19th December 2004 - 05:46:10 AM |
11730 : |
iz thiz site a satirical one? |
19th December 2004 - 09:48:41 AM |
11731 : Osama Bin Laden |
Is this called flooding? ** this is the traditionally test/ hypocrisy masked with Nobel-fest/ ** struggle against zioni-mafia and its dirty capital/ struggle for liberation, real international/ motstånd, mot strömmen/ solidaritet mot judiska kapitalet/ kampen mot imperialismen är internationell/ tapperhet är kampa mot den sionistiska fascismen/ ** "zioni-virus dominated AMS" sprätt/ som Länsarbetsnämdens sätt/ jävla kräk, hyckleriet/ rör inte vår arbetsrätt ** inga fascister på våra gator/ inga sionister, inga mutor ** - vad tycker vi om sionism?/ - illa!/ - hur illa?/ - sk’t illa/ - usch, usch, usch - George double WC Bush ** vi är många/ vi är starka/ stoppa den sionstyrda/ svenska imperialismen/ dess riddaren/ provokative judaismen/ skiten/ tvätta bort den/ omedelbart, nu! jamän/ ** vad ska vi göra?/ STOPPA RASISMEN!/ när ska vi Saamer göra något?/ nu!/ när ska svenska soffliggande vänstern göra något?/ när den hussen Bonniersmedien/ kastar några feta ben åt ** motstånd, mot strömmen/ tapperhet är kampa mot den sionistiska fascismen/ solidaritet mot judiska kapitalet/ kampen mot imperialismen är internationellt/ ** upp till kamp/ mot sionism och stöveltramp! upp till kamp/ mot sionism och stöveltramp! ** sedan 60 år luras världen/ trots funnits inte regerande nassarna/ men myten nassar bidrar till att se/ hur bourgeoisins bastarder/ icke kapabel att använda hjärnor,/ ej hjärnor ej hjärnor hava de/ Cold War drivande lögnmästare judarna ** underklassgerillan spelar boll/ överklassflugor ingen roll ** stoppa rasismen/ med toapapper/ stoppa sionismen/ via Intifadan! ** i Väst, far West/ aldrig mera sionpest/ all sagor om stackare führern,/ producerad i Pentagon, Jew York, Tel Aviv/ annars skall Hitler söka asyl/ välkomnas i Laponia/ varför då så sägs sköta sig i huvudet ** kapitalism leder till rasism/ nonchalansen flathet/ sionism och nya abonnenter/ till judeprop DN-Expressen ** vi kommer att/ förvandla besvikelsen/ till enorma seger/ över hela världen/ sionfri festival ** ut med sionisterna/ ut med fascisterna/ Per Ahlmark-Ahlin’s produkter,/ AIPAC&ADL&eXpo-sadisterna ** Mo$$ad en skam/ för våra't land/ ** ropen skalla/ arbete åt alla ** de lukker andres øjne/ med løgne og had/ mord og brand og bomber/ det er nogle tumber/ vi bli'r mange flere/ aldrig Mo$$ad kollaboration mere ** SionProp i fra nær og fjærr/ ska bankes ned med strykejærn ** sluta segregera/ börja integrera ** arbetarklassen har inget/ fosterland ** defend true asylum, human rights/ instead imported criminals/ piss off the collaborator-pigs/ send back neo-zioni-Kurdish pimps ** stoppa rasismen/ här och nu/ proletariats mångfald/ inte agitativ enfald ** vi är Svenskar,/ vi är stolta/ solidarisera med/ bedrövade massorna/ förtryckta Laponian Proletarian/ vi är Saamer/ vi är stolta/ solidarisera med/ svikna Swedish Proletarian ** rör du mig/ slår jag dig ** må alla/ pedofiljävlar brinna/ bland import kriminella/ Abit Dundar dundra ** utan kvinnokamp/ ingen klasskamp/ ingen klasskamp/ utan kvinnokamp ** JAS & Coca-cola/ out of Laponia! ** bort med mördarflaggan/ biträdande judiska ligan ** USA, cleansed from Vietnam/ USA cleanses from Iraq, Afghanistan!.. ** inga lån åt USA Kissinger, fascist Wickman dollarns knähund/ USA ut ur Scandinavia/ U S A ha ha ha!/ ** peace isn't good,/ war is democracy?/ is whole world foolish?/ Go home BUSHARON!/ Go home USA! ** Nixon war mördare/ Condoleeza Rica pig lika blodig mördare/ våra Sosis kapitalister/ lika fega kålsupare ** vapenhandlaremaffian/ ut ur Vietnamiserade världen/ Tory BLiar’s Kelly mördarsvin/ vi ska sudda ut ditt flin ** hellre arabkamraternas falafel/ än att bli diaree af judiska blodiga tjuvbullar ** internationell solidaritet/ arbetarklassens kampenhet ** vi vill inte ha våran del av kakan vi vill ha hela bageri't / Kapitalism NEJ, NEJ, NEJ!/ Socialism JA, JA, JA!/ knyt upp svansen på storfinansen Yuppie,/ fallskärm & bankakut/ vi har fått nog nu får det vara slut/ ** krossa kapitalismen leve socialismen / bort med det kapitalistiska förtrycket/ krossa kapitalismen/ roten till fascismen/ känner ni stanken/ från Enskilda banken/ samma gamla plåga samma gamla kval/ de skyldiga belönas med fallskärmsavtal ** elände, kriser, depression/ Våra't svar är direkt aktion/ ** Yuppie, fallskärm & bankakut/ gör slut/ med dem, döm för samhällstjänst/ livet ut! ** Människan kommer inte att bli fri/ förrän den sista kapitalisten dinglar/ i den sista byråkratens tarmar ** Stock exchange is legalized theft operation of organized thieves/ it looks like like coalition troops/ who still massacre the oppressed Iraqis, Afghans ** TV-skvalet/ tjänar kapitalet ** Klass mot klass ** yuppiefria förorter/ Yuppiefri innerstad ** Historien om alla hittillsvarande samhällen är historen om klasskamp ** Enade vi stå/ söndrade vi falla ** jude-infiltrated SÄPO skiten/ i betjänsten af finfina eliten/ ** Konsumera inte Marx/ lev ut hans idéer ** Befria mig inte!/ det gör jag själv ** Svarta & vita tillsammans mot de rika / pis off the shitty ass of overclass/ Power to Working Class! Power to Working Class! ** Pölsa, pölsa åter pölsa Oxfilé, oxfilé när får vi det Gatsten, gatsten Klasskrig nu Ni som bor så jävla flott Plundra er är inget brott Spöa Hellsvik, spöa en rik Det är våran mottaktik ** Ingen regering,/ blott klassorganisering/ kan hjälpa oss ** Går det inte att putsa fönstret, så slå sönder det De som pratar om revolution och klasskamp utan att prata om vardagslivet, de pratar med ett kadaver i munnen ** Laponia skrike/ SvekJa Kingdom sviker ** När vi alla tillsammans stannar våra maskiner visar vi hur svaga de är Av var och en efter förmåga. Av var och en efter behov Slå ett slag mot överhetens lag Proletariatets frigörelse måste vara dess eget verk Röd front klass mot klass Ned med journalisterna och de som vill skona dem Vi svälter ge oss ett arbete Svält med Feldt Inga plogbillar på våra gator Den vackraste skulpturen är den fyrkantiga gatstenen som sitter i käften på en snut Ta till vapen ni som vill göra revolution Ni som vill demonstrera kan ta gatstenar Järnrör, kedjor, bomber & våld Snart är Gyllenhammar såld Ta makten över ditt eget liv Flammor & hat åt eran stat Flammor & hat åt erat patriarkat Förstör det som förstör dig Gå upprätt Bo på landet stick från stan Rädda, rädda, rädda vår miljö Jorden, skogen håller på att dö Supra mördare Skövla mera regnskog Skövla mera regnskog Tala med trädet innan du fäller det Calle kan inte simma Bilar är hårda Jag vill va' en bil Vi vill ha ren miljö Vår natur får inte dö Lägg dig inte ner och dö Kämpa för en bra miljö Våld och rasism det ska bort I grunden är vi av samma sort Sadshuset ska brinna Dennis ska försvinna Ni bygger vi spränger POFF! AK-4, AK-5 Nu kan Dennis hälsa hem! Grisar kan flyga Jorden är platt Och kärnkraften den är säker Oj, jag glömde mössan i reaktorn hälsningar från den mänskliga faktorn Hvis det sker på Barsebäck? Skall du bli inden døren! Hopp hopp hopp Kärnvapenstopp Asea-Atom Släng dom i ån Kärnenergi Kapitalets garanti Vad ska vi göra med Barsebäck? Stoppa upp i Bohmans häck! Vad ska vi göra med Ringhals II? Med den ska vi göra likaså! Stoppa, stoppa Kärnkraften NU Nej till kärnkraft och teknokrati Ja till frihet och lågenergi Nej till kärnkraft ja till planhushållning Fara fram på fyra hjul gör dig slö & fet & ful Sörmlandspendeln vore bra tåget är vad vi vill ha Fy fy fy, för avgaser och bly Soldriven bil egen fil Soldriven buss gratis skjuts I varje bil en ensam stropp, undra på att det blir stopp Proppa varje avgasrör innan hela skogen dör Rädda syret, greppa styret Ingen bil i våra'n fil Spotta i tanken så slipper vi bilar//Bron ska vi stoppa, aldrig ger vi upp//Vi står som träd med djupa djupa rötter, aldrig ger vi upp //Aldrig aldrig aldrig, aldrig ger vi upp// Stoppa Linken ner i hinken Kalle Stropp & Ingvar Sko vi vill inte ha nån' bro Hej hopp brostopp Då sa tappre Häggviksockupanten, '94 blir inte som förut Bort med moms på maten mera mums på maten Mat ska smaka mums inte moms Slopa moms på maten mer mat på faten Bort med moms på maten beskatta kapitalet Moms & Sträng tar varje peng Ingen besparing i barnomsorgen kasta förslagen i papperskorgen Dom byggde landet var ska dom bo? Åsbrinks sparplan angår oss alla Om vi inte säger stopp han fortsätter nalla Vården behöver borgarnas klöver Wibble våra pengar tar Ger till dem som redan har Var ska vi bo? Var ska vi bo? DÄR ska vi bo DÄR ska vi bo Vad ska vi göra? OCKUPERA När ska vi göra't? NU! Ockupera Slottet 800 rum Vad ska vi med olympiska spelen Allt vi får se blir de dyra räknefelen Hej hopp sosseSTOPP Folkets jubel: VEEEIIJJHH!! vååÅGEeen! Tio, nio, åtta, sju, sex, fem, fyra, tre, två, ettŠ: OAAAEHH!! Kasta sten mot systemets vakthunden/den snutens ben Kasta sten på lyxiga bilar med siren Polisen skyddar fascisterna Av en människa kan man göra en snut, en fallskärmsjägare et cetera Varför inte göra en människa? Demokrati? Demokrati? Polisens kontroll skapar mera våld 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-t en snut skjut flera njut mera Argentina Argentina Jag vet ingenting jag kan ingenting Ge mig en polisuniform 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-t en snut lev och njut livet ut ** SvekJa satellit polisstat/ Kingdom biträdande apparat ** Politiken är på gatan Att stå ut med Ledarna är plågsamt men att välja dem är ännu dummare ** G.rån Petsion och hans vänner våra skattepengar bränner ** Sosis politik stinker lik ** Rehnbergs smulor är bara skit hit med hela bageri't Vem väljer EG? Vi eller PG Rör inte LAS ditt jävla as Skit i valet krossa kapitalet Valet är en illusion klasskamp är direkt aktion G.rån Petsion & Bildt under samma filt Palme & Geijer Nixon's lakejer Tage & Geijer/ Lyndon's lakejer ** Vad säger Tage?/ Tage beklagar ** this is the traditionally test/ hypocrisy masked with Nobel-fest/ ** det är inte våran kris/ premier Petsion systemets jävla gris ** all oligarkisk makt korrumperar Där makt finns, finns ingen frihet Vem du än röstar på, så kommer regeringen att vinna Riv alla kåkar för SATAN Alla fångar på GATAN Politiker är as Vågar inte stå till svars All makt utgår från folket men SvekJa tvungen att be tomma böner,/ sjung Sjöberg's manipulerade psalm Spela på lotto, tro på Mona Sahlin/ Leve oligarkin(!)/ Leve sionistisk makt(!)/ President på tronen lillprins i produktionen Bu bu bu, för älgmassakrerar kungen & hans judeinstrument fru Folket ropar giljotin 50 år är 50 för mycket Ingen pardon revolution Den som bara gör revolution till hälften gräver sin egen grav Människans frigrörelse kommer att vara total eller att inte vara alls Hoppet kommer bara från förtvivlan Att ge efter lite är att kapitulera mycket Där det inte finns något medvetande kan det inte bli revolution Var realist begär det omöjliga ** Parlamentarism or revolution? Vad har vi lärt av Chiles illusion! Kravaller Upplopp Revolution / Vi skall segra! Uppror! Motstånd! Revolution!/ Låt oss nu inte byta härskare/ låt oss själva blir härskare/ över våra liv S A P förrädare/ Sossar utan blod,/ sossar utan märg/ röda fanor utan färg/ Fördelningspolitik och nedskärningar Carlsson & Perssons matematik gör den fattige fattig och den rike rik! ** Petsion, Petsion/ marknadens dräng/ Sänk inte vår/ a-kasse-peng! ** Görrån PetZion, dra in magen/ Sänk inte barnbidragen! ** Sossarna botar kapitalets kriser med färre jobb och flera poliser Socialdemokrati Kapitalets garanti Socialdemokrati klassföräderi/ Inget jävla sossetjafs arbetarklass mot överklass Sossarnas politik är kass/ gynnar bara överklass ** Stoppa svenskklädda sionismen/ och tilläggsproppen/ vi blir skinnade/ in på bara kroppen/ Framåt i alla lägen/ Petsion är i vägen/ ** det är lättare för en kamel att komma igenom ett nålsöga/ än för en rik att komma in i himlen/ förklarade en profet/ förren straffas av judar ** Öga för öga tand för tand/ Snart står Börshuset i brand ** De som har makt att lova och svika jobbar på uppdrag från den rika Assar Lindbäck's matematik gör den fattige fattig och den rike rik ** Vi är många vi är snygga/ Rika svin är arbetsskygga ** Döda dom rika med trubbig skalpell En god Herre får vi när var och en blir sin egen herre Ta från de rika och ge åt de fattiga Käka de rika vi är hungriga Död åt Lump-Lena Död åt strejkbrytarna Strejk Strejk STREJK Demokrati går aldrig att fejka Ingen kan hindra oss från att strejka ** Utan hus blir det bus/ ** Stå inte där gå med här Pussa pussa krama krama KAMP KAMP KAMP Slåss med oss Vi är hundra Hur många är ni? ** Jew-controlled press/ orsakar fascistisk hets manipulative stress/ Crush! Crush that/ struggle until victory ** dags att kämpa, börja slå Dom som inte hoppar, dom är rasister Vem ska ha däng? Bildt & hans gäng Kampen går vidare Ta din rätt Handling ger förvandling Med ett schysst järnrör slår man hela världen med häpnad Barrikaderna stänger gatorna men öppnar vägen Uppror, motstånd ingen jävla fred hacka Fort Europa till kaffeved Kravaller är bättre än apati Det är rätt att göra uppror Hellre dö upprätt än att leva ett liv på knä Allt är möjligt Under asfalten finns en strand Bara döda fiskar flyter med strömmen/ Arbetarmakt: STÅR PÅ TUR!/ Proletariatets: DIKTATUR!/ Organisera: ER OCH LÄR!/ Bli nu en: REVOLUTIONÄR!/ Jag vill va fri fri fri jag vill ha anarki Utan frihet ingen socialism, utan socialism ingen frihet Ta inte makten, krossa den Det är förbjudet att förbjuda Vi är fiender, Staten och jag Människan är född fri Socialism är ordning Kommunism är frånvaron av härskare och makthavare Kommunism är ett samhälle utan härskare och rika Kommunism är en organisering av samhället utan stat och privategendom För att uppnå det möjliga måste man sträva mot det omöjliga Color de sangre tiene el fuego. Color negro tiene el volcan. Colores rojo y negro o tiene. Nuestor bandera triufal! Blodets färg, det har elden. Svart är färgen på vulkanen. Rött och svart, det är kulörerna på vår triumferande fana! Ta dig ton direkt aktion Gud och kapitalet, kungen och staten Krossa hela maktapparaten Enda vägen ur slaveri syndikalistisk anarki Enda vägen ur slaveri/ sann kommunistisk regi/ låt alla regeringar falla, självstyre åt alla/ Krossa matken och ta ditt liv i egna händer/ Socialism är fred/ Socialism är frihet/ Socialism är liv/ Socialism är att börja bli social, human/ istället enkla varelse i judiska fascismens tassar!/ ** Kulturer frodas bäst/ där oligarkiska stater dör. ** Alla gränser, yttre eller inre, är fängelser/ En nationalstat är en politisk kyrka/ Vägra vapen, skända flaggan!/ Istället för oligarkins terrorism/ arbetarkamp och syndikalism/ Frihet, kärlek, solidaritet/ Arbetarklassens kampenhet/ Rätten till lättja/ Ned med lönesystemet ** om Gud fanns/ så vore en riktig revolutionär tvungen/ att avskaffa honom ** Vart ska jag ta vägen?/ Överallt finns lagar mot de fattiga/ och jag vill inte till den himmel de talar om/ Inte terrorism, inte repression/ Organiserad massaktion/ Partiorganisering är ingenting för oss/ Vi vill inte styras, vi vill slåss/ I varje riktig arbetares undermedvetna finns fröet till ett socialistiskt tänkande/ Kampen för socialism är en kamp för land: den sociala frågan är en agrar fråga/ Frihet, ansvar & demokrati/ Syndikalister här är vi ** sörj inte, organisera er/ upplös lobbyer-ligorna här och där! ** vi är folk,vi kommer underifrån/ punktera chefernas fallskärm, slut med rån/ ** sluta slåss/ tänk på oss ** vill du bli ett levande lik?/ plugga i sionistiska Björklund&Baylan couple's/ brainwashing-fabrik ** stoppa Barsebäck/ i energie-minister's häck ** vad ska in?/ sol och vind/ vad ska väck?/ Barsebäck! ** Pamberi ne chimurenga Pamberi ne vakadenzi Zimbabwe, zanu ** sionismen/ ut ur Mellanöstern!/ judestyrda imperialismen/ ut ur världen/ ** Chile, Chile/ solidaritet!/ Castro, Mao/ Ho Chi Minh/ Kuba/ Kuba/ Solidaritet/ Hela världen Palestina/ Leve PLO!/ Leve intifadan/ Leve intifadan/ Vapenhjälp/ åt anti-imperialister/ ** hellre RAF/ än SAF ! ** räntan upp och rabetarnas lönerna ner/ detta är vad EMU ger! ** dyrare mat och mera knark/ sånt blev livet på EU-mark!/ "Ja!" till frihet och demokrati!/ "Nej!" till EU's byråkrati! ** EMU/ Belgien Blue ** Capitalism skär ner/ Socialism rustar upp/ död åt sionistisk lobbygrupp/ struntar dü i att rösta "Nej"/ så nollar dem dig ** skillnaden en gata bara Malmskillnads-open-air-bordellen/ mellan svenska svekmästar Fackföreningar/ Tel Aviv's officielle bordeller/ Strejka och ockupera/ Vi vill ha mera/ Upp till kamp/ mot fackpamp! ** samma gamla visa/ samma gamla sång/ strejkförbudet omdöpt/ till medlingstvång ** Swedish girls, brainwashed/ by BONNIERS mediatics/ so-called, been robotics/ vibrar sin grej/ vägrar alltid att/ gifta sig/ therefore the cloakrats/ everywhere, so much/ Jewish virus rises up/ ** likhet i duglighet/ rättighet & skyldighet/ ** halva makten/ slavhandeln/ hela makten/ hela lönen! ** du behöver inte köpa horor när du dör/ för däruppe hos Maria, där är alla kvinnor fria/ hur mycket du kan/ knu'lla bara/ Guden nöjer sig, tolkar Påven/ när du önskar imitera ** högre lön/ byt kön!?/ vi vill ändra det/ byta statskicket/ ** rör du mig/ slår jag dig ** må alla/ pedofiljävlar brinna/ bland import kriminella/ Abit Dundar&klanmedlemmarna/ bör dundra ** utan kvinnokamp/ ingen klasskamp/ ingen klasskamp/ utan kvinnokamp ** (monolog and dialog examples) Brudarappen 1: På 1600-talet blev vi brända. hjärntvätt instrumenter,/ visst, de blodtörstiga fundamentalister,/ skitiga präster, heligmaskerade parasiter/ och borgare fruktade oss och såg till att bålen blev tända./ Nu ska vi bli deras boss/ nu är det våran tur: Bränn dem, bränn svineriet!.. / Vi säger: Bränn dem! Levande Brudarappen 2: Nu ska vi sparka dem på ballen/ och skära av dem picken. Vi har fått nog av Farstamän./ Nu är det vi som tagit micken./ Nu ska vi härja och ge igen!/ Kastrera pedomarknadsidkarna!.... Vi säger: Kastrera! Abit DUNDAR och lika skitiga pedo-sionisterna/ får dundra! ** i varje bil en ensam snopp,/ undra på att det blir stopp/ Det personliga är politiskt/ ** tjejer är endast fria/ när både män och tjej runt mig är lika fria ** vi är många vi är snälla som anti-perversitos/ vi är klassmedvetna, anti-lesbos/ vi är human front anti-homos/ vi avvisar kapitalismens sexuella-demoralisation,/ krossa familjens traditionella fienden/ USA- imperialismen/ dess riddaren sionismen! ** krossa sionistiska oligarkin/ krossa blodsugna kapitalet ** vi behöver ingen fascist regering/ men en klassorganisering/ mot sådan stat och patron/ direkt aktion ** det är organiserat våld i toppen/ som skapar individuellt våld i botten/ "Progressiv" är den som kastar en gatsten/ "Anarkist" är den som kastar den/ längre och med precision/ Socialism är dörren "to the heaven"/ Communism är den sist tjusiga mirakulösa byggnaden ** ekologin bestämmer gränserna för hus jag ska leva/ tillbaka till naturen/ människan är mer än sexuell varelse än en moralisk/ även nästa regering har slips/ istället för valurnan, den sociala revolutionen/ ** den regering är bäst/ som inte regerar alls ** representation förvägrar delaktighet/ frihet är sällan klädd i slips/ Snacka inte bara, / do it! en Anarchist längtar efter rättvisa/ en Socialist bygger den/ en Communist förverkliggör sluthandlingen/ alla dessa kallas den röda fronten/ går till "aktion" när det är nödvändigt,/ inte av ren aktionslusta/ fördela mera,/ av vinsterna till flera/ ** Görrån Petsion&Ariel Sharon/ samma jävla skit/ vi är syndikalister/ och hör inte dit ** Röd politik för grön miljö/ ** Revolutionen är inget thé-party/ även för att göra en omelett/ måste man knäcka ett par ägg/ ** Hopp hopp hopp/ Sossestopp ** Unga röda kvinnor/ alltid vackrast ** inga sionister/ på våra gator/ no fallskärm/ noll mutor ** enad vänster/ ska kasta ut/ den som skär ned/ för gammal och sjuk ** siondominerade AMS sprätt/ som Länsarbetsnämdens sätt/ jävla kräk, hyckleriet/ rör inte vår arbetsrätt ** inga fascister på våra gator/ inga sionister, inga mutor/ HITLER byggde JobZentrum/ att lära judarna/ arbeta och vara nyttiga människa/ inte sitta, bedra eller parasitera/ men SvekJa Kingdom gjorde helt tvärs/ imported all kind "efterlysta"/ mest listiga tjuvaktige-lögnaktige parasiterna/ men de tackar via förmildade sättet att massakrera/ rensa bort antisionistiska intellektuella/ ändå förvränga historien så fräckt systematiska/ via propagada vapnet, först och främst media/ DN, SvD, Expressen, Menorah, judiska krönika ** inga pigor åt överklassen/ låt dem skura egna dassen! ** - vad tycker vi om sionism?/ - illa!/ - hur illa?/ - sk't illa/ - usch, usch, usch - George double WC Bush ** vi är många/ vi är starka/ stoppa den sionstyrda/ svenska imperialismen/ dess riddaren/ provokative judaismen/ skiten/ tvätta bort den/ ** vad ska vi göra?/ STOPPA RASISMEN!/ när ska vi Saamer göra något?/ nu!/ när ska svenska soffliggande vänstern göra något?/ när den hussen Bonniersmedien/ kastar ett feta ben åt ** käka regnskog/ käka på McDonalds's/ Ronald McDonald/ judevän/ lurar barnen/ slaktar en regnskog/ när barnen gått hem ** ett, två, tre, fyra/ borgarna är för jävla dyra ** krossa apartheid/ it's hell/ dela är fördel/ krossa Shell ** stoppa borgarna/ i papperskorgarna/ ** Sosiskapitalisterna skär ned/ prostesterna blir fler ** strejka, "join antiZion action!"/ bort med bortskämda Görrån Petsion! ** Borgarmakt/ är omsorgsslakt ** lönerna är skrala/ låt judekollaboratorer betala ** vi för en gemensam kamp/ vi går enade fram/ Borgarna ska sänkas/ i närmsta damm ** kultur är som sylt ju mindre man har desto mer smetar man ut den/ Görrån Petsion och hans vänner/ våra skattepengar bränner ** arbete och rättvisa vill vi ha/ därför sextimmars arbetsdag/ sex och arbete vill normala ha/ därför sextimmars arbetsdag ** ingen frihet för frihetens fiender/ EU tjuven J O Karlsson och biträdande Görrån Petsion/ kan ta sin jävla Bruxel dimension/ och bron över bäcken/ och stoppa upp i häcken ** Ananas järpe/ frossa och njut/ borgare, snart är/ din saga slut ** Zionism grown up and risen it’s wealth by our children’s blood/ therefore revolution must-must come, yes it comes/ vi ska färga våra fanor med den nya högern so called neo-zion-imperial’s blood/ when the red revolution comes, yes it comes en revolution/ man får offra sig för är ingen revolution/ en revolution comes not via pray at the knees of system’s priests/ scientical revolution offrar fienderna till slut att bygga socialist revolution/ vi ska förvandla hela SvekJa Kingdom till en honoured Sovjetrepublik/ when the red revolution comes, yes it comes! ** privatisera/ inge mera ** vi säger "Nej!"/ till en revolution/ i slips ** bygg bort/ bostadskön! ** Lästen, Lästen/ rena pesten/ Riv hela Haga/ vi ska inte klaga Riv, riv, riv det/ stinkande systemet! ** "Free Speech" censur/ är diktatur ** människor är inte dumma eller heliga/ avgörande är de fria eller inte fria ** frihet är medvetande/ om det nödvändiga ** det är slut på allt prat/ vi ska krossa er ZOGstat/ vi ska ge de fattiga/ all er mat/ Hat mot hat/ krig mot stad/ Sharonliknande ministrarnas huvuden/ på ett fat ** varje medlemsstat/ är en polisstat/ Bruxel/ registrations center/ ** ropen skalla/ daghem åt alla ** samhällsplanering/ ingen spekulering ** vi är ganska få/ men inte svaga/ men det är synd att glömma/ mest ensamma/ Guden bara en/ ** "Upp till kamp!"/ mot borgarnas pyssel/ Tel Aviv-Jew York ska inte/ styra Bruxel ** struggle against the zioni-state&capital/ struggle for liberation, it's real international/ kamp mot sioniststat och kapital/ kampen för befrielse är international *** ___________________________________________________________________________ Recommended links, contain related protest ideas etc.: http://www.holywar.org/CART151.gif http://www.formenteraonline.com/ingles/news/display.asp?messageNo=21&threadID=425 http://users3.cgiforme.com/johnsaudi/cfmboard1.html http://pub3.bravenet.com/forum/236150122 http://www.norrvallaff.nu/nyttinlagg.asp http://www.nkusa.org/images/flag-ani.gif http://www.norrvallaff.nu/nyttinlagg.asp http://www.holywar.org/CART151.gif http://www.allrighttattoo.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=33 http://books.dreambook.com/qumran/genua.html http://s-g-m.net/guestbook2/ http://www.creationcenter.com/boards/ITDboard/messages/109.html http://www.sunguru.com/cgi-bin/search/ibook.cgi?action=Leave+your+comments&site=Guestbook&id= http://books.dreambook.com/charmtroll/kossa.html http://valentinesdesigns.com/wwwboard/messages/32166.html http://www.teenschatlive.com/webboard/messages/6221.htm http://jollyroger.com/zz/ymilitaryd/REVOLUTIONARYWARhall/mobydicks.php http://www.qurultay.org/eng/forum_msg_list.asp?id=140&FN=53 http://www.folkmakt.nu/debatt/messages/5837.html http://www.academyofget.com/bulletin/messages/387.shtml http://users.cgiforme.com/fbendz/messages/948.html http://www.holywar.org/CART151.gif |
19th December 2004 - 09:56:36 AM |
11732 : Osama Bin Laden |
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19th December 2004 - 11:22:25 AM |
11733 : Spanish Screech |
Hi!!! I'm a spanish boy aged 18. Everybody sais i'm your clon! And i've compared some pics and it's true! i seem you! (Is it well said?) So i've some pics too! Request here if you want: cyberhuesitos@hotmail.com Bye!! Imanol. |
19th December 2004 - 11:24:18 AM |
11734 : Dustin Diamond |
Osama, take your flooding and your Swedish poetry and shove em up your cunt. |
19th December 2004 - 04:02:10 PM |
11735 : Flaming Gay Gary |
Dustin, you are so cute, I could just eat you up and shit you out. If you ever happen by the Beer-N-Farts Truck Stop off I-95, check the second to last stall, I'll probably be there waiting to feel your sexy Jew-goatee tickle my ass-crack as you munch my pooter meat! |
19th December 2004 - 06:48:42 PM |
11736 : Rocco |
This is my latest post to Pastor Jims board. He only responded with a ?. I plan to continue the assault. Psalm 94:16 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. ---- Psalm 109:9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. --- Hebrews 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. --- John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. --- John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. --- Genesis 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. --- John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. --- Ask Pastor Jim These are ordered from oldest to newest e-mails sent to Pastor Jim Note: All E-Mails are 100% Authentic, so send one in and I will respond within a day or two! Ask Pastor Jim Nicholls Now!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/8/2004 22:23:17 -0800 From: Jacob Koenig To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: ??? Are you serious? You are actually teaching some of this information to people. For that, I am trully sorry. Granted that I am a believer in God, but there are just some things in the Bible that can't possibly make sense. For one, Evolution. I believe the scientific facts over the Bible version of history. Also, if you don't want people to censor you, then why must you try to censor those who express the truth, like Michael Moore. I have seen his film and it is VERY VERY GOOD. And how the hell can the Earth be flat. Unless you are stupid (which you probably are), then you must think that way. In case you haven't seen any photo graphs from space, our planet, along with all the others, are circular. DUH. Wow, you guys are different. But I do respect you for teaching what you believe....Good luck "For one, Evolution. I believe the scientific facts over the Bible version of history." So you think that life evolved from very small microorganisms billions of years ago and at the same time (it's a paradox) God created life (contradiction) 6,000-10,000 years ago? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/8/2004 22:39:56 -0800 From: "Kaitlynn Jastram" To: Subject: i love this site hey you fucking jew good job lol you're a fucking moron hatred kinda goes against your god you fucking retards good job and all love hmmmmm meaning your gods a fag good job weight hell even your most none Christians are not even christian theyre faggit jew jeasus loves the little children hmmm mickal jackson you fuck job just wait till some one finds you mother fucking ass and burns you you fucking idiot just becouse you use your god as a sheild just like in the dark ages hmmm wonder why it was called the dark ages because evey one believed in your god or was killed even tho if you read the bible it contridicts to itself you fucking dipshit o yeah maybe if you study pagan you realize that it's an umbrella for numerous other religions ( wicca necromancy etc ) jeesus and the fish shure the fuck aint no god damned sign of pagan you idiot hmm lets think about this one you fucking red neck hypocrite moron you prolly fuck you dad in the bathroom you sick fuck That's a very big sentence. Who taught you English? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/09/2004 10:37:40 +0000 From: "Steve Steel" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Interested Hi Pastor Jim, I was just looking through the first few groupings of emails received by you and I was wondering why you post so many of the negative ones. Cheers. Because most people would rather write complaint rather than a compliment. That happens anywhere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/09/2004 11:42:41 -0600 From: "Jerry Peacher" To: Subject: Your site is filled with hatred and misconceptions You would really make Jesus proud you sick bastar Your site is filled with hatred and misconceptions You would really make Jesus proud you sick bastard go molest a few more boys then read this; http://www.wellreadwitch.com/commentary.htm Umm...no. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/9/2004 19:20:39 +0000 From: Thomas Wilson To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: A Few Questions I am a Christian, only after reading through your website i started to doubt my religion, i don't want to think that i am part of something as hateful as you make out, Didn't Jesus say "the most important commandment is to love God, and to love your neighbour as yourself." and i was always taught this, although other religions may not be right we still have to love and PRAY for them rather than just kill them without trying to help. I don't want to offend you as an American here but America is the most materialistic and captitolist country ive ever heard of and just doesn't seem to care. I don't belive it to be a christian place, it may have started that way, but it isn't like that now. An example, In Genesis christians were given dominion over the land, with this comes a responsibilty to look after what God created, so why is it that the US create around 70% of the worlds polution and is the only country who did not agree to cutting down in 2002???? Also in the Bible, Jesus was a JEW and lived in Israel and places around there, he had never heard of America, so how can he be American? Quote from your website: "Where is God?!!? This country was founded on CHRISTIAN values and they let a filthy communist write the thing without involving the most important American of all, God! Not only is America Under God, but God himself is a citizen of the United States. We know this since we are Under Him. Jesus to was also an American. Jesus WASN'T Italian or French or British or Thai or a Metrosexual, NO He was American. THAT'S WHY AMERICA IS UNDER GOD!!!" Here is something else from your website which confuses me: quote: "Adolf Hitler did a wonderful job at killing the Jews, atheists, homosexuals, and so forth. If he was really on the Evil Liberals side, then would he have done this? Damn Liberals always twisting the facts! I will admit that Hitler was a Catholic, but we still is a True Christian. He follows the principles, but we know he labeled himself as a Catholic more-so the Catholic Church would bless him and never excommunicate him. The never excommunicated him and things were okay. So if you ever hear someone say Hitler was a bad man, blow them away with your hand-gun, since Hitler was a True follower of God's word, which makes him a man worthy of Heaven." How can you say he was right in torturing more than 6,000 men women and CHILDREN? The point i'm making here is that NO MAN has that right to chose whether someone lives or dies, that is a choice for God to make and in doing what he did Hitler undermined God's authority. which is similar to what Presisdent Bush has done, yes the terrorists were wrong and will burn in hell, but it is not for him to decide their fate, he should protect America on its own soil, rather running into their country and firing at will. He has no right to order the killing of ANYONE. "Thou shalt not KILL" Exodus These are just a few of the thoughts i had whilst reading through truechristian.com and to be honest i am quite sickened that Christian man could hold so much hate. (I ALSO FOUND THAT WHAT YOU WROTE ABOUT MUSLIMS WAS REMINISENT OF CHILDISH TAUNTING, AND BELIEVE THAT BECAUSE OF THIS IT IS DIFFICULT TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY) No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/09/2004 19:12:39 -0500 From: "Your Country is Fucking Bullshit" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com, blackdelila@hotmail.com Subject: N/A you guys are so fucked up its not even funny.what the fuck is up with your www.kkk.org shit?if god hates fags and blacks and people that are democrats and not christians then why did he put them here on this earth.god never wanted us to hate eachother he wants us to love one another no matter what.the only one goin to hell are you and your followers. Lord, Thank you for keeping me close to you. I feel so good inside and smart knowing all I have to do, is believe in you. I know you exist since Daddy, Mommy, Pastor Jim, and the Bible says so. I will never question you like the Jews, Thanks to you, Adolf Hitler had the power to get revenge on them. When I grow up I'll make sure to kill and destroy the terrorists. I'm happy that you bring peace God! I love you God! Amen. what the fuck is that?!you sound like your the almighty one.like your gods messenger your not.your satans messenger.teaching kids to hate fags and shit is teaching them bad things.jews are awesome their just like anyone else.in fact if it werent for jews you wouldnt fucking know about jesus you fucks.i swear to god.your fucking idiots.ya know what?im going to find out where you live and burn your fucking houses down so you can burn in hell forever.you deserve to fucking die.at night when you sleep from now on you might want to check your corners of your room for satan cuz im going to bring him up to haunt you and harm you and your families.I'll also add a little witchcraft in to fuck with you guys.YOUR THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST YOUR THE ONES GOING TO HELL TO FUCK SATAN IN THE ASS AND SUCK HIS FAT DICK ANTICHRIST ANTICHRIST ANTICHRIST ANTICHRST ANTICHRIST go to this site itll help you out: http://eserver.org/thoreau/ peace out, GOD HATES CHRISTIANS THAT THINK GOD HATES EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING YOU FUCKWADS What's wrong with the Republican Party? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/10/2004 01:37:41 -0800 From: Alex Moran Reply-to: ratfinkramona@christismybitch.com To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Spellcheck! I believe you should spell check some of your pages. You repeatedly used 'morans' as an insult, when it is actually a common surname. I think any Moran's may be offended when they see their name used negatively towards them. Please check your pages and use the correct spelling, moron. Thank You. Actually, it is spelled "moran" in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary. I know what your talking about though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/10/2004 23:37:25 +0000 From: "greg duggan" To: pastorjim@truechristian.com Subject: hello u r a mother fucking pig and i hope u die u son of santan u mother fucking sons a dead in hell bitch i will come over an kick your ass ur foul bigot anti-the true meaning of god jesus hung out wiv gays and whores he himself accepted gays and whores. U R A FUCKING DICK AND TRUE SANTAN FUCKER GO LISTEN TO THE WORLD NOT U R FUCKING GOD COZ WOULD KILL YOUR BIGOT ASS "u r a mother fucking pig and i hope u die u son of santan" I am not the son of the Great Santan Diejo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 00:05:57 +0000 From: Charlie Gibbs Reply-to: Charlie Gibbs To: "PastorJim@truechristian.com" Subject: XD you are one funny man... You can systematically own so many liberals, it is unbelievable. Your hate-mail generator is right, people are morons. Keep up the good work. Thanks! =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 18:12:45 +0000 From: "Morgan Delwyn" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Your Website Is this a joke? You don't seem to have a clue.. You don't either. You're the one asking the question. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 13:11:14 -0800 From: Nikolas Paras To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: have you ever thought on doing a page on japanesse satanic drawings? so this site will help http://www.crossroad.to/text/responses/anime.htm Have little to go on right now. I don't know much about anime to be honest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 22:11:31 +0100 From: "La.guerre.n'est pas.une.solution" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: i am french hello i'm french... i hate you, i kick the ass of your god who doesn't exist how can we to cultivate a same hatly angainst the first "peacer" of this world, michael moore answer me or be a shit fuck you! a french who loves the love "hello i'm french..." Are you surrendering to me? "i hate you, i kick the ass of your god who doesn't exist" No, you will just surrender. "answer me or be a shit" ?! "a french who loves the love" The French loving people?! What year is this?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 13:59:57 -0800 From: me justkidding To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: A question... Pastor Nicholls: After reading much of your website, I have to say that I admire you. You are strong in your convictions and faith, a quality which is lacking in much of America (and the world) today. Too many people adjust their beliefs to fit their desires--i.e., the man who steals from Wal-Mart and tries to justify his actions by saying that, as Wal-Mart underpays its' employees and profits from this, they deserve to be stolen from. Anyone can come up with a convenient explanation for how their actions fit their beliefs when, in fact, they don't. You have your beliefs, clearly stated, and you hold them strong no matter what is presented that conflicts. However, I do have one question for you: What if you're wrong? "After reading much of your website, I have to say that I admire you. You are strong in your convictions and faith, a quality which is lacking in much of America (and the world) today." Thank you. "What if you're wrong?" I can't be wrong, since if I was, then God wouldn't exist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 02:02:33 -2200 From: kai_ser@suomi24.fi To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: heh... Tell me why should anyone want to go in heaven? If bible's text is true there's almost 500 degrees centigrade hot. "Heaven's temperature can be calculated quite exactly with available information. Source is Isaiah 30:26 "and the moonlight will be like the sunlight and sunlight will be sevenfold..." So Heaven will get emission from moon as the earth gets from the sun and over and above sevenfold insolation. Adapting Stefan-Boltzman's theory (I = dT^4) we get that Heaven's temperature would be 493 degrees centigrade!" (sorry if there's errors in writing, that's translation from Finnish text) Even if god's might could protect the heaven isn't it a little boring to live forever in place like that? No sex, no good music, no metal festivals only boring being. And if your answer will be like "Science is wrong you infidel!" Don't take trouble to answer. I'm tired to fight with people that are not ready to take new intuitions. It's like to play chess with a pigeon, first that dump all men on board then pigeon defecate on it and fly to rest of swarm and says that he won. "If bible's text is true there's almost 500 degrees centigrade hot." And the verse you are referring to: Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. There is nothing about the temperature of Heaven within this verse. "Even if god's might could protect the heaven isn't it a little boring to live forever in place like that? No sex, no good music, no metal festivals only boring being." Heaven is cool since you are there to kneel and worship God for all of eternity. What could be more fun than that? "It's like to play chess with a pigeon, first that dump all men on board then pigeon defecate on it and fly to rest of swarm and says that he won." What the crap are you trying to say? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/12/2004 21:08:31 +0000 From: "Rory Myles" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: wtf??? Hey you fucker! You are one sick bastard! You lock up your wife while shes on her peroid? And your gonna do it to your daughter as well? You are such a fucking control freak. Why hate people because of homosexuality or theyre race? Didn't god tell you to love thy neighbour? And Jesus was black you fucking arsehole. I believe in God. I love everyone and everything for what it is. If Im going to be sent to hell for believing what I believe in I guess I better start preparing. But I doubt it... You are the one who should go to hell but you will not as god will forgive you like he does everybody. I do not hate you.. I hate your Views and Values You are Ill and you need help And Dont try to avoid questions by correcting my spelling and grammar "Why hate people because of homosexuality or theyre race? Didn't god tell you to love thy neighbour?" No, God said, "love thy neighbor". There is a difference: You are an idiot who can't spell. "And Jesus was black you fucking arsehole." Jesus had a Jewish mother: Mary. There is not only a creed of Jews, but also a race. Tell me, how many Jews (the race) are black, versus being white? Try visiting Israel and telling me. "I do not hate you" Really? "Hey you fucker!" Oh okay, got it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 00:47:02 -0800 From: "Matt" To: Subject: Quesiton for your website. In this e-mail, i mean no harm, i mean no praise, i simply mean to ask a question. I am christian, and i have seen many interpretations of god, and i understand that in the older days, your interpretation of god was more common, hence i don't think how you interpret the religeon is wrong, even if i disagree with some of it. I simply want to ask, that if you truely want to reach out to people, why don't you answer their e-mail to the best of your capabilities? I understand that sometimes there's hate mail that just isn't worth reading and responding to, but what of the ones that bring arguments to back up their statements? There are a few e-mails i read where they put up good arguments, and you'll give one word answers implying their wrong. So why don't you take the time, since you really want to, to answer their questions and debate their arguments? "I am christian, and i have seen many interpretations of god, and i understand that in the older days, your interpretation of god was more common, hence i don't think how you interpret the religeon is wrong" I appreciate you saying that. A lot of people miss that. People think I'm crazy, but really I'm upholding how Christianity has always been. People changed Christianity because they literally were influenced by Satan. It's as simple as that. "I simply want to ask, that if you truely want to reach out to people, why don't you answer their e-mail to the best of your capabilities?" I do the best I can, really I do. It's hard to answer anger. People are angry since they reject Christianity's past and like the new Neo-Christianity since it appeals to them. Remember, God never changes, only people do. Think about that please. "There are a few e-mails i read where they put up good arguments, and you'll give one word answers implying their wrong." When you have as little time as me, I cant answer long e-mails, period. I look them over usually and I notice they are just the same message, repeated over and over again with just a lot of writing to make them sound smart, but they aren't. They are trying to corner me or something of the sort and I really don't see the point of even trying to help these people. If they have that much to say about their support for Satan, then they pretty much are lost. I can only do the best I can to save who I can. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 18:39:40 +0200 From: Ceph Olo Reply-to: Ceph Olo To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: You've got to be kidding me.. Impaled Nazarene - Via Dolorosa Oh you will love the suffering We will put you thru Claiming to be the people's prophet Deceiving mad carpenter And now on the way to Golgotha Whipped, spat at, humiliated Born of whore Vultures are circulating around As you are dying Boner-biting bastard christ Cum-swallowing And now dying at Golgotha Beaten, laughed at, violated Son of dog The heat was like from 1000 suns As you were nailed to the cross Shit was running down on your legs You were hating life and yourself No magic tricks to save your ass It is the day of reckoning Questioning your existence On the eve of death And now dead at Golgotha Raped, impaled, mutilated False saviour This is the truth. Everyone hated Jesus, and everything he presented to the world. Your so-called "Christian Love" is nothing but a shitty lie. Christians, everyone, including you, Muslims and Jews have brought nothing but devastation and death to this planet. And how in the love of your fucking shitty "god" can you say THAT THE EARTH IS FLAT?! It's not completely round, but it's round. We have known this for nearly 400 years (wow, this shows how stupid christians are, the muslims actually learned that the earth is round long before idiot xtians), by various means, like satellites, and every 4-year old child knows that the earth is round. You claim that the Pi is 3.00. That's so fucking stupid, have you ever studied math? Geometry in particular. So if you really believe in this shit you have on this site of yours, you might aswell shoot yourself to the head. Do you really lock up your wife for 3 weeks in a month? That's a violation to human rights, unless of course she enjoys it. If she does, she might aswell just shoot herself too. You look like you molest your children, both of them. Beat up your family, every time you get drunk. Is this all really just a joke? It must be. Your site is a disgrace to humanity! I thought this was a CIVILIZED world. Yet you proclaim that the muslims are BARBARIC, when you molest your children, beat them and your wife, and preach about your "Love of God", which makes you a hypocrite as well as an COMPLETE IDIOT! A homophobe wife beater that's what you are, truly a great christian, the biblefucker! The worst of humanity. Still don't get it? They want us all to be like you. You fucking sheep. "Baa, Baa, Baa" that's all you say. By the way, did you know, that there is life outside of USA too? Not everyone is a demented, sick, fat, blind christian american piece of shit. I hate your country. I hate the world, because people like you exist. Everything in your site collapses on itself, thus making it one big contradictory. Religion is a lie, all of it has been just created to enslave humanity, and make everyone JUST LIKE YOU! YOU'RE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE WHAT CHRISTIANITY CAN DO TO A HUMAN BEING, WHEN (S)HE IS AT HIS WEAKEST! Use your brains, scum. Not the bible. Slayer - Disciple Drones since the dawn of time Compelled to live your sheltered lives Not once has anyone ever seen Such a rise of pure hypocracy I'll instigate I'll free your mind I'll show you what I've known all this time God Hates Us All, God Hates Us All You know it's true God hates this place You know it's true he hates this race Homicide-Suicide Hate heals, you should try it sometime Strive for Peace with acts of war The beauty of death we all adore I have no faith distracting me I know why your prayers will never be answered God Hates Us All; God Hates Us All He Fuckin' hates me Pessimist, Terrorist targeting the next mark Global chaos feeding on hysteria Cut throat, slit your wrist, shoot you in the back fair game Drug abuse, self abuse searching for the next high Sounds a lot like hell is spreading all the time I'm waiting for the day the whole world fucking dies I never said I wanted to be God's disciple I'll never be the one to blindly follow Man made virus infecting the world Self-destruct human time bomb What if there is no God would you think the fuckin' same Wasting your life in a leap of blind faith Wake the fuck up can't ignore what I say I got my own philosophy I hate everyone equally You can't tear that out of me No segregation -separation Just me in my world of enemies I never said I wanted to be God's disciple I'll never be the one to blindly follow I'll never be the one to bear the cross-disciple I reject this fuckin' race I despise this fuckin' place Satan's gift to mankind: BLACK METAL! You should write about that! It should be fun to read. Don't forget to take a look at www.joyofsatan.com the truth is there. FUCK JEHOVA/ALLAH/JESUS! HAIL SATAN! Our true god and creator of mankind! Go home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 15:33:04 -0800 From: Sin Toxik To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: What the Hell is your problem... have a few issues with your site, Mr. Nicholls. First off, you say that only the people going to your church, and the few others that you named off, are going to Heaven. How is it that you have the authority to send some to Hell, and yet let others pass into Heaven. I thought that was God's job? Who are you to say who is Evil and who isn't? In my opinion, it will be you, and any other buybull beaters out there like you, that won't be passing into Heaven... Or at least what you believe to be Heaven, since you and I have different views on that matter. Just because you're a man of God, sir, doesn't mean that you suddenly have the authority to pass judgement on others. Secondly, I looked at your Michael Moore section, wanting to know what you thought of him. I happen to like Michael Moore a lot, and I agree with what he has to say, but I'm open to all opinions, and I wanted to know yours. But, when I clicked to find out why I shouldn't have seen Ferenhiet 9/11, all it said was "LIAR! EVIL! BLAH BLAH!!" over and over. Now, sir, why is it that you couldn't validate why we shouldn't see that particular movie? Is it because you have no particular reason why? Or is it because you're too scared to actually watch the movie yourself? Have you ever even seen Ferenhiet 9/11? It's not a bad movie; I suggest renting it, sometime. I think that it's sad when a person can't validate their reasons for something. And I think that before you go around telling people not to see a particular movie, you should have a few good reasons why, and maybe then people will listen. No one will listen to "IT'S BECAUSE HE'S EVIL!" It just doesn't work that way, and it's not very convincing... at all. And if your only reason for being against him is because he's a liberal, then I'd say you haven't much of a chance at convincing anyone... Now, before you go around judging other people, you should do your research. And you should at least watch a movie before you call it Evil. Thank you for reading this, Mr. Nicholls. I will be expecting a reply from you. "have a few issues with your site, Mr. Nicholls." Cool. Direct them to the brick wall behind me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 22:40:43 -0500 From: "John C M" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Website Question Hey Pastor Jim, Hi! I hope you're doing well. Quick question: You guys say George W. Bush is going to Heaven (on http://www.truechristian.com/whoarewe.html). However, Fred Phelps says that Bush has done more to promote the homosexuals' agenda than Bill Clinton and that he (Bush) had a hand in brining God's wrath on us on September 11th! (http://www.godhatesamerica.com/ghfmir/fliers/oct2002/George_Bush_10-3-2002.pdf). I respect both you guys a lot! So, what's the real deal here? Who's right? sincerely, John I really don't know. I'm sorry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 10:07:08 +0000 From: the clave Reply-to: the clave To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Neverwinter Nights I'd like to point out that there is nothing in Neverwinter Nights as depicted article. This is the concept: The game has been modified by an add-on module which was created by somebody that had nothing to do with the game manufacturers. Like it or not, people change things to suit themselves and distribute modules for the entertainment of others. The article is specious and hysterical, if I may use a metaphor: It's like saying that all copies of the bible are evil because one person had drawn obsene pictures in one copy. Anything can be modified to suit the rationale, and sometimes it is best to check the facts before slandering a great game. As for "I caught Billie mastubating" well, I'm sceptical about that, but in any event, there are a lot worse things on the net than the tiny pixel nudes shown.... By the way, I don't hate you, I just think that you are trying to motivate people in the wrong way. It's easy to see 'evil' round every corner, but the reality is that most people want to be left alone to live thier lives in peace wthout being berated all the time.... Best Regards A Sane, Sensible Human Being. Whose module what? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 05:11:09 -0500 From: Richard Ziebarth To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Is your site for real? I have spent some time reading your site and I can't help but ask if its a satire? I mean it seems radical, but serious sometimes, but then their are entries like this "After disciplining my son (he gets out of the hospital next Tuesday)." Even if you really beat your son that bad no logical person would through in that irrelevant information in the article. That and I read your hate mail section and you seem to pick all the ones with spelling errors just so you can base your whole counter argument off their spelling ability(by the way you spell Moron wrong throughout your site by spelling it "Moran") If your site is true and you truly believe everything you say then I have to formally disagree. I have an aunt with very similar views as you though. I really want to know if your site is for real though...I don't really know how you can prove it to me though(mabye a copy of your sons hospital report, or mabye some pictures that prove your beliefs). I am almost positive this site is a satire though only because it overly expresses fundamentalist christian stereotypes. I would appreciate it if you would respond to this email. Thank you and good day. Our site is as real as God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 12:21:39 -0500 From: "Tom Bradbury" To: Subject: What would Jesus Do? I Just want to know, how do you think Jesus would react to the things you preach? All that I hear in you message is hate and intolerance towards others who are not "True Christians". Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jesus teach about peace and love? For everyone, including one's enemies? I have to tell you, I just had a good laugh at your statement on your "Who we are" page about who's going to heaven and who are not. Good Luck! Dr. Martin Luther King and I will make sure to put in a good word for you with God and maybe he'll cut you a break. He is, after all, a forgiving God. I'm not even a "Christian", but I know I'll get to heaven before all of you nuts who think you've got an "in" with the Lord. But that's beside the point. The real point is that you and all of your "friends" are just as bad as the religious radical terrorists that invaded our country. The keyword here being "Radical". Which rhymes with fanatical. Which goes hand-in-hand with evangelical. Get it? Probably not. And last, but not at all least: I you mentioned somewhere about idiots with misspelled words in their emails. Granted, some people just can't spell, but more than likely it's because they were so filled with rage (that there are still animals like you in this world that still believe this crap that you preach) that they can't see straight. I have to say, not me. I'm like Jesus. I'll just ask God to have mercy on you when you die, and then I move on. If you notice, no misspelled words. That's because there's no rage, just common sense. And the grammar is pretty good too. Which is more than I can say for your website. For instance, on your "Who we are" page, you wrote: "Pastor Jim's son, Billie, is already excited to know Our Lord. Here our ministry holders, featuring Pastor Jim, Billie, Mrs. Nicholls, and Ms. Nicholls." Now, I'm not an English teacher or anything of that nature (just an average joe) but I think what you meant was "Here are ministry holders..." or "Here are our ministry holders...". Just trying to help. Tom Bradbury Email: tombradbury@comcast.net "I Just want to know, how do you think Jesus would react to the things you preach?" He's down with it, yo. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jesus teach about peace and love?" I'll correct you, since you're wrong: Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. "I'm not even a "Christian", but I know I'll get to heaven" Umm....no. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 09:37:55 -0800 From: Jack Bally To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: My son is crazy Dear Pastor Jim Pray you might help me. This evening, i learn that my son (John, 16 years old) is a murderer : this damn democrat cops caught him because he fight with a black man and stum him. He told me he did that because this one laugh of my daughter (Karin, 18 years old) I don't know what to do with him. Jack Why should a black man?! Don't you reality how much money you could get if you made them pick cotton for you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 17:14:16 -0700 From: "Kodie Hulvey" To: Subject: baby jesus was sodomized by joseph's fist Fuck you and fuck your hypocritical nonexistent shithhole 'god', his kingdom is full of nothing but lies. I would like to tell you that you and anyone affiliated with you is a dumb son of a bitch (and hypocritical, since you are against censorship) for saying michael moore should go to jail, he hasn't broken any laws. Luckily for him your prayers are shit. Another thing, it would appear that xians aren't very mature by the looks of your site, its most flagrantly childish, the foolish names you call people and the obviously fake hate mail. your website is a pathetic attempt at making your selves feel better about your worthless degrading filth of a religion. Fuck you all, fuck the virgin mother for the whore she is and fuck all your goddamn angels of deceit and hypocricy. Do something useful to society and throw yourself in front of an 18-wheel semi-truck, or how about trying to stick some pencils in your nose and slamming your head into a fucking table, that would surely bring a smile to my face you fucking wastes of flesh. The Reign is almost over, all xians, muslims and jews will surely be punished for their wretchedness and vast stupidity. Alas, Go Fuck yourselves. -An Anti-christ "you is a dumb son of a bitch" "hypocricy" Hypocrisy maybe? Hmmmm? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 16:48:46 -0800 From: "Ted Tobias" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Came Across your site. Found myself oddly at a website of a pastor Jim. Being not so tightly fit in the bonds of religion as other people I find many things rather unusual. For one you seek out and taunt and call names too many different types of groups. Liberals mostly along with other groups you mentioned. Yes you are entitled to your opinions but, I find it mocking you use the name of god to back each word your fingers swiftly smack to HTML. I've seen many things such as burn in hell.... Kill them... what not, yet oddly enough your page is called "Truechristian.com." So if a true Christian is a biased, very hostile opinionated man I could only feel bad to the children someone like this preaches to. Also I noticed you stated your page was talked down about because of the hostileness. Seems obvious to me I wouldn't call my site the temple of god, and spread my opinions all over the page (Hostile ones at that). I also came across your talk of how a game I currently own "Neverwinter Nights" Is a demonic Satanist game. Being all those involved in playing it are going straight to hell... Ah lets test the logic in that... I could play ring around the rosie while snorting crack... Then I suppose ring around the rosie should be outlawed and banned... all the people playing it should go straight to hell. Neverwinter nights is a video game made for mature teenagers. Not intended to have what you wrote about... that is individuals making their own server and hosting it to be a sexual based server. Meaning I could play in Action Story and play it as a video game... or Social... (Which is the typical sex based servers) Or Role Play which tends to have less sexual surroundings... Now, back to the subject of nwn. Now your son "Billy”, which by your picture of him looks 10 - 12 clearly not suitable for the mature Teen rating put on the game. See that little reminder before you enter the server "Kinky Kingdom" you put on your page. It says minors are not legally aloud to enter. So how did Billy get this nwn game? Did the store pass it to him or did his parents buy him a game overlooking the "T for teenagers...” in my opinion that’s at 16 -19 ... or perhaps a mature 15 year old. Obviously your son is too young to play since he needed you to discipline him... Now saying nwn is the satanic creation would go about as far as saying the same about the internet. Think about it, you got your KKK pages your punk satanic pages... your biased religion pages... And yes what else is on the internet Porn? Hrmmm... Now lets say your son Billy was watching an adult site secretly rather then playing nwn, would all people that had the internet go to hell ? Don't get me wrong I wouldn't call this hate mail... though feel free to put it there... Showing your a sport of discussion. I think you have a good sense of humor, though I don't like it that you use god to support your opinions... Yes religion is mostly bound on opinions... being the different beliefs. I myself don’t spread my thoughts on religion, I prefer people to walk their own faith. Perhaps speak what i think, but not to push it on someone. I do believe in god and pray. Well Jim I hope you think about stuff more people throwing out blind insults. It is a web page, though a "religious” one. But unfortunately you can’t call your self a true Christian... no one is pure, and someone would have to title you as such. I can call myself a musician and suck at playing music. Though I could be too stubborn to admit it, and that’s what makes us Biased. Someone else would have to tell me, someone qualified. No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 18:29:34 -0800 From: Sin Toxik To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: A Few More Points to be Made... Mr. Nicholls, Yes, I realize that I just sent you an e-mail yesterday, but I read through more of your site, and I discovered a few more things that need to be said. Number one: "That Time of the Month" Women bleed because the uterus is shedding the blood and uterine lining from it's walls, because we weren't fertilized that month. It certainly is NOT because we're posessed by a Demon. And our bleeding doesn't merit the treatment that you think we deserve. Locking a woman up because she bleeds once a month is purely ignorant. And thinking that we're unclean, dirty, lesbian sinners because we bleed is ignorant as well. Also, to think that women are dirty and sinful after childbirth is probably the most ignorant of them all. If anyone here is dirty and sinful after anything, it's you who is dirty and sinful after you blow your seed into your wife. It's you who is dirty and sinful for making your wife cry during sex. It is you who is dirty and sinful after just having created another foul, pathetic waste of flesh like you. And, contrary to your beliefs, women DO enjoy sex. We DO have orgasms. And sex does NOT hurt. We don't particularly enjoy just lying there and letting you do your thing. I feel sad for your wife. To be married to you must be the worst torture any woman could recieve. Number two: Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com is a site that was made to make looking up words more convenient, and easy, for the eager learner. And, as many people know, most languages are based off of the Latin language. The word 'cretin' happens to derive from the latin word 'cristianus' meaning 'poor' (referring to a person) or 'poor fellow'. While the word 'Christianity' does sound like the word 'cristianus', it obviously doesn't mean the same thing. If you notice, the word 'Christianity' has the word 'Christ' in it. And, if you have any common sense at all, you'll realize that Christianity is another way of saying 'follower of Christ', or 'the practice of being a Christian'.. As Satanism is a way of saying 'follower of Satan', or 'the practice of being a Satanist.' The word 'cristianus' and 'Christianity' are in no way related, other than they look alike. I, myself, am Satanic, and I won't hate a site for having a word with a negative meaning on it that looks like the word 'Satanism.' I've more common sense than you do, obviously. Number three: Women are to submit to men? I think not. We have just as much right to live a free life, and enjoy it, as you do. We weren't created to please you, sir. We were created to keep filth like you alive through the centuries. If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be here. And haven't you ever noticed that most women are smarter than men? I think this tells us something. Women are worth more than you give us credit for. We do not belong on our knees in front of men. And we will never be on our knees in front of men, lest it be for a blow-job. And the American Breast Cancer Society is NOT a group of lesbians! It is a group of men, and women, alike who want to fight breast cancer. If it weren't for them, there would be thousands more cases of breast cancer a year than there are now, in men and in women. Unless you think that breast cancer should be allowed to spread like wild-fire, you should give this group way more respect than you do. They aren't lesbian-commies just because they have an interest in human health care. Unlike you seem to have. We aren't, in any way, your property. We are our own property. We were evolved the same way you were. Not created from a rib; that's physically impossible, I don't care WHAT god is doing it. And you seem to use the term 'lesbian' rather loosely. Do you know what the word lesbian means, sir? You don't seem to, so let me inform you: "les·bi·an (lzb-n) n. A gay or homosexual woman." Because a woman chooses to fight breast cancer, cut her hair short, or play basketball doesn't mean she's a lesbian. Any woman who fits those descriptions could be just as straight as any honest Christian woman. I have shaved hair, and I choose to fund the fight against breast cancer, and I used to play basketball... Am I a 'commie lesbian'?? I think not... I have a wonderful husband, and I love him dearly. I don't have any kind of sexual thoughts about women at all. I am, in fact, heterosexual. I think that, right there, proves my point just fine. Ah, and while I was reading this part of your site, I came across this: "Hello morans!!!!!" It's spelled M-O-R-O-N!! Moron... Before you go criticizing other people for their bad spelling and grammar, why don't you check yours first. Number four: "Spiritual people live longer than non-spiritual people" There is no way to prove this, sir. It's pretty much a lucky pick who lives longer and who doesn't. "Spiritual people are happier and more stress-free than non-spiritual people" Hm, seems to me that most of the spiritual people I know have more stress in their life trying to fight the Evil... Seems like you have an awful lot of stress, too, with this site and trying to condemn all of these people to Hell, and all. "To prevent divorce you must both be Christians" Now this, sir, is the one that made me laugh out loud. My husband and I are happily married, and we have no reason to ever get a divorce. We will be growing old together, raising our children together, and dying together. My grandparents, niether of them are Christian, and they're STILL MARRIED. My great grandparents, one dead, the other alive, never got a divorce. They were married for 60-some years. This proves the above statement to be false. "Christians are the only completely moral people on Earth" Yes, some Christians are moral. But a lot of non-Christians are moral too. I'm moral. My mother is moral. My whole damn family is moral. "Anyone who isn't with us is with the terrorists" So I'm a terrorist now? Everyone's a terrorist... Wow. Crazy shit, huh? The only terrorists I know of are Saddam and George Bush. And I'm beginning to think that you're one, too. "SUVs make the environment cleaner" No... SUV's are the most enviromentally harmful vehicles of all! If an SUV could get 50 miles to the gallon, I'd be okay with them. But almost all SUVs today only get 6-10 miles to the gallon. All they do is clutter up our atmosphere with chemicals. SUVs are part of the reason the ecosystem is collapsing. How ignorant you really are. "AIDs is a tool used against Fags to eliminate them" AIDs is a real disease that is affecting people everyday. It's in no way a tool. It's a real threat, and it doesn't just affect Gays. Do your research, and you'd see this. "Christian Science is based off evidence while Science is not" Christian Science is based off of faith and what the Bible says!! Some of what the Bible says has never happened. Do you realize how many languages the Bible has been passed through, and how many times some passages have been mis-translated? A lot of what the Bible says is incorrect, or has been slightly altered by time. A lot of it is NOT true science. Number FIVE: What do you have against Liberals and Feminists?? Do women not have the right to fight for women's rights? Again, we touch this issue. And not all Pagans are Feminists. Pagans are people looking for a more peaceful, spiritual way of life. They believe in the Earth. I'm sorry if this doesn't coincide with your way of thinking. The fish symbol is not used to represent the vagina. Pagans do NOT worship the vagina. And even if they did, it's for fertility, and human creation; it's not in a sexual manner. And Easter isn't all about 'bunnies laying eggs.' It's a holiday, created by the pagans, to represent the rebirth of life. The coming of Spring. The birth of Christ. It's all about LIFE. Which is what I thought your pathetic little religion was all about to begin with. Life. Living. The Birth of Christ. Christians who use the fish symbol are not witches. Do you even know what a witch is? Need I inform you again? I think so: "witch ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wch) n. A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery." It says nothing about a user of the fish symbol. Now, for the finaly, and lucky, number six: Myth: Pagans are all bigots and God haters. They all worship Satan and preach anti-family values. These anti-family values would involve EVEN LOVING FAGS!! Loving a "family" member like that is wrong. Family is about purity so excommunication is the only true form of love. Reality: Pagans generally don't believe in God, but take a path to a naturalistic sense of spirituality. They sometimes worship nature as a God and Goddess. They typically don't use labels much or believe in Good or Evil since they believe these tendencies are destructive and non-humanistic. Pagans live in peace and try to be tolerant of everyone, even those who persecute and treat them poorly. Myth: Pagans ALL worship Satan. Reality: Witches don't worship Satan, since that would be a contradiction to their beliefs. Myth: Humanism is blasphemous! It's Satanic! Reality: Pagans believe humanism, which is a positive thing. Myth: Pagans persecute Christians. They don't allow us to burn them at the stake anymore since of Liberal Laws. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Reality: Christians persecute Pagans. Myth: 100% of pagan marriages end in divorce. They are tolerant of everything, including Evil things such as Fags. This lack of hate towards Fags and other non-Christians is anti-Family. Reality: Pagan families are more stable with smaller divorce rates than Christians. Myth: The Earth is 6,000 years old you fool! I'm a Scientist! I know this since the Bible tells me so and everything else is a Liberal Lie! Reality: Paganism originated about 50,000 years ago as the first step in human interaction and development. It started as a philosophy which turned into a religion once men took to the quill, changing the philosophy into religions which one of turned into Judaism and then later Christianity. Myth: The pentagram represents SATAN!! Reality: The pentagram represents nature. Myth: Christians slaughtered pagan men, women, and children who were all Evil and Satanic for there Evilness of not being Christian. Reality: Pagans never really battled against Christians and the Christians slaughtered men, women, and children who were all innocent and peaceful. Myth: Christians NEVER fail since we are CHOSEN by God!! All the trials were fair and legal and all of the EVIL Witches were exterminated. All these witches (as all pagan women do) have green skin with a wart on their long noses since they are EVIL. Reality: At witch trials nearly all people tried were actually innocent Christian women. The people who were witches though were good, friendly people who were simple alchemists who knew a lot about medicine. In other words they were a sort of pharmacist. Myth: Pagans are all Evil Satanists. They eat children and put curses on people. Reality: Paganism is a loose philosophy that basically allows you to live your life any way you want as long as you see it as good. People can be religious or non-religious or spiritual or non-spiritual. They can be theists or atheists or even pantheists. The name pagan itself is just label to appease the masses who like to have the same name and yet celebrate humanity while practicing their own independent beliefs. This way they can all get along and find peace together with different beliefs, but a common title. For one, I just wanted to set your twisted, little mind straight. For two, the last two statements are what makes me realize that the whole site, www.truechrisitan.com, is all just a joke to see how many people you can piss off. And, honestly, it's petty and immature. I think that it's a waste of your time. And, if by some odd chance, you really are this ignorant, I truely feel sad for you. I hope that one day you get slaughtered by all the people who you've pissed off with your site. Whether you're truely that dumb or not. Have a nice day, asshole. No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 18:34:38 -0800 From: "Graham Meltzer" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: hi Dear Mr Jim: You are a stupid cunt. suck my fat cock you christian cock fucking shit eater. go to hell and die a horrible fiery death. Your site is worse that seeing a donkey fuck a horse. go rape a cat you cunt. SHIT CUNT ASS TITS DICK DOUCHE A DONKEY! FUCK A DOODLE DOO!! thank you for your time and listening to my email. your friend, graham PS MICHAL MOORE IS GOD!!! FUCK YOU SHIT HEAD!! YOU ARE BARBARA STREISAND'S BITCH! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* The opposite of love is apathy, and hate is really the same as love - IF you're so consumed by hatred for someone, you might as well be loving them, because you're thinking about them for the same amount of time.Receiving a sauce-less quesdilla from Taco Bell is like receiving a bird feeder for Christmas. -Mark from Spitalfield I love you too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 23:31:19 -0500 From: Karen Kronenberg Reply-to: Karen Kronenberg To: pastorjim@truechristian.com Subject: True Christian Pastor Jim, I find your site horrific! Even "true christians" would and should be appauled at this site. For starter, if you are going to disagree with someone of something because they don't have the same views or same religion as you, be educated about it! Simply saying that someone is fat, ugly and smells like a fart, or saying that because they don't follow the same religion as you they are the devil is ridiculous! You should be setting an example rather than making obsurred accusations. You may believe that your religion is "superior" but this is America where everyone is free. The "melting pot" if you will... it didn't get that name from being home to only one form of religion or race or sex! Your children's page disgusted me! I can't believe that you would even think something like that should be geared towards children! You should NOT be a pastor! You infact are a form of the devil teaching intolerance and hate through this website. I fear for anyone who follows you! I have only one thing to say to you, If you're going to write hateful things about somthing, GET EDUCATED on it first!! sincerely yours, An Angered Christian "Even "true christians" would and should be appauled at this site." A 100 years ago and before that they wouldn't. I would be the norm and you would be the outcast. God's law hasn't changed, just the people and their society. Why do you think there is so much more since in the world and idiots like you telling me I'm wrong? "An Angered Christian" Just how Jesus wants you, huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/15/2004 02:34:17 EST From: xherocksmex@aol.com To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: |
19th December 2004 - 06:53:47 PM |
11737 : Rocco |
Sorry bout that last post. Rocco From: SCREECHTROLL@aol.com To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Christmas Tickle Fest Hey Pastor Jim, I was wondering if you would like to meet myself and my good friend Gay Zack for a tickle fest? I will be holding this by some dumpsters by a Wendy's near your home. Since you are not a big fan of the dirty sanchez mabey you would prefer a russian trombone or an angry dragon? Just let me know as Rocco aims to please. I do hope that during this busy holiday season you visit dustindiamond.com to meet and greet some new fans of yours. Everyone at the board has nothing but respect for your terrific work. Sometimes our god, the double dog, visits and sings to us. He also teaches us new sex techniques like the Angry Dragon, and the Glass Bottom Boat! Mabey you too could come and spread the gospel to us while teaching us some of your favorite moves! Well Ive got to go sodomize a Belding behind a dumpster. Please visit and write back. In baby Jesus name, ROCCO |
19th December 2004 - 08:41:37 PM |
11738 : Kurt Steinberg |
Rocco, I sent Pastor Jim the following email on December 13th, but he didn't post it in his "e-mail bag!" What's up with that? Subject: Fundraiser for your church To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Pastor Jim, Thank you for putting up your informative website for all to see the errors of their hedonistic lifestyles. To show my appreciation, I would like to help raise money for your church. Specifically, I would like to offer glass-bottom boat rides to your church members who make donations. Since your website clearly indicates that women are to be subservient to men, we should only offer this ride to the males in your church. I'm also willing to auction off some tasty chocolate twinkies. Your followers probably enjoy eating cookies, right? We can play a little cookie game where the winner gets to eat some tasty homemade cookies. I have a feeling that my proprosed fundraiser will raise quite a bit of money for your church. Please let me know if I can help out. - Kurt Steinberg |
19th December 2004 - 11:01:40 PM |
11739 : Old Saint Nick |
HO HO HO!!! Dustin, even though you celebrate Hanukkah, you've been a very naughty boy this year. I love it! I'm going to scale down your soot-smothered chimney and leave you a present or two. I've also got something for Evan Stone. I figure if sets up his brand new eight piece drum kit in your asshole, the acoustics would be perfect for his practice. |
19th December 2004 - 11:16:39 PM |
11740 : |
check out what the top message here says about screech: |
19th December 2004 - 11:23:51 PM |
11741 : |
screech and his boyfriend: http://www.dougfun.com/html/body_image63.html screech looks scared of the girls here: http://www.z1017fm.com/z_morning_show%20fun%20pics.htm screech wearing his 'prison bitch' outfit: http://www.wallyontheweb.com/savebybell.html is someone behind the stage doing screech in his cornhole? http://www.algonquinsa.com/events/index_e.asp?CaId=3&PgId=310 |
20th December 2004 - 04:16:41 AM |
11742 : Buck Studly |
Spanish Screech (11733) - you're saying you're a hot, latin 18-year-old version of Dustin??? This is too good to be true!! Please post pictures to me immediately!!! I gotta stroke it!!! |
20th December 2004 - 08:36:26 AM |
11743 : |
screech, which of the following do you prefer in your mouth? - piss - shit - jizz - the ballsac of a middle-aged man - the ballsac of an elderly man - slater's penis |
20th December 2004 - 11:52:57 AM |
11744 : Gay Zack |
send you queer christmas wishes to the good pastor - Pastor Jim, I want to wish you, your family and your congregation a very Merry Christmas! Mine should be good, I already got to open one package, and I must say, it was very nice indeed. My buddy Ramon is giving me a pair of Arabian goggles, Javier is giving me some tossed salad and Jon has promised to fuck my ass without a rubber - should be the queerest Christmas ever! This Christmas eve, I think I will go to my favorite rest stop to engage in typical queer acts, no doubt I'll be hurting the the day from all that cock that will enlarge my anus. I hope you and your family will have a great Christmas, maybe you can think of me and say a prayer for me. I love you site Pastor Jim, almost as much as I love sucking cock. For New Years, I'm going to a Saved By the Bell costume party, I'll be dressed as Screech. More than likely I'll meet up with a friend, Rocco, and we will have some anal fun. This will be my first gang bang with over 20 dudes, so wish me luck, I don't want to bust my anus and have it leak. I am a filthy queer aren't I? Well to conclude i wish you and you family all the best, Jose "dirty queer" Martinez. |
20th December 2004 - 04:54:29 PM |
11745 : Osama Bin Laden |
This is cool. Read this completely! 19th December 2004 - 07:48:42 PM 11736 : Rocco This is my latest post to Pastor Jims board. He only responded with a ?. I plan to continue the assault. Psalm 94:16 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. ---- Psalm 109:9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. --- Hebrews 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. --- John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. --- John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. --- Genesis 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. --- John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. --- Ask Pastor Jim These are ordered from oldest to newest e-mails sent to Pastor Jim Note: All E-Mails are 100% Authentic, so send one in and I will respond within a day or two! Ask Pastor Jim Nicholls Now!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/8/2004 22:23:17 -0800 From: Jacob Koenig To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: ??? Are you serious? You are actually teaching some of this information to people. For that, I am trully sorry. Granted that I am a believer in God, but there are just some things in the Bible that can't possibly make sense. For one, Evolution. I believe the scientific facts over the Bible version of history. Also, if you don't want people to censor you, then why must you try to censor those who express the truth, like Michael Moore. I have seen his film and it is VERY VERY GOOD. And how the hell can the Earth be flat. Unless you are stupid (which you probably are), then you must think that way. In case you haven't seen any photo graphs from space, our planet, along with all the others, are circular. DUH. Wow, you guys are different. But I do respect you for teaching what you believe....Good luck "For one, Evolution. I believe the scientific facts over the Bible version of history." So you think that life evolved from very small microorganisms billions of years ago and at the same time (it's a paradox) God created life (contradiction) 6,000-10,000 years ago? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/8/2004 22:39:56 -0800 From: "Kaitlynn Jastram" To: Subject: i love this site hey you fucking jew good job lol you're a fucking moron hatred kinda goes against your god you fucking retards good job and all love hmmmmm meaning your gods a fag good job weight hell even your most none Christians are not even christian theyre faggit jew jeasus loves the little children hmmm mickal jackson you fuck job just wait till some one finds you mother fucking ass and burns you you fucking idiot just becouse you use your god as a sheild just like in the dark ages hmmm wonder why it was called the dark ages because evey one believed in your god or was killed even tho if you read the bible it contridicts to itself you fucking dipshit o yeah maybe if you study pagan you realize that it's an umbrella for numerous other religions ( wicca necromancy etc ) jeesus and the fish shure the fuck aint no god damned sign of pagan you idiot hmm lets think about this one you fucking red neck hypocrite moron you prolly fuck you dad in the bathroom you sick fuck That's a very big sentence. Who taught you English? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/09/2004 10:37:40 +0000 From: "Steve Steel" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Interested Hi Pastor Jim, I was just looking through the first few groupings of emails received by you and I was wondering why you post so many of the negative ones. Cheers. Because most people would rather write complaint rather than a compliment. That happens anywhere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/09/2004 11:42:41 -0600 From: "Jerry Peacher" To: Subject: Your site is filled with hatred and misconceptions You would really make Jesus proud you sick bastar Your site is filled with hatred and misconceptions You would really make Jesus proud you sick bastard go molest a few more boys then read this; http://www.wellreadwitch.com/commentary.htm Umm...no. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/9/2004 19:20:39 +0000 From: Thomas Wilson To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: A Few Questions I am a Christian, only after reading through your website i started to doubt my religion, i don't want to think that i am part of something as hateful as you make out, Didn't Jesus say "the most important commandment is to love God, and to love your neighbour as yourself." and i was always taught this, although other religions may not be right we still have to love and PRAY for them rather than just kill them without trying to help. I don't want to offend you as an American here but America is the most materialistic and captitolist country ive ever heard of and just doesn't seem to care. I don't belive it to be a christian place, it may have started that way, but it isn't like that now. An example, In Genesis christians were given dominion over the land, with this comes a responsibilty to look after what God created, so why is it that the US create around 70% of the worlds polution and is the only country who did not agree to cutting down in 2002???? Also in the Bible, Jesus was a JEW and lived in Israel and places around there, he had never heard of America, so how can he be American? Quote from your website: "Where is God?!!? This country was founded on CHRISTIAN values and they let a filthy communist write the thing without involving the most important American of all, God! Not only is America Under God, but God himself is a citizen of the United States. We know this since we are Under Him. Jesus to was also an American. Jesus WASN'T Italian or French or British or Thai or a Metrosexual, NO He was American. THAT'S WHY AMERICA IS UNDER GOD!!!" Here is something else from your website which confuses me: quote: "Adolf Hitler did a wonderful job at killing the Jews, atheists, homosexuals, and so forth. If he was really on the Evil Liberals side, then would he have done this? Damn Liberals always twisting the facts! I will admit that Hitler was a Catholic, but we still is a True Christian. He follows the principles, but we know he labeled himself as a Catholic more-so the Catholic Church would bless him and never excommunicate him. The never excommunicated him and things were okay. So if you ever hear someone say Hitler was a bad man, blow them away with your hand-gun, since Hitler was a True follower of God's word, which makes him a man worthy of Heaven." How can you say he was right in torturing more than 6,000 men women and CHILDREN? The point i'm making here is that NO MAN has that right to chose whether someone lives or dies, that is a choice for God to make and in doing what he did Hitler undermined God's authority. which is similar to what Presisdent Bush has done, yes the terrorists were wrong and will burn in hell, but it is not for him to decide their fate, he should protect America on its own soil, rather running into their country and firing at will. He has no right to order the killing of ANYONE. "Thou shalt not KILL" Exodus These are just a few of the thoughts i had whilst reading through truechristian.com and to be honest i am quite sickened that Christian man could hold so much hate. (I ALSO FOUND THAT WHAT YOU WROTE ABOUT MUSLIMS WAS REMINISENT OF CHILDISH TAUNTING, AND BELIEVE THAT BECAUSE OF THIS IT IS DIFFICULT TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY) No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/09/2004 19:12:39 -0500 From: "Your Country is Fucking Bullshit" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com, blackdelila@hotmail.com Subject: N/A you guys are so fucked up its not even funny.what the fuck is up with your www.kkk.org shit?if god hates fags and blacks and people that are democrats and not christians then why did he put them here on this earth.god never wanted us to hate eachother he wants us to love one another no matter what.the only one goin to hell are you and your followers. Lord, Thank you for keeping me close to you. I feel so good inside and smart knowing all I have to do, is believe in you. I know you exist since Daddy, Mommy, Pastor Jim, and the Bible says so. I will never question you like the Jews, Thanks to you, Adolf Hitler had the power to get revenge on them. When I grow up I'll make sure to kill and destroy the terrorists. I'm happy that you bring peace God! I love you God! Amen. what the fuck is that?!you sound like your the almighty one.like your gods messenger your not.your satans messenger.teaching kids to hate fags and shit is teaching them bad things.jews are awesome their just like anyone else.in fact if it werent for jews you wouldnt fucking know about jesus you fucks.i swear to god.your fucking idiots.ya know what?im going to find out where you live and burn your fucking houses down so you can burn in hell forever.you deserve to fucking die.at night when you sleep from now on you might want to check your corners of your room for satan cuz im going to bring him up to haunt you and harm you and your families.I'll also add a little witchcraft in to fuck with you guys.YOUR THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST YOUR THE ONES GOING TO HELL TO FUCK SATAN IN THE ASS AND SUCK HIS FAT DICK ANTICHRIST ANTICHRIST ANTICHRIST ANTICHRST ANTICHRIST go to this site itll help you out: http://eserver.org/thoreau/ peace out, GOD HATES CHRISTIANS THAT THINK GOD HATES EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING YOU FUCKWADS What's wrong with the Republican Party? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/10/2004 01:37:41 -0800 From: Alex Moran Reply-to: ratfinkramona@christismybitch.com To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Spellcheck! I believe you should spell check some of your pages. You repeatedly used 'morans' as an insult, when it is actually a common surname. I think any Moran's may be offended when they see their name used negatively towards them. Please check your pages and use the correct spelling, moron. Thank You. Actually, it is spelled "moran" in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary. I know what your talking about though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/10/2004 23:37:25 +0000 From: "greg duggan" To: pastorjim@truechristian.com Subject: hello u r a mother fucking pig and i hope u die u son of santan u mother fucking sons a dead in hell bitch i will come over an kick your ass ur foul bigot anti-the true meaning of god jesus hung out wiv gays and whores he himself accepted gays and whores. U R A FUCKING DICK AND TRUE SANTAN FUCKER GO LISTEN TO THE WORLD NOT U R FUCKING GOD COZ WOULD KILL YOUR BIGOT ASS "u r a mother fucking pig and i hope u die u son of santan" I am not the son of the Great Santan Diejo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 00:05:57 +0000 From: Charlie Gibbs Reply-to: Charlie Gibbs To: "PastorJim@truechristian.com" Subject: XD you are one funny man... You can systematically own so many liberals, it is unbelievable. Your hate-mail generator is right, people are morons. Keep up the good work. Thanks! =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 18:12:45 +0000 From: "Morgan Delwyn" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Your Website Is this a joke? You don't seem to have a clue.. You don't either. You're the one asking the question. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 13:11:14 -0800 From: Nikolas Paras To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: have you ever thought on doing a page on japanesse satanic drawings? so this site will help http://www.crossroad.to/text/responses/anime.htm Have little to go on right now. I don't know much about anime to be honest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 22:11:31 +0100 From: "La.guerre.n'est pas.une.solution" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: i am french hello i'm french... i hate you, i kick the ass of your god who doesn't exist how can we to cultivate a same hatly angainst the first "peacer" of this world, michael moore answer me or be a shit fuck you! a french who loves the love "hello i'm french..." Are you surrendering to me? "i hate you, i kick the ass of your god who doesn't exist" No, you will just surrender. "answer me or be a shit" ?! "a french who loves the love" The French loving people?! What year is this?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 13:59:57 -0800 From: me justkidding To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: A question... Pastor Nicholls: After reading much of your website, I have to say that I admire you. You are strong in your convictions and faith, a quality which is lacking in much of America (and the world) today. Too many people adjust their beliefs to fit their desires--i.e., the man who steals from Wal-Mart and tries to justify his actions by saying that, as Wal-Mart underpays its' employees and profits from this, they deserve to be stolen from. Anyone can come up with a convenient explanation for how their actions fit their beliefs when, in fact, they don't. You have your beliefs, clearly stated, and you hold them strong no matter what is presented that conflicts. However, I do have one question for you: What if you're wrong? "After reading much of your website, I have to say that I admire you. You are strong in your convictions and faith, a quality which is lacking in much of America (and the world) today." Thank you. "What if you're wrong?" I can't be wrong, since if I was, then God wouldn't exist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/11/2004 02:02:33 -2200 From: kai_ser@suomi24.fi To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: heh... Tell me why should anyone want to go in heaven? If bible's text is true there's almost 500 degrees centigrade hot. "Heaven's temperature can be calculated quite exactly with available information. Source is Isaiah 30:26 "and the moonlight will be like the sunlight and sunlight will be sevenfold..." So Heaven will get emission from moon as the earth gets from the sun and over and above sevenfold insolation. Adapting Stefan-Boltzman's theory (I = dT^4) we get that Heaven's temperature would be 493 degrees centigrade!" (sorry if there's errors in writing, that's translation from Finnish text) Even if god's might could protect the heaven isn't it a little boring to live forever in place like that? No sex, no good music, no metal festivals only boring being. And if your answer will be like "Science is wrong you infidel!" Don't take trouble to answer. I'm tired to fight with people that are not ready to take new intuitions. It's like to play chess with a pigeon, first that dump all men on board then pigeon defecate on it and fly to rest of swarm and says that he won. "If bible's text is true there's almost 500 degrees centigrade hot." And the verse you are referring to: Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. There is nothing about the temperature of Heaven within this verse. "Even if god's might could protect the heaven isn't it a little boring to live forever in place like that? No sex, no good music, no metal festivals only boring being." Heaven is cool since you are there to kneel and worship God for all of eternity. What could be more fun than that? "It's like to play chess with a pigeon, first that dump all men on board then pigeon defecate on it and fly to rest of swarm and says that he won." What the crap are you trying to say? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/12/2004 21:08:31 +0000 From: "Rory Myles" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: wtf??? Hey you fucker! You are one sick bastard! You lock up your wife while shes on her peroid? And your gonna do it to your daughter as well? You are such a fucking control freak. Why hate people because of homosexuality or theyre race? Didn't god tell you to love thy neighbour? And Jesus was black you fucking arsehole. I believe in God. I love everyone and everything for what it is. If Im going to be sent to hell for believing what I believe in I guess I better start preparing. But I doubt it... You are the one who should go to hell but you will not as god will forgive you like he does everybody. I do not hate you.. I hate your Views and Values You are Ill and you need help And Dont try to avoid questions by correcting my spelling and grammar "Why hate people because of homosexuality or theyre race? Didn't god tell you to love thy neighbour?" No, God said, "love thy neighbor". There is a difference: You are an idiot who can't spell. "And Jesus was black you fucking arsehole." Jesus had a Jewish mother: Mary. There is not only a creed of Jews, but also a race. Tell me, how many Jews (the race) are black, versus being white? Try visiting Israel and telling me. "I do not hate you" Really? "Hey you fucker!" Oh okay, got it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 00:47:02 -0800 From: "Matt" To: Subject: Quesiton for your website. In this e-mail, i mean no harm, i mean no praise, i simply mean to ask a question. I am christian, and i have seen many interpretations of god, and i understand that in the older days, your interpretation of god was more common, hence i don't think how you interpret the religeon is wrong, even if i disagree with some of it. I simply want to ask, that if you truely want to reach out to people, why don't you answer their e-mail to the best of your capabilities? I understand that sometimes there's hate mail that just isn't worth reading and responding to, but what of the ones that bring arguments to back up their statements? There are a few e-mails i read where they put up good arguments, and you'll give one word answers implying their wrong. So why don't you take the time, since you really want to, to answer their questions and debate their arguments? "I am christian, and i have seen many interpretations of god, and i understand that in the older days, your interpretation of god was more common, hence i don't think how you interpret the religeon is wrong" I appreciate you saying that. A lot of people miss that. People think I'm crazy, but really I'm upholding how Christianity has always been. People changed Christianity because they literally were influenced by Satan. It's as simple as that. "I simply want to ask, that if you truely want to reach out to people, why don't you answer their e-mail to the best of your capabilities?" I do the best I can, really I do. It's hard to answer anger. People are angry since they reject Christianity's past and like the new Neo-Christianity since it appeals to them. Remember, God never changes, only people do. Think about that please. "There are a few e-mails i read where they put up good arguments, and you'll give one word answers implying their wrong." When you have as little time as me, I cant answer long e-mails, period. I look them over usually and I notice they are just the same message, repeated over and over again with just a lot of writing to make them sound smart, but they aren't. They are trying to corner me or something of the sort and I really don't see the point of even trying to help these people. If they have that much to say about their support for Satan, then they pretty much are lost. I can only do the best I can to save who I can. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 18:39:40 +0200 From: Ceph Olo Reply-to: Ceph Olo To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: You've got to be kidding me.. Impaled Nazarene - Via Dolorosa Oh you will love the suffering We will put you thru Claiming to be the people's prophet Deceiving mad carpenter And now on the way to Golgotha Whipped, spat at, humiliated Born of whore Vultures are circulating around As you are dying Boner-biting bastard christ Cum-swallowing And now dying at Golgotha Beaten, laughed at, violated Son of dog The heat was like from 1000 suns As you were nailed to the cross Shit was running down on your legs You were hating life and yourself No magic tricks to save your ass It is the day of reckoning Questioning your existence On the eve of death And now dead at Golgotha Raped, impaled, mutilated False saviour This is the truth. Everyone hated Jesus, and everything he presented to the world. Your so-called "Christian Love" is nothing but a shitty lie. Christians, everyone, including you, Muslims and Jews have brought nothing but devastation and death to this planet. And how in the love of your fucking shitty "god" can you say THAT THE EARTH IS FLAT?! It's not completely round, but it's round. We have known this for nearly 400 years (wow, this shows how stupid christians are, the muslims actually learned that the earth is round long before idiot xtians), by various means, like satellites, and every 4-year old child knows that the earth is round. You claim that the Pi is 3.00. That's so fucking stupid, have you ever studied math? Geometry in particular. So if you really believe in this shit you have on this site of yours, you might aswell shoot yourself to the head. Do you really lock up your wife for 3 weeks in a month? That's a violation to human rights, unless of course she enjoys it. If she does, she might aswell just shoot herself too. You look like you molest your children, both of them. Beat up your family, every time you get drunk. Is this all really just a joke? It must be. Your site is a disgrace to humanity! I thought this was a CIVILIZED world. Yet you proclaim that the muslims are BARBARIC, when you molest your children, beat them and your wife, and preach about your "Love of God", which makes you a hypocrite as well as an COMPLETE IDIOT! A homophobe wife beater that's what you are, truly a great christian, the biblefucker! The worst of humanity. Still don't get it? They want us all to be like you. You fucking sheep. "Baa, Baa, Baa" that's all you say. By the way, did you know, that there is life outside of USA too? Not everyone is a demented, sick, fat, blind christian american piece of shit. I hate your country. I hate the world, because people like you exist. Everything in your site collapses on itself, thus making it one big contradictory. Religion is a lie, all of it has been just created to enslave humanity, and make everyone JUST LIKE YOU! YOU'RE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE WHAT CHRISTIANITY CAN DO TO A HUMAN BEING, WHEN (S)HE IS AT HIS WEAKEST! Use your brains, scum. Not the bible. Slayer - Disciple Drones since the dawn of time Compelled to live your sheltered lives Not once has anyone ever seen Such a rise of pure hypocracy I'll instigate I'll free your mind I'll show you what I've known all this time God Hates Us All, God Hates Us All You know it's true God hates this place You know it's true he hates this race Homicide-Suicide Hate heals, you should try it sometime Strive for Peace with acts of war The beauty of death we all adore I have no faith distracting me I know why your prayers will never be answered God Hates Us All; God Hates Us All He Fuckin' hates me Pessimist, Terrorist targeting the next mark Global chaos feeding on hysteria Cut throat, slit your wrist, shoot you in the back fair game Drug abuse, self abuse searching for the next high Sounds a lot like hell is spreading all the time I'm waiting for the day the whole world fucking dies I never said I wanted to be God's disciple I'll never be the one to blindly follow Man made virus infecting the world Self-destruct human time bomb What if there is no God would you think the fuckin' same Wasting your life in a leap of blind faith Wake the fuck up can't ignore what I say I got my own philosophy I hate everyone equally You can't tear that out of me No segregation -separation Just me in my world of enemies I never said I wanted to be God's disciple I'll never be the one to blindly follow I'll never be the one to bear the cross-disciple I reject this fuckin' race I despise this fuckin' place Satan's gift to mankind: BLACK METAL! You should write about that! It should be fun to read. Don't forget to take a look at www.joyofsatan.com the truth is there. FUCK JEHOVA/ALLAH/JESUS! HAIL SATAN! Our true god and creator of mankind! Go home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 15:33:04 -0800 From: Sin Toxik To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: What the Hell is your problem... have a few issues with your site, Mr. Nicholls. First off, you say that only the people going to your church, and the few others that you named off, are going to Heaven. How is it that you have the authority to send some to Hell, and yet let others pass into Heaven. I thought that was God's job? Who are you to say who is Evil and who isn't? In my opinion, it will be you, and any other buybull beaters out there like you, that won't be passing into Heaven... Or at least what you believe to be Heaven, since you and I have different views on that matter. Just because you're a man of God, sir, doesn't mean that you suddenly have the authority to pass judgement on others. Secondly, I looked at your Michael Moore section, wanting to know what you thought of him. I happen to like Michael Moore a lot, and I agree with what he has to say, but I'm open to all opinions, and I wanted to know yours. But, when I clicked to find out why I shouldn't have seen Ferenhiet 9/11, all it said was "LIAR! EVIL! BLAH BLAH!!" over and over. Now, sir, why is it that you couldn't validate why we shouldn't see that particular movie? Is it because you have no particular reason why? Or is it because you're too scared to actually watch the movie yourself? Have you ever even seen Ferenhiet 9/11? It's not a bad movie; I suggest renting it, sometime. I think that it's sad when a person can't validate their reasons for something. And I think that before you go around telling people not to see a particular movie, you should have a few good reasons why, and maybe then people will listen. No one will listen to "IT'S BECAUSE HE'S EVIL!" It just doesn't work that way, and it's not very convincing... at all. And if your only reason for being against him is because he's a liberal, then I'd say you haven't much of a chance at convincing anyone... Now, before you go around judging other people, you should do your research. And you should at least watch a movie before you call it Evil. Thank you for reading this, Mr. Nicholls. I will be expecting a reply from you. "have a few issues with your site, Mr. Nicholls." Cool. Direct them to the brick wall behind me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/13/2004 22:40:43 -0500 From: "John C M" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Website Question Hey Pastor Jim, Hi! I hope you're doing well. Quick question: You guys say George W. Bush is going to Heaven (on http://www.truechristian.com/whoarewe.html). However, Fred Phelps says that Bush has done more to promote the homosexuals' agenda than Bill Clinton and that he (Bush) had a hand in brining God's wrath on us on September 11th! (http://www.godhatesamerica.com/ghfmir/fliers/oct2002/George_Bush_10-3-2002.pdf). I respect both you guys a lot! So, what's the real deal here? Who's right? sincerely, John I really don't know. I'm sorry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 10:07:08 +0000 From: the clave Reply-to: the clave To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Neverwinter Nights I'd like to point out that there is nothing in Neverwinter Nights as depicted article. This is the concept: The game has been modified by an add-on module which was created by somebody that had nothing to do with the game manufacturers. Like it or not, people change things to suit themselves and distribute modules for the entertainment of others. The article is specious and hysterical, if I may use a metaphor: It's like saying that all copies of the bible are evil because one person had drawn obsene pictures in one copy. Anything can be modified to suit the rationale, and sometimes it is best to check the facts before slandering a great game. As for "I caught Billie mastubating" well, I'm sceptical about that, but in any event, there are a lot worse things on the net than the tiny pixel nudes shown.... By the way, I don't hate you, I just think that you are trying to motivate people in the wrong way. It's easy to see 'evil' round every corner, but the reality is that most people want to be left alone to live thier lives in peace wthout being berated all the time.... Best Regards A Sane, Sensible Human Being. Whose module what? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 05:11:09 -0500 From: Richard Ziebarth To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Is your site for real? I have spent some time reading your site and I can't help but ask if its a satire? I mean it seems radical, but serious sometimes, but then their are entries like this "After disciplining my son (he gets out of the hospital next Tuesday)." Even if you really beat your son that bad no logical person would through in that irrelevant information in the article. That and I read your hate mail section and you seem to pick all the ones with spelling errors just so you can base your whole counter argument off their spelling ability(by the way you spell Moron wrong throughout your site by spelling it "Moran") If your site is true and you truly believe everything you say then I have to formally disagree. I have an aunt with very similar views as you though. I really want to know if your site is for real though...I don't really know how you can prove it to me though(mabye a copy of your sons hospital report, or mabye some pictures that prove your beliefs). I am almost positive this site is a satire though only because it overly expresses fundamentalist christian stereotypes. I would appreciate it if you would respond to this email. Thank you and good day. Our site is as real as God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 12:21:39 -0500 From: "Tom Bradbury" To: Subject: What would Jesus Do? I Just want to know, how do you think Jesus would react to the things you preach? All that I hear in you message is hate and intolerance towards others who are not "True Christians". Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jesus teach about peace and love? For everyone, including one's enemies? I have to tell you, I just had a good laugh at your statement on your "Who we are" page about who's going to heaven and who are not. Good Luck! Dr. Martin Luther King and I will make sure to put in a good word for you with God and maybe he'll cut you a break. He is, after all, a forgiving God. I'm not even a "Christian", but I know I'll get to heaven before all of you nuts who think you've got an "in" with the Lord. But that's beside the point. The real point is that you and all of your "friends" are just as bad as the religious radical terrorists that invaded our country. The keyword here being "Radical". Which rhymes with fanatical. Which goes hand-in-hand with evangelical. Get it? Probably not. And last, but not at all least: I you mentioned somewhere about idiots with misspelled words in their emails. Granted, some people just can't spell, but more than likely it's because they were so filled with rage (that there are still animals like you in this world that still believe this crap that you preach) that they can't see straight. I have to say, not me. I'm like Jesus. I'll just ask God to have mercy on you when you die, and then I move on. If you notice, no misspelled words. That's because there's no rage, just common sense. And the grammar is pretty good too. Which is more than I can say for your website. For instance, on your "Who we are" page, you wrote: "Pastor Jim's son, Billie, is already excited to know Our Lord. Here our ministry holders, featuring Pastor Jim, Billie, Mrs. Nicholls, and Ms. Nicholls." Now, I'm not an English teacher or anything of that nature (just an average joe) but I think what you meant was "Here are ministry holders..." or "Here are our ministry holders...". Just trying to help. Tom Bradbury Email: tombradbury@comcast.net "I Just want to know, how do you think Jesus would react to the things you preach?" He's down with it, yo. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jesus teach about peace and love?" I'll correct you, since you're wrong: Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. "I'm not even a "Christian", but I know I'll get to heaven" Umm....no. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 09:37:55 -0800 From: Jack Bally To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: My son is crazy Dear Pastor Jim Pray you might help me. This evening, i learn that my son (John, 16 years old) is a murderer : this damn democrat cops caught him because he fight with a black man and stum him. He told me he did that because this one laugh of my daughter (Karin, 18 years old) I don't know what to do with him. Jack Why should a black man?! Don't you reality how much money you could get if you made them pick cotton for you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 17:14:16 -0700 From: "Kodie Hulvey" To: Subject: baby jesus was sodomized by joseph's fist Fuck you and fuck your hypocritical nonexistent shithhole 'god', his kingdom is full of nothing but lies. I would like to tell you that you and anyone affiliated with you is a dumb son of a bitch (and hypocritical, since you are against censorship) for saying michael moore should go to jail, he hasn't broken any laws. Luckily for him your prayers are shit. Another thing, it would appear that xians aren't very mature by the looks of your site, its most flagrantly childish, the foolish names you call people and the obviously fake hate mail. your website is a pathetic attempt at making your selves feel better about your worthless degrading filth of a religion. Fuck you all, fuck the virgin mother for the whore she is and fuck all your goddamn angels of deceit and hypocricy. Do something useful to society and throw yourself in front of an 18-wheel semi-truck, or how about trying to stick some pencils in your nose and slamming your head into a fucking table, that would surely bring a smile to my face you fucking wastes of flesh. The Reign is almost over, all xians, muslims and jews will surely be punished for their wretchedness and vast stupidity. Alas, Go Fuck yourselves. -An Anti-christ "you is a dumb son of a bitch" "hypocricy" Hypocrisy maybe? Hmmmm? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 16:48:46 -0800 From: "Ted Tobias" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: Came Across your site. Found myself oddly at a website of a pastor Jim. Being not so tightly fit in the bonds of religion as other people I find many things rather unusual. For one you seek out and taunt and call names too many different types of groups. Liberals mostly along with other groups you mentioned. Yes you are entitled to your opinions but, I find it mocking you use the name of god to back each word your fingers swiftly smack to HTML. I've seen many things such as burn in hell.... Kill them... what not, yet oddly enough your page is called "Truechristian.com." So if a true Christian is a biased, very hostile opinionated man I could only feel bad to the children someone like this preaches to. Also I noticed you stated your page was talked down about because of the hostileness. Seems obvious to me I wouldn't call my site the temple of god, and spread my opinions all over the page (Hostile ones at that). I also came across your talk of how a game I currently own "Neverwinter Nights" Is a demonic Satanist game. Being all those involved in playing it are going straight to hell... Ah lets test the logic in that... I could play ring around the rosie while snorting crack... Then I suppose ring around the rosie should be outlawed and banned... all the people playing it should go straight to hell. Neverwinter nights is a video game made for mature teenagers. Not intended to have what you wrote about... that is individuals making their own server and hosting it to be a sexual based server. Meaning I could play in Action Story and play it as a video game... or Social... (Which is the typical sex based servers) Or Role Play which tends to have less sexual surroundings... Now, back to the subject of nwn. Now your son "Billy”, which by your picture of him looks 10 - 12 clearly not suitable for the mature Teen rating put on the game. See that little reminder before you enter the server "Kinky Kingdom" you put on your page. It says minors are not legally aloud to enter. So how did Billy get this nwn game? Did the store pass it to him or did his parents buy him a game overlooking the "T for teenagers...” in my opinion that’s at 16 -19 ... or perhaps a mature 15 year old. Obviously your son is too young to play since he needed you to discipline him... Now saying nwn is the satanic creation would go about as far as saying the same about the internet. Think about it, you got your KKK pages your punk satanic pages... your biased religion pages... And yes what else is on the internet Porn? Hrmmm... Now lets say your son Billy was watching an adult site secretly rather then playing nwn, would all people that had the internet go to hell ? Don't get me wrong I wouldn't call this hate mail... though feel free to put it there... Showing your a sport of discussion. I think you have a good sense of humor, though I don't like it that you use god to support your opinions... Yes religion is mostly bound on opinions... being the different beliefs. I myself don’t spread my thoughts on religion, I prefer people to walk their own faith. Perhaps speak what i think, but not to push it on someone. I do believe in god and pray. Well Jim I hope you think about stuff more people throwing out blind insults. It is a web page, though a "religious” one. But unfortunately you can’t call your self a true Christian... no one is pure, and someone would have to title you as such. I can call myself a musician and suck at playing music. Though I could be too stubborn to admit it, and that’s what makes us Biased. Someone else would have to tell me, someone qualified. No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 18:29:34 -0800 From: Sin Toxik To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: A Few More Points to be Made... Mr. Nicholls, Yes, I realize that I just sent you an e-mail yesterday, but I read through more of your site, and I discovered a few more things that need to be said. Number one: "That Time of the Month" Women bleed because the uterus is shedding the blood and uterine lining from it's walls, because we weren't fertilized that month. It certainly is NOT because we're posessed by a Demon. And our bleeding doesn't merit the treatment that you think we deserve. Locking a woman up because she bleeds once a month is purely ignorant. And thinking that we're unclean, dirty, lesbian sinners because we bleed is ignorant as well. Also, to think that women are dirty and sinful after childbirth is probably the most ignorant of them all. If anyone here is dirty and sinful after anything, it's you who is dirty and sinful after you blow your seed into your wife. It's you who is dirty and sinful for making your wife cry during sex. It is you who is dirty and sinful after just having created another foul, pathetic waste of flesh like you. And, contrary to your beliefs, women DO enjoy sex. We DO have orgasms. And sex does NOT hurt. We don't particularly enjoy just lying there and letting you do your thing. I feel sad for your wife. To be married to you must be the worst torture any woman could recieve. Number two: Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com is a site that was made to make looking up words more convenient, and easy, for the eager learner. And, as many people know, most languages are based off of the Latin language. The word 'cretin' happens to derive from the latin word 'cristianus' meaning 'poor' (referring to a person) or 'poor fellow'. While the word 'Christianity' does sound like the word 'cristianus', it obviously doesn't mean the same thing. If you notice, the word 'Christianity' has the word 'Christ' in it. And, if you have any common sense at all, you'll realize that Christianity is another way of saying 'follower of Christ', or 'the practice of being a Christian'.. As Satanism is a way of saying 'follower of Satan', or 'the practice of being a Satanist.' The word 'cristianus' and 'Christianity' are in no way related, other than they look alike. I, myself, am Satanic, and I won't hate a site for having a word with a negative meaning on it that looks like the word 'Satanism.' I've more common sense than you do, obviously. Number three: Women are to submit to men? I think not. We have just as much right to live a free life, and enjoy it, as you do. We weren't created to please you, sir. We were created to keep filth like you alive through the centuries. If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be here. And haven't you ever noticed that most women are smarter than men? I think this tells us something. Women are worth more than you give us credit for. We do not belong on our knees in front of men. And we will never be on our knees in front of men, lest it be for a blow-job. And the American Breast Cancer Society is NOT a group of lesbians! It is a group of men, and women, alike who want to fight breast cancer. If it weren't for them, there would be thousands more cases of breast cancer a year than there are now, in men and in women. Unless you think that breast cancer should be allowed to spread like wild-fire, you should give this group way more respect than you do. They aren't lesbian-commies just because they have an interest in human health care. Unlike you seem to have. We aren't, in any way, your property. We are our own property. We were evolved the same way you were. Not created from a rib; that's physically impossible, I don't care WHAT god is doing it. And you seem to use the term 'lesbian' rather loosely. Do you know what the word lesbian means, sir? You don't seem to, so let me inform you: "les·bi·an (lzb-n) n. A gay or homosexual woman." Because a woman chooses to fight breast cancer, cut her hair short, or play basketball doesn't mean she's a lesbian. Any woman who fits those descriptions could be just as straight as any honest Christian woman. I have shaved hair, and I choose to fund the fight against breast cancer, and I used to play basketball... Am I a 'commie lesbian'?? I think not... I have a wonderful husband, and I love him dearly. I don't have any kind of sexual thoughts about women at all. I am, in fact, heterosexual. I think that, right there, proves my point just fine. Ah, and while I was reading this part of your site, I came across this: "Hello morans!!!!!" It's spelled M-O-R-O-N!! Moron... Before you go criticizing other people for their bad spelling and grammar, why don't you check yours first. Number four: "Spiritual people live longer than non-spiritual people" There is no way to prove this, sir. It's pretty much a lucky pick who lives longer and who doesn't. "Spiritual people are happier and more stress-free than non-spiritual people" Hm, seems to me that most of the spiritual people I know have more stress in their life trying to fight the Evil... Seems like you have an awful lot of stress, too, with this site and trying to condemn all of these people to Hell, and all. "To prevent divorce you must both be Christians" Now this, sir, is the one that made me laugh out loud. My husband and I are happily married, and we have no reason to ever get a divorce. We will be growing old together, raising our children together, and dying together. My grandparents, niether of them are Christian, and they're STILL MARRIED. My great grandparents, one dead, the other alive, never got a divorce. They were married for 60-some years. This proves the above statement to be false. "Christians are the only completely moral people on Earth" Yes, some Christians are moral. But a lot of non-Christians are moral too. I'm moral. My mother is moral. My whole damn family is moral. "Anyone who isn't with us is with the terrorists" So I'm a terrorist now? Everyone's a terrorist... Wow. Crazy shit, huh? The only terrorists I know of are Saddam and George Bush. And I'm beginning to think that you're one, too. "SUVs make the environment cleaner" No... SUV's are the most enviromentally harmful vehicles of all! If an SUV could get 50 miles to the gallon, I'd be okay with them. But almost all SUVs today only get 6-10 miles to the gallon. All they do is clutter up our atmosphere with chemicals. SUVs are part of the reason the ecosystem is collapsing. How ignorant you really are. "AIDs is a tool used against Fags to eliminate them" AIDs is a real disease that is affecting people everyday. It's in no way a tool. It's a real threat, and it doesn't just affect Gays. Do your research, and you'd see this. "Christian Science is based off evidence while Science is not" Christian Science is based off of faith and what the Bible says!! Some of what the Bible says has never happened. Do you realize how many languages the Bible has been passed through, and how many times some passages have been mis-translated? A lot of what the Bible says is incorrect, or has been slightly altered by time. A lot of it is NOT true science. Number FIVE: What do you have against Liberals and Feminists?? Do women not have the right to fight for women's rights? Again, we touch this issue. And not all Pagans are Feminists. Pagans are people looking for a more peaceful, spiritual way of life. They believe in the Earth. I'm sorry if this doesn't coincide with your way of thinking. The fish symbol is not used to represent the vagina. Pagans do NOT worship the vagina. And even if they did, it's for fertility, and human creation; it's not in a sexual manner. And Easter isn't all about 'bunnies laying eggs.' It's a holiday, created by the pagans, to represent the rebirth of life. The coming of Spring. The birth of Christ. It's all about LIFE. Which is what I thought your pathetic little religion was all about to begin with. Life. Living. The Birth of Christ. Christians who use the fish symbol are not witches. Do you even know what a witch is? Need I inform you again? I think so: "witch ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wch) n. A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery." It says nothing about a user of the fish symbol. Now, for the finaly, and lucky, number six: Myth: Pagans are all bigots and God haters. They all worship Satan and preach anti-family values. These anti-family values would involve EVEN LOVING FAGS!! Loving a "family" member like that is wrong. Family is about purity so excommunication is the only true form of love. Reality: Pagans generally don't believe in God, but take a path to a naturalistic sense of spirituality. They sometimes worship nature as a God and Goddess. They typically don't use labels much or believe in Good or Evil since they believe these tendencies are destructive and non-humanistic. Pagans live in peace and try to be tolerant of everyone, even those who persecute and treat them poorly. Myth: Pagans ALL worship Satan. Reality: Witches don't worship Satan, since that would be a contradiction to their beliefs. Myth: Humanism is blasphemous! It's Satanic! Reality: Pagans believe humanism, which is a positive thing. Myth: Pagans persecute Christians. They don't allow us to burn them at the stake anymore since of Liberal Laws. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Reality: Christians persecute Pagans. Myth: 100% of pagan marriages end in divorce. They are tolerant of everything, including Evil things such as Fags. This lack of hate towards Fags and other non-Christians is anti-Family. Reality: Pagan families are more stable with smaller divorce rates than Christians. Myth: The Earth is 6,000 years old you fool! I'm a Scientist! I know this since the Bible tells me so and everything else is a Liberal Lie! Reality: Paganism originated about 50,000 years ago as the first step in human interaction and development. It started as a philosophy which turned into a religion once men took to the quill, changing the philosophy into religions which one of turned into Judaism and then later Christianity. Myth: The pentagram represents SATAN!! Reality: The pentagram represents nature. Myth: Christians slaughtered pagan men, women, and children who were all Evil and Satanic for there Evilness of not being Christian. Reality: Pagans never really battled against Christians and the Christians slaughtered men, women, and children who were all innocent and peaceful. Myth: Christians NEVER fail since we are CHOSEN by God!! All the trials were fair and legal and all of the EVIL Witches were exterminated. All these witches (as all pagan women do) have green skin with a wart on their long noses since they are EVIL. Reality: At witch trials nearly all people tried were actually innocent Christian women. The people who were witches though were good, friendly people who were simple alchemists who knew a lot about medicine. In other words they were a sort of pharmacist. Myth: Pagans are all Evil Satanists. They eat children and put curses on people. Reality: Paganism is a loose philosophy that basically allows you to live your life any way you want as long as you see it as good. People can be religious or non-religious or spiritual or non-spiritual. They can be theists or atheists or even pantheists. The name pagan itself is just label to appease the masses who like to have the same name and yet celebrate humanity while practicing their own independent beliefs. This way they can all get along and find peace together with different beliefs, but a common title. For one, I just wanted to set your twisted, little mind straight. For two, the last two statements are what makes me realize that the whole site, www.truechrisitan.com, is all just a joke to see how many people you can piss off. And, honestly, it's petty and immature. I think that it's a waste of your time. And, if by some odd chance, you really are this ignorant, I truely feel sad for you. I hope that one day you get slaughtered by all the people who you've pissed off with your site. Whether you're truely that dumb or not. Have a nice day, asshole. No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 18:34:38 -0800 From: "Graham Meltzer" To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: hi Dear Mr Jim: You are a stupid cunt. suck my fat cock you christian cock fucking shit eater. go to hell and die a horrible fiery death. Your site is worse that seeing a donkey fuck a horse. go rape a cat you cunt. SHIT CUNT ASS TITS DICK DOUCHE A DONKEY! FUCK A DOODLE DOO!! thank you for your time and listening to my email. your friend, graham PS MICHAL MOORE IS GOD!!! FUCK YOU SHIT HEAD!! YOU ARE BARBARA STREISAND'S BITCH! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* The opposite of love is apathy, and hate is really the same as love - IF you're so consumed by hatred for someone, you might as well be loving them, because you're thinking about them for the same amount of time.Receiving a sauce-less quesdilla from Taco Bell is like receiving a bird feeder for Christmas. -Mark from Spitalfield I love you too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/14/2004 23:31:19 -0500 From: Karen Kronenberg Reply-to: Karen Kronenberg To: pastorjim@truechristian.com Subject: True Christian Pastor Jim, I find your site horrific! Even "true christians" would and should be appauled at this site. For starter, if you are going to disagree with someone of something because they don't have the same views or same religion as you, be educated about it! Simply saying that someone is fat, ugly and smells like a fart, or saying that because they don't follow the same religion as you they are the devil is ridiculous! You should be setting an example rather than making obsurred accusations. You may believe that your religion is "superior" but this is America where everyone is free. The "melting pot" if you will... it didn't get that name from being home to only one form of religion or race or sex! Your children's page disgusted me! I can't believe that you would even think something like that should be geared towards children! You should NOT be a pastor! You infact are a form of the devil teaching intolerance and hate through this website. I fear for anyone who follows you! I have only one thing to say to you, If you're going to write hateful things about somthing, GET EDUCATED on it first!! sincerely yours, An Angered Christian "Even "true christians" would and should be appauled at this site." A 100 years ago and before that they wouldn't. I would be the norm and you would be the outcast. God's law hasn't changed, just the people and their society. Why do you think there is so much more since in the world and idiots like you telling me I'm wrong? "An Angered Christian" Just how Jesus wants you, huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12/15/2004 02:34:17 EST From: xherocksmex@aol.com To: PastorJim@truechristian.com Subject: |
20th December 2004 - 05:32:52 PM |
11747 : Mystery Loves some Vomit |
Poor Pastor Jim, you must all forgive him. He's had his head up his asshole for so long that he believes he's in heaven, shit-stained and all. To think this site of his is a put-on? No, this turd is serious, hates Humanity, would cover the world with concrete, and sell tickets to heaven if he could get by with it. He does have a new book coming out though and the title: SKID MARKS ON MY SOUL! Ouch!!!! |
20th December 2004 - 05:35:32 PM |
11748 : |
I have told the good pastor many times that I would love to ransack his asshole, one day he will become the filthiest queer if we all flood him with homoerotic emails - I know that he really enjoys them. |
21st December 2004 - 12:17:02 AM |
11749 : mr. belding |
screech, i just poured an entire bag of peanut M&Ms down my gaping anus. cum down to my office and suck them out and gobble them down, just like you did daily when you were my assistant. |