peussie,

There is a very special dump I've been working on recently, and I would like to take it in your mouth some time. Essentially, I eat nothing but bran muffins, chilli, jalapeno peppers and kidney beans for a week. I also do not take a dump in this time. After the food has had a week to putrify in my guts, I let her rip, and the resulting poop has a slight greenish-brown tinge, and is very dark, sludgy and almost unbelievably smelly. Also, the dumpee will suffer from stinging eyes and a burning mouth and nose for several days after consumption, and is likely also to projectile vomit.

How about it?

- Donnie

    31st October 2004 - 08:49:18 AM    
10719 : Margaret Irwin
To Reverend Steinberg,
I have read that just recently some young man attempted to begin a new VOMIT CLUB at your cathedral in Philadellphoa. And that he managed to cut loose with some massive turds in his pants and urine all over your parking lot. Is this true? I hope so, as these "RELEASE CLUBS" are being created everywhere in the same of Health and In the Name of Christ Almighty. Our chapter president, only known as THE DUTCH BOY, reports that a good evacuation of the physical body can enhance the spiritual one. He reports that this coming Monday at some chapel of pink or red nuns, he plans to have a heavy RELEASE of all internal organs, 7am, and hopes others will join him.

Have you seen the film FIGHT CLUB? well, it is the model for our RELEASE CLUBS and it's catching on so rapidly.

Please do let me hear from you via the BISS Club, as I know this server is being tapped by the FBI and CIA.

Thanking you in the Name of the Great Evacuator!

Margaret Irwin

    31st October 2004 - 11:28:02 AM    
10720 :
damn this board is getting good again don't forget STPK

    31st October 2004 - 12:49:08 PM    
10721 : Seaman Stains
Hello sailors! Dustin, you really hoist my mainsail. As my shore leave is coming up, I wondered if you might fancy meeting up behind a dumpster somewhere? I would really like to board you and fire my big cannon into your poop deck. Also, I'm just back from a tour of the far east, and I have a shitload of exotic STDs to share.

    31st October 2004 - 01:58:30 PM    
10722 : Flaming Queer Dustin
Sounds great, Captain Seaman! All aboard! You can mount my Jewish poop deck until the cows COME home! Would you be willing to smear my poo on your face and make a poo goatee like the one I have? Any Dumpster any time anywhere. Have you caught any crabs while sailing? I have tons! Just thinking about tasting my own poo on your steam ship makes my Zubaz bulge! Watch for ice bergs! And farts! Poo! I'm totally gay!

    31st October 2004 - 03:18:46 PM    
10723 : Seaman Stains
Dustin, scrub your poop deck and have it ready for inspection! I'm gonna give you some good dumpster lovin, and then maybe I could smuggle you aboard and use you as a sex slave while I'm at sea. And it wouldn't just be me - I'd let all my queer shipmates (there are many) have a piece of you. It'll be a love cruise you'll never forget.

All hands on dick!

    31st October 2004 - 05:41:51 PM    
10724 : Damien Slut
I am wanking, crying and shitting as I type this.

Heil Hitler!

    31st October 2004 - 05:45:52 PM    
10725 : Chocolate Twinkie
A Chocolate Twinkie is when you take a big and mushy dump in your partner's mouth, who then holds the shit in their mouth as they perform oral sex on you until you climax into the mound of poo, injecting its center with a creamy white filling, which your partner can then immediately start eating, enjoying a nice warm shithearty meal!

    31st October 2004 - 06:40:34 PM    
10726 : Bleeding Shitter
My ass bleeds when I shit. Does that turn you on, Dustin? Does knowing that I shit bloody turds make you hungry for my crimson streaked logs? Do you yearn to immediately eat out of my toilet the bloody dumpling stew which I've messily spewed from out of my bleeding anus? Does your tummy rumble at the thought of eating my blood swirled poop generously smeared on crackers with cheese? Would you like to drink a nice tall glass of cold bloody brown toilet water to wash it all down? Or maybe you would just like for me to shit my bloody red & brown mess straight into your mouth?

Well, how about it Dustin? Would you like to gobble down on the putrid and possibly HIV+ crimson shit noodle soup from straight out of my ass cheeks?

    31st October 2004 - 07:40:38 PM    
10727 :
Dustin you are a legend- i would love to bum u

    31st October 2004 - 07:48:08 PM    
10728 :
u are quite literally the biggest cunt iv ever seen on tv

    31st October 2004 - 08:07:29 PM    
10729 : Eliott
Hi, I'am a surfer boy and student from Peru so i can tell you the food is great we have great beaches north of lima, like mancora, chicama,pacasmayo with great waves chicama has for me the longest wave in the world, 43 kilometers south of lima you can find pico alto with waves from 8 to 10 meters. I visited lots of places as: Machu Picchu, Camino Inca, Choquequirao, Puno, Líneas Nazca - Paracas, Manu,Arequipa, Lima, Huaraz- llejón de Huaylas, Puerto Maldonado -Tambopata Candamo, Ayacucho, Tarapoto, Chachapoyas,Kuelap, Iquitos, Trujillo, Cotahuasi, and Cotahuasi. If you are interested contact me 51 1 97486790 , my name is Eliott C A

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