07th April 2005 - 08:14:55 PM |
13073 : |
dustin what the fuck did you do with my goddammned motherfuckin' asprins you shit-lickin' asswipe |
07th April 2005 - 10:44:03 PM |
13074 : Brian Kut |
Screech I fantasize about your sexy toned buttocks every day. Get naked and I'll tickle your sphincter with my tongue like an anteater. |
07th April 2005 - 11:19:12 PM |
13075 : Wesley Willis |
08th April 2005 - 01:09:31 AM |
13076 : |
Suddenly. |
08th April 2005 - 10:44:18 AM |
13077 : Neil Diamonds Secret Gay Lover |
hey Brian, would you tickle my sphincter like an anteater? It sounds really hot. |
08th April 2005 - 12:57:37 PM |
13078 : Wesley Willis |
Suck a male camel's dick! |
08th April 2005 - 02:22:52 PM |
13079 : Larissa Loosecunt |
So is Screech like, dead? Because OK like, my friend Brittany? told me that she like, read on this website? that Screech had gotten AIDS from some guy he screwed while doing a stand-up tour of South Africa? And then this girl Amber from my cheerleading squad? like said she saw this homeless dude? and it looked just like Screech? except he was all pale and like, dying and stuff? |
08th April 2005 - 08:42:42 PM |
13080 : Mary Mount, Proud Secretary to THE PRINCESS |
Larissa, you dont' know anything. Your braincells are that of a dog turd, and you should be put to sleep.However before that you should say the following prayer: polyploidy at approximate oreven gerhardt as in cantaloupe. Ashlee was at conjunct when that happened archenemy. We met at prove and went to iceberg where we had lunch at altern between her legs.It was megalomaniac and a rembrandt was goony and had afferent by all. |
08th April 2005 - 11:56:43 PM |
13081 : ac is cold |
It was born in the dustin. the awesome feul of nerd. cumed on feal teh noiz! oink |
09th April 2005 - 01:43:22 PM |
13083 : George Michael |
Diamond, I've been going through some of the old posts on this site, and I feel I must inform you of the following: you are a monumental faggot, and most of the world's populace agrees. Go fellate an orang-utan, you filthy cum-dumpster. - Georgy-porgy PS 'Trust the dust' is the gayest catchphrase in history PPS I wanna cream up yer cornchute |
09th April 2005 - 06:02:21 PM |
09th April 2005 - 06:33:54 PM |
13085 : Joey Buttafuoco |
Hey Screech, you fuckin can of shit. You better keep lookin over yer shoulder tough guy, cause if I ever catch you I'm gonna lay you out, put your legs behind yer ears and fuck you in the ass like a little bitch. Then I'll pull out and cum in yer fuckin eyes. Then I might drop a nice greasy Napoli steamer on your sunken, hairless boy-chest. Then I'll rub my dick in it and cum in yer eyes some more. Keep em peeled, slick. |
09th April 2005 - 08:17:25 PM |
13086 : FUCK MY GAY ASS |
k_kirzinger@yahoo.ca |
09th April 2005 - 08:22:42 PM |
13087 : Carpet Spunker |
k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com |
09th April 2005 - 08:28:33 PM |
13088 : Carpet Spunker |
k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com k_kirzinger@yahoo.com |
09th April 2005 - 08:39:31 PM |
13089 : Mary Mount, Secretary to Princess Peussie |
Thanks For the info about Gormley and his "rituals". It appears that this was not the only one of his sinister ideals, about the jelq and assholes. After some discussion with some other former students at the Jelqing society of cherry HIll, It appears that Gormley was also into tying ones balls in a zip-lock back for hours, over an open flame. THis fuck was really into the smell of feces that was left on the balls, after hours of sweating and nut-condensation. Friends, what Is most astounding is gormleys complete disreguard for the school master princess peussie --- He was well beyond anything reasonable. |
10th April 2005 - 11:32:33 AM |
13090 : United AntiFa&Antifada&Socialist Worker gegen zion |
1st MAY/1 Mai -der internationale Kampftag der Arbeiterklasse...Mitbestimmung für Millionen gegen Imperialismus... Stoppt zionistisches Massaker auf okkupierte NahenOsten!..United AntiFa gegen zionistischen Imperialismus!.. Bestes Poster: "Arrestiert, vernichtet überall die traditionellen kriminellen zionistischen Faschisten,/ die Tollwut-Schweine SHARON u. solch' Scheiss Blutdurstige Bastarden, Kollaboratoren!" Erster Mai-Zionfrei!/ Es lebe United Antifa&Antifada Worldwide against the Zionist Imperialism!.. Beste Linken: Socialists against Imperialist Occupation and Massacre: http://www.socialistworker.org/2002-1/402/402_08_SharonIsTerrorist.shtml The truth is Anti-Semitic: http://uk.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=63011&group=webcast http://www.stop-fascism.org/mini-nukes.htm Antifada Hamm-Germania: http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 Testimony: News that couldn't become NEWS and CNN&ABC&BBC&etc&BONNIERS&MURDOCH brainwashing instruments avoid publishing such true massacres: http://www.elettrosmog.com/orrore/ www.elettrosmog.com/orrore/ Stoppt Imperialismus Stoppt_Imperialismus@yahoo.de ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1st MAY/ERSTER MAI; ZIONFREI!..Z.O.Gang ist Zwungen zurückbezahlen, alles was die Juden gestahlen haben.. Es ist Zwang wegen schmutziges Geld, lügnerei-Religion und okkupazional faschistischen TradiZion... STOPPT den ZIONISTISCHEN IMPERIALISMUS!..ANTIFADA gegen FASCHISMUS!.. Wahrheit oder Witze: Eine Jude ist ein einfacher tradizioneller Räuber; zwei Juden sind Sparbank&Citibank u. solche "offiziellen Betrüger" Banker GmbH, drei Juden sind internationaler zionistischer Mafia welchen bewaffnete beim Pentagon, okkupiert deines Land, zerstört deines Haus mit Schachtmaschinen, bombardiert weiter deine Kinder, trotz alle unglaubliche grausame Barbarei gebt Schuld nur zum dir und auch sehr frech propagandiert bei imperialistischen Papagei-Medien dass du wahrscheinlich ein Selbstmordattentater seien konntest... Beste Linken: Socialists against Imperialist Occupation and Massacre: http://www.socialistworker.org/2002-1/402/402_08_SharonIsTerrorist.shtml Antifada Hamm-Germania: http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum/forum.cgi?USER=user_76800 Testimony: News that couldn't become NEWS http://www.elettrosmog.com/orrore/ The truth is Anti-Semitic: http://uk.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=63011&group=webcast http://www.stop-fascism.org/mini-nukes.htm Testimony: News that couldn't become NEWS and CNN&ABC&BBC&etc&BONNIERS&MURDOCH brainwashing instruments avoid publishing such true massacres: http://www.elettrosmog.com/orrore/ www.elettrosmog.com/orrore/ United AntiFa&Antifada&Socialist Worker gegen zionistischen Imperialismus Stoppt_Imperialismus@yahoo.ch |
10th April 2005 - 11:36:55 AM |
13091 : Joe Mexico |
Screech, remember that episode where you had a field trip to the bowling alley? Remember you walked into the bathroom and were gangraped by several transient who lived in there? |
10th April 2005 - 05:20:12 PM |
13092 : |
10th April 2005 - 06:45:48 PM |
13093 : Captain Justice |
Good citizens! I, Captain Justice, Bayside's No. 1 homosexual super-hero, am proud to present indisputible photographic evidence of Dustin Diamond's homosexuality - http://tinypic.com/2nr2x5 Oh God, I just came in my Justice-suit. Screech, was Zack a rough, dominating lover? Were you always his bitch? Did he never let you be the pitcher because your penis was too damn small to pleasure him sufficiently? Keep it queer, kids. Justice...AWAY!!!! |