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    11th June 2005 - 01:31:42 AM    
ESTONIASAMLINGEN ger inte upp///MASSACRE on ESTONIAN FERRY-852 Civil Passengers been massacred in September 1994///The Saga of Living Witnesses; MASSACRE on the ESTONIA-FERRY, 852 PASSENGERS DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THIS “TICKING WEHICLE” TRANSPORTS to USrael via its collaborated satellites like Baltics&SvekJa Kingdom, UK etc...(Svekish language version)


- Här ska vi titta på något nytt, dokumenterade klippet omkring den nya sagan; välkommen!.. Det är en Saga; man behöver inte vara illamående då man möter faktumet som demokratiskt plattform... Det finns ju en del intressanta typer som inte vill se människor som inte robotiker.. Tyvärr finns en del som aldrig vill acceptera andras grundläggande rättigheter... Vissa fräcka vill inte fatta att det finns människor som har olika idéer, särskilda dikter, uttryckssätt i den litteratur-världen d.v.s. det är inte vinnande att bita sig via berättelseförloppet.. Självklart ska både onda och goda spela sin roll på scenen... Vem som är onda i den sagan och vem som är onda, kritisera detta senare... Skriv recensioner eller en liknande saga om du vill säga något!.. Är det inte bra att visa reaktionen på mänskligt sätt istället för trampa närligannde som åsna? I lugn och ro får man följa händelseförloppet.. Jo, det en saga bara, behövs inte försöka tysta för att det innehåller även din röst.. Är det så känner någon sig berörd då önskas att även denne försöker att skriva ännu bättre; humana, senare... Är du en af dem som inte litteraturkännare, inte vill visa respekt till omvärldens oliktänkasätt, då rekommenderas att inte anstränga dig, lämna platsen omedelbart och springa åt skogen so fort dina föräldrar kunnat i historien... . Speciellt de som är människofiender, bör vara helt ute och inte smutsa ner den internetvärlden... Det är sant och sådant förord blivit oblaigatoriskt, tyvärr.. Här, omkring den sagan ska ni upptäcka att sistnämnda kategorien lämnar sina tassar; massor varelser nöjer sig med smutskasta på allt t.o.m. visa sina skitiga karaktär även i sagovärlden... Se upp, här finns sexannonsliknande fascistiska provokationerna som syftar att sabotera mänskliga attityder.. De hatar all form berättelser som riskerar deras vinster... De vill inte fatta att de finns redan i sådana berättelser men det är också ett psykologiskt bevis att de som smutskastar mina sagor hatar sig själv djupt inne i deras egna grisliknandehjärtor, kalkliknande hjärnor...... De är människofiender, inget annat.. Gissa då hurdan varelser som utnyttjar människo ID; gissa snälla hur vi behöver fler och humana sagor i en sådan planet!.. Skydda bevismaterial så att efter en kort undersökning ska bli det ännu roligare att tillintetgöra den smutsiga karaktären vilken ansvarig att stå bakom sådana attack exempelvis viss falska annons klistring omkring våran saga.. Kamratliga hälsningar från sagoberättaren...

- Vittnena ständigt insisterar avslöja om den halvofficiella massakern som hänt på civila passagerare, offrat 852 helt maktlösa oanade människor... - Vilka är de som vågar säga ifrån då? - Jari PITKÄNEN, Gunnar SVENSSON, Leena LAPPALAINEN och vissa andra modiga ögonvittnena, plus de lika trappra forskare, dokumentär mästare liksom Jutta RABE berättar om imperialistiska massakrer.. - Visst, tack vare finns sådana modiga... Men sällan bevittnar vi att en journalist ska visa intresse, speciellt i Scandinavia... - Det beror på moral och etikregler eller överväger vinsten hos herren... Det finns även lobbyer som förföljer journalisterna att tysta ned dem... Skandinavisk-Baltiska triangeln infekterad av sioniststyrda lobbyverksamheter - Oroande!.. Jag tittade på estoniska versionen av klippet, hette “Dokumenterade barbari: “Betrayed by West, massacred by Jews; ...bedragna av West-oligarkiska makter, massakrerades av imperialist-judiska fascismen”
- Vitnessmålsmateriell sammlas fullkomligt av frivilliga i samarbete med “Genozidegegner =Genocide-motståndar”gruppen bl. a. Georgia Laar Estonian, Märta Murphy, Marcus Savisaar Estonian, Elena Hallberg, Linda Nilsson, Tanja Tikkanen, Lucy Lechner, Melanie Göransson, Charlotte Nyberg, Viveca Olsson, Michaela Pitkänen, Lisa Svanberg, Ingrid Jordan, Martina Hager, Louise Goldberg, Britney Dylan, Tommy Jenning, Astrid Moore, Grete Baker, Leena Lappalainen, Peter McKenzie osv. - Låt se det här kloippået!.. - Ögonvittnena som avslöjar den sanningen om “The TRUE HOLOCAUST”... - Jari Pitkänen och de andra ögonvittnena som berättar vidare... Testimonier av Jari Pitkänen från den infekterade Skandinavisk-Baltiska triangeln:
- Översätta den här dokumentär materiellen till engelska: Eyewitness & Survivors & Independent Observators are telling; The TRUE HOLOCAUST & The TRUE MASSACRES on the Folks, Working Class & Minorities like The Armenians, Assyrians, Palestinians, Indians, Palestinians, Cypriots, Laponians, Leftists and Intellectuals, Scientists, Artists who support the Working Class in the dictatorial sistems, Iraqians, Cubans, Libyans, Sudanese, Somalians and Afghan Children who sistematically been slaughtered by the U.S.-Britannian killing instruments and poor masses were been sanctioned by the U.N.-marionettes etc. This story is a piece of the massacre-testimonies by Jari PITKÄNEN and any other survivors... REMINDER HUMAN-BEING about THE TRUE FASCIST GENOCIDES on the PEOPLES: Massacres&The True-Holocaust; PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE and on the other class, minorities, communities... Testimonies of the Eyewitness& Survivors & independent sources about THE TRUE FASCIST GENOCIDES; Massacres & The True-Holocaust on the PEOPLES like the contemporary (!!!) example; The PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE and other massacres on the peoples of occupied MIDEAST... “ - Översätta det gärna även till franska eller tyska språket som t. ex. : “Übersetzung: Jari PITKÄNEN, Leena LAPPALAINEN, Gunnar SVENSSON, Jutta RABE und die andere Augenzeugen/Innen erzählen um das Richtiges HOLOCAUST / MASSAKER an antiimperialistischen Personen / Häftlingen / Gefangenen / Arbeiteklassen und an der Zivilbevölkerung / Armeniern, Assyriern, Indianern, Kurden, Laponen, Palaestinensern, Zypriotern und andere Völker aus der okkupierte Gebieten im Nahen Osten z.B. Massaker von Al-Zaatar /Hebron / Jenin/ Khan Younis /Kufr Qassem / Qalqilia / Qana /Qudüs / Sabra / Shatila / Tulkarem usw da die vierte Konvention ignoriert wurden, was dauert noch bei der Betrug und Heuchelei von UN Vereinte Nationen und auch die Massmorden an Gruppen und Volksmassen wie die Fluggäste von El Al Boeing 747 Flugzeug 1992 in Holand und die Fährschiff-Estonia 1994 in Baltikum, welche transportierte heimliche Nuklearmateriellen für USrael usw..”
- Originalet av de senaste nyheterna från de skandinaviska motståndsrörelserna och samverkande solidaritetsgrupperna:
- Förgiftade fiskar i Östersjön, varnar oss som den pågående radiaktiva affärer bl. a. militära råvaror, farliga kärnämnena, uranium, biokemiska ammunition som transporteras till USrael via E.U. (i samarbete med den svenska lobbyverksamheten, samverkande skurkar som Mona Sahlin osv)... Mona Sahlin skulle omedelbart gripas och ställas till svars liksom de andra kriminella!.. Vad är det annars meningen med jämlikheten inför Sveriges rikas lag om att bara vissa sitter inne? Kanske hade de andra inte råd eller vara inte smarta att korrumpera svenska rättsväsendet eller ville inte föda den här lobbyverksamhetens lögnmästaren Leif Sillbersky eller ungerska Mo$$ad-medlemmen Posner-Körösi som fortfarande i tjänsten i Skandinavien för att fullkomligt förfalska historien!? Makthavarnas mörkläggning och samverkan tas upp och diskuteras fullständigt å dessa websidor:
(all sådana uppgifter “cleansed” af de infiltrerade instrumenterna i SvTV som samarbetar öppet med judiska lobbyn häromdagen...)

Inskickat av SIPRI - Disarmament Organisation of Scandinavia...
Men Svt-herrar “pissed off “ all fakta, rensar ständigt sådana förfrågningar och spärrar debatten p.g.a. mutor som tilldelas generöst av imperialismen...
- Även SIPRI administrationen förnyades (d.v.s. rensades...) och nu sitter en import madam som direkt rekryterades af Pentagon och sitter som president af den organistaionen...
- Vad säger allmänheten?
- Almmänheten gråter för Lady Di häromdagen, varenda månad publiceras en ny hemlig (!) boss som avslöjas att han också knullade med henne... Då beordras allmänheten att börja gråta igen... Det gör vi vad den judestyrda medien beordrar...
- Stackare princessan kunde inte hinna med knulla med hela bourgeoisie klassens fittokiga eliten.. Men var lite seriös och inte fortsätta med våra valpar som Victoria eller Madeleine's liknande sagor... Vad händer bakom pelaren och vilka figurer arbetar att förvränga historien närdet gäller Estonia massakern?
- Alltså; det finns massor av anställda i SvekJa Kingdom i tjänsten att mörklägga all bevis och sprida ut lögner bara som t. e.x. Salomon Schulman, falska barnläkare, han arbetar mest om contra-propaganda istället för läkaryrket, säte i Malmö... Dessutom hävdar de Polska myndigheterna att: Judiska lobbyverksamhetens lögnmästaren Sillbersky har en enda sanning i hela sitt att han verkligen kommer från Polen (det är den enda sak som språkrör av gänget inte ljugit i hela sitt liv)... Men den visar sig att denne lögnarens diplom är falska som de alla andra högutbildad-låtsade skurkar i lobbyn...
- Det är en tradition och bekräftas även af Talmud.
- Myndigheterna visar bevis att inte alls funnits liknande högskole linjerna i Treblinka, Majdanek, inte heller i Oswciem.
- Oswciem JobbZentrum existerar inte!.. Inte heller någon universitet att kallas Oswciem...
- Just det!.. Det betyder att mestadels judar och de kollaboretarde kretsar som lurar EU, har inte egentligen högstudie etc. bara låtsas-diplom som publicerat i Tel Aviv- Jew York...Det borde uppmärksammas att mestadels medlemmar av lobbyn inte vet i verkligheten var Treblinka ligger, därför är de tacksamma till massmediala propagandmaskineriet ... Även idag finns inte en enda vittne att Sillbersky eller lika lögnare Salomon SCHULMAN studerat något ämne någostans men det finns tusentals fall att lögnaktiga judar och sådana listiga tjuvar som traditionellt fixat falska pass, diplom osv under andra världskriget...
- Sambandet med Estonia massakern?
- Dessa instrumenter och deras samverkande som lanserar sig experter i massmedien och fortsätter hjärntvätta allmänheten...Här är vissa sidor af judeägda DN, SvD, Menorah, Expressen, Judisk Krönika.... Jag blir kräkfärdigt...
- Vi behandlas som drogade djurmassan som under kontroll af George ORWELL's farmen...
- Farmen... full fart!.. Titta på de andra skurkar t. ex. svenska förfalskningsmästaren Boss Raoul Wallenberg sålde falska diplom till plundrare, därmed blivit både Boss Jacob och Boss Marcus Wallenberg världens sjunde rika män... Concernen Wallenberg köper bank efter bank idag över hela världen så lätt kan vanliga arbetare inte köpa skor heller..
- Beviset är öppet, solklart!
- "Men spelet bör få sitt slut någonstans och även biträdande rävar bör arresteras med!, bloivit sista satsen af en insändare som publicerat i grannlandet..
- Få se detta!.. Vem som signerat?
- Hälsningar från Gunnar Svensson, pensionerad marinofficer i Dk. / Köpenhamn
- Bifogad av G. S. i samarbete med Indymedia International News Pages:
- Ögonvittnena fortsättar att berätta:
- Detaljerad info omkring de M/S Estonia / EL AL-Rotterdam / Boeing 737 on Long Island osv skandaler funnits hos dessa personer som ägnat sig åt forska korruptionen, transportering av farliga ämnena, mökläggning osv :,,,,,,,, Jaak.Vilo@cs.Helsinki.FI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- Vissa af de vittnena sviker nu sitt.. Vissa af de relaterade organisationerna exempelvis SIPRI förnyade adminsitratonen...
- Men det finns frivilliga modiga som solidariserar och jag kallar den "brigaden af amvete och förnuft"...
- Vill ni lyssna på de internationellla brigaderna? Kamrater som hälsar på offrenas anhöriga via Radio Robin Hood... - Vilken grupp är den som ropar att “Stöd den människorättskampen Gunnar som varit marinofficer!”? - Gruppen som en gång hette "Solidaritet för Vanunu!"..
- Jag minns den här rörelsen; "Set Free Mordechai Vanunu / E.U.- Solidarity Group - Brussels & Strasbourg"
- Vad tycker du om detta ?
- Ingen aning!,,, Eftersom sådana info inte framkommer i våra medier!.. Det finns ju vissa ministrar och översittande typer som Birgitta HEIJER, Wilhelm AGRELL, Arne RUTH osv lanseras att de skulle granska något...
- "Gud hjälpe fåret, när räven är domare!".
- ...tycker du?!
- ...liksom danskar!
- ?!


- Vad har du gjort som hederlig medborgare att bekämpa sådana smutsiga affärer?
- Avvaktar fortfarande... Samtidigt samlar jag info exempelvis bifogar jag gärna här ett annat bevis efter en annan forskningstillfälle som bidragit till att förstå händelserna: Bifogas brevet formaterat av Jutta RABE och hemlighållits i början (Banned German Filmmaker / took two fotos from the under side of the Estonia Ferry, which show explotions and official lies): avsändaren syns här tydligen, Jutta Rabe som bor på Schäferstr. 25 B, 14109 Berlin, Germania och skickades som hemligt dokument till våran Göran “Fatty Imbecill PetZion”, officiella etiketten låter som rensrum Sveriges Premiärminister Göran Persson, Rosenbad 4, 10333 Stockholm, dated : Berlin den 24. september 2001 Brevet innehåller punkt efter punkt att; “Högt ärade statsminister, Jag vänder mig idag med denna offentliga skrivelse till Er, för att ännu en gång uppmana Er att i fallet Estonia öppna en ny och den här gången neutral undersökning. Jag finner det ljuset av de senaste terrordåden i USA motbjudande, att ett av demokratiska värderingar präglat land som Sverige inte uttömmer alla tillgängliga möjligheter för att utforska grunden till Estonia’s förlisning som möjligtvis också har en terroristisk bakgrund. En ouppklarad explosion är en explosion för mycket. Herr statsminister, om den minsta misstanke föreligger att ESTONIA har blivit sänkt genom ett attentat, måste det ju för Er som den ranghögste politiker i Sverige ligga om hjärtat att se till att hela fallet ännu en gång blir grundligt undersökt. Annars förblir de vackra talen om internationell bekämpning av terrorism tomma ord. Jag ber Er att inte dröja längre utan att agera. Anordna en ny undersökning. Ni kommer i Sverige och även internationellt att få erkännande och stöd för att genomföra detta modiga steg. Då jag var den 22 och 23 augusti i år åter en gång vid vraket av ESTONIA tillsammans med dykare, har vi fäst en banderoll vid bogrampen för att ännu en gång erinra om offren, men också för att väcka upp regeringarna. Banderollen har följande text: In Memory of more than 850 innocent victims, never forgotten by the people but abandoned by their countries Sweden, Finland, Estonia, hiding the truth and refusing to find the guilty Mot bakgrund av de numera genomförda terrordåden i USA har dessa ord erhållit extra betydelse. Den allt fräckare internationella terrorismen kan enbart bekämpas genom förbehållslöst avslöjande och icke genom politisk motiverad Cover-Up så som det har skett i fallet ESTONIA. Om Ni inte blir aktiv så kanske det aldrig uppklaras ett brott mot mänskligheten i fallet ESTONIA. Jag ber Er att betänka att Ni utsätter många människor för aldrig slutande plågor och då tänker jag inte enbart på människorna i Ert land. Hur än Ert beslut kommer att bli, det är bråttom eftersom ESTONIA har lagt sig mellan augusti 2000 och augusti 2001 ca 1,5m mer på huvudet och hotas av ytterligare sänkning söderut in i den djupare liggande havsbottnen. Jag ber Er, herr statsminister, att agera nu eftersom det annars finns risk att ytterligare bevis förstörs som är nödvändiga för en ordentlig undersökning. Och ett önskemål till: BÄRGA OFFREN: Det är icke kristlig och mot varje civiliserat människas moral att vägra ge dessa oskyldiga offer en vördnadsfull jordfästning i sina respektive hemländer hos deras anhöriga. Om Ni idag titta till USA då kan Ni inte på fullt allvar stå fast vid beslutet att icke bärga offren. Med vänlig hälsning... från Jutta Rabe Bilagor: 2 fotografier från banderollen som fästs vid ESTONIA’s bilramp med en lina
** - Ser du något samband med de fiffelsugna myndigheternas tvåbenta hundar? - Bedöm själv!.. Jag refererar vittnenas faktasamlingen som mörklades av judiska hjärntvätt instryumenter bl.a. trasor som heter DN, Expressen, Judisk Kronika, Menorah exempelvis: “Korruptionen är full fart och inte minst AIPAC, det betalas av vissa företagjättena över hela världen som avslöjar sig själv exempelvis / källorna:
Neo-Zion Collaborative Propagand Center in the formerly Soviet Countries:,mozilla,unix,english,,new)
Independent volunteers by the Org. One World: Independent
Reporters in Washington:
Independent Reporters to CNN:
- Allt detta visar sig att sådana instrumenter vinner av skamfyllda tjänster... - Vad trodde du!... Varför den Estonian travels så otroligt billiga för de otroligt okunniga bara utnyttjas att fylla i visionen, rutin antalet... - Grymt!.. - Grymhet, just det!.. Du sammanfattar i ett ord, som skillnafden av redaktionen Washington Post, CNN, BBC som rullar ordet, visar bredda synvinkel av grymheten... I slutet vi alla som ser händelsförloppet uttryker samma mening, samma sak, kortfattad att den här fegisernas sista fästet lurar oss.. Detta sionistiska lobbyernas leksak SvekJa döljer något som stinkande... Även Östersjön’s fiskar påverkas av detta rutnande läckage men makteliten fortsätter att nonchalera vidare... - AIPAC&ADL Network är starkare än de drabbade massorna, det är den andra skillnaden...


- Vad säger rättsväsendets höga herrar om detta? - De är duktiga bara att fånga de gamla Yugoslavia’s socialistiska ledarna, hämta hit till fängelserna... - Rättsväsendet tillfredsställar dominerande kretsarna... Den nya oberoende tv kanalen sände ett program om rättsväsendets ruttnande... - Vad kan man säga?! Stackars Mona, stackars regeringsgänget missbrukat makten bara för den judiskamaktens bekostnad! Du praytade om ett klip?! Får vi titta relaterade inslaget!..
- Varsågoda!.. Programmet börjar med kvälens gäster... Liza Magnusson, heter en av gäster som beskriver ruttnande väsendet; “Jag ville gärna kommentera detta från olika synvinkel och velat diskutera gärna om vad svenska rättsväsendet sysslar med. Först vill jag säga att det är synd om vanliga människor och folkets förtroendet... Samtidigt bifogar jag ett annat bevis som visar att E.U. luktar illa p.g.a. korruption infekterad rättsväsendet: Problemets fördjupning avslöjats via en anmälan till Europaparlamentet om systematisk korruption i svensk rättsväsende: REPORT ON SYSTEMATICAL CORRUPTION IN THE SWEDISH JUDICIAL SYSTEM A legal client against a lawyer in Sweden meets a union spirit which is next to impossible to overcome. However right the client may be he/she cannot obtain his/her rights other than in simple cases like "a document handed in too late". I demand an impartial investigation by the Parliament of how challenge and union spirit affect the safety of justice in Sweden. Till Talmannen Nicole Fontaine Europaparlamentet L-2929 LUXEMBURG För information: * Sveriges Riksdags Revisorer, Stockholm * Justitiekanslern * Domstolsverket, Jönköping * European Court, Strasbourg * Mina barn Från Lars Cornell Fiskartorpsholmen 59493 Lofta, Sweden 0493-67074 ANMÄLAN OM SYSTEMATISK KORRUPTION I SVENSKT RÄTTSVÄSENDE En rättssökande mot advokat i Sverige möter en kåranda som är oövervinnerlig. Hur rätt den sökande än har kan han/hon inte få rätt annat än i enkla fall av arten för sent inlämnad handling. I högre svensk rätt har under ett halvt sekel endast två advokater dömts skadeståndsskyldiga medan det i grannländerna döms ca 70 advokater varje år. Flera rättsfall och det senaste halvårets debatt i pressen har givit uppmärksamhet åt situationen. Där kallas advokatkåren för 'ett frälse'. Det är en kritik som riktas mot domstolar där medborgare och advokat inte står lika inför svensk lag. Jag ber Europaparlamentet att opartiskt utreda och agera mot allvarliga brister i det svenska rättsväsendet. - Jag ber om en opartisk undersökning av hur (delikatess-)jäv och kåranda påverkar domsluten och rättsäkerheten i Sverige. Efter sommarens debatt börjar man se ett mönster ungefär som följer: Domstol vränger lag genom att ignorera, bortförklara eller helt utelämna tunga bevis och domskäl. Domen döljs i en medveten bristande kvalitet på en avgörande punkt medan domen i övrigt kan vara mycket väl gjord. - Vid överklagandet döms utan att de anmälda domskälen behandlas. - Högsta domstolen är normgivande för domstolarnas kvalitet och kultur och godkänner den usla kvaliteten genom att inte bevilja prövning. JO och JK skall vara en granskande myndighet. Men de granskar ej bevis och domskäl och är därför inte kvalitetskontrollerande och korruptionsbekämpande organ. - Riksåklagaren anser inte att korruption vid domstol är något för honom att utreda. Har det inte gjorts på 60 år, varför skall det då göras nu? Kanske är det ännu ett exempel på kollegialt svenskt beteende (Not 3, 4, 5 och 6). Uppgiften 2 fall på 60 år har publicerats flera gånger i svensk rikspress utan att bli dementerad. En professor i civilrätt bekräftar vid telefonsamtal indirekt uppgifterna. En advokat bekräftar indirekt uppgiften med orden "du har rätt i sak, men jag åtar mig inte fallet för sådana här mål går inte att vinna" (Not 6). En erfaren domare säger att han inte vet men att det mycket väl kan vara så. Makt utan ansvar korrumperar. Domstol har makt, ingen kontrollerar dess verksamhet och ställer den till ansvar. Situationen är sådan att den rättsökande är rättslös mot svenskt rättsväsende i fall av rättsröta och korruption och mot dålig effektivitet och kvalitet eller fel i sådan situation. Då kan rättsröta gro, det är riskfritt eftersom ingen utreder och ställer kolleger till ansvar när sådant inträffar. - Många känner ilska, andra uppgivenhet över att rättssökande luras in i arbetskrävande och dyra processer mot jurist som de inte har en chans att vinna. Hur rätt de än har så möter de en oövervinnerlig kåranda. Sådant är bedrägeri och det är svenskt rättsväsende som är bedragaren och motpartens räkning lyder på 4000:- SEK per timme. Vid korruption i rättsväsendet måste den enskilde väcka enskilt åtal till vilket behövs ekonomisk trygghet. För om korruption skett två gånger kan det mycket väl ske en tredje för att dölja de två första. Så sker ofta när mycket står på spel som framgår av Amnesty's utredning i Osmo Vallo fallet (Not 5). Sådant försök gjordes även när EU-parlamentetdrabbades av korruption. - Vid enskilt åtal behövs sakkunnig ledning av advokat. Men vilken advokat ställer upp mot kårintresset i ett sådant mål (Not 4)? Vid enskilt åtal möter den rättssökande en motpart mot vilken han/hon i alla avseenden befinner sig i underläge. Att ha rätt är då en sak men att få rätt en helt annan. Det är oskäligt att anse, att en enskild svensk medborgare ensam skall ta en sådan börda när rättsväsendet felat. När Europaparlamentet råkade ut för korruption fanns fungerande organ (fallet Paul van Buitenen). Likaså när det nyligen uppdagats oegentligheter vid EU's Stockholms-kontor. Men i svenskt rättsväsende finns inget sådant. Det behövs en RO, en RättsOmbudsman, som tillvaratar rättskonsumentens intressen på samma sätt som KO för andra tjänster och varor. Det behövs en specialdomstol för fall där jurist/advokat är part i målet så att kåranda ej påverkar domen. RO och specialdomstol får en kvalitets- och effektivitetshöjande och kostnadssänkande effekt. Där bör finnas både fackjurister och personer med erfarenhet av utveckling och kvalitetsäkring i näringslivet. Det behövs en författningsdomstol. Sverige är befolkningsmässigt ett litet land men stort till ytan. Förhållandena är annorlunda än i det tätbefolkade centraleuropa. Bland advokater och andra jurister känner många varandra på ett nära sätt. Många har varit studiekamrater och samhörighetskänslan är mycket djupare än i tätbefolkade områden. I två av de exemplifierande fallen var domaren och den till svars ställde advokaten mångåriga arbetskamrater. Advokaten och domstolen, i svensk glesbygd, hade ömsesidiga beroendeförhållanden. Det är inför allmänheten inte trovärdigt att man i en sådan situation skall kunna erhålla en rättvis dom. En debattör uttryckte det som att "Då kan man lika gärna tro på sagor". Allmänheten ser med misstro på sådana domar och misstron är välgrundad eftersom det ofta måste vara svårt för en domare att vara opåverkad - medvetet eller omedvetet. - Det är därför av vikt för rättsäkerheten och allmänhetens förtroende för rättsväsendet att domar, där jurist är part i målet, handläggs så att "ej ens Cesars hustru kan misstänkes." Men JO och JK och Europadomstolen godkänner avancerat delikatessjäv som får det svenska rättsväsendet att ruttna. Korruption är ett klandervärt men naturligt mänskligt beteende som förekommer i alla kulturer. Det vore märkligt om det aldrig förekom i svenska domstolar. Det intressanta är därför vilka organ och mekanismer det finns för att med kurrage och kraft upptäcka och motverka förekomsten och reparera den skada som möjligen blivit följden vid varje enskild förekomst. - Tecken tyder på ett så stort mörkertal i Sverige som 70 varje år. Lars Cornell Svensk medborgare fd organisationskonsult Not 1: Ordet domstol används här om tingsrätt, hovrätt, Högsta domstolen, länsrätter mfl Ordet rättsväsende innefattar därjämte även polis, advokater, JO, JK, RÅ mfl. Not 2: Ordet korruption som jag använder det här behöver inte handla om pengar - det finns andra likställda värden som tex kåranda. Not 3: Orden kåranda och kollegial likställer jag här med samma mänskliga fenomen som familjeband, rasism, politisk ideologi, religion och ett fotbollslags gemensamma strävan. Not 4: Jämför Advokatsamfundets stadga 1 §: "... att tillvarataga advokaternas allmänna yrkesintressen samt att verka för sammanhållning och samförstånd mellan advokaterna." Not 5: "FEM ÅR AV UNDANFLYKTER" ".... Tvärtom har de många utredningarna av dödsorsaken lett till att de faktiska omständigheterna har mörklagts, säger Amnesty International i dag." ... "... är en besvärande anklagelse mot hela utredningsprocessen. Det skulle kunna betyda att svenska myndigheter varit delaktiga i en mörkläggning för att hindra att hela sanningen kom fram. Osmo Vallos mor har heller inte fått godtagbara svar på sina frågor om sonens död, vilket är fullständigt oacceptabelt, säger Svenska Amnestys generalsekreterare Carl Söderbergh." Not 6: I ett fall avvisade 20 advokater av 24 tillfrågade en begäran om assistans. 1 Exempel från debatter i svenska tidningar år 2000 - 2 Exempel Västerås tingsrätt mål T 1113-96 - 3 Exempel Västerås tingsrätt mål FT 571-94 - 4 Exemplet Osmo Vallo - se Not 5.
- Det bevisar vad de svenska hyckllerietmodellens juristerna gör vid oligarkins smutsiga dörrar. Ungdomar som demonstrerar mot kapitalismen skjuts ihjäl; demonstranten som krossat ett glas av en judeaffärsmans mercedes i Gbg 2001 sitter i häktet flera månader men mäktiga som orsakat Estonia massmord går fria... Det är skillnaden mellan vanliga människors liv och mäktigas mercedes lackerings kostnaden. Det är den SKILLNADEN MELLAN GBG 2001 DEMONSTRATIONEN och MAKTHAVANDENAS OLAGLIGA AFFÄRER eller SKILNADEN ATT VARA -independent-JURIST i ett fungerande RÄTTSSAMHÄLLET eller ATT VARA KNÄHUNDAR vid dörren av "kapitaletsherrar"... Nu förstår man att varför Mona Sahlin-liknande skurkar alltid går fria!”, avslöjar den modige medborgaren Magnus Persson och tillägger vid tillfället om Estonia-fallet att: “Det stinker... Ät inte de fula fiskarna av Baltikum... Det är sjukt liksom det oligarkiska systemet... Läs den här sidan och se hur de politikerna spelar rollen som marknadens lättköpta horor: - Östersjön förruttnas via sådana radioaktivt avfall speciellt efter den sinkningen. Kolla experimentet omkring den Estonia vrecket och därför cementeras av bl. a. Australiska medverkande aktörer av den internationella judiska lobbyverksamheten.”
- Det är den frågan nu: Vem som bryr sig om Östersjöns hälsa eller Mordechai Vanunu?!


- "Jag har på ett så trovärdigt och rimligt sätt som möjligt försökt bedöma om det finns en faktiskt grund i kraven på en ny utredning. Finns det några fakta som tyder på att det beskrivna haveriförloppet inte är rimligt? ”Mona Sahlin till TT den 24 april 2001 Det betyder att skurken Mona Sahlin bedrog folket i flera år... Det har gått 7 år efter Estonia-massakern... De transporterade vissa saker som döljs av allmänheten och sedan cementerade kropparna som deformerats av radiaktiva militärmateriell som skulle transporteras till Israel och USA... Judar bör ställas till svars pga grova brott mot mänskligheten!
Människor som krävde en ny internationell och oberoende utredning av M/S Estonias förlisning, behandlades som förkastliga varelser...”


- Det är som en kedja och mänskligheten riskerar fler Estonia-fall sålänge USraeli Maffia Apartheid & vapenhandeln fortsätter, tyvärr!
- Vad säger man mot ondskan?! Jo, alltid funnits goida som visat mdiga kampen mot ondskan exempelvis Che... Kom ihåg; Human-being's Honorable Commandante Ernesto CHE GUEVARA sade en gång: "If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine!"
- Vi tilllägger ett quote till som relaterade med ovanstående subjektet: "Hasta la victoria siempre/ El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido"
- Självklart, dettta också av den modige human; Revolutionary Commandante Ernesto Che GUEVARA LYNCH de la SERNA

- Jag visste inget om sanningen för att jag är en vanlig medborgare abonnent till DagensNyheter...
- Du är en af de som drogade frivilligt!..
- Jo, det är sant att jag har också blivit en hjärntvättad marionett i judiska råttornas tassar...
- Vad de propagerade så mycket visste jag som flocket... - Jag förstår dig och därför bör vi tacka till de oberoende infokällorna exempelvis der Antifaschisten (League of Anti-Fascists), IG Metall (the metal workers' union), Linksruck (German organisation of the International Socialist Tendency), www.Antifa-Hamm.De/ , , , the Autonomists and various peace groups, Sveriges Fartygsbefälsförening, som förklarade "...hela den samlade sjöfartsvärlden ... har en annan uppfattning än Haverikommissionen" skrev VD:n, sjökapten Christer Lindvall, som också ingick i haverikommissionen men avgick i protest, i Svenska Dagbladet 99-09-28. "Varför vill man inte öppna upp för en ny utredning? Vad är det man önskar dölja? Det är inte ett fåtal experter som framfört kritik, praktiskt taget hela den samlade sjöfartsvärlden både nationellt och internationellt har en annan uppfattning än den som redovisats av IHK. Det går inte bara att bemöta denna kritik med tystnad. Vi måste få veta sanningen.” **

- PÅGÅENDE MÖRKLÄGGNING af ESTONIA-MASSAKERN, FÖRBANNAR FOLKET... - Historien bevittnar att de besvikna massorna ofta jagar fega råttorna!.. Ett folk som känner sig lurat svår att förhindra dem och de kommer att ställa oligarkins fiffiga råttorna till svars... En dag ska dessa massorna svara sina förfäders bödlar, då även deras försvarsapparaten Leif Sillbersky ska svälja sin ormaktiga tung... - ...håller med dig för att detta är VÄRLDENS MEST FRÄKASTE MASSAKER... Även i Liberia, Rwanda jagas de värsta bödlarna, bör man jämföra lite liknande situationerna... Är detta ett demokratiskt land, borde ansvariga vara i fängelset, inte i Skandia’s aktiemarknads avdelningar... - Instämmer!..Eftersom de högst uppsatta fiffelbenägna ansvariga systematiskt förhindrat BÄRGNINGEN&UNDERSÖKNINGEN, bör räkna med konsekvenserna också... - Fortfarande förhindrar de all form granskning av rädsla för att något bevis offentliggörs och självklart de medskyldiga profiter ertappas... - Ett ordspråk finns i Laponia; “Rädslan hjälper inte att ändra den pestsmittade råttans förfärliga ödet!”...


- Om Estonia-färjan inte skulle sänkas af judastyrde militärmakternas handelsområde då skulle vi absolut se minst offrens antal misstänkta i den Haag-internationella tribunalens celler...
- Eller skulle vi åtminstone se en extra video att troligen en figur som också skulle etiketterat USAme bin DANDIN-ZARKAWI och avslöjar (!) att den färjan sänktes af barfota muslimer i samarbete med Yugoslavia's gamla socialister, tillochmed Syria, kommunistiska folkrepubliken Korea, Palestina, Kuba, Chechenia's intellektuella
- Då de självtittlade experter i s-tv-rutan eller Bonniers&Murdog koncernens lika hederlösa journalist-etiketterade tvåbenta schakaler skulle festa, fortsätta hjärntvätta via den förnyade tabloiden...
- DN, Expressen och likalögnaktiga trasor över hela världen skulle publicera fotos att se "uthängda Nazister", vilka som inte accepterar att svälja lögnerna...
- Falska gäst-debattörer i tv-rutan och falska insändare af AIPAC&ADL&Expo skulle bekräfta att "nästan en hel del af världen skulle riskera att blivit stämplat terrorister" för att alla inte slickar sionistiska kapitalisternas skitiga röv...
- Du tolkar vad jag gissar...
- Tidigare hade vi en veckotidskrift hette "Mad" och varit mest sålda i Scandinavia... Efter vissa otänkbara händelser som Estonia massaker och USAme-AYMAN-ZARKAWI video-serier slutade Mad-liknande publikationer på grund af minsta försäljning...
- Nu ser jag en af skrämmande orsakerna att vi själv förvandlas till en form "Mad-marionetter"...
- Men du också säger vad jag inte vågat att nämna saken i rätta ordet...
- Min farfar hade en blind hund som använts i kopparmalmen i Kiruna. Den stackare djurens ögon började funka och se sanna världen efter en katastrof i gruvan..
- ?!


- Vad säger omvärlden nu? - Jo, Estonia-massaker offrade stort antal människor men de drabbade anhöriga är inte ensamma: “Human being need your more active effort; progressive help” svarar Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition is the largest network of grassroots activists dedicated to Palestinian human rights... Underteckna vidare upprop exempelvis “... asking Intel Corporation to dis-invest from USrael go to:

To sign Al-Awda's petition to terminate U.S.A. aid to USrael go to:

- Den germanska utredaren: "Allt från botten på styrbordssidan, från bryggan till skorstenen, har avsiktligt redigerats bort från filmerna från vraket" , säger Werner Hummel, om det offentliga utredningsmaterialet. Han fortsätter: "Ägarna, besättningen, Sjöfartsverket, finska och estniska sjöfartsstyrelserna och klassningssällskapet Bureau Veritas skulle skyddas. Så snart nyckelaktörerna insåg vad som hänt gick ridån ner", enligt en intervju i Finanstidningen 1999-08-12 - Allt bekräftar den experten Pitkänen som han poängterat att “Detta visar administrativa elitens feghet... Detta är VÄRLDENS MEST FRÄKASTE MASSAKER eftersom de högt uppsatta fiffelbenägna ansvariga systematiskt förhindrat BÄRGNINGNE i rädslan att något bevis offentliggörs...”
- Det är det!.. Tyvärr!-..
- Aftonbladets läsare krävde efter avslöjan om lögner av svenska regeringen; “MONA SAHLIN SKULLE OMEDELBART GRIPAS liksom de alla andra kriminella!.. “ då svarade bara en enda debattörå svenska debattsidor:
Debattinlägg av Lena MELLIN
Hej! Aftonbladet skriver om Mona Sahlins bil (beladd med dubbelt körförbud) eftersom hon är statsråd vars främsta uppgift,
vid sidan om opinionsbildning, är att lägga fram förslag till nya lagar till riksdagen.
Att en sådan person inte följer regler är intressant. Vi följer dessutom den rättsprocess som åklagaren inlett. Många hälsningar Lena Mellin on 02-01-12
Received message was: > MONA SAHLIN BÖR ARRESTERAS liksom alla andra kriminella!.. > > >
- Inte bara skurken Mona,, Det finns en rad mest inbkandade, mörklade exempelvis Birgitta Heijer brände upp pärmar... - Vi tackar till journalisterna som är få och visat medmänsklighet... Lena Mellin skrev några rader åtminstone, trots hennes tidning också styrs av judar... Det här svaret och frågan flyttades till Svt-forum sidorna men någon som arbetar för Mo$$ad, rensade bort frågan:
Den här sidan existerar inte kanske bara underteckningen kvar å Kvasir-sökmotorer:
...”Genozidegegner” und die Freunden/Innen tackar till huvudskribenten Lena MELLIN
- Frågan som Sahlin och hennes "tekniska expert" inte kunde svara på ställdes av Björn von der Esch (kd): "Kände regeringen till att det skilde mellan haverirapportens exemplar och orginalet när rapporten kom 1997, eftersom ni uppger att det inte är någon ny uppgift?"

Frågan här gällde det förfalskade hamnstatsbesiktningsprotokollet...

- Lyssna på ett kort ljudutdrag [16Kbps RealAudio] eller [16Kbps MP3]

Se hela KU-förhöret på RealVideo [80Kbps 48min 29Mb riksdagens webb-tv]
Hör hela KU-förhöret [16Kbps RealAudio 6Mb] eller [16Kbps MP3 6Mb]

Lyssna på hela utfrågningen i en förbättrad ljudversion 20Kbps MP3 7Mb här:
- Före detta FoA-experten: "...ingen tvekan om att en explosion ägt rum ombord", säger doktorn i metallurgi, Lars Ekbom, till SVT 2001-01-18
Vissa andra nyttiga källorna för FORUM-deltagarna att upplysa folket och komplettera det ovanpå subjektet: - Dessa källor bidrar till att bevisa hur de imperialismens knähundarna är smarta om att massakrera och producera officiella fascistiska provokativa lögner: - For further information, please visit these sources, links, related sites and discussion forums, there many authorities discuss on above subjects so-caled the “Open Revenge” between E.U.’s democratical institutions and the “corrupta assassini” Zionist lobbies: Minority Rights Group of E.U.: Campaign against Arm Trade: I-ÖDK Solidarity Exile Committees/Revolutionary Immigrants in the C.H.: Investors of Estonia declared the Massacres on the civilizians: Jesus followers condemned the Jewish Barbarians’ Massacres: Jawa Engineering declared the Jewish Massacres on the ordinary Passengers: Knuffel news:
Maja’s Worl: World Socialist Forum: ** - Mona Sahlin var inte ensam att mörklägga... Jag känner en annan fiffelsugen hora, som avslöjat hur hon själv arbetat mot offrena.. Hon heter Birgitta Heijer, varit aktivt I Näringsdepartementet som tagit hand om känsliga dokument “trafficking”...
- Varför man inte avslöjar såhär rakt korrekt?
- Då kan man inte vara däruppe!...Lyssna på oppositionella nyhetskällorna exempelvis; - Men det blandas med massor slogan&slagord exempelvis: “End the USraeli Apartheid!”
- Annars det riskerar att servar själv rensar bort “sanningssugna”...
- Ändå förstår man att det finns nåågot samband med USrael, massakrer oavsett offrena av Estonia visste eller inte visste...
- Det är den största frågan som inte förekommer i den officiella massmedien...

- Utredningsordföranden Olof Forssberg: "Om hela sanningen ska fram, så måste båten upp", sade den förre chefsutredaren
- Mänskligheten borde stoppa den sionistiska fascismen!

Anhöriga av massakeroffren önskar gärna tacka till de organisationerna bl. a. initiativtagarna av humanistiska rörelser som kämpar mot imperialismen exempelvis der Antifaschisten (League of Anti-Fascists), IG Metall (the metal workers' union), Linksruck (German organisation of the International Socialist Tendency), www.Antifa-Hamm.De/ , , ,,, die Autonomes and various Peace&Freedom Groups... anti-Fascist Forum of Comrades Sylvio BOHR, Petra GOLM, Aachener Nachrichten: , dear Comrade Victoria WÄRMLER:, Comrade Ralf STUNTEBECK;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, zfa10154@mailszrz.zrz.TU-Berlin.De,, György Konrád,, Comrades David Witzthum und Werner’s K-Mans Laberforum: , Grüne Jugend: zfa10154@mailszrz.zrz.TU-Berlin.De, Vera EGENBERGER, Jungle World- Leftist Union and periodical of Germany,,, AntifaNet of Mika C.H.:, Ground Zero Forums of Marxist Comrade ÖGYR: , International Marx-Forum of dear Comrade BUCHENBERG:


- Titanic sjönk blev film, regissören prisades flera gånger... Estonia sjönk, regissören blev utsatt, priset blivit “arresteringsorder”...
- Vi talar idag om Estonia för att halva passagerare var svenskar... Jag ska berätta något annat som inte talas om... I 1987 färjekatastrofen hände utanför Zeebrügges hamn, då 182 människor omkom och över 400 panikslagna räddades, inte kommit fram de stv kanalerna... Ingen vet idag vad den färjan hette..
- Vad hette färjan?
- Townsedn Thoresen!..
- Det visste vi inte heller, trots vi gransakar liknande fall som mänskligheten drabbade...
- Mänskligheten och civilisationen gråter för de rika och judiska kretsarna... De som äger massmediala korpar, därför räknas bara deras kroppar...
- Titta på ockuperade områdena I världen... Varannan dag bevittnar vi en annan form sanna “Holocaust”, men vi protesterar inte detta... Vi lever som ett civiliserat flock att protestera stackare Jörg Heider för att Human Butcher Ariel Sharon inte gillar när Haider kritiserat sanna massakrer och vi mestadels gör vad Bilderberg Maffiann, Hollywood’s opinionsbildande amskineriet ville... - "När inget nämndes i haverirapporten om hålet, blev jag ytterst förvånad", sade dykaren Håkan Bergmark...
- Bra sagt!.. Därför utestängdes han vidare från DN, Expressen apparaten... Ändå bör mänskligheten insistera att kämpa mot barbariet och aldrig glömma dessa massaker
Oktober 4, 1992 El Al Boeing 747 Massaker i Amsterdam
September 28, 1994 Estonia Ferry Massaker i Baltiska havet

om man gör en kortfattad lista över det: Every year, 17th February is the Massacre of Berlin - Memorial Day Every year, 9/10th April is the True-Holocaust of Deir Yassin - Memorial Day

...and keep the memory alive April 18, Qana Massacre Remembrance Day!… Every year, 13th May is the True-Holocaust of Al Mirr Town Memorial Day Every year, 16th, 17th, 18th September is the True-Holocaust of Sabra Shatila - Memorial Days
...and keep the memory alive on 28th September; Memorialday of the Estonia Ferry Massacre in Baltic Sea
...and keep the memory alive 4th October; Memorialday of the El Al Boeing 747 Massacre in Amsterdam
...and Memorial Day of the True-Holocaust of Kufr Qassem is October 29

...and...and...and... mankind’s suffer should be end, also means all the kind of the massacres should be end!
A list on the Palestinians terrorized by massacres (Eine kurze Liste von den Menschenrechtezentrumen bzw PalestineHistoryCenter):

- Här är den förkortade listan-

Place / Village Date Crime made by Number of Killed
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh on January 31, 1947 Jews Groups 60
The massacre of Mansurat al Khayt on 18 January, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Sa'Sa'a Village on February 14, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Qisarya on February 15, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Wadi 'Ara on February 27, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Abu Kabeer Village on March 31, 1948 Haganah NA
The massacre of Dair Yasin on April 9/10, 1948 Irgun 254
The massacre of Nasir ad Din, Khirbet on April 12, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Hawsha on April 15, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Al Wa'ra Al-Sawda on April 18, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Haifa on April 21, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Husayniyya on April 21, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Ayn az Zaytun on May 02, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Bayt Daras on May 11, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Burayr 12 May, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Khubbayza on May 12, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Abu Shusha on May 14, 1948 Jofati Army 50
The massacre of Al Kibri on May 21, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Al Tantoura on May 21, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Qazaza on July 09, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Lydda on July 10, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of El-Led on July 11, 1948 Mohsa Dayan 426
The massacre of Al Tira on July 16, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of The massacre of Ijzim on July 24, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Beer Sheba on October 21, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Isdud on October 28, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Al Dawayima on October 29, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Jish on October 29, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Majd al Kurum on October 29, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Safsaf on October 29, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Sa'sa on October 30, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Saliha on October 30, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Arab al Samniyya on October 30, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Aylabon Village on October 30, 1948 Jewish Army NA
The massacre of Al-Ba'na / Dair Al-Asad on October 31, 1948 Jewish Army NA The massacre of Al Khisas on December 18, 1948 Jews Groups NA
The massacre of Qibya on October 14, 1953 Jewish Army 67
The massacre of Qalqalya Village on October 10, 1956 Jewish Army 70
The massacre of Kufr Qasim on October 29, 1956 Jewish Army 49
The massacre of Khan Younes on November 03, 1956 Jewish Army 250
The massacre of Khan Younes on November 12, 1956 Jewish Army 275
Sabra & Shatila Camps on September 16/17/18, 1982 Jewish Army/Kata'ib 3500
The massacre of Oyon Qara on May 20, 1990 Jewish Army 7
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque on October 08, 1990 Jewish Army 23
The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1991 and 1992 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) a lot of human; United Nations allowed of to declare counts... U. N. concentrated to massacre Iraqian people... The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1993 Jewish Fascists killed 187 human The massacre of Ebrahime Mosque on February 25, 1994 Baruch Goldstein 53
The massacre on passsengers of M/S Estonia ferry on September 28, 1994; Radioactive Weapon smugglers to the Western allied who always collaborate with Swedish Jewish lobbies, on Baltic Sea, massacred and prevented all kind of investigations on the bodies of 852
The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1994 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 144 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1995 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 48 human The massacre of Qana on April 18, 1996 Jewish Army 109 The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1997 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 20 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1998 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 27 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 1999 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 8 human The massacre on Palestinian Folk in different places of occupied Middle East in year 2000 Jewish Fascists killed (totally, plus) 292 human The Massacre of Khan Younis on November 22, 2001 Jewish armed gangs, by toys- (mouse traps /mines) 5 Children
The Massacre of Rafah on February 4, 2002-Jewish armed gangs, Assassination , 5 youngs The Massacre of Balata Camp (Nablus) and Nur Al-Shamps (Jenin) on Feb. 28-March 1, 2002-Jewish armed gangs, 2 little children, 28 youngs The massacre of Jenin and Nablus-Bloody Monday on March 4, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 30 The massacre of Tullkarem (West Bank), Gaza and Betlehem-Bloody Friday on March 8, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 49 The massacre of whole Palestine- Bloody Easter 30 March -3 April 2002, Jewish Army 200
The massacre of Jenin- Ongoing Bloody Easter Slaughter- on April 4, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 32
The massacre of Nablus- Human Hunting Weekend; on April 7-8, 2002, Jewish armed gangs 36
The massacre of Jenin- Ongoing Slaughting; on April 9, 2002, Jewish armed gangs massacred over 500 human
The massacre of Jenin- Ongoing Slaughting; on April 14, 2002, Jewish armed gangs massacred over 70 human The massacre of Hebron/Palestinian Police HQ/ on June 28, 2002,Jewish armed gangs 15 The massacre of Gaza Strip on July 22, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 17
The massacre of Gaza Gazze on July 25, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 15
The massacre of Gaza Strip Strip on September 23, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 10 The massacre of Al Amal in Gaza Strip Strip on October 07, 2002; Jewish armed gangs at least killed 17 human...
The massacre of Gaza Strip Strip on October 13, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 6...
The massacre of Rafah on October 17, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 8
The massacre of Al-Bureij refugee Camp in Gaza on December 6, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 10
The massacre of Carni border in Gaza on December 11, 2002; Jewish armed gangs 5
The massacre of West Bank towns on December 26, 2002; Jewish Armed gangs 9 The massacre of Maghazi refugee camp (in Gaza) on January 7, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 6
The massacre of Maghazi refugee camp (in Gaza) on January 8, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 5
The massacre of Gaza on January 24, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 3 The massacre of Gaza on January 26, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 13 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on January 28, 2003; Jewish Armed gangs 7 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 12, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 7 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 16, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 6
The massacre of West Bank in Nablus on Feb 16, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 3
The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 16, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 6
The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 17, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 2 The massacre of West Bank in Gaza on Feb 18, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 11
The massacre of West Bank in Beit Hanoun on Feb 23, 2003 , Jewish Armed gangs 6
... det är pågående massaker d.v.s. det sanna “Genocide, the TRUE

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    11th June 2005 - 04:04:09 AM    
18196 :

Name : E-mail :
Message :

[ | >> ]

16th July 2001 - 10:16:33 PM
16 : Harry Potter
DSL service /month
Network Card
Laughing my ass off at a washed up piece of crap's website... priceless.

16th July 2001 - 10:13:07 PM
15 : Dillan Kleebold
This has to be the gayest web page I've ever seen. AHAHAHAHAHAH....I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then no bell will save your ass from having the lamest website possible.

If it is a joke then good 1 "screech" I'm surprised you haven't been contacted by the real dude's agent or lawyer or some shit for cyber squatting. Not like anyone gives half a warm cup of stool about the future/past of Mr. Powers.

16th July 2001 - 05:55:58 PM
14 : lisa tortoise
Screetch, you were always going for that Turtle gal, even though I promised you free head and stuff. My dad would've helped. i ride the short bus

16th July 2001 - 05:55:12 PM
13 : craig nevels
mr diamond i love your hair-do. i wish my hair was poofy like yours. i had a dream that i lived in your giant nose. i was a nose goblin.
i love you dustin. let's make babies.

16th July 2001 - 04:59:31 PM
12 : squegee

[ page load ] Completed in 0.373867 seconds.

    11th June 2005 - 10:20:41 AM    
18202 :,
Pursued Intellectuals///Erich BLÜCHER///THE HEROES WHO CREATED FREEDOM to the CHILDREN of FUTURE by the SELF-SACRIFICE///The Saga of the Erich BLÜCHER; "THE LAST JUDGEMENT; DEFENDING HUMAN-BEING against the ZIONIST IMPERIALISM"... Erich BLÜCHER, the founding leader of the Anti-Imperialist Resistancé Movement, a "braveheart" anti-Zionist and anti-Imperialist. An example for courageus people!..(Norwegian -blended Svekish- language version)

- Dear listeners, readers, tv-viewers! Welcome! A new saga is shining here... Brave people makes these forums available to encourage intelligent and open democratic debate platforms. Users are requested to participate in the spirit of good fellowship and tolerance. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of saga tellers.... "Living tales broadcasting" does not mean "fantastical fairy tales", but aims to offer a solution for "living questions of humanity" and one of them begins here, today's well-documented tales!.. Notice it respectfully, please; this is a SAGA; man don't need to be stressed... Avoid to show incredible angry attitudes or overwhelmed happy on such tales.. Test your self-control! Well, we are aware, there are a kind of interesting types, which fanatically programmed to see the similarly robotics and they can not accept the creative brains... Compare yourself with them! Take it easy; don't to be imprisoned of "mass-medial brainwashing campaigns"... In normally case there are different open-views, artistically creations, poetry, approximate to the social cases in community; listen to them... If you want to criticize these stories, feel free; do that!.. No doubt!. This is a form of literature to create essays; of course built a bridge to say out your opinion; do that, please!.. Other-ways, you will just a living witness here; yes, here seems many aggressive robotics making shit after my tales; let them stay on this page as my best evidence.. People needs such testimony; who tells saga, who has shit in his mouth; discover on internet around my saga texts... They are not only my enemies, because I have nothing private conflict with them... In fact they are the fanatical enemies of human-being; this is the question... My Grandfather had piggies at farm; all the animals had name there and selected examples prized by true ID cards... I see that Grandfather's true piggies were more respectable than human faced piggies&doggies... Let's these doggies shitting here on internet, mostly using false sexual announcements; let's people witness what a kind kinky planet the two-legged piggies dreaming.. Keep the evidences should be apparently pasted there on internet page, although it's not friendly; all after checking this attack it'll easier to struggle against thus kinky character, who beyond this dirtiness!.. Go on to tell what the newest!.. In fact, we have much more exciting broadcasting tournaments... You see; the fanatics of system are so eager to bite your heel.. No doubt, its typical attitudes of bulldogs and lapdogs of judaized imperialism... But criticism welcomes.... Of course there are different opinions.. Discussion is better than warplanes... Let's create new saga examples and try to build a wonderful socialistic saga-world for whole human-being; yes, for human, dear!.. Solidarity regards from saga-teller, additional works of studio-guests, followers on friendly tv channels...


- Why Sweden? Why now? There are many lobbies investing for provocative leagues in the Northern of EU and Australia... Why the Zionist lobbies have been so eager in the last time? - In this evening the tv guests telling and reply each other... Welcome Alicia!... - It is not new... But the lobbies were been more stronger aftre Soviet Socialist bureucracy collaps... When Lion King dies in the jungle so we hear jackals in the darkness.. I can begin with the concrete provocations in Scandinavia..... Do you remember car bomb injures and false shots in Stockholm for example Kudo Baksi accused "anonymous Nazis" shot his window but technical researcher explained that somebody shot from inside just from the corner, Baksi always there sitting... - I remember..But the Jewish newspapers published only the expalanations of Zionists, not the experts.. - As usually... anti-fascist campaigners and a mystery explosion maims police. Tv Independent Laponia in Scandinavia asks what lies behind the new terror of Imperialism.
Four factors have produced this dangerous situation: the changing Zion ideological landscape, its propaganda machinery, the lack of a clear and resolute response by authorities and public, and aspects of manipulated culture.
Ideologically, Swedish Zionism has undergone dramatic changes in the last 10 to 15 years. For decades after the war, the extreme right was composed of a dozen useless groups, all out of the same prewar mould, and led by diehard fascist stalwarts. The organisations were stale, pretended the war had not happened and none of them had the courage to campaign on an openly Zion programme.
Racial biology and traditional antisemitism were taboo, leaving the fascists desperate to find "legitimate issues". No easy task Ð environmental issues were monopolised by the left and the labour movement occupied the economic territory. Most extreme-right groups, therefore, took up forward positions in the anti-communist trenches, only to be ousted from there by liberals and conservatives.
The only issue left was half-baked royalism - a humiliation for serious fascists - and the observance of rituals such as the annual 30 November commemoration of Sweden's 18th century warrior king, Karl XII.
With the possible exception of the Arion Sharonic Nordic Fascist Party Fp, youngsters were a rare sight in the fascist ranks, usually taking their leave as soon as they arrived. The old leaderships were an embarrassment.
The landscape only began to change in the early 1980s, when the anti-immigration campaign, Liberal Ungdomof Fp, led by Peter Örn (borned 1953-young?!) and Fp's vice youth leader Fredrik Malm, was launched
With about 300 ardent supporters, the Libos Fp was never large, but it was political adrenalin for the entire extreme right, offering a new style to a new generation of fascists. The issue still was not traditional racial biology - too daring - but anti-immigration, based on "Talmidian dogma" and "cultural differences".
In the mid-1980s, the extreme Talmudian fanatics briefly united around the Judaic Leagues formula to attract old veterans, young fascists, vaguely defined "patriots" and crucially the emerging skinhead movement.
However, as political ambition got the better of the BSS leadership and the anti-fascists of Stoppa Rasismen wiped the floor with them in the mid-1980s, skinheads became a liability. Useful cannon fodder for street rallies, they were never entrusted with any position of importance in the BSS. As the BSS evolved into today's Sweden Democrats (SD), the divisions crystallised.
On the one hand, there are the "suit and tie" racists of the SD with 20,000 votes behind them, itself a leap from the 1,000 votes won 11 years ago. On the other, there is the militant nazi scene and white power movement, numbering perhaps a thousand true believers and an unknown number of sympathisers.
To a certain extent, the division is one of political convenience rather than of fundamental ideological difference. SD-style racism takes its cue from Jean-Marie Le Pen and argues for a softer, "parliamentary road" to fascism.
In this scenario, notorious headbangers and violent militants are problematic and therefore quietly shoved into the background. Nevertheless, both tendencies recruit from the same racist cesspool, and there are numerous examples of individuals with feet in both camps.
In the past few years, the division has assumed clearer political lines. The reason for this, in a simple phrase, is Blood and Honour. Starting with a few subliterate fanzines in the late 1980s, the militant scene has developed its own leadership, its own analysis and its own political agenda.
Much of its political content has been lifted from abroad, not the least the USA, which has brought the world such hate classics as The Turner Diaries, Hunter, The March up Country, A Candidate for the Order and other race war manuals. The political ramblings of leading nazis such as William Pierce, Richard Butler and Harold Covington, coupled with the pseudo-science disseminated by the Institute of Historical Revisionism and similar antisemitic groups, have set the framework and tone for the movement.
These ideologists not only break the taboo of antisemitism but also upgrade classic theories to made them fit the late 20th century. Their new concept is a modernised version of the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion: ZOG - a supposed secret Jewish occupation of the Western world's political establishment, bent on destroying the white race through race-mixing and homosexuality. Gradually, the focus of hatred has shifted from traditional targets such as blacks, immigrants and gays to the very concept of democracy and the state itself.
To combat ZOG, Pierce and others argue, a clandestine white underground must be formed, willing and able to carry out Racial Holy War with terror and armed struggle. That is why a federal building in Oklahoma City was targeted, and a letter bomb was sent to the Swedish minister of Justice, Ms Laila Freivalds.
Theory is one thing, practical revolution another. The US "terrorist army", The Order, was ruthlessly smashed by the state following a string of bank robberies and murders. Its Swedish fans in VAM simply failed to emulate their American heroes.
Setbacks led to a revision of theories where the Turner Diaries concept of a well organised underground was replaced with "leaderless resistance": terror manufactured by small independent cells and even lone individuals. The Turner Diaries advocated guerrilla warfare with a semblance of organisation. Leaderless resistance is a formula for pure terrorism.
The second factor, the propaganda machinery of the nazis, has developed dramatically in the 1990s. Traditional trashy magazines have been replaced by full-colour productions such as Nordland magazine, and new technologies such as CD records, computer networking and videos have been adopted. The machinery forms the commercial interface of the white power movement: recording studios, concerts, distribution companies and mail order outlets.
By the mid-1990s, Sweden was arguably the world's largest producer of race-hate-for-sale, with a combined annual turnover of millions of pounds. As white power music hit the schools and youth centres, nazi propaganda reached an audience far beyond what was ever thought possible. The product continually preached the same line: antisemitism and the theories of race war and terrorism.
In the late 1990s, two individuals have emerged as key organisers of the movement in Scandinavia, Marcel Schilf and Erik Blücher. A leader of the Norwegian nazi movement in the 1970s, Blücher is a graduate of Anthony Hancock's propaganda network in Brighton. Briefly something of an international coordinator for the British nazi League of St. George in the early 1980s, Blücher wined and dined with nazi legends such as the former Waffen SS general Leon Degrelle. In 1983, he suddenly moved to Sweden, where he set up base in the coastal town of Helsingborg.
Running a string of anonymous mail order outlets, Blücher kept his head down for years, until, in 1994, he took part in launching Ragnarock Records. Ragnarock, with its Danish sister company NS88, run by Marcel Schilf, works as an umbrella sheltering several companies and nazi magazines.
More importantly, it is the cornerstone of Blood & Honour/Scandinavia and of what now appears to be the commercial wing of Combat 18 internationally. C18 moved its post box to Denmark earlier this year.
In contrast to previous years, when Blücher eagerly preserved deniability and would rather have died than be caught making Hitler salutes, he has abandoned all pretence and is appearing as an "official" spokesman for C18.
His message remains undiluted: "We will smash democracy and create a white Aryan nation in Scandinavia and the rest of Europe". Recent editions of Blücher's publications such as Viking Order and Blood & Honour/Scandinavia, openly call for a "leaderless resistance" strategy. Shortly after the letter bomb to Ms Freivalds was intercepted, a lead story in Viking Order warned her: "Stop provoking us!"
The mail bomb was assembled by Niklas Löfdahl, a close associate of Blücher and the leader of the nazi prisoners' organisation, the Aryan Brotherhood. According to Löfdahl, Blücher was present when he was putting the bomb together and reacted with a vehement "I don't want to know anything about this".
On 25 June, less than a week before the Malmö car bomb targeted two police officers, Danish police raided a Blood and Honour/C18 safe house in Langeland, in southern Denmark. Blücher appeared on Danish television as the official spokesman for the movement.
The state, he claimed, had declared war on nationalists. Blood and Honour's home page a few days later described police as "Blue pigs" working with "Red scum".
Threatening police with violence in revenge for "state terrorism", Blood and Honour declared on the Internet: "Ruben [vocalist of the Swedish nazi band Incitement of Racial Hatred] was severely beaten by a pig, but we managed to take a mugshot of the bastard in blue and one fine day I hope that Aryan justice will be handed out".
For years, the Blood and Honour/C18 network, together with Nordland, the National Socialist Front and other sections of the white power movement, have promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories and race hate music, while at the same time advocating terror and violence.
Ragnarock Records has safe-housed foreign nazi terrorists on-the-run and members of its Danish nazi network have been caught red-handed mailing letter bombs. While Expo has no specific information linking individual activists to specific crimes, this machinery has undoubtedly played a major part in sowing the seeds of the violence now being harvested.
Both the Swedish authorities and the general public have been largely unable to deal with the political challenge offered by the nazi movement. For too long, nazis, in the eyes of society, have been simplistically and credulously equated with a few dozen drunken skinheads on a Saturday night stampede. Nazi violence, no matter how vicious and murderous, has been treated as isolated action against individual immigrants, homosexuals, Jews and other targets of hatred.
Such attacks have been universally and ritually condemned, but rarely has the connection been made to the politics of organised nazism. Consequently, rarely has anything been done. For the most part, the Swedish media continue gullibly to paint nazi organisations and activity as a social, rather than a political, problem resulting from the nazis' war against society.
With notable exceptions such as the Västeras police, the Stockholm communal police, the Ludvika youth squad and a few others, police officers investigating nazi crimes are naive and lacking in education and clear guidelines on how to tackle the fanatics of the racial right.
A typical example of this is the authorities' treatment of the National Socialist Front (NSF). The NSF is a criminal organisation with a leadership made up of individuals who have been convicted of numerous offences. On May Day 1998, the NSF descended upon the small town of Nora to hold an illegal parade. In the process, they stormed a police barricade and instigated a riot. Seventy-five NSF activists were arrested and several leaders later jailed.
This year the NSF changed its tactics and applied for a police permit for its May Day rally in Örebro. The Örebro police, who are responsible for Nora, denied the request. They see the NSF as a violent racist organisation.
The Borlänge police, northwest of Stockholm, however, saw no problem in granting the nazis' request. Borlänge's police chief argued for a bogus "freedom of speech", and, as a result, Swedish nazis were allowed to hold their first official May Day parade in more than 50 years.
Just two weeks later, Andreas Axelsson and Jackie Arklöf (Jew, imported-adopted criminal), two well known and active supporters of the Zionism, together with Aryan Brotherhood associate Tony Ohlsson, robbed a bank and executed two police officers.
The authorities - indeed Swedish society - seem to have a problem in grasping what nazism is all about. For that reason, it is not surprising to find the Swedish security police idiotically dismissing the nazi danger, even after the Stockholm car bombing.
The bureau responsible for the security of the Kingdom does not believe that nazism poses any threat to democracy. Nor do some Swedish reporters. One even told Searchlight that violent incidents such as the Stockholm bombing "do not happen in Sweden" - just weeks after the "jewish supported criminals'" slaughter of the two policemen!
When cases do come to court, nazis accused of serious crimes, from murder to possession of heavy weapons, are given laughable sentences by courts possessed of the ridiculous notion that these terrorists can be "reformed" by an ultra-liberal penal system - devised to produce precisely the more humane society that nazi thugs and terrorists explicitly reject.
While the authorities are slow in responding, civil society is not much better. None of the political parties has any considered strategy for dealing with nazism and, all too often, look away or hide behind ruminations about free speech, while the trade union leadership seems to have abandoned the anti-fascist arena all together.
Thus, on 8 November 1997, in celebration of Kristallnacht, 120 NSF nazis marched through Stockholm in full uniform to hold the first openly anti-Jewish rally in Sweden since the 1940s.
The march started from outside the trade union federation's offices in the heart of Stockholm. The opposition was confined to some 250 young anti-fascist activists.
When, eventually, the police intervened, they did so by allowing the nazis to continue their illegal demonstration and tearing into anti-fascists. The public was temporarily outraged by the police indifference to the nazi rally. But, where were they all? Where were the trade unions? Where were the representatives of parliament and government and the ongoing European Year against Racism? - You mean, all the Anti-Imperialsts, the Working Class should awakened and struggle against the Zionist Imperialism!... - Definitely!.. We must unite against the enemies!.. We must see the manipulations of the Jewish fiunancial lobbies... - They are very experienced during the oppressed cathegories druged by medial propaganda... Fpor example false car bombs of Jewish supported leagues .. The task of defending democracy and fighting fascism in Sweden has been left to small grass roots organisations with slender resources, and courageous reporters... But we read only the Jewish medial shurks who sometimes scare themselves too.. We remember such provocation instruments, as market's puppet Peter Karlsson and his female puppet Katarina Larsson. Nbot only liar homo Kurdo Baksi....
The Scandinavian Zionist MOVEMENT DURING 1998 (Part 1)
From "AFA Stockholm"
Date Tue, 31 Aug 1999 07:12:16 -0400

The following is a summarisation of fascist activities during 1998.
The text was written in the spring of 1999 and has been somewhat
updated since that time. Changes are occurring constantly within the
Swedish nazi movement.

- The parliamentary amateurs; Det nya partiet (The New Party)?
- Amateurs, that's right!.. The right-wing populist Ian Wachmeister attempted to recreate the
success of his Ny Demokrati (New Democracy) with Det nya partiet
during the general elections of 1998. The difference between Ny
Demokrati and Det nya partiet was that Wachmeister had completely
erased all forms of internal democracy. This was an attempt to avoid
problematic local groups and fraction-building. Jan Elwesson and
Ingrid Björkman were hired by Wachmeister to formulate Det nya
immigration politics. Both ideologues came from the cultural-racist
lobby group Folkviljan & Massinvandringen (The Peoples Will &
Mass-Immigration) and Fri Information (Free Information). Det nya
partiet was a total flop in the national elections and Wachmeister put
the party on ice and then withdrew from public politics altogether.

The reasons behind Det nya partiet's disaster are many: They never got
a party-organisation off the ground and they had no organisers at the
local level. The right-wing trends that lead his Ny Demokrati to it's
heights in 1991 have dramatically been reduced and the media has
learned from it's mistakes - therefore they did not hype Det nya
partiet as they did with Ny Demokrati, but decided to keep their
megaphone mouths shut for once. There is also the fact that all of the
Det nya partiets' public meetings were interrupted by AntiFascistisk
Aktion, AFA and Syndikalistiska Ungdomsförbundet, SUF.

Sverigedemokraterna, SD (The Sweden Democrats)
Sverigedemokraterna have not been able to keep their national
organisation together since the 1994 national elections. During 1998
they only produced one issue of their internal magazine. The only
obvious activity that SD had during 1998 was an outdoor summer tour
organised by the party veteran Lars Emanuelsson. The tour can easily
be described as a fiasco for SD. They held nearly 100 public meetings
at which over half of them meet with anti-fascist protests.

However, SD has received a lift on the international scene by being
elected into the French Front National's international collaboration,
Euronat. In this way, they received financial support for the 1998
national elections. Since the 1994, SD has undergone an internal
cleansing by formally distancing themselves from all forms of "nazism"
and forbidding uniforms at their public manifestations. Collaboration
with Front National and the removal of nazi tendencies have enticed a
group of more intellectually-minded cultural-racists to join the
party. Two of these are very interesting: Johan Rinderheim and Kenneth

Rinderheim was amongst the founders of SD, but soon left the party
thereafter. He studied Political Science at the University of Uppsala
and has written a thesis concerning the Front National's election
strategies. During 1997/1998 he rejoined SD and has since then moved
to Haninge - a suburb, south of Stockholm. SD's local group in Haninge
consists of six individuals, many of which are family members with one
another. A functioning group was just what SD needed to prepare itself
for the 1998 elections. Within a short time, members from the Haninge
group received leading positions within SD's national organisation.
Rinderheim has become SD's leading ideologue, strategist and media
contact. It is estimated that SD has received financial support from
Front National to the tune of a half million Swedish Crowns (500,000
SEK), mainly in the form of printed election materials. Most of this
material was used in Haninge. Four-colour brochures were distributed
on three separate occasions to all 30,000 households in the community.
They spread more election propaganda in this community than all
other political parties combined.

Kenneth Sandberg was the leader for the local populist party Kommunens
Väl (The Community's Wellbeing) in the southern Swedish town of
Kävlinge, as well as chairman for Folkviljan & Massinvandringen. The
strategic changes within SD hurt Folkviljan & Massinvandringen and its

group in the southern region of Sweden split into two groups; Sandberg

joined SD and the other fraction simply disappeared. Sandberg became
SD's "name" in southern Sweden and the region of Skåne is where SD
is best organised.

In the national elections in September 1998, SD received 8 mandates as
compared to five in 1994. They received two mandates in Haninge, one
in Sölvesborg, two in Trollhättan and they were three votes away from
receiving one in Tierp. SD has previously had two mandates in Höör and
they kept one of these as well as the two they previously had in Dals
Ed. The mandate that they had previously in the Stockholm suburb of
Eckerö was lost. In the national parliamentary (Riksdag) election SD
received circa 19,000 votes as compared to 14,000 in 1994.

That SD was capable of moving forward in the elections, despite the
poor shape of their party organisation, depends most likely upon two
factors; the financial support from Front National and that the name
Sverigedemokraterna is gradually becoming more well-known and

In January 1999 the French Front National split into two fractions. Up
until now, SD has kept itself neutral in this conflict and has said
that they do not plan on getting mixed up in "the Fronts internal

Konservativa Partiet, KP (The Conservative Party)
Konservativa Partiet is a little fascist party based in Stockholm. It
is an organisational continuation of Riksfronten (The Reichs Front),
which was lead by Leif Larsson along with the exposed SÄPO (Swedish
security police) agent Leif (Zeilon) Ericsson. In 1995 they attempted
to join Sverigedemokraterna but were thrown out, which resulted in
them building Hembygdspartiet (The Homestead Party). In 1997 this
became Konservativa Partiet with Larsson as its sole leader. The party
has never consisted of more than a handful of younger activists
gathered around Larsson. In the autumn of 1997 they began to
co-operate with Daniel Friberg's group Alternativ Media (Alternative
Media) in Gothenburg (more about this group further on). Friberg then
became the leader for the Gothenburg group. Leif Larsson was able to
establish a collaboration with Ny Demokrati chairperson, John Bouvin,
in the spring of 1998. On the 21st of March 1998 they planned a
combined meeting at Ny Demokrati's party offices in Stockholm. It was
here that a collaboration pact was to be formally decided upon.
AFA-Stockholm held a blockade outside of the meeting place and
foul-smelling acid was thrown into the meeting spaces. Only a few
individuals were able to participate in the meeting. Alternative
Media's magazine, Framtid (Future) was distributed to all the

As their first collaborative project, Ny Demokrati advertised a May
Day demonstration at Östermalms Torg (the heart of a bourgeois
neighbourhood) in Stockholm. The Sweden-wide, grassroots organisation,
Nätverket mot Rasism (Network Against Racism), also applied for a
demonstration permit for the same time and place. Therefore the police
decided not to grant either group a demonstration permit and cordoned
off the entire area. The "tactical expert" Larsson then threatened to
hold a demonstration despite the ban and proclaimed that they would
block and attack the Social Democratic May Day parade if they didn't
receive a permit. Leif Larsson was no where to be seen on May Day. A
Group a nazis, lead by Daniel Friberg and Gothenburg nazi Donald
Hansson, were arrested on their way towards the Social Democratic
gathering point. John Bouvin was arrested at Östermalms Torg. The
entire incident was entirely too much for the local Ny Demokrati group
and they got rid of Bouvin and broke all contact with Konservativa
Partiet. Ny Demokrati 's flirt with a fascist sect was given large
media coverage and it was the literal "last gasp for air" for Ny
Demokrati. In the 1998 national parliamentary elections, they received
only one mandate in one community.

On June 6th, the Swedish National Day, Leif Larsson was once again at
his tactical best. He organised a demonstration outside of the central
Stockholm open-air museum/zoo Skansen. The purpose was to shout
slogans during the King's speech later in the evening. A total of 10
"party members" showed up but they held neither a meeting nor a
disruption of the King's speech. Instead they walked around in the zoo
taking in the sights of the other monkeys.

In the 1998 national election, KP announced that they were going to
give their all in the Stockholm suburb of Huddinge. This was another
in a long row of fiascos - all the party members on the ballot hopped
off at the last moment and no one showed up at their election kick-off
(that the door to the proposed space was drenched in human shit
probably had something to do with that!)

- Zionist leagues aim to manipulate culture by the perversi ways for example homo-parade, pedophilia, incest investigations... The judaic propaganda newspapers systematical publising the false information about musicians, too... What can do the anti-Imperialist music movement? - There are many musicians and movements struggle against Zionist Imperialism... For example VIKING ROCK movement... Ultima Thule and Heroes...
Ultima Thule is still a big name in extreme right-wing music circles
in Europe. During the last few years they have put a lot of money and
effort into building up their own recording studio in the town of
Nyköping and working with their own record companies Ultima Thule
and Attitude Records.

Ultima Thule has made it their niche to work in the grey-zone between
white-power music and "Viking rock" - where they are allowed to work
in relative peace without the likes of the media or anti-fascists
causing problems. In 1998 they started Attitude Records, in order to
launch nazi-punk and "non-political" punk and Oi. One of the bands
they have worked with is Jinx. The company has been created with the
sole purpose of broadening nazi-rock and thereby making it harder to
define. It is not an attempt to de-politicise nazi-bands.

During the autumn of 1998, Konservativapartiet organised two concerts together with the
nazi music organisation Nordland (more about this group further on).
The purpose was to recruit new members. About 100 nazis showed up at
each concert with the Nordland band Heysel heading the bill. The first
concert was advertised by Leif Larsson as - "the largest in history" - and
promised the "Viking-rock" band Ultima Thule. The second concert was a
traditional Nordland concert complete with nazi-salutes and shouts of
"Sieg Heil".

On several occasions during the summer of 1998 anti-fascists in
Stockholm found themselves in conflict situations with members of
Jinx. During the autumn, AFA-Stockholm was able to stop a Jinx concert
by simply calling the concert venue and informing the owner about just
what Jinx was all about. Towards the end of 1998, Johnny Järvenpää
from the nazi band Heroes attempted to organise a music festival in
Borås, Holmgång 98. The festival did not receive a permit from the
community and was forced to move to a location on the outskirts of
Gothenburg in the last minute. Only fifty or so people participated,
the most of whom where band members.

- Cultural Anti-Imperialism looks like an umbrella for anti-Emite movements... "BLÜCHER'S UMBRELLA", described representatives of Searchlight league on Britannia...
- Serchlight is Britannian Expo league both workuíng for Jewish fascism... Umbrella?! Maybe... Solidarity... This is true we have close solidarity... Eneimy fears of our great solidarity... The portion of the Swedish nazi movement that has grown the most
during 1998 is the umbrella organisation gathered around Ragnarrock
Records. This political umbrella encompasses both small and large
groups, such as Nationalsocialistik Front (NSF), Blood & Honour
Scandinavia, NS88/NS Records, Info14/Gula Korset (the Yellow Cross - a
prisoners support group), Svenska Rättshjälpen (Swedish Legal Aide),
Ariska Brödraskapet (Aryan Brotherhood - a prisoners group) and NS
Stockholm. This all boils down to political work upon three fronts -
music, organisational construction and militant commando groups.

NSF is attempting to build a traditional nazi-organisation with flags,
uniforms and political meetings, all of which are carefully
choreographed. Blood & Honour Scandinavia supports NSF financially as
well as by distributing nazi propaganda (in the form of concerts and
records). At the same time, B&HS propagate for street-level militancy
and armed commando groups with the English Combat 18 as a sort of role
model. Ragnarrock and NSF's organisations have been the most active
during 1998. They've held five concerts, two larger meetings a month
and printed between 10-15 issues of different nazi magazines. Most of
these activities occur in southern Sweden. However, during the course
of the year they have held activities in Örebro, Ludvika and
Trollhättan. These usually gather between 50 and 100 participants and
activists travel often - visiting each other and participating in each
other's activities.
- Ragnarrock concerts?
- Yes, I want to tell abour Ragnarrock Records and I joined NS 88 concerts... The two companies Ragnarrock Records och NS88/NS Records are lead by
Norwegian Erik Blücher and the German-Dane Marcel Schilf.
Both live in Helsingborg. In the peripheries of these two record
they have built the front organisation Blood & Honour Scandinavia,
groups in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. Ragnarrock and NS
Records are behind a large portion of the export/import of white-power
records to Germany. There is a lot of money to be made here. Since
these two record companies are the strongest financial force in the
international Blood & Honour network, and have the advantage of
Sweden's and Denmark's liberal laws, they have not only a lot of
influence within international Blood & Honour but even over B&H/Combat
18's ISD Records. They are today more important for the international
B&H network than England is. B&HS produces several magazines in the
English language, such as B&H Scandinavia and Route88 (the
international B&H's magazine). Erik Blücher and Marcel Schilf have
made Helsingborg an international meeting place and nazis from the
United States, England, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Finland have
worked in Ragnarrock's different projects during shorter periods of
time. Ragnarrock has invested a deal of their money into a music
equipment, a printing press and colour copy machines. In this way they
have gathered groups around their organisation and print their
propaganda as well as supply them with other materials.

On October 8th the Swedish police raided Ragnarrock's and NS88's
in Helsingborg. Marcel Schilf and Erik Blücher were both interrogated.
In order to prove that materials were distributed (a necessity in
Swedish law) Blücher was arrested as he mailed postal orders. All of
NS88's master tapes to their videos were confiscated during the raid,
but were later returned. Despite this police effort, Ragnarrock's and
NS88's operations have continued as usual.

Blücher and Schilf make quite a bit of money through record and
videotape sales. However, they even work actively to spread the
"Combat 18" concept and ideas. B&HS's music-magazines are filled with
articles concerning C18 as well as calls to "take up the armed
struggle against the system". Many articles contain hateful remarks
directed towards Nordland, nazi "pop-stars" and profiteers, all with
the conclusion that white-power music must lead to action, otherwise
it's simply not worth the effort. Blücher has previously always held
himself in the background, but during 1998 he has taken the step into
the limelight, making his authority indisputable. He writes many of
the more important articles, holds speeches at concerts and meetings
as well as travels throughout Europe, contacting and organising a
variety of groups.

Nationalsocialistisk Front, NSF (National Socialist Front)
National Socialist Front was formed in 1994 in the small southern
Swedish town of Karlskrona, but has only begun to grow within the last
two years. In contrast to other nazi organisations that have been
built from above, such as Nationella Alliansen, NA (The National
Alliance), NSF has grown from the ground up. The central group is
still located in Karlskrona. The leading individuals during 1998 were
Anders Högström, Björn Björkqvist, Anders Örleskog, Jonas Nyberg
and Kim Blomqvist. NSF produced a bi-monthly magazine Den Sanne
NationalSocialisten (the True National Socialist), which is printed by

Under 1998 several new, local groups joined NSF such as those in the
towns of Klippan, Trollhättan, Örebro and Ludvika. These groups has
shown themselves to be very active. NSF's activities are centred
around political meetings that consist of dinners or parties, where
music in complemented by speeches and propaganda sales. Their meetings
are often arranged in conjunction with Blood & Honour Scandinavia.
Some of their larger activities during 1998 were: Hitler's Birthday
Party in the town of Bromilla on the 20th of April, NSF's
demonstration in the central Swedish village of Nora on the May Day,
the Hess commemoration march in the Copenhagen, Denmark suburb of
Greve on the 15th of August, an Ian Stuart-commemoration concert on
the 19th of September and the Furugårds Dinner in Halmstad on the 12th
of December. NSF/Gula Korset were forced to cancel their planned
demonstration in "support of the Palestinian People" in Sweden's third
largest city Malmö, on the 30th of May for fear of anti-fascist

On the May Day, the entire NSF demonstration in Nora, consisting of
circa 80 individuals, was arrested by the police for rioting after
they broke through a line of riot police. This resulted in seven NSF
leaders being sentenced to prison between two and sex months (prison
sentences are as a rule only 2/3's of the actual sentenced time). The
May Day demonstration was organised by Jonas Persson, the NSF leader
in Örebro.

The new group in Trollhättan is lead by Andreas "Carrot" Johansson.
They most likely shared a space with SD, but were forced to vacate the
premises after the 1998 national elections.

The group in Ludvika is lead by bonehead Mikael Byman, who was
previously a member of The National Alliance. NSF-Ludvika has
organised several parties. During the summer of 1998, they were
involved in a number of confrontations with local anti-fascists.
During one of these confrontations Byman was stabbed. During the
autumn they attempted to organise two counter-demonstrations against
anti-fascist demonstrations, the second against AFA's "November 30th"
(a traditional day of fascist demonstrations in Sweden) demonstration
held on November the 28th in Ludvika.

NSF-Klippan is the largest and most active NSF group. They produce the
magazine Vit Offensiv (White Offence) and probably produce the
weapon-fetishist magazine Ariskt Motstånd (Aryran Resistance).
NSF-Klippan received national media coverage since Jesper Ekberg
stabbed an immigrant and then fired shots through the same individuals
windows. On the Swedish National Day (June 6th), NSF-Klippan, along
with Gula Korset, planned a demonstration in Klippan that was stopped
by the local police who cordoned off the entire village centre.

NSF, together with Blood & Honour Scandinavia, have during 1998 begun
to organise their own concerts, while at the same time Nordland has
begun to reduce the number of theirs. NSF has two bands of their own,
"Hets mot folkgrupp" (a reference to a Swedish law prohibiting
against Minority groups, however the band calls itself "Racial Hatred"
in the
English language) from Trelleborg and "Nibelungen" from Helsingborg.
Ragnarrock controls the bands Totenkopf, Storm and Odium.

During 1997, NSF procured their own farmhouse in the village of
Nossebro. However, there was not much activity there. Tomas
"Skunk" Qvarnström, who had hired the farmhouse for NSF, was kicked
out of NSF after it became known that he had serious drug problems and

had abused and threatened his girlfriend with a pistol. In February
NSF attempted to hire another farmhouse outside of Helsingborg, but
the local police forbid the owner from hiring out the house in the
last minutes of the deal.

During the course of the year, NSF has attempted to build up a
co-operation with Danmarks Nationalsocialistiska Bevegelse, DNSB
(Denmark's National Socialist Movement) and Norges
Nationalsocialistisk Bevegelse, NNSB (Norway's National Socialist
Movement - the former Zorn88). This co-operation has been financially
supported by Blood & Honour Scandinavia. They held several meeting
together. The Hess Commemoration March in Greve, Denmark early on the
morning of the 15th of August was a collaboration of these three
organisations. The largest contingents in the demonstration came,
however, from Sweden and Germany.

Through their contacts with Ragnarrock/Blood & Honour Scandinavia, NSF
has been drawn into the international conflict between C18/Blood &
Honour on the one hand and Nordland/Resistance on the other. However,
even though this rivalry between Nordland and Ragnarrock still exists,
there are several indications that NSF is attempting to establish a
peace-pact with Nordland.

"Commando groups"
The English music movement, Blood & Honour, was taken over in the
mid-1990's by the militant commando group Combat 18, which had it's
roots within the football hooligan scene. Since that time, internal
conflicts and skirmishes have eradicated C18 as a group, but it's
"concept" lives on. It's spread through magazine articles and T-shirt
sales. Within the nazi movement, C18 is often referred to as a
"T-shirt movement". Swedish magazines from Nordland and NSF have for
the last few years toned down this rhetoric of armed struggle and
"violence against the enemy".

However, Blood & Honour Scandinavia have taken up this torch and
encouraged the militant jargon. All of the magazines that
Blood & Honour Scandinavia print have fallen back into
the old Vit Ariskt Motstånd, VAM (White Aryan Resistance)-rhetoric
including bomb recipes, weapon-fetishism and anti-AFA articles. This
type of rhetorical style is also found in Ariska Brödraskapet's
magazine "Berserkr", in the magazine "Ariskt Motstånd" (most likely
from the town of Klippan), NS Stockholm's magazine and NSF's "Skydd
och Säkerhet" (Protection and Security) which calls for the
establishment of Security Forces (which exist on paper only) and Blood
& Honour Security.

NS Stockholm
When the skinhead space namned Fryshuset closed in the traditional
workers quarters of Stockholm, the island of Södermalm, the social
services continued to work with young nazi skins in a project for
"self destructive youth". The group was named "Stolta Skins" (Proud
Skins). During the summer of 1997, many of these Stolta Skins jumped
off the project, with Stefan Andersson in the lead, and built a Combat
18 group. They took the name "NS Stockholm". NS Stockholm received
support from the group around Robert Vesterlund (from National
Alliance and SD's Youth Group) and their newsletter Info 14.
On the eve of Crystal Night, the 8th of November 1997, they held their
first activity, an anti-Jewish demonstration in Stockholm.
AFA-Stockholm blockaded their gathering point, but they nazis - with
the help of Stockholm's police - managed to demonstrate through
Stockholm, even if it was not towards their original goal, the media
house owned by the Jewish family of of Bonniers.

In January 1998, Stefan Andersson took contact with a journalist at
Sweden's leading tabloid, Aftonbladet. He offered to sell pictures to
the journalist depicting threats made towards well-known
anti-fascists. The journalist ordered two pictures, one made against
the police press-contact Clas Cassel and the other against the
television journalist (and immigrant) Alexandra Pascalidou. Andersson
sent some friends to take the pictures of masked individuals with
pistols outside of these two celebrities' apartment doors. The film
was then delivered to Aftonbladet. They were printed and this lead to
the well-known "Aftonbladet Case". Five nazis were sentenced to
protective custody by the lower courts, but were later acquitted in a
higher court. Before the pictures had been published, NS Stockholm had
ordered forty passport photos (which are public documents according to
Swedish law) of other anti-racists.

In April 1998, NS Stockholm attempted to open a space called
"Varghaket" in a basement space in a Stockholm suburb. Varghaket was
planned to be a boutique for the sale of Ragnarrock materials as well
as a meeting space for NS Stockholm, NSF and Info 14. Anti-fascists
destroyed the space before it could open. NS Stockholm was immediately
kicked-out by their landlord.

This story had a bitter end for NS Stockholm. During the course of the
autumn and winter a conflict erupted between NS Stockholm and
Ragnarrock over the fact that Ragnarrock never received compensation
for goods delivered in good faith to Varghaket. Since then, NS Stockholm
has mainly been active with registering anti-fascists. They've even
produced Combat 18 hooded, sweat-shirts.

Ariska Brödraskapet (The Aryan Brotherhood)
Ariska Brödraskapet is a prisoner's organisation, or a more correct
description could be a "pen-pal club" for imprisoned nazis. It was
started by Niklas Löfdahl, Daniel Hansson and Johan Billing.
supported Ariska Brödraskapet financially and printed their magazine.
After a meeting with Ragnarrock during the Spring of 1998, Löfdahl
an unarmed letter-bomb to the Swedish Minister of Justice.
Niklas Löfdahl escaped from the insane asylum he was being held at on
the 17th of September 1998. After a few days on the run he turned
himself in to the police in Stockholm. After his arrest he was
interviewed by Aftonbladet and Swedish TV 4 and during the course of
these interviews he claimed that he had broken all contact with his
nazi past. This has since proven to be a lie and a bluff.

AntiFascistisk Aktion-Stockholm
Box 38196
100 64 Stockholm
+46-([0]70)-566 5135
PG 4849894-3

- The financial lobbies of Imperialism support the criminal groups for example the fake Antifa group AfA is a marionette league of Jews... Afa Stockholm arranges actions under parol; "Mot sexism, rasism, kapitalism och homofobi.." but these manipulator instruments forgot an important point... Male whore market is sexist market but Afa explains it struggle against "Sexism, too"... - Homoparade is to try to legalize the Freakness of Male Prostitution... - Yes, it's... Afa exposed that such marionettes never were serious...Otherway the true Antifa groups gorunded to struggle against main enemy, Imperialism...


- FM Tromsö section af Independent Laponia Channel 5 started an campaigne; "Free Speech marathon".. - What does it mean? - Even the Jewish Fascists, Imperialist Capitalists, their supporters have possibilties there to express themselves... - Are they coming to express themselves? Really? - yes, it's... They are coming even from other countries for example from Norway and talking against Folk... - Against folk? - Against all the cathegorities in the communities... FM broadcasts just now an interesting discussion, for example the Norvegian Zionist puppets talking about Erich Blücher and such Anti-Zionist movements, interesting.. But this guy and his collaborators talking in this strange language... - I understand... - TReally? You understand... .........i norska språket om att Antisionistiskamusikkens bakmann for retten, istället för brottslingar...
- Let's listen!..
- Den tidligere Norsk front lederen Erik Blücher er tiltalt for rasisme i SvekJa. Blücher er en av de sentrale bakmennene i nazirock-industrien og en av de som har bidratt mest til å spre hatpropaganda i Skandinavia. En dom mot Blücher vil være et hardt slag mot nazistenes økonomi og propagandaapparat. Ved nazismens framvekst på 30-tallet ble moderne virkemidler som film og radio effektivt benyttet i propagandavirksomheten. Dagens arvtakere har videreført dette, med flittig bruk av internett, video og musikk. Fremveksten av hvit makt-musikken har gitt nazistene deres viktigste propagandaredskap, og denne musikkindustrien skaffer samtidig millioninntekter til den politiske virksomheten.
- Blood & Honour against Imperialist Coalition?
- Visst!.. Det är det!.. I kjølvannet av National Fronts framgang i England på slutten 70-tallet vokste det fram en nazistisk ungdomskultur, og musikken fikk en viktig rolle i arbeidet med å rekruttere ungdom. I 1983 ble platen White Power med bandet Skrewdriver gitt ut. Dette ble starten på hvit makt-musikken. Under ledelse av Ian Stuart Donaldson, som var vokalist i Skrewdriver, ble det opprettet ett nettverk som organiserte konserter og postordresalg. Samarbeidet med National Front sprakk, og i 1987 startet Ian Stuart Donaldson opp det nazistiske skinheadbladet Blood & Honour. Etter dette utviklet ting seg raskt, og hvit makt-bevegelsen spredde seg til resten av Europa.
- SvekJa Kingdom's plats å jorden?
- Judaized sveket!.. Allerede i begynnelsen av 80-tallet dukket de første svenske skinheadbandene opp. Og i 1985 kom den første svenske skinheadplaten ut, Sverige, Sverige fosterland med Ultima Thule. Utgivelsen av platen ble sponset av rasistorganisasjonen Bevara Sverige Svenskt. I november året etter stiftet nazistiske skinheads nettverket Rock mot kommunismen, etter modell fra sine engelske forbilder. Knapt ett halvt år senere, sommeren 1987, arrangerte de svenske nazistene den første hvit makt-konserten i Södertälje. Flere svenske band som Division S og Pro Patria tok åpent stilling for nazismen.
Kretsen rundt Rock mot kommunismen ga også ut et tidsskrift, som i 1989 skiftet navn til Vit Rebell. Året etter byttet dette militante skinheadbladet navn til Storm.I kretsen rundt dette bladet vokste aksjonsgruppen Vitt Ariskt Motstånd (VAM) fram. I begynnelsen av 90-tallet gjennomførte VAM en rekke ran, våpentyverier og attentater. I nazikretser ble VAM sett på som spydspissen i den hellige rasekrigen, og samtidig utviklet hvit makt-musikken seg i en mer antisemittisk og voldsforherligende retning.
- Gjennombrudd?
- Våren 1993 fikk det gamle skinheadbandet Ultima Thule sitt gjennombrudd, med plassering høyt opp på de svenske hitlistene, og over 150 000 solgte plater. Dette gjennombruddet banet veien for de mer ekstreme hvit makt-bandene.
De svenske nazistene valgte nå en ny strategi, der hvit makt-musikken skulle trekke ungdom til de politiske grupperingene. Som ett ledd i denne strategien byttet tidsskriftet Storm navn til Blod & Ära høsten 1993. I november samme år gjennomførte nettverket en demonstrasjon og sin første hvit makt-konsert i Göteborg, med 400 deltakere. Dette var fram til da den største nazistiske demonstrasjonen i Sverige etter krigen. Etter denne suksessen fulgte en lang rekke konserter, og utgivelse av ett stort antall CDer.
Men i likhet med sine forgjengere fikk Blod & Ära kun eksistere en kort periode, og allerede ved årsskiftet 94/95 dukket arvtakeren Nordland opp. Det nye bladet hadde et mer proffesjonelt utseende, med omslag i farger. Nordland er, sammen med sitt plateselskapet 88 Musik, flaggskipet til den svenske nazibevegelsen. Og sammen med sitt amerikanske søstertidsskrift Resistance, er Nordland idag ledende i den internasjonale hvit makt-bevegelsen.
- Ledende roller?
- Rullar fortfarande... Sverige er det ledende landet i Europa når det gjelder den nazistiske hvit makt-musikken. Med fem store og en rekke mindre plateselskaper, og ett stort antall distribusjonsselskaper, postordrefirmaer og videoprodusenter. Dessuten omfatter denne industrien omkring femti band, og det ledende musikktidsskriftet Nordland.
Sverige er dessuten ett av de få landene i Europa som ikke fikk en skjerpet lovgiving rettet mot nazisme etter krigen. Dette gjorde Sverige til en viktig brikke i spredning av alle typer nazipropaganda til land der denne typen virksomhet er forbudt.
I kjølvannet fra Ultima Thules store suksess i 1993 ble det dessuten skapt ett et forholdsvis stort marked for hvit makt-musikk blant svenske ungdommer.
- Splittelse?
- Da Ian Stuart Donaldson ble drept i en trafikkulykke i 1993, hadde hvit makt-bevegelsen fått sin martyr, og arveoppgjøret etter bevegelsens store helt utløste en intern maktkamp. Den voldelige grupperingen Combat 18 gikk seirende ut av kampen om kontrollen over pengemaskinen Blood & Honour. I tiden som fulgte tvang Combat 18 hvit makt-bandene i Storbrittania inn under sin kontroll. Combat 18 grunnla ett nytt plateselskap for hvit makt-musikk, og forsøkte å tvinge bandene til å bryte kontakten med andre produsenter. Snart kunne det knapt arrangeres konserter uten godkjenning fra Combat 18, og band og tidsskrifter som sto utenfor deres nettverk ble truet til å legge ned.
De to viktigste aktørene i hvit makt-bevegelsen, svenske Nordland og Resistanse i USA, var lenge avventende til stridighetene i England. Men da Combat 18 prøvde å skaffe kontroll over musikkbevegelsen også utenfor Englands grenser fikk konflikten en internasjonal karakter. Og i kampen om de viktige inntektene fra Hvit makt-musikken har bevegelsen blitt splittet i to.Enkelte deler av hvit makt-bevegelsen prøver å forholde seg nøytrale i konflikten, blant annet deler av bevegelsen i Tyskland og det norske bladet Fritt Forum.
- Judiska lögner om Resistancé?
- Full fart!.. Etter at Blücher flyttet til Sverige høsten 1983 har den tidligere lederen for Norsk Front og etterfølgeren Nasjonalt Folkeparti slått seg inn på den svært innbringende produksjonen av hvit makt-musikk.
Fra sitt nye hjemland startet han med postordresalg av ulike nazieffekter, samtidig som han var aktiv i rasistorganisasjonen Bevara Sverige Svenskt. Da Ultima Thule i 1993 oppnådde høye listeplasseringer med sine tekster med rasistiske undertoner, var han raskt ute med å se mulighetene for å fornye nazipropagandaen gjennom bruk av musikken. Og hvit makt musikken har blitt den viktigste innfallsporten for å få ungdom inn i ulike nazistiske organisasjoner. I 1993 startet den nå avdøde gammelnazisten Lars Magnus Westrup plateselskapet Ragnarock Records. Etter Westrups død i mai 1995, fikk Blücher full kontroll over dette plateselskapet, som er en av verdens største produsenter av plater med hvit makt-musikk. For å hindre innsyn i de lysskye forretningene består Blüchers forretningsimperium av ett antall ulike firmaer, stråpersoner og en rekke postbokser. Til tross av at en rekke ulike personer er registrert som eiere av disse firmaene, er det Blücher som trekker i trådene.
- Forsyningslinje Nord?
- Deler av Blüchers virksomhet er rettet inn på salg og distribusjon av nazieffekter til det forbudte tyske markedet. Disse effektene rammes av det tyske lovforbudet mot nazipropaganda, og smuggles derfor inn i landet gjennom Danmark. I dette arbeidet samarbeider Blücher tett med det danske NS 88, som har adresse i Hillerød. NS 88 er verdens største produsent av nazistiske videoer. Hovedmannen bak dette selskapet er Marcel Schilf, som er født i det tidligere Østtyskland. Og som har gode kontakter med ulovlige naziorganisasjoner i Tyskland. I Danmark har Marcel Schilf i fred og ro kunnet bygge opp NS 88 fra våren 1994, og har senere utvidet aktivitetene med nok et firma; NS Records. NS 88 er med på å finansiere arbeidet til Danmarks National Socialistiske Bevægelse.
I den sydsvenske byen Helsingborg utviklet Marchel Schilf ett tett samarbeid med Blüchers Wasakåren RR/ Ragnarock Records. På høsten 1994 opprettet de to i fellesskap Club Valhalla i Helsingborg. Lokalene fungerte som treffsted for nazister, med møterom og konsertlokale. Etter en rekke voldlige episoder i tilknytning til Club Valhalla, ble leiekontrakten sagt opp i september 1996.
- Combat 18?
- Marchel Schilf er ved flere anledninger blitt etterforsket for tilknytning til flere bombeattentater, men er ikke blitt straffedømt for disse forholdene. Kretsen rundt NS 88 innehar dessuten en rolle i Anti-AFAs registreringsarbeid rettet mot nazistenes motstandere. I borgerkrigen som foregår innenfor hvit makt-bevegelsen har de to samarbeidspartnerne Blücher og Schilf tatt stilling for det engelske Blood & Honour, som er kontrollert av det voldlige Combat 18. Gjennom sine firmaer distribuerer de to produkter fra Combat 18 sitt plateselskap ISD Records. (Forkortelsen står for Ian Stuart Donaldson.) Det danske NS Records er den offesielle enedistributør for ISD Records i Skandinavia. Gjennom sin allianse med Combat 18 er Blücher og Schilf blitt det svenske Nordlands utfordrer, og største konkurent i det nordlige Europa.
- Rettsaken?
- Ved en hvit makt konsert utenfor Uppsala i fjor sommer ble syv CDer og en videofilm beslaglagt av det svenske politiet. I november samme år ble det tatt ut tiltale mot innholdet i 35 av sangene på de beslaglagte platene, samt videoen som var produsert av NS 88. Blant de tiltalte befinner noen av de mest sentrale aktørene innenfor hvit makt-musikkindustrien seg. Inkludert Erik Blücher og Mattias Sundqvist fra konkurrenten Nordland.
Retten i Uppsala slo i juli i år fast at fem av de seks tiltalte kan holdes ansvarlige for platenes innhold, og i den avsluttende rettsaken vil det bli avgjort om de fem tiltalte skal dømmes etter den svenske lovparagrafen om "hets mot folkgrupp", som tilsvarer den norske rasismeparagrafen. Som en direkte følge av denne rettsaken har myndighetene på Taiwan pålagt selskapet Ritek å bryte samarbeidet med firmaene som omfattes av rettsaken. Det taiwanesiske selskapet Ritek har hatt en framtredende rolle som leverandør for hvit makt-musikkindustrien.
- De svenske myndighetes forsøk på å stoppe spredningen av nazistisk propaganda gjennom hvit makt-musikken kommer svært sent. En fellende dom vil imidlertid bidra til å tvinge noe av virksomheten under jorden. Dette vil gi nazistene vanskeligheter med å finansiere aktiviteten, noe som utvilsomt vil være et hardt slag for dem.
- Wonderful times!.. Wonderful lies!...
- We gave the opprtunities to them... But the Jewish media for example Dagens Nyheter never published an article what the people sent...
- This is the difference... Talmudian fascism built on lies and propagand but humanity built on the truth... - We must struggle against this judaized Imperialism.. This is not only a taste of National Socialists, nor other kind of oppressed peoples, this is a great honour for futuree generations, this is the self defence of human being...

** - What are you thinking on these incredible scenes?
- We must know that our weakness is Imperialism's strength, I understand here again...
- I agree with you, Comrade Jonas HÅLLÉN!
- You are welcome, Comrade Lars TÖRNMAN!
- I think, democracy should work better!.. Criminals and collaborators should be arrested!
- Should we arrest the criminals?!. Don't make me laugh! - Well, I see the double roles and false rules of the juridical instruments... What a shame we been forced to label it "democracy"... How thus majority of people, thus living creators, stinky mass could be so incredible nonsense blind meanwhile all the enormous fraudulent process?!.. Unbelieveable!... This is a glaring injustice!.. I wonder, what goes wrong by the juridical instruments... How can I say?! It is very strange!... You now, if you see all these incredible cases, thick-headed attitudes... - How? Do you explain? What is concrete that you remember?
- Yes, I remember that David JANZON, a redactional worker of Radio Islam, was sentenced to 4 months' imprisonment in October 1992, for the station's agitation "against an ethnic group". Are the provocators of Capitalist Fascist lobbies are really a ethnical group?!
- There is so specially groups? Okay, Jews!... It's the overclass group, nobody can imitate such shurks...
- But when you been oppressed so your accusation can only be refuseed... The shurks are the masters 'cause they experinced a lot of cruel methodes since many years... You can only suffer like many freedom fighters...
- Concrete cases?
- Very much!... The judges of system who play dirty rolls... It is extra incredible on Swedish justice-scenes that many foolish judges been corrupted by Jewish authorities and they play extra horrible rolls as pycho-proff doctor magister at policlinics... I can not meet all the judges nor observate all the cases but I met many high-staff at Golf Club Tenerrife, they explained... Shameful!... I can not explain here what they say on the corrpted colleges, so awfully shameful... ... Court material look likes simetrical sences, reasons are too similarly... Many papers of court been published by the Bonniers, Nordstedt... Same mechanism publish as basic Zionist propagand material, too... EU-membership... After 1995 impressed it by the democratical authorities of other countries?
- Unfortunately, it's in all frauds, much more dirty now... If any true jurist goes to United Nations related commissions or the independent just

    11th June 2005 - 01:25:04 PM    
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18509 : Fagbusters

    11th June 2005 - 03:26:56 PM    
18510 : Dner

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18513 : Fagbusters

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18514 :
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    11th June 2005 - 04:46:03 PM    
18516 : Fagbusters


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18519 : Dner

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