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    12th March 2004 - 08:10:52 PM    
6746 : Stevie

    12th March 2004 - 08:13:17 PM    
6747 : Happy goLucky
Yeah, it was a mediocre song to begin with it and you copied it like crap, but it's not like anybody else was gonna do anything better. So you get a B- for effort.

    12th March 2004 - 08:21:21 PM    
6748 : Guod
This is the single most insane thing I have ever witnessed. You needed to know that.

    12th March 2004 - 08:59:42 PM    
6749 : Princess Peussie
Temper temper!!! Since when do piles of shit fly off the handle like this?? Mojo, what in the world have you started??? I'm going to pray for you evil mouth. As for Guod: you haven't seen anything yet, mother bend and rim HappygoShitty's asshole. JESUS RULES FOR FUCKING SURE!!!

    12th March 2004 - 10:38:28 PM    
6750 : Doc Enema
Remember in school and on Sesame St. how we had to break down sentences and tell how the work? well here is a breakdown, total breakdown of Mojo's poem, as fart as I see it:

  Hi, my name is Jim and I am very interestedin your
ad! I am 50,
white, 5'11", 190 lbs., full dark brown hair, clean
shaven, married,
and have a moderately hairy body. I could visit you
during the days
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. I am
totally passive
with a guy; that is you can play with me all that you
want! I do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. I am safe,
clean, healthy, and discreet.
I have been butt fucked a couple times in my life.
Based on your ad I would be very interested in being
slightly submissive. Remember no heavy pain! I could
be interested in being stripped and then tied up and
then you could have your way with me! I would vouch
for a password if it became too intense! If you are
interested please write back before I blow my nuts down your throat.

You can eat all you
break wind like hell.
down and dumb as your balls to it
you motherfuckin' throat, like you've just
go for the pain,
a hammer and work your balls
down and go

I could have written that somewhat clearer but some guy here was writing about how awful he is and he's drunk and all that kind of shit, so I thought this poem breakdown would help you all feel good, although I could'tn give a sphincter flapping.
Smiles to you, Mary Mount!

    13th March 2004 - 12:53:06 AM    
6751 : tko

    13th March 2004 - 12:56:05 AM    
6752 : John Querry
Mr. Diamond, as you may already know, I support your alternative lifestyle - I'm proponent of gay marriages and am a card-carrying member of NAMBLA. You and Mr. Steinberg can now tie the knot (figuratively and literally).

I recently accused my opponent of being crooked. There's a number of guys who know that I'm also crooked, if you know what I'm saying (like me, "little John" leans to the left).

John Querry

    13th March 2004 - 06:41:11 AM    
6753 : John Queeny
Fuckers, take leave of yer senses and spread those cheeks caus NOW YOU have something to read and think aboot:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Top of the mroning to you! :)!
Nude Bears Only Zone if you like fatass men with no brains and big swollen balls !
I hope for the day wehn eevryone can speak again of Judy Garland without embarrasmestn.I will lisetn to anyone's cnovictions, but pray keep your doubts to yoursefl and unles they is jus.
The distinctive characetr of a child is to always live in the tangible psenrte.
Cowards die many times bfoere their deaths The valiant neevr taste of death but once.
Patriotism is your cnoviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were bron in it.
Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Exeprience is what you get form not reading it.
Nveer criticize a man until you've walekd a mile in his mcocasins.
I cnosider myself an average man, execpt in the fact that I consider myslef an average man.
Leadesrhip in today's wlord requires far mroe

    13th March 2004 - 07:08:03 AM    
6754 : Johnny Blee Johnny
Time to open the door and pay off the whore, and Kurt agrees with me on this one.
I hope for the day wehn eevryone can speak against Godliness and Shit like god and jesus without embarrasmestn.I will lisetn to anyone's cnovictions as long as they are mine, but pray keep your used condums to yoursefl\, mutherfucker.
The distinctive characetr of a child is to always to feel the development of ones little penis and swollen balls
Fuckers like Dustin and Kurt die many times bfoere their deaths at the National Enema Conventions. The valiant neevr taste of cum but once or twice a night.
Being Republican is your cnoviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were bron in it and you can bomb anyone whether they like it or not, and call it GOOD SERVICE.
Education is what you get from reading the constitution and not shit about President Bush and his mafia. Exeprience is what you get form not trusting the dog pound, or a pound of flesh, or even a pound of margarine, and any margareta mixes at the local food store. Right!
Nveer criticize a man until you've walekd a mile to get in his underpants and see if he can take it in teh butt without crying and whining.
I cnosider myself an dumbass man, execpt in the fact that I consider myslef an average turd and wants to walk my dog in peace and a splash of piss.
Leadesrhip in today's wlord requires far mroe than a large sctok of gunboats and a hard fist at the crnoefcnee table. Yeh that is right!!!!!! crnoefcnee table!!!! go to a dictionary. I dare you, fucker!
Loyalty to petrified opinions never yet bkore a chain to flush the toilet -- and nveer will.
Bin in kakaland and want to leave now. Where is the exit?

    13th March 2004 - 09:38:44 AM    
6755 : Supreme Being
I am thrilled with what I read. You fans of this Dusty place are filled with humor and whackiness. Do not let the old farts drive you out. Keep up the spirit, and remember: THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART IS THROUGH HIS ASSHOLE!

    13th March 2004 - 11:32:34 AM    
6756 : Aliou Diallo
hi give me your number

    13th March 2004 - 12:00:09 PM    
6757 : michael maki
when will kingdom hearts be in to buy.

thanks your pal

    13th March 2004 - 12:24:37 PM    
6758 : Mort Mackerell
kingdom hearts are not some farts
don't jumble love
from shit above
and let maki love Mike
with dykes on a bik
and here's comes the TURDS named Dustin and Kurt! ok it doesn't rhyme but it does discuss slime!

    13th March 2004 - 01:04:18 PM    
6759 : belding
Hey Johnny Blee Johnny (or should I call you Princess Peussie?), as the regulars have explained numerous times, this message board is for screech's gay fans to exchange gay stories about him. please refrain from posting your anti-American and anti-God rants here. America is the greatest nation in the history of the universe - in what other country can someone post homoerotic messages about screech while buttslamming an assistant principal with an annoying voice and huge nose?

The U.S. is trying to eridicate the Islamic terrorist problem so that the rest of us can take it up the ass in peace! if you were one of my students, i'd send you to detention and let slater have his way with you/.

    13th March 2004 - 02:36:20 PM    
6760 : arielle
Dustin ur show @ western michigan university rocked, it was the funniest show i had ever seen. your great! i havnt laughed that hard in a long time. your welcome back ANY time, western loves you! im so honored to have been able to sit at the same dinner table as you. itwas absolutley the most awesome experience ever, i hope to see you preform again. keep on doing what ur doing...

    13th March 2004 - 03:09:27 PM    
6761 : michael maki
belding, who the fuck are you anyway? got yer head up yer fucking butt for sure! you must be the antichrist or something equally silly. greatest country in the fucking universe? you teach? looks like the students are seriously getting fucked out of a reasonable education. Anyway, by for now, TURD!!

    13th March 2004 - 06:21:18 PM    
6762 : observer
you know, it's bad enough that princess peussie and her band of merry men are still stinking up this place, but now that they're pretending to be other people and posting under other names so they can pat each other on the back in a vain attempt to make themselves believe that they are actually funny, is just sad.

    13th March 2004 - 06:23:21 PM    
6763 : nikki
well iam just blowing off some steam i guess i think that guys this judges girls by their looks. it not on the outside it is on the inside that counts i may not be the perfect size 2 or a blonde but i have so much to offer that guys dont look at beacuse thay are worried on what thir girl should look like .

    13th March 2004 - 06:41:17 PM    
6764 : nikki
in other words: i am really, really fat.

    13th March 2004 - 09:59:12 PM    
6765 : Stevie
nikki, how did you get so very fat?

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