14th January 2005 - 01:35:19 PM |
12001 : laura |
scrrrrrrreech a472d0b916c0d@yahoo.com |
14th January 2005 - 01:45:53 PM |
12002 : Rocco |
I heard that myself. They wanted him to take anal from Dick Chaney in the background while Bush was being sworn in but the double dog felt that was beneath him and he wanted to fuck George W in the ass instead! The secret service ran a train on Diamonds ass and made it so stretched out that Dustin is taking a few weeks to recouperate. ROCCO |
14th January 2005 - 02:23:09 PM |
12003 : |
so Dustin, when are you going to let me eat your nut sack like it was a snack pack? |
14th January 2005 - 03:42:05 PM |
12004 : OJ Simpson |
Hey Very Angry, I don't think you know what you have coming to you sucka! But you ain't gonna like it when a fullsize bronco drives over your skinny ass! Da Juice has never wanted man ass nor will he ever desire man ass! Da Juice bangs sweet ass white babes assholes every fuckin day! Only reason guys go fag is cause they can't get any chicks. Sad Muthafuckers! But Very Angry you and me got a date. Get ready for some Bronco style action. DA JUICE |
15th January 2005 - 01:08:12 PM |
15th January 2005 - 03:18:09 PM |
12006 : leea |
i love gay men, i just thought i would let all of you know!! |
15th January 2005 - 05:40:45 PM |
12007 : Johnny Jizzmaster |
Some of the stuff here really BLEW me away. I can see why Dustin is into this stuff bigtime but no matter what, he's never going to have to size dick WE all want. guess we'll just have to get into that hershey highway of his and see where that takes us. i'm skipping the inauguration, one too many asshole is too much but FUCK::::::::::::::::::::::That place is going to be filled with assholes! http://www.herbolove.com/community/bbs/guestbook.asp?category=25&user=7322 |
15th January 2005 - 10:00:42 PM |
12008 : Don\'t Callme Don Cheadle |
GNAA declares boycott of all foods that make sperm taste bad Washington, District of Columbia (USNS) - Gathered on the steps of the Justice Department, gay niggers worldwide announced their most ambitious ploy for political power to date, a boycott of all foods that make semen taste awful. GNAA president timecop led the rally with a pink megaphone, shouting over the noise of riot cops assembling in case the peaceful assembly turned violent. "My friends," he lisped at the top of his lungs. "As America's - no, the world's - foremost consumers of sperm and without a doubt its greatest enjoyers and advocates, we plead - no, we demand - that these prostate poisons be eliminated from the modern diet." Around him, a surging throng of foamy devotees showed their approval with a shower of bodily fluids. According to timecop, numerous studies prove that gay volunteers not only found that tobacco left a lingering moldy taste in semen, but that such commonplace items as coffee and multivitamin pills could make semen taste muddy and like insecticide, respectively. "These are intolerant, I mean, intolerable substances," timecop spluttered. GNAA member DiKKy, on loan from NATO class dunce Norway, as if on cue dumped a 55 gallon drum of whipped semen into the Justice Department's Martin Luther King, Jr. meditative koi pond. As carp drowned in the sticky mucosal fluid, DiKKy took the microphone from a timecop overcome by emotion at the sacrifice of so much precious gay nigger seed. "Gummy bears make it taste like rubber cement - no, that's not a pun. And salmon, of course," said DiKKy, "which makes it taste oily. Oh, and here's a big no-no: asparagus. Yucky." United Asparagus Growers President Ralph Gruntligel was interviewed by CBS' "60 Minutes," which, in trying to downplay its recent scandal over forging records to replace the lost forged records of a famous politician, has changed focus to such cutting edge topics as sitting room makeovers and loose candle wax. http://www.gnaa.us/pr.phtml?troll=gnaa-sperm |
15th January 2005 - 10:06:18 PM |
12009 : Don\'t Call Me Don Cheadle |
GNAA more effective than Viagra, Cialis, study finds WASHINGTON, DC (GNAA) - A thoroughly scientific study undertaken by researchers at the Beth Israel Hospital has concluded that membership in Internet troll group GNAA is more effective than Viagra or Cialis, competing brands of erectile dysfunction drugs, in achieving a lasting rigid penis and thoroughly enjoyable penetration. Subjects were given access to a cable modem, a Windows-compatible PC and the movie "Gayniggers From Outer Space," a 1992 low-budget romp in which homosexual African-American extraterrestrials invade earth and eliminate women in order to expose men to the wonders of anal intercourse. Turgidity occurred "immediately," according to head research scientist Bernard Silverstein. "We were at first highly skeptical of this research material," said Silverstein, "but then we realized that, because it features not only African-Americans but homosexuals in a positive light, we were up for a bn grant from the Tolerance department at Homeland Security." He said he was "disappointed" in the results but could not deny the absolute scientific objectivity of the study. "We used the correct methodology, and double-confirmed our results. That's as close as you get to the Word of God in science," he said. "While this tasteless movie endorses frivolous sodomy and misogyny, it caused in our test subjects enduring hard-ons that didn't wilt for 3.9 hours on average." The control group of men picked randomly from the general population experienced less success with both Viagra and Cialis. "We gave them a selection of stimulating pornography from Jewish-American actresses like Jenna Jameson and Pamela Anderson," said research associate Miriam Rothberg, "but mostly, they complained that the women whined too much." http://www.gnaa.us/pr.phtml?troll=gnaa-viagra |
16th January 2005 - 01:13:24 AM |
12010 : John Bernoulli |
gkf |
16th January 2005 - 01:58:03 AM |
12011 : JIM QUEFF |
16th January 2005 - 06:30:52 AM |
12012 : Kurt Zoidberg |
Screech - this page made me hard as heck! http://www.gayfetishpicpost.com/~bigpenissex/massive/horse_cock/index52.html |
16th January 2005 - 02:40:56 PM |
12013 : jake |
hi my name is jacqueline but u can call me jake |
16th January 2005 - 10:23:03 PM |
12014 : Gilbert Gumper, Arkansas |
I just found this on the wall of a public toilet some guy who had used lipstick to write this. I ended up with my asshole being very red from lipstick and tongues. This all happened at that private Dustin gay fag show,West Hollywood. THIS is what it said: The night is filled with danger, passion, and throbbing cocks. There is no wind and in fact very little OF ANYTHING, the sky is lightly puce or even peussie with nuclear waste, usually crapped and evacuated and filled with specks of shit, but is now filled with thick clouds of steaming urine. Darkness is everywhere except for Princess Peussie's toilet bowl which glows in the strange moonlight. Only the torches in the temple provide a flicking light. The slave, a foreigner, a pale skinned male is walked to the wedding bed of MJ and forced to lie there with his face buried in one male servant's asshole. His attendants, dressed in simple cotton opera gowns retreat to the restrooms of the temple. Everyone waits as the musician play the "jazzy fuck music" required for this training session. Incense drifts from the air, a combo of opium and hashish, yet the air is still and almost rancid with the previous night's orgy of violence and Love. |
16th January 2005 - 11:55:51 PM |
12015 : bbbb |
ggggg |
17th January 2005 - 12:23:46 AM |
12016 : |
gay zack, maybe you should gay up the imdb message board for this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0279793/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnxteD0yMHxzZz0xfGxtPTIwMHx0dD1vbnxwbj0wfHE9ZHVzdGluIGRpYW1vbmR8aHRtbD0xfG5tPW9u;fc=2;ft=5;fm=1 |
17th January 2005 - 12:36:15 AM |
12017 : |
screech, I took a cab the other day on my way to "The Manhole," my favorite queer bar. when i got in the cab I immediately noticed a foul, nasty odor. I immediately figured out what it was when the arab cabdriver turned around and asked where we were going. the cabdriver's breath smelled like shit, and it was as if somehad had taken a dump in his mouth or he had gargled with diaherrea. so i was wondering what your breath smelled like the time mr. belding shit in your mouth on the set of saved by the bell. did your breath afterwards bother anyone? i heard that sbtb was an expecially rowdy television set. what else went down? |
17th January 2005 - 02:12:21 AM |
12018 : younas |
iloveyou |
17th January 2005 - 07:36:13 AM |
12019 : Şiir bahçesinden dize dize karanfiller derleme gru |
Şiir bahçesini lağım-sıçanlarındam kurtaramadıktan sonra şiir de haram olsun bize...;...de olsun!.. http://www.holywar.org/CART151.gif TAKKE DÜŞTÜ "GÜL" GÖRÜNDÜ ** TAkiYYeİP düştü GÜL göründü, suyüzüne vurdu ruhu kirli kuklalar/ uçuştu, kirli David-yildizi mavisinde çekler, gerdanlıklar/ adamları anladık da ne bu resmi görüşmelerde taktıkları madamlar/ zırcahillik giderilir sanarak kasılıyorlar/ devlet adamı havasındalar/ "zahir maiyetten bir inek"; farkı, iki ayağı var/ nitemsizin en niteliksizi Emine hanımağanın emrinde tahtırevanlar/ öyle bir han-ı yağma ki, her kuyruk sallayana düşüyor yağlı parçalar/ utanmazlık aymazlık dorukta, resmen kendilerinden geçiyorlar/ afyon yerine içilen Ortadoğu-Balkan-Çeçen-Afgan çocuklarının kanlarından süzme şıralar ** Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HAÇLI SÜRÜLERi ve HAÇSIZ MAMULLERiMiZ ** Osmanlı'dan ananemize girmiş/ iflah olmaz milli kalleşligimiz/ varsayalım satasacak tek komşu kalmadi arz-ı kürede/ bir gerekçe türetir, kendimizi kemiririz/ sanki yeminli gelenegimiz/ basimiza her dönem kivrak zevat seçeriz/ işimize uydu mu Paşam diye çizmesini öperiz/ uymazsa kulp ustasiyiz, sallandırır silkeriz/ yahud i medyasindan al haberi, halimiz ayan beyan/ camide poz artistidir bunlar sözde müslüman/ içerde yalan birader, dışarda dolan/ koltukdur dinleri, dolar$lar iman/ sonunda Anadolu`yu da Haçlılar'a han yaptılar/ Siyon dedigin bu işlerin uzmanı, dolar$in ambarı var/ biri gitti biri geldi, her kuralı onaylattılar/ limanlar emre amade, ilaveten sıgırlar ve sınırlar/ ha tayyipden tayyipden vaadde bulunanlar/ takiyyeip düstü gül göründü, açtı yerli uşaklar/ Tanrı`dan korku yalandir bu sistemlerde, utanma hiç yok/ kıç general Abraham'in kucagında, daha hala nutuk atar/ billah domuz olsaydi kizarırdı belki yüzü-ensesi/ bunlarda ar-haya enflasyon, kalmamış emaresi/ iş oraya dayandı, az daha koklatsalar/ haşa huzurdan yani... anasının örekesi ** Namık Cemal Ziya Haşahuzurdan nam_i_C@yahoo.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHP, Cümleten Hıyanet Pandomimciligi ** herkes kendine odaklandıgı anda, dünya gündemini gören çıkmaz/ esrimişler dergahı bu, ülke sorunlarını kavrayana raslanmaz/ altı ok safsatasıyla daha haala halkı uyutacagını sanan kaz/ sürüsünün icraatı bir incir çekirdegini doldurmaz/ doluya koy almaz, boşa koy dolmaz/ biri uzun havadan gidiyor, ötekisi caz/ al bunları kaynana Semra dizisine figüran yaz/ yoksa boş lafla gemi yürütenden başka bir .ok olamaz/ ** Ayse Kaya ayse_kaya@gmx.de ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHP, Cesetlerine Hürmeten Pislemeyelim ** SARIGÜL, USA-Masonry yalakası/ LİVANELİ, USrael militer mafyasının homo-kuklası/ BAYKAL dersen, kurugunda şurekası/ bunaklar tayfası, çürük domates tarlası... ** Artun RİZELİ artun_y@yahoo.com ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHP, Cumhuriyet (laf) Halk (gaf) Partisi (yersen) ** bir o kaldı, demeyin Mustafa Kemal de sistemden payını almış/ sözde bu söz salatası hamamı, onun partisi olma savındaymış/ devlet adamlığı bir yana bunlarda ne edep, ne utanma kalmış/ anla ki savunmasız zavallı, ölümünden sonra böyle dolandırılmış... ** okları ilkelermiş,/ miş de birşey simgelermiş/ kalmışsa bir gramı/ yutan kalmışsa bu yalanı/ bir adım beri gelsin/ CHP rozeti de mi var; göstersin/ hakettiğini dinlesin/ anasını Mustafa`lar/ avradını Kemal`ler bellesin ** Yusuf ANADOLU yusuf_a@yahoo.com Şiir gibi siteler dizisinden örnekler: http://pub45.bravenet.com/guestbook/3844342430 http://www.besnili.8m.com/fsguestbook.html http://turkishamerican.4t.com/fsguestbook.html http://www.contortionhomepage.com/guest/spambook.html http://f11.parsimony.net/forum16810/index.htm http://www.erzurumnet.com/book/guestbook.html http://326681.guestbook.onetwomax.de/?id=326681 http://ferhattunc.net/HaberDetay.asp?ID=18 http://math.ichb.ro/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=141&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 http://webmasterim.com/zd/zd.php?kullanici=thaliamiranda http://members.aol.com/yahyam/gdata.htm http://www.aradevekusu.com/defter/index.php http://webmasterim.com/zd/zd.php?kullanici=aDINLER http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/guestbook/index/1.htm http://www.howstrange.com/guestbook/default.asp http://www.bankaciyiz.biz/modules.php?name=GuestBook http://tebesir.webhostme.com/ziyaret.htm http://haticeesiyok.com/guestbook/index.php3 http://gbweb.de/g/gb.pl?meltem http://www.kurd.org/cgi-kurd/register.pl http://f3.parsimony.net/forum3064/index.htm http://valentinesdesigns.com/wwwboard/messages/41778.html http://gaeste.parsimony.net/gaeste7136/ http://gaeste.parsimony.net/gaeste1136/ http://www.holywar.org/CART151.gif |
17th January 2005 - 09:18:22 AM |
12020 : Lana the Banana |
I'm tired of trying to translate this Turkish stuff. Can someone tell me the exact location of this dumpster you talk about? thanks, I have a number of gay brothers ready to get there and have some serious fun. |