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    08th November 2004 - 05:00:22 AM    
10890 : michelle
i love dustin. U are a good actor!

Jeep the Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    08th November 2004 - 05:29:43 AM    
10891 : michelle
By the way gang, I have used tampons and soiled bloody panties for sale - email me for details!

    08th November 2004 - 08:08:09 AM    
10892 : Angelina

Greetzzzzz Angelina

    08th November 2004 - 08:14:29 AM    
10893 : Miss Bliss
Angelina, Screech is a homo and won't email you back until you grow a penis. Don't you remember that one episode where Zack buttslammed Screech, and then when Screech went to complain about it, Mr. Belding got so turned on that he pulled down his pants and shot his load across his desk landing right in Screech's afro?

    08th November 2004 - 09:38:14 AM    
10894 : dustin gaay
ummmm hello my name is dustin and i'm a gay jewish little red neck that likes men

    08th November 2004 - 09:39:18 AM    
10895 : Buck Studly
Hey fags, check out my new boyfriend -

Make sure you sign the guestbook. Be nice, now!

    08th November 2004 - 09:53:57 AM    
10896 : Gay Zack
Buck, why didn't you tell us you date Morris Day from the Time - you got Jungle Love. I really like the possibly gay pics - that sweet young thing wearing nothing buy an apron! I'm wearing that next time I go to the dumpsters.

    08th November 2004 - 11:23:29 AM    
10897 : fyi
that wohennankan shit is a well known ripoff of the asian prince, who's website went offline a couple years back.

    08th November 2004 - 11:31:22 AM    
10898 : Mack
You guys drive me crazy! So, no shit, Diamond is a queer then? How about Mario Lopez? I always thought he looked like a fag, wouldn't surprise me if he was a toilet traitor too!

What's chocolate Twinkie?

    08th November 2004 - 02:53:36 PM    
10899 : Mack
Come on you guys, tell me what a chocolate twinkie is? I'm very impatient and although I don't know what it is, the sound of a chocolate twinkie is making me very hungry right now, so tell me what it is? If you don't tell me, I'll keep annoying you guys until you finally break down and do tell me! In the meantime, I'm just gonna get down on my knees and, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, close my eyes and open my mouth REALLY WIDE while I wait patiently for somebody to finally reveal to me exactly what a chocolate twinkie is!

    08th November 2004 - 03:01:51 PM    
10900 : Gay Zack
chocolate eclair

When one gay man pulls his penis out of another, hopefully, gay man's ass, therefore having the penis covered in "chocolate", and the previously receiving man jerks off a white "frosting" over the now chocolate covered penis.

doesn't this sound like fun Dustin, meet me sometime and we'll do it.

    08th November 2004 - 03:46:06 PM    
10901 : Mack
Quit fooling around with my username, you crazy homos! Message 10899 is NOT from me! Do we have a moderator here who can delete that post please?

I was just reading some more of the older posts - what's an Angry Pirate?

    08th November 2004 - 03:52:30 PM    
10902 : Marcia
Yes, Mack, I am the moderator here and will soon have the power to delete the unsavory, defamatory posts about Dustin. Dustin is NOT homosexual, regardless of the utterly disgraceful content of this website.

You're advised to keep your distance from the regular posters here, most of them are pro-gay, un-American and do not practice safe sex.

Thank you


    08th November 2004 - 04:28:13 PM    
10903 : Gay Zack
Marcia, you know full well Dustin is flaming gay - from His many appearances on SBTB dressed in womens clothing to His band Salty the Pocketknife (which is a refference to his penis) - can't forget His songs "Rim Goblin" which is his ode to tossing salad to His avid love of anal play - the list could go on and on, but all of us know what He is into, you are dillusioned and in denial because you want him all for yourself. Give up Marcia, please, He prefers man ass and chocolate twinkys, He has been making refernce to homosexual acts in an attempt to out himself as 100% queer, and we will all rejoice when He comes out. (Notice the capitalization of Him, He, His - for He is our God) Your only hope Marcia is to get a penis, fro your hair and wear zubaz and join us (we accept psuedo queers)

    08th November 2004 - 04:39:01 PM    
10904 : Gay Zack
BTW Mack, you sound very bi-curious, don't be afraid to give in to your desires. Next time you are playing with yourself, insert a finger into your asshole - I guarantee you will climax like never before. It only hurts the first time, but it hurts so damn good.

    08th November 2004 - 05:17:57 PM    
10905 : Sissy Timmy
I think I have a tampon fetish now. When I wear my sister's or my mom's panties I have to have a tampon in or else I don't feel as feminine. Does anyone else feel this way about tampons or pads?

    08th November 2004 - 06:40:11 PM    
10906 : Church of Dustin
Gay Zack - Lo, it pleases me to cum across another who worships at the mighty phallus of our one true Lord, Dustin YHWH Diamond. I invite all lost souls to cum and join our holy order of Dustin worship, for his is the one true path, and only through it can salvation be achieved. To join, simply practice, with the utmost promiscuity, the 5 holy commandments, as set down by the prophet A.C. Slater -

1. Thou shalt fellate thine brother man
2. Thou shalt imbibe at least one liter of semen a day
3. The dumpster shall be thine sacred altar
4. The rimjob is the most holy form of prayer known to the follower of the one true path
5. Thou shalt clothe oneself with finest zubaz

Join us OR BURN!!!!!

    08th November 2004 - 06:49:18 PM    
10907 : His Holiness, Rev. Buck Studly The Anointed One

That's right, fags - I've seen the light! Gay is the way! The hetero will burn with the abstinate! Poop is our manna! Chocolate twinkies are our Ark of the Covenate! And, lo, is our Holy Scripture! PRAISE BE!!!!!

    08th November 2004 - 07:11:08 PM    
10908 : S!CK B0Y!

Oh my! Believers in fake, puny deities make me laugh. If there really is a God, why doesn't HE delete our sick posts? God doesn't know java+ or whatever? He's fucking omnipotent, Mrs. I-don't-think-things-through-so-I'm-fucking-ignorant.

Bow to the gayness and wannabe-gayness! Poop is your mamma! Rim Jobs for all! Farts!

PS: Marcia, your husband (10829) sounds like he's real fed up with you! Please don't make us laugh with your inferior earth religion. On the moon, people are so gay that all you have to do is think about getting rimmed and suddenly it happened a week ago.

    08th November 2004 - 07:17:27 PM    
10909 : S!CK B0Y!
Uh, dieties. Typing fast.

On the moon, words don't have to be spelled correctly. We have an advanced moon-alphabet that renders this "spelling" obsolete.

And we laugh at your "punctuation." We're doing it right now. I'm laughing.

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