03rd November 2004 - 11:29:17 AM |
10810 : |
blunt love elshabazz |
03rd November 2004 - 03:34:29 PM |
10811 : Flaming Gay Dustin Diamond With An Erection |
Have you kids been to the saltythepocketknife.com forum lately? It is most erotic, and I have been masturbating with such intensity that my penis has become irritated and scaley. Still I masturbate. It is quite erotic to see my penis raw and bloody. Also, I just farted! |
03rd November 2004 - 04:32:52 PM |
10812 : |
I am in some serious need of anal stimulation from you Dustin. After in will rip out your entrails and make sweet love to them all while jamming a bottle of Mickey's up your ass. I will put your entrails back in than skull fuck you till my DNA shoots out of your eye sockets, ears and mouth. To finish we will cuddle in the spoon position and I will whisper into your ear how much I love you! |
03rd November 2004 - 06:42:08 PM |
10813 : George W. Bush |
Dustin, as my first act in office for my second term, I am going to shit on your smooth hairless chest and then forcefully rape the living shit out of you in the oval office until I climax my presidential seed all over your back and scrawny ass cheeks. Then I'm going to have Cheney suck my salty seed back out of your sore leaking anus and spit it right in your face! Then I'm going to have my Secret Service guys take you up on Air Force One so they can have their way with you as well before they finally throw your faggity Jew ass off the plane over the Atlantic. I hope you know how to fly, motherfucker! |
03rd November 2004 - 06:55:20 PM |
10814 : George W. Bush |
Hey, I already detailed my first act in post #10792! Anyway, if it's gay, it's good, that's my motto. I kill niggers! |
03rd November 2004 - 09:44:14 PM |
10815 : Kurt Steinberg |
Rocco, I also had a great experience at my polling station yesterday. I ran into some Kerry supporters dressed as Screech and Mr. Belding before I walked in and I told them I was still undecided, but that I might be willing to vote for their man if they could "convince" me to do so. Well, one thing led to another until I was standing in the voting booth simultaneously giving a golden shower to the Screech while the Belding tossed my salad. It was awesome! The best part is that I pulled a fast one on them and voted for Bush anyway! After I walked out and walked past a dumpster I saw a dude who was wearing a Ralph Nader mask getting buttslammed next to a smelly dumpster. - Kurt Steinberg |
03rd November 2004 - 09:54:12 PM |
10816 : Kurt Steinberg |
George (message 10813), your post was so erotic and arousing! I immediately pitched a tent and blew my wad in my pants. - Kurt Steinberg |
04th November 2004 - 02:20:03 AM |
10817 : John Kerry |
This has been a sad couple days for me, my fellow Americans. No, not because I wasn't elected President, but because Bush has just passed a law barring me from having anymore sexual relations with my fellow queers. I can't believe it, the goddamn greedy son of a bitch wants to hog all the queers for himself! What am I to do now, whenever I feel the urge to unsheath my wrinkled rod and penetrate the tight puckered starfish of my fellow man? Why must I now become a criminal in order to have unprotected buttsex with other homosexuals? No wonder Cuba doesn't want to become a state; Castro loves his gay sex! Have you seen the tight ass on that Elian Gonzalez kid? |
04th November 2004 - 04:57:11 AM |
The fascists over at the STPK forum have been deleting posts again >:-[ . Go lick Tipper Gore's crusty old cooter you fuckin nazis!! |
04th November 2004 - 06:16:18 AM |
10819 : George W. Bush |
Kerry, please come over to the White House so we can talk about this in private, and by "talk about this in private" I mean "suck my wrinkled genitals raw" you geriatric cocksucker. As my second act in office I'm gonna force Dustin Diamond at gunpoint to suck you off while I fist you from behind and use your own smelly shit to write my name on your back. Then I'm gonna use your shit as hair color and smear it through your hair to make you look young again while Dick Cheney gives you a chocolate twinkie with Dustin providing the cream filling. Then once we're through with you, I'm gonna have my Secret Service guys circle jerk all over you, then lock you in a barrel with one airhole in the top that we'll all take turns shitting in, and afterwards they're gonna through you over Niagra Falls. I hope you know how to swim, motherfucker! |
04th November 2004 - 08:20:55 AM |
10820 : Buck Studly |
My election experience was also an erotic one. I took a great big shit in the booth and used it to write "VOTE NADER!" on the wall. The stench attracted a couple of nearby fags who came in, one began licking my asshole clean while I urinated on the other. Then they took a shit on my head and wiped their asses on some ballot papers. They then spit-roasted me, ejaculated on the walls of the booth and wrote "BUSH KILLS QUEERS" in jizz and shit. God bless America! |
04th November 2004 - 08:40:25 AM |
10821 : Flaming Gay Dustin |
Fags! Dumpsters! Rimjobs! George Bush's wrinkly nutsack! I'm flaming gay!!! |
04th November 2004 - 08:47:07 AM |
10822 : Rocco |
Im glad to see that so many in here experienced erotic election days! That is what this country is really about and I truly feel that our founding fathers intended the USA to be about dressing up as SBTB characters and having gay sex in the voting booths! They would be very proud of us today. We have conquered the rest stop, dumpster, and truck stop scenes. It is now time to conquer new frontiers and Im glad that an inroad into voting booth sex has been made. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK EVERYONE!! Ox Ive missed your stories lately. ROCCO |
04th November 2004 - 10:00:05 AM |
10823 : corey love |
wassup i'm corey reppin the o and i really need some dick. |
04th November 2004 - 10:43:33 AM |
10824 : Marcia |
I'm moderating the STPK forum now as a personal favor to Dustin. I will not tolerate any "spank material", whatever that is, and nor will I condone or accept any posts which defame Dustin or spread false allegations that he is "queer". I am in discussion with the moderator of this board and will soon be your full time moderator, and Chachi will be appointed as my second in command to keep you all in line when I'm at church. Thank you Marcia |
04th November 2004 - 10:58:24 AM |
10825 : |
Marcia, I think that you need to moderate my cock! I would shove it up your ass and pull it out only to insert it into your mouth. Hell, I'd even lick your puss, I'll just pretend it's Dustin's ass. I suspect you've gone to band camp, so I'm sure you could teach this queer a thing or two. Have you ever muff dived another woman in band camp. You sound very hostile towards gay men, did you date men who left you for other men. Where here and queer and Dustin will acknowledge us and give us all the tossing we deserve. That really sucks that some good homoerotic messages were deleted, I was looking forward to inserting a finger up my ass while reading them. |
04th November 2004 - 02:11:08 PM |
10826 : |
Today is National Toss a Strangers Salad day! Go out and toss some salad to any queer whom you share a "moment" with - look out for any SBTB costumes that's a sure give away that you can toss their salad. I already had my asshole cleaned out 3 times today! |
04th November 2004 - 02:50:54 PM |
10827 : Admiral Cockenballs |
04th November 2004 - 02:57:14 PM |
10828 : |
admiral cockenballs, that is some of the most vile filth I've ever had the pleasure of reading. thanks for the spank fodder |
04th November 2004 - 02:57:43 PM |
10829 : Marcia\'s Husband |
I know exactly what you queers are talking about, but you're not married to this uppity cooze. Only cheap vodka can drown out her incessant nagging. Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I just wanna slap her. Just slap her in the face with my cock and say, "Look here, you fat hairy bitch! I only married you because you were already four months pregnant! I wear the goddamn pants around here, devil woman! Don't you forget it! Never again will you make me go to the store at 2:00 AM to buy extra large tampons!" But if I did that, the cunt probably wouldn't let me poon her for a month. She's pretty much always on the rag. Sometimes I WISH I was queer. Stupid skank. You should see her acne. |