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    02nd November 2004 - 11:00:04 AM    
10770 : Alexander Blunt
Hey Boo I love you and I wish you would let me unleash my demon in your ass and let the fountain of cum fall down let me take advantage of you and show you how to saddle up and ride my pony.
Bye Boo

    02nd November 2004 - 11:18:40 AM    
10771 : ETHT

    02nd November 2004 - 11:24:18 AM    

    02nd November 2004 - 01:52:24 PM    
10773 : S!CK B0Y!
I can't access my fucking blog right now, so I'll type something here. I just voted for the first time ever. Yes for Kerry, no for light rail. Chew on that, queers. Also, gay belding is right on. BMX is a fucking moron. And where the fuck is Twyla? She should entertain us with one of her angsty failed suicide attempt stories. Or maybe she got something right for once in her life and succeeded in removing herself from the gene pool and she can no longer taint mankind with her filthy ovaries. STPK4EVR!

    02nd November 2004 - 01:58:41 PM    
10774 : S!CK B0Y!
Hey! Gay Zack! Where are you? Go to the STPK message board quick! Farrier is going to shit his fucking pants!

    02nd November 2004 - 02:04:27 PM    
10775 : Louie!
Who's got something for me?!
(I do!)
What is it?!
I wanna dip my balls in it!!
(No, seriously. I'm dying for the sins of the world. One of you is gonna deny me and one of you is gonna betray me.)

    02nd November 2004 - 02:14:16 PM    
10776 : Doug
I'm outta heeeere.

    02nd November 2004 - 02:15:47 PM    
10777 : Gay Zack
Fuck Farrier right in his ass. I don't think they even have mods anymore. That site is getting all queered up and for good reason. Dustin, only you can save the site.

    02nd November 2004 - 02:45:40 PM    
10778 : S!CK B0Y!
It has gone too far. Not even Dustin can save their pathetic puny earth website. It is now on the brown side, and there's no turning back.

    02nd November 2004 - 03:21:44 PM    
10779 : Mystery Loves some Vomit
Oh dear, what a loss...what a shithole of nerds. well then here's something to think about:




    02nd November 2004 - 04:08:52 PM    
10780 : George W. Bush
I need a job!

    02nd November 2004 - 04:09:53 PM    
10781 :
bend over George and I'll give you a rim job

    02nd November 2004 - 04:23:59 PM    
10782 : Ignignokt
The earth website is getting very gay. The forums are queer for the gay earth people. Mexican beer is the cheapest of all beers.


    02nd November 2004 - 05:04:54 PM    
10783 : Err
We get checks from the government, and we spend it on beer. Mexican beer.

    02nd November 2004 - 05:12:52 PM    
10784 : S!CK B0Y!
I like your story, sleazy, (10766) but what is ironic about Belding asking Screech to "Suck it like a hot dog"? Does Screech really like hot dogs? I don't think Jews can eat hot dogs. Is it ironic because you're not really supposed to suck a hot dog?

Oh I get it. Because Jews aren't supposed to eat hot dogs. That IS ironic!

The part where you wrote "The whole school got a good laugh" almost made me piss myself.

    02nd November 2004 - 05:25:27 PM    
10785 : S BEEZ
If you haven't been to within the last hour, you haven't lived. There is a plethora of hot gay stroking fodder. There is plenty of stuff you can pump your fist to. Also, you can read and masturbate to and if you want put something big in your fart chamber.

    02nd November 2004 - 05:43:03 PM    
10786 : just keeps getting gayer and gayer by the minute! That message board is almost as gay as a Streisand concert, only you don't have to pay half a million dollars and they won't kick you out for touching yourself.

    02nd November 2004 - 06:02:18 PM    
10787 : Salty the Pocket Rocket
the STPK forum is almost gayer than this board.

    02nd November 2004 - 06:09:19 PM    
10788 : twyla 16
he u guys well im still here at the crazy retard hospital for people who attempt suicide to get attention
the doctor touch my poohole so i tell him stop or ill tell my dad but then the doctor and my dad take turns putting there pee pees in my fart hole
the infection got worse and they might have to amputate my vagina before it falls out so i bet u guys think thats realy funny but its not
every time i make poop its all bloody and i have to use a donut pillow to sit down the doctor told me not to sit on my vagina or it could explode
i hat my life o my god i want to die and please the topical cream does NOT stop the itching

    02nd November 2004 - 06:40:11 PM    
10789 : Robert Smith
I feel your pain, Twyla. You should buy an album called "Destinegration."

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