04th November 2004 - 03:06:52 PM |
10830 : Admiral Cockass |
When you're at church? Trust me Marcia. Your puny God can't save you now. Your God is weak. He is silly and he's ignorant. He is a lie. Do you know who runs the internet? Queers. Queers, Marcia. Damn dirty queers. God has no power over us. To some, we ARE Gods. No, Marcia. God won't save you. Or Tipper Gore. Or your "friend" Dustin. If he was a real friend he would tell you the truth about his deliciously sinful lifestyle of Rim Jobs, Hot Carls, Arabian Goggles, Glass Bottom Boats, Hot Lunches, Donkey Punches, Scat, Water Sports, and an array of very sick, depraved acts which I will go into some other time. You can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the gay community. Farts. Rim Jobs for all! Farts for some, and poops for others! |
04th November 2004 - 03:17:37 PM |
10831 : Butt-head |
Huh huh. Marcia Gay Harden. Uh huh huh huh. I said gay. And then I said Harden. |
04th November 2004 - 03:24:55 PM |
10832 : Rim Slippersly |
How was your National Toss-A-Stranger's-Salad Day? Mine was FAB-ULOUS! First I was in line at the bank. I had the cutest little "Zack" costume. A large Samoan man in front of me farted, and the aroma was intoxicating. I hit him in the head with a hammer, rendering him unconcious, and then proceeded to eat out his dirty ass. After that, I went shopping for pretty curtains, and what do you know? The store owner in the spitting image of Dustin Diamond. Zoiks! I munched his shithole furiously. He had tuna casserole the night before, with green beans and corn. Then, it was off to the pride parade to find some more tastey pooter meat. There were so many Slaters and Zacks and Beldings and Screeches, I didn't know where to start! (Continued) |
04th November 2004 - 03:31:05 PM |
10833 : Rim Slippersly |
I met up with a decent looking Puerto-Rican Slater. He had a neon pink muscle shirt that accentuated his pert nipples so. First I had to taste his cock. It was throbbing inside his workout pants. I unveiled it to see a bead of glimmering pre-cum. I devoured his Jumbone. He must have been hot, because after only a minute, he blew about thirty ounces of warm Slater-spunk right down my throat! I then began prodding his puckering brown anus with my tongue, but when I momentarily look up, a long line of Slaters, Zacks, and Screeches had assembled, all wanting a good rimming! Well, let me tell you. I've never tasted so many different man-holes in my life! It was truly a free-for-all of shitter sucking and knob rubbing. How did your day go? |
04th November 2004 - 07:48:25 PM |
10834 : Flaming Gay Dustin\'s automatic writing |
Queers! Smelly butts! Gaylords! Marcia's sex-change operation! Sales on leather-wear at Merv's! A.C. Slater's erect ding-dong poking through his wrestling leotard! Cleaveland Steamers! Poop! Big Bird's smelly crotch! Runny doo-doo! The Zack Attack covering The Village People! Belding gives a chocolate twinkie to Maxwell Nerdstrom during detention! Gay! Licking stale urine from the floor of the men's bathroom! Condom spelunking! I'm flaming gay! |
04th November 2004 - 07:57:12 PM |
10835 : Buck Studly |
My National Toss a Stranger's Salad day was very erotic as well. The fags down at The Rainbow Lounge (my favorite queer haunt) celebrated by holding an 'identify the asshole' contest. Basically, the contestant had to eat out a row of bent-over queers and identify the asshole owners by taste alone. The prize for doing so was a salad tossing from the all the participants, followed by cleaveland steamers and chocolate twinkies all round!! |
04th November 2004 - 09:33:35 PM |
10836 : Ox |
Screech, do you remember that episode where you were reading all of the books about UFOs after school and on most weekends because you were a big nerd with no friends? Remember when you heard that "Fire In The Sky," a 1993 movie about the alleged abduction of Travis Walton by aliens, was coming out on the upcoming weekend? Remember how you hoped that Slater, who the mere sight of would cause your ding-dong to harden, would ask you to see the movie and then let you suck him off afterwards? Remember when he actually did ask you if you wanted to see the movie with him? Remember how you blushed and pitched a tent as you quickly told him that would would? Remember how disappointed you were when Salter picked you up in his rusty Mexican pickup truck and you saw Zack and Mr. Belding sitting in the back? Remember how scared you were while you watched the scene in the movie where Travis Walton was abducted and brought up into the alien spaceship? Remember when you saw the aliens starting to perform invasive tests on Travis? Remember how cool you thought the movie was as you walked out of the theatre? Remember when you got into Slater's truck and immediately dozed off on the way home? Remember how you dreamed that you the one who had been abducted by aliens? Remember when you wished that aliens were giving you an anal probe at that very second? Remember when you opened your eyes and it came true? Remember when you looked around and saw that you were in an empty parking lot in the middle of nowhere and three aliens were groping you? Remember how all of the aliens had gray skin, large black oval-shaped eyes, and erect penises? Remember when the big fat alien anally penetrated you, giving you a good "probing?" Remember when another alien sat on you face and let loose a nasty fart that smelled like baked tortillas? Remember when the third alien coated the back of your head with a warm, yellow liquid that was coming out of its penis? Remember when this went on for about three hours until the aliens couldn't take it anymore? Remember how your anal area was dripping blood and alien jizz? Remember how scared you got when you thought that the big alien was about to remove its head? Remember how surprised you were when the big alien actually just pulled off a mask and you realized that the big alien had been Mr. Belding the whole time wearing an alein mask and gray tights? Remember when the other two aliens did the same and you discovered that they had been Slater and Zack the entire time? Remember when they got into Slater's pickup truck and drove off without you, leaving you to fend for yourself as blood and jizz gushed out of your unlubed butt? They really got you good that time! |
04th November 2004 - 09:46:06 PM |
10837 : SB |
Whoever "Roger Rimjob" is, thank you for your courage in infiltrating the STPK board. I did a lot of the other posts (Gay Farrier, Gay Fez, Gay Sexton, Felch Slurper, The Filthiest Queer, Gay Dustin, Admiral Cockenballs, etc.) We've done good so far, but it's really getting intense now. It actually looks like Dustin has taken personal offense. It shouldn't be long before Dustin Diamond is personally cleaning out our dirty shitholes with his long, gay tongue. Who cares if our posts get deleted? We have a clear and determined mission. If every sick fuck who posts here would post on the saltythepocketknife.com forum, we would be unstoppable, and Dustin might finally get the message! That he needs to suck his own sperm out of our fart chambers! PS: Thanks also to Gay Zack, wherever he may be. Zack, you are totally queer. |
04th November 2004 - 09:53:27 PM |
10838 : SB |
OX: Why don't you try the saltythepocketknife.com forum? You would fit in nicely. Plus, you're a big dumb jock and you probably have lots of meat hidden inside those workout pants. PS: psot!!!1 #10829 is fucking funny. |
04th November 2004 - 10:31:41 PM |
10839 : Rim Slippersly |
(10835) Sounds shitty, but in a good way! Good going, Buck Studly! Farts! |
04th November 2004 - 11:03:09 PM |
10840 : |
when is diamond going to grace us with his presence here? i want him to post some of his own homo fantasies. please post such fantasies, u brillo-headed faggot. |
04th November 2004 - 11:14:25 PM |
10841 : |
(10840) This is why we shall not relent. Go to saltythepocketknife.com and make your voice heard! |
04th November 2004 - 11:23:23 PM |
10842 : Marcia Clark |
I am now moderating this board. |
04th November 2004 - 11:58:53 PM |
10843 : SB |
05th November 2004 - 12:24:48 AM |
10844 : A big fan |
Hey Dustin, have you ever seen that 1996 made-for-TV movie "She Cried No"? It starred a whole shitload of TV sitcom stars in serious roles, with Mark-Paul Gosselaar as a rapist and Candace Cameron as his victim looking for justice. I thought it was an OK movie and a good change of pace for Mark-Paul, but I think Candace overacted a little more than necessary at times. Personally, I've always wanted to see a remake with the same cast except Candace, who I would replace with you instead. Also, instead of getting justice after the assault, Mark-Paul violently beats the living shit out of you instead after raping you again with his beautiful aryan penis. What do you think, Dustin? |
05th November 2004 - 05:24:24 AM |
05th November 2004 - 10:15:12 AM |
10846 : Gay Zack |
Tonight should be a night filled with many homoerotic adventures! I'm going to my favorite queer bar called "The Manhole" and I have convinced the owner, Gay Raul, to do a Saved by the Bell theme night. I did a lot of advertising about the event and expect many from the dumpster and glory hole scene to show up in full forced, dressed as their favorite character. I'm sure SBTB night will become a flaming success and the Manhole will host many more to come. The DJ has agreed to mix Salty the Pocketknife with techno and also mix the SBTB theme to create a, atmoshere for gay sex. I've even talked Gay Raul to dress up as Slater, I must say he looks really hot. Rumour is that even Sir Ian McKellen himself has taken interest and is going to show up dressed as Mr. Belding! I bet a homo of his stature is a pro at several rimming techniques, hell they Knighted him, maybe he will knight me with his cock. If we can get interest from the gay acting community, it's only a matter of time until Dustin joins the fun. |
05th November 2004 - 10:22:33 AM |
10847 : Gay Zack |
Last night while watching SBTB, I really noticed that Zack and Screech really enjoyed dressing up a women. I had an intense hard on looking at Screech in drag. Anyone else think that transvestite Screech is hot? |
05th November 2004 - 10:33:06 AM |
10848 : Buck Studly |
Gay Zack, you think Dustin looks hot in drag? Then boy are you in for a treat!! http://www.janewhitemovie.com/Images/hires/dusthi.gif http://www.janewhitemovie.com/CastDust.htm |
05th November 2004 - 10:38:44 AM |
10849 : Gay Zack |
Wow,Dustin looked very edible dressed in drag, I would love to see that movie, looks to be great spank fodder with scenes involving Simone (aka Dustin Diamond). Maybe Dustin will consider dressing as Simone and film some hot gay porn, maybe taking it in the ass while wearing the dress. |